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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 4, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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remember my dad screaming at the sky. [laughter] it terrified me. >> if you are in the path of totality, experience a. don't worry about photographing it come get the glasses but feel the air temperature dropping, listen. >> i have a bet with my granddaughter saying i can do it without the glasses. >> don't try that. only and totality you can. the waxing and waning you can't. >> i will wear the glasses all day so i don't even know what's going on. speak out dell might catch our life special coverage of the ec, thank you all for joining us, dvr the show now, "america reports." >> are you staying here? >> we have an arrest happening right now. this is ice removal officers removing one of the migrants waters. >> no coordination with federal agents are allowed by law. >> in many cases you are
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arresting the same people over and over again. when it comes to committing crimes -- >> judges must be part of the criminal justice system conversation. dangerous people should not repeatedly be revolving the door. >> john: live on air yesterday one fox cameras capture the dramatic scene of federal agents busting three migrants squatting in a home in the bronx. in that moment did new york city policy change and what will it take for the bite administration to standby as these cities spiral out of control? we will see what happens when karine jean-pierre takes the podium and until then john roberts in washington, sandra, we are off to a big start for a thursday afternoon. >> here we go. charles, where the glasses, right? >> hello, charles. >> sandra: i think he got the message. i am sandra smith in new york and this is "america reports." seven of the eight migrant
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squatters were arrested last week on drug and gun charges are back behind bars either waiting for deportation proceedings or in custody with ice detainers but one illegal migrant is still at this hour on the run. >> john: we will wait till mike asked michael to charlotte if new york city quietly dropped its sanctity status and escapes. >> sandra: matt finn his life of the border for us but let's get to nate live in the bronx, and dates, this hour you have to look inside of the apartment where the migrants were staying, what did you see? >> sandra, it's very dirty and there and i also spoke with the home owner who says he has been trying to evict these migrants for months but because of squatter laws he could not do it. take a walk with me real quick. the migrants never actually had a key to the home, but what they did, sandra, is they broke windows that enter the basement to hear and they snuck in this
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way. you can see it's been boarded up today, crews of our working today to cover up all of those windows so the eight illegal migrants are out that this homeowner won't have to do with the same problem once again. speaking of the homeowner, he does not want to give his name but he is prepared to talk to us about his experience. he joins us right now. sir, thank you for talking to us. you mentioned that the migrants actually broke some security cameras that you had installed? tell me about that. >> i don't know how they disconnected, i can't see, i tried to pull out some picture but i don't see anything. you know, so definitely they did something and they disconnect everything. >> one of the migrants staying in her home was arrested for attempted murder seven months ago in yonkers, does that surprise you? >> does not surprise me. at all. because the way they are gathering here is forget it, i
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am getting all of those -- i mean -- message from my neighbor that these people are horrible. you know? they are coming with motorcycles at seven, eight, motorcycle every night day and night coming in and out for my garage. then i got tired i've put up -- you see i put the heavy gate over there to stop them because they used to go with their car, motorcycle, and end out, in and out. so i tried -- i have been doing my best and i'm communicating with the 52 precinct and they have been helping me all the way here we are now. you know. i hope they are out. >> did they ever threaten you? >> yes. they threatened me, of course. last time even the officer was there and they were sitting down
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against us and they were showing me something like this to me. you know? >> wow. >> and the police officer was there. so i don't know. >> i am very happy you are okay. i'm sorry you are going through this. the place is a mess. certainly have a lot of work to do but thank you for talking to us. and we did hear back from ice today, yesterday's bust of three of those migrants was done without any coordination with the nypd. so it did abide by new york city's sanctuary loss. >> sandra: right here live on this program about this time yesterday. nate, that was a really interesting interview and you think about how all of those neighbors have been so greatly impacted by all that has been going on there. and a reminder of that school right across the street. nate, thank you for that, appreciate that.
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john? >> john: sandra joining us is michael do charlotte a former bronx assistant attorney thank you for being with us. let's talk about what nate was talking about and that's this idea of in this case did new york city quietly step away from its sanctuary city law? nypd insists there was no coordination around the three arrests we witnessed live yesterday but they certainly did not try to intervene. >> thank you for having me. there may have been some unofficial cooperation with the city law is clear. it was passed by the city council and the city council has passed the law and the former mayor signed it saying you cannot cooperate with federal officials in ice matters. when it comes to police work someone could have given somebody a tip, but if the law needs to be changed as to be done by the city council.
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>> john: how would this come to the attention of the hs not through the judicial process of new york city? >> one could be the media. one could be social media, and the other could be contacts that they have inside the police department. it is not a hermetically sealed organization. people have friends, people speak. so when something comes to their attention that i think they want to prosecute, federal prosecutors have their way of going about doing things. they don't need the city's permission. >> john: i got all that but i'm really curious as how this was a very local issue and then suddenly it got bumped up to a federal issue. when you take a look at the lax policies that have been in place across the country when it comes to people in this country illegally committing crimes to suddenly bump it up to this level really does seem to be out of the norm. >> it does but in this case it was multiple defendants making
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multiple firearms crimes and the impact of social media which i've seen it all over the place, i think that definitely had a role in this. respecting the city's policies. >> john: and in the local system we had three people arrested by dhs agents, and six people were arrested by the same home all believed to be squatter, they were released with no bail by the judge despite the fact that prosecutors at least in one case with one fellow who had a prior for attempted murder who wanted $150,000 in bail. this case just boggles the mind. >> it is, it's interesting because as a former bronx d.a. and of these prosecutors are doing they review the case, they spoke to their supervisors and they said one of the appropriate amount of bail to ask, they did their jobs, and a judge said no. it's really odd, d.a. is requesting $150,000 bail, that is a serious case. the d.a. knows the facts.
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the judge does not know all the facts. sometimes even if they wanted to set a lower bail that goaded 50,000 or 25,000 but to have a judge saying no bail on this type of case is irregular. >> john: i mean when you look at how this happened and then no bail releases of a few of the suspects who were involved in the beating of the new york city police officers, you wonder what these judges are thinking. michael discioarro good to have your take on this appreciate you. >> great to have you, thank you very much. >> john: we will see you soon. speak to democrats and america's largest cities are spending billions on handouts for these migrants. the benefits include debit cards, free health care, hotel rooms, madison alworth is here, she has been really breaking this down for us today. how do these programs work, medicine? >> sander, by simply choosing to live in one of the blue cities that will highlight migrants qualifies them for him benefits. let's start in new york, if you are a migrant new york city are
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guaranteed housing. some being placed in hotel rooms work around $300 a night. then a number of the migrants qualified to be part of the $53 million debit card pilot program. that means they are handed $1,000 on a preloaded debit card each and every month. add snap benefits on top of that and we are talking an additional $1400. over in denver, $16 million has been spent on migrants and each migrant that arrives to the city costs them between 1600-$2,000. in los angeles migrants are giving full coverage health insurance and they soon could be getting thousand dollars a month through the city's new guaranteed income pilot program which is immigration status blind meaning you could get it even if you are not here leg legally. but it's all starting to add up. that's why illinois is actually cutting health care for migrants. they were offering free health care essentially to all asylum-seekers but starting m
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may 1st they are cutting off free health care for those who have been here less than five years. that's going to save them $13 million, but obviously it's not even close to enough to make up for the millions still being spent on the folks that arrived to those cities. >> sandra: incredible reporting and what a way to look at that, the numbers are so big and when you take it down to that level it really tells you what's going on thank you. >> absolutely. >> sandra: now this. >> as you all know the number one issue in the united states and in the presidential race is illegal immigration. and you know texas is the only one stepping up doing anything about it. >> john: texas governor greg abbott speaking to fox news earlier about efforts to secure the border in his estate. fox news is getting an exclusive firsthand look at how texas is doing that. matt is live in el paso what did you find out? >> john, right now we are a few steps away from the border wall
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here and what we are witnessing is the texas military department rapidly installing this additional barrier. where they've been doing the past couple of days is adhering this concertina wire to these fencing panels and they lift the panels up and rapidly install them into the ground. you can see in the distance basically as far as the eye can see from this location is all of the fencing they have constructed over the past couple of days. they are moving quickly and efficiently. the concept here is that any migrant who crossed the rio grande river here which is very low right now, there would have to potentially take the life-threatening risk to get through all of this additional wire before they approached our wall because as we have been reporting and our viewers known for years now migrants have been able to freely access the border wall. and we have watched this additional barrier work in real time. we have seen migrants here who walk up and down parallel to this new wire fencing. most of them have not chosen to go through it so ultimately they are guided to the legal ports of
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entry which is the idea here. to end illegal immigration in the el paso area. we have some new drone video to show you as well. the aerial shots give you a scope of how much wire and fencing has been installed here. the texas military department tells us they have installed a total of 122 miles of wire across texas under operation lone star. it is added to fortify the ground but texas governor greg abbott tells us the sky is also a concern here. old cartels have started drone wars. speak of the capability of the cartels about getting things across the border through drones already is extraordinary. and they are going to be more aggressive, more sophisticated in the drone attacks, we could sustain a drone attack at any time. >> and texas military tells us it's adding this additional fortification and hot spots, the el paso sector i am and is certainly one of the hot spots on any given day it averages
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about 1,000 illegal migrant apprehensions, john. >> john: they have turned the banks of the rio grande in texas into something kind of reminiscence of either the berlin wall or a correctional facility. this is a place where people used to come to recreate, i guess that has all gone to the wayside now. >> john, really, they are replicated what we have been reporting on for months if not years now and shall and eagle pass we watched as they instilled concertina wire like this along the river there and it works we have seen migrants choosing not to cross although once in a while some do but simple deterrents like this on the ground forces migrants to rethink about crossing into the united states. of course they have been heading further west into areas like new mexico and california. those areas have also seen a dramatic increase in illegal migrant apprehensions. the san diego sector, el paso, and tucson all competed for the busiest on any given day along the southern border.
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>> john: matt, thank you. the sender? >> sandra: any moment now we are expecting to hear directly from the white house after president biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu so we are watching for that plus this. >> the reality is the automotive sector is moving toward evs and the u.s. can fall behind a channel claim the lead. >> pete buttigieg telling america reports that the u.s. must leave the world toward a ev revolution. is the biden administration using faulty math to justify that push? bjorn blomberg and fellow flynn on that coming up with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders
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>> sandra: the judge in the trump georgia election case has
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denied the former president's motion to dismiss the case on first amendment grounds. steve harrigan has the breaking details for us right now from atlanta. steve, what was judge mcafee's reasoning for this decision question my >> sandra's attorneys for president trump said basically the questioning of potential voter fraud in georgia was legitimate political speech and should be protected by the first amendment. judge mcafee just a short time ago saying even if it is political speech, it is not protected speech by the first amendment if it furthers criminal activity. this case of election interference in georgia has been sidelined the past two months as they try to get rid of the d.a. will is for having a romantic relationship with the prosecutor she hired, nathan wade. right now wade is out but willis has hung onto her job and a minor setback today for the president's team rejecting the effort to dismiss the claims. sender, back to you. >> steve harrigan for us on that, john?
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>> john: you probably noticed this gasoline prices on the rise nationwide with nation average of $0.21 from just a month ago. now goldman sachs is warning their prices could go as high as $4 a gallon for regular just in time for the busy summer driving season. the rising cost of oil is also costing the biden administration as we told you yesterday to abruptly cancel planes to fill the strategic petroleum reserve now this. >> let's be clear the automotive sector is moving towards evs and we can't pretend otherwise. sometimes in these debates happen if you look at the early 2000s and i'm talking to some people who think we can just have landline phones forever. >> sandra: that was transportation secretary pete buttigieg we were happy to have them on the program this week, he was doubling down on the biden administration's green energy push saying it is the right thing to do. but a new report calls into question the white house claims
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on the benefits of this ev revolution. joining us now the president of copenhagen consensus and fellow flynn of price futures group you know bjorn, i quoted you in that interview. my point to the secretary was yours that you make often in "the wall street journal" and other places that you are not climate change denier, you are not against the ev market existing, but you are saying this pushes happening prematurely too soon and we should innovate to the point where these are popular and people want them and you don't have to mandate them. >> yes. the transport sector is essentially saying oh, we should all go to cell phones while we went to cell phones because everybody wanted them. but the problem is the new study of consumer demands in america says 6% of americans want the next car to be battery electric.
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two-thirds wanted to be fossil fuel driven. of course you are still going to be producing lots of fossil fuel driven cars. electric cars are good for something. they are back for a lot of other things and people don't want them. >> sandra: phil, this is something you and i talk a lot about. what did you think of the secretary's comparison there are two people denying this ev revolution like people denied transitioning from land lines to cell phones? >> while i have never had a dropped phone call on a landline but that's a different issue. it's a ridiculous comparison. it makes absolutely no sense. in fact his entire interview was based on a false premise that the world wants to run to electric vehicles and if we don't move, we are going to miss out. that is a false premise. the market does not want to move towards that. sender, you've watched markets, they are very predictive. the market is not predicting that everybody wants to buy
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electric cars. they are predicting exactly the opposite. so if you have this false assumption, in fact, if you look at the u.s. automakers losing so much money on the electric car push, the only reason they started the movement in that direction was because the biden administration wrote them a big check to do so. if that did not happen i don't think these companies would be losing as much money as they are on this really ridiculous energy pipe dream. >> sandra: obviously there was a transition to cell phones because it made people's lives more convenient and people wanted them they were not mandated because they were popular and people started buying them on their own was the difference there. something i talked to you guys about in the break, though, was this whole idea that we are going to be behind if we don't move faster, china will beat us at this. china had the incentive to go after the ev market, right? because they are not as energy rich as us. i think they produce a third of
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the oil we do in the united states? i mean, we have the resources to fuel our cars ourselves and not reach to foreign nations. isn't that a big difference in this debate? >> absolutely. and the u.s. over the last six years has produced more oil than any nation has ever done before. so very clearly, you can do this yourselves. so the point here again is to say we need to make sure that eventually people will want more of the evs i'm happy of the transport secretary will make it easier for us to innovate the next generation of the evs and maybe eventually people govegobblethem up like cell phot this administration is predicted by 2050 the number of cars in the u.s. are going to be 12% electric cars. and it's going to be the majority of cars are still going to be fossil fuel driven. you will not be able to convince
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people otherwise and you certainly will not be able to do that as a politician and not get voted out. >> sandra: i want to preface that we are glad that he came on and we hope he continues to come on because many americans are very interested in evs they love their test was but it's this question of mandating them too o incur costs they shouldn't or can't at this point. phil this was more from his interview, listen. >> there are more ways to move electricity then there are to move electric -- then there are to move liquid fuel, that's why mime house in michigan i can fill our hybrid plug-in electric with electricity. obviously i can't do that with gas at my house. >> phil, what was your response to that? >> i mean, when you think about that, he is not looking at the big picture, right? he is talking about getting electricity into his house. he's not talking about the
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trillions of dollars of infrastructure groups going to take. nor has he taken into account the amount of greenhouse gas emissions it is going to take to build all of these electric cars, right? the impact on the environment, when we keep going back with china we keep looking with china as the competition, believe it or not even in china they don't want these cars right now, right? we have chinese car companies trying to copy what tesla did who are ready to go bankrupt already because people in china are not buying them. sure the chinese government wants people to buy them because they controlled the rare earth minerals. >> sandra: such a great point i want to end with this daily mail piece, bjorn, i thought of you right away when i saw it, this edmonds poll the highlighted showing the automakers are basically ignoring these things shoppers want from electric cars to your point of what's eminent domain innovate to the point they are popular they said the prices are too hike on the shopper wants cars and suvs not pickups, the pickups are not working. the favorite brands don't offer
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enough different models of these evs and obviously reliability and distance they can drive are the big concerns from those drivers. thanks to both of you, hope to do this again, thanks, phil. a bird landed on my shoulders at your birth the? birthday. >> it is, happy birthday to me i look great for 99. >> sandra: thanks, guys. >> john: all this talk i'm still waiting for the mr. fusion home energy reaction. the white house now we are expected to hear from john kirby and karine jean-pierre, reporters likely to press them over growing questions about the administration's push for evs like ford and tesla reporting sluggish sales in recent days, sandra? >> sandra: we are watching for that meanwhile immigration is one of the top issues for voters we are seeing this time and time again but you would not know it based on what president biden has actually been saying lately. richard fowler and david avella
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weather that could hurt the president come the november election plus this. [chanting] >> john: residents demand the resignation of a mayor called "the worst mayor in america" why they want her out next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa.
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maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise. >> you are not what we need for dalton, we don't want you here, y'all need to go. >> mayor, you need to step down because you've disgraced this village. >> they say you are the worst mayor in america, i agree. >> passion is running high there that is the scene at the recent town hall in dalton illinois a small chicago suburb, facing a intense criticism and calls to resign from local residents who have named her the dalton
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dictator. mike tobin live on the ground for us, mike, how is she responding to all of this backlash? >> they are pretty upset, shutting the public out of the village hall is the latest incident that has people in dalton illinois outraged. in fact, the village hall meeting was to be about authorizing an investigation into mayor tiffany ten years of use of public money but she is accused of pulling police officers off their patrol to act as her security details, taking lavish trips on the public dime, embezzling funds and even accused of retaliating against an employee who claimed sexual harassment. to the people who were already angry by the time the doors to the village hall were shut. now she was supposed to answer, or vetoing of resolution approving her investigation. about 100 people showed up, most
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of them were locked out, the village trustees who unanimously supported the investigation walked out. she dismissed the walk out as a stunt. >> they did not come here to have business, they came here to do a political theater stunt which you just saw. >> now processors say on top of everything tenured who calls herself super mayor is now violating the illinois open meeting act. >> i would not trust this woman if she stood on a stack of bibles and had her tongue notarized. not a thing she says is true. >> they say you are the worst mayor in america, i agree. speak of the village say the lock on is due to a security threat as a result of continuous misinformation portrayed by the media and internet bloggers who are using dalton as a means to generate ratings and revenue, i.e., clickbait.
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a couple of things you notice as you go through the town of dalton here. first of all there are a lot of boarded-up houses and retail establishments, and you see many, many pictures of may mayor tenured on posters all over town. >> that is a lot happening in that little town. mike tobin, thank you, john? >> john: all right, sandra, how do you top that? president biden and former president trump running on different issues for the race in november, trump sees on the border crisis well up biden's campaign leans into abortion so what issues will stick when voters head to the polls? richard and we have the what the former president in grand rapids, michigan, two days ago flanked by law enforcement officers about illegal immigration, listen here. >> just a few weeks ago i met with a grieving family of blake and riley, you know lakin, she was incredible. top of her class, everything was the top.
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she was incredible. i bet the parents incredible people. the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia was barbaric we murdered by an illegal alien animal. >> john: what happened to lincoln riley but he is really going after biden on this issue you see terminus amount of support from law enforcement and angry people, how does biden counter that argument? >> i think we have to remember with lakin riley wept remember what happened to her and some solution so you can complain about her death or you can focus on some of solutions. here is what we know to be true and a report done today by another news outlet tells what we know today is from the last month to mark this month illegal border crossings are down. are they where they should be? absolutely not. but why they are down is one reason why they are down is because the biden administration is working with the mexican government to stop folks from using freight rail, buses in mexico to get to the southern border. >> john: that's not what we are seeing on the screen there
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when they basically walled off texas. >> but they're also crossing in tucson and san diego and other parts but it has to be how do we work with our central american partners? how do we pass legislation we haven't seen since 1990s to secure the border and how have we looked at our asylum system? none of the rhetoric you've heard from the president parried if hear the president say we need to show the border down the former president rather what you have not heard from the trump team on what they actually plan to do to make sure the southern border is safe. the ideal is we want to build a wall, what we have seen is that people are crossing the wall using tunnels where there aren't any wall so what will be a real solution that really deals with the problem and how are you going to obfuscate the ideal you will get it done through congress or face challenges at the court which we saw during trump and administration. >> john: i would think david he would go to a lot of the principles he had back in 2019-2020. >> absolutely. i just got back from colorado and saw it was appalling immigration is now the number two issue in the state.
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even nationally "the wall street journal" -- >> john: number one. >> you look at the recent "wall street journal" poll in the swing states and they overwhelmingly say trump is better on the immigration issue then president biden is. if this election is about who is doing a better job on the border americans are pretty clear they preferred donald trump. >> john: but donald trump came out saying i was the first person who could overturn roe v. wade, i am proud that i did it and democrats have been hitting republicans over the head with it ever since. there is a new ad that the biden campaign has out which is based on pretty much what biden said the other day, listen here. >> trump brags about he is the reason roe v. wade was overturn. here's his quote "i did something no one thought possible. i got rid of roe v. wade" end of quote. but now him and his mega officials are calling for a
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national ban on the right to choose in every state. i promise you for the democratic congress kemal and i will make roe v. wade the law of the land again, i promise you. >> john: republicans did not have an answer on the attacks from democrats about abortion and they paid for it at the voting booth. do you have an answer for this year? >> i think the president will continue to say he is pro-life and let's keep in mind that president biden is in a defensive message there, not offensive. look at the polling numbers. the president's slipping support amongst women voters. the voters who disapprove of him the most are younger voters. those are two key coalitions in his electorate to win. he cannot lose those voters and he has to continue pushing the messages that keep his coalition together because he is starting to see his coalition fall apart. including the minority voters that he started because these republicans actually are awaiting hispanic voters right now. >> john: we are expecting former president trump will say
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something about abortion next to throw the support between a 15 week band come the six week ban sign and law in florida it's now going on the ballot in november, democrats are saying that may turn florida into a swing state again. but democrats really do have a very powerful weapon against republicans in many places because of this. >> i think so we don't just see the ban on ivf in alabama but when we are talking about poland let's talk about people going to the ballot box. >> there wasn't a banning. >> there was an overturning of ivf. >> no there wasn't it allowed them to sue for the destruction of embryos. >> either way -- >> john: you should get that straight. >> we saw backlash of bullies but let's talk about the actual polls in the state of ohio where the last election in 2023 voters overwhelmingly protect the right to choose and david is right this will come to minority voters. who was the subgroup in know-how that voted to protect women more than any other subgroup? it was black men. they voted ten points higher than black women, almost 12
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points higher than white women to protect a woman's right to choose. this is a group donald trump is trying to convince he is the best candidate. if it's going to be on abortion, donald trump has a big problem with black male voters because they see this as a fundamental issue. it's not about the polls about how they actually voted in 2023 in ohio. >> john: and if it's about immigration biden will be a problem. >> richard is advocating the president spending money in ohio, i am for that too. [laughter] >> listen if we are flipping ohio we are having a good day. >> john: guys, thank you very much we appreciate the conversation, now this. >> people have not given up hope entirely but i think a lot of people are doubtful. >> can't afford the american dream. what we wanted when we were young, it is not something really our kids can afford. >> sandra: i'm more and more voters fear the future of the american dream is dying. ben will give his take. >> john: plus president biden speaking with benjamin netanyahu
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schedule a free consultation. >> sandra: fox news alert to secretary of state antony blinken speaking right now after the conclusion of the white house president biden just getting off the phone with the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu. the call has concluded and biden is addressing it let's listen. >> from terrorists like hamas. if we lose that reverence of human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront. here is the current reality in gaza. despite important steps that israel has taken to allow into
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gaza, the results on the ground are woefully insufficient and unacceptable. 100% of the population in gaza knows acute level of food and security. 100% of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. and of those working heroically to provide that assistance are doing so at great peril to their own lives. this week's horrific attack on world kitchen is not the first incident. it must be the last. president biden short to spokea short time ago with the netanyahu about gaza. the president emphasized the strikes on humanitarian workers and the overall humanitarian situation are unacceptable. he made clear the need for israel to announce a series of
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specific concrete and measurable steps to address civilian horror, humanitarian suffering, and the safety of aid workers. he made clear u.s. policy with respect to gaza will be determined by our assessment of israel's action on these steps. he underscored as well an immediate cease-fire is needed to help the situation protect civilians and he encouraged netanyahu to bring the hostages home. two leaders also discussed irani and threats against israel and the israeli people. president biden reaffirm the united states a strong support for israel in the face of these threats and our commitment to israel's security. right now there is no higher priority in gaza than protecting civilians, surging humanitarian
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assistance, and ensuring the security of those who provided. israel must meet this moment. now, here in brussels, we marked 75 years to the day since the founding of the nato alliance. we had our first ministerial meeting with sweden at the table. a full ally they are now 30 members of the nato alliance. that alliance has continued to adapt to meet challenges, to meet threats as they have emerged. so while we focused on celebrating the fact that we have hit the 75 year mark, we are intensely focused on the future. we discuss concrete outcomes for the upcoming summit in july including increasing our support for ukraine, strengthening nato's deterrence and defense posture, in particular through boosting our defense industrial
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bases on both sides of the atlantic. and deepening cooperation with partners including from the endo to endo pacific. we also held our second nato ukraine counsel. we reframed that ukraine's counsel my future is a nato. we want to make a bridge to their membership offering additional support and greater cooperation as ukraine makes the reforms necessary to rejoin the alliance. ukraine has made some remarkable progress in recent months. it pushed russia's fleet back from the black sea opening up shipping lanes to get graham to the world in fact exports through boxee now equal or exceed exports before the russian aggression. in february of 2022. ukraine is attracting more and more private investments and it is valiantly holding ground on the battlefield in the face of an ongoing onslaught. it is also making progress on the security reforms which we discussed today. including boosting resources for
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its anticorruption institutions. increasing transparency and accountability. speech we will continue to monitor secretary blinken from brussels as the white house has released a transcript of the call from benjamin netanyahu the readout says biden make clear to announce a specific concrete and measurable steps to address the civilian harm humanitarian suffering and the safety of aid workers they are. much more coming from that call we will have that for you and now we will bring in congressman mike walz on the house foreign affairs committees, thank you for joining us. we are digging through some of what we are learning that was discussed on this call including what we heard from the secretary blinken. that the strikes on humanitarian aid workers on the overall situation are unacceptable. your reaction to what you have heard so far? >> thank you, sandra. well i would first remind
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everyone that under presi president biden we had a civilian aid worker strike during the disgraceful withdraw from afghanistan. that killed seven children and three humanitarian workers. it was an awful mistake that our service members made, and clearly this was a terrible mistake on the part of the idf, but let's save a bit of the public righteous indignation when it comes to our ally clearly making the mistake that is very different than what hamas has historically done with deliberately targeting, kill, and torture civilians number one, number two, it's just sad to me that i think through purely political reasons so much of the buyer of this white house is going on to the shoulders of the israelis that i think are doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties, fighting an enemy that is deliberately sacrificing its people in order to turn world
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opinion against israel and to watch this administration publicly play right into their hands is incredibly frustrating and finally, sandra, we are talking about alleviating the suffering, then let's talk about things outside of just putting pressure on israel. how about egypt allowing people to come across the ruffled border how about we gather the international muslim community to actually help the palestinians alleviate that suffering and to reform the palestinian authority so they can once again provide their own security of the day after the war but we are not hearing any discussion of that. we are only seeing the rhetorical pounding of netanyahu and his government. i think it's purely for election year politics when it comes to
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seeing arab americans walk away from this president. >> sandra: this lasted about 30 minutes we were told as for what netanyahu told president biden he said israel can defend itself and he will act according to principle that we will hurt anyone that hurts us. he went on to tell biden that iran has been working against israel for years and therefore israel is operating against iran and its proxies. obviously netanyahu is forming a very firm message over a call to the white house. >> this has everything to do with the strike israel just took on the consulate and syria and took out the iranian force officers which i think was the exact right thing to do because at the end of the day the true disease here underscoring pez block, hamas, all of it, the militias that killed our service
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members in iraq is in iran and the best way we can help israel and help end this war is to dry up the cash of iran that is fueling all of their terrorist proxies. and we have a bill in the house that could put secondary sanctions on the chinese buyers of uranian oils. we can't get that through the senate and that is what biden should be talking about right now. dry up the cash. >> john: good to get your reaction we will continue to talk about that, thank you for joining us. john? >> john: sander, chinese migrants surging across the u.s. border and sneaking into each key territory, are these folks looking for a job or is china trying to spy on our military? brian kilmeade has some thoughts about that he is coming up. because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges
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