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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 4, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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press briefing is about to be begin any moment reporters will press karine jean-pierre and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu come those charcoal leaders to just end a phone call a few moments ago that lasted about 30 minutes periods that was for the first time since an israeli strike killed seven aid workers in gaza. >> john: the white house since the call was over in less than 30 minutes the president has said he is outraged by the incident. we watch the briefing for news to get reaction straight from netanyahu spokesperson coming up. paul hemrick joins us later so join us for that. >> sandra: first a record of chinese migrants flooding our southern border. the former secretary of state mike pompeo says this is a clear threat to american's security. >> imagine just 1% of those tens of thousands of folks are here on a nefarious mission on behalf of of the chinese
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communist party directly working all of the fentanyl issues or mexicans to funnel money laundering money through the chinese system. this is dangerous. this is an enormous national security risk to the united states. >> sandra: hello and welcome back, everyone, second hour i am sandra smith in new york and by the way john kirby will be in the briefing room as well, john. >> john: looking forward to that will be monitoring it in the minutes ahead i am john roberts in washington and this is "america reports," they caught 182 chinese nationals of the border in a single day this week. more than 22,000 in total have been ever hunted october 1st including groups of chinese nationals that are sharply dressed and rolling suitcases along with them. our bill melugin and points out that brenda does not necessarily mean deported. >> sandra: he made his way onset brian kilmeade is in new york with us on the threat sneaking across our southern
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border and new fears that china is spying on vital military bases. >> john: are gillian turner live on that, chinese nationals are speaking into the united states, how long has this been happening? >> well we know that for at least two years, john, chinese nationals have been apprehended by u.s. officials at guam as they try to sneak across the border there to get entry into the knighted states. guam being as you mentioned the very strategic or strategically located islands that seems to be home to a u.s. military base with troops stationed there, here are the numbers. take a look at this for the last few years it seems the reporting or attended unlawful entries by chinese citizens at guam since 2022. senator ernst is concerned about the security of occasions. current chinese nationals are
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not required to get a visa that's guam even though the islands are a u.s. territory. the policy has made the islands vulnerable to a plethora of problems including drug traffic, illegal immigration, and organized crime. >> these are spies to drive into the military bases and test our readiness, test our security because they are planning for a future of actions against the bases in the war. >> pentagon officials say they are planning for a "one defense system" that will deter aggression and reassure our allies and partners and guam's customs agency right now tells fox news it is paramount that "all arrivals to guam are screened and authorized for entry and properly accounted for in accordance with the law." cqi will impose penalties on those in violation. they attempted to run the gate at 28 palms marine corps base in california. >> obviously that is something we take very seriously we work
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with folks on the ground when we see those types of cases public. >> so as proof that at least some of these chinese nationals are managing to get into the united states through guam earlier in the year the customs agency there in guam levied sanctions and notified four companies that they were in violation of a u.s. labor law they were in legally employing chinese migrants, john? >> john: it's not just the southern border its way across the pacific. gillian turner for us, thank you, send a question mark >> sandra: let's bring in brian kilmeade cohost of "fox & friends" and host of one nation, i said that they are not sneaking in. they are pouring in, look at these numbers, border patrol arrests of chinese nationals who have crossed the u.s. border illegally in recent years, i mean it was a few -- you know a few years ago but we are talking huge numbers. >> sandra, here's the thing. it steeply concerning and also concerning how many people are
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still speculating in the highest places in our government. you can't leave the country unless they know in china. you have to understand they know it. there is a way to fly here and there is a way to come in here. now it's land in mexico and walk over and they say, and catch me because i know where i am going. now there was a few hundred, 342, now it's up to 22,000 plus since october of this past year. what they used to do is question the chinese illegal immigrants attended immigrants coming to the southern border they use to question them for quite a long time, two or three days and give a real idea of what they're up to and what they are doing. now the word is no questions, sign them in, send them in. i don't understand, i can't wrap my head around what country that benefits. it certainly does not benefit hours. they may be the best smartest people in the world, this is not how you do it, why do it? in a society that comes where they instill in you follow the rules or else, why when it comes to getting into our country do we break the rules, that is how
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we choose to come? >> sandra: every time i see them bring these live images this is happening every day. every hour of every day of every week of every month. it just continues and it's happening on your screen right there. if we were not showing it you would not see it. it's something to continue to remind our viewers. greg abbott the governor of texas think about how he has added alone because he can't get the federal help to secure the borders. he was on fox news earlier talking about the growing terror threat as a result of this. >> the terrorists apprehended are an all-time record. many multiples of those who came across the border under the trump administration. the second you talked about the got aways, the terrorists will pay extra not to be caught. what that means is the number we have caught which is extraordinary, there is far more than that we've gotten across the board. >> sandra: this is getting crazy like scary. >> when you see what happened in iran at the ceremony when we got
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a heads up that isis would act and they did when you saw it happen with russia last week and/or the weekend before, when they said we had a heads up on the theater that i since kay was going to attack and they did, do not buy all we are the number one target? and when you see all these numbers coming across and the fbi director we just had lindsey graham on the radio. like they told him directly beside a five-alarm fire. our bells and whistles are going off. he is trying to say i don't think he is looking to see why i think is looking to is anyone listening? what more do we have to tell you? we only have so many agents and so much time. is anyone going to seal the sport? my final thought if you don't mind as the administration wants to say we had bipartisan legislation and republicans walked away from it. if you think they are all serious about the border, you have not paid attention. you know who is being sued? that governor sitting on the set today at 9:00 a.m. that governor for putting bullies in the rio grande to stop them from coming across before the ground or come across
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period and making up their own makeshift fence to stop people from coming across. you know they get sued because of that? they are in new orleans trying to fight for sb4 to allow them to enforce their own border because the government won't end there being sued because of that. of joe biden were serious he would throw out all those lawsuits and say put the bullies back and we are in this together. he is not. >> sandra: viewers will decide, karine jean-pierre will be press on this hopefully in the press briefing room. the briefing will be underway moments for now. meanwhile the migrant crime surge especially in new york city this is a new york assistant d.a. on the migrant squatters as this becomes a bigger and bigger issue being released without bail, watch this. >> they revealed the case, they spoke to supervisors they decided what's the appropriate amount of bail is and the judge said no and it's really odd when you have the d8 requesting 100
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or $150,000 of bail it's a serious case to have a judge say no bail on this type of cases a regular. >> sandra: in the apartment earlier talk to neighbors outside it's his cross from a school, these squatters drugs were felled, child was with t them. guns were found. i mean the arrests happened about this time yesterday on this program. what is happening here? >> a couple of things it's not just any judge, it's judge eugene bowen who takes great pride in letting criminals out with no cash bail. they ask for $130,000 bond for one and $450,000 for the other. the judge says no. let them go. go ice, i hope they were tipped off by the l.a.p.d. because they're not supposed to but i hope they did and then i smooths in the next day and gets a few others and pulls them out of there. here's the other thing to keep in mind here to watch the commander of the nypd say one week after jonathan diller was killed on a career criminal with 21 arrests and only served two terms in j.lo you get through
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the same thing come all these guys had guns, one is in for attention murder and now it's up to police to walk in there with bullet proof vests and say come with me and when they do, they go to the judge and the judge says let them go. why if you are a cop would you risk your life with jonathan diller's the image of him losing his life at the age of 31 with a 6-month-old left behind, why would that image in your head would you do that for a living? would you do that if you are on the job? >> sandra: it's hard to believe this is happening. it's hard to believe this is allowed and they do these things and walk freely. >> did i mention democrat or republican? no this is not a partisan issue it's right and wrong. >> sandra: you were all warmed up we appreciate one nation russian mark >> saturday 9:00 we will introduce you to three people from gen z under 25, the hard not guys who will give you inspiration and hope for the future of america. they have 4 million views on social media and they have a billion downloads, it's their first tv appearance we will also have dave rubin and kick us off
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to put life in perspective. >> sandra: i love that we need to hope for the future, thank you. john? >> john: looking for to that on saturday night and senators lindsey graham calling on chuck schumer and minority leader mitch mcconnell to have a classified briefing for all senators. they want to discuss current threats to the homeland given the rise in terrorist activity following the disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. brenner asking for this briefing be scheduled within them the next two weeks. >> sandra: john by the way the press secretary live at the white house stepped up to the podium, john. >> john: i didn't recognize her at first. >> sandra: there you go she is obviously doing some housekeeping at the top there, she has not started taking questions yet but as you know we will be listening for that to begin. john kirby will join her in the briefing room but first we will take a quick break, john. >> john: the biden campaign and liberal media running wild with a comment made by formal president trump but did they follow the familiar playbook of
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taking him wildly out of context to try to make a point? joe will tackle that coming n next. comfortable? good. when you've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death. if you're a veteran wife, homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> sandra: fox news alert briefing live off the phone call between president biden and prime minister netanyahu from israel, he is taking questions let's dip in for a couple minutes. >> i will not preview any potential policies coming forward. what we want to see her some real changes on the israeli s side. and, you know, if we don't see changes from their side there will have to be changed from our side but i will not preview what that will look like. they talked about -- i'm sorry?
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>> is that the body count or is there a specific? >> again, in terms of concrete steps, what we are looking to see and hope to see here in coming hours and days is a dramatic increase in humanitarian assistance getting in additional crossings opened up. and a reduction in the violence against civilians and certainly aid workers. we want to see even as israel is work through their investigation that they are willing and able to take practical, immediate steps to protect aid workers on the ground and to demonstrate that they had that civilian harm mitigation in place. again those are brought up brushes, all of the israelis speak to what they will and won't do but in coming hours and days we will be looking for concrete, tangible steps they are taking. >> thank you, john. to go back to that point, in your read out when you say the president made clear of u.s.
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policy was respect to god's will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action, could you decode that for us? what exactly is the warning being issued here? >> i think it's very clear in the language itself. we are going to put -- we are looking for concrete steps to alleviate humanitarian suffering in gaza. i will not get ahead of what the israelis will or won't say or announce but we are looking for concrete steps to be said to soon. it's not just about the announcement of concrete steps and changes and their policies, but it is the execution of those announcements and those decisions and implementing them. and so we obviously will watch closely and monitor how they do on the commitments they make. as i said earlier, if there are no changes to their policy and their approaches there are going to have to be policy changes two hours. >> i think what the world wants to understand is is the
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white house warning -- >> sandra: we will continue monitoring this briefing, peter doocy is in the room right now. when he gets to his round of questions we will definitely get back in there, john? >> john: keep watching that. but right now the media could do balance on lake and riley's accused killer. the biden campaign claim trump called migrants at large "animals" but the trump campaign insists they are once again taking his remarks out of context. let's bring in fox news contributor and joe concha for more on that. is what trump said in the cost of the fire storm. >> just a few weeks ago i met with the grieving family of laken riley the 22-year-old nursing student who was were barely murdered by interleague and filmic illegal alien animal. speak of the biden campaign picked that up just where he said the word animal and said oh, trump is calling illegal
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immigrants at large animals subhuman and the media ran with it. >> what this shows without ambiguity, john is a growing number of news outlets excuse for turgor reasons, to make republicans and especially donald trump look bad and assist democrats and about mike biden campaign and making them look good on truth and facts be darned. you could go out on the street and ask a hundred people if they think 22-year-old laken riley being beaten to death in georgia by a man who attacked her for no reason is the act of an animal or a 25-year-old ruby garcia being shot multiple times and being left on the side of the road to die in michigan at the hands of someone who entered this country illegally is the act of an animal, an overwhelming majority of people would tell you the animal description is appropriate. by the way, we have seen this movie before, john. 2018, donald trump as president
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called members of ms-13 animals in light of multiple instances of these gang members brutally torturing their victims first before murdering them in the most horrific of fashions. the acts of animals. but i can provide you dozens of examples of news outlets in 2018 at that time purposefully omitting the part about trump specifically talking about 13 members members and instead presenting where they had him call all of them as one entity animals so the fact-checkers will come to the rescue in 2024 look at politifact and snopes when it could be the easiest fact-check they can do. >> john: it said trump calls some unauthorized immigrants animals and rants when he was talking about murder, dismemberment, decapitation among other things. this is how it all got going in the last couple of days. the biden campaign's rapid response posted a video of trump on x saying "democrats say please don't call immigrants
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animals and i say no, they are not humans they are animals but what trump actually said don't call them animals referring to the alleged murderer of laken riley but it got picked up saying that he called immigrants in the united states animals and not human resulting to the degrading rhetoric he has employed time and again on the campaign trail. he did not stop there. there was this incident on rival cable network, watch. >> when he says these immigrants are animals, they are not humans, what does that suggest? isn't that brutal? shouldn't people be condemning that? >> i listened to the entire tape. he was specifically talking about the person who murdered laken riley in georgia and to be honest with you, wolf, if someone murders another human being i think they deserve to be called animals. >> john: joe i think a lot of people would agree with scott jennings if a member of their family was brutally murdered by
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the someone and would indeed refer to them as an animal. >> good for scott jennings by the way because obviously he called out his own network for purposefully cutting off half of the quote there. there are other instances of that happening as well. the other thing i can say is at least now the playing field is being leveled. in terms of yes, fox news has been around a long time but social media and particularly twitter/x more and more people on their are calling b.s. on this and getting tons of views into the millions as far as here's what trump said and here is what happens. legacy media doesn't have solely the microphone anymore. by the way since they are so distrusted particularly by those in the center and the right, these type of influence they have just isn't there of the way it used to be. between social media outlets like fox news, then we know we are saying you can't get away with this. perhaps the way they may have been able to even 15 years ago. >> john: joe concha for us good to see you.
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>> great to see you, john, take care. >> sandra: a live look of the white house john kirby taking questions right now peter doocy in the room we are monitoring this and we'll get to his round of questioning when that begins. >> john: this as israel prepares to a retaliatory strike from iran. hendrick spokesperson for benjamin netanyahu standing by to talk more about that when we. [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin, and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen.
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tel aviv for the latest on the call. tray, there seems to be a suggestion by john kirby here that future u.s. support for israel may be conditioned on how israel comports itself are the days and weeks ahead. >> yes, john, good afternoon. interesting comments by kirby here because the americans often say something publicly when it comes to politics but behind the scenes they continue to support the israelis militarily and we see that with the transfer of weapons. at this point israeli officials do not believe that support is going to stop. this call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu lasted about 45 minutes we are told and it does come at a critical time for israel. as the israelis prepare for the possibility of an iranian response to that response earlier this week in damascus,syria, that killed several members. they called up additional
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soldiers to man defense systems and the israeli military cantilever off combat sources. the funerals for these members that died in damascus are expected to be held tomorrow in iran. they believed were telling tory strikes could happen after that. local media reports israel is preparing for the possibility of increased fire from lebanon and potential muscle fire from iran. >> idf is deployed well in all layers of defense and ready. we should not be overconfident, but in the same note, it is important to note that no changes to the home front command direction. if and when there will be changes, we will keep the public updated. >> the rising tension comes as the israeli cabinet meets tonight to discuss these threats from iran and the ongoing war in gaza. israel is under new pressure to define their plans for the complex after striking a convoy of aid workers on monday killing
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seven people the founder jose andre says his organization had clear coordination with the israeli military when the incident took place. right now there are no clear concrete plans on the horizon for a cease-fire, and thus is really military activity inside gaza is expected to continue. john? >> john: tray angst from tel aviv, thank you. >> sandra: let's bring in heinrich spokesperson for prime minister netanyahu, it's good to have you here. especially at the conclusion of this phone call we just heard from john kirby wrapping that call of the white house a few moments ago. you have fresh response from the prime minister's office, how did you hear the call went? >> it was a good call as far as i understand. washington and jerusalem we see hide i to eliminate a mosque we want to see the hostages back home and we understand hamas can be no more and gaza can never pose a terror threat to
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israel again. while we are working on achieving these were objectives as we have to find them in the war cabinet the government we have in place right now we all agree there has to be minimal civilian suffering, minimal civilian casualties in gaza and we are working on taking unprecedented steps to reach these goals while hamas are trying to do exactly the opposite as you know. they want to maximize suffering and gaza. they want to maximize civilian casualties in gaza because they believe that international pressure could be used as leverage against israel and let them live another day to carry out another october 7th massacre. >> sandra: john kirby as i mentioned is still briefing at the white house right now. you and i were able to hear some of that together. we just turn to son sound this is what he said right out of the gate talking about this call between the two world leaders. >> why this apparent shift in policy today? >> i think -- look, president, particularly the president was shaken by the attack on the wc k convoy.
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and the eight workers. as i said earlier, it was not the only event. there had been others like that, humanitarian aid convoys coming under fire and losing people. and the president felt strongly that it was time to talk to prime minister netanyahu about his concerns. >> sandra: so that was john kirby. obviously that was not regarding the call that was regarding a change in policy. you said something earlier about the talk of change in policy but no details of it. what is your thought on that moment? >> i mean, when they refer to a change in policy i think it is something washington will have to explain. maybe these are things that were discussed between the president and the prime minister. we will often wait and see what it implies, but i can tell you that we have taken unprecedented steps to better the distribution mechanism in gaza for instance. really, there are more food trucks coming in gaza daily
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than was the case before the war has begun. we are working with international partners if it's the aid groups or the united states, dorton for instance and other countries, to make sure that there is aid reaching civilians in gaza by land, by sea, by air. there were airdropped humanitarian aid, hundreds of thousands of meals to northern gaza where the distribution is challenging. we still have about ten or 15% of the population in the northern part of gaza, so we are taking a lot of steps. it was indeed a terrible tragedy. we were shaken by this tragedy. it was unintentional. it was a mistake that followed misidentification when we are talking about the world the central kitchen. we aren't taking steps that this tragedy of this kind will not reoccur. there is an investigation underway. the findings of which will be made public. we have set up a situation to better the coordination between the eight groups working on the ground in gaza, one of my
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colleagues calls them the unsung heroes of armed conflict. and make sure that aid reaches those who needed. >> sandra: this was secretary blinken and talking about the change in policy, listen. >> with regard to our policy in gaza, look here you just say this. if we don't see the changes that we need to see, there will be changes with our own policy. >> sandra: this is the messaging, how would you characterize this moment? >> you see it's every moment in this war including right now is a moment for more clarity. this is another moment for moral clarity. people ought to understand that hamas, they want international pressure to be applied on israel instead of on them. and again, let them live another day and stay in power. there is a lot of talk i am hearing about an immediate
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humanitarian pause in the fighting, so to say a cease-fire. it's important to understand there will be no humanitarian pause in the finding. no a cease-fire that would leave our hostages in gaza and leave hamas in power that's an acceptable. dispute too great to have you to today thank you very much. >> john: many question of the american dream is out of reach. the spectator editor at large ben joins us on that coming up next. >> it's like a rocky movie but in most rocky movies he gets up and wins in the end. i'm hoping that is the case.
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>> new york attorney general letitia james is responding to the $175 million bond payment. cb cotton has more from her newsroom so cb, what are they asking regarding the former president's bond underwriter? >> sandra former president donald trump staved off the risk of seize assets and drained bank accounts while he appeals the civil fraud judgment against him. he posted the at $175 million bond on monday, again, in order to appeal the civil fraud judgment but we are told a key component was missing because the company who issued the bond is not licensed to do so in new york. noun new york attorney general letitia james citing new york law has filed a notice with the court citing they provide proof that the bond is financially sound. the company's chairman the hankie reportedly a billionaire told fox business earlier this week he supported the former
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president and even donated to his campaign, but he said the dissidents to underwrite the bond for trump was ultimately about growing his company. >> we wanted an opportunity to expand our business. we feel the cost justifies it, we saw he was having trouble getting the bond, so we reached out and said we were happy to participate. they quickly came back and we put a deal together in a few days. it's a big bond for us to underwrite but donald trump came up with all cash, so at the end, it was an easy decision and it was almost no risk. >> center, according to the court filing, trump's team has ten days to respond. an appeals court as we all know did reduce the bond he would have to post in a civil fraud judgment from the $454 million. trump's attorneys have argued that amount for posting that amount was an "practical
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impossibility. center, we've also reached out to the insurance company for their response to those development. back to you. >> sandra: cb cotton on that for us, thank you. speak of the american dream is definitely alive. >> i think people haven't not given up hope entirely but i think a lot of people are doubtful. >> we can't afford the american dream of what we thought we were young. >> a car costs what our parents bought a house for. >> i think it's alive and well you just have to work for. >> sandra: with rising home costs and stagnant wages it's not that shocking that people say the american dream is out of reach. while president biden totes these state of the economy americans don't agree with that. let's bring in domenench the spectator at large. we heard a little optimism around there but by and large the concern from parents and young people is that they don't
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really know if they will have the american dream that their parents and grandparents had. >> i think speaking frankly for the majority of america when looking at these concerns. if you abide by the laws, if you have the type of approach to living we have seen in prior generations really lead to the type of financial awards, the type of financial benefit people have experienced, it is just not there anymore. i think unfortunately for the current white house and their embrace of bidenomics, they are just really going in a uphill battle going into this november election because going against the general trend we speak to on
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a daily basis who really have concerns about the various challenges they face on inflation and the challenges they face on education spending in the financial risks inevitably that we face in life today. those are just things that the current white house and current leadership does not have an answer for. that is one of the big reasons why i think you are seeing the kind of distrust in the current leadership and openness to returning former president trump to power. >> john: opinions are one thing but you can quantify the data in "the wall street journal." norton did that in a poll. here is what "wall street journal" said, only 36% of voters in the new survey said the american dream still holds true. substantially fewer than the 53% who said so in 2012 and 48% in 2016 and similar surveys of
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adults by another pollster. this has been declining very quickly. >> it really has and it's unfortunate because look, regardless who is in power, whether republican or democrat, we want americans to be able to have faith in their ability to live the american dream. to live up to the idea they can create a life for themselves, for their families, for their children that is better than the life that came before. unfortunately, that is just not the case. >> john: i did a few calculations here based off my own family's experience. my parents bought their first home in 1957. $19,000. in today's funds, that would be $213,000. but the average u.s. home price is now $485,000. the median individual income $59,384. so the math is not there any anymore. >> john, your math is exactly right. it's exactly the kind of thing i
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think people are experiencing today. they do not have that ideal available to them. that is something that is really a failure of americans political leadership come of the american economic policy and everything else we have seen attended to that. it is something that i think really has to be addressed and it's one of the things why we see that issue ranked above so many others when it comes to the reason people vote a certain way. i certainly think it is something that needs to be addressed and it is a concern for this generation and the n next. >> john: every parent wants their kids out of the basement but it's getting tougher and tougher. >> tougher and tougher. good to be with you. >> sandra: fox news alert here we are watching the white house press briefing, karine jean-pierre at the podium, john kirby just wrapped and peter doocy was able to get in a round of questions really pressing him on this ongoing situation between
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benjamin netanyahu and joe biden fresh off the phone call. where this war is headed. we will turn that for you and have it for you right after the break, we'll be right back.
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>> karine jean-pierre at the podium she is talking about that phone call if not now let's listen. >> how important it is to hear directly from americans, this is what the president wants to do, he's the president for all americans who has said that continuously of any issue in on this issue it is important to do that as well. >> and the president briefed on this, any coordinator of the white house to manage this. >> i'm glad you asked that question because we do have a couple things to share with all of you come the president has been briefed, i think i made sure that yesterday as well with the health and safety of american public is very serious. we take that very seriously. our top priority obviously is to keep communities healthy, safe, and informed. what we were able to do is white house immediately the white house stood up a response team with relevant agencies like the cdc, fda, usda to ensure we are doing everything in our power to ensure we keep communities healthy, safe, and
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informed. insurer's nation's food supply remain safe and to prevent the spread of avian flu. we are in touch with those agencies and receiving eight daily updates because again we take that very seriously and this is an issue when we hear about avian flu these are public health experts and agencies have been preparing for this for decades for 20 years now. we have invested the ability to prevent and treat so on the cdc said themselves the risk to human health from this outbreak -- >> sandra: talking about the cdc warning on the bird flu outbreak we will continue to monitor this and at john, what we just heard in the briefing room -- >> john: yeah, the big news out of briefing today and as well from antony blinken secretary of state is this notion that president biden may change his policy toward israel depending how they conduct themselves in the hours and days ahead. our peter doocy questioned the white house about that moments ago, let's listen to what
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happened. >> on october 7th president biden said my administration's support for israel security is rock-solid and unwavering. that is not true anymore, correct? >> no, it is true. still true today. >> how is his support unwavering but you are also reconsidering policy? >> both can be true. >> they cannot be true. they are complete we different things. >> no, no, no i'm sorry. >> he is wavering. how is he not waver in question marks to go on, come on now. as i said, and as it says in that recount, we made clear. and he made it clear to the prime minister and the call. our support for israel's self-defense remains ironclad they face a range of threats and the united states will not walk away from helping israel defend itself. that said, you can say all that and you can act on that and you can believe that and the president does, and still believe that the manner in which
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they are defending themselves against the hamas threat needs to change. >> john: a lot of hairsplitting in there i think. >> sandra: exactly. to heinrich's point this is continued talk about possibly changing policy on all of this but no details exactly what they mean. that would have been a good point of clarification. >> john: it would appear you did more on clarification to come in the hours ahead here on fox, meantime, this. ta, there'se to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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