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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  April 4, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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and this is the story today. fireworks moments ago in the white house briefing as president biden in a stunning move demanded an immediate cease-fire from israel. in a phone call just about 1 hour ago with the israeli promised her benjamin netanyahu. also a warning u.s. policy could change towards israel back depending on which steps they take next. whether or not they will protect civilians in gaza and aid workers as well. john kirby was pressed on this and he will join us in a moment from the white house briefing room as he steps outside. also breaking right now the search for 1 of the migrants accused of squatting at a home here in new york city. 1 of them is on the loose. this our police say they found guns, illegal drugs -- drugs at a 7-year-old child all hold up in the basement of this home
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that lit -- allegedly squatting there. he is 1 of those 8 suspects arrested last week. judges then released 6 of them with no bail because of the bail rules in new york than they had to rearrest them. 1 of these guys got away. socks was outside the home in the bronx when the rest went down. investigators essay 2 of the 3 are connected to the -- our crew spoke with 1 of the suspects. this is some of the most amazing video of the week. this individual they spoke with was a reporter on the scene and he is holding up an ipad as if he is recording our reporter. watch what happened. he was later arrested. >> are you staying? i don't know you tell me. >> martha: what happened? he was arrested a short time later. that was him outside the house. look at this, investigators essay 4 of the suspects missed immigration processing
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appointments. i know that is a shock, after they released into the u.s. 1 was released on his own recognizance 3 times on charges including shoplifting. how many times do get to break the law if you're in the country illegally before you get booted out? 1 of them was arrested last summer for attended motor. that is the individual you just saw standing outside of his car. their post reports the case fell apart because the alleged victim did not cooperate. it was an alleged attempted murder and he did not die after being shot, in that case fell apart. editor analysing all of this for us and we will speak with her in a moment but first let's go to nate foy reporting live outside the haunting in the bronx. hello nate. >> reporter: hey martha we just spoke with the homeowner who wants to remain nameless because he fears for his life. you mentioned 1 of the 8 venezuelan migrant squatters is
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still out there. another is previously arrested for attended motor. he is still scared for his safety. the migrants have lived here since august and they are finally out today but not before causing quite a lot of damage take a look at this video we just saw inside the basement of this home in the bronx. he tells us the migrants never had a key factor broke into his basement through a window. workers are porting up the windows today. clothes are still scattered on the floor it looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months. landlord also said they disabled his security cameras and even threatened him so that he was scared to install new ones. listen to this... >> with police, they showed me something like this and i was pointing out to the police officer, look what they are showing me and what that mean. we all know, you know, it's vary dangerous. i hope nobody has to go through this. >> reporter: martha, federal agents took 3 of the 8 migrant
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squatters into custody while abiding by the century city status of new york. they said to fox quote due to law and removal operations nyc had to investigate these individuals into pendley and conduct this targeted enforcement operation on its own. we received no assistance from the nypd. now martha also 2 of the migrants who were arrested without bail have already been arrested again for shoplifting in si county. nassau county we'll actually cooperate because it is not a century. we will send it back to you. >> martha: nate think you very much. with that we bring in katie, editor and fox news contributor. good to have you with this katie. you know, you feel for these landlords. i feel for the public school that is across the street and you listen to this, i mean this is a very determined effort.
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they disable the cameras, they broke in through the windows and set up house. and apparently they were pretty powerless to kick them out under these current laws. >> i'm not really sure what the expectation is of criminal aliens who break into the country that they are going to than follow the law. there were guns found in this house. there was a federal judge in illinois rule it is actually okay for illegal immigrants to possess and purchase firearms. that is a problem. on the broader level, you have the enabling that continues to happen whether it's the federal level allowing people like this to storm the border, break the laws, to break into the country and then they get released as if they are just going to show up for the court dates when clearly they do not. then in new york city you have all these laws in terms of squatting and enabling illegal behaviour by handing out thousands of dollars and debit cards to continue to invite these people to come here.
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and when you have a case like this specifically in new york it is 1 of many, they are spending so many federal resources all over the country trying to track these types of criminals down rather than doing the work in the front and to prevent them from coming here in the first place. as you see it's vary difficult for local law enforcement to then go up against these kind of violent situations with the limited resources they have. ice has not been given full authority to engage with enforcement in a lot of these cities. so this continues to be a huge problem. illegal immigration is not a victimless crime weather its people getting identity stolen or being killed around the country. >> martha: this is what mayor adams had to say a short time ago. he was asked a question about governor greg abbott of texas visiting new york city for the republican party's annual gala. here's what he said. watch. >> i'm going to offer him a stay in 1 of the hurts so he can see
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what he has created and understand how we are treating people with dignity and respect he should have shown as olp reviews going to see how you can manage a crisis with -- >> katie. >> mayor adams should be thanking the texas governor greg abbott for trying to stop criminals from coming to new york city and to stop this flow of thousands of people into the country so that it drains resources and steals resources from americans who are living in new york city, whether it is there a schools, medical supplies or anything else they need that has been cut. public safety as result of this overload. mayor adams continues to say new york city isn't century city. there's been little effort to take back that label so until that happens they will continue to go to new york city he should thank the governor for trying to stop it from occurring in the
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first place. -- sanctuary city. >> martha: thank you katie. obviously the police are in such a difficult situation. you know, they go into these dangerous situations. we saw what happened to the now deceased detective jonathan diller. they go into this home and there are guns everywhere and drugs everywhere, narrow hallways, an absolutely terrifying situation. they shouldn't even have to be there. only there because these people are here illegally. katie, thank you very much. i said that by the way getting toast giving people a heads up to the exclusive coming up. i was --'s atone in a moment with the nypd peas -- patrol officer who oversees the streets of new york. he was brokenhearted over the loss of 1 of his detectives and lost his other -- wants his other officers to be able to to bring safety to the city by operating safely. >> as i said yesterday the bronx
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city knew the use of air to of the case. she requested bail for all 8 with the highest charge being criminal possession of controlled substance with a gun underneath it. 6 of 8 walked out the door. >> martha: so obviously it is a man who's frustrated trying to do his job and trying to protect his fellow police officers out there on the street. so we are watching another huge development this our. we learned earlier today there would be a phone call between benjamin netanyahu, the premise are of israel, and our president joe biden. we understand it was fairly heated and a fairly direct phone call. a clear demand to benjamin netanyahu, the president asking for an immediate cease-fire. obviously we are israel's biggest ally and have recently provided f-15s so what is the message here? what does it mean for the future of the middle east? when we come back.
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>> joe biden is back in th
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visit today. >> martha: so this news breaking moments ago, no labels has given up on their plan to offer voters a bipartisan unity ticket in this year's presidential election saying they could not find candidates with a credible path to winning the white house. but the group says americans are more open than ever to an independent presidential run and "this movement is not done in fact it is just beginning". no labels had an organization and money but they did not have the candidates to get them there. will continue to see what develops from that group but that venture is over for now virtually 24. breaking right now, the white house saying president biden told prime minister benjamin netanyahu to enact an immediate cease-fire in their battle in
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gaza. saying u.s. policy will depend on what steps israel takes to protect civilians and aid workers. it was their first conversation since an israeli airstrike killed 7 aid workers in gaza including an american. the military apologize kathy is really military, they say they are investigating. here's secretary of state antony blinken on what the president just said to benjamin netanyahu. >> he underscored as well and immediate cease-fire is essential to stabilize and improve humanitarian situation and protect innocent civilians and allow benjamin netanyahu to empower negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home. mileage mack. >> martha: so what you're looking that there is from a couple days ago. a very impassioned scene as some of the hostages family members stormed the israeli parliament
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in a meeting yesterday. almost 6 months after the hamas attacks of october 7. their family members, many of them still being held 6 months later by hamas. we have had such a scant amount of information about these hostages in recent days and weeks and months which must be very long for these families. peter doozy are white house correspondent was their briefing and just came out to join us. hi peter. >> mother we're being told this call was both good and direct but even though white house officials don't want to announce a firm policy change, what they are saying today is different than what they said in the aftermath of the attack. october 7th the president put out a statement partly saying his support for israel security is rocksolid and unwavering but now they are saying if there are not changes on their side there's going to have to be some changes on our side.
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>> supporting unwavering but also reconsidering policy choices. >> both can be true. >> they cannot. their completely different things. >> know, know. i'm sorry. >> he is wavering -- >> come on. come on. >> how is he not wavering? >> come on now. as i said and as it says in the recap, we made clear -- and he made it clear to the prime minister in his call that our support for israel's self defence remains ironclad. they face a range of threats and the u.s. is not going to walk away from helping israel defend itself. that said, you can say all that and act on that and believe that and the president does and still believe that the manner in which they are defending themselves against the hamas threat needs to change -- >> white house officials wants to see concrete steps israel can take to stop suffering in gaza and israel has may be days they say or hours to cough it up.
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martha. >> martha: thank you very much peter. retired government general ben hodges joins minna. former commanding general of u.s. europe and now -- could to speak with the. thank you for joining us. >> thank you martha. >> martha: does a signal policy change between the u.s. and israel? >> i thank the long-term policy objective remains the same, a peaceful situation in the middle east which means israel is going to have to live with its arab neighbours including the palestinians. that is still the in-state but i thank the administration correctly is having to address israel's youth -- excessive use of force that is resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent people. >> martha: so we know that israel's goal has been to eradicate hamas. it is difficult to do that given the way hamas operates. they operate underneath the hospitals in civilian areas. how can they go about this and a different way and achieve their
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goal? >> 2 aspects of this and you touched on the most important part. the goal of eradicating hamas r. don't think that was ever a realistic goal. you cannot kill all of hamas without addressing what causes people to join hamas and what gives hamas its resources and it's energy. and of course the population in which it operates is part of that. the israelis are going to have to adjust that you can't just kill everybody. now you're right, the hamas terrorist organization should all burn in hell but it is still the burden of the professional soldiers, is really defence force to protect civilians. knowing that hamas is using them as human shields, operating from inside hospitals, it's still the burden just like it is on american soldiers in afghanistan are wherever we have operated to protect innocent people, aid workers as well as civilians. >> martha: here's a comment from prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu tim evers of congress. watch this, this was today. >> this is a battle between not only israel and hamas but i would say the access of iran, the terror access of iran that seeks to put the middle east back into the dark ages. if we don't have a victory this will have enormous applications for american security, our common future. >> martha: i mean we have already seen what has happened to the red sea. we've seen attacks by -- is he right? >> i think in this particular thing the premise or is correct in that iran is responsible for much of not only hamas but the houthis and the u.s. i think we have to step back and think more strategically about these global challenges. russia's attack on ukraine, what iran is supporting and of course the chinese are watching all of this. can the u.s. and our allies
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muster the political will, the industrial capacity and military capability to help ukraine defeat russia, isolate iran and deter china. >> okay. remains to be seen what happens. if we step back from israel and our support for them if iran steps into that vacuum so we will see. general hodges think you very much. >> it's a privilege. >> martha: grey to heavy. in in the surprising twist, letitia james argues the 175 million-dollar bond posted by former president trump in the civil fraud case may be invalid because the insurance company that backed it cannot do business in new york. and other chapter that -- to this story folks and asked. >> ms. miss james what is your reaction to mr trump's reduction?
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>> breaking moments ago the judge refusing to throw a former president trump's classified documents case. trump claims he was allowed to have them under the presidential records act. special counsellor jack smith's team argues the law does not apply to classified documents. so for now, this case moves forward. meanwhile in the legal battle over the former presidents real estate empire in the narc attorney general li keisha james said there is a problem with the $175 million
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bond the former president posted. and the penalty of almost half a billion dollars. what is this all about? fox business correspondent lydia is here with more. >> reporter: the new york attorney general's office is telling the court the bond the trump lawyers filed is deficient and they are giving trump attorneys 10 days to fix the issues. 1 issue they raise is the insurance company makes specialty insurance company that underwrote this bond is not admitted in the state of new york for business. the office said that could make them ineligible to file this bond here in the state of new york. experts tell me there is a second issue and that's weather the insurance company has sufficient collateral to secure the 175 million-dollar bond. the law requires the bond amount issued make up no more than 10% of the insurance companies excess money. that means in this case night
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specialty insurance company would need at least $1.75 billion on hand and right now it's not clear that they due. but i can tell you martha i called the ceo of the company and he told me he is 100% sure he is got the collateral for this bond and also remind me trump secured the bond himself with cash but no lawyers for trump had 10 days to clear up the issue with the courts otherwise leticia james could possibly go back to enforcing the half a billion dollar judgement making trumps assets vulnerable once again martha. >> martha: wow. alright lydia thank you. that is an interesting case thank you lydia good to see you. coming up, nypd chief don cho on the violent criminals walking free and putting his officers and lives in this city in danger. we will speak with him next
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the murder of a 31 rolled nypd officer jonathan diller is a husband and a dad to a young baby brian by a suspect with the lengthy rap sheet. an arrest on drug and gun charges here in new york. some of them with prior arrests like this suspect with an attempted murder charge under his belt. all highlighting what the mayor calls "the biggest challenge that this city and other cities across the country as well or facing". repeat criminal offenders who are arrested and then rereleased into the population. nypd chief of patrol john schell says criminals like these back on the streets are putting the nypd officers and a lot of danger. >> this is 3 against 8 in a basement apartment. we all know what they look like. with multiple firearms.
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that's how dangerous this is. confronting 2 people quite frankly that should not have been out in the street. we should not have been there to do this dangerous work. this is 2 days after the murder of detective diller. the same situation we should have been at. >> thank you for joining me chief and thank you for the work you due in the city. how many years on the force? >> 31st year. >> martha: and you oversee all the divisions across the city correctly. >> all the police precincts about 15,000 police officers. i've got the largest bureau and i love what i due. it's a pleasure working for them quite frankly. >> martha: all of us who live and are working here are grateful to you and your service to the city and you're intense commitment under really difficult circumstances. put us in the shoes of these officers as you say 2 days after
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detective diller was gunned down they find themselves in this basement, what is going on in this moment? >> 2 days after the tragic writer, their morning but there down the street doing their job. they go to this house and someone calls about a person with a gun. 1 sergeant and 2 cops as soon as they get there they see the person an alley with a gun. they chased him into a basement of a private home into a back bedroom and they grabbed and quickly and securely gun. but the second person they engage is in the hallway with a gun under his armpit. he turns away and from the body camera he reaches for the gun and the cops taken down quickly. a 9 millimetre with an extended clip. then they arrested 6 more people at the apartment. 2 more guns, "ghost gun, a child a very dangerous situation.
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the first person with the gun was out on attempted murder charge. the second person was walking gun indictment he should have been out of jail. we shouldn't be here dealing with this and yet we do vary dangerous and at the end of the day 6 out of 8 walked out of jail on supervised release we don't even know what that is really. so it's a dangerous situation to situation that we should have been in but they did and they did it well. same with detective diller those 2 people in the car 2 convicted felons and the driver walking around with a gun arrestee is indicted for, we should not have been there he should not have been there. he fought for it was just
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tremendous. >> martha: he is a hero. we remember him. there are 3 legs to this stool and the police are 1 of them than it goes to the process the judicial process. but it must be so incredibly frustrating when you're doing your role. you watch this conveyor belt with many of them in the country in the country illegally i will use see this video the reporter shot of 1 of the individuals. hector, that when you mentioned who was charged with an attempted murder in yonkers last year. watch this guy out on the street watch this exchange. >> are you staying? i don't know you tell me. >> what happened? >> martha: moving out i was
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tricked into living here looks like he is in a nice car. well-dressed. what goes to your mind when you look at the sky? >> this gentleman here is not even the marketing. most in new york city or here to work and pursue that dream and others are not. what we say as the city is we are benevolent city will give you everything we have but if you're here committing violent crimes, your own bones, you should forfeit that right and have your day in court. and you should removed from our country. >> martha: you know, you watch mayor adams and he says a lot of things that make sense. he wants to remove people who are dangerous, mentally ill on the streets. you wants to get some cooperation in albany so these people can stay. and the other 2 legs of the stool back those people will do their job. explain how you seen mayor adams and how he's doing in this job? >> he's doing a phenomenal job.
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he is steadfast committed to this police department and there's, without public safety we cannot prosper. you saw the last couple days he supported the whole department and how will redoing. he is with us and he gives us support to do our jobs. a lot of the things he's dealing with he inherited. but like he says he's out here to fix the problem. our team and his team are doing everything we can to live through this moment and make the city better and safer. >> martha: alright we will take a quick break but we will be back with more. we will talk about what has to happen and what the steps are to get there to make people safe. you know, what to ask you about this when you get back, the mayor said the city is safer than it's been in a long time. we want your reaction to that when we come back with more from chief of patrol john schell after this va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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back now with nypd chief of patrol john schell. i want to play sound bite from mayor adams than talk to you about it right after. let's watch this. >> we are down and current in the subway system folks for the first quarter. we are down. 's down 24% in march, down in february. can we, please stop saying we are up in crime and are subway system, we are not. >> martha: doesn't feel that weigh for the people i work with, they are afraid to go into the subway to ride to work. >> so the numbers are down. crime is down, violence is way down. are in for -- enforcement is up with arrests and gun arrests. that's good. that's the numbers. but the perception piece what you just mentioned, who want to make people feel safe.
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when you talk about transit, myself, the mayor deputy commissioner sheppard, at 1230 in the morning, jumping on different trains talking to people that is the best answers you will get. some people feel safe and some people want more cops. >> martha: i'm sure they're happy to see you. >> they are happy to see us but for us we go talking to new yorkers on trains that's what we did. the key is to make people feel safe. people hear the numbers pack some don't care about them which is fine. they want to feel safe. and they don't want to see stories about people getting out of jail, recidivism. >> martha: talk to us about what you mentioned in the break. 22 times, the only message i see in that is crime pays. >> we put up a poster yesterday in our press conference, santiago 13 years old already felony conviction for a gun. he gets locked up must make for a gun again. he gets out. he is locked up 22 times up
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until recently, robbery, multiple burglaries, car theft, drugs, petty theft and recently breaking into zones backyard storage. when confronted he sliced this person. this is when the system doesn't work. all the numbers i gave you pack those were also people. people's homes and cars. >> martha: that's right. every 1 those 22 extremes is right. >> you still sans car you're also affecting the family. there are multiple victims tied to the car. this is when the process breaks down. so we talk about stakeholders, i'm the stakeholder, the da is a stakeholder, judges are stakeholders, elected officials even media is a stakeholder in terms of the whole picture and will redoing. when things break down," are asking is let's talk about what keeps blocking -- breaking down let's get to the table and fix it. >> in this case of the bronx
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they asked for bail for all these individuals but the judge, i think judge bowen, let them know. why? >> right, i don't know his thought process you have during the arraignment minutes but she knew how important it was. for whatever reason the judge let them walk out the door. when people see this they say what's going on? this is not safe. >> martha: these people broke the law when they enter the country, they could be part of the venezuelan gang. >> not that i'm aware of right now know. >> martha: entered the country illegally, broke into this man's home i saw him interviewed, he said they broke the windows and disable the cameras. drugs and guns. what judge in their right mind says, you know, no bail for you. >> right and again back to the original story, this puts our cops endanger. we shouldn't be dealing as a second time. we've already dealt with it once
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and no great work again but it also could be the opposite where we get hurt and the community gets hurt. when people walk out of jail on supervisors release the community suffers also. >> martha: you say yourself -- family is out on the subways going to work everyday. i family is going to work everyday in new york i saw what happened at the funeral and, you know, some uncomfortable moments there with the government. you could see on the faces of the officers at that funeral, they don't feel like the state has their back. is there any indication these things are sinking in? >> well, we stand and a political world. we are human beings, people realize that people have to realize we have mortgages, houses, wives, good things in bed. we are confident in our team and o'mara.
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were always trying catholic today talking about the narrative. keep talking about and generate the conversation. practical people get up -- at a table with a large cup of coffee and say what is good and what is bad. >> what's bad and if we do that who wins? we all due. the community and our families. we can get back to a great place the best city in the world. we can do this. >> if you can get 1 thing that you wanted from government, whomever, to change to keep people safe, what would it be? >> just get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. we all agree this is good, let's fix what with his broken. >> martha: dew you think that would change minds? are going back on no bail. were not going backwards not doing that anymore that's what they say up there. >> i'll leave that to them, i can only work hard on my cops
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and keep talking but the issues good and bad i will leave the politics to them. hopefully will get living here. >> martha: you say they were coming is going fairly well which is probably a tribute to you. >> know, you know what our mayor really came across with good contracts. we support our cops we are into the health and well-being and to thank by virtue we keep better retainment and more people signing up for the test its a great job. i think we'll be okay. >> martha: you're a great ambassador for. 31 years. >> 30 -- 31st year. >> martha: we are grateful to you and all the officers. i know you say when you see officers on the street please thank you -- think them. >> i'll get back to my wife and 6 years and return here. >> we still need you for a while. thank you chief. hopefully you come back and keep the conversation going. >> anytime. >> martha: coming up next something a little different for the story we will meet barstool
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sports personality known as billy football. a fifth-generation new yorker. he tells us he wants to be in politics. >> the cat is out of the bag i'm running for congress in new york district 3. i've been looking for signatures grinding all day it. from queens to long island. >> all my republican friends we'll be so happy everyone i know was a republican. i will have 1 democrat that's a friend. >> this is an amazing. so exciting. who are you running against? >> tom swazi new york district 3. >> alright. ready to roll! ready to roll! ready to roll! >> martha: alright he tells us he doesn't want to be known as billy football, bill kotter. he says he is serious about this even though they joke around about it a lot on barstool. we'll find out what the real story is next mesmeric
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e are you a route -- allowed to unclean. >> you you have to be a minimum of 25 edges vincenzo vivarini. >> let's get billy elected dog. >> if i did it i would do the right. i would actually. >> leona's independently. >> i will take it seriously i'll run as a macro notion. i like that. >> billy football for congress to get seriously. >> martha: a lot of joking around in there now this is bill kotter from barstool sports said he is running for congress as a republican in new york he got the gig and later played college football and calls himself a proud catholic and runs as a republican enjoins me known. good to have you here hi bill. today is the big line -- deadline. are researchers say they can confirm you've actually filed
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the paperwork yet to get on the ballot although you say you have the signatures so have you? >> yes on the ground we've been collecting signatures you need 1250 to get on the ballot and we've collected over double that. we should be on the ballot. >> so you're saying here ballot we'll be palpated into the day? >> yes we file them at the end of the day. i will be on the ballot for the primary. >> martha: sub- back on the podcast march 19th at that point you said you registered as a joke you realize if you don't follow through on this this is a talking about potential criminal charges. they want on to say bailey is going through this otherwise he would be in prison. you want to explain?
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>> i'm running honestly in the last segment there are a lot of problems going on especially in district 3. i'm running for congress because congress has forgotten is for the people and by the people. not for the special interest groups by the establishment. so i am an outsider i'm just trying to take on even getting the signatures it's a huge barrier for well-meaning people who want to make a difference and serve constituents as opposed to, you know, large institutions back in them and large donors. >> martha: so this is tom swazi and you would run against if you couldn't win the nomination. up at a big pull of people how could you think your chances are we. >> honestly look good faith and good execution and great attitude and anything can happen. i think i'm the most, i think on the best of any of the candidates to beat tom swazi. he is an established candidate who's violated the stocks a number of times. up -- the only penalty is it too thousand dollar fine. there is an establishment that's
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been in our government basically making the federal government their money laundering scheme. the only experience these longtime politicians have are trying to benefit themselves and monetizing their seed. honestly i have the best intentions and i want to serve my constituents and hurley bring real change because if you see the congressman overspending we have a deficit that's rising. by the time we pay the bill back they will be long gone and it will be my generation that's left. we've got to make a better future for america. above people have started to doubt themselves and their district. guys cannot buy houses there is a housing crisis if you ask anyone in my generation to thank you can buy house the next 5 years? none of them have a chance of saying as. inflation robbing our savings. the valley of the dollar going down and wages increasing. we are stuck in a situation as younger members of the
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population we don't see they make american dream. allen to restore the confidence and that the leaf and the american dream. >> martha: is he going to campaign for you and support you. >> like all the voters in district 3 i will have to earn their support. >> martha: and are you a time supported? >> as a grassroots campaign any support would be welcomed, you know, we need all the help we can get on the ground come and say so if he offers support i would except with open arms. you'd be an idiot not to take a former presidents support. >> martha: alright so you will go back and tell those guys you are serious after all. >> know they know i am serious. [ laughter ] >> martha: thank you're stopping by. that is the story for today we will see you back here tomorrow have a great afternoon. [ ♪♪ ]


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