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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 4, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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we have bigger targets. when you look at planet fitness, what are they doing? ben and jerry's? i don't want to put any targets on people's back. target. i've talked to people and they messed up. it's too bad they just won't say it. that's not how they are cut. i got my answer. i don't want to hurt people's jobs and stuff like that when they don't have any dog in the fight. there's a whole lot more companies we should be going after for sure. >> i tried to make him take off his sunglasses but no luck didn't get there. tomorrow may be. join us tomorrow we have more from him. remember it's america, now and forever. jesse has next. >> jesse: tonight.
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>> we know immigrants strengthen our country and also strengthen our economy. >> jesse: all the so-called new jobs have gone to foreign-born workers. wow. >> maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. >> it's not permanent. more and more people are leaving the cult. >> jesse: the deprogramming begins today. >> jesse: elephants on the move. plus. >> is joe biden steering this country in the right direction? >> he is driving us off a cliff. >> jesse: in 1992 james carville hung a sign in bill
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clinton's campaign headquarters spelling out three messages. change versus more of the same, it's the economy stupid and three, don't forget healthcare. carville had a favourite. >> talk about things that matter to people. it's the economy stupid. >> jesse: the clinton campaign was going against bush 41 and incumbent within a 90 percent approval rating who just one desert storm. he understood to win that democrats had to stay on message. that was easy for a robot like al gore. >> unemployment is up. personal income is down. bankruptcies are up. real wages are down. the budget deficit is up. housing starts are down. fear is up, hope is down. everything that should be down is up. everything that should be up is down.
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they've got it upside down and we are going to turn it right side up. >> jesse: it's the economy stupid one democrats the white house. because it's always been the economy stupid. biden knows it. it's why the state of the union message was the great biden come back. >> our economy is the envy of the world. 15 million new jobs in just three years, a record. americas come back is building the future of america possibilities, building an economy... >> jesse: something doesn't smell right. if there's a comeback why doesn't anyone feel it? if the jobs numbers are as good as they say they are, why isn't this the roaring twenties? >> always an important factor. this is a trouble sign for the biden campaign because across the seven states in this poll, only 36 percent say that the strength of the economy is excellent or good.
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63 percent, nearly two thirds of americans say it not so good or poor. >> jesse: the american people have a better sense of economics than economists because the american people smell a rat and here it is. the biden economic boom has never been a boom for americans. it's been a boom for foreigners. the only reason we are not in a recession is because foreign-born workers are taking our jobs. yesterday the chair of the federal reserve said so himself. >> we needed more people. immigration moved up quite a bit over the last two years. typically the census bureau does all this estimating. the budget office went and took a different path and talks to the people who work at the border and got much higher estimate. the numbers are hired. that actually explains what we've been asking ourselves which is how can the economy have grown over 3 percent in a
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year where almost every outside economist was forecasting a recession. overwhelming majority were focused on 2023. >> jesse: he just confessed that bidenomics is just a migrant job fair. there are a million less american citizens working today than there were in 2020. as the u.s. economy reopened after the pandemic, biden has created 5 million migrant jobs. 5 million jobs, not for people born here, born somewhere else. illegal immigrants walk across the border, biden blesses them to new york and after 150 days they are allowed to work. is this the great replacement theory the democrats said is so racist? couldn't be. the biden economy is a mirage, a migrant mirage. it gets even more suspicious.
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all of these jobs biden's claimed to have created, millions of them are part-time jobs. since june, americas lost 2 million full-time jobs. the so-called biden come back is a scandal. the presidents illegally flooding american industry with cheap labour, less nativeborn americans are working, and millions of us are having to take second and part-time jobs. this pushes our wages down and at the same time triggers inflation. the media knows this but they don't care who does the work and who loses out. they want to be served by someone, anyone as cheaply as quickly as possible. >> you do not have houses without immigrant labour. you do not have highways or bridges without immigrant labour. either way, when you are my age you start to think about retiring on social security and
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medicare. without immigrant labour, there is no social security or medicare. we need more migrants to come to the united states. >> jesse: that was a so-called republican joining joy read and they both agree that america's borders need to stay open for the biden economy to survive. the great sellout. that's what we are witnessing. republicans and democrats, neither care about the american worker. they just want their crops picked. >> we need immigrants in this country. forget the fact that the farm that are vegetables -- would run in the ground if they weren't being picked by many immigrants, many illegal immigrants. >> agriculture. you will have vegetables rotting in the fields be a key will have construction sites that will lie dormant. >> a shortage of workers in our country and you see in florida some of the farmers and the
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growers saying wire you shipping these immigrants up north? we need them to pick the crops. >> jesse: prime time once immigrants but not at the expense of americans. we made immigrants wait in line for the american dream. and americans should have a say who is next in line. or else this country becomes a third world dumping ground for dirt cheap labour that carves out american prosperity. biden's economic comeback is a fraud. it's based on open borders and slippery statistics. if millions of migrants are working, millions are on welfare to and it's costing us a fortune. some migrants are costing us our lives. ask laken riley, ask arnold schwarzenegger. >> coming to the -- to america was the key to my success. it's a place where foreigners
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are welcomed. if you're willing to contribute to america. there's a lot of people that want to come to america and take advantage of america. >> jesse: watch. >> reforming our immigration system only strengthens our economy. you hear the president talking about that. making sure we have an economy that works for everyone. and by doing that it boosts our labour supply. >> jesse: you take away the migrant boom, so goes the job boom. they are willing to sacrifice your job, your income, your taxes, your quality of life and your safety. american sheriffs aren't taking it anymore, listen to this. >> it's destroying our country. everybody, it's affected all of us.
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these people aren't doing anything and they are causing it it don't matter who elected them and what they've done, we have elected these people and they are not responsible is what they are telling us. >> jesse: most illegals are peaceful but they still broke the law by crossing without an invite. yet there is a hard-core criminal element trafficking drugs, women and children into our country and the administration won't even admit it. >> this administration has done everything it can under the law to make sure that we handle the border properly. you don't have a sense of people who are passing drugs at random because... >> jesse: they say the border wasn't open. they said they wouldn't take our jobs. they said they aren't committing crimes. now they say they are not bringing drugs. all of those things were lies. remember they also say they
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won't be able to vote. foxbusiness host and trump economic advisor joins me now. this is a jaw-dropping revelation. maybe a know this before i did larry, but this whole biden come back is a mirage. it's a migrant comeback. >> first of all thank you for having me on your show. i agree with much of what you said in your opening. it was a great opening. foreign-born workers have exceeded nativeborn workers and that is troubling. a troubling development i myself love immigrants jesse as long as they are legal immigrants. not illegal immigrants.
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i think trump is right. the trouble here is biden's illegal immigration wave has caused tremendous waves of crime all over the country. it's also causing a tremendous wave of bankruptcies to the sanctuary cities that think they are welcoming immigration and illegal immigrants. they have to pay out huge amounts of money now on welfare related housing transportation whatever. and the other point you made that i think is important, we don't know enough about it yet. because we've had a wave of illegal immigrant jobs, you are talking about relatively low wage jobs. but they are affecting the whole labour force. and i think you can say that they are bringing wages down. overall and is specifically in certain regions of the country. this is not a good thing.
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the achilles' heel, the soft underbelly of the biden economy is an affordability crisis. real wages, real wages. wages adjusted for inflation. inflation has gone up almost 20 percent in the last three and a half years or so. they have not kept pace. so people can't afford the economy. >> jesse: they don't see it because they are out of touch. they live in manhattan or dc, get driven around by chauffeurs. they are just not aware of what the rest of the country is experiencing. you have someone even wealthier than you larry, the rock, saying this about the direction of the country. >> are you happy with the state of america? >> am i happy with the state of america right now? no. i believe we are going to get
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better. common optimistic guy and i believe we can get better. >> jesse: if the rock sees it everybody has to see it. >> you see the poles in the swing states show trump with a lead. when you go into the economy, people are very unhappy. it's about 35 to 65 unhappy versus happy. biden's way underwater on his job approval on the economy. i think part of this is people don't have any confidence in biden. they think the future is going to be worse than the present. they don't think he's up to the job. they don't like his big government spending and taxing policies. they hate the fact that the border is open and we've had an illegal immigration wave. i think it's a matter of confidence. one other point here, biden
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reelection is going to raise taxes. on everybody. he's got a tax plan that would raise three to $4 trillion in taxes. this will kill the economy. almost a million jobs lost, real wages would be 2 percent less. you don't fix an economy by taxing it to death or spending and borrowing to death. and that's what people look at they say i'm not confident about the future because i'm not confident about biden. >> jesse: when you hear his voice you think of money. agree to be with you larry. the left insists we need more illegals to keep the economy running. the fact is we are out of room. look at seattle, the city is fresh out of cash and can't afford to house the illegals. when you have that many, the rent is too damn high. the city told them they had to
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go. no more free hotels. they didn't like that so they are staging a sit in where? the schools. dozens of them set up camp at the garfield park tennis courts. democrat activists shown -- joined the minute show of force. no hotel rooms? no tennis. jonathan cho went there to check it out. they said no boy no. >> there is someone here who regularly comes to these events who spreads misinformation. they are going to be here recording and spreading information -- misinformation. on not sure we can continue at this time. >> you can call the police if you want. >> can you get a job? >> don't touch me.
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>> did you call me an immigrant? >> are you not an immigrant? >> jesse: a migrant sugar daddy swooped in. they volunteered to pay for the illegals hotel rooms if they went. only problem is now there are no open hotel rooms for americans. since money doesn't grow on trees, the hotel stay ends in ten days and then seattle may be heading towards a migrant chaz situation. tennis anyone? investigative journalist and discovery institute senior fellow jonathan cho joins me now. snazzy blazer jonathan. looked like they didn't care how well you were dressed. they don't want reporters to see migrants squatting on children's tennis courts? >> it's because i'm exposing the truth right now. they don't want to show that they are extorting the city. they are saying if they don't
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get money or resources or motels, they are going to stay and protest and create chaos. what an attitude of entitlement. again i show that through my reporting and videos. >> jesse: so it's a shakedown. they are going to stop american children from playing tennis until you pay for the hotel rooms? >> the key here is disruption. disruption get the attention of lawmakers and city officials. credit to joy hollingsworth who represents the neighbourhood, a historically black neighbourhood. she is saying the city has no money. she mentioned that the state legislature earmarked $30 million for these migrants. still unclear wear that money is going to come from. >> jesse: do us a favour and lend clay travis your blazer because that's how to pull off allowed blazer. be safe out there jonathan.
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>> all so working on my spanish there. >> jesse: ahead, johnny goes to the car show. >> that doors going to close...
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>> jesse: hillary warned us. if you support trump you are getting d. program to. >> so many of those extremists, take marching orders from donald trump. maybe there needs to be a d. programming of the members. >> jesse: are begetting shocked into submission?
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nope. they are going to do it gently. they will ask you questions, whisper you sweet nothings. msnbc brought on an expert to... >> more and more people are leaving the cult and i do think that it's important that people not just yell at people who are still trapped in this delusion or block their family and friends who they have loved. but open doors and say no matter what i love you. ask questions in a respectful, and curious way gets them to start realizing they have been conned and their minds have been hijacked. >> that's why my mom was so nice to me at easter. see how they have such a low
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opinion of us? don't think we are voting for self interest... or even to make america great again. they think we've been duped by orange jesus. the last thing democrats want to do was talk about the issues. they are just going to say you have issues. and it's time to... >> jesse: what does it say that they think this is some sort of brainwash just because we like low crime and low prices >> i think these people are always revealing themselves and always revealing themselves when they least intend to. this whole notion that -- the cult expert claiming that there are all these people leaving the movement, that's not true.
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nothing suggests that people are leaving the movement. it's quite the opposite. i think the reason that they talk about the cult and they tried to painted in this way is because the only cults going on here is there cult. they are such control freaks that they can't understand the idea that there is this burgeoning movement of people who want to see america stronger, freer, richer and you have a guy like donald trump whose policies in place brought all these people and all that freedom they love it. you can juxtapose the trump administration to the biden administration. you went through the only people that joe biden cares about our illegals. he has improved life for no regular americans. people realize that.
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when they can't talk about the issues, this is all they are left to talk about. >> jesse: there is some social shaming and it to. that guy with a crazy hat and a red white and blue suit. you don't want to be associated with him. he's a freak, he's wearied. you don't want to do that. i don't think it's going to work >> it's called enthusiasm [ inaudible ] >> jesse: all right charlie, double dose of the therapy straight to the noggin. we will see you next time. while the footage coming out of zambia national park a wearable elephant charged a group of tourists, knocking their vehicle over and killing a 79-year-old american. >> jesse the son of that tourist says he does not blame the
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elephant for what happened here. he says his mom knew the risks and she wouldn't have blamed that elephant either. gail madsen of minnesota was in a safari over the weekend when this tragedy struck. video footage shows a bull elephant chasing the safari vehicle on saturday. and then the charges them. take a look. >> the elephant was able to flip that vehicle over, leading to the death. her family says the u.s. embassy notified them about her death and her son told daily mail the elephant was being an elephant.
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my mom would be the first to defend the driver and the elephant. according to the safari company, one other tourist was hurt and was taken to a private medical centre. they put out a statement which says this is a tragic event and we extend our deepest -- deepest condolences. we are also supporting those guests and the guide involved in this distressing incident. a similar incident took place on a safari and south africa last month with a video showing another bull elephant lifting 822 seat truck upwards several times with its trunk before setting it down. the tourists onboard are completely terrified but unhurt. in that case they said some of the tourists got too close to the elephant when they were trying to take photos. wildlife experts say when an elephant charges or acts aggressively, the last thing you're supposed to do is run. they say you're supposed to make as much noise as you can and standard ground which is why the guide and at last video was
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revving the engine, slamming doors and shouting. they say he did it by the book. >> jesse: i don't know. is some expert told me to swim towards the shark. i not so sure that's great advice. >> i don't know about that expert when it comes to sharks. >> jesse: happy de i thursday
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in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making my own way forward. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk.
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off.
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) don't worry, sell and buy in one move when you start with opendoor. close in a matter of days. (woman) yes! (vo) start with an all-cash offer at
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>> jesse: diddy's ex-girlfriend is cooperating with the feds. she's been helping them for a few weeks. she could be the reason why his homes were rated. she accused him of rape, abuse, sex trafficking. diddy was a major democrat community organizer and an alleged fbi informant. our cameras caught him riding his bike in miami and it looks like he doesn't have a care in the world.
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he's been quiet lately but his right-hand man has been doing a lot of talking. a producer who is named in one of the lawsuits and was in diddy's house when it was rated went on tmz live. >> i'm just here to say that i've never seen my man doing anything foul. i've never seen it. i've known him for 29 years. >> jesse: that wasn't all he did. he sent out a warning shot, posting video of celebrities at diddy's 50th birthday party. every a list or was there. he wants to remind them, the lawsuit says diddy has compromising footage of everyone that went to his parties. we are not saying this was one
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of those parties or he has compromising video on any of these people. this is what the bodyguard said. >> i don't think it's going -- only celebrities going to be shook. he had politicians and there. he had princes and their -- in their. >> my personal opinion that if they could be trusted in the statement or true they got him. they got tapes of stuff. >> jesse: if diddy had tapes, they have him. that's a lot of blackmail. >> we are doing this on a weekly basis. >> jesse: happy dei thursday. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equity and inclusion. just in case you are curious about who is working at the un,
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meets her she has a climate advisor. guess who they shouldn't -- she thinks is responsible for climate change? [ inaudible ] >> when we protect the most vulnerable communities... >> jesse: does she know the world's top polluter is china? how many white men are there? you send your kid to learn the school -- to school to learn the basics... the school held an afterschool drag workshop for middle schoolers where a drag queen and a pink tutu in -- and white
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laced underwear cart wheeled across desks. when the parents found out, not too happy. >> one of the workshops was how to be a drag queen. did not sit well with me. tell me as a grown woman sitting here before you, what life skills are we teaching these kids on how to be a drag queen and with all due respect to that school committee, please enlighten me what is going on in the school. >> jesse: in seattle the public school system asked its gifted and talented program p. or gwai? they said they had too many white and asian kids and not enough black and brown ones. it has to go. there were black kids in the program, just not enough. so now no one is allowed to be gifted or talented.
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and no dei thursday is complete without a victory. is scotland's new hate crime law is in effect and aims to tackle discrimination, specifically trends phobia. the harry potter author criticize the law and went as far as egging on the scottish police to arrest her over her comments that women are women. the scottish police chickened out. said they won't be pressing charges. so happy dei thursday everybody. the american lifestyle with jillian michaels next.
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>> jesse: yesterday primetime examined the fat positivity movement. health at every size they say. even if you are 300 pounds. the food lobbies pushing propagandist to keep us obese. they are the same people whose food pyramid ranks lucky charms healthier than chicken. big food is funding studies that denigrate studies now. general mills is behind the anti- diet movement that says you should not be ashamed to eat
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3000 calories of breakfast. they don't want health information on food labels and big food has big government in their back pocket. >> the food industry and i saw this. they pay to regular guidelines. right now 19 of the 20 folks who made the guidelines that kids use were paid for by food companies. they say a 2-year-old should have added sugar in their diet. a sick, fat, depressed, addicted child is profitable for the system. >> jesse: jillian michaels is here to weigh in. not literally. this is scandalous the way these companies pray upon us. they want us fat and unhealthy. >> it's disgusting. it's malevolent, nefarious, flat-out evil but it's not
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surprising and it's been going on for decades the part that i find so overwhelmingly outrageous is that they buy everyone off. the people you are supposed to trust, all of our institutions of trust. now they are buying off registered dietitians on social media to tell you there is no shame in this, you are healthy at every size, go crazy, you are up solved. -- of. >> jesse: they want their fellow americans to be fat, unhealthy. why would you want that for your countrymen and women? >> i don't believe that people want that for other people but it's almost like a cosigning agreement. on not going to push your buttons. i went to tell you that you need
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to be better if you don't tell me that i need to be better so we can all cosign each other's bs. it's a really comforting message if you are being told don't feel bad about this, don't have shame about this. by the way, you shouldn't have shame because the irony is that this food is being engineered to addict you. they are literally hacking the reward centre of your brain. this is what we have -- why we have insatiable hunger. we beat ourselves up about it. they come in with a message of this is perfectly safe, you are healthy at any size. it's an absolute live. i could sooner make you believe that the earth is flat. there is a robust amount of data that has shown us for decades that obesity is related to over 170 comorbidities. we have to use our common sense to safeguard ourselves. >> there is more common sense. i can't believe i'm saying this.
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it maybe coming out of california. there is a proposal now by a lawmaker that says bosses are not allowed to e-mail or text of their employees any time outside of working hours. if they do they face a $100 fine p. or do you think that's a good idea? >> i have two answers for this one. if you want to talk about worklife balance, the more you work and the harder you work, the more money you were going to make and more successful you are going to be. it's a choice. in addition, we've got a world where all of our employees are working from home. my employees work from home and that's fine. you want to go to your yoga class in the middle of the day, i have no problem with that as long as you get your work done. if i'm at messaging them later on the -- later on in the day i
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expect them to answer. >> jesse: we get e-mails constantly at all hours. joe biden, it never. nothing happens after 5:00. maybe that won't be the way it is anymore. we have to run. the whole country. ahead, johnny talks cars. >> who is a better driver men or women? >> my wife is not watching. men.
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>> jesse: tweet lumbar gas powered cars but joe wants to electrify us we went to the auto show to see what you think. >> how about how these high gas prices? >> i try not to look at the scary movie.
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>> what kind of car do you drive? >> a b&w into. >> a corvette. >> do you keep classified documents there? >> yes, no akshay can keep -- tell you i put them. >> jill biden wants you to drive an electric car. >> that's why i'm not voting for joe biden. >> never going to happen. >> may be i will have sown buy it for me. >> what are you looking for? >> if i can find a rich guy at the show. >> come see me at the white house. >> how much is this rolls-royce go for. >> half a million. >> wow. >> charging the electric car i think it is stuck a lot of new technology around here but the democrats say we will be driverless soon so what's the point. >> the whole idea is to drive, if not, walk. >> that scares me. >> it's going to take you somewhere else.
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>> car insurance unaffordable what is jill biden's plan to lower it. >> i have no clue, do you know. >> i don't know if he has one. >> no. >> how much does this go for? >> at 200,000. >> if i want this car we have to tell jesse watters he has to pay me more. >> onus season is coming. >> very inappropriate. >> what's this all about. >> the largest multi information infotainment display. >> can i watch fox news on this. >> probably not. >> if you step on the brake that door will close if you hold it down you will see that door close. >> wow. >> he's a better driver, men or women. >> women. >> because i'm a woman. >> i feel like a woman. >> my wife is not watching so man. >> if she is watching then men. >> men are better drivers i was put on makeup when i drive i have to look pretty when i'm driving. >> get off the road. >> women for one they tend to be
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shorter so they have to sit a little closer to see over the dachshund over the wheel and not saying that short men can drive. >> don't carjack me. >> is it okay to honk your horn all the time. >> if i'm a russian trying to go to the beauty salon then of course. >> that's rude. >> honk if you want america to lead again. [ ♪♪ ] >> who would you rather drive your car jill biden or donald trump. >> uk me? joe wells paul asleep try to the car. >> he can barely see straight let alone be behind the wheel. >> tell trump obviously i'm of a trump anime trump growing only like a trumpet. >> maga lady loves trump. >> is jill biden steering this country in the right direction. >> actually not. >> no he's about to crash that's all we have to get him out of here. >> he's driving off a cliff. [ ♪♪ ] >> jill biden wants us driving electric. >> let's test one out which ones gas and which ones break?
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i'm just kidding. >> oh oh should we go for a charge? that will take forever. >> how are you doing? [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: ten not all technology is better, sometimes instead of the optic you have to go with those steel site, you know what i'm talking about, let's do text. connie from san diego, where can i get a it's biden stupid bumper sticker, dan from pennsylvania is maggot deprogramming covered by obama care? i'm even subsidizing my own deprogramming, i'm waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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