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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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awful lot of athletic success [♪♪] [♪♪ight, al] hello everyone, i'm dana
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perino along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city and this is "the 5".th [♪♪] [♪♪is is ] >> dana: democrats fearful ofth another trump presidency and they are sending up more smokeme signals in the hopes that someone at steen hundred pennsylvania avenue is watching. one very worried fundraiser bluntly telling the washington post that his party is prepared to lose. adding this colorful quote, asad my grandfather usedid to say, me that the great-grandfather, i'm as nervous as a cat and a rooml full of rocking chairs. we all know this is a jump ballt what a way to mix a biden's right handrm man going n tv, saying the president needsln to get it together, jesse.>> >> jesse: prices are still high, the price of gasoline isll still high. other prices are still high and people feel the pinch. the wages have gone up faster than prices. people still feeupl pinched in
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their pocketbooks and so i think, you know, the president needs to make more progress onid thaten, continue to fight to br down pricedos on key things that matter to family.s >> judgeth jeanine: biden and doctor jill have been adamant that the polls are wrong so the new strategy seems to be get neo pollsters. the campaign beefing up operations on that front right now. it's aew s little bit hard to t. this is the guy who was the chief of staff for the first twt years, pushed everybody, pushed back on everybody like larry summers in the democratic party who said do you really want to pass this extra spending becausi s a good lead to inflation?irst he's like you guys are ridiculous, that will neverea happen andrs then look what happened. >> jesse: asked greg.ry he chop so much would today he dknows the price of lumber beta than anybody. >> greg: that's true. >> jesse: is the pilling on your shirt on purpose? >> greg: yes, billing is very in style. >> jesse: you paid extra. like when you buy the genes ripped. you bought the shirt pilled and that's what it cost so much. >> jesse:
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>> greg: yes. >> jesse: okay, good greg. and you went with mustard. >> greg: mustard is in, that kids love mustard. >> jesse: very good. so i don't know how much progress they've made on inflation. no one els e believes they've made any. if you look at all the prices, they are not coming down no matter how much they try to rick the numbers. we keep on hearing about thised jobs boom, all the jobs are coming from people that were born in another country. and that's what brings down wages. and i just saw him not replenish the strategic oil reserve because price of oil is too hige to do it. $86 a barrel. he was going to do it at 70.on't i think oil prices are even going to go higher and the stoc market had a rough day today. imagine that, the stock market corrects, basically guaranteeing trump's reelection. we will see how that shakes out. new pollsters, to do what? to give polls to joe that makes him look like he's doing better? all of these polls are done by liberals.
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even the fox news poll has joe biden losing. he's at 38 percent approval ino the battlegrounds. donald trump is that 51% approval. donald trump is wildly popular. wildly more popular than joe biden in the states that areag going to make this election count. 's coalition is absolutely collapsing. he is tied with hispanics, he'sc tied wittih young voters and heh onlyat winning 68% of blacks. that's an absolute catastrophe. bring back dick morris. that's what he has to do. they are saying he needs moreis you have p to give democrats aby reason to be excited. it's not all just about the performance, like a bernie or trump or you go to the rally and it's kind of fun and exciting. joe biden has to make people, o3 election day8%, the 21,000 weeks leading up to election day that
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we will be voting, they have to make democrats exciting and give them a reason to walk over hot coals to vote for joe biden and it can't just be about trump's going to be a dictator on day one because no one is falling for that hoax. m >> dana:ak , jessica what about getting new pollsters if you don't like the polls coming out? >> jessica: he did not let go of anyone, he just added. >> dana: the democrats never got anything. >> jessica: we love to spend especially on good data but the pollsters he brought in her specialists in certain areas where yes, the numbers have been soft. not like what jesse said. b i haveee many spaghetti bridgeso sell you if you think you will be tied with jesse. >> jesse: a spaghetti bridge to nowhere. >> jessica: okay, but bringing in pollsters who specialize in latino voters and in black voters and i think that that is a smart strategy. >> dana: how does that change things for biden? >> jessica: well it means he's going to be getting a wider array of information, he's going
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to have more people on his advisory team and i think that's useful. you don't want to have aessi cocooned candidacy where you only hear from the same two people every day. you want to have as diverse as that of opinions as you can. but he is right to be out there talking about these issues. we see? that in the data that'sf coming back about how people feel about their pocketbooks, what they see at the grocery stores, et cetera. but this streak of positive data for the president has continued so looking at the average today, biden is up 0.1. there have now been 16 pollst ha since the end of february that have biden up. there was a set of swing state polls. i know we talked about the wall street journal poll yesterday. it was always within the margin of error which is an important part of this. but there were bloomberg pulled from last week that had him gaining and six of the sevenis
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swin tg states. the jump ball is correct and democrats understand that and we do better when we are running a little bit scared, theda bedwetting philosophy,y. >> dana: although yesterday we talked, doctor jill biden say he's a sure b so they are not saying that they are worried at all. s >> judgeca jeanine: joe biden actually -- jill biden not only denied that the polls in the swing states were what they areo with trump ahead in six of the seven, but she said her husband is actually winning. as wace go forward you will see that he's winning. but you have to wonder, dana, why all of a sudden do they figure that you know what, it's noist working? what took them so long. everybody has been telling themg it hasn' tt been working,he bidenomics, so finally they say okay, we can't because the swins states are so bad, we can't keep doing this and telling people bibidenomics is great and you a great, youkn just don't know itr you are not smart enough to feel it, but 74% of people think the economy is going in the wrong
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didirection and in the swing states, something like 63% think is not good orery very poor. honest, this whole election is about the swing states and so they are bringing in these new pollsters., bring in the pollsters becauses they can't change joe gotno cognitively theyt can't change them, he will won't get any better. is he going to debate? probably not. i don't know if he will but i don't have any inside information. but the trutatioh is that these pollsters are the ones who came up with the maga p so you can pretty much count on the fact that the new pollsters are going to create this atdivisione , they are going toi create this hateng because if yu can't win on the issues, you can try to demonize the other guy.d i think that that is what is going to happe n. >> dana: jessica brings up the j cocooned candidatees.up it's lik te a cocoon election. >> greg: it certainly is butem when thes democrats are nervou, i'm nervous. when they aren't nervous, i'm
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nervous because they actually take this more seriously i thint than republicans do. i would put a pause on any of these feel-good stories that predict this premature demise of joe biden. if the democratic party is the official party of the affluent white liberal females, these ar. not single issue voters, they are single issue fanatics. the border could get worse,or crime could triplese, speech coo be banneuld, war could explode,o arprices would soar, none of tht matters because in case you t doesn'tericed, i matter now. what you are seeing today is ast result of the abortion voter. you have billions flowing into foreign countries, you have drug addiction, homelessness, the decline of education, the decline of mental health, inflation. all of thesel ofpeni are happena and they arere -- there are consequences -- they are consequences from a party that won do to millions of women whom
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are galvanizeden to vote because they felt that abortion wasau under threatse. so if you want all of these bad things to continue, by all means keep energizing the pro-zing abortion faction because theyec are justau going to keep voting. you said yesterday, trump could you say he will leave abortiont bealone, they probably won'tab lybelieve them, probably right. jessica said there's enough trump saying thes contract -ri- the opposite and your right. it is a challenge. i think republicans have to bey, blunt and say hey, if you wantar your abortion, you can keep your abortion. our moral argument exists and we hope that one day you will listen to it and take it seriously but right now our mission is to save this country because you cannot reduce abortion in america if there's no america left. a meso a pro-life shift would be from politics to persuasion, bec right, because threats and bands only feed the beast so you have to just say look, we won row v d weight, now let's focus on
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everything else because abortion, whether you like it or not, and i'm pro-life, it's become an acceptable evil, just like war. we hate more but there it goes.o men which the war, women wage the abortions, all it even.rt take abortion ofiof the table,ru republicans will be in power forever. >> it's an interesting point., a >> greg: thank you dana. >> dana: and don't you want to make fun of jesse's pen?that >> greg: i did not see it. silly pen. and how did you know what to call this? >> billy?i >> i was confused. >> jesse: hai have a lot of filled shirts because i'm not as wealthy as you greg. >> everything pills and it's very annoying. >> judge jeanine: you can geton one of those things that scratches the pilling off. >> ask manny. all right, arnold schwarzenegger is flexing muscle as feds bust
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up migrants water crime ring. [♪♪] [♪♪] -- squatter crime ring -- here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> hasta la vista, or notes fortune egger flexing on the inpatient of criminal illegal aliens running amok in america -- arnold schwarzenegger -- >> to me, coming to america was the key to my success. it's just a place where foreigners are welcomed.
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this is the key thing. i if you are willing to contribute to america. there's a lot of people, theyo want tamo come to america to tae advantage of america and i am very vividly against that. >> those two guys look as arnie'sng lands illegals taka advantage, the feds posting a squatter house chock-full of gun toting migrants. fox capturing the moment when fed snapped three. of behind bars either awaitingn deportation or in local custody. but one illegal is still on the run. jesse, it's kind of interesting to see arnold arguing against his own preferences, foreign maids. so this is a meaningful stance coming from him. >> jesse: it is but you haveu ha to remember when he was immigrating, or when many people immigrated to the country, they weren't given anything. you got here and because you weren't given anything, you had to hustle.
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a lot of immigrants hustledhe their tails ofirf and created empires.d em this country is built from immigration and that all changes when the minute you get here you are bust to a metropolis and handed a free hotel room, free debit card, free food and justju showered with welfare. you have an immediate. inclination to say well this is great, why do i have to hustle? why do i have to get a job?? why do i have to work to get an apartment if everyone is just going to give me free stuff? so now people know that and they are not coming for the american dream, they are coming for american welfare. some of them are good people, some of them are bad, jessica, and there's a lot of migrant crime. t cr i know msnbc denies that but how many perp walks you have to see on camera to see that yes, people are committing crimes? >> greg: it's interesting, those stories that immigrants have of like coming into americt
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with nothing and building themselves up, those stories will all be gone. >> it's like when your parents say that they used to walk to skip -- school uphill both waysb immigrants in this countryount actually used to.tu it was arduous, it was hard andd they did a lot. now we are in a situation where you can just walk into somebody's unoccupied home and live there, trash the joint. and then when it gets media attention, all of a sudden thatw ishe when ice will come in and i imagine there will be lawsuits from someone who says these poor people should not be kicked outn of this house. but i would be curious what the judge things about this but there might now be an actual thi challenge in court about sanctuary cities.ri let's haveou that debate.dg the othee r thing i would mentih is presidentt biden has really turned in the last couple of weeks since he had that radio city music hall event and i think that barack obama got to him and said stop talking about the border, it is not helping you. you need taract too turn your ao to therd things that will help g
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win the election which is healthcare, and at the same tims for example in texas, the bident administration said thatex theyy were going to go and they were e going to cut the razor wire in texas. they've never sent a soul to do that. why?ca usbecause they really don't want to because they know that that would be a terrible visual for them and they know that theal razor wirely is actually helping them. if they were to go and cut the razor wire, then the a block, t the pollhes would be very different. >> greg: that's a good point. why can't they do something about the squatter loopholes? everybody who hears about itbe d goes weight, if they just a there for 30 days? how did this happen? >> judge jeanine: we'll the first question you asked is why do they not do something, because they don't want to. we sought ron desantis in florida did something. he did it, the laws passed, it's signed to going into effect. what we are living in is a
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democrat -- this is the epitome of a democrat run state.beca everything from the sanctuary city state to the no bail to the no discretion on the part of the judges, to das not prosecuting crime with no accountability. this whole thing started with eight squatters living in a home that was not there's sincen st october. and they were living there withy guns and drugs and a 7-year-old child in the midst of it all. so because they are pointing these guns at people and running around with them, the police catch on, the police make arrests and six of the eight defendants are released by judges. i want to mention their names because i think it's about time we understood thatit when the da asks for bail, if you don't give it to them, we've got in the bronx judge yuji bowen and in the bronx -- could not that baid so they are gone.we
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two of those individuals have already been charged with attempted murder just like that guy was last week in the jonathan, bu homicide.d charged with attempted murder in yonkers and possession of a weapon and he's out on bail. i have an idea. the idea is this, if you are an illegal and you get into trouble with the law, you are not entitled to bail. bail is not afforded to you.s bail is something that shouldon only blye afforded to people who have roots in the community, who we know who they are, they have a job, they have family.amil the whole purpose of bail is to ensure their return to court.if if you are illegal, you are by definition someone who we can nn longer expect to return too court. in faccourt their agenda is to r respond, just the way four of t theshee venezuelans, they came n and already they did not show up for their processing appointments. shock.
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so it's time that we change thew law in y new york. if you are illegal, you don't get bail.. >> greg: last were to you,word jessica. >> jessica: well, on martha's our she had on the nypd chief o patrol who was talking about a lot of these issues and he usedy a very similar rhetoric to howgb arnold schwarzenegger was talking about migrants whichic s the correct approach and how the majority of people feel, thate most ofof the folks who come hee are good. they want a better life, they will pay their taxes, they will do whatever they need to do. that is why you do need to be harsher on those that are doing things like this. there needs to be realce consequencess.. i'm not interested in throwing someone back over the border the second they are accused of something, they need to get their day in court.: >> greg: i ai m. >> jessica: i understand that but you won't be the chief of patrol. >> greg: not yet. >> jessica: not ever yet. but i thought that it was aim
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really importantpo balance thate struck there because that is how people in cities like new yorkcc and chicago and baltimore and dc, and i would say even in a lot of red areas, where they know a lot of migrants. t joey jones says he grew up in a part of georgia that's like 80% migrants. >> greg: this is the issue of the democrats because they areat the ones that they conflate the lawful and the unlawful. we don't. bad guys is specifically bad guys, it's not all guys. >> jessica: but there is a language problem. >> greg: it's always about the'n languages and it? >> judge jeanine: they are>> called migrants. what else doey a you want us to? we've changed the language. >> greg: coming up, the medias most during trump expose yet, is spotify playlist. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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♪ ♪ all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> greg: the media has another pulitzer prize where the expose on donald trump.ex behold dj donald. left-wing doing a deep dive on how trump's mar-a-lago spotify playlist is a rosetta stone that demystifies how his mind works. "trump controls though surroundsound stereo system on the breezy patio with his big ipad and his spotify list." regulars jokingly call it the dj t performance. he reportedly loves to blast tho speakers so loud that people have trouble talking as he marvels at the sound qualitye so filling the garden. so what's trump jamming to these days? w tunes like phantom of the opera and old-school
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bangers from the likes of elvis, lionel richie, guns and roses, elton john. what does this tell you aboutyo the former presidentu ? p >> judgere jeanine: well, i can't figure out what they are trying to tell us. try are they trying to tell us that based upon the music they can mn get into his mind and tell you that he's a dictator? how would they interpret this. and by the way i love the image of dj t. that is better than the mugn th shot. he should make a t-shirt out oft that. young people would-s love that. he's going to love it if he hasn't seen it already. look, who doesn't like their own playlist? if you have a party, you play what you like, you turn it up if you like the volume. you are in the car, you are driving, you are in charge.. why all of a sudden is this something that is like, you know, indicative of what a terrible person he is? it means he loves music. >> greg: dana are you going topi go to spotify and download thea:
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playlist?gh >> dana: i just might.t. i like a lot of those songs. i thought there was a disturbinn lack of country music go and igf like to recommend some songs foe the next party. but remember obama spotify list is basically more anticipatedca than the oscar nominations. the media can't get enough of e it. i thinisk it's kind of a weird peace, i get that, but it is also one of those things that, people like to read about. they want to know the people who are running for office. f where isor biden's list? would love to see that. it's like the snooze button. [ laughter ]ing >> the other thing is, the reaction to the list from the left was more telling. they thought it was normalizing trump annod thatrm it should not have been done. do not normalize. l >> greg: hike likes music, jessica, what are we going to do now? >> jessica: well i can't vote for him based on that. some of the reaction i saw on top of the normalization was this is just so weird. regular people who submit pieces could never get them accepteds but the head of the team there
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ought to write the piece. they did connected to these notions of trump is basically running the same playbook. that's the argument they wanted to make. he alone controls the volume ano the songs -- songs stay the same and that's what he's been doingn thus far. a sai think that's a salient po, that is 2024 campaign looks a lot like what the 2020 campaign did in terms of teams that he wants to hit and even what he was trying in 2018, trying to help the 2022 midterms which obviously was a huge debacle. and so i think there are, evenar though it's silly, there are lessons in their for democratsde that are running against donald trump, to think about where these greatest hits have failede before and f to try to exploit that again to make sure that we can win the next election.most but mostly it's just silly and i think everyone kind of likes the artists he likes. >> jesse: she humanized him, greg.
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>> greg: how dare you.>> g" the band he most identifies with his grateful dead. one thing i think we learned org that ire felt i learned from the list is that it's real. as opposed to the whole obama one that was always curated.ever everything was like will thisak make hime seem cool? we have to have something avsoulful. we have to have some from something hip. he doesn't listen to radiohead,p he listensea to the black-eyed peas. i hate the black-eyed peas.yw so anyway,ay at least it's realg having said that i learned hes has terriblete taste in music. i do not trust a world leaderst who does a not has slayer or the misfits on their playlist. he did not even have the ramon's. it's theuf sappyf, stuff you her right before you are going to get your teeth cleaned. everything on that list. but on an up note, it saysat
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something about him that almost everything he listens to is positive or uplifting. he's not voluntarily inserting negative content into his brain, which is what almost every person does with it's like there's no smiths or m there's a message here. music can affect your mood and your well-being. you look at costs, right? they are depressed but have you ever seen a depressed person listening to reggae? ever? why dopres you think that is? >> they are all high. >> you know what, that stereotype jessica is the reasoo why people think you are a racist. [ laughter ]aica >> i demand to apologize to our jamaican friends.y, >> jesse: we all apologize, not all of you are high. >> greg: i will apologize for jessica. >> jessica: no, listene fo. >> jesse: she says some of you are high. maybe you don'o t speak for the rest of the show. ahead, americas equity mafia is now discriminating against
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because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. [♪♪] [♪♪ ] >> jesse: >> judge jeanine: americas equity mob is that it again by targeting the most talented kids in our country. seattle public schools are canceling it's gifted program because it had too many white and asian students in it. so they replaced it withaced something more inclusive. pbut even black parents were outraged, arguing againstar closing them dowgun. however the schools then ddirector accused them of beinn token iced by white seattle parents. take a look. >> this is a pretty masterful job atis tokenizing.
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>> judge jeanine: this isis pretty incredible, day p not. i will start with you. there is a gifted program for students who are gifted. the fear of course being that if they go too slowly, these kidse will either get border won't produce the way they could. d what do o you think of that? >> i was reminded of of theas governors campaign when he was running in virginia. i can't remarry the exact phrase but basically about parents and teachers and parents should note be when the governor went to any of the town hall meetings, he would tingsay, and i promise you, if e or governor i will ensure that g they gifted and talented programs are there, that we will have advanced math in all of our schools, that we are going to challenge our students and he would ge t standing ovations. that was's b the year of the
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parents. they said weth want this. so i'mwe not surprised that the black parents were like hold on, we want that.nt instead of t figuring out a wayo se e if we can get more people into it, challenge everybody. to love a star chart. you havedi a star chart on your fridge? no? you did? i would do anything to get a star on my chart. i would do anything. my sister was like i don't really care that i would do anything. that gives us ambition and drive and a desire to do better andet sometimes you failte. it's about what jesse often talks about, teaching them a resilience and liftingnd up gret people. we will need them. these kids today will be in a competition for jobs and the for economy all around the world ani no other country is doing thisti to their kids. >> judge jeanine: some of them e say this will create a strongerg sense of community, jessica, ans therefore lets dumb down the smarter program and let's have the othed r kids who may need me attention have to come up to ao
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middle ground. >> jessica: camaraderie can be bred in any it can be in the lunch room, it can be on the playground, it can be in certain classes. i wasn't as good in math as i was in english. ei was in advanced english andd was in normal math. that's exactly as it should have been. and i think that they are reallh doing these kids a disservice o beboth sides of it because kids are not getting the kind of personal attention that they should and what i thought wascr the craziestaz part is that they are not changing how they stafff these classrooms. they are not ts, giving them an extra teacher to try to help. are bringing let's sayhe five kid gs out of the gifted ad talented program into the normal classroom, you are just saying to those kids, and it is the wa that ibet should be that you wai to make sure the kid who isd lagging the furthest behind ithe doesn't get left even further behind, so you know that'sey a what's going to happen. they will go to the lowest
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common denominator o n all of that. if you watch a documentary like" waiting for superman, about charter schools, you see that it isee minority families that want mthis the most, that want these opportunities. they tend to t noten live in neighborhoods that are zoned for the best public schools for instance. movehier white people can into a neighborhood that has aas public school that's as good as a private school for you listenen to these parents wo are like this is our shot.r having thesh chance to get intoa gifted and talented program orhl to get into a charter school that is run -- is our chance and you should not strip people from >> judge jeanine: asop a result, they say some of the washingtont schools haveon actually seen a drop in the students success. >> greg: there's a surprise. look, i was a gifted child, not a surprise. they stuck me with chuckle hadsi like jesse, i would not be here changing america. [ laughter ]
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>> greg: but this is the elimination of aspirational achievement. you saw who was behind this.awfl an affluent white female liberal. it wasn'fet maa black woman doig that. she basically called smarty ca achieving black kids tokens. what does that do? well you send a message that says you assume academic achievement is only for whites, which is racist. she's white,sh obviously racist and you dissuade young blacks from pursuing academic achievement for fear of being smeared as a token. t okthis is during a phase when ti learning ings so important for young people.. it makes a difference in their lives when you are telling them don't read books. but this is luxury beliefs again. it's a moral stance. equity for all held by an elite, you know, and they are immune ty the consequences but it's ath e lower-class that has to endure their beliefs. so that woman, she probably was
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in an honors class. she probably has advanced degrees, so it's not her problem but got help your kids with somebody like >> judge: jeanine: all right, jesse, wrap it up. >> jesse: you are still gifted and you are still a child. try i will try to do something i've never done before, i will putel myself isen someone else's shoe. let's pretenled i'm black. not just 1 percent, 100 percent black. and i see a bunch of white liberal women take away the gifted program because notou enough oghf people who look like me are in the program. as a competitive young blackn, i man, i would feel embarrassed and i would then say to myself i'm going to work harder and mye black fatherr and black mother would probably feel kind of a f little embarrassedee, dropping s off at schooedl, knowing that white liberals don't think i'm good enough and are trying to t odumb down the curriculum becaue
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not as many people like me are in the gifted program. i would ground myself if i was the lack parent a black jesse watters and i would make him work that much harder to prove these white liberal -- white liberals wrong. >> judge jeanine: okay.wr >> greg: howon was that?re >> judge jeanine: more than 1 percent. all right, our big tech future is a scam. amazons cashierless cash out was a bunch of baloney. [♪♪] [♪♪] okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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[♪♪] [♪♪] >> so much for our cool tech future. amazon is ditching it's cashierless checkout system that let people grab groceries off the shelf and walk out. >> we used computer vision, deep learning algorithms and much like you would find in self driving cars. we call it just walk out technology. >> turns out there isn't really any ai magic at all. amazon reportedly relied on 1000
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people in india watching videos to ensure accurate checkouts. so they really just outsourced the cashiers. dana, you love this story? >> dana: i love the concept because i like to get in and out. i've used one of these at an airport. i think new work. i was like this is amazing. but then i found out something today that's pretty hilarious. if you are my height, you often have to ask somebody to reach something for you and apparentl♪ there was a lot of confusion in india as to who should get charged because is it the tall person who reached it and gaveei it to the shorter person and it caused, like, some billingazon issues which i thought was pretty >> judge jeanineec: but how doee you know it caused billing issuesk ? >> dana: had an investors conference amazon had admitted to the sort of thing. >> judge jeanine: which is ridiculous. what are they going to do? jes if they have 1000 peopleisn' watching you in india, what are they going to do? arrest you?
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>> dana: well you can't get out of the turnstile unless you have paid.ea >>ni judge jeanine: is that it? because i've seen in airports that -- >> dana: you have to get in>> and out, j like but your receipn on the -- greg.r >> greg: it's creepy because c the whole point is you think you are alone but there is a roomful of people watching you.e wai do a lot of things when i assume i'm alone, you know,. all of a sudden i'm going, they watched me do that? sometimes i scratch a certain h place. but it does raze this amazing question. it's mind blowing.qu why didn't amazon tell anybody? so what if all tech is a fraud, right? that theau interned,t isn't reay what you think it is but it's it iactually 2 billion people au doing thisal all at the same tie so when i go i'm going to google how tall is dana perino and i think i put it into google but there's actually about 1000
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people running around in thiss giant library underground going oh my gounded, what if you thout you had a self driving car?iv but there'ins a tiny person undr the hood that's going like this? think about this, think about how you could fool everybody with ai, that there is no ai, that it's actually billions of people enslaved. >> dana: jesse?i >>do jesse: i don't think weslav should be enslaving indians, greggreg. n >> greg: i never said that god: jessica said that during the break. [ laughter ] >> jesse: i don't know, i like being watched especially by indians. some o>>f my g best work is done when i watched by indians so watch all you want.ll >> judge jeanine: watch on. >> dana: "one more thing" is up next. [♪♪] [♪♪ more th] [♪♪] ♪ ok y'all we got 10 orders coming in... big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it 8 months pregnant...
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>> it's time now for one more thing. i'll go first. so, you knowthing.i'll go whata greg. if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, while ducim it's le a duck, it's a duck. >> but not in this case. look at this whole duc dk. >> he grew up with ducks, and so this is how he walk s. >> oh, it's so cute in the dog ' ball. are you sure he's okay? a i think he's all right and i think he's scratching. okay. guest on i was also a guest on that betct on you podcast talkingh about career growth, spotify or apple podcasts. if you want to give that a listen. >> jessica awesome. all right. appit. o. >> mm-hmm. dozens of skydivers jumping from a plane in arizona and literally lighting up the night sky. the daredevils used pyrotechnics to create a dazzling show, almost like huma an sparklers.parklers they put it on the air wearing suits cover with led light hadst and spark. isn't that cool? yeah. attached to their ankles, the glowing group know growip kx pyro 2.0, set to new0 se world records with their
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mesmerizing nighttime jump. >> oh, what's that do to our environment? thinronment? planet for once. >> ooh.h, it'd be nice about one omt. no, never. but i doo.>>. o be >> yeah. my turn. oh, it's going to be a great show. look who's on tonigh show. lot. .ho's on tonigh show. >> dirt. all perino that i don'danat kno jamie also got to have tires, the all star. so here we go. por greg's itchy porcupine news. people knoe pinew that i have a fetish that i can actually feel it when other people are scratchingtching aitch i an itcs like if somebody starts scratching an itch that feels can good right now, like, i can tell. look at his little face. that's a porcupine. ring tho is his name at the cincinnati zoo. >> he loves to gete loves scraf >> rico suave is what they call him around this unit. >> the quills are not dangerous to the touch, but theyusd they will penetrate skin. but you can't run the wrong way. exactly.
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you know, they say, you know, that it quacks like a porcupine. >> you're in big trouble, jesse. you had a quil pore cul pen bacu day. >> yes, i did. back in the da had a by. happy birthday, greg. oh, than>>k you.ou >> not you.. we call him big greg. my father in law and his dad. he is the best. we lovst and we you. >> and thank you for just being the best to everybody. he's the best. >> he is the best. tonight, jesse waterfronnight t. johnny went to the auto show. oh, boy. all right. >> what kind of car do you drive? i have a corvette. drive?ltdo you keep classified t documents in your car? >>cuments in your car? you where joe? they said save your arm. yeah, they just said to me. say i must be a good god, said clueless all over.. he is gifted at one more thing. all right, that's itow for us. >> have a great weekend. welcome to jesse watters. primetim>> je tonight. >> we know immigrants strengthen our country and also


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