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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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a porcupine. >> you're in big trouble, jesse. you had a quil pore cul pen bacu day. >> yes, i did. back in the da had a by. happy birthday, greg. oh, than>>k you.ou >> not you.. we call him big greg. my father in law and his dad. he is the best. we lovst and we you. >> and thank you for just being the best to everybody. he's the best. >> he is the best. tonight, jesse waterfronnight t. johnny went to the auto show. oh, boy. all right. >> what kind of car do you drive? i have a corvette. drive?ltdo you keep classified t documents in your car? >>cuments in your car? you where joe? they said save your arm. yeah, they just said to me. say i must be a good god, said clueless all over.. he is gifted at one more thing. all right, that's itow for us. >> have a great weekend. welcome to jesse watters. primetim>> je tonight. >> we know immigrants strengthen our country and also
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strengthen our economy. all of biden's so-called new jobs have gone to foreignav born workers. >> wow. maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. lt the good news is it's not permanent. more and more people are leaving the maga cult. >> the maga programming begins today night. elephants on the moon. >> plus is joe biden steering this country in the right direction? >> joe biden is driving us offt a clifin?f. in 1992, james carville hung a sign in bill clinton's campaign headquarters spellingn out three messages.
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>> one change versus more of the same. two, it's the economy, stupiit' >> and three, don't forget health care. and carville had a favorite. stay focused. talk about things that matter to people. >> you know, it's the economy, stupid. >> the clinton campaign was going up against bush 41 and1 and incumbent with a 90% approval a rating who'd just won desert storm. carvillercen understood to win, democrats had to stay on message. >> that was easy for a robott le like al gore. >> unemployment is up. barsonal income is down. >> bankruptcies are up. real wages are down. the budget deficit is up. housing starts are down. fear is off. isw is down? everything that should be down is up. everything that should be up is down. they've got it upside down.
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>> and we're going to turn it right side up against crazy odds. >> it's the economy, stupid one. stupid house.e white >> because it's always been the economy, stupi d. ows it >> biden knows it. it's why his state of the union message was the great biden comeback. >> now our economy is the envy of the world. 15 million new jobs in jusworldt three years. a record. america's comeback is building the futureas come of american possibilities. building an economy from the middle outthe fuameric in te bottom up, not a top down. >> but something doesn't smell right. if there's a comeback, why doesn't anyone feehere's al it?j >> if the jobs numbers are as good as they say they are, why isn't this the roaring twenties? this t roarithe economy is alwai important factor. well, this is a troublmp factore for the biden campaign because across the seven states in this "wall street journalden camp a", only 36% say that the strength of the economy is excellent orc good. 63%, nearlor good.y two thirds
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of americans. in these seven decisive states say not so good or poor. >>am the american people have a better sense of economics than economiste as. l a ra it's because the american people smell a rat. and here id here it t is. >> the biden economic boom hasbe never been a boom for's bee americans. it's been a boom for foreignerns . the only reason we're not in a recession is because foreignrn r born workers are taking our jobs. >> yesterdayke taking, the chaie federal reserve said so himself . >> we've needed more people. ore peopion moved up quite a bit over the last two years, and this is typically the census bureau does all this estimating. a e congressional budget officue actually went and took a different path and talked to border people who work the border and that kind of thing and got a much higher estimate. the number goth highers are acty higher. and that actually explains what you know, what we've been asking ourselves, which is how can the economy have grown overr
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3% in a year where almost every outside economist was forecasting a recession? but overwhelming majority anyway. >> we're forecasting a recession for 2023. d on 202the fed chair just confd that biden nomics is just biden a migrant job fair. >> there are actuallom jusy a mn less american citizens working today than there were in 2020. >> as the us economy reopenedren after the pandemic. afd 5 millioneed migrant jobs. 5 million not for people born here. born somewhere else. illegal immigrants walk acrossde the border. >> biden buses them to new york, and after a 150 days, they're allowed to work. acemen >> this is the great replacement theoryd is the democrats said is so racist that couldn't be. >> the biden economy is a mirage, a migrant mirage. >> it gets even more suspicious
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. all of these jobs biden's claim to have created, millions of them, are part time jobs. since june, america's lost 2 million full time jobs. >> the so-calledt biden comeback, a scandal the president's illegally wit flooding american industry with cheap labor, less so., le >> native born americans are working and millions of usg to are having to take second and part time jobs. d this pushes our wages downr wa and at the same time triggersint inflation. the median knows this, but they don'iot care who does the work and who loses out. they just want to be served by someone, anyone as cheaply and quickly as possible, but not eat without. >> that's correct. labor. >> y's right. you do not have houses without immigrant labor. that's right. you do not have highwaysouse immigran ort bridges without immigrant labor. >> that's right. and by the way, when you're my age, you start to think about retiring on social security and medicarestare.
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and without immigrant labor is no social security or medicare. need mo we need more migrants to come to the states. that was a so-calledat republican joining joy reid. >> and they both agree that america's borders need to stay openh agre ame for the r economy to survive. >> the great sellout . that's what we're witnessing. republicans and democrats neither care about the american worker. they just want their crops picked. >> we need immigrants in thi.sco country. forget the fact that they. farm that our our vegetables would rot in the ground if it weren't if they weren't being picked by many immigrants. many illegal immigrants. >> agriculture. i mean, you're going to have vegetables agricul rotting in te fields. you're going to have construction sites fie a that wl lie dormant. do we have a shortage of workers in that country.d yo and you see even in florida, some of the farmers and thineyo
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growers saying, why are you shipping these immigrants up north? we need them to pick the crops down here. >> primetime wants immigrants, but not at the expense of americans. pense ofwe made immigrants waite for the american dream. and americans should have a say. who's next in line? e th >> or else this country becomesa a third world dumping ground for dirt cheap labor labou that carves out american prosperit carvey. biden's economic comebacks are fraud. ic comebisit's based on open boa and slippery statistics. >> and if millionsti of bidenra migrants are working, millions are on welfare to and it'sfortun costing us a fortune. some biden migrants are costing us our lives. ask lake and riley. ves. >> ask arnold schwarzenegger. to me, coming to america was the key to my success. a it's just a place where foreigners are welcomed.
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this is the key thing. if you are willing wa contribute to america is a lot of people didn't wanteric to come to america to takean advantage of america. and i am verkey vividly against that. >> the white house yesterday s boosts open border the labor supply. >> watch. reforming our immigration system only strengthens our economy. you hearh. the president talkint about that, about making sure that we have an economy that works for everyonaboue, mas sure that there's dignity and respect for everyone. and soe. and by doing that, ittt boosts our labor supply. >> you takooste away the migran boom, so goes the job boom. they are willing to sacrifice your job, your income, your taxeso sacrif, your quality of life and your safety. taamerican sheriffs aren't taki it anymore. >> listen to this. this is killinaren'tingmoreg usd it's destroying our country. everybody. ev all of us.g in butler county times,
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the 3300 counties in the united states. these people aren't doing anything and they're causing it. >> no matter. it don't matter who. who elected them, what they done. we've elected these people andn they're not responsible, is what they're telling us. >> mose ist tht illegals are pet but they still broke the lawl br by crossing withouokt an invite. yet there's a criminal element trafficking in drugs, women and children into our country. and the biden administration won'trt even admit it. >> this administration has done. everything it can under the law. that's the important part. to mw to make sure that we handle the border properly tha. you don't have a sense of people who are passing drugs at at random because they get through because the borders are open. >> no, they're not. they said the border wasn't >> j t and they said theyt take wouldn't take our jobs. they said they aren't said ths and now they say they're not bringing drugs. brall of those things were lies. and remember, they also saye.
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they won't be able to vote. >> fox business host and trump economic adviser larry kudlow joins me now. >> this is jus at a jadvisorw dg revelation. maybe you know this before i did, larry, but this wholeol biden comeback is a is a miragea . >> it's a migran ct comebackome >> well, look, jesse, first of all, thank you for having men on your show. r showand i agree with much of o you said in your opening. i think it's a great opening. it is truen youras a, no questis it's true that foreign born workers have exceeded native born workers. and that is a troublin haveg, troubling development. i myself love immigrants, nt jesse, as long as they're legal, immigrant, legal immigrants, not illegal immigrants.
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and i think trump is the trouble here is biden's has illegal immigration wave has caused tremendous waveused tre e all over the country. it's also causing a tremendous wave of bankruptcies to sanctuary cities that think they're welcoming immigration, i illegal immigrants. but they have to pay out huge amounts of money. nogr utw on welfare related housing, transportation, whatever. and the other point you made that i think is important, we don't yo t know enough about it yet, but it's important because we've had a wave of illegal immigrant jobs. okayf . you're talking about relatively low wage jobs, but theybu are affecting the whole labor forc aree. and i think you can sayk yo that they're bringing wages down overall. and you know, specificallyregion in certain regions of the country. >> so this is not a good thing. look country.t , the achilles h, the soft underbelly of the
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biden economy, is an affordability crisis. okay. real wages, realreal wag wages.s okay. wages adjusted for inflation . inflatio inflation has gone up almost 20% in the last three and a half years or so. wages have not kept pace. and so people can't afford to buy the economy. that's all there is to it. >> a lot of the pressure, larry, on some of our so-calledj competitors, they don't see ites because they're out of touch. they livse: ee ie in manhattan c they get driven arounden a by chauffeurros, nothing againso chauffeurs, but they're just you aware of what the rest of the country is experiencing. you have someone even wealthier than you, larralthiery. >> the rock saying this about the direction of the countrngy. >> listen. are you happy that you made that endorsement 20, 20? are you happy with the state of america? amca i happy with the statet no? of america right now? well, that answer is no. going to getwe're better? i believe in that. i'm an optimistic guy and angi
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believe we can get better. >> if the rock sees it, everybody's got to see it. >> yu you know, you see these s the polls in the swing states show trump with a lead and i guess six, seven,nomy seven swing states. but when you go into it's about 35 to 65 unhappy versus happy. it's you know, biden is way underwater on his job approval and the economy. so, lookb approv, i think, jesst of this is people don't have any control sense and biden and they think the future is going to be worse than the present. they don't think the he's up toe job. they don't like his big polirnment spending and taxing policies. and they hate the fact that the border is open. t and we've had an a illegal immigration wave. >> i mean, i jus t think it's a. matter of confidence. and if i mayone othe, what one r point here. the biden reelection and jessery
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is going to raise taxes on everybody. he's got a tax plan that would raise 3 to $4 trillion in taxes, and this is going to kill the economy. this w estimates are almost 2 million jobs lost. gdmy p would be 2% less wages, real wages would be 2% less. 2 e >> so you don't fix an economy by taxing it to death or spending. y taand borrowing to death. and that's what people look at. they say, i'm not confident about the future because i'm not confident about bideeca >> all right. larry kudlow, donald trump says when you hear his voic>> jese, h you think of money. >> great to be with you, larry y . thank you. back you, jesse. >> while the left insists we need more illegals to keep the economy runnin m g, the fact is, we're out of room. >> look at seattle. the city'sroom fresh out of cash and can't afford to house the illegals. not w, when you have that many, the the rent is just too high. reo the city told them
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they had to go. no more free hotels, amigoe . td but they didn't like that. so they're staging a sitt in where the schools. >> dozens of them set up camp at the garfield park tennis courts. democrat activists join them in a show of force. no hotel rooms, no tennis. o >> investigative journalistck jonathan cho went there to check it out and the tennis squatters said nut saio bueno. >> there's someone heree reguregularly comes to thesehere events that spreads misinformation and that person is going to bes here reporting and spreading misinformation. >> i'm not sure that we can continue with this press conference at this tim adingation --e that either that public park going there or you can call the police if you want. mira, i better. >> can you get a job? can you get a job?ou get >> don't touch me. i'm in here, so please don't touch me. hold me. >> how are you?
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they call me an immigrant. are you not an immigrant? no, bro. why would you sa y that? >> because you're asian. but a migrant sugar daddyan swooped in a private group, daddd to pay for the illegals hotel rooms of the taxpayers, while only problem i is now there are no open hotele rooms for americans.grow >> so since money doesn't grow on trees, the free hotel stayys ends in ten days. and once that ends, seattle may be heading towards a migrant. chazz situatiomin. >> tennis, anyone? investigative journalists and discovery institute senior fellow jonathan cho joins me noorw. o jo >> snazzy blazer, jonathan. looks like they didn'tme really care how well you were dressed. >> they don't want reporters to see migrants squatting on children's tennis courts. >> well, jesse, it's because i'm exposing the truth don't right now. they don't want to show that they're essentially extorting the city wanthat. t they're saying, look, if r
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they don't get money, if they don't get resources, if they don't get motelesourc dealy they're going to stay. they're going to protest, they're going to create agai n, you know, chaos and want an attitude of entitlementshow and again, i showed that through my reporting, through my videos in the videoty . >> don't lie. and they don't like that. so it's a shakedown. .they're going to stopop american children from playing tennis until you payn for the hotel rooms. >> yeah. the key here is disrupt and disruption gets the attention of lawmakers and city officialssruption attet to councilmember joy hollingsworth, who represents district three. the central district neighborhood, a historically black neighborhood. let me mention, by the way,e ciy she's saying right now the city has no money. moneagain, she mentioned no that the state legislature earmarked $30 million for these migrantse earmarese migr. stilln >> so it's, though, still unclear, though, what that money's going to come through. come all right. a favo >> duro us a favor. lend clay travis your blazer, because that's how to pull off a wild blazer. be safe out there, jonathan. >> thank you. also working my spanish there.
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okay, good. ahead. johnny goes to the car show. but if you actually step>> on the brake, that doo thar is going to close. which one's the brake? the one on the left. i'm just kidding. >> you're going to see that one . >> so when you get to nashville ,hot tenders and three mandarin orange tenders. >> what about you? three classic tenders for big butterfly shrimp for the baby. >> i win. is it always a competition? you can't handle the shrimp. >> see about that? yeah, we will. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home. it's stealing thousands of dollars of. your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home titles . and there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that.
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and everythingof mycle .? n it, y >> i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. >> the wolf was about the sizeay ? of my motorcycle. have you think about what people think of? >> oh, really? what kind of brushstrokes? follow the line in the gas tank. >> hey, hey, hey. from one plus one down, so many more people know it through the myth than through the reality. a los angeles judge sentenced each brother to two consecutive life terms, but there is real suffering at the heart of this story. just goes round and round. oh, my god. this is rigged. a number of people understand that if these were the menendez sisters, they would not be in custody right now. how could these people be killed by their own children? emily harris and kaylee, they're taking on the hot topics with powerf behavior
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expert at boystown kept answers. visit boystown, jorge's parenting. >> hillary warned us iff you support trump, you're getting deprogrammed. >> sadly, so maning d. py. of those extremist maga extremists, take their marching orders from donald trump. >> some poin ching ort, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the culp.t members. >> today's the day the deprogramming has pr begun. >> are we getting shocked intoar
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submission? when we're getting a little tired of this? >> nope. they're going to deprogram re g you gently. >> they're going to ask you questions, whispering sweet nothings. msnbc brought on a cult expertas to teach liberals how to deal to magnify your brain. >> more and more people are leaving the maga culo...t. n and i do think that it'st's important that people not just yell at people who are stille trapped in this delusion or block their family and friendsty who they loved but open doors and just say, no matter what i love, you ask questions in ao e respectful, curious way that gets them to start reallyse saying they've been conned and that their minds have been hijackednned and h. nices why my mom was so to me at easte sr. liberals see how they have such
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a low opinion of u s. >> they don't think we're voting for self-interest, for better policy or we votin good results,ve or even to make america great again. >> they think we've been duped s by orange. >> the last thing democratst to want to do is talk about the issues. >> so they're justdo was goings. to say, you have issues and it's time to deprogram you. >> charlie hertz, a fox news contributor who probably needs two rounds of deprogramming at least. >> what does it say that they think this is some sortsome of brainwash just because we likef brainw, i don't know. low crime and low prices? >> well, i think that, you know, these people are always revealing themselves and always revealing themselves whenhemselve. they least intend to. but this whole notiois wholen tt first of all, you know, the cult expert claiming that there are all these people leaving the maga movement , that's not true. nothing suggests that peoplele
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are leaving the maga movement. it's quite the opposite. but i thin. the oppk the reasontalk a that they talk about the cult and they try to paint itboul in this in this way, two reasons. one is because the only cult way going on here is their cult. >> and there's such control freaks that they can't stand the idea that there is thiss burgeoning movement of people, common sense movemen people who want to see america stronger, freern ,richer. >> and you have a gufricy likehe donald trump whose policiese br in place brought all theseout people, all that wealth, all that freedom. they love it. ove itand it's so interesting be you can juxtapose the trump administration to the biden administration and your first block. >> you went through, you know, the only people that joe biden cares about are illegalspe . >> and, you know, he's improved american life for regular americans for for no regularze . americans. >> and people realize that. and when they can't talk
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about the issues, this is allle they're left to talk. >> yeah, there's some socialftok shaming in it, too. like, you know, that guy with the crazy hat and the red,i white and blue suit. you know, he's in a cult. you don't want to be associatetk with him. you know, that guy's a freak. he's weird. you don't want to do that. >> i don't think it's going to work. it's called enthusiasm. rkit's got something, actually something on their side. joe biden wishes he had people dressing up in joe biden outfits with beads and sunglasses. >> you're exactly right. all right, charlie. double dose of the electroshockl therapy right here forri . e noggingh >> we'll see you next. not going to work is foolproof . >> wild footage coming out zambambia national park where a bull elephant charged a group of tourists making their vehicle over and killing a 79 year old american. >> gail mattson, national correspondent bill milligan with more bill. >> well, jesse, the son of thats
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american tourist, says he does not blame the elephant for what happened here. he sayme t happs his mom knew the risks r and she wouldn't have blamed that often eitheisand r. 79-year-old american citizen gail mattson of minnesota was on a safari in zambia over the weekend when this tragedy struck. now video footage shows a bull elephant chasing the safari vehicle mattson and five other tourists were in on saturday. then the animal charges them. take a look at the strength of that animal right there. the elephant was able e to nonchalantly flip that vehiclelephan t over, leadg to madsen's death. her family says the u.s. embasso y notified them about her death and her son told dailymail, quotenom abou, the ew was being an elephant.
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my mom would be the first to defend the driver and the elephant. nothe w, according to the safaricord company, one other tourist was hurt and was takening to a prie medical center. they put out a statement which says in part, quot male, this ii tragic event and we extend our deepest condolences to the family of the guest who died. we are also naturally supporting those guest s and the guide involved in this distressing incident now. jesse is similar incident took place on a safari in south africa last month with videoanoe showing another bull elephantr 82fting a 22 seat truck upward several times with its trunk2 before setting it down. as the tourists on board are completely terrified, are but thankfully unhurt. in that case, the safari co unh tourists got got too close to the elephant when they were trying to take photoss . >> now, wildlife experts say when an elephant charges oray acts aggressively, the last thing you're supposed to do is run. >> insteadyo d, they say you're supposed to make as much noise as you can and stand your ground, which
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is why the guide in that last video you just saw was revving the engine slamming doors and shouting. experts say he did it by the book. doors aney say hlet's go back t. >> i don't know.>> j some expert told me to swimesse towardoms the shark, so i'm not i'm not so sure. >> that's great advice. yeah, i don't know about that expert when it comes to sharks. . >> all right, bill, thank you very much. happy dea thursday, everybody. >> one super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical weight provides two shades or teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection . >> i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep. you need to stay healthy. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep.
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>> he's been quiet lately,lately but his right hand man has been doing a lot of talking. >> stevie j. a producer who's also nameds nae in one of the lawsuits and was in diddy's house when it was raided, went the on tmz lives re to defend his boss. >> listen. n tmi don't know. >> whatever it is someone does in their bedroom, that's what they do. and i know to do with that. >> i'm just here to see that i never see my men doing anything foul like they talk about. >> none of it. all of it. i mean, i've never seen it9 come, know, for 29 years. >> but that wasn't all steviel did. he sent out a warning shot posting video of celebrities at his 50th birthday party. >> the kardashians. jay-z, beyoncé, kanye, kevin hart. >> every a-lister was there. and stevie j. >> to remind them, remember, the lawsuit says diddy has compromising footage of everyone. >> they went to his freak ofcoms parties. now, we're not saying this is a freak out party or did he hasne compromising video any of theseo
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people. >> but this is what did his bodyguarmising vid d said. i don't think it's only celebrities going to be sure he had politicians in there. he had prince's in there. he also had a couple of princes in there. >> you personally, you got to. well, my personal opinion that if la rob could be trustedm and his statement are true, they got him. >> they got tapes of stuff. now, if he had tapes, feds tapes have them. that's a lot of blackmai,l. e dn >> we'll be doing this on an weekly basis. line is somethina weg we must hd . >> happy thursday. prime time's favoritaye of the week in honor of reverend al sharpton. we're bringing you the best stories about diversity, equitwy in inclusion. >> just in case you're curious
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about who's working at the u.n., meet ayesha siddiqa. she's a u.n. climate adviser.e >> now, guess who shhae thinksbo is responsible for climate change? >> the climate crisi s is making a resurgence and made its way to in the first half, 5000 years of colonialism. the way that we save our planet is when we protect the most vulnerable communities. >> la times when does asia know the world's top polluters?poll china? how many white men areut theree >> now you send your kid to school to learn the basics math, english, history, science. but one school in sutton, massachusetts, is adding something new to their curriculum. >> drag the school held in after school. drag workshop for middleere a schoolers. >> we're a drag queen and drag a pink tutu and white lace
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underwear cartwheeled across students desks. now, when the parents found out about it, nor cartt too happy.,o >> one of the workshops was how to be a drag queen. and i've got to tell you didn't sit well with me. tell mmee as a grown womanhere b sitting here before you, what life skills are we? teacu, what lifeh these kids on a drag queen. >> and wit queenh due respect te sutton school committee in superintendent. please enlighten me what is going on i n school in seattle? >> the public school systemhe axed its gifted and talented program. whted progy? they said they had too many white and asian kidsth and not enough black and brown ones. so it's got to g bo. now, mind you, there werelack black kids in the program, just not enough. >> so now no one's allowedo to be gifted or talented and no
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d thursday is complete without a victory. scotland's. an new hate crime laws finally in effect, and it aims to tackle discriminationaw, specifically transphobia. >> harry potter author j.k.y pot rowling criticized the law and even went as farericize th e on the scottish police to arrest her over her comments that women are women and the scottish police chickened out so they won't be pressing chargeid they s. happy >> so happy diy thursday,ybody. everybody. the american lifestyle, co the jillian michaels nexmet. happy memories just come easier on the water. >> our founder, johnny maurice and his dad knew this firsthand . >> they created a boat. it's more affordable. tracker. tracker. the world's number at baso shopt selling, fishing and pontoon boats powered by mercury. boats powered by mercury. >> proudly 5 dollday... built in missourir own. boats powered by mercury. >> proudly 5 dollday... and sold factory direct at bass pro shops and select dealers our for as little as $5 a day. you can own a brand new tracker
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t of supporters like you. thank you. >> yesterday, primetimeexamin examined the fat positivity movemented at health. at every size, they say, evevene if you're £300. the food lobby is pushing propaganda to keep us obese. e. they're the same people whose food pyramid ranks lucky charmss as healthier than chicken. >> big foods funding studies chm that denigrate diet and exercise. denigrat is behindgenera the anti diet movementl in that says you shouldn'tould n
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be ashamed to eat 3000 calories at breakfast. theyashamed they don't want heh information on food labels a and big food has big governments in their back pocket. >> the food industry and i saw t this, they pay the usdhe fooa, the irs, the fda to rig the guidelineselines. right now, 19 out of thew 19 20 folks who made the nutrition guidelinesth that kids use were paid for by the food companies. they say pai that a two-year-ola should have added sugar into their diet and the raw economi c reality. is that a sick, fat, depressed, addicted child is profitable for the system? >> fitness expert jillian chilr th is here to weigh in.s >> not literally. jillia o wen, this is scandalous. the way these prey upon us. >> they want us fat and anealthy unhealthy. >> it's disgusting. it's malevolent. it's not various. it's flat out evil. but it's not surprisinvil bug. '
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and it's been going on for decades. the part that i find s ooverwh overwhelmingly outrageous is that they buy everyoneloutraf the people you're supposed to trust. all of our institution yous tru. >> and now they're buying off registered dietitians on sociall media to tell you like, oh, you know, there's shame in thise or hold it in your size, go crazy, you're absolved of any and all personal responsibility. and it's it's literally infuriating. >> it's like americans, they want their fellowt thei americans to be fat, unhealthy ,like where it is like i know people like to sell products is capitalism. i get it. why rhy would you want that fo your countrymen and women? i don't necessarily believe believerle want that for othe people, but it's almost like a cosigning an agreement right?r it's like, i'm not going to push your buttons. i'm not going to tell you that you need to bei wentt yo if yout
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tell me that i need to be better so we can all cosigt nbs. each other's bs. and it's a really comforting messag reae if you're being told like, don't feel bad about this, you don't fet have shame about this. and by the way, you shouldn't have shame about it becaus. e irony is that this food is being engineered to addict you. they're literally hackiney are r the reward center of your brain. >> and this is why wbrain. e have an insatiable hunger and we don't understand it. we beat ourselves up about i -- and then they come in with a message of, no, no, this is perfectly safe, you know, to your healthy at any size. and it's an absolute any s lie.r i could sooner make you believem that the earth is flate. there was a lost amount of datan that assures for decadess that obesity is related to overo 170 co-morbidities like we have to use our common sense to safeguard ourselves. >> there is some more common sense. beli i can't believe i'm saying this. it may be coming out
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th californieve i' this.a. >> jillian, there is a proposal now by a lawmake ar that says t bosses are not allowedha to emal or text their employees any time outside of working hours. of, they faceo a $100 fine. dp.hat'ou think that's a goo idea? >> i am, too. ifo answers for this one? if you want to talk about work life balance, the you work. and the harder you work, the more money you're going to makoneye goine and the more t you're going to be. so it's a choice's a. >> but in addition, we've got a world where all ofyees a our employees are working from home. my employees work from hom e and that's fine. you want to go to your yoga class in the middle of the day? i have no probleyoo yourclass ib as long as you get your work done. you know what i mean? longf i'm messaging them later on in the day, because there were yoga earlier the day, i expect them to answer yes, i remember in the trump administration, we get out, we get emails at alles
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hours. joe biden neveweetr nothing haps after 5:00. it is what it is. but maybe that's not going to be the way it is anymore in the next couple of months. jillia we thy itisn, any we havn literally. we have to run the wholeuntry. country. i had johnny talks, cars. who's a better driver, men or women? >> wmy wife's not watching men. if she's watching men, it's that of year again. answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue, ma'am. don't move. get a much earned. you should be more nice. i was expecting my great first people like each other and had you worried about me. fox nation brings you back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? spring break. new episodes friday on fox
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>> try not to look. it's like a scary movie playing this tiny. what kind of car do you drive? subaru, forester, bmw, m2. i have a corvette. do you keep classified documents in you do yod r car? that's not actually, i can'ttell tell you where y i. >> joe biden wants you to drive an electric car,t and that's why i'm not voting for joe biden. ain't black. to ha never. never going to happen. maybe i'll have somebody buy it for me. pp.ay be e buywho are you look >> i can find some rich guy at the show. come see me at the white house. >> how much did this>> h rolls-roycowe go for? wow half a million. wow. just charge in the electric car. i think it's stuck. a lot of new technology here, e but the democrats say we're going to be driverless soon. so what's the point? the whole idea is to drive. , you know what scares me? i'm going to be honest. it scares me. what if that being locked and decides it's going to take you somewhere else, get me out of thisos car.. car insurance unaffordable.
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what's joe biden's plan to lower it? ar insur s jilli have no clue.'t kno >> do you know? i don't know if he has h one. >> how much does this go for? > around 200,000. i want this car. we're gonna have to tell jesse watteri s ca havs. >> onu >> he has to pay me more. bonus season's coming out. charlie, that was reallyy inappr inappropriate. we got an ipad over here. what's thi s all? it is the largest multi-information or infotainment display. . can i watch fox news on this? probably not. but ifatch n you step on the brk that door is going to close the. hold it down. doore ifyou're going to see thae who's a better driver? men or women? driwomen? >> because i'm a woman, man. i feel like a >> my wife's not watching men. h >> if she's watching men. men are betteren drivers.p when >> i always put on makeup when i drive. i have to look prett y when
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i'm driving. >> get around women for one, they tend to be shorter, so they have to sit a little closer, seeso t overel the dash and over the wheel. >> not saying that shorter men can drive th t shore car. is it >> jack may have to honk o h the horn all the timore in a rush. i'm trying to go to the beauty salon. courses rude. de.that'y salo >> honk if you want me to leadao again. ] >> and who would you rather drive? >> your car? jil >> joe biden or donald trump? let's go. trump. you kidding me? d it's all fall asleep driving the car. >> joe biden could barely see e be behinde wheen the wheel. donald trump obviously, i'm a big champion. i'm l.>> telump a trump girl ani only like trump maga lady. she lovelikes trump. >> is joe biden steering this country in the right direction? absolutely steerin. o cras >> no, he's about the crash. that's why we got to get him out of here. joe biden is us off a clif g hf. >> joe biden wants us driving electric. so let's test one out. which one's the gas and which one'. test ons the brake?
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i'm just kidding. oh , oh, oh, oh. should we go for charge? er that'll take forever. how we doing? not all technologies. s bett sometimes instead of the opticef you go tt, go with the steal. >> you know what i'm talking about? let's do textsg about,. >> connie from san diego. >> where can i get a it's biden's stupid bumper sticker. >> dan from pennsylvania is maga d programmingd by obamacare, hawkman and even some my own d programming. >> i'm water s and this is my


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