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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 5, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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terms of what is played in my backyard barbecues which you guys will be invited to this summer as trump is i was very happy to see that he had guns and roses november rain on that play list because that was the anthem of my college years at maryland. so i would like to see a similar play list for joe biden. he will be in delaware again this weekend. i want to see what's on there. is it going to be my way by sinatra. working for the weekend by lover boy. don't you forget about me breakfast club sound track. what is on the sound track. >> carley: obama. >> todd: corn pop dude, corn pop dude. >> joe: is that a song? >> todd: i don't know. >> carley: obama releases play list twice a year highly anticipated event. >> todd: biden, it's your serve. release your list. concha, this match is over. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great weekend. >> brian: all right, carley, you have to head downstairs. just a reminder. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast.
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friday april 5 of the. "fox & friends." that's the easiest part of the show. dwayne the rock johnson tells us in exclusive interview how he really feels four years after endorsing president joe biden. >> with the state of america right now, that answer is no. am i going to do that again this year? that answer is no. >> ainsley: plus, governor abbott turning down the nyc mayor's migrant shelter invite saying mayor adams should get his house in order before attacking him. >> people dying on his watch. law enforcement officers for being gunned down by people that have been arrested 20 times. >> steve: more on that. plus, new york inmates locking up the deal to view the solar eclipse. they went to court and they won. >> lawrence: unbelieve it or not "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ taking what they're giving
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because i'm working for a living ♪ hey i'm not complaining ♪ because i really need the work ♪ but. >> brian: this is interesting. i didn't request in music. if i had a choice i would have because, to me, that is new york. and steve, you may remember. >> ainsley: that's atlanta. and you are working for a living. >> brian: huey lewis and the news i really feel is in heart of new york even though he is from san francisco. remember he was here? >> steve: yeah, a couple of times. >> brian: i felt as though he felt really at home here. >> steve: i think he came once with peter grape bar and grill and once with peter frampton and once with kevin costner. >> ainsley: how do you remember all of this? >> steve: listen, somebody has to remember it. i'm the archive. >> brian: this is the one fear. this is what he had. he had his first album come out and it killed. i think he had four number ones. how do you do a second? >> that's why i do not want to hit a high ever in my career.
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a high right here. and i think i have accomplished that. >> lawrence: i think you have accomplished that. >> brian: thank you. where with were we yan the rock johnson sat down with will second time in six weeks. >> steve: great entertainer as is dwayne "the rock" johnson he was a wwe wrestler, big career, then he became a movie star. it's interesting. some people, and there he is sitting down with will in philly. >> brian: smallest table ever. >> steve: wrestle mania tomorrow and the next day down in philly. they talked about a wide range of topics. one thing of interest. remember a couple years ago dwayne "the rock" johnson would be great if he ran for president. and then people were surmising maybe, he will. well, as it turns out. he didn't run. but he did in the last cycle actually tell people who he was going to vote for. watch this. >> will: are you happy that you made that endorsement in 2020?
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are you happy with the state of america? >> am i happy with the state of america right now? that answer is no. do i believe we are going to get better? i believe in that. i'm optimistic guy. i believe we can get better. the endorsement that he made years ago with biden was one i thought was the best decision for me at that time. and i thought back then when we talk about, hey, you know, i'm in this position where i have some influence and it's my job then -- i felt like that then, it's my job now to exercise my influence and share with -- this is who i'm going to endorse. am i going to do that again this year? that answer is no. >> ainsley: he is the most followed american man globally on social media. he is a third generation wrestler. his father was a wrestler. his grandfather was. both of them have been inducted into the wwe hall of fame. his dad rocky johnson was the first black champ in wwe history. is he inducting his grandmother
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into the wwe hall of fame. >> steve: that's cool. >> will: powerful statement but not a shocking statement when you look at the numbers now when it comes to black males in the democratic party right now. they are losing support. some are going to donald trump and some of them are saying that they are going to go home. as politicians should be doing, they should be casting a wide net to all americans and trying to get them. but, because our political system is the way it is, they focus on blocks or as the biden administration says coalitions and it looks like it's fracture right now. and it's because of the economy. it's because of the economy, and each group is signaling to the biden administration, besides black women, honestly, that we're done. >> brian: i think it is, i think that's part of it as just an american. the other party is, my goodness, why did i take a side? i need 100 percent of americans look at me as a nonpolitical figure. i do movies. i do wrestlerring. wrestling.
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thought he was conservative. then joe biden. then he has trump derangement syndrome. the economy was a lot better. the movie industry was a lot better. and maybe the pandemic we were so critical of president trump on. maybe it was really tough. because of, when joe biden took over more people died with the vaccine than trump had before a vaccine. so i think people were caught up in the moment and he said i'm going to take a risk. all my friends don't like donald trump and now is he looking back and going what was i thinking? >> ainsley: the actor rap port on the beemps of tel aviv saying he was not going to -- he wasn't going to vote for joe biden. now you hear the rock saying he is not going to endorse him this time. >> steve: what rap port said voting for trump is on the table. and he will doesn't say he is not going -- we're talking about now. >> lawrence: things are going back. >> steve: doesn't say is he not going to vote for joe biden next time. what he is saying is he took -- i think, in reading what he said
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and watching will's interview, and we got more of will interview coming up. i think he just took a lot of heat. and, brian, to your point, if the country is half and half, half the country didn't like the fact that he said vote for the other guy. and so, all he is saying is i'm not going to tell you who i'm going to vote for. he is just not going to endorse anybody. he is not saying i'm going to vote for trump or i'm not going to vote for biden. he said i'm not going to tell anybody. >> ainsley: not happy with the state of the country. >> lawrence: irthink it's hard to. that's the most critical i have seen him of joe biden ever. i think it's hard to be critical of him and then turn out and say hey, i'm going to vote for him after a statement like that. i regret the endorsement. i don't think things are going well. but, to your point, ainsley, about the buyer's remorse, i think it's convenient for a lot of people in the country at the time to say hey, mean tweets, we need him to slow down the tone when the economy was going well. and the border was secure.
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and i think a lot of people. >> steve: you are talking about trump? >> lawrence: exactly. a lot of the people got caught up in the moment of the personality of the men because things were okay for us. >> brian: for three and a half years they said he was illegitimate president russia put into the white house. hillary clinton never stopped saying it. adam schiff never stopped saying it. investigations never stopped. switched to the ukraine impeachment and then a pandemic. in between the military got stronger. abraham accords put together. the debt went up, got it, but tax reform really started fueling the economy. unemployment was more than respectable. it was definitely tolerable. i will say this. i always look at the rock as pro-military. he was the first one to tweet out someone contacted him about bin laden's death and he tweeted out something to the effect i have never been prouder to be an american. and i always thought to myself in my mind this guy is really legitimate. >> ainsley: is he only 51 years old. i love him because the that wanna song he sings. a movie and the little kids love
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it. when you watch him on social media so cute he does tea parties with his daughter. >> steve: look to him for wrestling and not political endorsements this cycle. >> brian: also what we have in common with the rock and what i have in common? triceps. we both have enormous triceps. >> steve: brian, i showed you the picture of me without a shirt. so yesterday lawrence lawrence are you red jr., brian? >> brian: i will have to cut off a sleeve. steve you are good at that you cut my tie one time. you said it was too long. >> steve: you said the tie was too long. >> brian: you had no choice. >> lawrence: we will have more with the rock later on in the show. now to the latest on the migrant squatter showdown in the bronx. >> steve: that's right. fox news went inside the apartment that was taken over by suspects who also face drug and gun charges and the landlord is pleading for help. >> ainsley: brooke singman is here with all the details for us. brook? brook brook 8 illegal migrants arrested and removed from the
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house last week. the owner of the home is calling on the government for help after attempting to evict these migrants for months. >> i should give them more power. >> police able to arrest the migrant when they are doing criminal stuff. should give power to the local police. >> this video shot by fox news shows the homeowner's property trashed. garbage and suitcases seen covering the floor of the home where eight migrants were squatting. the land lord said the migrants never had a key to the property, instead they broke i basement windows to gain access. on wednesday, police had to rearrest three migrants when they returned to the property after being released without bail. new york city police department chief of patrol john says these policies are dangerous. listen. >> this puts our cops in danger. we shouldn't be dealing with this a second time. we dealt with it once by great work. and great work again. it also could be the opposite where we get hurt and the
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community gets hurt. whether people walk out of jail or walk out of released on own recognizance or supervised release the community suffers also. brook brook during the initial raid police found drugs, scales and handguns. he now is fearing for his life. >> steve: thank you very much, brooke. one of the reservation he said that he did call the cops and one of the migrants staring at him and they go like this. >> ainsley: to his throat. >> steve: land lord goes to the cop can you do something about that? he said no, he didn't do anything to you. the landlord told nate foy before the migrants moved in the water bill on that unit was $250 a month. when they were in the -- all eight of them using that particular apartment. it went from $250 a month to $1,300 a month. and he couldn't pay the water bill. so he has been calling the water
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department. >> ainsley: shut it off. >> steve: he wants to keep the water on so he can rent it out to other people. they said so sorry pal, you will have to pay for it. they are out now. >> ainsley: when they were in there. >> steve: now he owes the money that's the problem. >> brian: people live upstairs. if you shut the water people live upstairs. do you realize this is everything we have been discussing squatting number one. illegal immigrants number two, law enforcement number three, lack of recidivism because they all have guns. >> ainsley: unable to pay bills. >> brian: everything. then you have the cops come in and go yeah i have got to take these guys down up for murder charges. should have never been let in. put on military vest walk blindly into a basement apartment and find guns and drugs descriewn everywhere? have we learned anything? most of them let out without bail despite the d.a. saying you need to give them bail. this has everything that we have been discussing. >> lawrence: all the residents in the community complaining for months about what was happening and they couldn't get any response because they were
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illegals. anyway, the reason why we are talking about this because of how these folks got here, illegally across the border. and governor abbott was in town. and if you guys may remember. >> brian: might still be. >> lawrence: may still be here. >> ainsley: for a fundraiser. >> lawrence: here for a fundraiser. being honored by the new york g.o.p. this scandal has been misreported. so adams went after abbott at the time whether it came to the migrant flights. but, at the time, the governor has to adjust it that he would send migrants there. he wasn't sending them at the time. the flights were actually biden flights. so, after that criticism from the mayor, governor abbott said if you are already criticizing me then i'm going to start busing people to your city. the scandal played out. there was some back and forth between the offices. and now adams is taking on abbott again. this is what the governor had to say back to adams though, watch. >> i'm going to offer him a stay
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in one of the hers. so he can see what he has created and understand how we are treating people with the digdignity and respect that he showed have shown as well. >> invitation is nothing more than a gimmick. what i would suggest to the mayor of new york is there are people dying on his watch, law enforcement officers for being gunned down by people who have been arrested 20 times. he needs to take charge and make sure they keep behind bars, dangerous criminals who are killing his fellow new yorkers. he also needs to educate americans and new yorkers why he is spending their taxpayer money to house migrants here illegally because of joe biden's open border policies. >> ainsley: the invitation he is talking about, mariucci adams invited the texas governor, greg abbott, said hey, while you are here in new york city why don't you sleep in one of our migrant shelters so you can see what you
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created? and abbott is, as you said in the city for this annual republican fundraiser there are 180,000 migrants that have come here to new york city since adams' term as mayor. greg abbott in texas said we have been dealing with this. you all are criticizing our state. do you know what? why don't y'all share in some of the problems. why don't you fund some of these migrants coming across our border because it is joe biden's crisis. don't blame it on me. blame it on this administration. >> steve: ainsley, i'm glad you brought the number up. there are 180,000 migrants here in new york from the latest invasion on joe biden's watch. of the 180,000, texas has only bused in 4 # 4,000. so like 140,000 others got here on their own or got here through joe biden's programs and stuff like that. and one of the things that the current governor of texas said last night at the fundraiser down in for the republicans he said he would continue to bus
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migrants until we get a new president. >> brian: so mayor adams has called out this president and the white house generally and it's got him exiled. >> lawrence: campaign. >> brian: most of his ire towards governor abbott. governor abbott is basically, steve, as you said 140,000 a year. 180 overall. mayor adams sitting there with million dollars suit saying welcome to new york. shake, give me a hug. we got some pasta for you. >> steve: but, remember, his first bus trips were to washington, d.c. >> brian: kamala harris' place. >> steve: kamala hadn't been to the border. >> brian: we covered it live. >> steve: we did. griff was there. pulled up to the observatory where the vice president lived. i will show what you it looks like. he started sending them here. >> brian: they were in route here and beginning half full and now they are packed. right now fox stimed citizens joe biden took over 7.3 million illegals that we know of, forget
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about the got aways it has goss there city. supposed to cost our city $10.6 billion by fiscal year 2025. if you are now a family of four, that's with two kids and you imagine two parents, we have this new pilot program where you get $350 a week. you get a loaded debit card and you can go spend as you will while giving you free room because evidently you don't like our food so you have been throwing it out. we will let you shop a little. a big magnet. >> lawrence: while kids in harlem, the bronx, some parts of brooklyn are struggling, we are going to give the migrants more than them disgusting. ainsley: if we're going to give them out give them to americans. >> steve: yeah. at the same time, and starting in just a couple of weeks, the city of new york is going to reward all of us with congestion pricing so that if you drive exactly where we are sitting, which we all have to do in the morning, have you got to pay a tax of about 15 bucks. >> lawrence: what a great place to live.
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>> brian: 15 in, 15 out. going to effect everybody's prices. the firefighters and cops that have to live outside the city. >> ainsley: uber drivers. the taxies. >> steve: migrants will have to pay, too. >> brian: i'm sure. hochul says i need $2.4 billion in my next budget. adams says if you get that, i still need 600 million more to pay for the illegal aliens. while they squat and threaten homeowners it's crazy. >> ainsley: city suing 17 bus drivers. >> brian: not a person on city council thinks this is a bad idea. they vote to the left of mayor adams. >> ainsley: new overnight secretary of state antony blinken welcomes stepping taken by israel as the israeli cabinet approves the opening of three aid corridors into gaza. the move comes after president biden's hour long call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> he underscored as well an immediate cease-fire is essential to stabilize and improve the humanitarian situation and protect innocent civilians and he urged prime
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minister netanyahu to empower negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home. >> ainsley: this comes after idf airstrike killed seven aid workers in gaza. one construction worker is dead. three others injured after part of a crane collapsed down in florida. a section of that machine fell on the third avenue bridge in fort lauderdale, landing on two cars and nearly splitting one of them in half. the worker who died fell from the crane. officials say the platform that held the equipment failed during a routine process. the incident left a hole in the bridge, which remains closed in both directions. police in panama city, florida are warning spring breakers to stop causing problems. big groups of teenagers from georgia have monday the beach community. and authorities saying, quote, unless they start treating our community with respect like they would their own homes, we will be compelled to find them a temporary home in our detention facility. and if you are curious what
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police are doing deter out-of-control spring breakers watch cops spring break now on fox nation. president biden celebrating greek independence day at the white house and he even gave himself a new nickname. >> i had a very close relationship with a greek american community for real. i am joey bidenapolis. >> this is not the first time he made the biden apolis joke. will be able to catch sunday's after settling lawsuit. they sued during a planned lockdown event constitutional rights to religious freedom. their attorney saying quote new york state has entered into a binding settlement agreement that would allow our six clients to view the solar eclipse in accord dance with their sincerely held religious beliefs. those your headlines. >> brian: so relieved.
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>> steve: we predicted. this you wonder what religion? brian you asked what religion are they they would go ahead and request that? one is a muslim, one is a baptist, one is a seventh day seventh dayadventist and two prn temperature rhea and one is atheist. what religious experience was that person? >> lawrence: they brought all the religions together? >> ainsley: how did they argue this? in the bible does it say everyone should have the opportunity to see the eclipse? >> steve: apparently they feel strongly about it. >> brian: shows you guys in prison are not the smartest. my religious beliefs i have to watch the eclipse. what religion are you? i have no religion. why do you ask? no idea. [laughter] >> steve: eye you as. >> brian: thank you. >> steve: all eyes on the eclipse on monday. >> adam: they went to court over it. i hope they at least get a clear day for the eclipse. >> brian: we all do. we all hope for them. >> adam: we all really do. here is the total eclipse path texas running through class.
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ultimately big cities indianapolis running through the melt and getting up into new england. if you live outside of the pat of totality that's where it's going to be 100 percent. in a place like no, it's still going to be 90%. major cities can you see this from as i already mentioned there but places like dallas, close to san antonio, indianapolis, ultimately cleveland and further up towards the north. these are some of the big cities see the best opportunity to see a total solar eclipse. outside of that path not so much. over the 30 years this is the cloud conch you have usually see. you do see a lot of cloud cover. the best place historically see to see the eclipse further south texas, a little bit dryer this time of year. however, that might not be the case this time around as we are looking at a different type of cloud cover, forecast here. there is going to be a low pressure system moving across the south. so many clouds, at least for now, cloud cover forecasts are
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difficult. many clouds across the south. think carbon dale and indianapolis and getting up into interior locations new england upstate vermont, places like that. the timing, 140 there in dallas where you actually could see severe weather at this point. as you move into the midwest 3:06 eastern time in indianapolis and then you get into the 3:30 or so range a little farther north. we have you covered. if it's cloudy where you are, we have got people all over the place conch on fox weather, coverage on fox news. janice is actually going to be in little rock looking for the total solar eclipse, guys? >> steve: man o man you set up perfectly. set up the special conch on monday. >> lawrence: brian conch of this. >> brian: got it. >> ainsley: 20 years next one comes he says he will still be working. >> brian: milky way for making this happen. takes more than earth. salute the rest of the galaxy. >> steve: takes the moon. without the moon we wouldn't
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have it. >> brian: we play a role. >> steve: we're just watching. speaking of watching. make sure you set your dvr each and every monday through friday 6:00 a.m. so you get to see "fox & friends" whenever you want to. in the meantime, let's talk about the windy city. residents in a suburban chicago neighborhood are revolting against heir mayor nicknamed doll ton dictator. [chanting] let us in. let us in. let us in. >> lawrence: we will talk to one of the residents. >> ainsley: we knew interviewing the rock would be a perfect assignment for will cain. >> will: it's can you smell. i guess it starts with ken. do you think he walks in and goes if you smell -- >> if you smell what the rock is cooking.
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. ♪ >> lawrence: arizona rancher george allen kelly's wife testifying in his murder trial. prosecutors say kelly shot and killed unarmed illegal immigrant on his property. the rancher insists they had guns. madeleine rivera joins us in the details on that. >> madeleine: good morning, lawrence. the trial is heating up. prosecutors say george allen kelly shot and killed unarmed
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mexican migrant who he saw walking near his home on januar. kelly's defense argued he spotted what he thought were drug smugglers trespassing and then he fired warning shots into the air. kelly's wife testified her husband was eating lunch while at their kitchen counter when he told her to be quiet because he thought he heard a gunshot. then she described seeing this outside their living room window. >> i saw two men walking. they were dressed in dark camo or light camo, i can't remember. what stood out was the fact that they had these big, brown backpacks on them. and they were carrying rifles. >> madeleine: kelly's wife said she called u.s. border patrol and handed the phone to her husband as he walked outside carrying his rifle. after that she heard the shots. if convicted kelly could spend more than 20 years behind bars. carley?
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>> carley: madeleine rivera live for news washington. thanks. >> ,. >> >> carley: more than 400,000 people in the northeast are still without power after a deadly neither swept across new england yesterday. the storm dumped heavy snow in maine, vermont, and new hampshire. and in perry, police say at least two people were killed wednesday when trees fell on their cars. >> listen to this. not something you hear every day. a wild raccoon causing a scene. attacking guests waiting online for a roller coaster at hershey park in pennsylvania. the animal reportedly bit two guests. they were taken to the hospital as a precaution. herbie park telling tmz this is the first time the park has had to deal with anything like this since it opened 100 years ago. those are your headlines. over to you. >> brian: thank you so much. carley. talk to you later. residents of a chicago suburb condemning what they call the worst mayor in america. hard to argue with this.
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dolton illinois tiffany henyard allegations of corruption, assault and embezzlement. here is a look at the woman in charge. y'all should be ashamed of y'allself. y'all black. you are up here beating and attacking on a black woman that's in power. y'all should be ashamed of y'allself. >> you out of order. you out of order. [chanting] [chanting if we don't get it, shut it down. >> they didn't come here to have business. they came here to do a political theater stunt. >> brian: theater stunt. wow. how do they feel about that in dolton? bring in sherri britain. she lives there you couldn't get in. only 40 seats. do you feel the same way about the mayor and her performance as the people with the bullhorns? >> absolutely do. she is embarrassing. embarrassing. >> brian: how do you feel about her saying how dare you condemn me? i'm black?
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>> most of the people in the village of dolton are black. brian so i don't know where that's coming from. >> brian: what bothers you most about her performance and how does it effect you? >> well, it's the transparency. we don't know how our money is being spent. we can't -- we are about at $7 million deficit because the board of trustees who handle the money, they haven't received any of their documentation. we can only assume that it's at 7 million and growing that was in september of 2023. >> brian: 7 million, what, is missing? >> in debt. in debt. you know, bills are not being paid. i believe the village is on the verge of being bankrupt. >> brian: what kind of shach was it in before she got elected? >> we were fine.
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the bills were being paid. >> brian: she is quite an entertainer. here is what henyard, the mayor's office said. access to the dolton village hall has been restructured to protect our staff due to the overwhelming threats of violence as a result of the continuous misinformation portrayed by media, the internet bloggers who are using dolton as a means to generate ratings and revenue ie click bait. are you doing this to generate click bait? >> no. i mean, we need transparency. we want to be able to conduct business. i mean, it's crazy. i mean, if you -- if you are being threatened as you say you are, then just step down. maybe you shouldn't be in the position. nobody is threatening her. we just want transparency. we want to be able to access our village hall. she has canceled at least 11 meetings in the year of 2023. that's crazy. and we are in 2024 and she is starting all over.
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it's crazy. >> brian: so, sherry, you deserve better. you had no idea what you were getting with this mayor. so what can you do? are you calling on the governor to remove her? are you calling on the district attorney? what could you do? >> absolutely. we have been working on this. the mainstream media and bloggers and youtubers you areg made aware of this. we have been going through this for three years. we reached out to our attorney general, raúl. state attorney kim fox. the governor. i mean, everyone. and no one is really doing anything. no one is even saying well, we know that you guys are in distress. it's just she is making a fool of us. she is embarrassing. and it's all on video. it's not like this stuff is being done behind closed doors. i mean, it's for the world see. she is a nut.
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>> >> brian: he is, sherry. i hope you get action. i hope people see you and know this is not theater. you just want to go back to the life you had before she threw it in the street and wasted all your money. thank you so much. >> absolutely. >> brian: we will stay on it. looks like everyone is covering the story. the media is doing their job. it's up to the politicians to step up. thanks, sherry. >> absolutely. >> brian: thank you. have a great weekend. dwayne "the rock" johnson opens up about his legacy on "fox & friends" with will. >> at the end of the day you strip it all away it comes down to how we treat each other, and that's, ultimately, the most important thing. >> brian: we send will cain and he did the interview and promises to come back here and he lived up to his word. he seems so happy. ♪ we losing control ♪ turn the lights low ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: so on social media he is the most followed american man in the world. now he is making his return to wrestling for wrestle mania 40. but before he takes to the ring our own will cain co-host of "fox & friends weekend" had an exclusive chance to sit down with the one and only dwayne "the rock" johnson. will? >> will: that's right, lawrence. we sat down for an hour with the rock. we talk politics, life, legacy. wrestle mania. him turning heel. becoming the final boss and we drank tequila and talked about legacy. watch. you got your hand in so many things at this point you are wwe. >> if you smell what the rock is cooking. >> will: , a movie star. >> did you see me? i was incredible. >> will: you are now ufl which seems to be going great. and, obviously, you are very interested in building and creating everything centered around the rock around dwayne johnson.
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men, we are built to think in terms of legacy. what is the legacy? >> i find this quote coming back to me in certain -- at certain dimes in my life, which is people won't remember, i think what you said or something else i'm going to butcher the quote now but they will always remember how you made them feel. that's important to me. as guy down the road of life and we start to think about as men, legacy, we start to think about what our calling is and what our why is and what our north star is. that continues to change as we go down the road of life. for me, i realize at the end of the day, you strip it all away, it comes down to how we treat each other. that's ultimately the most important thing for me. will buy the graphics of dwayne johnson's ego you accomplished almost everything imaginable. the point is why do i climb that next mountain? and the focus then is because it's about somebody more than
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dwayne johnson. >> yeah. also, i feel like it's in the d.n.a. you want to go do more and i got two hands that are capable and i like to put in the work of my own two hands but i also like to say is let's go do it together. and i come up, then i want everybody to come up. if i'm not coming up, i want you to come up and i want other people to come up and i'm going to be right there rooting you on. i believe in that. >> will: you are inducting is it your grandmother? >> yes. >> will: into the wwe hall of fame. >> she became the first successful female promoter in the world of professional wrestling. as you know, and as everybody at home knows, professional wrestling, male dominated especially back then now i have an honor to induct her into the hall of fame and i can't wait. i have a daughter who is 22. she is with wwe as well. she is fourth generation. and there is no business like professional wrestling, which by the way, will is, why i come back to it. do i have to? i don't have.
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certainly not for money, luckily, thank you. but, it's because i love it. >> will: okay. let's talk about you coming back. >> yeah. >> will: not exactly the way it was originally envisioned. the heel turn, the bad guy, "the rock." >> the rock has come back. >> will: not how i imagined it was planned. >> no, not at all. the original plan was for me to come back as the baby face. the big baby face come back and face roman rains for the universal championship and put on here in philadelphia the biggest main event of all time i woke up and went, god, what if i became a bad guy and then i was able to not be pretzelled and be freer and be visceral and be open. >> i'm the bad guy. shut up and give me the bag. >> will: i was watching recently. by the way my wrestling fandom has gone, come, you know, i'm an
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adult. >> . will you are coming to wrestle mania. >> i'm on the way up. >> that's right. you are welcome. >> will: i watched you recently. [laughter] humility is also part of the sales pitch. >> what can i say except you're welcome ♪ i guess it's just my way of being me. >> will: training to be a movie star, even that, that's not this. >> no. >> will: it's been eight years. what's the training been like? >> the training has kicked my ass for weeks now. i went into a full training camp for about -- this is my final week wrestle mania in a day or two. and the training camp has been tough. there is nothing that you can do to prepare your body to be sue plexed and slammed and thrown around in that ring nothing. you know, i'm no spring chicken. i'm a summer rooster. >> will: best path to a title fight for the rock?
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cody rhodes or roman reigns? >> you really put me on the spotted there. both. i think both. >> will: we'll be watching whichever way it goes. >> lawrence: he seems like a cool guy. >> will: you know, lawrence, he is a cool guy. now, what i mean by that in cool, that's a word like, well, he is authentic. is he introspective and is he not someone who is afraid to kind of revisit his own mistakes or his own learning lessons in life. i will tell you coming up a little later and "fox & friends" we talk about one of those moments where he endorsed president biden in 2020. and i will tell you every time i talk about the rock and it's been twice here on fox. it's always brought up by the audience. he endorsed biden. well, first of all, i will tell you this, the rock considers himself an independent and he does revisit that he says he will not be making an endorsement in 2024.
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and is he not happy with the state of america. you will have to see that at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. >> lawrence: not a lot of public figures out there that will say i made a mistake on something i think that's admirable. we will have more on that in the 8:00 hour. thanks, will. skip bedell is here with a top tech for your yard. ♪ turn it up and sing along ♪ we all work until the daylight's gone ♪ we all
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>> ainsley: getting ready for the total solar eclipse steve when we are out in our yard looking up. here with the top battery operated tech to get your yard ready for this weekend and the entire spring season home contractor skip bedell. >> skip: hey, guys. >> steve: i love this because i have a lot of stuff runs on gas and electricity. this all runs on batteries. >> the power of gas without the fuss the fumes. this year they come out with so many new things and are excited to show you about the new innovations new 22-inch all cast aluminum deck. most powerful lawn mower they make. self-propelled. press a button does all the work. walk behind it. if you don't want to walk behind it ride behind it. check this out a brand new ride
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on tractor only in its class operates on six batteries. >> steve: look at that that is so cool. >> put one plug into the side of this thing and charge all your batteries at the same time. this is a utility tractor. i tow a trailer around with it plus 42-inch mowing deck, unbelievable. >> steve: fantastic. i was power washing the deck i got to a part on the deck where i didn't have electricity i need this thing. >> 3200 psi. super powerful. run on two batteries. you can adjust the power on the wand which is really nice all electronic and totally portable. roll it anywhere you want to go. really nice. you have different sized heads depending upon the pressure you want to use. again, everything runs on the batteries. >> ainsley: batteries come with it, right? >> yes, batteries come with it. shop vac brand new this year. you have lots of power you even have a light on it. this is unbelievable. all your tools are right here on the side. best part is it is all totally portable. take it out to your car no electrical cord.
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unbelievable. >> steve: i wish we had a way to get around. >> skip: after you get done doing all the work and finish with the chores. karl, check this out. bring it in. this is unbelievable! first time ever seen. this is the brand new. >> steve: i always wanted a mini bike. >> skip: look at this thing. ego, two batteries operating this thing. it does almost 30 miles per hour. it will ride for 20 miles front and rear suspension hydraulic disk breaks. is like a full on motorcycle. you are able to use the same batteries you had on your lawn mower, now snap it into the bike and the kids can ride around the property. >> steve: good stuff all the stuff runs on gas gas could be 5 bucks a gal loan. >> batteries. no more gas. no more fumes. >> ainsley: one battery runs 80 different items? >> it does over 80 different tools. right now the great time to get it. super savings program. unbelievable discounts. >> ainsley: skip thank you, skip.
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>> thank you so much. >> steve: that's cool. stick around we will be live from new york city where reelectrified everything ♪ hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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