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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. >> steve: it is 8:00 here in new
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york city. it is friday, april 5th, 2024. we just finished our breakfast sandwiches, they were delicious. let's start hour three of "fox and friends". dwayne the rock johnson tells will cain how he feels four years after he endorsed president joe biden. >> am i happy with the state of america right now? that answer is no. will i do that again this year? that answer is no. >> ainsley: plus, governor abbott turning down the new york city mayor's migrant shelter invite saying adams should get his house in order before attacking him. >> dying on his watch, law enforcement officers are being gunned down by people that have been arrested 20 times. >> lawrence: don't mess with texas. and inmates locking up a deal to view the solar eclipse. >> brian: i'll read now, final
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hour of "fox and friends" starts now. mornings are better with friends, you know the deal. >> steve: fox news alert, president biden will speak to state and local officials in baltimore after the deadly collapse of the key bridge in baltimore. >> lawrence: mark meredith is live at the white house. any new developments? >> mark: headline is president biden will see the damage left bhooen by the bridge collapse a week ago. urging lawmakers to make sure there is funding available to rebuild that bridge as quickly as possible. the white house has not said how much it may cost to make the repairs. there is concerns about the businesses and impact on the midatlantic area. we'll see if the president has more to say about his call with the prime minister netanyahu.
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we will see if the white house may change their position toward israel as it is demanding israel does more to help with humanitarian needs. they say there is nothing changing when it comes to support. >> peter: how is it not waivering and you are reconsidering policy. >> both can be true. no. he made it clear to the prime minister, our support for israel's self defense remains iron clad. >> mark: this comes after the aid strike killed one aid worker. there is an independent investigation into the death of staffers. israeli military said it fired two officers involved. we're hearing from military experts who say any sign of u.s. support slipping for the region could have an effect on the
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region. >> had a ceasefire on the table for weeks hamas in the neg negotiations has been impossible to deal with. now what have we done? strengthened hamas's hand. >> mark: we heard from secretary of state blinken, he said he is glad the israelis do plan to do more to protect civilians in gaza and want to see what will trans pyre out of this employs >> brian: it is insane. if it was negotiated ceasefire, why take their leverage away bee demanding a ceasefire, why would they be apt to give them anything they want. >> mark: that is what general jack keane was saying. the white house says they want to see the hostages home. the white house is looking to see what they did do to move
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this process along faster. an important point, what u.s. would change is unclear whether there would be change in military shipments being sent to israel or foreign aid. white house leaving the door opens, they are saying they are standing behind israel. it is confusing their position at this point. >> steve: they are waivering. >> lawrence: is there celebration from activists or state department? they wanted biden to go after prime minister netanyahu, have they pulled back? there was letter of 100 staffers that criticized the administration, are they pulling back now that they got criticism they wanted? >> mark: you bring up a good point, political pressure the president is facing, this pressure is coming from members of the democratic party. there is another piece of the puzzle that has to be addressed. the white house is saying, we
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had this call with prime minister netanyahu, our support is unwaivering, but they are leaving the door open for changes later on. there is a push from capitol hill that says something has to be reigned in, the president is in a tough spot. >> brian: they will get more aid in, that has changed, they cannot do this job without going into rafah. >> ainsley: there was a ceasefire on the 6th. >> steve: quick question, you sf started with joe biden taking a look at baltimore. i read there were six presumed dead bridge workers, have they not located their bodies? >> mark: i remember one body, maybe one or two being recovered. good question. there has been so many weird things about this story, people stuck on the ship, those heading overseas, questions about what is being done to help those
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folks. the president will meet with families of those killed in the collapse. >> ainsley: some said they could be under the bridge, it is intwined and they'll have to ccut it away. >> mark: it is a huge disaster, also the economic impact, the midatlantic, jobs and livelihood based on what can get in and out of that port. >> brian: there are some ships getting in and out. >> steve: the morning commute in baltimore is very complicated. thank you very much. >> mark: happy friday. >> steve: tell the leaf blower guy to turn it back on. >> brian: we used to use rakes and now in comes scientists with a leave blower. >> ainsley: and skip bedell was showing one that can run on
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battery. >> steve: when is last time you use the rake? >> brian: i use it all the time, great exercise. i have rake videos. >> ainsley: remember raking whether when we were growing up. >> lawrence: he made you rake, as well? >> ainsley: we did everything, i deweeded our path that went to the front door with boiling water so they wouldn't grow back. >> ainsley: it is a paperbag, magnolia tree in the front yard, go out with paper bags. >> steve: i have a million pictures of our white house c correspondent with a rake in the backyard. he went to college and we got one of those wonders and blow in the neighbor's yard. >> ainsley: that is why our parents had kids.
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>> brian: dwayne the rock johnson has kids. my transition. >> steve: he has regrets. >> ainsley: he has tea parties with them. will cain sat down with him in philly. >> steve: before wrestle mania. >> ainsley: will asked about his life and training and how he is preparing to go back into the wwe and asked him about the state of our country. he endorsed joe biden before, this is what he said about today. >> will: are you happy you made that endorsement in 2020 and happy with the state of america? >> am i happy with the state of america now? no. do i believe we're going to get better? i believe in that. i believe we can get better. enf enforcement that i made years ago with biden was one i thought was the best decision at thatim too. i thought back then, hey, i'm in
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this position where i have some influence and it is my job then and it is my job now to ex exercises influence and share with this is who i'm going to endorse. am i going to do that again this year? my answer is no. >> brian: i get the sense he is not voting for him. he has some power. like, for example, people look at oprah winfrey or obama or mark rufalow. you see robert deniro, he is getting lifetime achieve mment award and going off on donald trump. it makes no business sense. >> lawrence: can you imagine oprah winfrey endorsing obama
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and then in 2020 saying that was a bad decision? you know how many headlines there would be of oprah winfrey not supporting one person. if i support that person, i will not tell the public, i don't think it was the right decision. >> steve: does he have regrets because he made an endorsement or because he endorsed joe biden? i think gu little of what brian said, you go out on a political limb and people say, i love that guy and turns out he is supporting the other guy. in america, you can do. in 2024, whatever is going on in his head, he will not do that again. >> ainsley: he is most followed man globally on social media, people like him. >> steve: like the taylor swift of guys? >> ainsley: probably. and kids love him, he was voice
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of the guy on the iessland in muahana. >> brian: he does fantastic things for people, surprises and kids write him and he shows up at their events. >> lawrence: he is larger than life personality. a lot of people in the country respect him, feel he is an honest broker. he is an independent, not really partisan. >> brian: can i say something, he is more attractive man now than in his 20s and 30s. don't you think he is a wonderful-looking man and looks better than ever before. >> ainsley: i don't remember what he looked like in his 20s. >> steve: get out your man bag. >> ainsley: he's so built. >> brian: he's built, but face and cheekbones going, bald man now. >> lawrence: i love how
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confident you're you are expressing. >> brian: takes a man -- he's a good-looking man who got better as he gets older. >> steve: i'm uncomfortable with all this. >> lawrence: you and the rest of america. >> brian: all right, i thought we were thinking the same thing. >> steve: brian, does he remind you, brian was talking about gi joe kung fu grip, does that remind you -- >> brian: you are right, i drafted ken and i also would have put rock, with my gi joe guys and taken on the world. >> lawrence: who knew brian kilmeade was a rock fan. >> brian: in the '70s, my dad was worried because i was playing with dolls.
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i said, they are action figures. gi joe was first generation to have action figures. >> ainsley: you had a ken barbie. >> brian: i convinced my parents to get it for me. ken was stuck with barbie, if i put him with gi joe -- >> steve: does that seem like a bad thing? stuck with barbie is a bad thing? >> brian: when i was a kid. >> ainsley: you felt sorry for him, you wanted him to be more manly. >> lawrence: that is really cute. >> steve: okay. you were trying to deprogram ken? >> brian: can't get over this. i was ahead of my time. >> ainsley: you were. >> lawrence: did you have a barbie house, too? >> brian: nope. >> steve: malibu barbie house. >> brian: i had tanks and jeeps. nobody painted, just took him in there and won wars. >> ainsley: we won wars.
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you are up. >> brian: this hour is -- >> steve: we are going to switch gears. >> brian: i should have said that, we are switching gears, a story that is tragic and i hope ends right way. arizona rancher george allen, allen kelly's wife testified in his murder trial. >> ainsley: kelly shot and killed an unarmed migrant who was on his property, the rancher insists they did have guns. >> lawrence: madeleine rivera has details on that story. >> madeleine: good morning, arizona rancher george kelly is facing one count of second-degree murder after prosecutors say he shot and killed an unarmed migrant walking near his home in 2023. kelly's defense argue he spotted what he thought were drug smugglers and fired warning shots into the air. kelly's wife testified her husband was eating lunch and he told her to be quiet because he thought he heard a shot and
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described this outside their living room window. >> i saw two men walking, they were dressed in dark camo or light, i can't remember. what stood out, the fact they had big, brown backpacks on them and they were carrying rifles. >> kelly's wife said she called u.s. border patrol and handed the phone to her husband. after that, she heard gunshots. if convicted, kelly could spend 20 years behind bars. >> steve: thank you very much. 8:15 in the east and carley joins us with another significant, cease story. >> carley: out of california, convicted killer richard allen davis is making a bid to overturn his death sentence. he confessed to murdering and
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kidn kidnapping polly class. he strangled her to death. he has been on death row. governor gavin newsom paused all execution in california, davis was released for kidnapping a woman before he murdered that girl. this case led to california to adopt new tough on crime laws twochl ohio teachers taped a student with autism and down syndrome to a chair. the parents are calling for change in the school system. we were really shocked and d disappointed in everything. just to hear that really hurt us. >> it should have never happened, what we're trying to get out of this to get cameras in special needs classes fchl there is an incident, we can
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look back. >> ainsley: using this to make change. both staff members are no longer there position and facing charges. video shows sean diddy combs riding his bike and living it up in miami, this is just days after homeland security led two raids in connection to a sex trafficking investigation. a friend says combs was during the house during his raids and highlighted how a lot of stars and celebrities would attend the parties he would have. a thief was acting trashy when he stole a package from a front porch, they wore a trash bag. they snatched the package, which had two iphone chargers worth $10. the victim says if he comes face-to-face, he would say, that was a good one.
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wild raccoon attacking guests waiting on a ride in pennsylvania. the animal bit two guests, who were taken to the hospital. hershey park says this is first time the park had to deal with anything like this since it op opened. and santa barbara zoo, named a gorilla bangory and he snipped the camera and the zoo posted on facebook yesterday. the zoo keeper was holding the mic to the gorilla's mouth to hear the big guy snacking and those are your headlines. >> lawrence: in africa a few years ago, the gorilla took a picture of himself and put online and the person got sued. >> brian: by the gorilla? >> steve: question becomes who owns that picture.
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>> lawrence: court ruled the gorilla owned the picture. >> brian: that judge is now in new york city. >> lawrence: that is crazy. >> ainsley: just stupid. >> steve: all about ownership, who takes the picture. >> brian: should be human to human. >> ainsley: what if it is your phone? >> steve: with our cookbooks, i have pictures of us doing stuff, i have to remember who took the photo, who i handed my phone to, they own the picture. i've had to ask you for pictures, and brian for pictures taken on my phone. >> ainsley: i'm not going to sue you. >> steve: it is about ownership. >> brian: an animal can't own a picture. >> ainsley: i know, who got the money when they sued? >> lawrence: i think the animal group got the -- they hired the lawyer for the animal. >> brian: you know animals, what
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can kill a raccoon? the great adventure will have to kill the raccoon. like a tiger? what do you do? >> lawrence: you can put a lion. >> ainsley: gi raf. >> steve: that is good for tourism. if you see a lion run by, it is good, he is looking for a raccoon. >> ainsley: you can put traps out. >> steve: is that what ken would do? >> brian: you can't get over that. new york inmates locking up a deal to view the solar eclipse after filing a lawsuit. the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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to view the solar eclipse with held religious beliefs. there are other questions to view the eclipse on monday, one inmate is an atheist. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the best times and areas to see the eclipse. tell us about it. >> adam: people are looking forward to seeing the eclipse, you have a shout out for a birthday. >> my dad bob newman, world war ii vet, just turned 97. >> adam: thank you, you are in knoblesville, are you excited for that? >> yes. >> adam: let's dive into the forecast. who will enjoy the show? this is the path, everything in the yellow, low pressure system in middle of the country will have an impact. the eclipse begins moving through texas and moves up
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through indianapolis at 3:06 in the afternoon before interior portions of new england. cloud cover can be difficult to forecast. looking at cloudy conditions across south, texas to little rock, when you get up into the midwest, things look clear. good news for friendings from the indianapolis area. we will be tracking storms across the south in dallas, toward waco and austin, storms likely and maybe severe weather before the eclipse moves north. continuing to follow this track, mostly clear conditions in upstate new york and portions around burlington. on "fox and friends" square, in new york city, 90% eclipse. you don't have to be right in the path, if you are, you will have a great show. you are looking forward to it
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is it, right? back to you. >> brian: thanks so much. don't go anywhere, dana perino is up and ready to entertain you. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack
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>> steve: back with a fox business alert. interesting news, march jobs report released and it shows u.s. added 303,000 jobs, 100,000 more than economists expected. une unemployment rate is 3.8%, lower
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than last month. this is from the federal government. new study finds average american will need 1.4 million to retire, 15% more than people said last year. fox business correspondent ashley webster is live at flying biscuit cafe in the villages. the biscuits don't fly, the opinions do. they do indeed, i saw your picture on the wall and someone put a mustache on it. you are right, 303,000 jobs created last month, a lot of those are filled by seniors, 65 and over, partly because they do not have enough savings to retire. people age 55 to 64, of that group, 43% have no savings for
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retirement at all. you mentioned the opinion of flying are flying biscuit. i'm joined by the lovely ladies with the teas and greens breakfast meeting discussing and plotting their strategy. desiree, great to see you, sorry to interrupt breakfast. we're talking about retirement, it is not to retire, it is expensive. >> absolutely, groceries, gas, housing, electricity, you can't operate it anymore. >> you are still operating a business and hope to retire as soon as possible. >> absolutely. >> is that going to happen? >> hopefully soon, does not look that way, the way things are going now. >> come over to the ladies on the end. rose, are you retired? >> no, i'm still working. >> still working? would you like to be retired? >> of course. >> when do you think you can
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fully retire? >> when i'm six feet under. >> on that happy, point out, throw back to lawrence and talk about working late in life. there is a 77-year-old president trying to unseat a president. back to you. >> lawrence: i have fomo, missing my diners now. glad you are there in the 1 villages, thanks. countless homeowners are sharing stories of squatters taking over their properties, watch. they were serial squatters, this is their scam. i was assaulted, they through feces at me and bricks at my car. they destroyed my house. >> it was the house he wanted and with our trust he abused us.
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trust no one. >> lawrence: "washington post" dismissing squat being epidemic as right-wing talking point and rare practice. here to react, former white house press secretary, dana perino. >> dana: so many things, mother to pers percy. >> lawrence: we love him. when you hear the media frame it this way, there are democrats having their homes being squatted, why do they say it is right wing? >> dana: it didn't start with the media, it was the white house, karine jean-pierre said that is a local story. i watch your show. and i read the news, okay, if it is a local story happening everywhere and it does not matter, you're too young to know. on the west wing show, there was a woman named ainsley earhardt
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hayes. fox news could be the ainsley hayes. this is a visual story and add the migrant piece and four stories in one this week. we know that the cartels and tiktok influencers are saying, the law says you can stay. states are figuring out way to get around it. little local stories happening everywhere add up to a possible loss in 2024. >> lawrence: they are warned about the crisis and say they don't exist, say it is a right wing thing. when polling shifts, they change. it is also about the border, as well. there is back and forth between governor abbott and mayor adams. watch. >> i'm going to offer him a stay in one of the yurts to see what
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he's created. >> the invitation is nothing more than a gimmick, what i would say to the mayor of new york, there are people dying on his watch. law enforcement officers are being gunned down by people that have been arrested 20 times. >> lawrence: dana, for the record, the white house, biden administration were flying people in before abbott did, he said nothing about that. >> dana: very good at response, he does not take the bait and knows how to punch back. mayor adams, i'm sorry your president will not help you. i hear you, we want him to help us, too, why don't you and i work together. you and sanctuary city status in new york, he closes the border, you and i would be out to lunch and wouldn't stay at a migrant she shelter, we wouldn't need them. >> lawrence: the white house
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does not answer his calls either. big show coming up. rnc chairman. >> dana: chair of the republican national committee, he immigrated from venezuela and if you love the eclipse and want to get to know this guy, gordon, developer of solar eclipse timer app you will want to download, we'll interview him. >> lawrence: tell bill hemmer i said hello. >> dana: with pleasure. >> lawrence: i don't know if he watches or not. >> dana: hemmer watches everything, i don't know how he has multiple tvs at one time. >> lawrence: dana perino, folks. dwayne rock johnson tells us how he feels four years after endorsing president joe biden. >> am i happy with the state of america right now? no. am i going to do that again this year? that answer is no. >> lawrence: will cain will live after his interview with the rock.
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>> steve: this weekend, he's returning to the ring for wrestle mania 40. >> ainsley: first, dwayne rock
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johnson sat down with will cain. >> steve: will cain joins us live. >> will: i'll be going to wrestle mania on sunday. i was excited when the rock reached out to do "fox and friends." fascinating guy. an hour on the will cain show. went over our time budget. he told me, look, i'm an independent politically. he made an endorsement in 20 and everybody remembers. i asked him, how do you feel about that endorsement and about america? here is what he had to say. >> will: i want to ask you, what is it that you believe that is important to you no matter its popularity? >> to be real and to be direct and to be open and to be transparent. as you and i talked about, if i ask me a direct question, i will give a direct answer, whatever
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it is. that is important to me and authenticity, we hear that word a lot, that is important to me. i feel like and we could go down the well here, in today's easy cancel culture world and cancel culture, woke culture, this culture, that culture, division, etcetera, that really bugs me. in the spirit of that, you either in the spirit of that, you either succumb and be what you think other people want you to be or go, no, that is not who i am, i am going to be myself and be real. if you ask me something, a real answer is important and truthful answer is important and that may get people upset, piss people off and that is okay. it took time to recognize that. i was adverse to fame and i didn't understand the power of it, how it could swing both ways. as i got down the road a little
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bit and started achieving no notoriety, i start to realize, this is a super power, fame is a super power, when used correctly, i believe, to influence people and in terms of being direct and honest. >> will: let's be direct and honest, you used your fame and not everybody was happy and that was a few years ago. you made a big point. you said i have never done this before. >> i have never publicly endorsed a presidential candidate or vice presidential candidate so i figure let's kick this conversation off this way by me officially publicly endorsing you both. >> are you happy you made that endorsement in 2020? are you happy with the state of america? >> am i happy with the state of america right now? that answer is no. do i believe we're going to get better? i believe in that, i'm optimistic and we can get
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better. the endorsement that i made years ago with biden was one i thought was the best decision for me at that time. i thought when we talk about, i'm in this position where i have some influence and it is my job then, i felt like that then, it is my job now to exercise my influence and share with this is who i'm going to endorse. will i do that this year? i will not do that. what i realize, what that caused back then was something that tears me up in my guts back then and now, which is division. that got me. the takeaway after that, months and months, i realized, that caused division in our country. i realize now going into this election, i will not do that, my goal is to bring this country together. i believe in that in my d.n.a.
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so in the spirit of that, there is going to be no endorsement, not that i'm afraid, i realize this level of influence, i will keep my politics to myself. it is between me and the ballot box. like a lot of us out there, not trusting of all politicians, i do trust the american people and whoever they vote for that is my president and who i will support 100%. >> will: you are very influential to the point of this, we talked about it, you running for president, people talk about it, you talked about it. will you ever seriously run for president? answer it seriously and consider it seriously. >> as of now, no. that is not my intention, i'm not a politician, i'm not into politics, i care about our country, i'm a patriot and i
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believe you are, too, as well. my desire and my priorities are my babies and school drop-offs and pick-ups, that is important to me. i also feel like in the spirit of bringing people together and bringing our country together, i don't know if that is the right move at thissin point. i don't know. >> will: as of now you say? >> as of now. >> will: what i would say to you guys. first of all, i believe this man is a good man who wants to do well. a lot of people ask about "ma rainey's black bottom" maui, he gave millions away. i called him and they called dana white and i knew of a gym that got burned down inl lahain and it was done, punching bags,
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heavy bags, speed bags. these people want to do well for america. >> ainsley: such a good person. >> brian: he's not an athlete running for president, he's a business man. awards in the water. >> will: movie star, tequila, which we burned through during that interview. >> steve: seriously. awesome. >> will: he is an independent and every spirit of the word and i think he's a fascinating man. we talked about his family, we talked about what he wants to leave behind when it is all said and done and got deep. it was an hour, check out the will cain show today. >> ainsley: if he ran, did he say what party, independent? >> will: did not say what party. i do think there are ambitions. >> ainsley: he's only 51, he has time. >> steve: get ready for a doggone good time for monday's
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eclipse, it could affect your pets, how to fix that coming up.
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y >> ainsley: monday as you know is the solar eclipse. what do we need to know about
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pro protecting our pets? the executive director of animal society with four furry friends. what happened to the other one? there were four. >> we have three. we are looking forward to the solar eclipse. make sure our pets have a positive experience as well. due to the sudden light change our pet can be disoriented or maybe keep them indoors, shut the blinds. keep them in a comfortable space. take the precaution of putting up a baby gate if you're having a party. >> blinders? >> i don't know if there are any out there. >> ainsley: will we see a change in personality? >> a little anxiety out there. if your pet is used to having those symptoms use the steps you've used before. take extra measures. >> steve: will you be having your pets watch our special on
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monday? >> they'll be watching the center at our adoption center. >> steve: all three dogs are available for adoption. go to best, right? >> you can come and see these guys. >> ainsley: i want to put these puppies. >> they need to loving. molly, ring o and carey. make sure your pet is on a leash when you take your pet out. >> steve: oh, man. >> micro chips are up to date in case your pets get out. >> ainsley: have a good weekend, bye. >> take care. >> we're talking about trillions of dollars of investment as a result oth


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