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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> sandra: fox news alert na live look from new york city after a very rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattled this region. the biggest quake to hit the area since the 1800s. boy, did we feel it. at the very moment it was actually an earthquake, john, but now we do and it was something, hello and welcome everyone sandra smith the new york. >> john: and i'm john roberts in washington, new york city it
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could be a subway going under a building. this is "america reports" the united states geological survey says the earthquake was centered near lebanon, new jersey, and also close to the trump bet mr. golf course but tens of millions of people felt tremors as far away as boston. >> sandra: let's get right to alexis mcadams live from times square you have some of the most amazing interviews of people going about their lives. with an earthquake added into the picture. the bachelor party group, bachelorette party group you said was fantastic. >> i know, they came from ohio and came here and got this earthquake experience. a lot of people either felt it right away, said things were falling off the shelves in their offices come at their homes, or they looked at me like what earthquake? so it dependent who you were talking to but this happened nearly 50 miles away in new jersey as you mentioned. this was felt by a 42 million people. we talked to people who didn't
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notice. >> right under our feet we felt a shaking we were just nervous of what is going on. >> the shaken, the windows. >> it's all connected we just experienced an earthquake and i can say that forever. >> new york, i never hear before earthquake. >> i'm shocked. never in new york but there is always something new and exciting in new york. >> new and exciting? depends who you talk to but the u.s. geological survey reporting that happened right before 10:30 this morning. 4.8 is the magnitude centered right near white house station jersey about 45 miles west of new york city just about 50 miles north of philly. people from baltimore to met massachusetts to merrick new hampshire felt the ground shake. there were no reports of serious damage still going around their business as the mayor told him to do just that so take a look right now this is the line of new jersey transit customers at penn station waiting for those trains following the earthquake. you can see kind of adding up
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their currently 20 minute delays and counting along new jersey transit while the bridge, tunnels, and tracks are all being inspected. in new york city no delays along the commuter rail lines, subway system, things are going back to normal. the mta bridges and tunnels have been inspected, no major damage reported and all three major airports are back open following ground stops. amtrak is now running with speed restrictions because of the bridges and the tunnels. back out here live we can tell you what kind of depends who you talk to on how much they felt like this is a big deal. i talked to a guy earlier who said he was eating at katz's deli come his plate started shaking, things started falling off the table and he knew something was going on here in new york city we will send it back to you. >> what a memory to live through the earthquake at katz's deli. alexis, love the live shot, people in new york are going about their lives, the tourists are continuing to tour. >> that's right. >> sandra: thank you, alexis, we will check back in with you. another aftershock just recorded
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we had one a bit earlier and now they say one was recorded 5 miles northwest of bridgewater, new jersey. this happened at 1:32 p.m. eastern time. just about a half hour ago. the one before that was bedminster, new jersey. thousand about 1120046% of an aftershock occurring in the next seven days and another one happened. >> john: essa folarin kolawole was saying we expect some aftershocks diminishing in time in their magnitude, that one was actually the latest one a little bit more than the one before it. it's been almost biblical this week. all this rain known earthquake knowing eclipse coming up on monday it's like the seven plagues of pharaoh. what have we been doing wrong? speak to you of larry kudlow laughing out loud. >> i love it. it's all biblical.
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[laughter] >> john: it's always biblical when it comes to larry. right now a live look at baltimore where president biden is getting a firsthand look at the damage and destruction of the collapse of the francis scott key bridge. the president is set to speak this hour on the complicated clean moat effort that has paralyzed one of america's most important shipping ports. let's go to griff, what are we expecting to hear from the president? >> john, just as we were speaking the president's motorcade is coming over my shoulder going to the end of the collapsed bridge. i don't know if you can see down here, the motorcade is going to come to us, but right now he is just at the end of the bridge where the collapse happened. i guess getting a closer look with officials what should we expect to here is a recommitment to doubling down onto his federal government commitment to do whatever it takes to get the
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port open. just a little while ago we had marine one marine one getting an aerial tour. we can show you the video of the president flying accompanied by the commandant of the coast guard and the army general of the engineers, the magnitude of the records, this shipped the equivalent of the uss eisenhower with something collapsed on it which is a trellis and the bow of the ship there which weighs some 3-4000 tons. and what it will take to move it. we also expect to hear, john, the president forcefully urged congress to quickly authorize federal funds to fully pay for the cost of the rebuild of the francis scott key bridge which could take years, we believe. as a president now over my right shoulder arriving here he will go into the maryland thorny headquarters here and get an operational briefing from unified command. then he will come out here to
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the podium. we have the cameras ready to go on those remarks. you will also hear from both senators here as well as baltimore's mayor brandon scott but ultimately we expect the president to really lean into his commitment for the federal government to do whatever it takes to get the port open which is the number one port for cars and light trucks in the millions of dollars that are lost and we also expect, john, to hear him talk a little bit about the economic impact of this baltimore community. and those employed by of course the longshoreman who have to go without a paycheck. governor moore has signed an emergency declaration to try and alleviate that but clearly it will take a lot more. certainly more than that initial $60 million down payment if you will they received. finally we know the president will meet with the families of the six construction workers lost in this tragic accident. four of whom's bodies are still
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in the channel. that is part of the recovery efforts that will have to be done once they can clear that channel but the task is tall and the president will find out just how intense that it is after getting a close up look, john? >> john: it took six or seven years to replace the sunshine skyway bridge after it was knocked down in similar circumstances, commuters in the baltimore area take 695 and will need alternate routes. cliff jenkins for us, thank you, sandra? speak to a live look now at the dow on this friday afternoon because it's actually okay to look today come up three and a 45 points after a pretty significant sell-off yesterday over questions on u.s. policy on israel. right now it is bouncing back nearly at 39,000 again. so we are watching that and this jobs report that came out this morning. it was pretty strong. the u.s. added 303,000 new jobs in the month of march with
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unemployment slipping to 3.8% so what will the fed do with these interest rates they have had to raise to tackle inflation? larry kudlow is host of kudlow on fox business, larry, i will put you on the spot. mohamed a larry and was here earlier and he made a prediction. he still says he sees two rate cuts coming this year even though we still have high prices. >> mohamed is a good man and a longtime friend but he is wrong, there will be no rate cuts this year, you can count on that. and i was so interested something that john kern and i have talked about the last few weeks, there is a nonzero probability of a rate hike and one of the fed governors said as much today in the paper, bowman said as much today, i would not bet on a rate hike. there is no evidence whatsoever for a rate cut. furthermore if the fed tried to
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force a rate cut to given low unemployment and rising inflation, inflation is creeping up again, oil prices are going up very strong, grocery prices big story in the paper up 40%, grocery prices of 40% since the end of 2019. anyway, if the fed were to force feed a rate cut they would be creamed, reamed, destroyed. it would be political in order to juice the economy for joe biden. mr. trump would quickly go after the fed big time so would everyone in the republican party in the the house and the senatl be sheer folly. >> sandra: everybody cares because more and more people are taking on credit card debt and to pay off those loans you have higher interest rates to do so. you have the affordability crisis you have written and talked a lot about, it's getting harder and harder to achieve the american dream, getting into a home right now it's expensive, prices are up, obviously interest rates are up. i guess, the question is, by the
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way oil prices hitting the highest. >> i'm dying here the question please. >> sandra: you show up in rare form today. >> offer me a question. >> sandra: you are warning it's not an environment where you can lower rates. >> that's correct. >> sandra: still have prices going up. if mohammed a larry in his right and he's a very smart guy as are you and they do cut two times, what happens? >> they can cut two times to add to the election, november 5th is the election so if they wanted to cut in november and december -- >> sandra: are you suggesting the fed is acting on politics? >> here is what i'm going to say. infleinflation signals and datae for rising, not falling. that may be temporary, but that is what the data shows in january and february. we will get march in a couple weeks. that's one point. the second point is the unemployment rate is low. it's below 4%. the economy is growing.
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we can quibble and i want to talk about the job numbers because the fact is the economy has been growing. i'm just going to say 3% for the last several quarters, okay? so you have a very resilient economy. you have creeping inflation higher. you don't need to cut. that is not the fed's playbook. cutting interest rates is when it gets below the 2% target. >> sandra: nowhere near that. >> and secondly we are in recession which is not. >> sandra: so if i were to answer your question -- >> you yelled at me when i said the economics professional is wrong. you were yelling at me this is extremely difficult for me i'm being pushed around. the economy did not have the downturn at least so far this year or last year that many thought, including myself. i've said that. >> sandra: i want to take this back to the basics, but we were
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raising rates to bring the prices down. of the prices are not coming down, in case fact they are still on the rise, and a federal reserve that cuts interest rates for whatever reason they see the need to, you are only going to see more inflation. you will only see, you know, higher prices is that what you are saying? >> i will give that a "yes" with some qualifications that are too completed for this interview i will give you a "yes." >> sandra: i'm trying to bring people -- >> they will not cut rates. i've said this repeatedly week after week they will not cut rates. can i just talk about this jobs report for a minute? >> sandra: hold on you have to hold that thought because we have an update on the earthquake, larry, john? >> john: we will go to lebanon, new jersey, right now where the county of public safety is giving an update. he says so far there've only been minor damage he also says this is the second earthquake in the area in the last month let's listen for a second. >> that reported typical things
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fell off shelves, things of that nature but it really was a loud noise and shaking. what was it? that's often what we encounter. anything else? any other questions? okay. thank you all. thank you. >> john: well, that was pretty brief. so, again, brayton fahey of the department of public safety there said there's a bit of minor damage, nothing significant, they had been surveying all the bridges and other infrastructure aspect around the county. so far they have encountered nothing out of -- >> sandra: some things falling off the shelf. >> john: maybe something fell but that's about it. >> sandra: to be taken seriously -- >> john: hopefully not the picture of granny. >> sandra: anyway, any updates we continue to get on the earthquake situation and the aftershocks we will continue to bring to our viewers but final with larry, so insulting what you just said about this
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interview, larry. i try not to get into the weeds, i'm really just -- you have to -- five seconds finish up. >> there are no rent cuts. okay? i don't want to confuse the issue. i will say one thing. the jobs report top line looked very strong, 303,000. >> sandra: you said that. >> on the other hand this is what's weird about this. part-time workers seem to be carrying everything. up 691. >> sandra: that is a big deal. >> it's like a part-time economy it's very weird. full-time fell 6,000. people that hold multiple jobs, several jobs, okay? up to 217,000, but, but, but joe give full credit to joe my chief economist at the white house, he points out in the private sector for jobs, okay? industrial wages manufacturing wages and so forth and salaries,
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guess what? and private sector that fell 164,000 for industrial jobs. so i don't know what to make of this report. >> sandra: we will get into a very technical discussion on tv friendly at the commercial break. and at 4:00 on ludlow. thank you very much and it was great to see you, glad you survived the earthquake. all right. is china spying on american ports? house lawmakers investigating today. >> john: plus intelligence community and the defense department divided on who may be behind the mysterious so-called havana syndrome if anyone is blinded in all. we will speak with the man that ran the pentagon's investigation and what he believes next. with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) veteran homeowners,
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>> u.s. intelligence has its "very unlikely but a new system and its investigation say an elite russian military unit may be in play here. our next guest ran the investigation for the defense intelligence agency and now helps survivors of savanna syndrome. ceo and founder of advanced echelon gregory edgreen joined us. >> thank you for having me. >> john: as we pointed out you ran defense agencies, the other intelligence agencies took a look at it as well. matt miller at the state department earlier this week articulated what the findings of that investigation were, this is what he said. >> it has been the broad conclusion of the intelligence community since march 2023 that it is unlikely a foreign adversary is responsible for these health incidents. it is something the intelligence
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community has investigated extensively and continues to look at. >> there are also many doubts as to whether or not havana syndrome exists at all. do believe it does and who do you think is behind it? >> absolutely havana syndrome exists, it's a global phenomenon, it's happening to our best men and women in the intelligence community, also in the department of state, also in the department of defense. also i found a clear russian connection. these people worked in the shadows and did extremely well. their work would wind up sometimes on president's desk. for the more i would like to say something else i noticed was that this seemed to be occurring when there were great shifts in relationships with nations who had strategic ties and circle ties to russia. for example cube in 2016 or more recently vietnam in 2021. and another point i would like to highlight was six months ago you had one of putin's closest
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allies, the secretary of their security council that issued a statement and he said in recent years hundreds of employees of foreign intelligence services have been neutralized. now, that looks like a public and bold victory lap. so what we need to do, john, is we need to start taking care of our people, redoing the havana act to include active duty service members and fix the va because right now there is no diagnostic for your active duty service members to get those disability claims. >> john: u of a belief that directed energy weapons are at play here. and one of the victims of havana syndrome was in this report went by the name of carrie here's what she said. >> we are dealing with energy weapons. it's not going anywhere. look how effective it has been. 's next-generation weaponry. unfortunately, it has been
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refined on some of us and we are the test subjects. >> dube believe that poses a huge security risk to the united states? >> this is an important issue out there some consider this an america first issues because our interests are at risk. our intelligence officers and those furthering diplomatic information, military and economic interests, are being removed from their posts with traumatic brain injuries. extremely important issue. furthermore i would like to say we have been here before, jon perry people were skeptical about agent orange in vietnam. they worked skeptical about dramatic brain injuries and post to post-traumatic stress syndrome. there is an opportunity we can start allocating funds that have artie been authorized now we can start to fight back. >> john: you mentioned skeptics among them is glenn greenwald who wrote politics after this 60 minutes piece came
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out who said "it's intended to resuscitate a long debunked conspiracy theory called havana syndrome which was a claim that arose during the trump administration that the russians had somehow developed in secret this 25th century technology from the future that allowed them to direct energy waves into the brains of american citizens. he put it down to a social contagion and in 2018 the fbi dismissed it as mass psychogenic illness meaning if you think you are sick, you probably get sick. what do you say about those skeptics? >> i would say there is a large body of depth, this has been around at least 50-60 years. to say it does not exist is laughable. furthermore, i know these people, i have worked with them, i knew before and after and i can tell you they have returned with severe traumatic brain injuries. i also point out the intelligence community has
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flip-flopped on this. and when you saw the second report come out, they say it with varying levels of confidence perry what does that mean? because i am sure some have low confidence. i'm sure some had medium confidence which basically says the product is worthless. this is an important issue and people should contract a congressman and senators and have them take action. >> john: when you look at the number of reported cases, 1596 countries, that's either a lot of social contagion or mass psychogenic illness or there is something else going on. greg, i know you continue to take care through advanced echelon of folks who have suffered through these anomalous health incidents, havana syndrome we look at what else this investigation covers in the future thank you for being with us. >> thanks, john. >> sandra: john, lawmakers are investigating concerns that china is spying on the u.s. at ports after a joint investigation found suspicious technology inside a chinese cranes.
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correspondent congressional correspondent aisha is live in washington with the details on this for us. aisha, they discussed the baltimore bridge collapse also? >> they did, center, good afternoon to you. even though this hearing was scheduled way before the baltimore bridge collapse we are learning the coast guard's cyber command is helping right now investigate whether a cyber attack may have had something to do with this, listen. >> the reason for that subject matter expertise is to certainly investigate the potential for that type of a causal factor, some sort of a cyber disruption. so absolutely being considered and really too early and i would not be in a position to comment. >> too early to tell, sandra, that's just one cord the u.s. posts for the 300 quarts station wide, 26% of the country's gdp which is a lot, lawmakers are especially worried about port equipment made in china or a new
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member last month a joint house investigation discovered cellular modems were installed on chinese cranes that are being used at u.s. ports right now. and in the port in miami apparently not a single ship that docs there is built in the u.s. >> how many were built in the united states? >> none of the cruise vessels that are coming here right now. >> and the cargo ships? that doctor? >> yes. >> how many of those were built in the united states? >> from what i can recollect none, sir. >> that is a sad state of affairs to say the least. >> sander the biden administration has announced it will invest $20 billion to shore up cranes that are made in america to be used in america and now we are waiting to see what new laws congress can pass to strengthen our ports. very important to our economy. >> sandra: absolutely is thank you, john?
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>> john: another aftershock that makes four now after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rattled the northeast. rick tells us if there can be more after trucks coming, i imagine the answer is yes. >> sandra: surprisingly there has been a lot in the past couple of hours, jon perry were also counting down to that total solar eclipse. for the first time in 99 years, rochester, new york, will be in the path of totality, very exciting. coming up the cochair of the city's eclipse task force, very exciting, she will be joining us with plans they are making.
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on the bridge collapse in baltimore as he finishes his tour he will step on that podium and we will take his remarks live. john? >> john: thankfully we have learned more about the 4.8 earthquake that is the largest to hit the area in 140 years. united states survey report and people felt tremors as far as 350 miles away. let's go to our fox weather chief meteorologist rick with the latest and the aftershocks continue to rumble. >> can you imagine of this happened on monday? the eclipse and this earthquake? that would've gotten people really going. an amazing 4.8 earthquake centered in new jersey but felt as you just set across so many areas. as you said 139 years since the greater new york city has experienced any earthquake like this. new jersey likely two40 years. east coast earthquakes, west coast earthquakes are very different because east coast
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land is so much older that the ground absorbs the earthquakes very differently. so this was an earthquake back in 2011 in central new jersey, central virginia 5.8 great and you can see exactly what kind of a big area went to or a similar strength earthquake in california in a much smaller area. because of that 14 states with this 4.8 earthquake felt this earthquake this morning. a lot of distance as it goes across new england down across areas of virginia as well. a very big impact but you see where these yellows are closer, they experienced strong shaking. fortunately no significant damage. people are wondering why this happens in new jersey. there are a few fault lines right here and you can see these and the aftershocks in the two range have been falling after it. certainly things improving trade we had delays and ground stops in new jersey at the newark airport because of earthquake now we just have delays because
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of all the volume, john, got backed up, it will take a while to get the congestion settled. >> john: when the earth starts shaking like that you are very much reminded of how small we are in this world. rick for us, thank you. >> sandra: we are three days away from a total solar eclipse. the path of totality spans from texas to maine. the u.s. won't see another one sweep across the sky until 2044 so don't miss this one. joining us now is deborah ross, cochair of both the american astronomical society national eclipse task force and the rochester eclipse task force. >> actually can't hear right now. >> sandra: the eclipse task force that's incredible. that is how big of a deal this is. we are all getting our glasses ready, so i am told we have audio issues let's reestablish that, john? let's you and i discussed. okay? these are important, we don't
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want to not have these because there will be serious consequences potentially for your eyes if you don't wear them. >> john: you a charles payne onset yesterday saying he is betting his kids he can watch the codes without glasses? >> sandra: don't do that. >> john: nuts like i will go scuba diving without an air tank. >> sandra: let's bring deborah, what plans and preparations are you making considering you have a task force for this? >> we started performing the task for seven years ago. i was a complete skeptic going into the 2017 eclipse but my 16-year-old daughter dragged me to missouri and said we have to be in the path of totality. so during those 2 minutes in missouri i was transformed. you can feel the whole solar system with your whole body in a way you don't experience it at all by just reading or seeing some videos. the way home i formed the tax task force my daughter says i went insane and the city
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immediately started preparing to make the very, very most of being able to shine in the shadow in 2024. so yes, the city is prepared not just for those 3 minutes and 38 seconds but for the whole weekend. >> john: what does a task force to? we should point out, deborah, this eclipse will be much better than the one in 2017 because the moon is closer to the earth, the area of totality will be bigger, and the duration will be longer as well. what will you do to get ready for an eclipse? when i was a kid it was like oh the sun will go away for a little while and it will come back. >> to be able to saturate the memories of all of the residents and visitors it's not just the n monday. but a whole weekend of activities that are spread throughout our nine county area which are specifically designed to offer something for everybody. and also be able to give people the opportunity not to be on all the traffic.
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>> sandra: i'm looking at pictures of august 2017 are member covering this live on the air, it was very exciting. there was a huge lead up to it. you do get these crowds, masses of people. they want to be a part of this. you understand why. i mean, we are not going to do this again until 2044. that is a couple decades away. people get together and i remember covering it and there was a huge buildup, but it's not like a rocket goes off. it happens, there is no sound. it's very exciting, but then it is over. so what is the plan? how do you build up to it, what happens? what are you doing with the crowd's? where your preparations? >> right, the build up as part of the story because everybody who comes out of a total solar eclipse has their own eclipse story. so we have a whole weekend of science activities, history activities, arts and culture, chocolate and beer, the night
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before our rpo -- >> you have our attention now. >> yeah. exactly. >> john: chocolate and beer. >> chocolates, beer, and music especially. we are world premiering an eclipse piece the night before at the arena and the next day people scattered throughout the area so the traffic is not densely concentrated downtown. and that is the kind of thing that takes seven years to prepare, but it's all fun for us to have this moment in history that is ours. >> john: i was amazed to find out that states of emergency had been declared in some places to free up emergency workers. and again, i remember as a kid we kind of looked up at the sky and there was the son and the moon moved across it, it got dark and the moon went on its merry way and the light came back on, it didn't seem like a big deal but it has become a very big deal. >> it has, especially because it really does help you understand science with your whole body.
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and then you always remember the people who are next to you that are having this experience with you. you are bonded with them forever. if you are in a big crowd you will remember the screams, you will remember the tears. >> sandra: choose your viewing partners wisely i suppose. >> john: exactly this is a metaphysical event. >> yes, absolutely. feature we look forward to it and you have helped build our excitement so thank you so much for joining us, deborah. >> thank you for having me. we are excited. >> john: i can't wait for monday it will be great. >> sandra: i will keep these in my pack in my back pocket otherwise you can't look at it. >> john: couldn't fda decision on cigarettes impact the bid for a second term i summon the white house are concerned that banning menthol cigarettes could upset a key voting bloc. >> sandra: plus president biden accused of turning his back on israel. he had just spoke and made some news on this as he was departing for his trip to baltimore.
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charlie hurt is going to react he joins us live.
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live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> did you threaten to stop military aid to israel? >> i asked them to do what they are doing. >> are you abandoning israel? >> john: that was president biden leaving the white house and the last hour as he faces accusations that he is shifting, it either protects a
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slants more change the policy. let's bring in a fox news contributor, the troubling thing for many people, charlie, as there is a lot of ambiguity at least publicly about what this president might do. listen to a john kirby said the other day. >> i will not preview any potential policies or decisions coming forward. what we want to see her some real changes on the israeli side. and if we don't see changes from their side, there will have to be changes from our side but i won't preview what that would look like. >> john: he said they talked about that so i assume he meant that biden and that yahoo talked about the consequences and what they could be but we are all left in the dark wondering. >> yeah. clearly there is this ambiguity coming from the white house from the administration. and the ambiguity is being viewed across all over the place, not just the united states, but also in the
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middle east. and also the same ambiguity has been going on for years now. it going back to the beginning of the biden administration where they tried to play footsie with iran and doing so much so to the point they were paying billions of dollars in exchange for hostages. and then of course you can't be surprised when the result of that is that the iranian proxies in gaza wind up attacking israel and taking more hostages. the really troubling part of this, of course, we all have to remember there are still hostages being held. and this level of ambiguity, obviously any kind of war is horrifying. it's why all good people want to avoid war at any cost. but if you have a war, you have to be singular in pursuing it. and getting it over with. when you stop and think about
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the fact you still have hostages who are being held in the midst of all of this, it's even more troubling. >> sandra: charlie, former president donald trump weighed in on the situation on the hugh hewitt show. he actually says israel needs to get its game together. he suggested they are losing the p.r. war with this war, listen. >> you have to get it over with and you have to get back to normalcy. i am not sure i am loving the way they are doing it because you have to have victory. you have to have a victory. it's taking them a long time. the other thing is i hate they put out tapes all the time, every night they are releasing tapes of a building falling down. they should not be releasing tapes like that. that's why they are losing the p.r. war. israel is absolutely losing the p.r. war. >> sandra: i want your reaction to that. >> certainly the p.r. war is the
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problem the biden administration is facing. because of the -- because of the problems he faces within his own party, that p.r. war is really hurting him in a very real way. and of course, the result of that is he is going to pander to both sides. that gives us further ambiguity. >> sandra: charlie, thank you, good to see a-determiner. >> good to see you all. >> john: thank you, charlie perry at live look in baltimore president biden is about to speak before the bridge collapsed cleaning, we will be right back.
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>> well it was a big event in the northeast today with the earthquake 4.892 they are they are still having aftershocks did you feel the last one? we don't know how big it is at this point they've all been about 2.0 or 1.8. >> there was a 2.2 in there, the most recent one i believe was 2.2, so interesting that they got even stronger as we got further away from the earthquake. we hope those come to an end, we were just having a discussion about medical procedures i wonder what stories could come from that, for all of us who just had to bounce for a couple seconds what if he were doing something
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that took an incredible amount of. >> exactly, what if you're doing heart surgery in the building started shaking i assume you immediately go like this but let's hope that nothing untoward happened during that time. >> it will be interesting what stories emerge but thankfully there have been no injuries reported from this yet just some things falling off the shelves but still really something to have lived through this the strongest earthquake and hundred and four years. >> look at all that and not over yet because we have the eclipse earthquake coming up on monday, it will be a transformative experience for anybody who is in the area of totality. >> thing for you said it like that because it is exciting, can't wait, set your dvr never miss america reports thinking regarding us td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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