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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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cast of other characters. i think we have 27,000 tickets sold right now. people are responding and we are going to pray every day to the good lord above that we will give them a great experience and they will feel value for their hard-earned dollars spent and we will love each other and celebrate america and music. amen! >> laura: hallelujah! i think it is fantastic, i'm looking forward, i don't know which i'm coming to but i'm coming to one of them and i cannot wait. kid rock, bob ritchie, great to see you. that was fun and that is it for us tonight. don't forget to set your dvr, we always want you to stay connected with us and i have a lot of new stuff up on social media and instagram and facebook, make sure to do that as well. remember it is america now and forever, jesse? >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".
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tonight... did you feel that? i survived an earthquake. >> earthquake! >> the endorsement i made years ago with biden, this is who i am going to endorse. will you do it again this year? that answer is no to sorry joe, the rock says no. >> if you smell what the rock is cooking! >> i will support what she is up to, i think it's fabulous. >> she is accused of criminal trespassing in the first-degree. >> jesse: need a lawyer? she is the secret weapon. plus... [ shouting ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: october 17, 1989. game three of the world series. oakland against san francisco, a sold-out crowd at at candlestick park, millions watching at home
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until... >> oakland -- [ shouting ] >> the earthquake had a 5:04 lasting just 15 seconds. everyone felt it but no one realized yet how catastrophic it would turn out to be. starting with a shocking side of the collapsed section of the bay bridge and then finding this nightmarish seen in east oakland. >> the entire upper deck of this structure has collapsed and has fallen onto the lower deck. >> jesse: 67 dead, thousands injured, billions in damage. they postponed the world series for 10 days. that was a serious earthquake. there is a reason people are scared of these things. this morning, we had an earthquake in new york.
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. >> i'm in the cnn news room and we are following breaking news out of new york right now. >> that is the largest quake to hit the state of new jersey and some 250 years. >> we are right now trying to scramble teams in new york city and the surrounding areas. >> we're taking this extremely seriously. >> this is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast to occur in the last century. >> it was a shallow quake just ringing a bell. the whole place just rang. >> this could be a traumatic moment for individuals going through an earthquake. >> jesse: this sounds big. is everyone okay? >> my parents are in staten island and she says she did feel the shaking of the earthquake, some of her friends even had some china dishes that were kind of shaking on the shelves and falling. >> the mirror was shaking. my toddler was jumping on the bed back literally did not notice a thing. >> we saw the shelf, trying to
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look, everything looks in place. >> it cannot be felt in the air of course although it can be felt on the ground. >> our viewers are getting some incredible new video just out of new jersey, showing the earthquake, watch this. that doesn't seem so incredible, this video. >> jesse: how did the toddler not notice the earthquake? toddlers are so prospective -- perceptive, gnashing yes by them. maybe it's because nothing really fell off the shelf. >> holy [ bleep ].
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>> i don't know if this is an earthquake. >> jesse: no one died, no one is hurt and every building is still standing. one guy was getting a vasectomy during the quake, a close call. but thank god he is okay. the epicenter of the earthquake was, you were not going to believe this, trump golf club. maybe he started to drill a bit too early. i live in new jersey, i felt the earthquake and it was an earthquake right away. family was all there, opened the door and everything seemed fine a then all of the women in the family started texting each other for hours. jesse junior was a little nervous, he asked me dad, what is an earthquake? i told him the earth's stomach was growling and it was hungry and he seemed to buy it. and then for the rest of the day 40 million people kept asking each other, did you feel it?
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some people didn't even come in to work. some people pulled over to the side of the road and prayed. people from all over the country were texting people with -- texting me if i was okay and i realized what the fuss was about. location, location, location. the earthquake touched new york, the media capital of the country. if an anchor gets jossell for 10 seconds, you will hear about it all day. >> grandpa! >> earthquake! >> earthquake! >> earthquake, earthquake! >> jesse: we appreciate the thoughts and prayers. we will rebuild. this is not anything new. if there is an inch of snow in midtown, it is a snow apocalypse if it is hot and the summer, they call it a scorpion heatwave. if it rains, rain bomb. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: the media is making us look soft. we have been through civil wars, world wars, drafts, assassinations, terror attacks, pandemics. florida, texas, kansas get decimated by hurricanes, floods, tornadoes but they bounced back. northern california had seven earthquakes this week. you don't hear about them because reporters don't live there. when new york gets a 102nd shake, we report it like it is the world's first earthquake. then we blame climate change. >> naturally this left me wondering, could climate change play a role in the frequency of these felt quakes? >> in terms of climate change, if we have a sea level rise for instance, we will change the amount of pressure that the ocean is exerting on the shelves and on the coastlines. and some of that will help to
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may be trigger some earthquake activity. >> jesse: earthquake seven happening forever and new york has seen 500 earthquakes since the 17 hundreds. there wasn't that much global warming back then, so don't panic. find a new picture frame, nailed down the mirror and let your dog outside. my driver's from pakistan. he says they have earthquakes every year. seven and eight on the richter scale. lots of fatalities. if pakistan can handle it, weekend two. new york is still experiencing aftershocks and primetime is monitoring the situation. but it does make you realize just how vulnerable we are to the whims of mother nature. it could all be gone in an instant. we just have to appreciate every second we have on this earth and live every day like it is our last a be grateful for what you have, we are all just so insignificant in the grand
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scheme of things. let's reflect any moment of silence. i'm joined by a doctor now who is a theoretical physicist and author of quantum supremacy. you are from california? >> i was born and raised in california. >> jesse: what was to day like? >> it is a rite of passage that you experience earthquakes. i remember as a child looking at the wall seeing pictures wobbling like this. this is normal, that's the way it is in california so get used to it. >> jesse: what happens in an earthquake, my son asked me. all i knew was tectonic plates shifting and that's all i had. >> well california earthquakes are different from earthquakes here in the new york area. california is riddled with earthquake faults, therefore faults don't travel very far, earthquakes never go beyond the borders of california, let's say. they are severe and sharp but they don't go very far.
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however,, we're in the middle of the north american plate. thousands of miles across. and when it moves, it moves is a block. therefore, earthquakes travel thousands of miles, on like the ones in california but they are mild and not very frequent as a consequence. so there are two sides of the same coin. california earthquakes and earthquake's in the northeast. >> jesse: so we have an earthquake today and on monday we are supposed to see, what, a solar eclipse? what is happening, doctor? >> different politicians are declaring a state of emergency because they are expecting inundations of suvs and rvs and hotels being booked because everyone wants to catch the clips. why? my theory is that it is because people are making at their bucket list now they want to say that once or twice in their lifetime they saw mother nature create this firework in outer space.
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plus, the space program is coming back. for decades the space program was kind of boring. you shoot astronauts up, they come back down, so what? now billionaires and private citizens are going up into outer space. elon musk is actually charging passengers, civilians to go to the moon. so there is a new energy. >> jesse: there is a new energy and i have a few recommendations for civilians who i would like to send to the moon. dr, back in the olden days when native peoples experienced earthquakes and solar eclipses, what did they believe it signified? >> they were close to mother nature. we are more divorced from mother nature because we have our nice houses and all but the native peoples were very much in touch with the seasons and were very much and touch with what was happening around them. we kind of lost that touch, that connection. >> jesse: we have to get back to that deep connection, i have
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already had it so it is mostly up for other people. thank you very much doctor. >> my pleasure. >> jesse: joe biden just got some bad news from the rock.zemp [ ♪♪ ] i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting,
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and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: america loves the rock. >> if you smell what the rock is cooking! without a shadow of the doubt, the greatest in sports entertainment the world has ever seen. the rock has come back! >> jesse: the wrestling superstar turn hollywood front man turned business mogul took hollywood by storm. people magazine named him the top reason to love america. jesse watters again overlooked, not mad, just pointing it out. the rock earned the title of
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sexiest man alive. i know we all had someone else in mind. when dwayne johnson speaks, people listen. and guess who he endorsed in 2020? >> i figure let's kick this conversation off this way by me officially publicly endorsing you both to become president and vice president of our great country. >> that is fantastic, thank you. >> it means a great deal to us. >> jesse: but four years later, the rock like the rest of the country has regrets. >> am i happy with the state of america right now? that answer is no. i believe we will get better? i believe and that, i'm an optimistic guy and i believe we can get better. the endorsement that i made years ago with biden was one i thought was the best decision for me at that time. will you do that again this year? that answer is no. >> jesse: is the rock voting for trump? we don't know. but he is not endorsing anyone.
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this may have something to do with the rock being on the board of directors for the ufc and wwe parent company. and since that audience is right wing, and. maybe he sick of his buddies busting his chops for the worst endorsement ever. actors like the rock, being a democrat hurts with the box office. look at tom cruise. stayed out of politics, that was a smart business decision. but when the media found out about the rock on fox news, sad. >> now which is division. >> a couple of questions, -- [booing] >> should celebrities endorse public figures? >> jesse: taylor swift, the ball is in your court. dean, you were almost as popular as the rock. will you be withholding and endorsement?
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>> i never withhold an endorsement because i'm not that smart. i'm endorsing president trump 100%. no question about it. first of all i want to say i'm very glad you survived that horrific earthquake this morning in new york. and california we wouldn't even get out of bed. >> jesse: thank you very much. >> definitely climate change. >> jesse: definitely, i would agree. the rock is basically, what is he, 20 million, $30 million a movie? everyone wants him in the film, everybody wants him on their show. he regrets the last endorsement, what significance do you see in the nonendorsement situation? >> i love the rock like everybody else, he is fantastic, i want to congratulate my brother at getting that interview, it's great. the rock basically said this. i screwed up last time. this administration sucks, everybody knows that, that's the way it is, i'm catching a lot of flack from my guys, weather it is dana white and ufc guys or
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whoever. he is not going to be political and i get it and i understand that he will just sell his movies, he will sell his football league, you will sell his wrestlemania and he will sell his tequila because he is a businessman. i would never come on your show and try to sell anything like this shirt right here. my brand-new graphic novel that's coming out right now, it is actually sold out. you can go online and get your own. >> jesse: how do you not heavy tequila company, dean? what's going on? >> i'm working on it! i'm drinking enough tequila where i should have my own. >> jesse: i agree. dean, think you so much and thanks for calling me a wimp for experiencing my first earthquake ever. i'm going to go back and hide in the corner. >> you did well. >> jesse: thank you very much, i will get there. and case you thought palestinian protests have simmered down, here they are. yelling at the clintons. >> hillary clinton, hi!
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has anyone told you you are the super predator? you're responsible for the deaths of millions! if you like clinton you are genocide supporter! we believe you you piece of [ bleep ]! >> clinton you are responsible for genocide, responsible for atrocities. you are literally helping [ bleep ] with the genocide of palestinian people! >> jesse: they are not just making politicians uncomfortable, there also bothering regular people just trying to get to work. our correspondent christina coleman has more. >> hello jesse. a man is seen on video driving his suv towards a crowd of anti- israel protesters as they blocked a road outside of americans weapons manufacturer lockheed martin -- martin. [ shouting ] >> you want to go to prison? >> get out of the way! somebody's going to die!
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somebody right now! somebody's going to die! get out of my way! >> this incident happened around 6:00 yesterday morning as protesters from the bay area of the palestine solidarity coalition protested against the u.s. sending weapons to israel. the new york post is reporting that this man who drove towards the crowd was on his way to work and brandished a knife to defend himself. the protesters say no one was arrested and that they safely escalated the situation. >> i have to get to my job! i have to get to my job! you get out of the [ bleep ] way! >> think about your future bud. >> this man just reportedly on his way to work. we reached out to police to confirm what happened in this case, we are waiting to hear back. this tense moment did not stop some of the pro- palestinian protesters from handcuffing themselves together in front of the strategic missile facility. a spokesperson for the company said they respect the right to peacefully protest and that they are honoured to partner with the
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u.s. military and their international partners to deliver strategic deterrence and security solutions. jesse? >> jesse: thank you christina. fanny willis is selling i bedsheets, right back. [ ♪♪ ] sn fo -was that after i texted the age to screen was now 45? [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers
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are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.
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hi, i'm david, and i lost 92 pounds on golo. i noticed within a week that the release supplement really knocked out my sugar cravings. i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that.
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. (reporters) kev! kev! kev!
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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin' [ ♪♪ ] >> i don't need anything from a man, a man is not a plan. >> if you are woman and a date with a man you better have $200 in your pocket so if that man accept you can go where you want to go. >> i don't do my friends like that. if you tell me it's a g. then you get $1000. >> where is police? what continent is that? >> jesse: america's favourite da cashing in on her new fame. she is selling merch. you can go to the official store online and you can get yourself an integrity matters mug or even a fani cannel -- candle if you have a lover boy or co-conspirator in your life. by some fani bedsheets or, get
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this. a fani pack for when you were on the go. that is where you keep your $200. some of the merch we don't get like the wind tumbler. >> i think we did two different wine tours that you do which are pretty expensive. i think i bought him -- he likes wine, i don't like wind to be honest with you. >> jesse: all great pieces but primetime thinks she is missing something. a man is not a plan hoodie or where is belize bikini? for your taxpayer-funded tropical vacations with your favourite coworker. and how about a line of safes? keep your cash at home with a fani safe as she testified, it is a black thing. in the late 1990s, the monica lewinsky scandal rock the white house and the country. instead of walking out on bail, heller replayed the doting wife
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and claimed any rumours about her husband's bad behaviour was just a right-wing conspiracy. >> the great story here for anyone willing to find it and write about it and explain it, is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced to run for president. >> the vast right-wing conspiracy. it was a deflection to distract the american people from what was really going on. and for a while it worked. since then, democrats and the media have perfected it. they have decided that any conversation they don't like can be explained away as a right-wing conspiracy. take squatting. the washington post just put out a piece this week saying squatters have become a right wing talking points. squatting is extremely rare. according to experts, so rare that there is no reliable data available on the number of squatters across the country. but with a handful of high-profile cases and property
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owners going to court to evict illegal residents, a right-wing media frenzy in the introduction of state bills, the topic has become ubiquitous. what qualifies as a right-wing media frenzy? to the post, that would be any question asked by our very own stupid son of a gun, peter. >> how worried do americans need to be about squatters? >> my understanding of the that this is obviously a local issue, we're certainly tracking that issue. the rights of property owners and renters must be protected. ultimately this is a local issue and it is critical that local governments take action to address it. >> riddle me this. if a local issue is happening all across the country, is it still local? legendary right-wing provocateur lebron james, he was reportedly upset that his neighbours 5 million-dollar mansion was squatted in. don't you hate it when lebron james whips up a right-wing
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media frenzy. eight gun toting venezuelan illegals were just arrested for swatting in a bronx home, five of them were released without bail. one of the suspects, a member of the vicious venezuelan street gang whose name i won't pronounce, this is not a right-wing issue, it is un-american issue. every night on the local news is another squatting story. >> my tenants only play me -- pay me one month rent, they know the game. they know after 30 days you cannot evict them. >> no court case should go seven years. >> why can't you change the locks? >> i will be arrested instantly. >> here you are, you have to pay the upkeep of the house and you're not getting any rent? >> no rent back paying the gas and electric every month. >> stories repeated over and over again by unwitting property owners. >> jesse: every time we point out social problems, the media mocks it as a conspiracy. at the beginning of the crime wave, this is how cnn covered
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it. >> you see the right-wing machine keidean -- the media kick in right one trumps poll numbers go south. >> prime is rising, the fun police. >> it is so bad and they get the funding police. >> jesse: god i miss them. bidens open border, another right-wing conspiracy. at first they said there wasn't any illegal immigration and now they say illegal immigration is an opportunity. >> there are clear economic benefits to enabling immigrant communities to work. migration is an opportunity. >> jesse: critical race theory, the ei. when we covered it they said no, it wasn't happening. >> the most idiotic and racist theories had to do with their newest bogeyman. diversity, equity and inclusion. critical race theory, which by the way, isn't even taught in public schools to begin with.
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>> critical race theory is not taught at any k-12 school in america. >> jesse: they have not been watching thursday. from inflation to bidens mental fitness to the lab leaked to the laptop, when they call something a right-wing conspiracy, think monica lewinsky. later travis thinks about monica a lot. >> all the time, you just caught me in a deep reverie they are, thinking about the blue dress, the stain, all of it. i have so many things to react to before you asked me a question. we start here with which media outlet, i want to flagged is you and your producers, which media outlet will be the first to go this way? the first thing they say is, i jotted it down, it isn't happening. then they go to okay it's happening but it's not happening very often, the next step, which media outlet will be the first to do this one. why squatting is a good thing. there will be a headline, i promise you, in the next couple of weeks, one of the outlets will say yes squatting is real,
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yes, it is happening and it is actually a very good thing, that is where we are headed. odds are the washington post, the new york times... >> jesse: i want to do a parlay. who was going to say this... who was going to say if you are again squatting you are racist? >> and sexist and homophobic and also against illegal immigrants. the other thing i want to say, the fani willis segment was a plus, i can't believe that israel. i have two questions for you. one, be honest, the where is belize bikini is kind of hot. i think i would be happy to give that to my wife on vacation. i thought that was pretty good. second part here, if you walked into a bedroom, if you were a man and someone had fani willis sheet on their bed, is there any better sign that you better get your ass out of that bedroom? may be like 25 different pet
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snakes? i don't know what would have to be in the bedroom that would make me get out of there faster than fani willis bedsheets. and if you had just had on affair with a man that you hired, with your thought be to draw more attention to the bed? >> jesse: i don't know if bedsheets were the best item. we have some others we would like to show you if you will just allow us a moment. this was jesse waters on easter, i want to show you how to wear a blazer. if we have that image up, that is the proper way to rock, some would say, a flamboyant colour. we also had a guest on last night who pulled off a burgundy blazer with the silk pocket square and the paisley tie and we thought we just needed some inspiration. >> first of all, i don't want to take a shot at this gentleman but if you pull that shot up, i don't know why the tie and there is so much skinnier than the actual tie itself.
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i think, humbly, that is a really bad luck as a fashion maven like i am. >> jesse: i have never seen you wear a tie, play! >> i don't do ties, they are just nooses upside down, i don't think it's a good look for any man in the modern era. >> i will send you a fani tie, will you put that around your neck? >> that is actually great idea. you give me a fani tie, i will break my usual anti- tie hiatus and will wear on your show. >> jesse: we will throw in a where is belize bikini because we love you. play travis, have a great weekend. >> thank you, have a good weekend as well. >> jesse: meet the number 1 lawyer in america. [ ♪♪ ] migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: prime time? we got a first-hand look at seattle's migrant crisis yesterday. the city told them they have no more money to pay for their free hotel rooms. they overstay their welcome and it was time to go r but the ungrateful guess, along with liberal activists took over a high school tennis court.
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and when an investigative journalist went there to check it out, they freaked out. >> they were eccentrically extorting the city saying look, if they don't get money, if they don't get resources, if they don't get motels, they will stay and protest and create, again, chaos. what an attitude of entitlement. >> jesse: this is not a new issue, last month a radical migrant activist bum rushed a city meeting, demanding an outing. six were arrested and one suspect is being represented by a 70-year-old seattle public defender who says her client is innocent. >> she is really nice, she is really smart, she sounds like she has the right idea about things. i really support what she is up to and i think it is fabulous. >> she is accused of criminal trespass. >> in the first degree, yes. >> is she innocent or guilty? >> she is innocent of course.
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>> she is caught on video being arrested and protesting, allegedly protesting. i'm trying to get all sides. >> my client is not guilty. >> jesse: i know what you are thinking, she is only 70. how does she do it? prime time is a big advocate of eating healthy. when you eat well, you feel well, if you feel well you live well. but when you count -- chow down on junk food and sugary drinks that can lead to high blood pressure, obesity and now we're finding out it could lead to cancer. a new study by the american cancer society claims that cancer cases will shoot up by nearly 80% by the year 2050. a big part of this is due to diet. startling prediction, someone should tell joe biden, who said he would stop cancer in its tracks. [ indiscernible ] >> jesse: elect me or --
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that's a bold statement. one way to go about it is to may be stop complaining that snickers bars are shrinking and there aren't enough potato chips in the bag. grace prices grandfather died a few years back. the experience got her thinking, and my next? what can i do to prevent myself from getting cancer? and why do we only treat cancer once we are diagnosed with it, why don't we take print of measures to stop ourselves from getting it in the first place? the answer? money. >> in the past, the american cancer society has accepted a $1.9 million fund from coca-cola. this is with the knowledge that the overconsumption of sugar can lead to increased risk of obesity and cancer. the american heart association accept funds from kellogg's and coke, the american diabetes association accepts funds from coke. the list goes on. the easiest way to understand why certain products are promoted as healthy is to follow
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the money. 95% of the 2020 guidelines committee had a conflict of interest with the big food and big pharma. >> jesse: if you have been watching primetime you know how bad this junk food stuff. grace price, or documentary shows you the truth. >> the average american adult consumes around 17 teaspoons of added sugar each day. this is 2-3 times greater then the healthy amount. the modern killer today is the average american diet. froot loops, or nola virus, frap at chino, catch up, bagels, chips, coke, caprice on, twinkies, muffin, snickers, crackers, pancakes, yogurt, pizza, pasta, pepsi and the list goes on. it is time to wage war against the toxic foods that have silently infiltrated our diets. the choice is yours. >> jesse: grace price is the creator of cancer, a foodborne illness.
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are you claiming that high levels of sugar and heavily processed junk food actually leads to possible cancer? >> jesse, i can tell you one thing for sure, which is time to call big food out on their sweet lies. we are seeing cancer in huge amounts now and young adults and people who are my age. and as a teen myself i'm not surprised because sugar is the new cigarette for cancer when it comes to my generation. we are the ones buying frap at chino's, snacking on cereals and eating sugar all day and then told to take a quick fix, it is so wrong. coca-cola funds millions to national health organizations like the american cancer society to try to convince us that their high fructose corn syrup filled foods aren't going to make us sick. we know that is not true and we also know that cancer cells have a massive appetite for sugar. so i'm here to fix this.
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>> jesse: so back in the day we didn't have these types of level of cancer diagnosis, we just didn't. it does seem that cancer is really spreading everywhere, more and more people are getting diagnosed all the time. is it just in your research, because of diet or are there other factors. >> what i can tell you is that i decided to go in a deep dive on this and i found that everything aligned with all of the sugar and alter processed foods that we have been consuming. as cancer rates have been increasing, so have those things and especially on unprecedented amount on my generation. greater than 67% of our diet comes from these processed foods which are filled with sugar and bad oils that we have studies that show are linked to cancer. >> jesse: what happens when you go and get one of those double frap at chino espresso mocha things from starbucks and we are not accusing starbucks of giving everybody cancer, but how
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much sugar is in that thing? >> i think last time and checked it was 36 grams but if i'm being quite honest with you, in never order those and i'm trying to encourage other teens not to. so i'm expanding on to tik tok and other platforms for this. thing for having me jesse. >> jesse: everybody go check out her documentary, we appreciate it. sink or swim is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. houses. or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. wow. request a cash offer at
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my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. i ran my own hvac business and now i'm retired. i'm not good being retired. i'm a pain in the neck. i like to be able to have a purpose. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference--
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that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. , >> jesse: to sink or swim we bring in guy benson who was supposed to be on outnumbered got bumped because of the earthquake. >> breaking news. >> jesse: to and bragging she has been undefeated on this segment, a guy ready for some more earthquakes here we go, that category is better with friends, in your house every morning but did you know that
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rappers like him to, which hip-hop legend admitted to watching fox and friends every morning, like a slave or masterpiece both going with master p. >> i love you fox and friends, in the morning to, i watch them every morning. >> jesse: okay,, did you know the difference between flavor flav and master p.? >> not entirely i know one but not the other one that i voted for. >> jesse: 12 you are still tied, the carrier is mutiny everyone likes to talk to not at one like the sound of their own boys this famous lindsay recently admitted to hating the way their boys sounds on camera is it lindsay lohan or lindsay graham? >> wow. >> you know when you hear your own boys back on voice note? and you're like i didn't want to hear it. >> jesse: did you just cheers
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paddles? how competitive is this? >> i think if lindsay graham hated the sound of his voice he would do a lot less interviews then he does. >> jesse: we would see less lindsay graham and that would be terrible we do love lindsay, liar liar pants on fire which struggling democratic mayor claims they are crime-ridden city is that safest on the globe is it eric adams or brendan johnson? >> we are really lockstep. >> best subway system on the globe and the safest on the globe. >> jesse: eight fact checked, incorrect, this is coming down to the last question. >> chicago is less safe to be fair. >> jesse: lights camera nation, this famous director is about to be our coworker he is going to host and produce a series on fox nation is it christopher nolan or martin scorsese? >> wow. >> martin scorsese's going to host and producer chauffeur fox. >> jesse: now we are on the
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tiebreaker, how many characters did i interview in my book get it together? it is not over or under, who is closest, how many characters that i interview? >> twelve. >> five. >> jesse: eight guy wins. >> yes. >> jesse: to 23 madison obviously you need to get it together have not read my book. >> jessie called this hat cute by the way. >> i -- i has not read the book either. >> jesse: do we now have to get you a copy of get it together because you need to get it together and you're winning streak is broken but what a better person break it, guy benson not an unlucky guy until he came on this show thank you very much. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: to book signing alert maybe madison wants to join me here, fort myers
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florida, beach haven new jersey vero beach florida and we just added men them new jersey, mendham belinda california as well, come see me and run your fingers through my hair i allow that it's time for texts, christine from texas i got all four sink or swim answers right can you send me a fanny tumbler? >> i will do you one better bedsheets, just text is your address. evan from florida why would you tell jesse junior that the earth was hungry? if you want to know the reason it's because i didn't know how to explain tectonic plates, not because i didn't know how to explain it to a 3-year-old because i don't know what i'm talking about. i thought the earth was hungry is pretty good. tom from new jersey, that was not an earthquake that was the founding fathers rolling over in their graves. dan from arizona, it appears that even earthquakes are leaving california, that's not
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bad, rick from south carolina, it appears that biden does not smell what the rock is cooking. we did not say it rock would not be voting for him he's just going to do whatever he does in private. michelle from florida, harold ford junior is sexier than the rock, well, you have a friend in florida harold ford junior, he is a sexy man. ray from beverly massachusetts, grey goose and a fanny candle is the new netflix and shell. if i buy some of the fanny emerged as that mean knife on her campaign? that is interesting, karen from wisconsin what is up with the christmas tree behind him? it's probably selling it the man is a salesman don't forget to get the action books i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ] >> sean: welcome to the special editio


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