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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 5, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> look at everyone run it's a raccoon watch out shouts out -- [ shouting ] >> sean: maybe the raccoon just wanted to get on the ride the park officials say the two guess bitten by the raccoon, which is serious, they were taken to hospital out of an abundance of caution but we hope they are okay. now unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity in the meantime let not your heart be troubled greg gutfeld up next to put a smile on your face. have a great weekend.
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>> greg: let's save some for camel let's welcome tonight's guest you may recognize him from the cover of white privilege magazine fox and friends first code host todd pyro knows she is not related to obi-wan kenobi put a co- commentator amal up and nobody that was hard here tonight from the hobo relocation program tv writer and producer rob log and her stunt double is
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a broom new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor, to. >> greg: before we get to some news stories let's do this. >> greg: 's leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use and as always it's my first time reading them so if they suck will put joe mackey on a trampoline your helicopter today a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit lebanon new jersey and it was felt throughout new york city but upon further investigation it turns out chris christie just sat down joy behar walked on to the view set wearing two different coloured shoes this week producers explained it was not her fault these were simply the shoes that the blacksmith
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selected speaking of joy behar she says women who look beautiful or not funny making her the funniest woman to ever live, unnecessary mayor pete says that people who don't want electric cars are like people who want land lines forever then he went in and plugged in his car it deserves a smattering of applause just a smattering house republicans facing pushback from their own plans to rename a dc airport after trump democrats wanted to name it after bill clinton but then it would only service wide bodies in a new
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hypothetical matchup michelle obama trails trump by the same percent as jill biden meanwhile here's what is trailing joe biden you are disgusting new york city is planning to build a 40 floor jail to house prisoners that way, you like high-rises? that way inmates on the top floors not only get excellent views of the city but hillary clinton can't get to them during a recent episode of finding your roots legendary actor michael douglas learned he is related to scarlett johansson at first he was shocked but then saddened when he realized he couldn't bang her a new report warns that self driving semi trucks will
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soon dominate u.s. highways now in truckers pn bottles they can do it at home a new study found that half of gin goers will reuse their sweaty workout underwear and some people then sell them on ebay. >> i knew it. >> i was ready for it. >> i topped myself up i saw that one coming. >> and li surgeon says the size of a man's nose correlates with his penis length so congratulations to pinocchio and italian island overrun by goats is begging people to catch them and take them away locals are complaining but the taliban says it is a great place to meet hot singles the usda confirmed that bird flu has now hit dairy cows which means the bovines will have to start masking up a new
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poll finds that you as a congressman bulman trails his opponent in his reelection bid by 17 points 17 points if only there was a way to sound an alarm i will take it a 76 are old man in canada claims he got an infection after being bitten by a rat in his toilet bowl here's a picture of that rat despite a full-fledged war ukrainians living in the uk are heading home to get better dental treatment getting blown to pieces is still better than seeing a british dentist didn't even have to write a punchline really scientists claim there is a wild new invisibility shield
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that makes you disappear in plain sight who needs and invisibility shield for that said one man finally kamala harris says it best of all was allowed to have brackets until 2022, she added that she also looks forward to the doorway when -- day when women can vote. now to the news can trump's taste in music explain what is going on inside his brain? political sight ask eos took a real deep dive into the tunes from the president what he loves to blast on the mar lago spotify playlist once again ask eos doing the stories no one else will touch who cares about fentanyl or illegal immigrants are crying did you hear that orange godzilla love showtunes? among his favourites is suspicious minds by -- lionel
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richie cello and ring of fire by johnny cash she probably identifies with that song after eating so much mcdonald's come on we've all been there he also enjoys broadway including phantom of the opera the only instance where he is pro- mask and when donald's home don't you dare touch that dial as actio's reports he alone controls the volume most natural he is home he walks downstairs to the ground floor of mar lago like clockwork the crowd arises in applause greeting the guest of water i get a similar reaction when i my shirt off in the newsroom that is not photoshopped, and not photoshopped axial's claims trump's playlist is the rosetta stone that demystifies how trump's mind works, what you need to do the same thing with
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joe biden? examining his musical choices to see how his mind works? or could you just watch this on a loop. [ applause ] [ ♪♪ ] >> greg: you know that song reminds me of? song back this is the end my only friend the end ♪ >> greg: i do love the beatles
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todd we talk about trump's musical taste but i assume on your spotify playlist you have a mix of indo the way public enemy jay-z. >> i've got them all, who are they? i actually do like that genre of music because i grew up around that time but this article makes no sense to me breaking news trump enjoys the majesty of song? what am i missing here the article says this is a window into his soul the fact that he likes music at a certain volume and he likes a bunch of very popular songs that puts him in line with every human how is that a look into his soul? to me the biggest issue that i have with this article is the fact that trump gets to control both the volume and the playlist? i live in house with three other people all women i was allowed to pick one song at my wedding and this is not a joke it was baby got back played by a band and the second i have two kids under three so basically everything right now is miss rachel and coco mellon so to me that's the false part of the story men are allowed to
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control even if you're donald trump. >> greg: interesting i was surprised by the way, walking to the show. >> thank you for having me high found it surprising how bland and generic his taste was, all of these things are things that you hear right before you are going to get a colostomy. >> why are you looking at me. >> greg: i meant to say colonoscopy not colostomy. >> i'm the only one here that can fact checked that i think. >> while you're down that you may as well. >> greg: what did you make of this. >> who cares what music he's listening to i don't think it's in any way indicative of what type of person he is they are go on to state he listens to the same songs over and over again as if that is somehow a controlling a maniacal act i guess i'm a psychopath i listen to the same music all the time and it does happen to be things like nwa and rap and hip-hop and
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i am not selling drugs or shipping lean or sleeping with tons of women's i don't know that music is a reflection of who you are. >> greg: i will disagree with goths while that was quiet. >> in what sense? >> greg: goths who listen to depressing music they tend to be very depressing. >> depressed. >> greg: depressed is the word but interesting he doesn't have any of all of his death beat. >> i'm going to get you in a minute i need to know what your wife said when you said you know would be a great song in our wedding? baby got back and she said why and you said. >> she knows it's my favourite song if you listen to that song it's musically special. >> it's a spectacular song. >> it brings joy. >> i'm get it i'm just like your wife is a fantastic lady. >> in more ways than one she married me. >> i am not as interested in the
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playlist as i am i don't think this says much about him except that he grew up at a certain time to listen to those songs it's more like he's dancing that i find mesmerizing because it's like old white guy at the wedding he does this thing. >> greg: yes. >> and you think yourself that guy i know he probably doesn't have that much privacy you could see donald trump today with a hairbrush or something shampoo bottle in the shower singing ring of fire. >> greg: you know what is interesting if you look at some of his selections could trump have been our first gay president? since a blinken. >> well two hours every day in may hair and makeup, favourite song ymca.
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>> greg: he loves broadway showtunes. >> showtunes. >> greg: there's a stereotype rob i'm disgusted by you that you have indulge the stereotypes, cat what did you thank of this deep dive this incredible pulitzer bait journalism. >> i thought they were like he likes to control the music at his own establishment i thought to but for me honestly i would never give up the information of my spotify playlist actually because i feel like people that they want to go through your phone they always go through messages to try to find the secrets and for me the most revealing would be my notes at that's where my secrets are and then what i'm listening to, you can find out a lot about what's going on in my life and what i'm thinking about based on when i listen to nine times that day because i do that, i will squeeze every ounce of dopamine out of swiss song until i can't listen to it for several more years. >> greg: this is what i find interesting about music because the song itself doesn't change, it's a product you can continue,
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you have to rank it out and then all of a sudden it's gone but the song is the same it creeps the hell out of me there are still some songs i can listen to forever but generally they are songs that, you remember the first time or second time you heard it and it's incredible and then it's gone could that explain life? >> that explains dopamine. >> but always that moment where you are somewhere and someone plays the song you used to love and you haven't heard it in a million years and it's like the greatest song ever and you're like wow i haven't heard that in forever and i feel like that's probably what ymca is to president. >> greg: what song is that for you? >> probably english beat save it for later something like that i remember i was in college i heard it and then i didn't hear it again. >> greg: that was a boring answer. >> i don't know about your exterior and put in my experience that is not the case because when a girl walks in
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with a itty-bitty waste and around thing in your face we have to go to commercial. >> that's your favourite of all of the songs? >> i'm not making a joke i love the song you can go to other people's weddings and when that song comes on i will bolt off of the chair like i was in an earthquake that's a topical joke and i am ready to go it is a weird thing is number 37 on the 157 list of weird to thanks but it's me i love sir mix a lot if you're watching i would love to meet you, sir,. >> greg: i'm sure he's dying to put that on his list. >> maybe he's up at 5:00 am. >> he never goes to bed up maxwell we need a gurney for this top-heavy attorney.
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>> greg: can this public defender make the case with giant balloons assaulting your face our video of the day comes from stephanie mueller our new trans- canadian teacher a 70-year-old public defender in washington state who says that despite her appearance she has only been treated with respect roll it. >> she is very smart she sounds like she has the right idea about things i really support
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what she's up to and i think that is fabulous. >> she is accused of what is criminal trespassing in the first degree. >> i am in the directory for the washington state bar association you can look me up. >> thank you for your time at this point your client is being arraigned though. >> this is all just happened her hearing is over, it's done. >> do you know in her next court date is? >> i do. >> i'd like to just keep tabs with her. >> i think that's a great idea. >> can you tell when that is? >> no, take care. >> greg: forget the monday eclipse stephanie could single-handedly block out the song she should in the trial by putting those beauties on the table and saying the defence rests were not laughing at her it's kind of sad and strange but imagine you get a lawyer and he
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walked in and fall blackface and not blackface but just indulging every racist hair type with exaggerated body parts wood there be the same tolerance and compassion? >> i don't know that there would be the same tolerance i'd probably be going to jail for a different reason if that happened to me when i see this it simply just a caricature of womanhood we all know that to be true and this individual stephanie says i have received a lot of respect since transitioning and no one says aiming about it i think the reason is that no one is allowed to saving about it soon you will get in trouble maybe even arrested and then she can be a public defender. >> greg: i think people are too scared but i have to give stephanie props rob not changing the voice not working on the voice just letting it go because even stephanie knows that a dominant male voice works in the courtroom. >> i think that's a solution
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really first of all i'd say two things one may think she could work at one of those telenovelas the second thing is she has backed does that work for you? is that part of the thing? >> we avoided todd and porn topics for the first 15 minutes of the show way to bring it back >> i would just say if you are, if you are transitioning to be a woman and you are what you got you have to steer into it you have to say i am going to be so crazy and so over-the-top and everything that i'm going to own it the undersecretary rachel levine it's like not fooling anyone but stephanie at least
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i'm just forgetting her name she is at least making a show of it and i think that is probably the only way to handle it at the age of 70 where she is now and she looks good for 70. >> greg: way to tiptoe it's a caricature that's what i don't understand that people have to pretend this is healthy it's a guy that likes to look like a woman and make everybody look at him i don't know. >> i'm going to be very careful what i say here because i've may want to get giant tents when i turned 70 i have always said that people are like oh, you are losing your looks, you wait i have new ones coming she waited
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until she was 58 to transition should you put on a broad in the court room? probably but waiting that long for boobs i've been waiting for 35 years for boobs so if i waited 58 and finally got them i may not want to put mine away either. >> and as men get older they get to its also. >> greg: you have both changed my mind now also in this public defender's defence you know half the people in the court would bend over backward to indulge the lawyer for fear of being called transphobic he could also be a great distraction like the cigar. >> that's my point to follow up with what you said it's washington state you can't be anti- trans in any way, shape,
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or form if i am a client of hers and i have committed a crime and i get her assigned as my public defender i'm pretty stoked because video of me killing a guy doesn't matter my attorney is trans- case is closed i am acquitted you have to think a jury that puts brokenness in washington state above the rule of law and the facts there could be one or two people in that jury that do that and that's all you need for an acquittal that's how crazy our identity politics world has become don't put it past her that this is a strategy i know that sounds horrible to say but i know how lawyers think i kind of was one. >> greg: you were a lawyer weren't you you also transitioned. >> you know when a girl walks in >> greg: off next government bigwigs target menthol sigs
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>> greg: story and five words is banning menthol cigarettes cigarettes is banning menthol cigarettes racist rob this is right up your alley, so to speak, since you live in one the biden administration could soon impose strict regulations on menthol products originally proposed by the fda two years ago i guess it is because it is an unhealthy product to liberally targeting minorities is it racist however to let it continue or is it racist to ban it? i'm very confused. >> that's because you haven't grasped that everything is racist it doesn't matter what you do but i'm just hoping they don't go after all toys. >> greg: that would be terrible for all of us here sitting next to you.
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>> i have some in my pocket, i didn't quite get the connection that is it because it's. >> greg: this is what i don't understand because if you start focusing on products that are made popular by a segment of the population is that the products fault? are they saying that menthol cigarettes are targeting blacks or is it that they choose menthol more than they would choose parliaments or, i don't smoke, lucky strike or whatever would you think? answer the question, why are you avoiding this? >> i like a cigarette every now and then maybe not a menthol but i think that menthol part was it doesn't give you cigarette breath is at the issue, where it started? what they want to do is closed down all possible versions of a cigarette except identifying it simply as a cancer steak and eventually they will ban, as they do in europe they will ban the labels and you go to europe and buy cigarettes there's no labels or brands you just have
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to know the brand and the guy handed to you so those no way to know what you were smoking use have to ask for it all the things are covered up that's what they're going to go, usually when you are in trouble in other ways you want to find someone to beat up on so if you are in trouble in other ways politically you find menthol cigarettes to beat up on. >> greg: this controversy has been going around for a while what if the white house decided about foods that make you fat and they went after iraqis as a polish person we have some polish people in here. >> that was built thing in the shallow went too far. i used to smoke for like one semester i smoke marble mental lights in college. >> greg: who were you dating? >> i was buying them myself baby , i just think this is you can't look at stuff like this and think the government is the correct size, this is what
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happens i think when the fda is doing you know what we target this and people are going to have their vices they're going to find a way to find their vices you can ban certain things they will go other places it is just i can't the biden administration thinking this is the thing that i don't know the single boater that is like this is what i want the government to be focused on right now. >> greg: that is probably why they maybe doing it because they know it's not people are going over those the people upset they won't vote anyway just take it so to me todd you smoke menthols when you're chilling with their homies. >> every day i almost got kicked off the cover of white privilege magazine but i don't necessarily have a funny comment on this i want to be consistent with the first two. >> greg: how will that be different? >> i view this as a strategy here is the strategy i don't think it's racist i also don't
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think that republicans can overtly jump on it being racist that's nothing but behind-the-scenes i do think i'm serious trump needs to find a way to exploit this because joe biden is hemorrhaging black voters and if joe biden can somehow if donald trump can somehow exploit this behind-the-scenes it's basically doing what the republican's have been doing for years in an election squandering that election with something stupid and right now joe biden has something horrible response to the israel war and that is losing a lot of people in these swing states in the inter- cities these could be the nail in his coffin and i know there is he is a fun show and a fun segment but don't discount 11,000 votes really do separate donald trump from being our president and a lot of those swing states in 20 in 2020 in 2024 this could be an issue i know that sounds grandiose but it could happen. >> greg: new ports could be
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the linchpin it could be the coffin nail what do you make of this it seems like a problem with these issues is the racial filter your racial if you allow harmful product your racist if you ban it what do you do? >> i guess as a biracial person half of me is allowed to talk about this issue but they are saying you are getting rid of a product that black people love this is so racist or black people we want you to live longer i don't know what you're talking about if we get rid of the menthols there's going to be more of the running around living longer i don't understand how that's misconstrued as being something racist it's just completely ridiculous i think what you said is correct everything is racist these days they will find a way to make that the case if you keep menthols you keep something unhealthy around the black community and if you create harm if you get rid of them you are creating harm because it something they love you can't win. >> greg: the ai would if you imagine they do this with alcohol they can't because all
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of the what like the all martinis will be fine i don't know. >> say it say it greg. >> yegor meister i was going to say because we all know coming up the king of being jacked has america's back for the last couple of years. i just see myself on video calls all day and i really start noticing the lines. i'm still eric and i got botox® cosmetic. i'm seeing a lot less prominent lines than i did before, the results have been subtle but noticeable. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions,
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>> greg: the austrian okay thanks our borders are a joke this video comes to us from arnold schwarzenegger a threat -- flexing on the illegals from our porous border calling chaos everywhere they go hit it. >> me coming to america it was the key to my success is just a
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place where foreigners are welcomed this is the key thing if you are willing to contribute to america there are a lot of people that want to come to america to take advantage of america and i am very vividly against that. >> greg: is turning into burl ives but arnold is right we don't ask much from our immigrants just that they come here and find honest work as a household made so he can impregnate them. may be i should just stop there it could get very worse okay this is what i think people don't understand that the most anti- illegal immigration mindset is from legal immigrants
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that had to work here and get here the hard way. >> i think it should be simpler and easier to come here legally and contribute it is very difficult but also we provide to so many incentives i talk about this all the time people are like why did these people keep coming here? well here's your phone and your cash and your place to stay so human beings are governed by incentives we can be shocked this keeps happening i don't know win politicians will realize that they think they probably already know but it's easier for them to exploit the issue then do anything about it. >> greg: arnold is smart and famous and successful what is it like to be none of those things? >> in all seriousness i may need to pass by rote an answer i thought he was referring to coming to america the movie
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starring eddie murphy and arsenio hall i don't know i have no joke we can cut things out of the show right? >> greg: no, we leave everything that you say in so people know how horrible you are >> but all joking aside he makes an important point we are all descended from immigrants those immigrants came to this country and work their tail off to achieve the american dream for themselves and their future families and win people do that we celebrate them to arnold's point to the reason there is such a back lash toward illegal immigration the people coming over now many of them feel entitled to receive stuff from me as a taxpayer and i don't owe them a thing as an american citizen thing taxes to america. >> greg can you explain what
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that sound is coming from the audience i'm not used to it is that when an earthquake sounds like? >> greg: that was applause that happens when you make read meat comments. >> that felt good all do that again. >> greg: you have any comments you want to make out applause him? >> i just thought about arnold swarts and eger and if i was an agent i would let him through. what he is saying is very important i'm a child of an immigrant my man as an immigrant, luckily legally and they are coming to contribute and enjoy opportunities that america affords them and i think that should be encouraged but we have to sift through the people who don't come here for those purposes and there are many stories that highlight this there's a lot of organized crime here in new york city because of illegal immigrants the lincoln
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riley story was devastating to hear and there is more of that happening and it's all preventable. >> greg: so rob you used to live in la you used to hang out with arnold didn't you? >> good friend of mine good governor. >> greg: and that all fell apart. >> well things are hard it's hard to be the governor of california but the best governor hasn't been a better one sense. >> greg: i can't nevertheless good one. >> p. wilson. >> that's interesting for maybe three people. >> do you want to talk about the topic? >> greg: no let's keep this topic going go get some cocoa or something. >> sometimes i wonder if you smell toast, burning toast maybe should call someone, look as you said every immigrant says the same thing which is i obeyed the rules they were hard and somehow other people don't have to obey the rules and they go through a lot of people screaming across the border that want to work hard and not all criminals but
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there are rules hand laws and we should make it easier for good people to come in and impossible for bad people come in and that's what every other country does there's no other country that has this kind of bananas nonpolicy on their largest border it's baffling canada doesn't do if europe doesn't do it mexico doesn't do it everyone says the same thing we want the best and we don't want anyone else and that's completely legitimate. >> greg: almost like this is being done deliberately. >> ultimately the problem is this. >> you didn't get the applause he wanted. >> greg: you only give it to that jackass all do it again. >> let me do it again ultimately this is all being done deliberately by hillary clinton you have to finish the thought
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you have to finish the thing. >> greg: i should have said barack hussein obama it's too late now i don't want your applause. >> all i will say about that as you have a choice you can have a very generous liberal welfare state where you can have open borders you can't have both that's why were going to hell in a hand basket okay that was a downer up next to the won't fail with viewer mail orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> you are watching mailing it in. >> trying to decide what question we should dupe your. >> why are you looking at me? a. >> i don't know. i'm going to say the first one. mark lawson asks have you ever had a brush with death and if so did it change you and anyway? i'm going to go to you because you've never done this before and because todd is boring. >> i have a story for this. i was driving with a friend -- she was driving. we had a green light ahead of us, we go through and a dodge challenger hits us in the side of the car, swings out into another lane and we are sitting
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here in the smoke and dust and all the stuff and i watch as a man exits his dodge challenger and i'm thinking a man is going to come help us. he runs in the other direction away. it turns out the car was stolen and there was plenty of drugs inside. >> where was this? >> back home in florida. >> never trusted that state. >> good all florida man. >> rob you are in your early seventies. >> can't you tell? i'm transitioning. >> any brush with death that you can talk about? >> i was once in the sahara. i was crossing a border and there was some young boys,. the red rimmed eyes from chewing and they did not accept the passport. they just wanted money. i was like i'm not paying you,
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that's outrageous. i fought for a little bit and argued until one of them pointed the gun at me. i thought you know what, a thought occurs. how about money? the lesson i learned there was just shut up and give them money >> exactly. that works for a lot of things by the way. >> works for everything. that shutting up part especially >> cat i don't think you've ever had a brush with death. >> my stomach ache that turned out to be needing an emergency procedure. >> do you have a runner-up? >> that when i have to say really overshadows everything mentally that i couldn't even think. i probably had that a few times. >> don't you a lot to that for allowing you to write a chapter about it? >> i did write a chapter about it. i did also learn a lot from it. it was pretty tough at the time, especially because it was a
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surprise. >> one thing you learned is what that procedure is. >> i had to google it. >> is it weird? >> you're small intestine being outside of your body? yeah. >> i would get that looked at. >> it's back in now. >> all right todd i gave you plenty of time to thank of your near-death experience. >> actual death? non. many and career death... [ applause ] >> we'll be right back
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