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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 5, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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chantel: whatcha doing? alice: just buying a car on carvana. i already got pre-qualified in two minutes. chantel: say what? alice: i can customize my terms. chantel: say whaaat?! alice: yep. my car is getting delivered in a couple days. chantel: delivered? alice: mm-hmm. chantel: where we live? alice + chantel: say whaaaaaaat?!?! anncr: finance and buy your car with carvana today. >> trace: it's 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 here in los
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angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night. breaking tonight it's one giant hoax. first the mainstream media says the rising crime was a hoax. then the border crisis a hoax. now the epidemic of swatting across the united states is also a figment of the rights imagination. or as the washington post calls it a right-wing fever dream. live in new york city tonight with the fever dream that is impacting thousands. >> good evening trace. that washington post article claims that according to experts, squatting is extremely rare and it blames the right-wing media for making much ado about nothing, writing that squatting has emerged as a political cultural for the right wing fuelled by a fury of headlines that feed into the larger narrative of crime which is a political issue. while the post says squatting is not a problem, the white house says it's a local problem.
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watch. >> in florida there is a new law where victims of squatting can call the cops and have the remote -- have them removed. >> what i can say is that ultimately this is a local issue and it is critical that local governments take action to address it. >> the post article does acknowledge that since november ... to crack down on squatter issues including in florida. >> which will give the homeowner the ability to quickly and legally remove a squatter from a property which will increase criminal penalties for squatting >> they also claim the problem is so rare, there isn't any public database tracking that issue yet last fall the national rental home counsel conducted a study revealing the number of properties affected by squatters
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in cities with a high number of rental properties. it is more than just a handful of cases. atlanta came out on top as you can see with squatters taking over 1200 homes. some of which according to the authorities were used for a bevy of illegal and illicit activities. >> trace: that is quite the hoax. thank you. while the commonsense department understands that msnbc is slamming the police union for endorsing donald trump, singh the police officers association of michigan quote disgraced itself. how did the union disgrace itself you asked? because trump is facing criminal charges and he called migrant animals. common sense would point out that trump called illegal immigrant of -- accused of killing laken riley and animal.
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her and tens of thousands of other americans affected by the barrage of illegal immigrant crime is exactly why police are endorsing trump. remember the people who beat up the cops in times square? they are illegal immigrants. do they think the cops should endorse the guy who opened the border floodgates, filling the country with chaos? should police endorse the leader of the party that defunded police? it should police endorse the leader of the party that disrespects police and deputies and marshals and border agents? it was biden who wrongly accused border agents of whipping haitians and never apologized. it was biden... for officer jonathan diller and it was trump who attended the wake. commonsense would note that msnbc doesn't just hate the cops endorsement, they hate the cops. let's bring in the cohost of everybody settle down podcast along with...
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thank you both for coming on. the washington post says that experts say squatting is so rare there is no reliable data, well how is this for the reliable data? this is a rental home counsel, 1200 cases recently. dallas-fort worth 475. orange county florida which includes parts of orlando, 125. it seems like kind of a thing to me. >> it does seem like kind of a thing to all of us. we've also seen that there are tiktok videos and social media influencers among the community trying to teach people how to do this. it is certainly an issue that we are going to need to deal with. theirs also all kinds of people who are trying to help people prevent this from happening to them. it is an issue across the board and something that needs to be dealt with. >> this is the same media
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organizations who literally would say that there is no migrant crime problem. you see the family come forward and you think come on people. this is not figments of people's imagination. >> what that article didn't say is that the stories are made up because they are not. we've seen them all over the country. you have squatters that have taken over multimillion dollar mansions that are throwing wild parties at all hours of the day and night. police can't get rid of them. they came to the house, had a fake lease and the police said sorry this is a civil matter. that's what the law in florida does. it changes it from a civil matter to an area where the police can have some jurisdiction to actually make a determination quickly rather than waiting months and months. the people in the neighbourhood have to deal with these parties at all hours of the day and night. lebron james, hardly a conservative, was building a house in that area, they say he
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is upset about these people in the neighbourhood. >> you think what i they doing in this neighbourhood it? i want to move on here. biden being asked about israel from lucas tomlinson. >> did you threaten to stop military aid to israel? >> i asked them to do what they are doing. >> [ inaudible question by the media ] >> trace: the question is it is a serious question because it appears from all accounts that the president is moving further to the left and further away from israel. what you make of that? >> it's really been fascinating to watch because he's speaking out of both sides of his mouth. he has been saying that he's going to stand by israel. on the other hand he is trying to move away. it's very clear he's being pushed by the part of his party
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that is really pro- palestinian and pushing him, protesting outside his fundraisers, protesting wherever they can. he can't have it always. he's got to make a stand. he can't make these positions where he is saying... on the other hand he's trying to say he's backpedaling. and he's not going to be able to pleas anyone. not please the people who are pro- palestinian, and i don't think he's going to appease people who are pro- israeli because he's got to take a singular and solid stance and he's not doing it. >> trace: he did take a stand. here's the evolution. >> my administration support for israel security is rocksolid. >> we are really -- willing to reconsider our own policy approaches here dependent on what the israelis do or don't do
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>> trace: they are saying that we don't abandon israel but we might change the policy a little bit. >> what about the military aid? do they condition that? that would be the point where you would really see a break. i don't think they are there yet but i would be something that would be a real game changer if they were ever to go down that. >> trace: they are very close to getting here. thank you both. fox news has a video... a group of mostly young people beating on a police officer's cruiser. kevin corke live in dc without story. >> this all happen the very same day that a teen was shot and killed at a metro stop in the area. despite the fact that over the last two months, the doj has been trying to help out, citing a rise in carjackings. the fact is the fight here in the nation's capital make it
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safer for everyone is it necessarily working. -- isn't. >> mayhem, chaos and wanton lawlessness. some of the words critics are using to describe this so-called street takeover early sunday in northern virginia just outside of washington dc. minutes before the dash cam captured them, the officer had found the group driving recklessly, doing doughnuts in a nearby parking lot. as more police arrived to break up the crowd, one driver hit an officer's cruiser and sped away. the officer suffering minor injuries. investigators have identified four suspects with more arrests possible. >> this is not normal behaviour. it can't be tolerated. these are young men acting in a criminal nature. >> it's not just young men.
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three girls ranging in age from 12 to 13 are facing murder charges in dc after police there say they beat 64-year-old reggie brown to death back in october. they appeared before a judge the very same day, a 14-year-old boy was shot and killed a metro station in northeast dc. local officials including the mayor insist that thanks are improving, pointing to figures that show at least so far this year that homicides are down 28 percent and violent crime is down 21 percent. but youth crime remains a major problem with a juvenile arrest rate in dc -- rate... in january the doj announced it would rule out more to target those most responsible for violent crime and carjacking. >> trace: those dc numbers are coming off a record-setting year of. by the way this extends beyond the nation's capital. they are also searching
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resources to fight crime and other major cities including sti and harford. >> trace: let's bring in... thank you both for coming on. we have tiffany dozens of examples of these young people committing these crimes across the country. then you look at these headlines. wall street journal says public schools lost more than 1 million students during the pandemic. washington post headline, math scores for u.s. students an all-time low on international exam. you think the correlation of test scores going down, absent -- absenteeism going up and easy youth crime just exploding. is not hard to find the common denominator.
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>> union bosses lead to learning losses. the truth of the matter is that academic failure is linked to the link when see, of violence and crime. you don't have to take my word for that. those of the words of the department of justice of the united states of america. 70 percent of inmates in america's prisons have a fourth grade reading proficiency. you are five times more likely to drop out of high school if you are not reading on grade level by third grade. we have a real problem here. you want to be able to go to walgreens a night and pick up your prescription? our streets are knocking to be safe now or in the future. >> trace: failing schools is a crime against society because this is what it leads to. >> and we predicted this when schools were closed for prolonged periods during the covid era. a 17-year-old from arlington virginia is one of the young people who was charged in that
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street takeover earlier this week in virginia and the school district was closed for over a year during covid it. the academic standards have plummeted since then. our arlington superintendent wanted to sweep it all under the rug, saying away -- let's get away from that concept. now the absenteeism has doubled in arlington and across the country. we are talking about 30 percent of students on average chronically absent. everybody is taking it seriously including the dc mayor we're 60 percent of high schoolers are chronically absent. >> trace: they are upset over school district to allowing transgender girls playing girl sports. quoting how a new york city parent meetings got mean. the manhattan borough president and a progressive democrat said the maga movement has come to manhattan. protecting girls and women tiffany is not -- what are they
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talking about? >> mark levine -- stood outside our ten -- town hall with a bullhorn yelling out a building. we were having a real conversation about academic failure in manhattan's public schools. twenty-three of the top 25 schools are charter schools and yet there is a charter school cap. it's time for politicians to take a hard look in the mirror and realize they are the ones that are responsible for academic failure. >> trace: on want to put this up very quickly because we've done these harvard stories ad nausea him. harvard hires 24/7 security... featuring a quote from a famous terrorist. terrorist wall at harvard they are paying for 24/7 security. you think they just never learn the lesson from this whole anti-semitic outbreak they had. >> they are going to learn the lesson 15 percent of applications to harvard --
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applications dropped by 5 percent overall and... the loyalty of students across the country who are not interested in attending a school that is unjust and potentially quite anti-semitic. >> trace: thank you both. new exclusive video from the southern border tonight as our fox news crews captured two men trying to enter the u.s. illegally through holes on the wall. wait until you hear what they shouted at our crew as they fled christina good evening. >> it's very disturbing. they made a very bold claim as they were trying to break the law. a few migrants trying to cross into the u.s. illegally. southern new mexico saw one of our fox news cruised and called him racist. the disturbing moment caught on camera.
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>> they tell us this happened just outside new mexico. a problem area for the border crisis. just last week, six migrants were arrested by border agents near a middle school. >> with this particular location there is easy access to neighbourhoods, easy access to the interstates. >> border patrols has the cartels cut these holes which they refer to as doggy doors to smuggle people into the u.s. contractors tell fox news that they are preparing about 12 holes a day. the el paso sector covers part of texas and new mexico. this sector was the busiest in the nation several davis week with officials encountering over 1000 migrants a day, mostly from venezuela. >> many of getting -- many of them getting released for some court date 12 years down the
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road. >> numbers show the san diego sector was the nation's busiest sector on wednesday with nearly 2000 apprehensions, most of the migrants coming from china. the number of chinese nationals crossing our border illegally are now up more than 6000 percent compared to fiscal year 2021. >> and nobody knows what they are going. christina thank you. let's bring it -- bring in reporter... i want to play some sound from matt finn that we just saw and listen to this again what they say and i will get your response >> trace: that's the whole thing is they are learning this. they are learning how this works you go and you called him racist and they let you go.
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>> exactly. this is a really important video because it showcases that migrants are finding their way outside of what texas has put up in the area up your just on the line from there is where you had migrants writing by the hundreds just a couple of weeks ago where they have erected more razor wire, the state has. migrants have said new mexico isn't more porous so we are going to go there. they act completely brazen. those migrants that tend to cross in the area where it's more treacherous, where the ball is in their way, does tend to be more of the criminal elements. what you are seeing their is
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what one could suppose is a manifestation of that. >> trace: i think you are right on that. the chicago mayor brandon johnson had this to say. >> we recognize that migration is an opportunity. we are talking about trillions of dollars of investment as a result of the growth of our population. of which we have room. >> trace: he knows they don't have room. he's been complaining about it for the better part of two years. it's an election year so he's jumping on board team biden. >> i don't know where this money comes from. i don't have these clouds of money that reigns over my house. any rhetoric that he can do to get any votes they will do it at the expense of our nation of their own infrastructure, they will ruin their own city to change the census for democrat
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supremacy, mark my words. >> trace: they had this conversation today about got a ways. >> of 140,000 got a ways, if we don't know who is coming to our country and we don't know what their intent is, that is a threat. does president biden agree? >> along the border we do have significant national security concerns that have to be met. >> trace: if the president believes that why doesn't he close the border? >> it's interesting because if we take this back just a couple of months, the white house and
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the president himself said there wasn't a crisis of the border. they wouldn't come out and outright say that. but when it came to passing appropriations through congress, then it became an issue that they can tag on another party and that's what we've seen here. when we talk about that we've learned a lot in the last few months... they end up showing themselves in the united states. we just had a million-dollar car theft ring in houston where i am that was busted that is tied to cj ng the mexican drug cartel. one of the individuals that was apprehended came here as a got away. >> trace: it is crazy. i will let you wrap this up. we have no idea who's coming and going. >> i have an idea because i go to the border every two weeks. i meet people from china and turkey... they already have jobs, they already have plane tickets that
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we pay for and i've seen probably 3000 people in the last two months that i have talked to. know exactly where they are going. >> trace: thank you both for the insight. we appreciated. new earthquake video that keeps coming into fox news. houses, businesses, landmarks shaking in the northeast. even pets like this dog getting rattled. watch him on the tv starts shaking. and earthquake expert joins us live next as the concern turns to aftershocks and if there's a links to -- linked to quakes in other places. the great american clips this monday. next one won't happen until 2044. thousands travelling to different states for a better view so are you going to travel? do you care about the a clips and far would you go?
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>> trace: now a story that might be commonplace in california but shook up a whole lot of people on the east coast. a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that was centred in new jersey... several dozen big cities including the nation's most populated new york city. kevin corke is back with the continuing aftershocks. >> in fact, it was a shaky ride home for millions of americans who called the tri-state area home. new york connecticut and new jersey. multiple 4.0 magnitude aftershocks on friday mornings quake. it happened at around 6:00 pm. we are talking about the aftershocks. those coming eight hours after the 4.8 magnitude quake hit the area in the mid morning. the latter was felt from philly
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all the way to the connecticut shoreline. now the preliminary quake struck near lebanon new jersey around 1030 this morning. aftershocks we are told our normal but they are not expected to cause further damage. >> this is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast to occur over the last century. i immediately directed my team to start doing damage assessments. finding out whether there was any bridges or tunnels that are compromised. so that was the first reaction you'll be hearing from the team that is working on that. >> should make for a very interesting weekend in new york. officials say they are expected to pay particular attention to transportation infrastructure over the next several days to ensure public safety. >> trace: kevin corke live for us in dc. thank you.
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let's bring in... mr simon thank you for coming on, we appreciate it. we're going to pick up with you. are you surprised? this wasn't a huge earthquake. california has these all the time but in new york where the landscape is different and there's a different effect of earthquakes, a lot of infrastructure and tall buildings. this is one of those things that is potentially devastating in that area. >> i think potentially is the word. the actual seismic reading of the earthquake would not be considered large from the california perspective but i'm going to point out that the soil that you are standing on may have more of a relative impact along with the tectonic plates that sit under the earth. you're primary concern is the infrastructure and the damage to infrastructure. damage to transportation,
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electricity, pipelines. these are things that utility commissioners cover closely because this is what delivers our lifeblood in an economy and society. one of the things i noticed... 's what appeared to be a lack of readiness for the eventual earthquakes. here in california we are all very versed in earthquake readiness. our homes are retrofitted for earthquakes as well as our high-rises and other infrastructure. i think the lack of contact with this type of... really a god it evoked an event ... fortunately it wasn't at the level of seismic activity that causes fatalities. we will find out what the damages like because as you begin to examine the million buildings that you have, you
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begin to determine whether or not there was substantial damage to the infrastructure. that's why you have to have maintenance just like maintenance for a car. many i think have slept in that area around the country because of budgetary concerns. >> i want to ask you because you make a very good point. i'm just wondering, we had an earthquake seven-point to in taiwan several days ago. we have this in new york. is there a correlation? does anybody else have to worry about this being some kind of a pattern? >> no i wouldn't say that... the fukushima earthquake in japan caused a soon all me on the coast of california. damaging infrastructure by way of high tides. well it may not be where you are shaking from the earthquake
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yourself but it could actually have damage to your surroundings >> trace: very instructive. we appreciate your time. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> trace: just a few days after the new minimum wage is in effect we are now getting the first reports of chains being forced to raise prices for his consumers. >> prices going up again. here we go. life here in california. burgers and fries are costing even more here at -- in california. also reports of some fast food restaurants laying off employees or slashing their hours. this comes after california's manager would hashmak mandatory minimum wage... with more than 60 locations jumped to $20 an hour this week. the minimum wage hike leaving some consumers eating up the cost. the new york post reports that burger king's texas double wall per meal cost...
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but surged to $16.89 on april 1st. employees at a fosters in california are now out of a job after their store closed for good on monday over the wage hikes. >> from the people that i spoke to, my employees, we would have stayed at the wage we did have -- we were at before. now we don't have a job and those who are still working in the areas around us that went up to $20 an hour, they got their hours severely cut. >> that's tough. also the wall street journal reports that some businesses are now laying off delivery drivers and putting delivery service to apps. >> trace: great to have you on. the foster freeze... had this also to say.
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>> i can see their intentions with increasing the minimum wage thinking that it will attract more people, but i honestly don't think it will work. this is not the first business that's closing. there's already a few local businesses that are closing. i think this is only the beginning. >> trace: prices are up and people are losing their jobs. we knew it was going to happen in here it is. >> california's latest experiment trying to deny the laws of the universe. you increase the cost of doing business, that's going to get passed down to consumers or affect the ability to keep people employed and this was no exception. >> trace: we talk to some of these young kids and they say i lost a job or they can cut my hours. they thought they would make more money and they are not. meantime the new york post writes the following here. gavin newsom's restaurant offering jobs, $16 per hour despite new state law that has 20-dollar per hour for all fast
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food workers. the governor's team saying listen, he has disassociated himself with the restaurants because he's the governor. of course he has, but he still owns them. he still getting a check from these restaurants. the fact that they are not paying him is disingenuous at best. >> another flagrant deflection from gavin newsom. he knows the restaurant that he owns are less than 60 locations and don't fall within this purview of the law. he knows that he is not passing along these costs. it's not something he has to be involved... >> trace: speaking of crime, here it is. gavin newsom, the whole thing is he put up hundreds of these cameras in oakland california. they've had a litany of crime problems up there. they say this about these cameras, quoting here in california and elsewhere, fear of crime drives the surveillance state. long after the uniforms leave
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the streets, those cameras will still be there. they will watch not just criminals but regular people going about their lives and undoubtedly breaking one of california's myriad of laws in the name of fighting crime, everybody will be monitored for years to come. it really is. it's orwellian where you say we do all these things because we are were to protect you and they watch you. >> even more so because this is necessitated by the fact that they won't enforce the law properly to begin with. nobody even hinted at these types of intrusions. we were enforcing the law properly. once that basic protections deteriorate we get to these measures that could impede on people's normal day-to-day activities and that's what we see here. >> trace: it's amazing to see the great distance they will go just to get around enforcing the law. >> we had a 70 percent drop in violent crime in california over
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the course of about 20 years. we reversed quite a bit of that and we have the blueprint for this to work. we saw what works and what doesn't. they refuse to learn the lessons >> trace: great to have you on. the excitement is building for a rare celestial event on monday. you get your special glasses ready for the great american eclipse. we will talk with the cyber guy about what to look for when you look up next. still ahead, one of our viewers sent in his front row view of the space x. launch. zach brian gives a heartbreaking tribute to the fallen officer. the day's best viral videos are next.
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>> trace: the countdown is on for monday's big solar eclipse when millions of people will look towards the sky as the moon passes in front of the sun for what is being called the great american eclipse. let's bring in the cyber guy, great to have you on. this is the kind of thing
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they've looked at as some of the delays over this. put this on the screen here, total solar eclipse could cause air travel delays. headline is yankees versus marlins star delayed because of the solar eclipse. class is cancelled over safety concerns. where do we watch, what do we do? >> there will be some rubbernecking going on, promise you. we've seen the track that comes up and go through dallas and continues on into the northeast. doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it from other parts of the united states. we are out here in california, we will still enjoy it. it won't be a full eclipse but a partial eclipse for us. we won't see this for decades again. the one thing that you do want is a protective eyewear. a lot of people say it's fine i will put on my sunglasses.
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people in the eye business are saying that's a very bad idea. you need an iso approved set of glasses. look for that label. you're going to want to have the actual glasses that do protect you. one tell all is when you put them on right now, you can't see anything. but when the sun is out and it's doing via clips, it will be the safest way to watch this beautiful moment of nature. >> trace: quick topics here. apple working on a mobile robot that follows you around the house. i thought those were called dogs >> over 600 people were laid off from the car division of apple which they never admitted the fact that they were working on applecart. those people were laid off. a lot of people transitioned to what they believe that is this mobile home robot that could be the next big thing for apple.
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it makes sense, it's something that -- to know this. they put a lot of money into research and development. it wouldn't surprise me that they are going to roll the dice on this and see if they've got something. by the way, how technology is going with ai and robotics, even in this year alone it makes sense to think that you and i might be heading into an apple store one day and picking up an apple robot. >> trace: i don't get the benefit of having a robot following you around. >> all of the stuff in life you hate to do and i hate to do, raking, vacuuming, mopping, taking out the trash. this might be the first task that a home oriented robot can do. >> trace: next thing you know it's anchoring...
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>> trace: one of our viewers, 15-year-old ian anderson from sunnyside washington sent us this video of a satellite launch. he was with his cousin on a trip to oceanside california. thank you for the video. it is great and i hope your trip was great. like father like son and may be the best looking father-son duo ever. this guy wants to do everything just like his dad including yard work. come on kid pick it up already. >> trace: you can watch the whole thing online. zach brian with a heartbreaking tribute to jonathan diller. he sang his hit song jake's piano... attribute to all officers and first responders who put their lives on the line every day.
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if you have a video to share, share with us. here it is, the north america is ... a pair of safety glasses is what you need right? travel thousands of miles if you want to watch the path of totality. what lengths will you go to to witness the big event? let us know. the nightcap is next. bonnie tyler coming right back. s quickly, so you need a tax-optimized portfolio. at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth.
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>> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic the great american eclipse. the first total solar eclipse since 2017 happens on monday. thousands travelling to different states for a better view. some have plans to skydive for more exciting look. do you care about the solar eclipse, how far would you go for the ultimate view? >> when you said skydive that perked my ears. i would love to do that again. it would depend what else i could do on the trip for about four minutes. my home state of arkansas and the path of totality, there are
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already people there from all over the world camped out in the middle of nowhere arkansas waiting for this event. >> trace: crazy. matt. >> i'm the guy who's going to be skydiving. >> trace: there you go. kate and. >> i have a thousand other trips i would go on before i would travel to see darkness. >> trace: let's go for darkness, come on. >> i have may have driven several hours or even taking a flight to do it. now i would say an hour of teen at the most. if it's outside that window. >> i'm kind of into it. if i were off monday i would drive up to cleveland and campo in my buddies backyard and have a cold one as we watched it. now i'm working. >> trace: we will show you the video of it and say... >> the cost of gas in california, i'm not travelling anywhere for this. i will look at all the memes and
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people camped out. >> the audience is... 41 percent yes, i care. he says around the block if that. to jen, she says to bed than watch the videos. that's that, thank you all, i hope you have a great weekend. thank you for watching america's late news. we will see you right back here on monday nights. but i kinda messed up. my only nice shirt with barbeque wing stains. just throw it in the wash! this bottle says i need to pretreat. that's your problem... that stuff has way more water.
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tide cleans better. ok so i don't need to use a “full cap for large loads?” nope. a little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save money too. nice! more money for nights at the...library. right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide.
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thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. please call or go online right now to give. if operators are busy, please wait patiently. or go to right away. i know all you got on the west coast, calm down. it's weird >> jesse:


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