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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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i got everybody from maybe the raccoon just wanted to getse on the ride. anyway, park officialsd to say said that the two guests bitten by the raccoon, which is serious, they were taken to the hospitaess bittthl. out of an abundance of caution, but we hope they're okay. now, unfortunately, that's all the time wunately e left ths evening. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever ever missa an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubledisodhanni greg gutfeld is up next to put s a smile on your face. have a great weekendmile
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. yes. all right. oh, love all of you. i did that. all right. okay let's save some for a camel. that was good. let's welcome tonight's guest.s >> you may recognize him from codecover of white privilege magazine. barton friends. norst cohost todd birot todd p. no, she is not related o to obi-wan kenobi. sociallyan kenob political commr marla parnab uy. right. was hard here tonight for the hobo relocation. d tv writer and producer rob logan and her stunt double is up rim.s
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"new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpst-sellix newsf. all right. a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. yes. before we get to>> greg: some n stories, let's do this. >> greg's leftovers. >> lee, it's leftovers where i read the jokes we did use this week. and as always, it's myer firstss time reading them. so if they , we'll put joe mackie on a trampoline neartrampo a helicopter back. >> today, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake hit lebanon, new jersey, and it was felt throughout new york city. but upon further investigationet turns out, chris christie just sat down. joy joy beyer walked on to the viewo set wearing two different color shoes this weecok. pro >> producers explained it wasn't her fault. these were simpl it way the shot that the blacksmith selected.
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speaking of joy bejar, she says women who look beautiful are not funn womeny making her h funniest woman to ever have. unnecessary. but mayor pete says people who o don't want electric cars are like people who wanted land lines forever. then he went home and plugged in hisr then car car. yeah, it deserves a smattering of applause. justapplause a smattering. house republicans are facing pushback from their own planspln to rename a d.c. airport after trump. >> democratse a wanted to namei after bill clinton, but then it would only service wide bodiesr in a new hypothetical match up.
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michelle obama trails trump by the same percentagupe as joe trp biden. meanwhile, here's what's trailing joe biden. we got start. new york city is planning to build 40 floor jail to housee prisonerrss. that way. oh, you like high rises. that way inmates on the top floors only get excellent views of the city. >> but hillary clinton can't get to them. yeah. during a recent episode of finding your roots, legendary actor michael douglas learneded that he'sscare related to scarlett johansson. >> at first, he was shocked, h but then saddened whenco he realized he couldn't bang heruldn'tbang her. a new report warns that self-driving semi-trucks
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will soon dominate us highways. now, when truckersate u.s. in i bottles, they can do it at home . all right. a new study found that half of gym goers will reuseof their sweaty workout underwear and some people then sell themen on ebay. i knew it. i got ready for r eai promised my son. but i saw that one coming in. >> l.a. surgeon says the sizendl of man's nose most directly correlates with his length. >> siz so congrats, pinocchio. an italian island overrun by goats is begging people t aoh them and take them away. locals are complaining, but the m awayn, it's a great placehot to meet hot singles. the usda has confirmed that bird flu has now hit dairy cows, which means the bovines will have to start masking up.
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a new poll finds that new york congressman jamaal bowman. bowman trails his opponentponeni in his reelection bid by 17 points. 17 points. if only there was a way. >> sound an alarm. i'll take it. pfizer, a 76 year old manma in canada, claims he got an infection after being bittenet w by a rat in his toilet bowl. >> here's a picture of that rat . despite a full fledged war, ukrainians living in u.k. are headed home to get better dental treatment. yes, getting blown to pieces is still better than seeing brii evbritish dentist. didn't even have to write a punch line. really? scientistschline claim there's d new invisibility shield that makes you disappear
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in plain sight. who needs an invisibility thpear that?fo >> says one man. inally finally, kamala harris says women's college basketball wasn't allowed to have brackets . >> i know. she addeto he bracked that. doo >> she also looked forward to the day women can vote. new >> now to the news. can't trump's taste in music explaitrump'n what's going on i his brain? political site axiosn? goes took a real deep dive into the tunes. former president loves to blast l on his mar-a-lago spotify playlist. >> yes, once again, axios is doing the stories no one else will touch. e stwho cares about fentanyl, illegal immigrants or crime? did you hear that orange godzillats loves show tunes amog his favorites. >> suspicious minds by elvis,
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lionel richie's halo and ring of fire by johnny cash.e by you know, he probably song aftermuch mhat eating so much mcdonald'cds. i think come on, we've been there. he also enjoys includingg phantom of the opera. it's the only instance where he's pro masphantom thek. >> and when donald's home. >> don't you dare touch that dial. as axios reports you, he alone e controls the volume. >> most nights when he's home, vos to theownstairontrol ground floor of mar a lago. like clockwork, the crowd riseir in greeting the guest of honor. >> i get a similares i reactioni when i take my shirt off in thlm newsroom. that's not photoshop. not. oshopp stios claims trump's playlisedt the quote rosetta stone that demystifies how trump's mind works. so would you need to doe
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the same thing with joe biden examining his musical choicethe biden?s to see how hid works? >> osee hor could you just watc. on loop in the you know what that song reminds me of? >>w that this is the land, righ? me. >> i do love the beatles chart
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at right now we're going to talk about trump's musical, but i am assuming on your spotify list you got a mix of n.w.a otify. e >> public enemy, jay-z. i got them all.z. yes. who are they? i actually do like that genre of musicly d because i grew up u around that time, but this article makes no sense to me. p aroubreaking news trump enjoys the majesty of song. like what, am i missing there? and the article says, this is this window into his soul. windothe fact that he likes mua at a certain volume and he likes a bunch of very popularla songs that puts him in line with every humansong. so how was that a look intot isu his soul? to me, the biggest issue that i had with this article is thep fact that trump gets to control both the volume and the playlisto contboth t. three i live in a house with three other people, all women. eni was allowed to pick one song at my wedding. no joke. this is not a jokeis i. k played it was baby got back played by a band. a band and then second, i have two kids under three. so basically everything right now was miss rachel and cocomelon. so to me that isl and coco m tht
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of that story. >> men are allowed to control. even if you're donald trump,alli i'm very interesting. and while i was surprised by the way was fowelcome to the show. thank you for having me. my pleasure. i found it surprising how blandn and generic his taste was. >>ho all of these thingst are things you hear right before you're going you b. colostomy i meant looking at me. i meant to say calling, notnt skipping to me. oh, you are. >> even if you're holding on there like you're here, that can fact check that i what exactly? >> you may as wellu make. >> i mean, i honestly didn't make anything of it. i. who cares what music he's listening. i don't think in any way it's indicative of what type of person he is. they go on t to state. in he listens to the same songs one heff that again as i anyndit it's somehow some sort of controlling, maniacal act. i mean, i guess a psychopath. e i listen to the same music all the time, and it doehes to e things like n.w.a. and rap and hip hop. and i' and andm not selling drus
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sipping lean or sleeping with tons of women. so shipping i don't know that musia reflection of who you are. >> yeah,who yo i disagree with s . >> while that was cool,. you know. in what sense do people who listen to goths who listen to depressin lg music tend to be very depressing? >> yeah. depressed? buah. depressed is the word, rob. but it's interesting. he doesn't have alsting l of his stuff is upbeat. >> i'm going to get you in a minute. yeahath beat.. ou need to know what your wife said when you said, you know, it would be great song td wheno? at our wedding. baby got back and she said whyoc ? >> and you said, no,>> she s knk it is my favorite song. if that song it is musically special. >> i know, i love it. i see spectaculars , joy, wherever. >> so i got it, i got it. t i like it. >> listen, i. i mean, your wife is one fantastic lady in more ways than one. she married me. >> yeah. i was going to say, i am not as interested in his playlist
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as i am in because i don't think it says much about him. he grew up at a certai hn pointo in certain time. >> you listed those those songs, right? yeah. it's more like his dancing, i find mesmerizing. >> yes. it'se'dancine, yes, old white guy at the wedding. he does this thing because it isn't real. yes. and you to yourself like that guy. i know. he probably doesn't have that guy doe privacy.ld you can see donald trump today in a hair with a hairbrush orh something, a shampoo bottle in the shower, singing of fire. you know what's interesting? if you loo k at some of his prlections, could trump ever been our first president since lincoln? l yes. it's like, well, i mean, you know, 2 hours every daytw in hair and makeupo hour and m.e >> yeah. ymcsoa. song, >> yeah. he loves a broadway show tounes
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love show tunes. yeah. mm-hmm. re's a there's a stereotype, robert, disgusted by you that you indulgeb i'e these stereotypes. kat, what did you think of this deep dive, this incredible pulitzer bait journalism? yeah, i thought they were like, he likes to control the musi i u his own establishment. to. s like, me toogh but for me, honestly, i would never give up the informationmyo of my spotify playlist. actually, i feel likylise peoplh they want to go through your phone, they'll always go through messages to try to finey d the for me, no, it's firstt it's most revealing would be my notes ap mp. yeah, that's their my secrets. and then what i'm listening to you cand find out a lot i about what's going on in my life. i was thinking about based lifee listened to nine times that day. yeah. because i do that, i will squeez that dause e every ouncen out of a song until i can't listen to it again for severalo. more years. >> this is what i find so g interesting about music is that the song itself doesn'reg: ti fd t change like it's a it's a it's a product that you can continu yoe
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to wring it out until and then of a sudden it's gone. . t the song is the same it creeps the hell out of me like i there's still some songs i can listen are forever, but generally there are songs that like, dy theyo you remembet the first time you heard it? the second time you heard it? and it's incrediblu ande and thn like it's god, could that explain life? that's explains dopamine. yes. but then always that moment where you're somewhere and someone plays the songenyo you used to love, you haven't heard a million years. yeah. and it's like the greatestd it i song. and you're like, oh, i haven't heard that forever. and i feel like that's probabl n what ymca is to the president. >> what song is that for you? probably, honestly, probably >> pe forn h beat, sav later. >> oh, that. i remember like i was in college, i heard it and then i didn't hear it again. yeahcollegii , well, that was ag answer. >> well, i know about youryour experience, but in my experience, that is not the case. exteut i a girl walks
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in with an itty bitty waist in your face. we have to go to commercial. is that your face that your favorite? >> get in all of my songs and i'm not making a joke. i love the song. you can go to other people's weddings and see me when pe thas. comea joovthe songo to i won't like bolt off a chair like i was in an earthquakea to topical joke and you know, i amm ready to go. to it's -- it's a weird type thing. weir 37 on the 157 list of weird things, but it's me o love, sir.f mix a w if you're watching, sir, i'd like to meetatch you. i'm sure he's dying to put that on his list. hey, "fox and friends" first.uta todd. maybe he's up at 5 a.m.. t on hyou said he never went to. >> up next. d a for this for top heavy attorney for if you'll be in the new york area, i would like tickets, see gutfeld go to, slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> what i look for in a contractor is someone who is
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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backers treat yourself right with shining the hammock underwear. >> love your first pair or they're free at shiniest decomp . >> it's coming your way. hey, hey hey, hey, hey. you may be rethinking applause can this public defender make the case with giant balloons assaulting your face? our video of the day comes from stephanie mueller, our new big trans canadian teacher. stephanie, if you couldn't 70-y, was born a man is a seven-year-old public defender in washington state who says despite her appearance, she's only been treated with respectdespit has. t. >> rohit she's really smart. she sounds like she's got i the right idea about things. i really supportde
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that's up to and i think it's fabulous. how about you? she's accused of what is a wha criminal trespass and the first degree. yes. my name is stephanie mueller. i'm in the directorate for the washington state bar associatioington sn. at >> you can look me up. stephanie, thank you for your time. at this point, is your poi is bg arraigned, though. >> it's all just happened for her hearing is over. got it. it's done. all right. you know, when her next court date is? i do. i'd like to maybe just i d keep tabs on her. >> i think that's a great idea a . >> could you tell me when that is? no. oh, yeah. forget. forget monday's eclipse. could singlehandedly block out the sun. single-hshe should end the triay by putting those beauties on the table and saying that defense restsing thos o. right. we're not laughing at her. it's kind of to me, amal, it's kind of sad and strange. but imagine you get a lawyeryoue and he walks in in full h
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black face and not justt just black face, but like indulging every racist stereotyp e wit with exaggerated body parts. would there be the same tolerance and compassion because this is woman face? >> oh, it absolutely is. you know, i don't know that there would be the same tolerance. i'd probably be going to jail for a differene i'g t if whe that happened to me. >> in fact, when i see this, it's simply just a of womanhood. and we all know that to be true. and this individua knol, stephanie, says, i've received a lot of respect since transitioning and nobody reallreceived y says anythingaimi about it. i think the reason is that nobody's really allowed to say reas. ngng about ithin it soon you'll get in trouble for misgendering, maybe even arrestedu will tro, and then shf be your public defender. >> yeah, i think people are too scared in.o scared but i have to give i have toe tv give. estephanie to rob. not changing the voice, not working on the voice, letting it go. >> because you know what? even even stephanie knows that a dominan courle voice works in the courtroom. fir think that's the solution
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. >> yeah. o first of all, i would say two things. say twone is that i think she cd get work at one of those telenovelas. yet ons the second thing is like she's got back did that workis t for, you know, workingha? >> that's the thing we avoided todd and for the first 1 15 minutes of the show. >> rob weltel, well, bring it back here. >> i would just say that if you're i i wouldf you are if yof you are transitioning to be ifn and you're and you you got what you got. you goe whatt you got to steer o it. >> right. you have to say i'm going to ben so crazy and so over the top in everything, the whole, you know, the whole look tha it they say that i'm going to own it. >> right. compare her to, you know, the under secretary of the navy. >> rachel levine. rachel levine. and, you know, it's like rachel is that more than anybody either. but at least.
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>> stephanie. stephanie. yes. i'm sorry. just dazzled and mesmerizet std she and forgetting her name. probably she's like making show of it. and i think that's probably the only way to handle it. at the age of 70, which i is now. >> and by the way, she'll skip the 70look i. matt oh, way to tiptoe. way to tiptoe. it's a it's caricature, as the model says. it's a caricature that's like that'swhat what i don't understd is like why people have to pretend that this is healthy. i don't get it. it's -- it's kind of philia. iks it's a guy that likes to look like a woman and make everybody look at hiik m. >> i don't know. i would be really careful what i say here because i may my want to get giant when i turn 17. i always i have alwayss sa said that people are like e your looks.t you wait. i got some new oneis covered for .
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she waited till she was 58 tohe transition. now should you putshe on a in e courtroom? coy waiting that long for. i mean, i've been for 35 years for. so if i waited 58 and finallyfia got them, i not. might not want to put mine away eithert wa. >> also, the truth is, as long as a man gets older, he getsey anyway. >> yeah, that's true get. so you might go get the best one. yeah. i didn't look at it that way. yeah. wow. you've changed. but you both have changed my mind. nonow alsow you todd, also in ts public defender's defense, e cor you know, half the people in the court would bend over backwards to indulge the lawyerr for fear of beingof called transphobic or it could also be a great distraction. like clarence darrow. cigar? that's absolutely my point. and to follow what you said, it's washington state. you can't be anti-trans in any way or form.,
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so if i'm a client of hers i and i've committed a crime and and i get her assigned as my public defender,t he i'm pretty stoked because like video of me killing a guy, it doesn't matter. my attorney is trans. case closed. i'm acquitterans- ca id. d yo because you have to think that a jury that puts wokeness washington state above the rulee of law and above the facts. there could be one ortw two people in that jury that do that, and that's you need for a an acquittal. that is. how craztathat'sy are dc world. our identity, politics world has become. don't put it past her that thisi is a strategy as well. horri i know that sounds horrible to say, but i know how lawyers sa lk actually kind of was one. >> yes. you were a lawyer, weren't you? i could se greg: ylawyere peopl. >> and you also transitioned? yeah. you know, greg, when a girl a walks in with she. up next, government bigwigs target cigars.
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israelis to become refugees in their own israeli families are in crisisre . the international fellowship of christians and jews is on en,h the ground reaching jewish people of all ages. children mothers. the elderly. even holocaust survivors. ergen but we can't do it without you. your gift, $45, will make sure that the people of israel have mobiletely n bomb shelters, emef supplies and the hot,te nutritious meals that they so desperately need. >> our are working on the ground often at great risk to.ould b they're delivering meals to the they're delivering meals to the elderle in bomb shelters. festians athis would be an incry important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends. israel let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying
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shipping and 365 day returns at cuenca. a story in five words. story in five words is bannings menthol. >> cigarettes cigarettes nthol is banning menthol cigarettes. sure. racist. t ro all right. rob, this is right up your alley, so to speab this k since you live in one. sure. the biden administration could imon impose strict on menthol products initially proposed by the fdas on two years ago. i guess it's because it's an unhealthy deliberatelyo targeting minorities. ever is it racist, however, to let it continue or is it racist itt to ban it?sed. i'm very confused. well, that's because you don't give them gras>> thas and everys is racist, so it doesn't really matter what you do. but i'm justst it hoping they t go after altoids. >> right. because that's that would be terrible for all of us herex who are sitting next to you.
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yeah. and i have in my pocket i don'tt get i don't quite get the connection that like it's. >> is it because it's this is what i don't understand. because if you startn prod on products that are made popular by a segment of the the population, is that t? product's faul are they saying that mentholfau? cigarettes are targeting or is it that blacks choose menthol more than they would choose thaos? i don't know, parliament or i don't smoke. lucky strikes, whatever. what do you think? answer the question. a ci >> i'm baiting it.y well, because you know i liknoee a cigarette every now and then, not a not a menthol. >> i think the menthol part was the idea. doesn'tholt you cigarette breate right. was that the issue? i think so. started. i don' att know.want >> and what they want to do is they want to they want to close down all possibleosed versions of a cigarette except to identify it as simplya ca as cancer stick. >> yeah. and eventually they'll say they'll ban as the hey willy do in europe. >> they'll ban the label, they'll ban you know, you go to europe, buy cigarettethe lab
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there's no labels, no brand. yeah, you just you have to know the brand. and then knbran guy hands it to you. so there's no way to know s what you're smoking. you just have to ask for imo uss all things are covered up. that's where they gonna to go. usually when you're in troublewe other ways, you want to finds yo something to beat up on. >> and so if you're kind of inn trouble in other ways politically, you find, you know, menthol cigarettes thol on.up it's been this controversy has been going around for a while, kat. e whe what have the white house decided? because about foods that made you fat they went after pierogies. >> as a polish perso an. oh yeah. see we gote in h some poleers i. we got some pull. that was the line in thet show that went too far. uh, i actually used to smoke, like, for like one semester i did smoke, like marlboro menthol. i thinlike onek it's irritating. and i wag: ws fightingho them mf . maybe. i just think this is yout stuf can't look at stuff like this and be like, yeah, the government's the correct sizesand the govern.
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>> this is what happens.k i feel like, what's the fda i doing to like?t we well, you know what? we're going to target this and people are going to havee aa vices. they're going to find a way to find their vices. you cay to n ban certain things, i'll go other places. it is just i can'tgo badge. en and being in the biden administration and thinking that this is the thinministra thinkin g this is the thing that ie don't know a single voter that's like this is what i wantc the government to be focused on right now. that's probably whusght now. y they mightey be doing it, because they know it's not going like people aren't going to like, although the people that are going to be upset about menthols, they're not going to anyway. >> let's just take it's soo strange to me. nthols >> todd do you smoke menthols when you're chillin with youe cr ? >> every day. every day. and i almost got kicked off the cover of white privilege al but look, i don't necessarily have a funny comment on this. f >> i want to be consistentl th with the first you blog. how is that going to be different? ohate, i beat you t t?o it. but seriously, i do this as a strategy and here'ss th the strategy. i don't think it's racist. i also don't thinke republicanc
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can overtly jump on it being racist. over not thing that the republicans do. >> but behind the scenes, i do think. i'm serious about this. trump needs to find a way to exploit this because joe bides trums tod n is hemorrg black voters. and if joe if joe biden can somehow if donald trump could somehow find a wayca to this behind the scenes, it's basically doing what the bes have been doing for years, which is when they are in an election, squandering election with something stupid. and right now, joe biden has something stupidw jog a horrible to the israel war, and that'slog losing a lot of people in thesei swing states in the inner cities. thisthes could be the nail in hs coffin. and i know this is a funin his u this is a fun segment,but don' but don't discount 11,000 votes really do separate donaldrump trump from being our president in a lot of thosm e swing states in 2020, in 2024, this could be ann 20 mark this h i know that sounds grandiose. >> could happeapn new york, they go the way newports could
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be the linchpi bn. it could be the cop in nailf mob. >> what do you make of this? it seems like this is likes the problem with these issues. it's the racialike p l filter.l like you're racist if you allowo a harmful product, you're racist. if you ban it, what do you do? yeah, it's unbelievable i guessa as a biracial person, half of me is allowed to talk half i. is issueci >> but they're saying, you know, you're getting rid of a product that black people loveying gettie is so hoy racist towards black people. th to live longer. >> i don't know what you what you're talking about. if we get rid of the menthols, ths to be more ofg arou you running around and living longer. i don't understand how could be misconstrued as being something racist. it's just completely ridiculous. and i think what you said is correct. everything is racist these days. k said isand find a way to make e case. if you keep mentholso make, g you're keeping something unhealthy around the black ound theg and you're creatin harm. you if you get rid of them, you're creating harm because it's something they love. you cannot arm bee it win now. >> now they match. if they did this with types
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alcohol, they can't, right? >> because it's like what you think of it. like skinny martinis are going to be fine. but there's no more hei. >> don't know. say it. i'm not ashamed. drag age, jagermeister yeah, a yeah, yeah. because we all know. all right. coming uw p. the king of being jack has america's back. it's a new day. one where our shared values propel us towards a more secure future through august. a partnership upon cutting edge american, australian and british technologies will develop state of the art next generation submarines and build something stronger together. securing decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going forward and stepping forward together. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. what a times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting.
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it's just a place where foreigners are welcomed. this is the key thing.ntribute if you are willingme to contribute. yeahrica, to. there's a lot of people that want to come to americaamec to take advantage of america. and i am very vividly against that. >> yeah. turning into burl ives. but arnold's right. we don't ask much from our just that they come here and find honest work as a householdim sot he can impregnate them. yeah abc should just stop there it could get very worse cat okay this is what i think that people don't understandhink that the most anti-illegal immigratiopln mindset is from
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legal immigrants who actually had to work here, get to getting heregrants t hard well, i mean i think it should be simpler and easier to come dire legally and to contribute because it is very difficult. but also, we we provide so manyo incentives. i talk about this all the time ser people like why do these people keep coming here? and it's like, here's your phonee ke , your and your cash and your place to stay. so a beings are governed by incentives. we can't be shocke d. this keeps happening. and i mean, i don't know when politicians will realize that, but i think they probably already know. but it's kind of easier for pr already to exploit the issue thano an actually do anything about it. >> todd you knowytut i, arnold is smart. he's successful and famous. what's it like to be none, those things? famoh, in all seriousness, i may need to pass on this question. by i rewrote an answer. i wrote an answer. i thought he was referring to coming to americai, the movih starring eddie murphy
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and arsenio hall. st joke about how dumb we can cut things out of his show. >> right now, we're leading everything you say in so people knoerythingw how horrible you think you are. but the joke is like, look, he makes an important point. >> we're all descendedg fromigt immigrants and those immigrants came to this country and work their tailee to off to achievefo the american dream for themselves and forachiev futured families. and when people do that, we do a celebrate them. to arnold's point, the reason there's such a backlash toward illegal immigration, the individuals coming over no aw ,many of them feel entitledm fel to receive stuff from me as a taxpayer, and i don't owe thems a thing as an american citizen, paying taxes to americ a. yeah. and yeah, what a great, great,
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great. can you can you can you explain what that sound is coming from the audience? i'm not used to it. is that what an earthquake sound. so that was that was the plot. oh, that was and it happenss. you make red meat comment. yeah, that was. >>d but i felt good. >> i'm going to do that again. do you have any red meat comments you'd like to make an out applause him no, i don't think i'm capable of doingwant that. when i heard this story, all i thought about was arnold tpplaus crossing the border. and if i was a border patrolt agent, i'm going to be honest. i'm letting him through. he's. he's really intimidating. but no, i think what he's saying is really important. i am the childwhat he is, an imn my man is an immigrant all legally. luckil y. and they're coming to contribute and enjoy ameropportunities that america affords them. and i think that should be encouraged. but wethem i to sift through the people who aren't coming here for those purposees and many stories that highlight this. there's a lot of organized crime happening here in new york city thiy because of illegalit immigrants. the lincoln riley story was just devastatingy be
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here. i and there's more of that happening. and it's all preventable. yef that s so, rob, you live in well,u us you used to live in l.a.. >> yeah. th arn you used to hang outol with arnold, didn't you? good friend of mine. yeah. good governoiend o r. yeah, good, governor. and then it all fell apart. well, you know, these thingshart are hard. it's hard to be governor of california, but he was the better but the beso be goveo t governor. >> it hasn't been a better one since. really? yeah. and i can't remember the last good governor. he wasn't pete wilson. well, that's interesting for maybe three people. tut thenu want to do to about the topic? let's keep this conversation. sokind of feel like maybpic?e people at home, yeah, we'll get you some coco or you guys talkme about it. g. we switch seats. yeah. i wonder. etimes ir you smellst toast burning jokesshou about somebodyld c i look, as yu said, every immigrant says the same thing, which is i obey the rules. >> and they were hard and somehow otheruler people don'tle have to obey the rules. and look, there are a lot of people streaming across the border who alss ano tha o to work hard. >> not all criminals. right. s and.ere are rulet wantwork
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>> there are laws. l and we should make it easier for the good people to comshoule in and impossible for the bad people to come in. that's what every other countr y . >> yeah, there is no other country that has this kindes the of bananas non policy on their norgest border. it's just it's baffling that canada doesn't do it. europe doesn't do it. mexicoargestborder do it like ey says the same thing, which is like we wanitn't t the best t don't want anyone else. >> and that's completely legitimate. it's almost like this is being done deliberately. beinn, ultimatelya the problem is this you don't get the applause. >> you arey you give it to . >> all right, we're going to do it again. we do it. ultimately, this is all being done deliberately by hillary clinton s al. you got to finish the thought. you got to finish the thing. ye
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s. he thi i should have said i should have said barack hussein obamans has to lay down. i don't want to plot. that isi'll say you got a choice. >> you either can have a very you state orral you can have open borders. you can't have both, can have bots you cah. er can't have both. and that's why we're going to go t. a handbaske all right. wow, that was a downer. up next, the fun fail with viewer mail. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy, so quick and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your peace of mind can all be stolen in one fell swoop by home. title thieves like matthew cox. nobody thinks that i can take their house. nobody thinks that. believe it or not, a single page document is all it takes
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use seven different measurements to give you the perfect fit. your phone can measure you right now. >> i'm taylor on ios or android . yeah, you're watching mailing it in trying to decide what question we should do. . >> hmm. why are you looking at me? >> w you. t i'm going to say the first one mark loss, and asks, you you ever had a brush with death? and if so, did it change you in any way? becaus i'm going to go to you, amal, because you've never done this before. and because todd's boring.e s be okay, i do actually have a story for this. i was drivine g a friend whilewh she was driving and we had frt aheadttle green ligh of us. we go through the green light and boom, a dodge challenger i hits us right in the side of the car, swings out into o another. and we're sitting here in this anoke and dust, all of this
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stuff. and i watch the man exit his dodge challenger and i'mthig thinking, oh, wonderful. a man is going to come help us as we've just been in a car cras i dired he runs in the other direction. okay. turns out the caaway. r was stolenenty o and there was plenty of drugs inside. >> wowde. what's this? this was back home in florida. uhs? n florid i never trusted that st >> go to florida, man. yeah >> goo, rob you.n. you're in your early seventies . >> yeah. can you tells. i'm transitioning ? any brush with death that you can talk about? yeah, i'll tell you. i was actually once in a in the sahara, right? i was crossing a border and there war s some boys basically of their 1415 with, you know, you know, kalashnikovs or something, some kind of like scary weapon and a red rimmed eyes from chewing that whatever that thing that got some high. and they didn't to they didn't. accept the visa. they said the passport. they didn't want anything. they want monethey jusy. and i was like, i'm not
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paying you. that's outrageous. >> and i fought foran a little bit and argued for a little bit untilgued unt one h pointed a gun at me. ho and i thought, you know what? a thought occurs. how about moneout money? l >> yeah. and that's the lesson i learned. there wa there ws just shut up e them money. yeah, exactly. yeah, that works for a lotay of things, by the way. works for everything. >> part, especially. yes. kat, i don't think you've ever had a brush with. >> yeah, everybody knows. mine was like my stomach ache that turned ou>> my t to be me leading an emergency ileostomy. so, yeah, you have a runner up. i know. i mean, that. that one i got to say, like,e to really overshadows everything mentally that i couldn't even probably think. i probably dabbed up almost at a few times, but don't>> don you owe a lot to that ileostomy for allowing't to that you to we a chapter about it? yeah, i did write a chapter about it. i tell jokes>> i did write abou. my live show. i did also learn a lot from it. but you know, was pretty, you know, tough at the time, especially because it was
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a surprise. ye se it s. >> was one thing you learn wasrd what an ileostomy is. yes, exactlys wh. >> no, you're absolutely right. i had to google it. i was like, oh, is is it weird? >> is it is it weird? is it your small intestine being outside of your body? >> yea you're h, i get that looa >>ah, well, it's back in now. >> okay. not to brag. all right, todd, i gaveod you plenty of time to.vety >> think about your near death experience. actual death, none o t. r deat comedy and career. death. the first friday of every month when i appeah...r on true. don't go away. i willwe'll be right back.iet uo dest you. it's almost passover herit eldee in israel and across the former soviet unione and in, but we'reg thousands of destitute elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food.
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