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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 6, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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this is the "ingraham angle". tonight, part two of my interview with kid rock, plus my angle and moments. but first, fox news alert. new york city just hit with another aftershock. joining us now, fox chief meteorologist rick reichmuth. rick, tell us what you know. >> i'll tell you. so we had this 4.8 this morning at about 1020 or so out in new jersey. felt widely across the region. this is how many aftershocks we've had about 11 total since that. and most of those have been around 2.02.2. nobody really feels something like that. but we just had about an hour exactly an hour ago now, a 4.0 aftershock. obviously strong enough that, again, people all the way to new york city feeling this one. >> and the concern, obviously, is how many more of these will we see generally for probably the next week to two weeks, there will be aftershocks. they generally will be diminishing in the strength of them. >> and i think when we saw these 2.0, 2.2, we thought maybe that would be it and we
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had this 4.0. so can't rule out that there could be something strong. you to make sure you have all your preparations in exactly what you need to do if you start to feel any trembling over the next few days. it's been hundred and 39 years since we've had anything like this in the greater new york area, around 240 years in new jersey. >> and i just want show you the difference between east coast and west coast earthquakes, west coast in 2004, there was a 6.0 earthquake. and you see area that felt that in 2011 we had a 5.8 in central virginia. and look how much here felt that it's just the way the ground is built across of the eastern seaboard. because of that, this 4.8 earthquake earlier today, 14 states had people who felt. you can see exactly that shake intensity. parts of new england down across parts of the central atlantic, obviously the worst of it here in jersey, where you see that yellow, those people experienced strong shaking. >> so a really afternoon. obviously, at this point, no significant reports of any kind of big damage, which is great news.
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but i tell having a 4.0 about 8 hours after this, people are going to still be on edge for a little bit longer. >> but wild, thanks so much. all right. >> biden's snow job, that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> now you have to hand it to them. they keep trying to put on a pig and in isolation, the numbers can even sound pretty impressive. >> since i took office, america's had the strongest growth of any major economy in the world. nearly 15 million new jobs. wow. >> it sounds great. but if this is all true, why are so many americans down the biden economy? and why is trump leading in six of seven swing states? and by the way, why are voters under 30 so pessimistic? the march bloomberg morning consult poll has trump leading biden by seven points among voters ages 18 to 34. in those swing states.
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it's a stunning reversal from 2020 when biden won 61% of the voters under 30. >> now the white house and media stamped their feet here, and they're frustrated that voters aren't giving them any credit for an economic rebound. >> americans not feeling great about the economy despite, all the numbers and not giving president biden any credit. >> people are feeling better about the economy, but joe biden isn't getting any credit for it. >> i think biden has to it all together, focus on his accomplishments, which are record to continue to tie the great things that he has done to the economy so that he will get credit. >> the high cost of rent, home mortgage rates, gas, everything means there is no economic rebound for most americans. and man, they're feeling it when it comes to spend on just about anything. >> the truth is very ugly for biden. >> the economy is really expensive. it's kind of hard for people make any moves for for their lives. >> feels as though everything is more expensive. you know, i'm paying more for everything. prices are higher. and, you know, you can feel
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that every day when you go to the store. >> everything that you can think of is one up significantly. >> what have you been hardest hit by in terms of prices, groceries gas, housing? >> i would say housing and. a wall street journal analysis found that commonly purchased grocery items have increased by a staggering 36.5% and cost over the past five years. that's far higher than the figures by the feds, which show food price inflation of 25.2%. all right. so much for biden's dignity and respect. but perhaps the most disrespectful fact of all relates to who is actually getting all these new jobs. >> looks like a lot of the job growth is going to non-americans, which the new york times hints at today saying immigration is helping to meet hiring demand, creating a flood of potential workers. that is both supercharging the job market and leading to surprises and quirks in closely watched economic data. >> now preparing them the net
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migration legal and illegal coming america was about 900,000. but with open border, that number in 2023 soared to 3.3 million, almost four times the rate as before. staggering. now, of course, the media, they want us all to believe that we should love the foreign workers and the open border because the resulting pop in population is also fueling strong. well, that's not exactly how americans feel. >> it's not fair. no money everywhere except taking care of us. who's here? taking care us. do you think american citizens should be given priority for jobs over non-citizen? >> 100%. take care of your own first. some are fighting back in court. 20 american workers hired by the recruiting firm tata are suing the company after being replaced by h-1b visa holders. now, this phenomenon is not
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new. disney got into a huge controversy back in 2015 when it did the same thing. >> but under biden, trend of sidelining american workers for foreigners is increasing again. >> americans are always. and yet the left still doesn't get the nostalgia. >> trump's america first policies. they're still confused by that. now, more than half of registered voters in the "wall street journal" poll of battleground said they either strongly or somewhat approve of the job trump did as president. >> only 38% say the same about biden's performance wolf. >> american manufacturing is back, folks. american manufacturing is back. jobs are back. manufacturing back. where is it written? and we can't. >> the manufacturing capital of the world again. nice try. today's jobs report shows zero growth in manufacturing jobs.
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>> zero. and important to note, the second biggest category, job growth was among government workers. so this is big government, big bureaucracy, not big manufacturing. >> the jobs numbers today will move the needle on public opinion any more than biden's shout fest of the union did. but you can expect the biden campaign to keep trying to his donors that any day, any day, the tide will turn. >> you know what? once people start to focus in and they see their two choices. it's obvious that joe will win this election. >> how condescending of dr. jill. because even if her guy can't focus anymore, the people plenty focused on just how fast we've gone downhill under his leadership. >> and that's the angle. all right. joining now, ned ryan, founder and ceo of american majority and charlie herd, washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor. ned when i saw this second
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category of job at 71,000 jobs in government, i said, of course that's right. and zero. i said, oh, the manufacturing must be really robust. >> if these numbers are 303,000. zero. right. so much for made in america. >> yeah. no, i mean, first of all, most of the american people aren't going to care about fake job numbers that are political propaganda, which, by the way, next month more will probably be revised down. >> but yeah, that was one of the things that struck me as 71,000 government jobs, zero manufacturing, and then at the other sectors, construction. >> health care, most of those are part time jobs. >> and i guess my question looking at that is how many full time jobs for american citizens actually added, and i would guess not very many, because we know over the last 12 months, the u.s. economy has lost 1.3 million full time jobs. >> but laura, you're right in your monologue, you were talking about the real numbers
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that americans care about. >> they're paying almost 40% more for groceries since 2019. >> gas prices are more than 30% than they were under trump. >> energy prices are up and the average family's paying seven hundred more a month just to maintain the lifestyle they had four years ago. >> those are the pocketbook issues. the real economic numbers that the american people are looking at, that they're going be voting on this november. well, charlie, cnn was trying to help the biden administration with, again, rebrand, adding this somehow we're trying to get at why the voters don't feel all this economic optimism out there. >> listen to this q&a. >> are you frustrated by the fact that the people aren't giving the biden administration credit for this, that americans don't don't feel that things are better? there's a tremendous amount of hope, optimism. you know, when i talk to people, they say they feel security they haven't felt in some time. >> again, charlie, it's true,
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tremendous optimism out there that people are wrong. it's not hurting them to go to the grocery store or fill up their car anymore. >> none of it's hurting them and their posture is always to blame the citizens, blame the innocent citizen. you. the problem that they have is that we americans aren't appreciative enough of the great job biden is doing and giving jobs mostly to illegals and. also to, as you pointed out to government workers when you reported that i actually burst out laughing both times when you that number because it is so extraordinary. >> but -- but this is you know i think it's a perfect reflection of the contempt that the biden administration that president biden himself has for american workers that they do not care about american workers, and that is exactly right about that when it comes to the blessed the bureau of labor statistics, the labor department statistics, government statistics of all of these numbers. he's right that.
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they're going to yet again revise all those numbers down as they have had to do. >> i think it's six or seven times in over the course of the biden administration. every time they report these numbers, it turns out that they have forced the labor department to goose numbers ahead of an election or for whatever reason, they need to have numbers. and every time they have to revise them, they revise them down. >> so you actually have the government agency department that is in charge of giving real statistics to americans lying about them in order to make the administration look better. >> and that out here in california it was big news when the $0.99 only stores announced they were closing all 371 locations nationwide. a lot of them are are here on the west coast. and i believe the total number jobs lost, 14,000 jobs lost. and they're citing shoplifting
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,the high cost of doing business, high costs of products, etc.. but they specifically mentioned the retail theft as one of the big, big problems they were facing. >> heartbreak. it really is again brought on by biden's policies, lawlessness destroying law and order in the urban areas, the lawlessness that's taking place on the southern border where. >> you know, untold numbers of illegal immigrants are coming in. we all know those countries like venezuela, they're not sending their best. >> i mean, this starts to have a cumulative effect and you're starting to see it play out not only in law and order, but also economically. >> again, as stores shut down because of retail theft, the economic impact that has on the lives of of the american people. >> at some point, i would hope that the american people, again, when they take a step, forget the propaganda being pushed on them by these corporate propagandists,
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their circus like barking and clapping and applauding fake job numbers, i think they're going to take a step back and go, no, my is not better under joe biden. and that's the most important question in a presidential. >> am i better off than i was four years ago? and i don't think most the american people can say that. well, charlie, this story about the foreign workers, american workers, or getting the bulk of the job growth, which we've been covering for months on the angle, this is really came to light a year ago, but now it's only picked up. >> that is a especially humiliating for american workers to have to train their foreign replacements. i hear this time and again, especially in the software sector and the consulting sector and again, you know, the libertarians love this cheap, cheaper labor, and now they're supposed to be all great. >> but it certainly doesn't feel good for those workers. again, it's absolute contempt for american workers. >> and it's not like this
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is just some sort of fly by night thing. >> these are the beliefs of the democrat party. >> these are the beliefs of joe biden and the people that run the party now. and it's been their beliefs for some time. >> this is this is their considered approach to how to run an economy, how to govern. and, you know, it's interesting, you know, as horrifying and as insulting and humiliating, as you point out is it is for you to have all these jobs, new jobs going to foreign workers. there's another angle to it that is kind of like a it's like a self-fulfilling evil prophecy. >> and that is, you know, remember when donald when joe biden declared all the democrats declared that they wanted to they wanted to force american citizens to pay for health care for illegal aliens. that is their considered belief. that is their considered policy position. and that's what that's what they believe. and, of course, what happens, you get millions of illegals come across the border because they hear, oh, i'm going to get
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my free health care from the american people. >> well, it's the same thing when joe biden creates jobs for foreign workers instead of for american workers, many of those workers, by the way, fought for their country and are great citizens. >> when you do, all you do is you just encourage millions more illegals to come across the border and come into the country. but they don't care, as you point out, it's cheap labor and they have nothing but contempt for american workers. i don't think big business loves us. keep the bottom line low. to with america. both of you, great to see you. have a great weekend. all the new inquisition claims another victim, this time courtesy of preachy soccer star megan rapinoe. >> riley reacts next. >> you're being watched. the new show that's changing crime tv back with a new
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yourself right. >> machinist the hammock underwear love your first pair or they're free at shinies decomp last fall when soccer star meghan rapinoe retired w from women's soccer, she thanke d the fans and remindedr everyone about her activism outside the sport. >> we fought so hard off the field to continue to create, to continue to create more spaceeate forou
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ourselves, to be who we are, but hopefully in turn, more space for you guys to be who you are. but that, it turns out, was lie rapinoe and other members of the new inquisitionncoe and b only believe that you deserve space and freedom of expressiot if you were expressing agreement with them. ta 20 year old player named corbyn alba just learned a hard lesson about the limits of thesf sport sisterhood when she outed herself as a christian on social media. istian on what her crime? >> well, she posted a videoo on tiktok that questioned the trans ideology. well, after seeing that responded scoffing at people who hide behindat their beliefs and added, i would just ask one question.d are you making any typeded, a of spacere safer more inclusive? because if you are, all yoube believe in icause s hate and kis are literally killing themselves because of all this hate, wake up, wake the bleep
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up. well, so much for meghan's goal of creating space for others to be their authentic selves. >> her distortionstiani of christianity is both ignorant and intolerant. >> it's even bigotedty. >> unfortunately, corbyn bowed down to the rapino.e led wokee o mob and issued a very sad apology for her post, saying i that she was disappointed in herself and sorry for sog and thatould fee people should feel safe and respected everywhere. look, the fact is christians can't and don't feel respected in this environment. be for them, the choicesn this to hide your beliefs or be subject to vicious effeemnatione subjec that could effectively end your entire career. joining me now is someone who has felt the wrath of these people, riley gainess felt, outo contributor and host of gaines for girls podcast. riley, to see you tonight. now, beyond thisee obnoxious guests, rapinoe herself was
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really to blame here. a lo i think there's a lotngers of fingers to pointot in this scenario. ultimately, i understand this ul top ife attawn from we're talking specifically about the attack on christianity. obviouslcky, we saw on easter sunday the most holy of christianth, the biden administration, the people in the white house leadingnistrs nation, leading in their quotes, of course, attackeoused we proclaimed this holiday as trans visibility day. ieand i thought it was so ironi, laura, that he goes on to twitter, the president of theofe united states, joe biden, and he posts, you know, happy trans visibility u day.tran >> understand you are made in god's image. he did not finis. becaat verse because after this it says malet and female and god created is perfectly and intentionally in his imageintentio to alter to try all to that is sin.minist and what this administration is doing trickling down from the tora frop. i understand this is their new religion. religion.e thabdicate religion a whole.
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f, megan rapinoe hersel i believe she's a sellout. i believe she's bent on the destruction of american values. i think using her influence to harass someone into compliance is typical seemingly 20-year-old, a 20 year old,an and should never be told >> lholyce- thing. absolutely she has. it'ss a complete bullye'. i mean, it's just it's classic, classic schoolyardlassic bully. well, the current co-captains riley of the women's national team weighed in on the controversy yesterday. >> watch. we've worked extremely hardmely to uphold the integrity of this national team, and we are extremelth y extremely sadis sta that the standard was not upheld. >> we stand by maintainingndt safe and respectful space, especially as alliesctful and f the lgbtq plus community and.s l >> we'll keep using this platform to give attention to causes that are important to u s. well, i don't know what they'll feel.
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ultimately, women's soccer becomes just another version of men's woman's for men who cot inke it in the actual men's category. so maybe they'll feel more included than i'm not really sure. i't y i know listening to these two amazing young phenoms in soccer, said that they were allies of the lgbtq community. that seemingly meansat they that they're not allies for women. i was super bummed to se seemiee corbett essentially folded, came down on her beliefs. believe in a world where conformity is king. you're standing firm in.t your beliefs isn't just courageous, it's revolutionary. coeous.. ies backing down, own your convictions, shatter the mold and, demand respect. >> i believe true power comes from being unapologeticall y you. >> and i wish we couldally have seen corbyn stand by her belief ys. >> yeah, that would be real girl power. >> lbut she's 20 years old and r has her whole life ahead of her. oland it's not easy being you. riley, there are not many of you.
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army captainrepubl c and purplet recipient. sam, phenomenal to see you tonight, the spokesperson fohenomenar the nevada state dem party called you, of coursocrae a maga extremist and a, quote, self-serving ext politician who puts the interests of his party leaders in washington out of state billionaires and special interests over what's best for hardworking. >> but i understand jacky rosenf just dumpeord $4 million into a big ad buy for the general. where'd you get that moneyneder sir? >> 14.llio 14 millionn --? tha >> that's absolutely right. this. thiss absolu is. >> this is unbelievable. that look, as someone who has who is led in combat, literally ,i understand the dangers le leading and also, you know, following leaders into those dangerous situations in the democrat race have created a political battlefield here where. they are trying to intimidate
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and scare good americans who believe that president trump had led the right way amei and his america first priorities had our country on a great tracca.k. t you know, years ago, it was his america first visionag that ledo it w me to enthusiasty vote for him and seeing the result fs that he had is wht motivated me four years ago to be such an active volunteer in the midstactive of still bein small business owner, you know, a husband, a father, schooera l children that even eric trump came and visited me and my familyeden, that in appreciatior how much work that i did at that grassroot leve appl. an and now president trump and his dradership is is what has driven me to try and join himp l in d.c. and help flip this seat, help republicansip take back the majority and be a leader for nevadans and for the americand be people who have been so now affected s by joe biden and. >> jacky rosen. am >> yeah. now, sam, jacky roseien is tryil
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call herself a kind of position herself as kind of a moderate. >> watch this. >> i'm proud to be named one ofe the most bipartisan senators because i've worked with both parties on things like helping veterans exposed to burn pitso y and stood up to my own party to support police officers and get more funding for border security for. a sam, she's just a moderate. why are you pickin mg on herode >> trying to displace her from power? that's so mean of yo su. kno you know what's amazing about this, laura, is thatat's j voting with joe biden 99% of the time apparentlyoe getss you classified as one of the most bipartisayo n senators outok there. look, this is unbelievable. and it's why president trump is surging in the polls heret oe and part of the reason why political has moved this race, as you said, from a lane to a toss up. now, look, i'm so thrilled trump won the state, i should
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say. >> i'm sorry to. interrupt. yeah. sam, you, you, you. we got s to rollt to. do you think yes or no,, tr trump is going to win this statume? ident oh, i'm confidenttr president trump's going to win this state. i'm going to wins this race helpblican republicans take the majority and grassroos t americans out there can join me captain sam brown dot com because we need t harry reid's last remnant through jacky rosen. oh, the last remnant of reid r sam. good temnanto. >> see you. all right. the road to the senate gop majority will also run through the state of montana, retired navy seal. a lo.t of here and activere firefighting pilot tim sheehy, is runningactig and neck with democrat incumbent jon tester, whose montanans acting as a rubber stamp essentially ofr all of biden's policies. >> montana gop senate candidate tim kaine joins now.m join tim tester has tried to carry himself off as kind of a rugged montanan. he's a rancher. he's as a haircut. you know, he kind of tries
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he tlay the role. >> but when is he actually stood up for the working class to face tester's is all this time, you knowing , five out of every six years, he's a loyal progressive. 90 plus percent voting record with joe biden and chuck schumer and harry reid before that. and then, of course, you know, in the last few months, he becomes a closet republican.. his last ad, i think, said he's working with republicans, secure the border, which is laughable. he's still paying to fly illegal immigrantss ughable. ino our country. he's paying for their health ille. ontinueir food he's paying to continue to fund sanctuary cities with your taxpayer f dollars, with montana taxpayer dollars. and he's stoppindollg us from deporting violent criminal illegal aliens. so that doesn't sound like s montana values in a state that trump carried by 20 points in a stateg wants a secure border. we have a senator who's opening it wide open and he'border we s paying him to come here. >> time to put a stostopp to it >> now, tim, the media, of course, are seizing on this proposal that yon this u reportedly shared with supporters about wanting to gut the department gut, homeland
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security. the left is claiming that you're soft on border. ecut i happen to agree with you. i've beey.n pushinppeng to breap the dhs for a long time because it's completely and bureaucratic and is not doing its job. but clarif y the viewers what your plan actually is. >> yea h, mean and since never had the fix for one bureaucracy to create more bureaucracy. >> you know when you have a bunch of broken agencies putting a whole new broken bwhen y on top of them makes nc sense. creating the dhs in the wake of 9/11 made a lot of sense. it was attempting to hone in on certai to honen capabilities the had overlooked during our cold wa r years. we were not prepared to fight a counterterrorism conflict. however, sinced to then, as we'e continued to add more agencies and functions, what we've seenus is more paper pushers, more paperclips, more officers, more assistant directors t of this and that, and very little action and additional capability. verttle my point with the dhs is if we're going to get our executive branchwe'r of undr control, do we have to do itf on both a spending standpoint
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as well as an authority standpoint? we have to start having a veryo. critical look at our agencies and make sure they're fit for purpose. >>and make fit the men and womes are working hard every day to protect us. i know what theyvery dayo . i served alongside them both domestically and forward deployed. it's not the people in the field doing the job. it's the bureaucracy arounit'sd that that we have to look at to make sure it's actually doing its job and not just pushing more paperwork burea >> yeah, i think, tim, justg moe keep p simple. cut the bureaucracy. empower the people. okay. any questiond empowes just cut right through it. tim, we wish you the best of luck. wi you theofare you, by the wayo the heck is that? >> i don't even know where you are. are you in se you o far? >> where are you? i am. i am. i am in the mint bar. and martin'syoe mint dale, mont. my ranch is just north of here. so literally area in the fieldst and dragging cow manure to get ready for for the spring rains here. >> i got the call from you guys so i ran down the town where we only have a good internet connection and that's why we're here so 10% jonathan help out becaus.e i'm an actual rancher, not a fake one like tester.
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nolove that i'm coming to visit. that looks really fun. all right. thanks so much. t a fa good to see you.ra: love all right. biden gives prompter directions and the stars just won't go. >> raymond arroyo has it all.e friday follies nexyou.t. >> i'm richard card and i love host. my hose is lightweight. oh, no, my hose will not come off and my hose is anti. it ain't those old hoses. this is my hose. the new pocket hose. copper bullet. now infused with real copper. so your water is always clean and lead free. >> just turn on the water and watch your hose grow. and grow to a full size three quarter inch hose. >> it stretches and expands like a rubber band. and when you turn off the water away, it goes shrinking and squeezing that water out until it's practically bone dry . and that makes it easy to carry and put away. our new inner tube uses three layers of high strength
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>> it's friday and that meansy n it's time for friday follies. and for that, we tur n fox news n contributor raymond arroyo. >> raymond wonderful, to see you. it has been an exhaustinyog wee. ,and i see that you have your lamp. so did very generous out here oh on the left. on the left coast for a whole. >> and i'm granting you your three wishes. oh, thank you benevolent genie,b i've been rubbing this lamp for 45 minutes. where you've beein thn? look, first up, i have a dual wish. i wish the presidentfirst up, p claiming heritage is that are not his own and he would stop giving instruction to the teleprompter operator duringhi speeches. >> i got into wilmington and one of the things moven all all that back, by the wa of y. y >> one of the things that ie oft shouldhe start by saying the only reason i'm able her
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to stand here is because of theb great communitecauy. that's not hyperbole. that's why i acquired. the nickname i'm. >> very proud of.y i am joe biden. annapoliproud s. olis. >> oh, my lord.y look, laura, i know it's anlook election, but he's about as greek as the lucky charms guy. okay. no mattey charr crowd biden is e t of thatiden a produc community. >> i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at home politically. rican communy be a practicing c. used to go to 730 mass every in high school and gone on to college before i went to the black church. >> not a joke. >> thank goodness they canceled canceler that was going to be on tuesday for the muslim community. or he would have gottee onn and said, i remember my dad would say, joey, we got to we biden's our faith in medina mecca. if you knew mecca like, i knew mecca. that's why they call me a bomb, joe. i mean, thank goodness,
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they were spared that at least. >> i think he starts ad libbing and he doesn't know exactly where he's going. so he just back to the aisle with you. all right. what's your second question? direct going. your second wishn >> well, we learned this weeked from former espn host sage steele that her interview with president biden wasit scripted by executives. >> watch. >> i was told you will say every word that we write out. you will not deviate from w the script to the word. >> like every single question was scripted. >> laura, i wish these broadcasters would stop whriptinlag interviews with the president when the public needs answers. >> and look, i guess o i'm relieved that this sort of thing is not going on anymore. going >> every day after easter.on how is easte ar, you guys?r first question for you, president biden. how would you describe what'swht at stake in this election? >> can you confirm o tr deny
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that there is an active conspiracy between you and ms.. >> swiftacy when you think bac, it, on this time so far, what are what are your faith? some your favorite memories? >> what is so special about this egg roll, laura? y look. : very >> aggressive, perceptive reporters. >> oh, my god. look, aaron sorkin doesn't inripted shows as tightly as these interviews are scripted, okay? but it's an abdication of the media's rolete in the public discourse. we get an opportunity to hold theswee people accountable. we should use those opportunities. and when you script this we out, a it's a dumb show for the public and it should be forbidden. dumand we should hold themfina accountable. >> finally, laura, i wish whenl, people bold public statements about quitting that they would stay quit. >> last week, lizzo, who has been charged with fat shamingdar her dancers, sang at adr fundraiser for president bidenae and she must have gotten some bad online reaction. >> hmm. ion. well, i remember she wrote on instagram last friday that wasas
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getting tired of putting up with being dragged by everybody in hert fr life on the internet. she said, i'm starting to feel like the world doesn't want me. and it e thdoesn't said, i didn't sigt for this. >> she said she quit. >> yeah, well, excuse me, but this week, lizzo did ane reu about face. >> she returned to music and quit her quittinrnedg. us >> i just need to clarify when . >> i say i quit.qu i meanit, i quit giving any negative energy attention. n if i can just give one person the inspiration or motivation to stand up for themselves and say they quit letting negative people when negative win, then i've done even more than i could have hoped for. for. >> hmm. laura. i mean, what if she ha ld a musc and she didn't quit social media?
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>> she quit quitting. she quit quitting. reitman just like chersh when so said she was doing her last concert. >> all right, raymond, great to see you. in right ahead, part two of my exclusive interview with kid rock. what doef s he think think about trump's 2024 chances? >> the answer next. it's that time of year again. answer the question, ladies. when the boys in blue camp don't move, get a much earned. you should be more nice. >> i was in second grade. there's people like feather in the head. you're worried about me. fox nation brings the heat back to the beach. none of you guys are 21, right? spring break. new episode tonight on fox nation. the only place to watch new episodes of cops. all part of fox justice. >> sign up and get your first year of fox nation for 2999. america is streaming. >> who doesn't want more energy and more focus more productivity? that is why millions
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in cashmere at a fair price. get free shipping and 365 day returns at queens .com. wake up to fox and friends. hey, great coffee. can i trust to know what's really going on? and we're all over that story for you. i take my friends everywhere you know it "fox and friends" weekend america's best friends . >> new allegations swirling in the diddy saga. well, it's expanding to include others. fox news senior national correspondent kevin cork is here with all the details. >> kevin, everesponden ally my t is increasingly looking like this diddy sex trafficking everf drug probe is a real ticking time bomb. >> and i'm talkingob not just criminal shrapnel. there could be some civil crim awful lotng of hollywood a-listers and entertainers and even some famil tertainey. case in point, yet another lawsuit that not only names ppuf diddy, puff daddy, diddy, sean combs, but also includes his son,ta, sean, bu christian . the latest suit alleges s assaulted comb a woman while she was working
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on a yacht. the music mogul chartere s workg ond, for a trip at the end of 2022 that had been sold as a, quote, wholesomd ase excursion but turd into a hedonistic envirod n. it now attorneys for the alleged victim say in a statement, as long as ent that harassment and assault continues to happen and as long ok peoplssments toe there stillk it's even slightly okay or canay get awayn ge with because of thr celebrity, then everyone is still in danger is stil of ts happening to them. meanwhile, diddy's lawyers are firing back. not only does he continue to deny any and all allegations deny taking aim they at the lawyer they think is behind all this. tyrone blackburnth behind al, they're basically accusing him, laura, of promulgating a legal sically n quote. he was just slapped by a j federal judge in new york earlier thia fedes forr his pattern of behavior and improperly filing cases in federal court to garnerrt media attention, embarrass defendants with salacious allegations and pressure defendants to settle quickly se however, this is important. apparently, there's audi
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o of the alleged victim repeatedly refusing advances. >> i don't know. c can be trouble for diddy. laura, kevin, this is suchaura a wild story. >> we really appreciate it. thank you so much. now to part two of my intervieww with kid rock. >> what do you think's going to happen in michigan, though? i meannks goin, your home statey to wake up and decide noou? g to >> moss we're not we're notry we're not going to kill our tvs and he's going to win it. >> trump's winning. trump's winning. michigans winnin. e smar i mean, the auto workers are smart enough to know that evs mean you're getting replaced w mea with a robot. >> they're smart enough to know that everyone has google eno .c. they can search it, whatever. they know that this is coming. you know, i applaud what elon musk is doing. dos. nk that guy's a geniu but in terms of michigan, we're going to make cars we're we're going to keep the industrial revolution alive and we might have to innovate industr, go pat that where things are going now.
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am getting off base here. >> but i think i think. i don't thin jesse:k people to . now they do it. >> they do have to wake up michigan. >> michigan is full. michigan is the melting po ie tp of america. >> when people came from the south after, you knoeow, d y the industrial revolution, the civil war, the set, neal, and they stopped in chicag stopn and they came to detroitis to make a living wage. this, that and the other. they've stuck around. inenerations there, including my family. >> and it's timeamil to, time, decision wise, working class. all right. but i got to ask you about the beer t now. i'm going to do the opposite. i'm going to do the opposite of biden. i mean, if you don't vote ifnald you don't vote for donald trump, you wait for michigan ar oh, that's good. that's good. that's glaughter i actually thi it's going to be a significant victory for trump in michigaan. but let's let's talk about the tour, because you told me about this like six months ago, seven months ago. but now this is a reality weekend. >> tell me about what's happening. you and jason aldeanend, tel whe gang. >> yes, we started a music
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>>, me and some partnerse partne called premiere entertainment called rocdk. s >> rock the country. and it's going to be seven music festivals this year. be seven festivaland small towns around . and while everyone's invited this, is specifically a festival created hard workingt patriots who love this country. >> and i think that'his very underserved market in our country, which is why you've seen things like duck dynasty and yellowstone get so big is because, you know, while i don't mind a persone wh, a ts person being part of a television or film programf ,n n i don't need to see one every time i turn one on just because it's some di iy that's like,youw you know what i mean? like, i just wanted to serve people who likt i wane maybe they don't feel welcome at some of these other festivals this that and the other. maybe you want to, you know, let your patriotic flag and fly high. so wnd so we're trying these and matt gonzalez this saturdayi and friday night, friday, jason aldean kicks it ofs ndf. a
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i come up saturday with him junior and the whole cas t of other characters. >> and we got i think it's 27,000 tickets soldk we right now. so people are responding and we're going to prag any evey day to the good lord above that. we're going to give them a great experience good lor w, going to feel value for their hard earned dollar spent. >> and we're going to where we'rspene all going to welcome h other and celebrate america and musi andc. >> amen, i bet. hallelujah, brother. well, i think it's fantastic. i'm looking forward. i don't know which one i'm coming to, but i'mlod, iw comin to one of them and i can't wait. >> kidofm an bob richey, alwaysg to see you. all right. that was fun. and that is it for> that w and . don't forget, set your dvr. al always want you to stay connectewad with us. i have a lot of new stuff upt ow on social media, on instagram, facebook. make sure to do that as well. remember, it's america now and forever. >> jesse. hello, everybody. i'm jesse waters


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