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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 6, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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i come up saturday with him junior and the whole cas t of other characters. >> and we got i think it's 27,000 tickets soldk we right now. so people are responding and we're going to prag any evey day to the good lord above that. we're going to give them a great experience good lor w, going to feel value for their hard earned dollar spent. >> and we're going to where we'rspene all going to welcome h other and celebrate america and musi andc. >> amen, i bet. hallelujah, brother. well, i think it's fantastic. i'm looking forward. i don't know which one i'm coming to, but i'mlod, iw comin to one of them and i can't wait. >> kidofm an bob richey, alwaysg to see you. all right. that was fun. and that is it for> that w and . don't forget, set your dvr. al always want you to stay connectewad with us. i have a lot of new stuff upt ow on social media, on instagram, facebook. make sure to do that as well. remember, it's america now and forever. >> jesse. hello, everybody. i'm jesse waters, along
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with judge jeanine pirro. jessica tarlov, katie pavelich and greg gutfeld. huh? yeah. it's 5:00 in new york city, ♪nd this is the five. general jack keane. always a pleasure. thank you very much for. >> this great. thank you, sir. all. >>cretary of state blinken. don't worry, america. your favorite tv shows. okay. aftey. r 4.8 magnitude earthquake scared the bejesus out of the east coastth. the powerful shockwave rattling skyscrapers and homes in newich, york city. >> it was felt as far down as maryland and all way up to boston. everybody in their mom was freaking out. it'swith group chats and social media blowing up. >> thankfully, no reports of damage or injuries yet. >> here's how it went down. >> looks like it's going to be a nice day today. >> what the? having an earthquake. >> if it felt like a weird day,
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it just got a bit weirder here in the northeast. rtheast. are we having an earthquake? seriously? are we having an earthquake?hq >> there was a freakinuagke earthquake in tribeca. aving the entire building just movedan . >> earthquake can't be felt in the air. of course. although it can felt on the ground. the quake happened just after 1020 in the morning with its epicenter 50 miles outside of manhattan in new jersey. >> but leave it to liberal new york to up the response. it took the geniuses who run [bl the city's emergency system nearly 40 minutes to blast out one of those high pitched, super annoying phone alerts. >> but hey, at least it made the view watchable for desperate people looking to make their stop. everything to watch. oh, my gosh. she's how many can show? >> i need some tequila now. greg." i like how everybody is going around today.
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did you feel it? >> yes. did you feel it? april 5th, 2024. >> i will never forget where i when this happened. and i want to thank i want to thank all the brave and fearless yorkers who stayed strong and united together against this unfathomable event. >> i mean, we there are grief, grief counselors available. >> there were therapy, pets on every street corner. in case you're suffering from any ptsd from this cataclysmic effect. >> i hope we get past this. i have been fielding a lot of calls from people, though, that didn't feel. s. >> and they're suffering more. they're suffering more because they can't share in the melodrama that we share. >> by the way, you know how they name quakes. they're naming this the perino quake because she's also 4.8ng a to 4.8. just edit that out. >> but if you ever want to answer the question, does the media they're the center of the universe and what affects them, everybody else.
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this is another story. they assume the remaining 320 million people in the u.s. are just as excited, is damaged by this story as they are. imagine if the media were justcr as affected by real calamities, , it's ait is a border crime wave or it's inflation. hey, i don't need a mcdonald's. why do i care? but oh my god, my bookshelves. they shook and my two story walkup. oh, my god. someone call an expert. >> earthquakes. nobody was freaking out. speaking of the view, those earthquake things go off in their studio all th real e t whenever anybody crosses their legs or place shakes. worst part of the quake the silly aftermath, the people freaking out the the building ea in in our own building, the overhead warning system every 5 minutes. you know, do walls every part been shut up. >> leave us alone. let us do our job. and yet there were people who actually didn't come to work. no.
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some people in new york and i won't name who were told not to come in because of the earthquake. >> name who? j i'm not saying. who told them. none of your businesesse s. sorry. now i really need to know the guy in building. jessica, is this a signal that the end is near? >> certainly for the climate. that's what i'm supposed to saey ,right? yes, you are. no, but i felt it. yeah. i had just gotten hometh froe em doing america's newsroom, and i was talking to brian, and then the apartmenalt started shaking. >> you guys were just talking? yes, we were just talking like, okay. >> yeah. the producers all said it. you? yeah, we were talking and ita sn was a moment of not fear, but like, are we having an earthquake? because it is an out of the norm thing and agreed on the alert. we thought there was another one because it came so muc jess we're like, oh, is this an aftershock? but i did think it was funny. >> and in new york throwing shade on new jersey way that kathy, bu hochul said thatg
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this happened west of westn manhattan when you're talking about an interstate. >> i was vernew ey, the y near the epicenter when it happened. right. i know how you feel. i felt while. >> were you guys just talking? >> obviously. did she feel there's a lot of 4.8 jokes on the internet? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. judge jeanine, wherebout a were you when it happened? >> i was getting my done. i was in a salon with stella, and i had just gotten off the phone with my decorator and i. i know how ridiculous my wife and i all she told me about. yeah, i mean, jessica won't confirm that, but the thing that struck me because i knew immediately it was an earthquake. >> somebody said. >> oh, they're drilling upstairs. i said and -- how precious lifi how vulnerable we are, how absurd all this stuff d about,i'm worrie you know, does this pillow
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match that? >> and, you know, all of us mean in the end, we're all going to be confronted with an earthquake of one type or another that's going to end up taking us out. >> and maybe w jeaninessice ougn a little more for it, as opposed to just being takengh like that. it makes you think. katie, does it just tell insignificant? >> we all are. we are just mother nature toys to play with. we could go at any time. i didn't feel it. >> so i'm feeling all right out and i'm awake. you didn't buy it? no, but i did have the train. i did have a harrowing experience on the train because i was pulling out of dc, and then they went slower on the train and said they needed to check all the bridges on the way to new york to make sure that they were structurally sound. that was a little scary. but i will say i'm just glad that there wasn't enough damage for the clinton foundation to swoop in and cause even more problems. that's a good thing. so it's going to be okay, everybody, all my friendslifo in california are laughing at us. i think i'm from the west coasrt
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. so they tell you to go into the doorjamb if there's an earthquake. i don't think there's any training for that around here. no, there's no worries about a volcano erupting or anything. >> i had to explain to jesse. >> he asked me, well, dad,wa what is an earthquake? welly, i just think tectonic plates, and that's all i know. you know, the richter scale? no, i said, i said. i said. that earth is hungry. you know, when you get hungry and your stomach starts ar, your son. >> yes. and then i said, so we need to feed earth. ther went out, we took a sausage and we shoved it all around. >> you are dead. understory and it was starting sick. >> it would end. why is that sick andr an you wod hostage systems do you really? all the interesting thing is if you have a pet when you're watching. my dog was like i knew he would have something was looking out the window. >> he was very unhappy. yeah. dogs do it all. yeah, dogs for all animals do. they d theo for thunderstorm,
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earthquakes. they have a seismic. they have a seismiy instinc esce response that is evolved over time. >> oh, they have pictures. g >> and it's just like how animals know when to escape from predators. they know. watch they know that's it. it's usually from the ground tilting or electricaanl or magnetic field variation. >> so he didn't give me a heads up at all. oh, they always did. they got like 3 minutes to get their hair done, too. >> all right. well, anyway we're fine, america. >> we're fine. don't worry. we hope they're. oh, yes., yeah. speaking of earthquakes, the rockwe are aftershocks for the biden campaign after refusing to endorse sleepy joe, people like him the same time. people like him the same time. what you can we go back into. chapter two component here. ba chapter two component here. ba the temperature in liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. insurance and i saved hundreds. >> that's great i know i've been telling everyone everything yeah like how many people did you tell only pay for what you need it is a very
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matter where you go you've got♪ to have the rock is delivering a smacnine: thk on the biden ca. dwayne johnson is refusing back joe biden this year after lending his endorsemens t in lat election. >> the superstar dropped kicking this sorry state of biden's america while speaking with fox and friende o >> am i happy with the state of america right now? well, that answer is no. do i believe we're going to get better? i believe in that. that ansi'm optimistic, guy, ani believe we can get better. the endorsement that i made a year ago with biden was one iy thought was the best decision for me at that time. am i going to doea that againhat ag this year? that answer's no. i'm not going to do that. because what i realizeai? no. what that caused back then was at somethin g that tears me upat tea in my guts back thenrs and now, which is division, that i wouldn't do that because my goal is to bring our country .
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>> and as joe biden loses big time celebrity, as his pals and the media are finding new ridiculous waymys attacko br donald trump and his voters like bringining a cult expert.d >>as the good news is not permanent and people wake up and they are in and unchained. >> as i felt in 1970 six. donal but more and more people ared leaving the magical elite. it's important that people not just yell at people who are still trapped in this delusion and ask questions in a respectful, curious wayd asha that gets them to start realizing they've been conned. and that as minds have been hijacked. . >> katie i don't know who thatth guy isat, but he apparently has the solution to taking voters away from trump. we're living in an alternatestii reality. >> why do you think he says that? i don't think he really knowons
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he's talking about this weird, cold expert, someone that jesse might have oe beenn his at some point. >> right. did you interview him for your book? maybe i should say the next thing, everybody about the book you're about to buy here. i got to do that either. i think what the rock was saying was interesting in theer sense that we're dealing with the same situatios away n that we were dealing with in terms of candidates as we were in 2020. here we are again. and he's saying that he madere a mistake essentially by endorsing joe bidenallyalkin. and he talks about the reason why he endorsed him is he wanted to brinm for yo g country sayin together. and joe biden ran on division. and clearly none of thatg intera fulfilled over the past four years. so he's not saying that he's goin messentially by g to for trump necessarily. >> and he's on thiher,s ideaandl of wanting to bring everyonevery together and that everyone should should agree on these things. these thins back on the woke agenda. but i think it really just clarifies that joe biden ran as a moderate here and as someone who was going to be evpresident for everybody. and he's actually been a very far left activist, divisivere. and people are starting to realize that in the sense
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of admitting that they were wrong about what they the choices that they made publiclhj in 2020. one of the things, greg, that he talks about, he talkudes about the broken can cancel culture and he says that it's more importantture, an that youo and honest and not worry about being canceledabout be. easy for him to say, well, you know what it's if what he said on the air, imagine what he really feels because. ts >> i mean, he was tiptoeing through the tulips on that topic. generallaty they don't wanthing to say anything. >> and it's true. anit's big stars who can speak u because they can withstand whatever follows. they're not going to be canceled. but that's why it's importan g canct. t you know, clint eastwood had a way. arnold schwarzenegger, the a waeaity, sly fallon, bruce will, >> these guys were not liberals. most of them were all republicans, but they couldn't speak out untile repu they big enough to speak out because they couldn't be canceled by the awful publicists in hollywood. inbut i got to point out that that cult expert guy, he looks like in heaven'sisse
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a heaven's gate member who missed the comet. remember, they were tryingd to on a comet. if trumpism is a cult, it is the worst cult in history because. a people come and go as they please. . erything is holys >> there's nothing is secretive about it. whollyand people seem to be have a good time. it doesn't seem like seg m terrifified of reprisals . >> if this is a cult, and soof is october fest. i mean, trump, i f you want to. >> i think what you can say about trump is if it's an ism, is that it's more likebout your favorite team where you root for the guy, you root for your guytrump, and you rootk against the other guy, but you still can hang outsm, with the other guy's fans. it's not a big deal, but the y can't. but the other team can't do it. trump people are pro-trumpfans. have no problems pulling over and helping you change a tire. >> they don't care. pulling >> if you got a biden bumper tir sticker on your car, they'll do it. e. it's not a two way street way. >> yep. okay. all righbiden bu stickert.
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the last time we had one channel one former president run agains two-wt a sg president was when grover clevelan thed ran against benjan harrison. i didn't know either. >> them don't look as ifen they did. and right now, it's bad news for biden because everyone is asked when you think about it, was your life better under trump or under biden? and apparently 60% say their life is bad. biden. only 47% say it was bad under trump. >> that's why it's so easy to vote this year because four years ago you had the guy . >> it wasn't like you don't remember what it was like four years ago. y remembers. the only person who doesn't remember is an old elderly man with a hazy memory. >> but that's an advantage as a voter because it's so fresh. and that's why people are now saying, well wait a second, i don't like where we're going. and the rock. >> i think this is a business move because he's on the board of directors for the company
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that owns the ufc and wwe. ur ya >> he knows how many men are out there, how many fans he hars . and as a guy like that in the the circles that he hangs out with, i am sur guy e he gets such a hard time on the weekends by his buddieshat it w. >> okay. you endorse that guy? are you craz y? t i gave him so much. i mean, you know how it is in hollywood, right? yeah. wi dana white really had itthme right when you wrap up? yeah, when you're someone at that level like a tom cruise. >>moryhe advantage as you don'r political at all. and tom was good at that. michael jordan was good at that. the rock blew it. and i'm sure regrets -- and in terms of the cult thing ,i just think what they're trying to do is socially shame people for arerying to being asd with the trump movement. >> they're trying to say, look at these freaks that wear colorful outfits, that wear silly hats, and you don't to be associated with them at all. >> but deep down, you know what, judge? they're jealous. biden voters don't have the kind of passion that trump
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have for trump. >> and you know, jessica, it's true. they barely show up for for biden. >> but let me ask you this. you know, lot of trump supporters, do we need to be deprogrammed. >> be careful. that's why i come to work every day. it is correct that conservatives are much more tolerant of liberals and spending time with than liberals are conservatives. that shows up, especially in the dating data that a liberal would never consider going out with a conservative in the trump era. obviously, things have been different since 2016, and so. james carville and mary matalin are not happening. round two. they're i think the rock. yes, he's promoting stuff, tru but did get a lesson in you can. alienate people when you put a perspective out there like that. he's a smart businessman, but we don't know how he's going. he could very well vote for joe biden again. it's just not going to talk about it. and i thought that that was an interesting undercurrent
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you know, that will didn't really push him and he didn't say, well, what does that mean? >>y we he just let him say, my endorsement led to a lot of divisiobiden and that really tears me up because he is someone who is liked by people on the left and on the right. and that's a pretty rare thing. there are very few kind of iconic people that are beloved on both sides. but you said in your letter and question to jesse, you know, it's just bad news for biden. the jobs report today was a monster. >> i mean, every three months when it gets dow?" n. t also the part time jobs and there's data looking at this, that's a trend been happening. it obviously was accelerated through october and people opting inttee iso that.eopl you so don't add 15 million jobs and even taking away what we got back from covid is adding jobs at a faster clip than trump to go up to 303,000 a when it was supposed to be 214. but, you know, we don't do this story when we revise it. we only do this. that's not true. i hear it all the time, guysot talk about the stats,
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but whether or not the people are feeling it and they are. yes. was very. no, there was really interesting data that came out about people's perspective on the national economy versus their state economies. jobs and they looked at all of the swing states and people about the national economy wasort toda terrible. it was really was y at a -30. and individual economies in wisconsin, in georgia, pennsylvania, arizona, all the states that you need to win some right. ait thre and trump has made states. well, first of all, if you look at those polls were within the margin of error. i've talked about in margin buto of error. it is a jump ball that was when if this was the worst economy in the world, which is what you would say about it, there thd be evenhat we woul close to this. it would be a runaway for, the person on the top of thee republican ticket. and it's not because people know wagea runawa growth. it's going past the rateus of inflation. e peopo itemployment, 3.8%, 26 month streak. we haven't see's passin that th. you have to give some level of credit where.
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>> credit is due. you have to and you have to stand out. jessic a, i was looking at notes for the next section and you have to give credit to the american people who assimilate this and make their own judgment>> greg:ned out,s and.. >> they've made joe biden a bombshell coming uu have tp, o a bombshell study blowing up everything the left has been ad pushing on transgender children. >> jessicath . >> tessa, surprise hasbo had guy . some people just know that the some people just know that the best rate for you is on you with allstate because you know the right way to save the drive was and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate. sional >> we've never spoken but youlyt ges that you love stargazing hate parallel parking and occasionally right foot gets a little heavy. the lexus s didn't begin in the
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that's it. if you're ready, then call the number on your screen. right now, lycopene is worth the price because likely is clinically proven to work. >> now, you can lose four times more weight. just add life cuisine for only 2995. call right now and we'll double your order for free and ship it free to and for a limited time will double the size of each bottle for free. so now you have four times the life position for just 2995 plus you'll get metabolite plus to help boost your energy and metabolism. but you must call call 800 9290319. >> while and eric menendez were motivated by greed they were as unlikable defendants as you'll ever see. they're too greedy little brad so many more people know it through the myth than through reality. los angeles judge sentenced each brother to two consecutive life terms. there are real people. there is real suffering at the heart of this story.
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just goes round and round. and television reflect society . society like television. they needed a conviction at any cost. oh, my god. this is great. if these were the menendez sisters, they would not be in custody. this was a family environment that was run by fear. they couldn't imagine a father abusing his sons. how could these people be killed by their own children? groundbreaking new is blowingiei up the left's endorsement of experimental hormonlle blocking drugs and transgender surgeries for minors. turns out that the majority of gender confused children grow out of that by the time they're fully grown adults. itit was a 15 year study that tracked nearly 3000 kids,at
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asking them every three yearsev asout theiery thr gender as chi. 11% felt unhappy with their was gender. but by adulthood it was just 4%. it comes just 4% as more cases o of people are transitioning and talking about their stories . >> i was fast tracked ontos. puberty blockers, then testosterone, the resulting menopausal hot flashesy blocke e focusing on school impossible. a month later, school when i wa, i had my first testosterone injection. it's causeirst testosteron permy to my body. i was perfectly healthy. therwae was nothing wrong with t still developing body? my childhood was ruined. ng body. childhowe need to stopl children that puberty is an optiondr and they can choose what kind of puberty they will go through. >> so we didn't need a study to tell us this obvious fact. tell isn't it an indictment ofs experiment that's been performe d on, children?el and who's going to be heldd accountable for things like >> ge colegs going through this and never getting her life back? >> the people who need that study people s won't listt
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because it's because they have to admit that what they believethey havdmit thad ad created a horror. there are two types of peoplean the people who said this all along and the people who mockedd th them for saying it. they need to be held accountable for this a because d forced parents to be extra brave and have b deal with being called names or being told that they had blood on their hands because bl hands bkid was going to kill themselves. >> this was a luxury belief. the gender movement. >> and it and the reason whyth it's so dangerous, it removed the basic foundation for a period of life or stabilit ayy was a necessity. >> when you're a child, you have to learn to to do math and learn how to communicate with others. th behave. and you remove the foundation, the stability, the act, their identitye fo, because it's somehow edgy or trendy. this was a social contagionad that spread on social media. >> it conferred positivity and made you fashionable, mostly by people who were holdinmade fashig luxury beliefh are basically activists and were teachers. >> some were parents basical had
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munchausen by proxy. >> so the socially virtuouand bt socially virtuous adult can confer an unstable belief at noi cost to them onto a child. the child suffers. the adult doesn't. and that's what you had. so hat', judge, a lot of this has been endorsed by adults saying chil children should be to have these surgeries and to take these puberty blockers, which the has has banned for prescription as a result. and at the same time that wesult know that this study has proven what we already knew and, knew, that is people grow out of this most of the time. the numberthat put o of transitn surgeries for children is going up by significant percentagesus yeah, the sad part about this >>nout , you know, whe you're a parent, you see your child go through changes. >> my so, whenn convinced that s going to be a basketball player. ugh chanthat it there was nothik that was going to stop him. and my daughter was convinceetba d stop she was going to be a veterinarian. >> okay. they go through stages and you just kind of go along with it, but you don't allow them
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to mutilate their bodies. >> i mean, we don't allow kidso to have, call it statutory if they're under the age of 17. but we allowt, but to change th organs as if that's not a big deal. >>ow it's i think that the parents who were bullied into it, who were being tol d kid that your child is going to commit suicide. i mean ve sex, they need to understand that there are other issues that the transit 17. screeners,% of them said that they had other issues, that medicali thi and psychological, that no one even assessed them for. beig and 39% of them said that chi that they had other problems that could have been explained if they had only allowed them to go along with, you know, m whatever, identifying the problem. >> so, jessica, that we have the science about this ideology that has been placed on children, this is not just something that's happening with parents who feel sorry for their kids. it's gotten into the hospitals or a number of hospitals
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benefiting financially by providing thesey ha surgerier for for minors. you see the white house trying to forcel through medicaid, taxpayer dollars, going towards these transition surgeries for children. so how is it now that you see this science in this studym really debunking this ideology that has really creeped in to a number of institutions around the country and just not true? >> well, as with everythingo there are studies on the other side of it as well, showing low percentages of people who end up expressing regret about what they've done. and we are ignoring something. and i say, you know, as a parent of a young child and soon to be another one, this is something that we think about. what do you do i>> katie: jef cs home at five years old and says, you know, not i want to be a basketball player because that's something that they're not going to a psychiatristt to b for? i mean, to be able to go through this, you have to go through you have to jump through a number of medical hoops. the american pediatric association says gender dysphoria real.
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>> the american medical association says just to advocat assoce these horrible hormone things, everything. >> but i'm just saying that's fine. >> what you can't use the people who are actually experts as experts? >> no, no one takes them seriously. the ama and the apa have have both advocated their responsibility on this topic. >> jes they betrayed the trust between doctors and patients, expecially childrepeoplen. and jesse, when you listen to what these detransition ers talk about, their experience and i don't really like the word detransition because you just detransition permanently damage your body through this experimental drugs and through the surgery. >> but these these individua the who have been victims of this ideology, say the doctors justss gave me puberty blockers after one meeting with them. >> they just signed me up forput surgery after three meetingser and didn't send me to a mental health care clinic. first, they engage one me td in this for financial gain and to be part of this new ideology everybody thought was going to be the next thing. >> so surgeons couldnd me to mae
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much money until they invent new surgeries. >> when plastic surgery came along. a lot of surgeons got very, very wealthy t and. >> that's fine profit on adults and i hope another earthquake hits that right here.. >> i need a tremor to hit him right in the noggin. sose soon all of a sudden, they found out a way, make more money and it's off children. >> so what they do, jessica, is these big medical people fund studies that say it's five main. >> we're saving lives. no one has ever regrettethat'sd so there's studies on both sides we have to think about if was happening in your family and it happened in my family. >> we adopted young child and at age five, he was playing. with dolls and everybody knew he was or was going to be . >> and it's not like all of [laueden we took him to th doctor and chopped him off. >> no one would ever do that.
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i a lot of the trans jessica oh, that's not how i don'tr believe it is. i don't believe it is a lotot of these people are just or. and what doing is they're intervening in a regular or, and that's a new experience. and never used to be like that. someone at this table shared some intimate about their adolescence with me, and now i feel like it's my to say what they told me. >> they said they experienced feelings when they were in middle school. that they perhaps were she was in a. oh, my god, that guy and that person was such a liar. and thank god they didn'ts transition me. >> i was on our campus. we're going to go to a different topic. i had a raccoon, s o got a rampage at hershey park. >> the fastest is up next. t toi >> and starting a businessand rn
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pancreas, low blood sugar risk side effects like nauseape and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. >> living type two diabetes is about the power of three with those epic. >> sure. my god. oh girl music. >> welcome back. time for the fastest first step. >> forget about earthquakes. you got to watch out for wild raccoons raccoons. i got tmz getting a hold of that footage showing a raccoon attacking innocent bystanders, waiting in line for roller coasters at hershey park. two people taken to the hospital. a precaution. craig, you and i had the same reaction. how scary for the raccoon. >> yeah, i had a couple of reactions. tmz is really desperat e if they're doing it after they messed up the kate middleton. >> yeah, exactly. alsoa raoh we were talking
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about this. >> he was just having a premonition about the earthquake. animals act strange before the earthquake was sensing he was trying to notify. >> he was trying alert these people. get out, get out. an earthquake. ofage of ait's coming.r you'll be crushed by chocolate mounds. and moundsat. >> delicious chocolate. e. id chocolat >> katie, that's my dream. raccoons. if they were larger and there are some very large raccoons would run the world. but if they're attacking people, they're probably rabid. and that's a very bad, scary thing. he was just if there's a raccoo you, try to get away as soonr a. as possible, because they can be really aggressive and smart and obnoxiouke s. mound so stay away from that raccoon or not. che!i don't know anys of my dogare so killed 117. i thought she had a tomelargey u mouth. >> it was a dead raccoon. so here' s thing. but t when they're out in the middle of the day, that's a problem, too. any americ them.i thouheca: you >> that's the end of it.y no raccoon information. noin her one has any doubts aboy
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masculinity with. t that said, i'm terrified of rabbits. and if that was me, i would throw a pregnant woman like you right in front of the: no restaurant in a lot of what? >> you know what i would do? i would make a hat out of itbo.s >> all right, katie, you remember when i when i went to hershey park? >> now, you weren't allowed on the roller coaster. pregnever mind the height. oh, yeah. oh, okay. afirst up, it was what he did to that mickey. and now bambi has been turned into a killing machine in a brand new horror movie called bamb i the reckoning. >> you have a shot there, all of you.and no yeahw . >> mm-hmm. do you have any interest in these horror disney films? >> i think they just ran out
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of animals. rror d >> mean, you know, ideas or ideas thing. >> jne: i. hey, i want to fact check them a little. don't look like a deer to me. boy, the moose.deas. >> and it's like an elk. or maybe red stag. it doesn't look like a deer.le. so i think they got that wrong a . >> yeah, correct. i don't think they've. far enough. >> think of all of the other doe animals. for example, winnie the pooh could be a serial killer, katie right? mr. ed? could be a hit man. laughs lassie could be a: terroris need atant.t. >> flipper could be an undersea gang leader. this could be my new fox gone series. yes. i love when you prepare for disasterample,. yes. just like i got to think, winnie the pooh is a serial killel er, riouldr. jesse alter the casting in that flick, you know?eade yeah.r. you don't like it. you don't see it. yeah th, you know, i. something about that. one of those guys. that's where red hat be . whe >> greg and finally, if you're going to fake a sick
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day. try not telling your coworkers. high school teacher in ohio could get axed for allegedly faking two sick days. she can attend a concert in nashville. apparently, she got busted telling her colleagues s. ut her musical plan what does that lot of people tells people? a lot of people.f you're >> and i think that's what they're going to do. they're excited. so they're bragging about it and they're stupid. >> just keep your own private life. oh fake , from people at work and they're jealous. so they're going to report you and i will never report. you know, i never did that. >> this teacher's probably teaching crt all day, right?. that's why she gets caught. and now she gets fired. >> priorities, jessica. priorities. >> at least she's not banging the students. greg know we've had two bad stories lately, and i'm just. >> my bar is very low these days. i'll betg to that i don't knowp. about. >> you know, i. that's just when some companies just say you have so many days, you don't have to distinguisawa
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>> yeah, i'll be happy about it. i'll just be out. are you taking time off for your pregnancy? >> i think you should work all the way up to the day. >> pop it right out on the sidd eif she . hey, that's what they got to be. greaes at. yeah. water breaking. yeah. you'll have our demo to.priori >> yeah, i do what i can for the team. okay. female friday is next she't. sm when we come back, most guys get series air bags as they get on, but most guys don't do anything it because most guys don't really understand care. >> they think it's too expensive and they don't believe that anything actually works. but here's the thing most guys are wrong because there are actually few ways to reduce your air bags. and one of the easiest particles, six and one face cream actually works really well.
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plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com medieval baby. >> first question i love this question from frenchie. >> if you could make something i'm going to something that is legal now illegal or is this i'm reading something that is legal now illegal. that's stupid. i wanted to make something that would be great. i thought it was you wanted me the other way. >> i wanted it to be the other way. if you could make something, if something is illegal, what would you like to be? >> what? what thing? that is illegal versus it. yeah. so want all drugs to be legal? >> no, no, no. that's not my thing. i'm asking you guys. mine is. this is not a crime. but you should have to put your shopping cart back.ha are you going to jail? it's illegal. yeah go to jail.
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what is. >>at is legal that this is the thing either way. >> either way, legal gun g. upi. that's like a legal. and you wish it was okay to do. right, rightsica: th, right. g >>. requ okay. good for you. good. esti.i to make the legal. >> yeah, yeah. get it, you get it. and i to run the house. there you go. . oa you wouldn't be a good word. i don't. i misunderstood the questionin. >> i guess you got it. this is a phrased question. yeah. my stipulation is no one gets hurt, because i understand that's why it's illegal. but it is really when you can speed, like in europe or something like that, where you cae?n like on the auto race track. yeah. yeah. oh, if can go on a race track like that. yeah. yeah. no we talked about that but i gg it i'm going to be the madam in the. all righbet i let you know whati like. >> i'd like murder to be legal. why don't you? >> it already is.he it's called abortion. oh, question hanging.
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>> i know it's friday. i like to justg: i. to battle tax. all right. do you always play it safe or you a risk taker? >> oh, depends. >> you seem like you're ab you're a risk taker in it. n. but play it safe in the game. >> okay? i if she goes hunting, it just adds adventurous things. like skydiving. yeah. oh you sky that i've. i have skydive. devin skydiving. yeah things like that. i am a risk taker for sure. things that makeke my mother nervous. and then on the other things i say, i try to think them through and you're more cautious about them. >> judge risk. t nigh >> no risk, no game. yeah. no fun. what you need a madam? >> yeah, she's a madam with a heart of gold. yeah. look, you got out of the g.siness a long time ago. i did raise a family, mother. now i know she's a mother now>>j i feel like we're doing a deadwood. >> an episode of. oh, i love deadwood. that a great show.
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>> yeah. yeah. jesse, we're going to go ristokr yeah, that's your risk. yeah. jesse risk risk. risk. >> risk risk. say, no, i'm a i'm a big.t yo >> it's safer. no, you're. no, no except with this, but i'm a big player. yeah , right yeah. >> okay. one more things up next. okay. okay. look at what i did a f. sometimes lows of bipolar si depression feel darkest before dawn witgnifh, bi later, there's a chance to let in the light. the lightepor is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. >> i'm some medicines that only treat bipolar one get light. it treats both one and two depression and in clinical two depression and in clinical trials, mood were not common. >> call your doctor >> call your doctor about sudden mooelderly d behavr suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase antidepressants may increase thesport fev
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>> check. check out this unconventional porch pirate in sacramento, onee california. a thief avoids being capture d thief avoids being capture on by dressing up as a trash bag. rs on only the person's slippere visible during the heist as they snuc k toward the porch,deo by scooped up a package, and made off with the d . ng the h >> a true master of disguise or just plain trash to get some george santos, though, should worn socks. that was probably with greg. it was just a very modest person. yeah s, right. huh. are you. do you think that that's do yd luck in somethat's countries, young man? all right, tonight all. what show do we have? todd pyro. >> i'm marla burnaby. first time on the show. she's great. ed kat timpf, rob lowe at all. >> let's do this broadcast. absolutely disgusting news now with tarragon. oh, all check this disgustingly repulsive news. boy, somebody is slow today. tod
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you guys. yeah. huh? ther are you e you go. >> check this out. a disgusting little baby fan rolling around in rosamond gifford zoo in syracuse. >> that's in new york. i wonder if they felt the quake there when you. i don't know. oh, my god. i can't believe what happened today. look at that felt the baby ele. twin wanted nothing to do with the mischief and walked. right away, when their sibling got to rolling littlf e elephans are so adorable. >> i wonder how they managed rog quake. >> what do you guys think? they're very scary. oh, god. adorgod. >> and that was very good. i bet a lot of people at the didn't get it. >> and i'm looking at you, judge. why are you sittind the quicg? >> solar eclipse is on mondayats and. >> i want you guys to tune in. fox has special coverage, but before you do that, you got to get these glasses and not see anything on america's total eclipse. see a thing. just put america the front of the word. >> and then it became a fox
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thing. special coverage, fox weather. >> and don't forget to bring your shades. also, don't forget judge, i'm ok tour. you guys ready? april 20th. beach haven, new jersey. that's lbi, april 27th. vero beach, florida. may. >> we've just added may 5th. mendham, new jersey. may 25th. yorba linda. say that five times fast tonight. jesse watters. primetime earthquake mania. jessict beforea okay, so as manu know, i'm due to have another baby just a week or so. and i wanted to mention something really cool that we're doing for thiglasses new little lady and also did for cleo for preserving her daughter's cor d blood. when i deliver, cord blood can already be used to help treat over 80 conditions, including certain cancers and immune disorders. there are also hundreds of clinical trials to find more possible uses for cord blood. >> hopefully there'll be more ft ♪


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