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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  April 6, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. pete: it is the 7:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, fundraising
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fight, former president trump's palm beach gala expected to rake in millions and how it could stack up to biden's big event. rachel: yeah, it might beat him. will: another squatter show down and bronx migrant squatter and trend day. plus panicking over climate warriors saying jeans are bad for the environment. we're going to discuss that during the pop culture roundup. the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting right now. rachel: good morning, everybody. that's ocean city, maryland. will: jeans are bad for the
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environment? rachel: everything is bad for the environment. pete: the environment is doing fine. that's my assessment. will: i think jeans are fascinating. think about them. how much energy to bewithout into jeans? rachel: you more than most. will: fair. does it fit right? right for boots or shoes? pete: current trend. jeans or something else. will: thinking about it, jeans aren't that old like when did we take on blue jeans? rachel: in the 1800s? will: farmers, yeah, but people and starting with jeans and they're not wearing jeans in public. pete: yeah, for a very long time. look at suits not till 60s or 70s. rachel: jeans in the 50s wearing jeans and that's for the moment. will: i'm not done with the jeans thing for a second.
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rachel: okay. i was talking about jeans. will: then they became on the bottom half of this on the jeans and going for that and moving away for all the sweats now and my point is i think it's weird they're blue also. there's a reason but i have khaki jeans and gray jeans and black jeans. pete: they don't work. khaki isn't jeans and black fades and got to be denim. it looks professional and relaxed. rachel: that's a classic. we went to nashville once, the three of us, we were just going to do the new year show but as i was flying in, they said no, no, you're going to do this something or other with will. i don't know what it was. anyway they said you need jeans and i'm like i didn't pack any jeans so i went to nordstroms right after i landed and i don't know anything about jeans. i bought some -- i have old jeans and haven't bought them in
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forever. the young girl helped me buy these jeans like a new brand and i bought them. and i put them on and i went and met will and will goes, oh, those are nice mother jeans. he could see just from me wearing them. i was like what? pete: he's got a smile. will: does that hurt my man card? pete: he wasn't them calling them mom jeans. he knew the brand? rachel: yeah. it was all the jean info. he buys jeans for his wife. if sean bought my jeans, otitis never wear them. pete: it'll be high waisted and low waisted and wide and short and you can't keep up with it. pretty soon the old ones are back in style. will: thus concludes our four minutes on jeans. thank you. moving to this, it's a hell of a story by the way. same thing name of the game.
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huge gang in venezuela and 5,000 members and criminal organization in venezuela. well, illegal immigrant here from venezuela turns out very possibly a member of that gang and he's the squatter that was armed that took over a house in the bronx. pete: absolutely. in the bronx. he was one of the many and this is a big story on our network all week long because it's become emblematic of the combination of issues here. illegals, open boarders, guns, in the hands of illegals and squatting in a home that they don't own and can't be deported and cooperate with ice and we're told they're vet at the border. they've been coming through the boarder and "vetted" but we can't dig into who they are, so then you get your benjamin lozado muez and one of the five
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suspects released by bail found inside the house with a cachet of guns and drugs and under the table and he was released and time to get this guy and policies prevent cities from coordinating with ice and i got to believe there's a breaking point. pete: they can't directly turn him over but maybe there's a, hey, we just dropped him off here. why don't you go find him? pete: that's the speculation. rachel: the vetting of where you live and member being released into the u.s.. going for dhs and vetting at the boarder and scrutinize and prisons were convicted of multiple crimes and going for that and we don't have access to venezuela records and venezuelan
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men can happen and in fact they can get there waiting to vet them and the detention center is full and releasing them and they don't affect them and we were in texas for one of our segments, i had a woman from the border patrol retire saying that they're even using ngos and very young ngos and staff members who just graduated in high school and what we have is like we don't know who these people are. we don't know. pete: we don't know if they've give ago real name. they're not coming with identification and a sheriff from ohio and guy deported 11 times and deported eight times and using seven different names and three different fake social security numbers. if you present yourself falsely and that's not showing up in a vetting process and as this bill said, unless they commit a crime in the united states or some international terrorism data base, they're name is not going to flag. no vetting.
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none. will: sensorineural self-identified. pete: local sheriff's office and paper record back there about me being a gang member and they don't have that. will: it's important and we've never heard of the gang and heard of ms13 and ms13 is this major gang. rachel: they're everywhere. will: get used to this, america. cartels and mexican cartels are in effect on america and then learn about ms13 and el salvador having a criminal effect on america and learning about kristin's criminal gangs -- venezuela's criminal gangs and not learning people that bring here to have a better life. pete: they're not bringing their best. rachel: we interviewed a congressman from texas and two years ago getting reports from the former sheriff, this congressman and got reports from border patrol saying we're
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getting rachel: to this day, dhs and fbi refuse to release the intelligence that they have and they've obviously told the border patrol to lookout for these guys. pete: if you have a wealthy, foolish country near you like the united states, release prisoners. get them out of the country. causing problems for somebody and he wills we're that rich one. pete: former president trump set to hold a fundraiser in palm beach. will: a week after president biden, former president clinton and obama joined him to raise more for the funds. reporter: good morning. former president trump looking to cut the fundraising deficit
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going with president biden is rachel, the fundraiser is expected to raise $43 billion since becoming the republican presumptive presidential nominee, many republican donors have colessed around tram and today's fundraiser led by hedge fund billionaire john paulson and new york jets robert woody johnson and wilbur ross, senator tim scott, vivek ramaswamy and doug burgum will be on hand. they raised $65 million and ending with more than $93 million cash on hand. rnc chair michael whatley saying president donald j. trump created a fundraising juggernaut among republicans and he's been the presumptive party lead and the party is one unified operation and focus on victory. if trump rakes in more than $40 million tonight, it would be almost double the amount that
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president biden is former presidents obama and clinton raised. if you want to know who donald trump will fight for in a second term, just look at who he is having over for dinner saturday night. tax avoiders, scammers, racists and extremists. make no mistake, donald trump will do the bidding of billionaire buddies instead of what's best for the american people. he'll take their checks and cut their taxes and leave hard working americans behind gutting social security and medicare and ripping healthcare protections and banning abortion. the biden campaign hasn't announced march fundraising numbers. in february, they raised $53 million with $155 million cash on hand. rachel: thank you, madeline. >> you got it.
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rachel: joe biden raised all that money, he needed barack obama, bill clinton, lizzo. a lot of celebrities. president trump is doing this on his own. he doesn't need all these people. pete: he said i'm going to do it at my house and do a lot more. rachel: don't have to pay for the venue. pete: right. rachel: good fundraising. pete: and it's a sign that rich republicans are colessing around president trump. will: you can feel the support. you're getting, i don't know, you're getting messages. it's coming together now. rachel: it absolutely is. pete: alternative is the house and they're rallying around president trump. rachel: those big million dollar hauls will be important to
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donald trump. all right, we're going to turn now to your headlines. authorities recovering the body of third victim killed in the baltimore bridge collapse. officials identified the 38-year-old yesterday 11 days after the collapse. president biden visited the site of the collapse yesterday to survey the damage. the white house says biden was briefed on going construction efforts to reopen the port of baltimore. and the baltimore ravens and orioles are teaming up and going to make a $10 million donation to the baltimore strong fund. new york city police searching for a man accused opportunistic punching a woman in the face. this is happening more and more. while wearing a lilo and stitch hoody and officers say the victim was walking on the street of manhattan when the suspect approached her from behind and wacked her in the face last month. this is the 12th random attack on women in new york city in the past two weeks with aches sirses made so far -- six arrests made
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so far. don't want to see this shopping in a south business area and police have reports of this feisty gator taking an afternoon stroll? a shopping center on thursday. they managed to wrangle the 8-foot long alligator and state officials cart it had away. those are your headlines. will: doesn't that happen all the time in florida? rachel: people go into their pool and there's a gator. pete: good to have fences. will: let's do it. pete: brand new book out, i'm really excited about announcing here on "fox & friends" this weekend. it is called the war on warriors, subtitle behind the betrayal of the men who keep us free. if you look at cover this, the flag's upside down. that's a universal sign of distress. combat patch flag upside down. that name tag on the bottom is one of mine for my time in uniform. folks that watch know me from being on tv but leading men
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serving overseas and being in combat and brotherhood of life and death penalty it's not a real book. that's my old book, the modern warriors it'd the cover. there's nothing to be had in there. this is for tv, for sell vision. can't get it till june 4 but preorder right now and, l i hope you're enjoy it. this was my previous book modern warriors. it's not about how the military went woke but how did it allow itself to go in that direction. who allow it had? the military i joined in 2001 is a lot different than the military i left in 2021. rachel: who do you blame? pete: it's political leadership. it's not like battle for american mind, the last book i wrote. that was about a 100 year takeover of progressives. this was much sooner and quicker. it started under clinton and really fast forward under obama. it's an obama thing and then
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some things trump did a great job in fix ago lot, but the generals were still at work who were placed by obama so when george floyd happened, all that came on hyper-speed and get what biden is doing right now. it is truly a war on warriors. rachel: it's generals? pete: no, it's politicians and ideologues that can't tolerate meritocracy at this level of defense department. it's going to generals by putting political appointees in certain places and pushed political prerogatives and then have generals without spines. starts on the shoulders and afraid to stand up to civilian leaders that are subverting the constitution. that's what it's all about. the constitution is what you wear an oath to in the military and general class forgot that. they started bowing and allowing things to happen that have nothing to do with learfield img lethality anddestroying the ened meritocracy and all rolls down as we say in the military and
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leap rolls downhill to the guys pulling triggers and people are going to die and we're going to lose people because we're not the type of military we could be. what you'll find is some combat stories and i share a decent amount of my own experience on the battlefield and share dunses and dozens and dozens of actively serving guys from high ranks to low ranks. you'll find out what they're doing at west point and doing in the training and not doing in the training. then i end with a letter to my sons actually. the bookends with a letter i write to my own sons because a lot of vets are grappling with whether or not they'd want their kids to serve. rachel: absolutely. pete: that's a key prescription of the book itself. i don't to want give it away but i personally share my own experiences and make recommendation to them about whether i want them to serve or not. part of destroying the country
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is bringing the military to heal and different viewpoint and defending our country and it's lone star being the institution. will: taking on the educational system and focused on the military and private institutions and take a look at it overtime and evolution and like that and i like this as well. full string in the back. pete: that's next hour, will. will: little belt buckle action there. pete: the quote is in 2001 i joined the army to fight extremists. 20 years later the same army labeled me one. rachel: that's a story to hear. pete: that's a story for later talking more about the book. the military army after certain things transpired turned to me
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and said you're done. if that happened to me, that could happen -- there's one group of people not going to like this book: the pentagon. they ain't going to like this book because it's hon raw and real and true and i think you're going to love it. rachel: before the book came out or was ready for preorder, pete told me the story, i'm not going to say it because i want people to get it. that story alone is worth buying this book for. that story alone is what's happening in the military and more. pete: to preorder you're first in linn to get it and father's day, beach read. it's only a couple hundred pages. quick, boom. you're done. rachel: written by favorite domestic terrorist. pete: that's what they say. thank you, rachel. appreciate you guys. will: strategic petroleum reserve at all time low and biden administration is
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canceling plans to fill it. we'll tell you why, next. ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. it starts with a grill. but it becomes so much more. an extension of your home. not just a weekend retreat, but an everyday getaway right in your backyard. newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry,
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get the real deal with xfinity internet today, and get fast speeds and a reliable connection to all your devices in the home —even when everyone is online. will: the biden admin vagues is canceling plans to refill the oil reserve amid high prices. pete: by the time joe biden entered office, there was over 630 million barrels of oil.
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he's depleted 43% of it so far during his time in office. rachel: here to react is the future founder and executive director daniel turner. daniel, thanks for joining us this morning. why did he deplete it and why doesn't he want to refill the source of that? >> yeah, if you recall back in 2022 heading into the midterm elections, gas prices were actually higher than they are now and the biden administration wanted to stabilize that purely for political reasons and so he tapped into the reserves. look, even joe biden knows basic laws of economics and increase the supply and demand stays the same, prices will come down. by but the reserve is for natural disaster or emergency like hurricane katrina where we used to weeks worth of reserves and this is a nefarious use of
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american goods and taxpayer goods and this is joe biden we're talking about and we deplete it had back in 2022. pete: daniel, what's an appropriate use of strategic petroleum and two examples with hurricane katrina and imagine a moment of national war when we need emergency fuel and that's what it's supposed to be used for and used to lower the gas price and to rachel's question, why not refill it? >> yeah, the plan to start refilling the reserves and they canceled it last week and the reason why they cancel it had is because gas prices are high and oil prices are high and we haven't really mentioned that isn't going to get a lot of coverage and down around 800,00n since the beginning of the year. that's a really big number considering america only produces around 13 million-barrel as day. that's part of what's driving
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high prices. china is coming out of four years of pandemic and their economy is taking off again and their demand is increcreases and driving high prices and biden administration said i know we promised we'll refill the reserves but not going to do it now because prices are high. that means you and i still have to pay high prices for the biden administration refuses to pay the high prices and now we cross our fingers. let's hope there's no natural disaster. we didn't predict an earthquake yesterday and are we predict ago hurricane to take out the gulf coast sometime in october. who knows. that's the risk we're running and fingers crossed energy policy. pete: it's a great point. it was a reelection reserve for joe biden in the midterms and election reserve and donald trump that fill it had up and when oil was low and buy when
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it's cheap. chuck schumer brags and loud alaska the fact he stopped president trump from filling the reserves and oil was $35 a barrel and playing petty politic withs the energy policy and ones suffering the most are the american people. we see in the food prices and gas prices and utility prices and so congress and joe biden are playing these political games to try and keep the white house to try and keep the senate in november. november and the american people suffer in the process. rachel: the american people are suffering but they're onto it and want the energy policy and independence that donald trump had. the climate activists are in the ear of the president unfortunately. well, daniel, thank sos much for joining us today. will: thank you, daniel. >> thanks, folks. rachel: that story is depressing
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too. blow to long island effort to protect women sports and a striking down trans sports restriction. pete: nassau county execkive bruce blakeman penned the effort and he's next. ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh.
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upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. will: this week a federal judge deal ago blue to nassau county women's sports and rejecting a request to have a trans ban on women's sports and no facts in the record showing any specific cisgender woman or girl will face imminent injury in an athletic event involve ago transgender woman or girl. bruce blakeman issue that had
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order in january and joins us now. really quick, blake, tell me the legal domino that are falling here. i don't think this is the end of the legal story, but does this put a stop to your executive order at this moment? >> no, it does not. according to the logic of the judge's ruling, i would have to wait till a little girl was paralyzed before i could act, and that's not the law, and i think that we should be able to protect women, make sure that there's fair competition and that it's not an unsafe environment. if caitlyn jenner probably one of the greatest biological male athletes of all time who now identifies as transgender female, if she stands with me
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and says that bruce blakeman is right and nassau county is right, she would know better than anybody else there's a tremendous advantage with a biological male competing against a female. will: so, i'm clear, bruce, your executive order can stand for now. this is pushing back letitia james' effort to stop your order but now comes letitia james we'd expect to try and stop you. >> my executive order is still in effect and there's a case pending in federal court and there's a case pending in state court and the new york civil liberties union has taken me to court. i feel very confident that we'll win that case as well and they try to make it very complicated and biological males is your bigger, faster and stronger and compete against females and all girls teams and all women's
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teams and there's a competitive advantage and ability to hurt women and make it unsafe for them to compete. it's common sense and i don't know where the country is going and people are supposedly smart and can't see the logic that we have here in nassau county. will: feels whether or not it's your case or some other state, feels like we're headed to a supreme court applying 1964 civil rights act discrimination analysis to this entire thing and who is degree of party and trans athlete or woman. there's going to be a ruling for the priority in order and better yet reengineer us back towards us as you point out. common sense. >> thank you. we just want to protect women and make sure they can compete fairly. will: watching that fight unfold in long island and the protection of women against men invading women sports both from
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a sporting per spect and i have safety perspective. bruce blakeman, thank you. >> thank you very much. will: possible attack by iran could come as early as next week. former green beret lieutenant ko middle east. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate
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pete: israel's strike on the embassy in syria and peter doocy asked the white house about it. >> did the cia warn israel or netanyahu that there was going to be an attack within 48 hour s? >> i'm not talking about intelligence matters, peter. i think you can understand, but they did talk about a very public and very viable and real threat to iran by israel's security. pete: former green beret and know him and love him lieutenant colonel scott mann.
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welcome, colonel. how is this playing out in the middle east right now? >> i'm not surprised by it. if you look at how iran behaved over the decades to the i don't understand this, is no surprise we should be on alert. what i'm more concerned about is how the administration and how our government is addressing it. thigh to distance ourselves with one of the greatest partners in the world and terrorism and over the last couple of years, we've demonstrated this systemic abandonment of our partner when is it matt herbs the most, that's going to manifest and come home to roost at some point. pete: certainly what it feels like. if you follow the ground operations at all in gaza and just what the -- the way in which the israeli military attempted to safeguard civilians and they've not been perfect but they're trying. >> yeah and war is an ugly, messy thing and certainly any
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time civilians are killed, it's awful. having seen that firsthand in afghanistan, i can say that. but they're attempting, i think, to strike in a matter within the law of land warfare as opposed to rolling in on october 7 and taking hostages and holding them and horrific conditions and so i do believe that there's an attempt to do that and killing that and war is ugly. pete: condemnation of the administration and the strike on gaza and they wanted to wash their hands. >> the duplicity is terrible. pete: it's amazing. that's part of what vets have to shoulder and part of why you've written a play that has been on tour for years now, but it's coming to new york city. tell us about your project. >> when i was watching your last s war on words struck a cord and it's a play called last analogy of green beret and wrote it about six years ago and wrote it
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because it seemed like americans were turning the page on the longest war in the history and our veterans were talking alaska the play last out in eligibility and educate americans and politicians and validating for the american community and they can see the story on stage. then cast it with all veterans and military family members and then to complete my midlife crisis learned how to act at age 50. pete: acting is not easy. >> no, not at all and it's based on true stories and a composite character of three team sergeants that were friends of mine that died and trying to play that composite character and very emotional play and not just master sergeant danny patten but green beret and their son and navigate the longest war in history and all the movies about the first n. the door kicker and never see stories of the last out and men and women that go back day after day and year after year and families
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that endure that and that's why i wrote this play and why i cast it with all military cast. >> franker siller is bringing it here with tunnel to towers and on this tuesday, april 9 at st. george heater and staten island and perform for first responders and ground zero and let me know what they did hearted for our veterans and ten years in afghanistan no but a lot of tours. pete: that's what the packet said and multiple tours in afghanistan and website and website for the play, check it out. worth it. and you served your country and saved untold numbers out of afghanistan and now continuing to honor the
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legacy of everyone you serve with. thank you very much. >> thanks, pete. appreciate you telling your story as warriors. toss it to will. will: watch the last ooutplay.c. pete: thank you for suppl supplementing that. will: the military service in maui and lahaina. prosecutors are fighting to extradite a career criminal and refusing to send him back to new york city for two months and afacing attempted murder, assault ask&kid 3457ing charges in the state and new york governor kathy hochul to issue a warrant for the suspect's
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arrest. a dole in illinois is looking to retire with mayor lori lightfoot and misusing taxpayer funds and locals calling for her to step down. vascularized we're in a $7 million deficit because of the board of trusties pete: the board of trusties considering paying lightfoot $400 per hour. per hour. tons of accordingies set to hit the land later today in california and corgi beach day expected to draw hundreds if not thousands for owneeers in tow ad described as biggest corgi party
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on planet and faces contests and kissing booth and [ty of treats. those are your headlines. what's with the focus on corgis for us. is there a doaberman day? i want to be part of that. other breeds get a day? i don't know. maybe rick will know. weave system of articulation we've had a wild week of weather. reporter: honing onto much of the west and east and worried about this because of what's about to happen on monday.
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see all that swirl that you got there across parts of the west and that'll be problematic for people going to be going in across areas of texas by the time we get towards monday and that's where we have the big eclipse. such a big event. event starts across parts of mexico. moves up across areas of the northeast and the worst problem that i bet on this and you ask me where to go. probably go to texas and you'll be better off. texas will be the spot that maybe has the chaps of see r eclipse because of severe weather and watching that monday going into tuesday and wednesday and we'll be tracking but an eclipse across much of the south possibly problematic. will. will: oh, mbappe. jeans bad for the economy?
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that's here for rachel's pop culture roundup. ♪ how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. it starts with a grill. but it becomes so much more. an extension of your home. not just a weekend retreat, but an everyday getaway right in your backyard. newage makes it possible with beautiful all-weather cabinetry, grills and appliances that transform your backyard into a complete outdoor kitchen.
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no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'
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rachel: the latest and greatest of hollywood drama and is it a factoring with the barbie movie and back in the newses again. barbie was not enough for shakira saying emasculating for the male characters and took her son ask&said it was a terrible example and didn't like the message. empower women without putting down men. >> yeah, i think that if you're a young boy watching the movie, sends a weird message and i don't understand why both couldn't be strong i personally wanted to see more barbie stuff growing up with the dolls. they're awesome and loved visuals of barbie land and i wanted more of that. rachel: more of that and less of women indoctrination and girl power.
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>> you can wear the dress and want a strong guy. rachel: amen. reese witherspoon revisiting legally blond and it'll become an amazon spinoff series. she's going to be the executive's director. no word on if she's going to be in it or make guest appearances. i think this will do pretty well. >> oh, absolutely. legally blond franchise is incredit card and will talk about another thing that people grew up with. rachel: this is a how stars are making them popular. is this a good option for men? >> i don't like this. women carry purses because we
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don't have the pocket space of men. i'm wear ago dress and has pockets. rachel: i like that . those are cute pockets. >> thank you, very cute and very impact criminal and we need that to store our things and they have jeans and accessibility and they don't need a bag. rachel: they wear a jacket and put it on the inside. >> jacket, jeans and so many pockets and it's super cute and i don't to want share. rachel: i want them to admit to be men. i don't like this purse thing. that's emasculating. >> fair enough. sense ago trend and fani pack thing like that. rachel: scientists saying wearing jeans is bad for the environment. it reveals wearing jeans just once is equivalent of drive ago car six and a half miles.
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>> i think this is bad for the environment. who's wearing their jeans once? it's a thing about fast action. if you're wearing your jeans once and what's going on? you're wearing jeans like 200 times. rachel: speed dating is backing a comeback. no more apps. >> it's reversal and use of online dating and they're up to speed dating and i will say one in five under 30 met through the app so they're not going anywhere. rachel: all right. good stuff, madison. >> thanks for having me, rachel. rachel: bye, everybody. thanks, madison. thanks, madison. we'll be right back. ♪ ir pets. those pets often end up in shelters that euthanize them after just a few days. but we're better than that, my friends.
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