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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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arthel: it only comes along
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months or so somewhere on earth the moon briefly blocks out the sun completely. people across america are heading to prime viewing spots from dallas, to buffalo to witness monday's rare celeste real spectacular. hello everyone welcome to fox news like i am arthel neville. eric: hello everyone thank you for joining us. it is called the path of totality that starts just after 1:30 p.m. central time in texas. then the path, as you can see proceeds northeast through about a dozen states arkansas, illinois come up to ohio in western new york state. then to new england, vermont and maine paid parts of michigan and tennessee may also get to see it if conditions are clear clouds or not you they say you must have special eclipse glasses to protect your eyes if you do plan to view it. here's what to expect first comment partial eclipse when the sun is a crescent shape then
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what is known as bailey's beaks several bright points around the edges that you can see there on the moon. in the diamond ring affects as the final sunlight fades then it is totality. direct sunlight disappearing, darkness at midday. said to be an unforgettable experience. people in cities around the path are spending the weekend getting ready for eclipse day hoping the roads in the sky it will be clear. experts are warning about the dangers of looking directly at it. >> the worst case scenario is losing vision or becoming blind from it. that is really because when you are looking at and it clips the harmful uv light rays can damage the sensitive tissue of the eyes. it is the clear dome shaped the cornea or worse the retina which is the camera of the eye that calls the solar rep and apathy it gives you blind spots in either one or both eyes.
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>> former nasa astronaut is here who will be giving us his take heat beat moving to ohio to witness his fourth solar eclipse in person. we'll talk about that but first live team fox news coverage meteorologist adam klotz fox weather steve morgan is live in dallas. let's begin with a max gordon live in a hyatt with the very latest there. >> we are right on the path of totality i have got those eclipse glasses on hands, going to need these before we reach totality. that will happen at 3:13 p.m. local time lasting four minutes until 317 local time. the big question everybody has his will mother nature play along? will she play nice? clouds could mess up the viewing of the solar eclipse. there's a lot of people in town to view it. one guy i talked to from north carolina said he is just happy to be here no matter what
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happens. take a listen. >> even if it is super cloudy i think we'll still see since we are in the path of totality will see it turning dark i think. i think you'll still be cool regardless. when that moon complete blocks out the sun essentially looks like it turned tonight for a bit and i am just really excited to see that. books and multiple events will be happening in downtown this weekend but of course on monday to commemorate the eclipse according to the city between 140,200,000 people are expected to grow to parks in the downtown area as this eclipse occurs a break to put things in perspective the city said the crowd expected will be as of three br brown's games are goinn simultaneously. here in cleveland the sworn police officers will be working to manage crowds response to calls for service. delete numerous road closures people are being urged to work from home on the clip stay to ease with the congestion limited's cell service is going to be an issue with so many people gathered downtown and to
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add to all of this the guardian's home opener is going to be occurring at 5:10 p.m. eastern. a lot is going be going on here downtown cleveland. >> live by the lake, max thank you and of course the fox weather this information for latest news, weather, forecast stream fox weather on your favor connected device it is free by the way. >> hotel rooms are full by and large downtown. we have 35000 rooms a city wide. which is great from an economic impact standpoint. arthel: eclipse walkers will be descending on dallas it is right in the path of totality. but, mother nature could literally rain on the parade let's go to fox weather steven morgan who is live in dallas. so steven, how is it looking for that particular time of day when we need everything to be clear
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at all systems go? >> right. you say correct saturday and sunday if we could have it this afternoon or tomorrow it would be fantastic. but monday is when were hoping those clouds stay away. the going forecast we just heard from my colleague max gordon up in cleveland there will be clouds al on this path of total. when we consider the time of year perhaps it should not be a big surprise but you look back it records a 20 or 30 years worth of data early april features sunny skies which is what we have here in dallas. it's really tough to predict the three or four minutes. keep in mind there's a lot more is going to be happening on monday. dallas is the largest city in the path out of the 31 and a half a million people in the path of totality, more than 12 million people live in the state of texas. that is the most but that is locals officials are estimating
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an additional 400,000 have picked dallas as their city to view the eclipse. >> downtown hotels are booked. i have a feeling that spreading and more and more hotels are being booked. so 99% capacity is what hotels are dealing with right now. no vacancy in a lot of spots good luck finding a room if you're still trying to make that decision. another option would maybe be camping but 90% of camping spots have been claimed so even choosing to rough it is limited one thing that's not tough to find eclipse parties. in the city of dallas nearly a dozen are being hosted by thousands expected to attend some have even sold out but there's still plenty of other options for you get outside the city of dallas because it's not just the big metroplex we could be seeing this big event. we are to a smaller town business leaders were gearing up for two.
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>> there's been a lot of buzz and start a couple months ago. we expect it to be more than a one-daone day thing with travels coming in. we are really pumped. we are hoping for the best. but kind of at the same time overwhelmed by the possible numbers and how you negotiate that. >> and i echo what barbara says. it's going to be hard to negotiate a lot of people expected to arrive in dallas but let's just hope the clouds stay away. back to you. c4 steven where you going to be? >> we are expecting to set up at the cotton bowl if you are familiar with dallas it is east dallas it's for the texas state fair is held. that's going to be a free event open to the public. it is a ticketed events with the see the mass of people expected to come out is just one opportunity that you have. how rare it is for a city to get under one of the two paths of
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totality on average it comes on once every 350 year old for a specific location on planet earth. and dallas, the biggest city in the path. >> big d. there's a lot of anticipation no doubt. fox weather steven morgan there and dallas. thank you so much. >> that is for sure what can bee expect when it turned dark in the day? former nasa astronaut professor emeritus of engineering at carnegie mellon university pittsburgh. jay's going be traveling to ohio to witness. this is your fourth solar eclipse. they are breathtaking, they are awe-inspiring give us a sense you have seen for them what it is like to experience it when the sun gets blanked out. >> when youwould actually see te atmosphere around the sun the universe is just showing its beauty to you. it is fantastic. seeing beautiful streamers coming out of the sun.
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occasionally they because of bad weather here on the earth. bad weather for satellites seeing the energetic particles as they come out of the sun when it is total is the most phenomenal thing you can imagine. here's my wife and i traveled down to nashville in 2017 to see it. we were fortunate enough to see the beauty of the universe that day. even if it is cloudy, just knowing you have darkness at noon or 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon is awe-inspiring but something out of the ordinary puts the magic back in the world. eric: back in 1963 went up to maine cadillac mountain the highest point on the east coast is where the sun first hits the unitunited states of america evy morning. you mention we will still get that affect of the complete
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darkness. >> yes. it is wonderful. the temperature will drop it will be fabulous. this is about the most active the sun ever gets every 11 years. on the laptop over my shoulders you see that no images of the sun is looking pretty active. last monday a few days ago at mass ejection that's imbued fortunately not in our direction tremendous particles and x-rays. the graphic you are showing now is wonderful but it does not show the beauty you can see right around the sun. even the one you've got up now here i is so good at picking up the wonderful streamers going on. just sit back and look at the magic of the universe. eric: in a intercourse where te
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special glasses. >> take them off when the sun is completely blocked. your eyes really good at that point. where there when the sun is like that when it is a crescent but when it is completely dark, take them off and look at the beauty. eric: is it okay to be scared of this? it is awe-inspiring but gives you a sense of the universe. i imagine man thought the world was ending or something? [laughter] back as far as the egyptians and the babylonians people figured out the cycles and they use those to scare their rulers into doing what they wanted. if you don't we are going to make it dark. and of course the ruler did and they made it dark. [laughter] and soap mathematics is good it's also ancient. but seeing the clockwork of the universe is just beautiful we've got a chance to do it. eric: we do an excellent 20242024print why so far away?
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>> the shadow of the moon casts a path somewhere on the earth every year end a half or so. but, the earth is a pretty big the surface area of the earth is huge. on so your chances of being where that little tiny shadow is cast is just not very good and we are lucky this time. eric: we are look forward to it on monday former nasa astronaut carnegie melon and of course enjoy the eclipse on monday it will be following up with you, thank you. arthel: the question is will it be happy viewing for the millions of traveling to witness the eclipse in its totality? as we mentioned earlier, klotz could be a problem in some states. fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here. i am holding my breath what's the answer sir? >> it is fair to hold your breath or m remembers only a for minute window you ultimately need which is impossible at this
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point to really forecast will there be clouds are the four minute window? we can give you an idea what's happening on a larger scale, where the be more cloud cover in the area where there will be less cloud cover. typically it is april it is a rainy time of year. so unfortunately this is the time of season you do see a little more cloud cover. we are expecting a low pressure system off the gulf coast impacting large portions of texas. more cloud cover they are in by the end of the day this would not be during the eclipse, we have an area it right to the heart of texas where storms are unlikely. probably a little later in the day but the be a lot of extra folks in this region note that we could see some severe weather by the end of the day on monday but we continued to follow this a little further to the north and as of right now we are looking at better weather conditions across the midwest from southern illinois running right to the heart of indiana, indianapolis, for now it's looking clear we continued to follow the path up a little more cloud cover you get over the great lakes but into interior new england again looking fairly nice in maine also looking
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really nice. there's still time for this to change but these are the trends we are currently seeing. arthel: fox weather meteorologist adam klotz thank you red fox news of course we'll have special total eclipse coverage on monday so keep it right here for all of the latest before, during, and after this rare and spectacular event. it would be something else. eric: will be meanwhile present a bite of former president trump locked in a battle for campaign bucks one candidate is holding a major fundraiser tonight to try to catch up with the other. but some wonder if more money means more votes. that's next here on "fox news live." 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) zyrtec allergy relief works fast and lasts a full 24 hours so dave can be the... deliverer of dance.
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eric: former president trump kicking offspring of fundraising to admit filled with mega- donors hosted by a hedge fund billionaire parade this is happening in palm beach, florida. mr. trump expected to raise more than $40 million in one evening. that would top the 26 million president biden raised. new york city fundraiser last week. madison is alive in palm beach outside of mar-a-lago the events being held at a donors mansion nearby. height medicine, what you expect tonight? >> hello eric. this massive fundraiser at a private palm beach home is a
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really big deal but as far as money goes, trump's campaign is behind its competition. trump is working to close a big fundraising gap with biden who raised $187 million so far this year. the president also has more cash on hand. the campaign announced today it has $192 million the most a democratic candidate has ever raised at this point in the election cycle. trump has a $93 million cash on hand. there are expected to be some big names you have a lot of money there tonight. hedge fund billionaire jon paulson is hosting tonight's event along with oil tycoon harold hamm. casino mogul steve wynn, new york jets co-owner woody johnson, a whole lot more major republican donors. team biden/harris is calling tonight's event a cash-strapped operation to pay off trumps legal fees. they go on to say trump is cozying up to billionaires instead of attracting grassroot
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donors. experts say both candidates face many challenges as the election is closer. >> trump is a huge problem which is there is an enormous hole in his money boat. it is his legal fees there's a whole bunch of his money goes. biden has a slightly more complicated problem which is it's not just trump is running against these also running its rfk junior, jill stein, maybe others. >> donations from the fundraiser will go toward trump campaign, rnc state gop parties and a pack that does help pay his legal bills. trump campaign spokesperson says the pack also covers expenses that are not just legal fees and this is the start of trumps and new fundraising push will be in georgia on wednesday a battleground state he has only been to want so far this year. and then he is more events scheduled for again here in florida and in pennsylvania back to you.
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>> alright mall right madison am beach thank you. arthel: madison eric thank you and i will bring in a lauren wright associate research scholar and a lecturer in politics and public affairs at princeton. so do you think trump is going to have a fundraising problem? and if you think donations will be there, do you foresee any challenges to trumps fundraising? >> messaging, yes but financially i really don't see a problem here. he is the gop nominee essentially it now. all of the trouble he had and the last few months splitting up donors with nikki haley, they will likely coalesce behind him in fact many arty have. and so as we get closer to the election a lot of these ultra- wealthy donors will think about the alternative they will say to themselves and my policy ideal point especially in economics and taxes is closer to trumps so i will hold my nose and support
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trump again. that's really what happened in 2016, 2020 and so both of these candidates are going to have an extraordinary amount of money. arthel: we already heard madison report a lot of deep pockets will be at tonight's a palm beach fundraiser it's a billionaires club. so again does donald trump need grassroots donations at this point? lexi does. but really it fuels the message the republican party has which is backed up by data and evidence the gop is getting closer to the working class. those of voters are increasingly moving to them across every demographic group. democrats have a problem with working-class voters. trump can demonstrate he's got these under $200 donations just like joe biden does or even more of them that would be a great case for him to make it. the problem he has and the report just before this indicated that i think it's very
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germane is in 2023 just two of trumps political action committees spent $55 million on his legal fees. i'm sure they can pay the rnc would much rather had that money to hire staff at the grassroots level and spend on campaign ads. arthel: that continues without be a problem moving forward? >> yes it is a big financial hole in his campaign. the good thing for trump and for biden is that this is eight rematch from 2020. the conventions will not be like they are every four years of candidates introducing themselves to the public who is not been paying attention yet. most people have formed their opinions on these two candidates and both are really going after that central 7% of the electorate that is not lean democrat or republican they really need to win the moderates. arthel: of course it campaign coffers are crucial. as a democratic election solely
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about who raises the most money? or do votes outweigh money? >> it is a great question. many times we overestimate the impact of money. first because people do not respond to advertisements as much as they do or as much as they used to. evidence certainly shows that. but also money can sometimes be an indication of's who is doing well anyway he was well-liked anyway. and so because voting behavior and money are so intertwined inextricable from one another we assume that one it matters more than the other they are basically proxies for each other in so it's a great insight. arthel: a big night tonight for trump? >> what's yes very big night. i think he will not have problems with billionaires even though we survey billionaires in 202048% of them supported biden. 40% supported trump. but there is enough money out there for both candidates and i do not think trump will have a
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problem. arthel: you will be watching for us as usual. >> i will i will. we will talk to you again as always like to talk to you a laurenwright thank you very muc. arthel: take care much more the fundraiser tomorrow with lara trump cochair of the republican national committee rnc chairman michael whatley they'll both be on "sunday morning futures" that is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. eric: hamas a terrorist agree to come to the table for a cease-fire and hostage talks but is it again just more smoke and mirrors from these guys? where are we now on the war nearly six months after the barbaric october 7 attack. prime minister benjamin netanyahu fails to crush the terrorists will israel do that once and for all? that is next. smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop.
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it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help,
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praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters.
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this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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[background noises] eric: noisy purchases rays are taken to the streets demanding the release of the remaining 133 hostages being held. this belief 36 of them are dead by the is reddick terrorists. tomorrow marks six months since the evil and shocking attack according to israel. here at home the night since his warning prime minister benjamin netanyahu he must do more to protect innocent civilians. that, after the horrendous and costly misfire by the idf killed seven workers in gaza. fox news coverage on the strained relations between the u.s. and israel. lucas thomas with the white house and julie epstein with analysis. first will go to stephanie bennett with the latest on the hostage in cease-fire talks going on in cairo. >> israel first declared war against hamas last october, it stood unified at home with the large backing from around the
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world. today it is a much different story after more than 33000 palestinians have been killed. six months into the war many international allies are reversing support of israel itself is divided as thousands gather weekly protest against the government sprayed tonight in tel aviv demonstrate his calling on the government to reach a deal and secure the release of hostages. in addition a separate demonstration is calling for early elections numerous others are planned across the country. but, cease-fire talks are on the horizon hamas delegation headed by the group's deputy chief in gaza will go to cairo tomorrow but this is in response to an invitation extended by egyptian mediators. u.s. cia director bill burns is expected to be in attendance along the israeli delegation among others but hamas has reiterated its demands including a permanent cease-fire, the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and its serious exchange deal of palestinian prisoners for israeli hostages for the israel hamas war has become one of the most
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destructive and deadly conflicts of the 21st century since hamas attack on october 7 israel hhasn't pummeled to the gaza strip displacing 80% of the population and leaving more than a million on the brink of starvation at last check as you mentioned there are 133 hostages still in gaza. thirty-six of them are considered dead their bodies are still held by hamas. most recently israel's military recovered the body 47-year-old hostage. reports show he was abducted from his home, filmed twice while in captivity and suffered months of torture. for now the pentagon's o half of gaza appears should be done by the end of the month or possibly into early may. and again cease-fire talks are going to start tomorrow. >> al quickstart stephanie, thank you. arthel: >> is very clear with the primitives are yesterday if we do not start seeing meaningful changes in the way israel is prosecuting these operations and
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allowing for humanitarian assistance in working towards a hostage deal and a cease-fire, that we are going to have to make changes in our asset. >> and his conditioning aid? >> again i would not close down decision space for the president. he was a very clear when prime minister netanyahu we've got to see changes. arthel: national security council jon kirby with clues just how intense things are between the u.s. and israel after the tragic deaths of those seven world central kitchen workers in gaza luca tomlinson is live at the white house with more on this. >> just a few hours after that interview president biden while departing from the south lawn said he appeared pleased with the changes is really forces have made in the wake of that botched drone strike that killed those seven workers. >> stquickstart military aid to israel? >> i asked them to do it they are doing. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] [inaudible] >> dozens of democrats former house speaker nancy pelosi have written president biden to manage a halt in weapons shipments to israel for the top democrat on the house armed services committee waited earlier. >> he central point here is what we want israel to change the way they are conducting this war. now israel has had a very aggressive approach from octobe. it is understandable why they reacted that way. it is not working to their advantage for it is causing a devastating humanitarian crisis in gaza right now. cooks republican critics disagree and say any cease-fire must be conditioned by the release of those 100 remaining hostages including some
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americans. >> now is not the time to waver on supporting israel when they are in the middle of this conflict. i have been a strong proponent of this war ends when hamas is eradicated. people in israel will never forget october 7 but it seems as if the democratic party is forgetting october 7. >> it appears the tipping point in the u.s./israel it was the botched is really drone strike that killed those seven aid workers including an american on monday night. israel took full responsibility sacked to senior officers and punished three others a similar drone strikes or the american withdrawal from afghanistan that killed 10 civilians including seven children went unpunished. u.s. and israeli forces are also at higher alert after iran vowed revenge after israeli strike in syria earlier this week killed a number of senior commanders. steve everett lucas thomas and live at the white house thank you. eric: for more than tensions between president biden and
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a democratic consultant former hohouse judiciary chief counsel. so to you, what are the stresses of the hazards of the strain between washington and israel right now at this point? >> it is very disappointing. president biden, who i voted for wanted to be in fdr he seems more and more like jimmy carter. the incredible had with iran and in the middle east it did not work out well for the united states it did not work out well for him politically. this shift in policy from the democrats in the biden administration on the one hand hamas needs to be vanquished. hamas needs to be defeated. the way to settle this war is for hamas to surrender laid out its arms and give up the hostages. that was the position of the white house until recently. now the intersectional global left has criticized the white
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house the white house is worried about losing votes from anti- israel left they are effectively caving on policy. from a moral point of view this is a very, very disappointing. did not see a terrorist group bent not on some type of two state solution. it's bent on killing every jew it can find and wiping israel off the face of the earth. if their target was any other ethnic group black americans, hispanics, any one else the global left would be standing up and calling for its annihilation. when it comes to jews there is moral confusion and israel there's always a moral confusion which is seeped into the white house thinking. the effect of the white house calling for an immediate cease-fire or conditioning its arms, this complete change in policy is ongoing to strengthen hamas. soy going to tell iran the policies have been working.
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the policies and the practices of the hamas of putting civilians in as much harm as possible. it will incentivize hamas to continue doing that. thanks that once the pr battle persuades the white house to move to a more favorable position towards hamas. this will make a resolution of the war more difficult. it will prolong the war. and it shows incredible moral confusion on the part of the white house. it's very disappointing to me as someone who voted for this president would have to say if you ask me today when i commit to voting for this president now? i would not be able to tell you. eric: the progressives and nancy pelosi signed onto that bill that would potentially the idea potentially to stop the transfer of weapons to israel. unless they do more. isn't that handing a victory over too hamas? >> one 100%. the question is what has changed since october 7? the criticism of israel in terms of the civilian casualties, the
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ratio of the civilian to militant casualties in gaza is about 1.5 -- one. that is about the lowest civilian militant ratio ever and civilian warfare. to give you some perspective in iraq these civilian militant ratio that is the number of civilians killed per militant was nine to one. 21. nine for everyone. that is about standard in terms of urban warfare worldwide. there is no army. there is no army that is done more to protect civilians than israel has. so, when you ask nancy pelosi or joe biden or the administration which looks like they could be completely at mishandling this the way they mishandled the afghanistan withdrawal when you ask them what exactly would you do? what exactly would you tell israel to do that it is not
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doing now? if we all agree the objective here is to vanquish hamas. to annihilate and remove hamas from gaza so that the palestinians can live in freedom and they could live under a civilian government that actually has their interest at hand rather than this nazi ideology that's driving the palestinian leadership unfortunately right now through hamas. if you ask the democratic leadership what do you want israel to do exactly now that it's not doing? they do not have any answers. and that's where the argument completely falls apart this is a political pander to an anti- israel vote which will end up costing this administration but not with the jewish vote but the centrist nikki haley votes this is going to prove to be not just a morally confused decision but a politically unwise one. eric: finally if hamas is not completely defeated, if they are not wiped out and they remain, what does that mean for the future of israel?
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>> that is exactly the point. an immediate cease-fire right now means hamas and its battalions can remain in tact in rough. hamas is said this as well as the palestinian authority in the west bank with the october 7 massacre. hamas said we will do this again and again and again. israel has no option as the biden administration previously recognized but to wipe out hamas if they don't they will come and commit october 7 on a much greater scale. so it seems to me if that is what everyone agrees the objective is, if the administration is criticizing what israel does need to be more specific to say what it would do differently and the administration does not have an answer for that. this is why this is a political pander, and unwise political pander to an anti- is really votes in the united states on the global left as well that will end up being a very, very
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foolish decision on the part of the biden administration. eric: democratic consultant julian epstein and never again, happened again and will happen again. unless hamas is defeated. >>progress one 100%, eric. eric: thank you and "fox news w live" willit continue help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's, love working with you. because the advice we give is personalized,
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after this. seismologists say aftershocks could continue in the northeast region for up to a week following this earthquake. especially for those located close to the epicenter and northwestern new jersey. as we both know people in this region are not used to earthquake so everyone was kind of left shaken in every sense of the word. >> it was really shaking. i am shocked to. new and exciting in new york. >> one of the most serious reports following this earthquake happened about 40 miles east of the epicenter and newark, new jersey more than two dozen be blood to temporarily leave three multistory homes after concerns about possible earthquake damage for new jersey governor philip murphy did phone interviews emit social media posts as a state took center stage and the earthquake's aftermath according to his public schedule he was out of town at the democratic governors association but when we asked about why the governor did not return they pointed us to this tweet where he said
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quote our state emergency operations center has been activated as of 10:00 a.m. today. we have had no reports of major damage, and two structures. roadways are infrastructure as a result of yesterday's earthquake. a geophysicist explained to us that while this earthquake was not that big, if it happened and new york city it would have been a different story. >> if this earthquake had happened and new york city there definitely would've been structural damage from it. >> this earthquake is not renewing questions for so many people about the city's preparedness for this type of natural disaster back to you. eric: is like what earthquake and at 6:00 p.m. it was like this and i felt that one. i know in california is laughing at us. >> i feel like i missed out. they are laughing at us in california bread. >> they are laughing yes indeed for more on this lesbian professor jon evil he senior
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research scientist at the westin observatory at boston college. so professor would just experience you saw cb's report many people were shocked and owing to experience it but there is an earthquake in the new york new jersey area in the first place it was not the first time but were you surprised and do you expect more in the region? >> i was not surprised at all. i would have to say yes, i would certainly expect more. we're going to have aftershocks obviously of the next week or two or three weeks people will progressively if you are a small aftershocks every day. but over the long term northwestern new jersey as one of our more seismically active areas in the northeast. we had a damaging earthquake in new york city in 1884. there is another earthquake perhaps the same general region in 1737 about the same size as the one yesterday. we do have a history of earthquakes in this part of the tri-state area around new york
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city. arthel: goes a long time of space in between. do you expect something more frequently is what i am asking. >> not necessarily more frequently. but since we cannot predict earthquakes i cannot tell you when they next stronger damaging earthquake is going to occur and that is the concern we have. >> yes of course. what does it foreshadow, and if anything for places where earthquakes are normal like california? what about places that don't experience earthquakes? can we expect more in there and if so how can engineers, residents and governments prepare? >> there is no way to save we can expect more or not but your question about how do we prepare? that is an important one. there are seismic provisions in the building codes. special provisions in new york city, in new jersey and new york state and pennsylvania. my opinion is it's really important those codes to be
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followed and enforced potentially even strengthened if there is need to strengthen them. because even if a strong earthquake occurs is we want our urban areas who want our structures, our buildings to survive and be useful after the earthquake and that's the most important thing. arthel: you want to keep people safe of course. that is quite a bit or does it to bring some of these buildings up to code? >> old buildings yes it can be costly to bring them up to code but i can tell you in massachusetts since 1996 we have had a provision in our building code to reinforce any building if it is being refurbished more than a certain amount to bring it up to the earthquake provisions in our building code. arthel: of course it was fascinating to chat with you professor and thank you very much for joining us here and "fox news live" take care sir. >> thank you. arthel: we will be right back.
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arthel: much more on monday's total solar eclipse of the 4:00 p.m. show including how a look at how it could impact your pets a print book because of anxiety? lack of sleep and confusion? will break that all down with doctor christina pre-that's 4:0.
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today we will be there please join us at. eric: expert so you keep your pets at home and we will talk me about that. only when it starts to get dark and they get anxiety. they get confused. but they say they do not need the glasses they don't look up at the sun. looking forward to that interview in just over an hour. interview in just over an hour. ♪. arthel: thank you. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box
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(reporters) kev! kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'
12:00 pm
♪ ♪ paul: welcome to the "journal


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