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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 6, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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supposed to know about. last friday, which was good friday the environmental protection agency put out its rules mandating by 2032 all trucks including tractor trailers will have to be electric. they have reason to hide this. the goals are impossible to achieve and they are going to be impossibly expensive. it's going to require 1.4 million chargers. the electoral grid will be overwhelmed with billions of new investment. the trucks are really heavy because the batteries they are about twice as expensive as diesel. that was joe biden's happy easter weekend present to america. >> will have to carry it not heavy stuff. thanks to my panel and all of you watching. hope to see you next week. eric: it is a mad -- for cash and the 2024 presidential race. donald trump close the fund
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raising gap due to his campaign and that of pr a president biter trumps a florida event later today is set to bring in within 40 million into his campaign for that was shattered the 26 million-dollar record president biden set last month. welcome to "fox news live" i am eric shawn, heart arthel. arthel: hello eric. hello everyone i'm arthel neville but right now biden is topping trump the race for campaign funds. biden's team raising over $90 million just in march alone outpacing trump bite nearly 25 million the president also has a $192 billion in cash on hand. nearly 100 million more than trump new jersey congressman jeff van drew on that and much more coming up. but first madison scarpino with trumps high dollar strategy. >> the former president is
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expected to attend the massive fundraiser at a private home in palm beach this evening. hedge fund billionaire jon paulson is hosting tonight's event there a their other big ne republican donors who will be there casino mogul steve lynn and chicago cubs some of trumps former rivals et cetera tim scott, and will also be there tonight. tonight's event as part of a new push to raise money for the trump campaign is trying to close the fundraising gap with president biden will raise $187 million so far this year. and as you mentioned the president also has more cash on hand with the 192,000,002 trumps $93 million. political analysts a trumps legal challenges could affect how much money he raises for the next seven months for a quick strum sells himself of the super
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rich guy. he is a billionaire. somebody giving them 30 bucks may wonder why am i giving him money for his lawyers? i understand if they don't to dt him in his campaign. that is not the kind of spending they want to see him doing. it's slamming tonight fundraiser. calling donations of billionaire at reliant bond that will cover his legal fees. biden campaign spokesperson called some of tonight's guest tax avoiders donations from the fundraiser will go towards trumps a campaign paid the rn saying state gop parties and a pack that helps pay campaign's book spokesperson not just legal fees. on wednesday trouble be fundraising in georgia which is a swing state will travel to
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florida and be busy in the coming weeks back to you guys. we'll take it back here madison scarpino thank you. [background noises] 's before you can see it, is a startling morning for many in the northeast yesterday during that magnitude 4.8 earthquake based in new jersey. northeast dinners have been waiting for more potential aftershocks. if you didn't rock the region including during the evening rush hour at cb cotton live on the street in manhattan. it was like in the morning what earthquake i did not feel anything but the 6:00 p.m. was i was home you could feel the things shaking. then it stopped and i was like it's an earthquake, it is another one. what's going on today? >> if you like i've missed out. i miss the earthquake.
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i did not feel it i did not feel aftershocks. a little disappointed aftershocks could continue the seismologists are telling us. the initial earthquake tremors were felt from maine all the way down through the mid atlantic. the epicenter wasn't northwestern new jersey. the state's governor phil murphy was out of town according to his public itinerary. he was gone to the democratic governors association. he did several phone interviews. he made several post to social immediately reached out to his team about why he never returned to the states as new jersey took the center stage following this earthquake. we were directed to a post the governor made on ex this morning for a take a at says quote our state emergency operations center has deactivated as of 10:00 a.m. today. who have had no reports of major damage to structures, roadways or infrastructure.
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as a result of yesterday's earthquake. over in his state they were temporarily evacuated from three multifamily homes and newark. due to concerns to earthquake damage. listen to this. >> i had to help get my sister out of there, you know? he is in a wheelchair. she could not move as fast and quickly as we can. i had to worry about getting her out. >> united states geological survey reported the 4.8 magnitude quake at 10:23 a.m. friday morning the agency says there have been at least a dozen aftershocks in the regent since. there was no widespread damage in the northeast. but several elected leaders including new york governor kathy hochul and city mayor eric adams still address the public to say teams were assessing buildings, bridges, and roads. here in the big apple extra crews will be on standby
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throughout today to respond to any reports of building damage. in a concrete jungle the public's help is always needed to. >> there are 1.1 million buildings in the city. which means we need cooperation from construction professionals. we have message that to them but let me take this opportunity again to remind all of our construction professionals you need to go out and check on your buildings. >> some people in places took the chance to find a bit of humor and levity after yesterday's circumstances. the empire state building behind me, his team made a post on x shortly after the earthquake to say quote i am fine. [laughter] back to eric. eric: thankfully everybody mostly is. californians are laughing at us but still we've got to be careful. thank you. arthel: the quake was centered in western new jersey it let's bring new jersey congressman jeff andrew.
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congressman, i want to start here have you heard from not sure why this is happening, eric might have to take over. have you tried to contact the governor since the old earthquake? >> we have not heard from the governor. on a lighter side there are those saying maybe it's good he did not come because every time he is in new jersey he is is increasing taxes, tolls, ease in subsidizing illegals. but on a serious note is that it world summit for world peace. he was at a democratic convention basically association and deof democratic governors we probably working to make more democratic governors. he could've taken 12 hours out to come to new jersey for our folks in new jersey look to new york for officials and what they are saying. even though the actual earthquake was centered in lebanon, new jersey the northwestern part of the state.
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it would've been a nice simple if he came back and said you know what, everything is going to be okay. i want to review infrastructure it myself. see with the team has done and then he could have gone back to the convention, the association he was at. i was a little disappointed he did not make it. it's just good for people to know that their leaders are there during times of problems. even though in the world scheme of earthquakes or even what californcalifornia sees or somer states see the biggest earthquake the state of new jersey has had almost in a century and a half i wish she would have been there. arthel: okay let's talk money. trumps of fundraiser this evening he is trying to beat the 26 million biden raise last week. trumps camp is expected to raise a 43 million tonight. can he do it? >> he will do it. he will do very well.
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people are excited despite what folks on the other side may say i am heading up his campaign in the state of new jersey. i am his campaign chairman here i have people all the time calling me. with small donations or big donations they want to know when there's going to be a fundraiser prper they would to send money . they want to make sure it actually gets to him. i think he is doing very well. i would also say this, biden has got to raise a lot of money. he's got a lot of problems present the open borders he has the bad domestic policy, inflation rates, interest rates, people not being able to afford to buy homes and buy groceries. he has. arthel: i get where you're going congressman. i do want to send the fundraising aspect here the fundraiser being hosted this evening is being hosted by hedge fund billionaire jon paulson the gop mega- donors like oil tycoon
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harold hamm. the senior mogul steve wynn is going to be there. you heard jef madison scarpino e camp is criticizing the trump campaign saying this will show donald trump will do the bidding of his billionaire buddies and said it was best for the american people. is that a fair critique? >> know it is not. there are millions of americans and many of them for the first time sending money to any canada through sending money to donald trump who are average folks who are really worried about the future of this country. let's be clear about something, arthel. the democrats are where most of the big money is. not all of it there are some wealthy people absolutely that support donald trump. but the majority of it i'll usee my election a couple of cycles ago. i read against 10 ted kennedy started out she outraised me
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15 -- one iso- one because i was right on the issues and people believe that democrats are the big money for the billionaires are in general there are wealthy people on both sides. they have a whole lot more but they need a lot more. arthel: listen i'm sure the democratic side will say a lot of their monies comes from the more grassroots. but let's keep going here. once the federal contribution limit is maxed out the remainder of money raised will go from truck tonight will go to our in seat you got state political parties and to the save america packed which you well know helps pay trumps astronomical legal bills. trump himself as a billionaire. are you okay with campaign donations going towards his legal bills? you just mentioned he has smaller hard earned money with the political aspirations. >> understood it. you got to realize i believe
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these smaller donors realizing donald trump is's is not prosed he's being persecuted. this is unheard of it american political or judicial or legal history. this the first time you have a former president stepping into the arena you've never had a former president behave this way. it's unprecedented so much at risk. the left is concerned he has a shot here. he is going to win and they are afraid of that. they are using every mechanism possible. whether it's prosecutors, attorney generals, just to go after this man the things that are absurd. and people know it.
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the american public is not delma donald trump is going to win and the american people are going to support him and there is a reason. he's going to need money to make sure he is a viable candidate and he is heard from because he represents, i believe the majority of hard working americans in our country. >> congressman and the last minute you just said donald trump is going to win. if donald trump does not win while you and the rest of the republicans and supporters of donald trump accept he did not win and the fix is not end? that is very crucial for us to have a fair and safe elections. what's of the elections are fair and safe i support the result of the election if they are not i have concerns. the bottom line is. >> if trump wins as fair vitamins it's not fair is out you're saying congressman? >> no that's not what i'm
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saying. what i am saying is i don't even think about him not winning because in my mind and many american minds including middle of the road independence and democrats future of our nation is at risk. is not seeing the republican party it's about saving the republic. arthel: we will leave it there new jersey congressman jeff of andrew thank you very much for joining us on the saturday. >> thank you. >> likewise thank you. still ahead this hour expert civil engineer professor jon a wallace will join us to explain the impact of kylie's quake on infrastructure. >> oversees israel an immediate cease-fire. what about hamas giving up and surrendering? and stopping its dedication to the slaughtering of the jewish people. president biden reportedly pushed hard for a cease-fire and a telephone call with israeli
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu. three days after the idf drone strike tragically and mistakenly killed seven workers in gaza. lulucas tomlinson is at the norh lot of the white house with them at the very latest from there. >> earlier you interviewed democratic operative who said this move by president biden in the white house is all about politics. >> the white house is worried about losing votes from anti- israel left they are effectively caving on policy. from a moral point of view this is very, very disappointing. hamas is that nazi terrorist group bench not on two state solution, it's bent on killing every jew it can find and wiping israel off the face of the earth. if they are target was any other ethnic groups black americans, hispanics, any one else the global left would be standing up and calling for its annihilation. but when it comes to jews there is moral confusion.
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>> a point echoed by republicans as well. click solicit with israel than primary voters in michigan and wisconsin for biden is feeling the heat. just yesterday we had what are 55 aided trucks going to gaza zero hostages were released. >> white house is demanding changes at the is rarely botched drone strike killed seven aid workers including an american on monday night. israel took full responsibility calling the strike a grave mistake sacked to senior officers and punished to others there's another successful airstrike this week killing senior iranian responsible for external operations across the middle east. iran has vowed revenge former spokesperson central command downplayed the threat. >> we've seen this before with iran. they will use their proxies drones and rockets into northern israel. and then i think they're going to try to call it good they do
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not want to widening of this war. >> six months into israel's war there still over 100 being held in hamas and closing americans. >> thank you very much will have much more on this and israel waiting for the attack former trump national security advisor victoria coates will join us on that on what israel can and should do. eric: bar fight turns deadly as guns are drawn in south florida at the latest of the tragic incident not far from former president trump some golf resorts.o ex we'll have more for you comingth up next. t want, experian cancels them for me. easy. see all you can do at now
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arthel: a bar fight overnight left two people dead and seven were injured and florida. it happened around 3:30 a.m. this morning. police say a security guard tried to stop a dispute when the suspect shot the guard. two officers opened fire on the suspect to a shot and killed. one of the officers were shot by the gunman. that officer is now in stable condition. six others were shot in the cross for two of them taken to nearby hospitals in critical condition. police chief commending for the
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heroic actions. eric: oversees u.s. and is on high alert over retaliatory attacks. tehran promising revenge after the airstrike on the embassy by israel and syria killed two generals on monday. widely blamed on as it was prime minister benjamin says it does act against iran and it proxies defensively and offensively because iran is targeted israel for decades. heritage founded national security and foreign policy also former national security adviser advisorunder president trump jos now. it is good to see it. what do you expect could come from tehran? talk about striking out in israel what could you potentially see in the coming days? >> to be with you. it demands everyone's highest attention at disappoints and
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hopefully the united states and israel are working very closely together to ensure the maximum possible security for our facilities and the people in thain theregion but also other . jewish facility and a buenos aris as far as back as that. they would could be complacent this will stay in the middle east. i guess as i said require the highest possible alert. eric: are ron for years you know is uses embassies and diplomatic cover for these type of activities to target not only enemies but activists and those who are against the regime. so when you talk about a potential target embassy someplace in latin america or elsewhere could that be people, opponents or hezbollah i would said the former is more likely.
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you are 100% correct. the iranian regime as something that we called diplomatic protocol. it's important to remember what israel struck in damascus was not typically an embassy which has certain legal protections. but kind of a compound ysi rgc heaviest level in damascus? he is there to run arms from iran 211 on and gaza. these are the folks who assisted in planning and training that went into october 7 which is not something hamas could do in a vacuum. they had support for everything from intelligence to weapons. that is coming through syria. the compound the israeli hit they went after a henchman to soleimani who is a limited in ln january of 2020. he has been a part of the islamic revolutionary guard
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corps since 1980. he is a card carrying a founding member of that institution. a huge loss to the eye rgc and probably pretty targeted and successful strike where the israelis. >> why are some people outraged supposedly? you got the two brigadier generals in charge of the iranian assets and moving everything against israel through syria and into gaza. a completely legitimate to me. go get them. >> and bear in mind this guide been on american sanction lessons 2010. hardly an angel or a dedicated public servant and israelis are one 100% correct if they do not cut off these iranian supply routes through syria this is just going to happen again. we are going to mark six months tomorrow since october 7. we have had americans in hamas captivity for six months.
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we should be supporting actions to degrade them, to prevent them from doing this again and force them to relinquish the hostages. eric: why is there handwringing in washington and elsewhere hamas is not being held fully to account those who say who are not calling for the complete destruction of the terrorist organization. you've seen the damage it caused. you have seen the carnage on october 7. the hatred emanates from toronto against the jewish people and western interests in the united states. why are some trying to give them a break? >> the biden administration finds israel policy of their own making britt on the one hand they want to be seen as standing with israel. because quite frankly it's the right thing to do here. terrorists who attacked did not ask for anyone's passports they just kill jews. that's all they wanted to do.
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on the one hand. on the other hand they don't stand with israel too much so they're going to do things like let the security council pass a resolution 27282 weeks ago that decoupled releasing the hostages from an immediate cease-fire. opening the door for the first time hamas may be able to keep those hostages if israel is forced to agree to a cease-fire. that is a terrible predicament for the administration. >> with that be a win for hamas? >> unfortunately will be a huge win for hamas. it legitimizes their tactics on october 7 you have the administration say we went to get to a two state solution they want to reward with a state. that is to be far down the road when heads of israel when they might consider such a thing. that time is not now. eric: victoria coates nevermind we will be marking tomorrow the
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six month mark of the attack with the coverage. arthel: two men spotted trying to cross the way whole of the border wall and they caught on camera will have that and more and a live report from the newest migrant hotspot on all our southern border. coming up next. strike! hey ump! you need your eyes checked!
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>> hi there. pretty much a steady stream of illegal migrant. we have had several moments over the past day we could clearly see scouts and the coyotes monitoring us. trying to hide the groups they are guarding. they are telling us the coyotes are wild but they will throw rocks and defend the migrants their smuggling we spent a few minutes on this mountain before we came face-to-face with a group of migrants who breezed right past us. cruises spotted many holes in the border wall and fact two men trying to climb into one of the hole saw us and took off running towards mexico. whwhy are you so racist? [background noises] [inaudible] >> we also saw a bus of migrants
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would cross into new mexico border patrol agents drug tires to smooth path so they could easily spot footsteps. >> other side of southern park we are walking on what is referred to as the obama wall border patrol points out holes in the wall they say cartels cut them to smuggle humans through they referred to as doggy doors border patrol said they are so overwhelmed right now they cannot keep up with patching them. >> is alive look at mount christo we are seeing a lot of migrant activity and scouts on the peaks it. we are looking down at desperate border patrol tells us they try to work smarter not harder allow the migrant groups to come down to it migrant level they tried to apprehend them and make arrest. >> i have been there there's an area you can have one leg in the united states it lifts one so wanted you could move your other leg and have it in mexico. do not try that. i was told that if you did that
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arrested or have to go back up to the legal crossing. that just shows how easy it could be. matt thank you. >> yes. eric: go ahead. >> border patrol told us yesterday when the agents we were talking to said he feels border patrol has lost control over this particular mountain. he said it's not ours anymore it is there is reporting to the human smugglers. eric: thanks so much. let's go back to the north easterners are bracing for more potential aftershocks after yesterday's rare 4.8 quake centered in new jersey. the geological service reports nearly a dozen aftershocks so far by the strongest and magnitude 3.8. that was yesterday afternoon. let's bring an earthquake expert jon wallace ucla school of engineering. when will the aftershocks and?
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>> they might go on for quite a while but there tend to get smaller and smaller and get to the point where people are not going to notice them anymore. arthel: in this event was a shocking can we expect to see more earthquakes in areas where they don't normally take place? >> they are rare. and new york city it has been more than a 100 years since there is been a 5.0 or larger. the thing is 1984. i occasionally begin a significant earthquake like the one in virginia about 10 years ago. it shook washington d.c. in the washington monument but those are rare earthquakes. so far they are fairly small below five or so is just not strong enough to cause damage to buildings. unless they are very old and brittle buildings. >> again you are from l.a. and
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from ucla school of engineering. what are your thoughts from those points of expertise? do you feel there is something that's causing these unusual occurrences? >> no, they just happen from time to time. we cannot predict them. they just happen. in new york city is kind of exciting for a change. we do the same think maybe in santa monica mountains when it snows here everyone goes up to see the stone talks about it. it's a similar idea anyway. as long as is not dangerous. >> exactly, exactly that is the key know it was her that's very important you're right it's like when it rains in california folks in new orleans are like really? it's drizzling get over yourself. [laughter] so basically you are saying this is just what happens we do not need to freak out we do not need to think there is something happening on a serious note like
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with the claimant or the environment that might cause mother nature. >> a note. earthquakes do have a tendency to come in clusters. for example in new zealand they had an earthquake in 2010 and soon after they had one in 2011 and it did a lot of damage even that was a small earthquake. so another earthquake of a higherhighermagnitude could caue significant damage in new york city to older masonry buildings. maybe older mas masonry walls, retaining walls, might found some foundation settlement or some pipe breaks. there is potential for damage but you need a stronger earthquake and hopefully you will not have them. eric: exactly really quickly and 20 seconds if you are good are you worried about there's always the talk of the big earthquake happening out west and causing a
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tsunami to overtake the california coast. are you concerned about that? >> not so much for earthquakes in california. we don't have too many faults right offshore that would be capable of the vertical displacement to cause tsunamis. most of the tsunamis we get concerned about are due to earthquakes up in alaska or japan that cause tsunamis. so, for the most part those movies you see where they're flooding the golden gate bridge are fiction. we are more worried about having faults in downtown los angeles wreak havoc on the buildings in the city of los angeles and neighboring areas. arthel: let's hope that does not happen, fingers crossed we do not have anything major like that anytime soon or at all. professor jon wallace thank you very much for having a calm conversation about this. really appreciate it. >> my pleasure.
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arthel: thank you. eric: folks across the country getting ready to go to prime viewing spots to see monday's total solar eclipse. how would the clips affect your pets? studies show that animals do react what you need to know to keep them calm, next right heret on "fox news w live." who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription.
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there are clouds forecasted for monday. a lot of people do not know whether or not they're going to be able to a lot of folks in town for the solar eclipse. but some people i spoke to said they are just happy to be here for their happy to see what they can see protect listen to this guy i talked to from north carolina. >> even if it is super cloudy i think we will still see since were in the path of totality will see it turned dark i think. i think will still be cool regardless. when the moon completely blocks out the sun inessential it looks like it turns at night for a bit. i am really excited to see that. >> according to the city between 140 and 200,000 people are expected to pack into downtown cleveland to see this event. to put things in perspective the crowds expected obs of three browns games were going on simultaneously here in cleveland all the city sworn police officers will be working on monday to manage crowds and respond to calls for service. it is going to be a really big
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day for the city of cleveland. good for the economy. a lot of excitement here and that city's baseball team will also be having their home opener on monday. there's going to be a lot happening here in cleveland as we experience the solar eclipse, guys. arthel: that sounds exciting. "fox weather" max gordon, thank you. eric. eric: animals are known to be extra sensitive to natural phenomena what you need to know about keeping your pet, your dog, your cat or your pet bird calm during monday's eclipse? doctor christina joins us she is a clinical professor at texas a&m school of veterinary medicine. are they going to freak out during the eclipse? animals the sense things. what can we expect to happen? >> i think it is important to say every animal reit will react differently.
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you are right. they do sense things. most of our animals will probably not be reacting to the event itself. more so responding to how we are reacting. we are really excited about it and they are going to see that. they may feel a little bit the same but we do put a little anxious they might look to us. eric: actually there is a study they want people to report this type of thing. there's been studies since 1934 about this. one example is zeus show bubble and start running around in circles. flamingos get into huddles. they may think there is a predatory something coming after them. your heart goes out to our little pets. we know they know english but they may not know what and the clips is. how can you keep them calm and what do you do? >> what is the most important is
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to keep their routine as similar as possible. i know a lot of software in the path of totality like we here in texas ma'am people from out of town visiting her roommate a roommate noticethe traffic is. but, do our best to maintain that same schedule. so feeding at the same time, trading, playing the best you can. eric: temperatures can briefly go down during an eclipse. birds especially at others they say birds think it is nighttime or sub- nocturnal animal start coming out because they think it's nighttime in their rhythm is all out of whack. >> i have backyard chickens. i expect for them to go back to their coop so i need to make sure their door is open and ready to go back in. because they will probably think it is nighttime. eric: you've got to tell us if they do and what their reaction is after the eclipse. and finally is one of the pieces
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of advice i've come upon his keep the lights on at home. they may not even realize if something is going on. if you keep the lights on. >> some advice i would give. just be mindful of how your pet is acting but you know your pets behavior more than i would. if they seem to be distressed remove them from the situation and comfort them to the best of your ability. if you have treats and our food motivated get them snacks and tell them is going to be okay and calm them down the best you can. if you let their anxiety get too high it might be too late and more difficult to calm them down. eric: that is a secret for all of us, extra treats. i agree with that. thank you and enjoyed the eclipse. we will see what your chickens do and keep our pets safe. thank you. eric: more news and we come back
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arthel: caitlin clark the iowa hawkeyes punch their ticket to the ncaa finals last night with a nailbiting comeback that some of the refs call a controversy at last-second file on uconn. i was reward, facing undefeated
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top seed south carolina for the title tomorrow. christina coleman, talk about basketball drama. [laughter] >> that is right it was a tense game. there's been lots of criticism from fans of the controversy a call on the closing seconds of the women's final four matchup between uconn and iowa last night. the huskies had the ball and were down by just one went offense if that was called uconn alia edwards for setting a moving screen with just 3.9 seconds left in the game, watch. >> and she sets a foul on edwards with 3.9 to go. [cheering] [applause] >> that foul call i was super start caitlin clark on the free-throw line she hit one out of two foul shots to give the hawkeyes a 71 -- 69 victory. and a ticket to the national chamber chip game. the postgame presser uconn
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legendary coach was asked about that foul call. take a listen. >> there is probably an illegal screen call you could make on every single possession. i just know there were three or four of them called on us i don't think there any called on them. >> meantime clark finish the game with 21 points leading iowa into their second consecutive national championship game. she reiterated the importance of teamwork after the big win. >> i've so much trust in my tea makes my teammates have so much trust in me. i know they're going to make plays on the stretch that's why we won the game it was not just caitlin, it wasn't just hand it was all five players came up and made big plays at really crucial times. >> again they hawkeyes will take on undefeated south carolina tomorrow afternoon in the big game. arthel: that's why we love
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caitlin is not just about me it's about the team that's what i love about her. i've got to go with 20 seconds left. eric and i have to say goodbye. thank you for watching. we'll see you tomorrow at noon eastern. eric: it yes is great advice it's about the team, you and me, every butt buddy behind the camera and in the control room. hey, that's mine! i'll buy you a pony. advanced hydration isn't just for kids. pedialyte helps you hydrate during recovery. (♪) if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. welcome to ameriprise. i'm sam morrison. my brother max recommended you. so, my best friend sophie says you've been a huge help. at ameriprise financial, more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. our neighbors, the garcía's,
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