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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  April 6, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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much. forty minutes their emergency progress i have next democrats are pushing just to leave the supreme court citing health concerns democratic senator richard blumenthal saying this. i'm very respectful of great admiration for her but she really has to wait the competing factors. we should learn a lesson it's not like there's a deep mystery here about the lesson should be the old saying graveyards are full this body include active point out justice is only 69 years old. blumenthal however 78. i don't know about that. >> yikes. >> joe biden' is 81. >> great point. just move that hispanic woman to wriright out out by the dozen fr us will see you tomorrow at seven for the big eastern show. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am marco levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. thank you for being here. i don't think you're wasting your time. you'll get to decide that after the program of course. i got to thinking, what is the selection of about? in fact what is society about? it's good versus evil, isn't it? forces of good, forces of evil constantly clashing. who is going to win? this election is about good versus evil. i'm going to make the case, just part of it electing joe biden is electing evil. evil. not just state radical left it's not just a buffoon, not just obama staffers but evil. we are going to start with this. obviously this week as you are well aware of the whole world is
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aware of biden and a blanket and the rest are aware the israelis while defending themselves against an unprovoked horrendous attack have been fighting like for sisix months in this latest history. the other day next line check out the convoy of trucks seven trucks which had civilians civilians bring food and medicine in gaza. joe biden, antony blinken and this gandthe sky kirby immediatt to the microphone and i think blinken wasn't europe for a nato meeting trashing israel. trashing israel for something they did not mean to happen. they apologize for it on independently investigat investd biden said in part this an outrage and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from world central kitchen including one american in gaza yesterday. they were providing food to
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hundreds of civilians the middle of a warbird they were brave and selfless their deaths are a tragedy but he goes on later even more tragically this is not a stand-alone incident for this conflict is one of the one the worst in recent memory in terms of how many aid workers have been killed for this is a major reason why distribute humanitarian aid in gaza has been so difficult. israel is not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians. incidents like yesterday sibley should not happen for it israel has also not that enough to protect civilians. the united states has repeatedly urged israel to de- conflict their military operations against hamas with humanitarian operations in order to avoid civilian casualties. the united states will continue to do all we can for humanitarian assistance. throughout all available means i will continue to press israel to do more to facilitate that aid. we are pushing hard for immediate cease-fire is part of a hostage deal but have a team and carve out working on this right now. this is full of evil.
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full of evil. first will he decoupled the hostage in the cease-fire in the un resolution at which he directed un ambassador to vote present or to abstain. so that is a lie, number one. number two, the only country in gaza that is ensuring or trying the delivery of food and medicine to gaza civilians is israel. not egypt, not the united states, not jordan, not iran, israel. and i hate to tell biden this the idf is not the peace corps. if you want to send the peace corps over there, go ahead. hamas is stealing up to 70% of all food and fuel coming into gaza. he knows that. we all know it. they are selling what they leave over at some exorbitant price to their own citizens. they are firing artillery into their own hospitals. they are killing their own citizens. biden does not mention this once
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and he continues to use throughout the day, throughout the weeks the lies from the hamas a terrorist about the number of civilians that are killed. no matter how many statisticians and experts tell him he is wrong, he does not care. because biden is evil. he was evil when he set his foot in the united states senate and is sided with the old confederacy. the senator's or mississippi and georgia and guess even west virginia robert byrd. when he opposed the integration of our public schools calling it a jungle. when he pushed legislation to prevent that integration. in the 19 '90s he was the author of a bill that specifically targeted black communities. and sso more blacks wound up in prison for using crack than others did for using cocaine the naacp told him this is eight racist bill. he still pushed it. now biden has figured let me
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reverse course. i have the black vote in my back pocket. had the jewish vote in my back pocket. i have got to reach out the river to the sea crowded. have got to reach out to tell leaves constituency that is who i have to reach out too. and if it means destroying the state of israel that is what i'm going to do. his plan for israel to surrender to hamas for israel to not destroy the leadership of hamas. for israel to give up 30% of territories it's incest or a homelands including its original capitol. to the plo that would be coming on client state's entire propohis entireproposal will dee of israel in months justice is destroying the united states with an open border. all the crime, the fentanyl, i'm getting ahead of myself. this guy blinken is not about politics he is about ideology. he is an evil man he has always
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been an evil man and jon davis right he's going to get americans killed him by god he has in afghanistan and in the middle east. blinken is radical left-wing ideologue he hires to skype mao is a sympathizer to the iranian islamic nazi regime. sympathizer to the nuclear program. brings in three individuals one of whom is a serious suspect in terms of the back channeling communication with the foreign minister of iran. all this happening in the biden administration. all of it. blinken is out there trashing israel they are not being sufficient and how they are protecting the civilians. jon kirby, admiral yes admiral kirby. one of the great propagandists of all time and that is not a good thing. well, i want you to see something. i want you to see something this is a video eventually released by the united states government, the pentagon. let's take a look at this accident, go.
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this is a vehicle obviously. and above is a drone. now the vehicle is heading toward this house paid the pentagon said it had on good intelligence that one of the terrorist who had attacked american troops was hiding out in this location. there it is bull's-eye. that is a big explosion. nobody could survive that. after that occurred it was celebrated as a righteous attack by the united states government. that is the biden regime the biden defense department. the problem was they were wrong. it was not a terrorist hold out or hang out. investigation by central command wrote politico, has determined in august 29 drone strike in kabul killed an innocent aid
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worker in nine members of his family including seven children. he is not a member of th the ise terrorist group. the command now assesses it is unlikely the man and vehicle targeted was affiliate with isis kate in the afghanistan branch of isis or direct threat to u.s. forces said general frank mckenzie head of u.s. command. the strike was take it in the earnest belief it would prevent an imminent threat to forces at the airport. our investigation now concludes the strike was a tragic mistake. the news comes as the biden administration is already facing criticism over the afghan stand withdrawal the fact the effort left hundreds of americans and thousands of at risk afghans in the country at the end of august. more than 120,000 people were airlifted from the international airport before u.s. troops pulled out. the revelation comes when we got dirt "new york times" investigation determine the target actually worked for an american aid organization.
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said there is biden. his regime. they blow to smithereens that house where there is 10 civilians. one of them, and aid workers do not bite into it after that? he would to rehoboth beach delaware left it to his military to figure it all out. what else happened? civilian casualties in afghanistan wrote cnn. reached record levels the first half of 2021. noting deaths and injuries sparked markedly from may the united states and its allies begin withdrawing troops from the country, why? biden announced a date certain. so the enemy knew it we are on the move. he is going to get out. slaughter, kill killed kill, ma, destroy it. some 5180 casualties civilians. they were recorded in the first six months of the year. a47% increase from 2020 the un assistance mission in afghanistan found in a report within her of death that
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injuries recorded in may and june 11 was 2392. almost as high as the total for the preceding four months when 200791 casualties were reported. time magazine the situation is perilous for everyday afghans who do not the memes and connections to leave u.s. officials who worked in afghanistan are getting panic messages from afghan translators. other staff are not granted u.s. visas in time they could not get to the airport u.s. officials are trying to rush through thousands of applications before sending them on for further security checks and processing. i am still out here waiting for the u.s. to save meet one afghan message along serving u.s. official. how do you respond to messages like this he said? i have been getting them all day. civilians are slaughtered. we still do not know were all the americans are but this is joe biden who cares about civilians. ex- generals blamed by the administration for botched afghanistan withdrawal. the two top military officials this was in hearing the other
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week. whoever saw the withdrawal of american troops from afghanistan placed the blame for the chaos squarely on the state department. that is you entity blinken. arguing the order to evacuate the country should have come much sooner. under tested by the generals expose her clashes with the bite of ministration on the war's final days before the chaos ensued. according to the generals the military advised the u.s., meaning biden, meaning blinken to keep 2500 service members in afghanistan to sustain stability. they were also concerned the state department was not going fast enough to get the evacuation done. ask io's leaked document reveals a biden's afghan how many siblings have been murdered? we do not note light leaked and notes from white house situation room the day before it fell shed new light on just how unprepared the biden administration was to evacuate afghan nationals to help the united states is 20 or were. not just them, our citizens.
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outsiders were frustrated and suspicions diving plenty of meetings but stuck in bureaucratic immersion, lacked urgency into the last minute. there were merely peppers the document they were scrambling to finalize the plans of the afternoon of august 14 because biden gave the orders. out on this date. here we have "new york post" biden was insistent the disaster and control of u.s. troops from afghanistan on august 2021 which led to the deaths of 13 u.s. service members was not a mistake quote unquote according to a forthcoming book. the international is the fight to restore foreign policy by a political left wing reporter but nonetheless the book also shows white house officials knew biden's promise to remove the american citizens before military members could not be kept. "there is no inherent things we can meet that promise is senior white house official told the december 12, 2013 united states air drone launch for hellfire
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missiles on a convoy of 11 cars and pickup trucks or your counterterroratedcounterterrorin the strike killed at least 12 men wounded at least 1 15 others six of them seriously. witnesses and relatives of the dead of the wounded interviewed said they convoy it was a wedding procession for it they said everyone in the procession was a civilian including all the dead and injured and the bride received a superficial face wound they killed 27 yemen civilians at a wedding procession. not a single terrorist. this was under obama and he was drone happy during the obama administration at least five citizens were killed by drones. this is a bureau of investigative journalism. no right wing publication obama/biden drones for a bomb embrace the u.s. drone program overseeing more strikes at his first year than bush carried out during his entire presidency. a total of 563 strikes largely by drones targeted pakistani,
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somali and others during obama's two terms compared to 57 strikes under bush. between a 384 and 807 civilians were killed in those countries. according to reports logged by this organization. civilians, over 1000 people died by drug overdoses last year at the 2022 of this report preliminary statistics from the cdc showed death toll essentially unprecedented american history. many of those deaths could have been prevented if you would secure the border. forty immigrants biden's border of death wash and 10 exam at record high number of immigrants died trying to cross our southwest border last year. another 40 died this week and a mexican detention center. from heat. president joe biden's one 100% responsible for every one of these deaths thanks to the border crisis he created. so why does it biden, blinken who is deputy secretary of state
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under obama, secretary of state during afghanistan. why does he pick this one incident in gaza where the israelis immediately confessed a mistake in conducting independent investigation. because he is evil. he's not only betraying israel he is betraying jews in this country when he puts out a statement like that and a blinken speaks the way he does and kirby speaks the way he does they're not condemning jew hatred and anti-semitism from the river to the sea crowd in the universities and our media and our streets with miniature crystal knocks all over the country. he is helping to give cover to the anti-semites here into the tereus overseas. joe biden came into the senate and evil man he is in the presidency he is an evil man. the choice in this election is between good and evil. forget about what the democrat party media tell you.
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forget about them. they are on the wrong side too as they were in the 1930s covering up the holocaust. no, they are on the side of evil two. we will be right do you shop for vitamins online, but need higher quality products? force factor's best selling supplements powerfully improve your health. that's why force factor's partnered with iherb, the world's leading website for health and wellness products. unleash your potential with force factor on iherb.
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mark: will come back america. we are here with our friend. ladies and gentlemen joe biden's were on the middle class really is a focused heavily on america's suburbs and ex- verbs single family homes the right to own property. mobility when it comes to automobiles and so forth. and stanley kurtz has been at the spear working for a decade at least this obama policy in the biden policy is going to forever change what our country looks like in your life so it's all going to come out of washington d.c. stanley kurtz welcome and give us an update. they just pushed out some more rules and apparently they are implementing them right now. >> yes, thanks so much for having me, mark. absolutely. president biden's made a is mada decision to put housing at the forefront of his reelection campaign. he has got to do this because he
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has realized inflation is really taking a bite out of people's incomes and that is especially because of rising housing costs. so, to deal with that biden has decided to push housing to the forefront of his campaign. and the center of that all of that is his promise to help cut against and eliminate single-family zoning thus the traditional form of zoning and america's suburbs in his second term. now he is got a problem and that he does not want to talk into detail about how he's going to accomplish that. but the truth is biden has to work on zoning through an incredibly intrusive federal regulation called affirmatively furthering fair housing. and it really takes a whole set of responsibilities that used to
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belong to local governments and puts them into the hands of the feds. and most especially aff age has the feds socially engineering the demographic composition of your city, in your town, your suburb according to race. according to ethnicity. according to national origin. according to english language proficiency even according to income. and on top of that the rule would have the feds controlling local decisions like how should we develop our business district? where should we put our transportation hubs? where should we locate parks? even how a suburb would draw it school district lines. the feds would have control over all of this. biden knows this is a huge explosive regulation when it comes to politics.
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so he keeps talking about all of the money is going to dole out to people in his second term to help fix housing. the truth is if you look closely at his plan centrally depends. mark: he says he wa wants to spd an enormous amount of money on housing. we are housing units behind. and i think the american people need to understand and you can explain it better he is talking about heavily dense housing. it'assignment apartment buildin. condos, townhouses as you say. not single-family homes. they have a whole theory with electric vehicles and charging stations all code solution the same place for even better yet public transportation. my question to you is, when you get that far in the corpse uphold these things you are going to get into situations with brownouts, blackouts, who
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can drive what, which in days. even days, odd days, how many cars you can have how big your home can be. once they get their nose under the tenth whether it's for the better good or climate change or whatever it is it's going to be hard to put the brakes on it, isn't it? >> you are right transportation is very much involved in all of this. right now the states an asserteo pass various laws would boot single-family zoning in the suburbs for it is not seeped into the national media yet but there's a huge controversy right now and massachusetts were a couple years ago the legislature passed a law mandating all of these suburbs around boston had to build dense multifamily housing near a subway stops. near transportation hubs. if you look at the debate there in the advocates really do want to force people out of their
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cars. i don't think they're going to succeed i think it will be futile but the whole strategy for improving housing is eight failed the strategy because instead of building and open spaces they are trying to densify cities in order to force people out of their cars i don't thinthink is going t
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high risk of wind driven wildfires but i am jon scott and now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ welcome back america.
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stanley kurtz, the federal government was set up in and least amount of power the states have the second and local have the most. it's like zoning. like housing. like transportation and all of these things. so the opposite position is one and again that is been fought for the last 100 years. from a marxist point of view rather than a capitalistic freedom point of view which we the government decide how to reengineer society. that includes human nature. isn't this really a battle between a liberty interiority? >> it is at its right to mention tocqueville. he focused on the school of liberty that happens in a local government he was focusing on the new england town meeting. i go back to this huge controversy that people need to pay more attention to it's
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actually town meetings throughout massachusetts that are rebelling against this new law to force multifamily zoning on the suburbs there. biden's housing plan cites this massachusetts law as a model of what he wants to try to force on the state. the towns and suburbs are rebelling against this. saying or not going to obey this law. reminds you of the boston tea party and then the governor and the state government that is a punishing local suburbs. taking away their infrastructure money. making it impossible to build for example a seawall as a punishment. the whole thing is going up to the massachusetts supreme judicial court. the interesting thing is this
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massachusetts law is much milder than the big federal law that's going to kick in, and biden second term. all the massachusetts law is does is force a locality to build multifamily housing where there is none of this being accounting of ethnicity, or raise, or national origin. none of the detailed micromanaging. and still there is a gigantic rebellion across the greater boston area. so imagine what is going to happen when biden fully re- institutes. he avoids doing until second term if he's reelected and re- institutes this is going to supercharge this happening in massachusetts. biden has pledged to use and billions and billions of new money lots of money boston
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includes state laws attacked single-family zoning the silts estates to imitate. mark: was this federal rule passed by congress? >> the advocates claim this regulation fulfilled the fair housing act that was passed in 1968. but the truth is they took a one or two straight phrases from the acts and completely reinterpreted and misinterpreted them to allow for massive federal intervention. there is no true basis in the fair housing act. it is a classic case of the federal government coming in and taking a law like stay tuned sax which was supposed to ban sex
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discrimination ultimately using it to apply to transgender bathrooms. this is the analogy in housing is complete federal overreach it does not have a basis in the law. the advocates of a claimant does. mark: to make these weird claims they hate the constitution them pretend they are complying with that they hate the laws but they pretend they are complying with them. and unfortunately the executive orders these fiats these federal regulations are the weight the country is managed now. you don't pass statutes in eight more you do not have a representatives and hud you don't have a representatives in the various in bureaucracy they are an appendage of the democratic party and the radical agenda. stanley kurtz please keep banging the pots and pans a senior fellow with ethics and public policy center. god bless you my friend we are going to have you back. i appreciate well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons
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(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) sarah, you got this.
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ok? (sfx: referee whistle) ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you wanna say♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ but they lost ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ not really. ♪ what you wanna say ♪ not where it counts. ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you be brave ♪
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mark: will come back america. jon spencer is one of a handful of people when they talk about war they talk about what is going on between israel and the terrorist. they actually know what they are talking about is chair of urban warfare status of the modern war institute at west point. he is codirector of the urban warfare project host of the urban warfare podcasts what is going on in gaza is urban warfare. the israelis are under attack by the biden administration, they are under attack by the european union. they are under attack by the united nations for they are under attack by the world media including the "new york times," cnn, the american media. is israel really conducting a war against citizens? >> absently not there can be nothing further from the truth. it seems to be the great lie the world has fallen into disinformation. either for intentional reasons
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or ignorance. by every measure the israeli defense forces are facing what no military has faced in modern history if not going back to any history. especially the united states and military have only phased even a small portion of this type of a challenge. an enemy combatant embedded underneath urban areas on purpose. a massive military. if anyone thanks of a code differently if it is not the idea they are actually right it would be much more destructive. i have not written that yet but what you think united states would do if somebody invaded that is what october 7 was. raped, murdered, burned children per took hostages back into enemy territory started raining down rockets on our cities. i can guarantee you the u.s. military would respond with overwhelming force. that is the problem people believe there is a different way.
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i have actually been on the ground deep in gaza with the idf not only have i been sending this type of combat, urban warfare i've been setting the idf. how they organize, how they fight and got into gaza unlike most of the people who have an opinion and that is what it is. an opinion of the war have not been i am saying the idf are conducting the most just war, unjustly of any military in history given the context of the challenge of urban combat. in the weight they approach the battle and how they have done everything they have ever done in the history of war to limit civilian casualties there is no such thing as a bloodless war. the idea they have done everything that everyone has ever thought about and then created new ones that nobody has done. they waited for weeks. three weeks before they entered the cities until they conducted the ground invasion.
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while their citizens to include american citizens are literally being raped by their captors the terrorist captors inside the cities. they waited, they evacuate 85 -- 90% of the civilians then went after hamas who is hiding underneath hospitals. underneath schools buried underneath you and facilities. and then the world said it still not good enough you are still causing too much harm. and so they change their tactics. every time whatever the world sees they think they know it they are saying and most people are ignorant to war or they have fallen into hamas' trap. literally a hamas strategy is what is happening now. for the entire world to turn against israel. the entire world to be think it could be done in a different way. and the world i beat the world's expectation israel should not go into gaza that they should let their hostages be raped and tortured, and killed and rockets
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can continue to rain down. this is a major problem. most of the military most of the governments of the world besides a few have faced an existential threat in a long, long time. unfortunately israel has had to face it very repeatedly. they have often had to stand alone. they will do it if they have to because everybody has the right of self-defense that is what i'm seeing on the ground. mark: you had this case a few days back the israelis actually hit this caravan of food relief people. went through the opening some of the instances the united states military did the same thing and i do not blame them. they are not aiming for them. we are a righteous country played the israelis are righteous people this is a righteous country. they exploit it, attacks them, blames them for the lack of food coming into gaza. blames them for civilian casualties last week they continued to use hamas numbers
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despite the greatest statisticians in the world of said no that is not accurate. what do you make of the propaganda from the biden administration and blinken? and frankly our media? is not basic giving aid and comfort to the enemy to continue to do it they are doing? >> absolutely. is causing the suffering our position, especially mass media possession on the war is causing the suffering. the hamas strategy is relying on hope. hope these messages will continue to be a daily feed in everyone's mind. basically the dangerously dumb will believe everything they hear versus actually what is going on. and then hamas continues to hold onto the hope they will survive. that is all they have to do is survive the war and they achieve victory and become the great champions of the terrorist world who attacked israel and the united states since they called the little stay tuned they call
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america the great stay tuned. the giving hamas hope. not only is there no evidence of a single war crime or a single intent and that is what really matters and a she m of the genocide case to use the word created just to try to explain the horrors that happened in the holocaust. the sham of that is to show there is intense. intent. just like the tragic event with the world kitchen is there is no intent to target civilians. there is no evidence they've thy targeted a single civilian. war is uncertain. there is a fog and a friction and mist men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we heard the chair of urban warfare said is that the modern war institute at west point. coordinator host of the podcast. you probably never heard of and on cnn, and the "washington post" because he is an actual expert parties not just shooting from the hip. so jon spencer can you give us a few examples what is the idf
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doing to avoid civilian casualties? >> it is a long list. they evacuated their admin areas. they dropped a flyers parade they sent drones with speakers. they handed out their maps and told the civilians were not to beat which includes hamas. they use cell phone presence in areas to know if there are civilians in an area. they are telegraphing every punch and giving away all of their military advantage in the pursuit to preserve civilian life and mitigate civilian harm. it is incredible. i thought it urban combat the u.s. and militaries never done things like that and handed out their maps. tiltold the entity exactly where they're going to be on the day-to-day basis. they do daily pauses every day almost they daily pauses and for these number of hours we will not conduct operations so civilians cannot leave. humanitarian aid can get in. it is incredible. mark: hamas is doing everything humanly possible to have civilians killed, to create damage on buildings.
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the last so-called hospital was a hamas compound. they were firing mortar shells into their own hospital because they knew all of the photographers from the bbc and ap and reuters and the rest and all the mouthpieces and army would say look with the israelis are doing so forth and so on. you look at this a massive propaganda effort, there is enough of factual information getting to the white house for sure. the state department the media outlets to know better that they are relying on terrorist regimes they are treating israel like it is a terrorist regime. what if you make of that? >> it is a a wacky world will be we arebelieving the word of a terrorist over our allies, our friends. over a moral just in government and military. the speed of it is incredible just like the hospital they are waiting for the idf to complete their operation were zero were killed 200 terrorists were killed they are waiting for idf to leave to get the photos of
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the damage that was caused by the combatant fighting from a hospital which is a war crime. >> the other thing that amazes me jon spencer his the lack of they talk about equivalency. joe biden and his party and regime have trashed the prime minister of israel over and over and over again. wanting to be toppled. it's a duly elected government. they don't talk about the mass terrorist who runs around that way. they do not even mention the names of the leaders of hamas or hezbollah or houthis ship. they get a complete pass netanyahu is the enemy and bernie sanders says it is netanyahu's or. they all sound like to leave but now apart even a man like you with all of your background, all of your experience, and his storied among other things but you have to be shocked by this too, are you not?
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because i am shocked by people playing politics of people's lives. i've been on the ground would have walked the ground of october 7. hamas are psychotic killers that need to be killed. the worlds will be a better place. and actually buy all the politics of this by making it go slower we cause more suffering. i one 100% agree. it is not netanyahu's war. israel is united unlike we are to the threat to their lives. they are doing something about it and having immense success. the victory according to their words is close in the military strategist i believe that. i have been on the ground. hamas is on the ropes they are hoping the u.s. saves them. mark: biden wants to say that he keeps demanding sees to go into rafah that's with or hold out a tour of the final battalions are the israelis went to wrap it up or they want to take them out for the want to eliminate hamas
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from the gaza strip. we have people in this country in this administration who claimed that is what they want. but it is clearly not what they want to pray think they are servicing iran. i actually think that is what is going on because iran is the mothership of terrorism. they never mentioned them. they are sending billions into them. they have rearm themselves we don't attack them even when they kill three american service personnel. jon spencer please keep up the good work. you are one of only a handful of experts whose out there telling the truth. god bless you my friend.
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welcome back, i just want to say this to joe biden and antony blinken, you're not fooling anybody. we americans we know the difference between good and evil and liberty tyranny. we know what you people are. biden is a chameleon pack, he has been his entire life.
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racist, he's racist. if it meant being segregationist, he is a segregationist. that means he's anti-semitic to pick up 5000 votes in michigan and minnesota, he's happy to be anti-semite. he lies about but he's pointing fingers at donald trump calling him effectively hitler and unleashed federal law enforcement trump and present but antony blinken, you are the worst of the worst. i know all about your backgro background, all about your associations, interests and purpose, it is to destroy the state of israel, that's what you are about. it doesn't matter why it matters that you are doing it and john mccain was right, your dangerous to our country. i'll see you tomorrow sunday on life, liberty and levin. ♪


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