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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 7, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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racist, he's racist. if it meant being segregationist, he is a segregationist. that means he's anti-semitic to pick up 5000 votes in michigan and minnesota, he's happy to be anti-semite. he lies about but he's pointing fingers at donald trump calling him effectively hitler and unleashed federal law enforcement trump and present but antony blinken, you are the worst of the worst. i know all about your backgro background, all about your associations, interests and purpose, it is to destroy the state of israel, that's what you are about. it doesn't matter why it matters that you are doing it and john mccain was right, your dangerous to our country. i'll see you tomorw ♪ ♪ o, say can you see by the
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dawn's early light -- ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous figh- ♪ o'er the ramparts with we watched were so gallantly streaming. ♪ and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air -- ♪ gave proof through the night that that our flag was still there. ♪ o, say does that star-spangled
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banner yet wave -- ♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ rachel: good morning, everybody. it's 6:00. i'm so happy to be here with my friends will and pete. pete: good morning. rachel: ray good morning. i noticed in the star-spangled banner that we plaid, the national anthem, there's already boat pictures. we're starting to see it. we don't feel it yet here in new york city, but it's coming. will: how do the pictures come in? via e-mail? if. pete: for the most part.
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you do? people text you? will: friends and family. pete: who do you send them to? rachel: i do. will: that's what i was thinking about. i got one with, like, turkeys and stuff because it's turkey season. turkeys are out. rachel: these are your friends? pete: and you don't pass them along? no way. rachel: i can't imagine you wouldn't. will: it's my mom's husband, luke, and i'm sorry, i'm a dead end. i'm a dead end. rachel: you're the rock. [laughter] will: dead can end, and i'm sorry, and i'm going to work on it. i'm making a new year's resolution -- pete: you're right, rachel. if it's the rock, you economy, we maybe get a text response. will: i've got to get these pictures -- pete: with we know who to e-mail them to because i frequently get suggestions, and i forward them on, and a week later, two weeks later, they show up.
3:04 am rachel: i don't just send family ones. strangers send them to me. will: you guys are good -- [laughter] pete: or we spend too much time in our inbox. will: that's what pete east working on all the time. pete: i'm facilitating pictures. will: sending tps reports at all times. we begin with former president trump reeling in a a record $50.5 million at a fundraiser in palm beach last night. rachel: that's nearly double the amount president biden raised at his new york city event alongside president obama and clipton over a week ago -- clinton. i think it might be the greatest number ever raised. pete: 26 was the record -- rachel: now this is. of. pete: madeleine rivera joins us with more. >> reporter: hey, guys. the trump campaign says this is the largest fund raising haul in history for a republican or democrat. a spokesperson for his team saying it took three democrat
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prosecutes to raise $25 million and one president the raise over $50 million, donald j. trump. here's trump peek upon arriving at the fundraiser in palm beach. >> thank you very much. it's a great honor to be here. it's going to be a very spectacular evening, and people are just wanting change. rich people wait, poor people want it. everybody wants change. our country is really doing poorly. we're a laughingstock the all over the world. we're going to get that changed very quickly. >> reporter: the trump team still has to catch up to the biden campaign's war chest. the former president and the republican national committee raised about $676 million -- 66 million in march with $99 3 million in cash on hand. the biden campaign says it raised $90 million in the same time period with $192 million in cash on hand. the biden team says they are fired up by their numbers and are looking to grow their umbrella by courting nikki haley back ors. >> i can tell you i am
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personally on the phone with haley supporters every single day. in many ways, this is a marathon, not a sprint. we've got a lot of work to do. obviously, our opponent, the other side, as told them that they do not have a home on their campaign. well, we look straight into the eye of haley donors and say you do have a home here. >> reporter: trump is expected to hold another high-dollar fund raiser in atlanta this week. guys, back to you. will: thank you so much, madeleine. >> reporter: you got it. of course. will: we were talking about that, madeleine, before you caught us because i was complaining, pete's got a big interview in the show that didn't go to me, governor doug burgum, former 2024 presidential candidate, and now really working on behalf of donald trump it's going to come up at 7:. 30 a.m -- pete: now you take us behind the scenes of the show, sometimes we don't know who's going to to intercrew who, and so i'm going to take your suggestions, will. i will channel them -- will: okay.
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pete: the governor or we can trade, you know inwell ewell well, identify got to say what's on my sheet. [laughter] rachel: you're also getting some insight into the level of prep these that guys do. [laughter] will: highly friend. rachel: that was a huge haul for the president, and you know, it's so interesting, he breaks records at every turn. think about the primary, every record he broke during, you know, those primary elections that everyone thought, you know, maybe he might, you know, have some trouble. oh, no. not just clearing the hurdle, but clearing it with a record. and then you see him do that again tonight which shows not just the party is coalescing, but i think there's a lot of enthusiasm behind him as a well. pete: yeah. it's an important thing to consolidate early, which this is april. we have a long way to go even before the conventions, before any seats are cast -- votes are cast, and you've got to get the machine in place to build the ground war of banking early votes. and i think republicans learned
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that, understand that, and all of this is part of doing that. will: it's a big deal. three presidents together in new york city raised $26 million, and president trump alone raised $50 million. the race is on. meanwhile, senator john forgetman talking again -- fetterman talking again to jon levine of the new york post. they had a sitdown, and he addressed many of the issues percolating in society like squatting. this is what senator fetterman had to say about the growing situation of squatters taking over people's homes. squatters have no rights. how can you pretend that this is anything other than you're just breaking the law? i'm not woke. we always try to push back against that. it's wild that if you go away on a long trip, 30 days, and and someone breaks into your home and suddenly they have rights? this is crazy. like, if somebody held your car and they held it for 30 days and somehow you now have some rights. so -- pete: it's good. good point. will: i want to focus in on the thing, i'm not woke. so that's kind of an interesting
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line in and of itself. it's also an interesting line to attach to this usher shoe of squatting. woke -- to this issue of squatting. woke in the beginning meant sort of a racial -- pete: you saw the hire around a key -- can. will: social justice. rachel: oppression. will: peering in behind -- you know what i'm saying? don't be asleep, you can see past it. how everything's racial. then it turned into all the of the identity, right? like trans, whatever. it's becoming shorthand, and i'm trying to say what does that have to do with squatting, right? you and i, i think it was you that the laid out squatting has become this inversion of property rights, and it's become this inversion of tenant laws, so t just kind of become an almost far left, right? so is that what woke is now, far left? i bring that up to say what is fetterman saying when he says i'm not woke? pete: good point. i guess what it means is policies that on their face look insane. i mean, just like men can be
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birthing people. like, that's stupid. that sounds -- like, woke started out as, oh, i see what you don't see, to your point. now i see things that are not true, that are not real like squatters have rights if i steal your -- that's my sense, translation. rachel: how crazy it's gotten, that a senator says squatting is bad, and it's in "the new york post". like a democrat senator. what it shows is, one, he's breaking away from his party. there aren't that many democrats anymore who agree with that because they're so pained, to like, agree with -- and clearly the guy living in your house is the oppressed person, and that's how they measure everything. but just the fall of common sense that this is a headline. like, i would say to you that even a year ago a squatting would have seemed like a very noncontroversial topic that we could all literally across the aisles agree on.
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but there -- and and i want to say one other thing about a squatting that's interesting. i remember, i have friends and family who live in spain, and squatting is an issue there. and i remember having conversations five, six years ago with spaniards who own property who say i have to go to all my properties all the time because they're afraid of squatters coming. and i chuckled and said that's the kind of crap that could never happen in america, and here we are. will: you're right, that is the an issue in europe. it's not just spain if -- rachel: yes. in latin america as as well. will: fettermanned about a keim and said i've go -- can crime and said i've gone to police funerals, and this individual is equitied -- he was talking about the killing of officer diller in long island, if you have those kinds of establish whered records are, it doesn't serve any greater goal to allow people that are offending, offending, offending and then allow them to not be held accountable. we have to be very smart and aggressive on crime.
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so there he is talking about essentially there, like, you know, no if cash bail and repeat offender. pete: again, really common sense stuff from five years ago both parties would have said they the represent, and then we went and lost our mind under the guise of this woke thing. and maybe he's a part of, maybe fetterman's a part of the reversal. will: i know this sounds like self-proif motioner i want fetterman -- i want to talk to him for an hour. i find him fascinating. and, you know, i just want to know, what are you? if i'm not woke. or what are you? are you an old school, union democrat? blue collar, you know -- pete: i don't know if you want to dig any deeper. will: well, the truth is he's still liberal. you're going to find out. but don't delude are yourself into thinking that he's not. pete: that he's not. will: and, fine, you're a liberal. pete: i'm saying i don't think he's that much deeper. will: oh. [laughter] pete: remember, it's still fetterman here. of. rachel: and it's still pennsylvania.
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and it's still pennsylvania which is a swing state, which is an important state which most of the people are these kind of common sense, union democrats -- will: not who we thought in the beginning. rachel: well, and what i think is that, and i said this before on the show, i think fetterman is playing good cop/bad cop here. you know, the party has got to do what the party's got to do. he's got to win pennsylvania, and if he's got -- i'm not convinced that this guy is a sensible -- pete: he also said some good things about trump or at least acknowledged that trump has a lot of support in pennsylvania. will: well, if he's not woke and he's pivoting to common sense, it would be interesting, for example, in a longer conversation how you deal with an issue like this, transgender athletes in sports. if dan -- and i've known dan for a long time, dan z at outkick, last name's always hard to say, so we just called him dan dis,
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he's at outkick. he's been asking interesting questions of a lot of different coaches at the women's college basketball tournament. and he asked dawn staley, the head coach of the south carolina women's basketball team, about trans-athletes in sports yesterday -- pete: they're in the final, right? will: against iowa. watch. >> i'm on the opinion of, of -- [no audio] if you're a woman, or you should play. if you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or vice e versa, you should be able to play. that's my opinion. you want me to go deeper? >> reporter: do you think transgender women should be able to participate -- >> that's your question you want me to -- you want to ask. i'll give you that, yes. yes. so now the barnstormer people
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are going to flood my timeline and be a distraction to me on one of the biggest days of our game. and i'm okay with that. i really am. will: so i've got a couple quick thoughts on this. first of all, when you see the entire with clip, especially the beginning, i think you can tell, like -- actually, i don't know what dawn staley thinks. even though she just told you what she think, because at the beginning she kind of, like, sits back and think abouts -- thinks about it, and i think she says what she thinks she's supposed to say. rah. rachel: uh-huh. will: take a minute and actually sits back and goes, ooh, you asked me that, you know? second, people attack dan online because with heed ask that question and other sports people in that room are cowards or whatever, but, you know, he did ask iowa. they're like, oh, he only -- no, he asked iowa aide coach --
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pete: what did she say? will: i'm focused on the game. which is perfectly fine. hey, i'm in the national championship, i'm focused on that. and that's perfect perfectly fine. rachel: is it really though -- will: hold on, though, i knew you were going to do this. [laughter] rachel: that is a women's basketball coach who refuses to stand up for women athletes -- will: hold on, i knew you were going to say this. and my third point is it is a big deal, okay? if i echo and mirror exactly how you feel. but with i also know what that person's job is, and in that moment you don't get to continue to have the platform to fight for women if you don't win the game. you focus on the job at hand, and i think inform of us who are mission-oriented, woman to co-opt pete. pete: i understand what you're saying, completely. yes, a coach should be able to stand up and say, yes, only women should play women's sports. that's easy. rachel: like squatting's bad. pete: i also understand the iowa
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coach, i'm focused on the game tomorrow i've got a team -- will: it's -- rachel: it's not -- pete: now, eventually -- will: we just wouldn't be talking about it today. pete: you're going to have to confront that question, and the fact that a women's basketball coach at that caliber can't just say it's women, she knows what man would do in the women's sport. shame on her for not being willing to say it should be biological will. she's --women she's the head coach of south carolina, a pretty conservative state, and she can't stand up and say it should just be women. because the group think of reporters in sports, which you've talked a lot about, and the university setting, she's more worried about that, i think. rachel: i think it's not, i think it's bullies. pete: bullies too. rachel: there's a lot of bullies out there, and i think there's an overall lack of courage. that is a woman in a position of power, and she has chosen not to wield that power for good, for the good of her own female athletes.
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will: she didn't even do what i said she could have done. she could have said, hey, i'm focused on the game like the iowa coach. rachel: she's a coward. will: do you think the iowa coach is a coward for saying comma -- what i said? rachel: yes. i think everyone in a position -- you can laugh all you want -- pete: i'm not laughing, i'm just smirking. rachel: if everybody refuses to play game, the game goes away. those are the people in the best positions to stand up for women, and right now men are going to be taking over women's sports. they already are in many cases. and this game, this stupidity is going to continue until people just go, this is dumb. no, women are women, men are men. if men play basketball, all of these girls on my team aren't going to play. pete: it's not going to stop until a man does decide i'm going to dominate -- will: pete said maybe he could beat caitlin clark at a 3-point contest -- pete: in my prime, i was a a really good player. well you didn't say in my prime.
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pete: some of my former teammates chimed in on instagram and said, absolutely. will: oh, really in. pete: yeah. we could roll some of that. rachel: we might have to make that happen. all right, another biden bail ow. the president is set to make his pitch for student loan are forgiveness in wisconsin. will it help him in the battleground state? will: and protesters taking to the streets in israel demanding a hostage deal where the war stands now, six months after hamas' deadly attack.
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in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... gotta sell the house. houses. or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. wow. request a cash offer at
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pete: today marks six months since hamas launched a deadly massacre, terrorist attack, against israel and began the war. large crowds gather ed yesterday in tel aviv to demand a hostage deal and early elections. and this morning israeli forces leaving just one brigade in southern israel as the idf prepares for future operations, recalibrates. here to discuss where the war stands now is george mason university and a ooh lee ya law school professor and director of the center for middle east and international law, eugene. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. pete: what should americans be thinking the right now, six months into this war, and what
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are the movements in the gaza a strip meaning right now? >> who could imagine six months ago when hamas invaded israel and murdered, raped, tortured that at this point president biden would be holding israel back from defeating hamas and rescuing the hostages. that is what's happening. that's what happened on the call last week with prime minister netanyahu. bind said -- biden said red light. and for a couple months president biden has been stopping israel from taking hamas' last stronghold. it's almost like if the u.s. invaded germany in world war ii and stopped short of berlin, if we invaded iraq and stopped short of baghdad. america is not letting -- pete: why is that happening, why is the american president saying stop? >> there's probably two reasons. he is concerned about his progressive base with, and he wants to make sure that college kids in madison, wisconsin, turn out in november for the election of he wants to make sure the arab community in michigan turns
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i out for the election. and he seems to put that ahead of basic decency and basic morality and is betraying one of our closest allies in its time of greatest need. pete: what is the israeli public thinking? we see the protests, right? is that about the conduct of the war? is that about bibi netanyahu? what's the sentiment amongst the israeli people? >> so the protests, i think, are both about a frustration that the war is not yet won because not everyone understands in israel it's because biden has given a red light and stopped israel short of success. there's also frustration with prime minister netanyahu. but most israeli, the overwhelming percentage of israelis are committed to fighting this war to the very end until a hamas and hezbollah are both defeated. pete: hezbollah's defeated in the north? is that part of the war -- >> absolutely, because this is not just a war against hamas, right? if on october 7th it wasn't just hamas if that attacked. hezbollah attacked.
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all iran'sal allies and puppets in the area encircled israel. closes to 100,000 people who live in northern israel are outside of their homes, refugees, internally displaced people. israel's effective territory has shrunk both in the north and the south. israel cannot live with parts of the country uninhabitable due to rocket fire. pete: so in the south against hamas, how quickly could that be wrapped up? >> i think the minute president biden says it's okay, i think -- pete: why does the israeli leadership have to listen to joe biden? >> so i don't think they should the necessarily, but his leverage includes things like cutting off weapons supplies. a large number of democratic congressmen including former speaker nancy pelosi signed a letter calling on president biden to stop weapons shipments to israel. now, the fact that -- i want to get back to the protests for one second because i think it shows something. in israel, it's a democracy, different people can express
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their opinions. what protest aren't we seeing? the palestinian protest against hamas, release the hostages, or the protests of the arab a-american community in israel against hamas. so in israel there's two sides, two opinions on the war. why are the palestinians not protesting? why is there nothing on that side saying release the hostages, end the war? if. pete: i think we know. [laughter] and that's why this continues. eugene, exit question, does an open front open up on the north against hezbollah? are you going to have to go with into lebanon? >> so right now hezbollah is on an almost ca daily basis shooting missiles into israel. israel cannot live like that and, obviously, the only way to do that is going to be to are enter lebanon and push hezbollah north of the river as the united nations security council resolution 1701 actually requires and demands. needless to say, that resolution's not going to enforce itself, israel's going to have to make pit happen.
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pete: all right. eugene, thank you very much. all right, caught on camera, a man steals an measure flag from a group -- an american flag from a group helping veterans. how the community's coming together to support that nonprofit. and joe biden reportedly set to unveil his latest student loan forgiveness plan -- a voter purchasing plan -- in wisconsin. eric hugdee is running for senate in the baaing ground state, and he joins us next. they need their lawn back fast and you need scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows grass 2 times faster than just seed alone. giving you a stronger lawn. smell that freedom, eh? get scotts turf builder rapid grass today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it.
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[cheers and applause] so go out if and win, go out and win. will: gop senate candidate joins us now. quite an endorsement. enthusiastic e enforcement, eric. [laughter] finish. >> it was an interesting night. it was the a very nice endorsement by president trump. pleased to get his endorsement and take a back this country. will: well, here's some indication of why that endorsement will mean something in wisconsin, because donald trump already leads joe biden in six of seven swing state poll, and it's the pretty close there. according to this one poll, in wisconsin. others show, i believe, donald trump leading in your home state. when you -- this is different than in the past at least for democrats and joe biden. wisconsin has been a swing state. why does it seem to be flowing support away from biden? >> i think for a variety the of reasons. one thing, i spent a lot of time in the minority communities, and
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it's very clear young, black men are moving away from the democratic party in drove cans. they -- droves. they want to get off of welfare. they don't want to be stuck with handouts. they want to take part in the are entrepreneurial experience and create wealth. hispanic community, i think the cultural issues are just driving them away from the democratic party. so i think there's a broad base of people. and then the young. a lot of young people just do not like joe biden. i have a 25-year-old daughter, she has many, many friends, probably two two-thirds of them are liberal. but as she says, dad, none of them like joe biden. they think he's too old, a little creepy. so i just think he's losing massive amounts of support that he had back in 2020. will: with well, the polling reflects what you think. it reflects that he has dropped in the black community down from manager like 90% to 68, latino
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support has dropped. importantly, the youth vote as a well. i believe according to most estimates, it's gob down from 61% support down to 50% support. and that's what this student loan forgiveness plan seems to be addressing. the constitutionality of which will be answered in the future. i mean, it has already been answered at least in part when attempted to be applied. we'll see about these new applications of executive authority and forgiving student loan debt. but in terms of popularity, eric, do you think that's going to work with him and the u.s.? >> -- and the youth? >> not if it's pointed out. look, i have a few questions i would like to ask piped. why is it fair for those people who never had the opportunity to go to college now have to pay for those that did? if why is it fair for those people who worked their way through college or their parents worked hard to put their children through college and now have to pay for those or that are getting student debt relief? how about the fairness of people that took on debt and then paid
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back that debt and now have to pay again? and lastly, as with we know, the greatest amount of student debt are those that go on to get a medal degree or a law -- medical degree or a law degree, and they get the benefit of higher income through the rest of their life. so why is it fair that everybody should fay for their -- pay for their debt relief and they don't get the benefit of those higher incomes? i think it's unfair at every single level. i think the republican party should point this out to people, and i think it should ultimately cost him votes because all it is is a vote-buying scheme, as you pointed out. and you know what the other thing that's really wrong about it? if you look at where the highest rah rates of inflation in our country since 1980, they've been in two areas. one, health care. and the other, higher education. what is the correlation between ethos two? it's ever -- between those two? it's ever increasing government expenditures. and all they're doing is benefiting universities to continue to push price and drive
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up the cost. and that's what it is. it's subsidizing universities. they're already charging far too much for their product in most cases. will: you're absolutely right. it's only going to drive up the price of college which is astronomical and way outpayings inflation, it's only going to drive it higher. the question is whether or not the beneficiaries of those forgiveness loans, whether or not they'll care. their debt's forgiven. vote joe bind. that seems to be the plan -- joe biden. eric hovd can e, thank you for being with us. >> thanks soften, will. i wish your viewers a wonderful day. will: treasury secretary janet yellen is back in china, the high stakes economic talks underway right now. and a view from above. a group of sky skydivers are gearing up for a jump of a lifetime to watch the solar eclipse. ♪ ♪ i just wanna fly. ♪ put your arms around me, baby, put your arms around a me, baby ♪
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rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends." this morning treasury e secretary janet yellen is visiting communist china for some high-level economic discussions with senior government officials. the high stakes gathering is her first since last july where she was criticized for bowing to her chinese counterpart heritage foundation fellow for china strategy michael pillsbury joins us now.
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michael, always great to have you on. so yellen is in china -- >> thanks, rachel. rachel: good to see you. yellen's talking about mutual cooperation. back home joe biden is suddenly raising concerns about unfair tax policies. so what's the the real message in is the real message the message janet yellen is giving china? and then what biden is saying is just for, like, domestic campaign consumption? what's going on? >> it's more related to domestic campaign consumption. i think biden's -- what we hear here in washington, rachel, is biden's campaign people are afraid that he looks really weak on the china issue. not just-upper biden, but also -- hunter biden, but also when janet yellen dose over there. you know, it's going to be a 4 or 5-day trip. they're she's going to visit chinese factories, and heir going to tell her why she can't make concessions on trade and they can't get talks started either. that's what the campaign people are afraid of. but apparently president biden himself gave janet yellen
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specific instructions that she's to do this trip and emphasize the word stability, say we've restore thed stability, use this phrase the spirit of san francisco from when biden met xi jinping. and so in trump's time after about two years, he had negotiations going. there were concessions being made. the biden people are not able to make the chinese come to the table and negotiate. but they know that china apparently wants biden to win. so this is a delicate trip -- rachel: right. >> heavy got to seem to be nice -- they've got to seem to be nice to janet yellen but actually make no concessions and not start any talks. rachel: right. >> the eye of the needle kind of thing. [laughter] rachel: michael, i know you're a straight shooter. is the reason why they're walking this line, the biden administration, is it because they have a hot of pressure from corporate -- a lot of pressure from corporate interests who want to keep the lines of commerce going with china because they're getting rich off of that, or is it that joe biden is compromised?
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>> i think it's more a question the chinese are just outsmarting biden across the board. they want him to be reelected. they don't want any talk about hunter biden or being compromise pded, so they're going through the motions and acting like something's happening with china with this trip. this is the first trip since the san francisco summit, so we all expect something to start, a draft agreement, some kind of promise on the fentanyl, we'll start immediately. nothing like that's happening. so you get this kind of dual chinese strategy to appear to be negotiating but actually not and just crossing their fingers because i think they're really afraid of trump winning. rachel: of course. >> i was over there a few months ago, rachel, and they're very clear to me they think trump's going to win, what can they do to stop it. i said, no, you can't stop it, he's going to win. rachel: yeah. of it's all theater over there. since joe biden was elected, 46,000 chinese nationals have crossed over illegally from our southern border.
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donald trump was recently interviewed on the hugh hewitt show, he said that china was building an army from within the united states. ing do you agree with that. >> i think president trump's right. we have to be suspicious. this is just too bizarre to be explained as a few people want to come across the border. i could understand a few people somehow slipped out of china, but we're getting -- with military-aged men at the 45,000 level, this is a national emergency. but once again we have the biden people talking about san francisco spirit, and we have to have stability with china. they're not taking the threat seriously, it seems to me. rachel: yeah. from the chinese supply balloon -- spy balloon to, you know, 46,000 military guys coming across our border, these were acts of war if we were in a different time. this is incredible stuff. really appreciate your insight especially on what you're hearing on the ground of what the chinese think is going to happen in our election and and who they want to win. fascinating. michael pillsbury e, thank you so much, as always. >> thanks, rachel.
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rachel: you got it. president? pete: all right, smart guy. turning to a few additional headlines starting with this -- ♪ ♪ pete: a virginia police officer was hurt after a responding to this terrifying scene. a crowd of people trap thing another officer -- trapping another officer in her cruiser and began tearing it apart after she rolled up on an early morning car meet-up, that's what they call it, last week. >> we've got a huge crowd, they're hitting my car. [background sounds] i need units to expedite. >> [inaudible] if. [background sounds] pete: police have charged this man, saying he crashed his car into an officer, injuring him, among three others. and a florida man was caught on camera cutting down and stealing an american flag from a nonprofit, helping disabled veterans earlier this week. officers say he also damaged the veterans' outdoor grill and seating areas. they arrested the suspect days
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later. he's facing burglary and theft charges. and to help the nonprofit, community members are donating three new grills. good for them. and airbnb bookings are soaring aced of tomorrow's total solar eclipse. that's in towns within the zone of totality. a report finds that 99 2% of short-term rentals are booked compared to 30% on a normal day, and the new york times is reporting that some hotels are charging double for rooms that are still available is. well, supply goes down and demand is there, that's what's going to happen. all right. well, here's another way to view tomorrow's eclipse, prosecute clouds. a group of sky kivers -- skydivers are gearing up for a once in a a lifetime jump. ♪ you can jump right in. ♪ let the music pull you in -- ♪ you can jump right in ♪
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you don't know how much somebody can hide what's going on in their head. store your guns securely. help stop suicide. rick: welcome back to "fox & friends." finally, some decent weather across the northeast is beginning to see an improvement if as this storm pulls out. we've got this next storm across the central part of the country
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bringing significant winds. this is that storm, tail end of it, it's going to start to become problematic for what is our big event tomorrow, with the total eclipse. this path here tomorrow afternoon you're going to see a lot of cloud cover that might prohibit some of that viewing. and my biggest concern is across parts of texas, especially into louisiana and arkansas. that's where the path of totality is, and we have a severe weather threat here. i think most of it will be after the the eclipse happens but, nonetheless, so many people have gone to this area to experience the i cleanse, a lot of people -- eclipse, a lot of people camping, we could see a tornado or two throughout this area tomorrow afternoon. one other thing we are going to watch, we've had so much rain across the southeast, get ready, bigging soing of rain coming in this week, a lot of spots, 5-8 inches in arkansas, potentially a flood threat. all right ors over to you. will: thank you, rick. it's the jump of a lifetime.
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a group of 30 skydivers gearing up for the best possible view of tomorrow's total solar eclipse. they're going to do it from the sky. pete: here to discuss the man to dive into action is chief pilot for sky dive the falls, steven hack. steven, thanks for being here. tell us what you're up to. >> good morning, thanks. yeah, we, we have a whole event planned. it's going to be a viewing party for the eclipse, but at the same time we are sending two groups of skydivers out during the eclipse, and we're going to -- we're timing it is that we jump out right before totality. and totality is, i think it's about three and a half minutes, they said. so the average freefall is under one minute, so we're hoping that you get to experience it during freefall and as well during your parachute ride down. and we're providing everybody with new york state certified
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viewing glasses so when you're under the parachute, you put those on and have a safe view of the eclipse. rachel: yeah, skydiving's not scary enough, but now you're going to do it during a solar eclipse. i was actually surprised, this shows my egg happens inner, but i was surprised there's going to be a plane near, you know, that planes would be cleared to fly during this time. >> oh, let me tell you about that, that's been a whole mission in itself, you know? [laughter] because we, i've actually been planning this with the owner of sky dive the falls now for over -- four years. i went to the eclipse during 2017, and i remember the amount of work that was done. we sky dived during that eclipse as well, it was amazing. and it was so much work that we had to do and clear it with air traffic control can and just basically reabraining it. it's not -- prearrange it. it's not an easy feat, but we actually have really good
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support from air traffic fall and niagara falls. they knew that we were going to be doing this and just like we did this jump that you're seeing right now, that was when -- that was the first jump over niagara a false. and we were actually a jeopardy question because of this jump that you're seeing. will: i'm glad you laid out the timing, the eclipse three and a half minutes, a freefall, the entire thing is under a minute. the freefall is under a minute? >> if -- the freefall, you're going 120 miles an hour, so you can't free paul forever, it's usually about a minute -- freefall, and the parachute ride is usually 5-10 minutes. will: okay. so the sun reappears -- i was curious if you had to make your landing in the dark. >> some people might. i mean, i'm on a eye performance parachute, i might be down before the whole eclipse is over. will: i'm sure, real quick, you've done night sky dives
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before? that's a whole other degree of difficulty, right? if doing it in the dark? >> it is. in order to get your d license, you used to do night sky dives. now a because of the degree of difficulty they've said, you know what? you can do other things instead because a lot of people didn't want to do the night if jump. but the weird thing about the eclipse especially when you're in the sky, you can actually see where the sup -- sun is actually shining outside of the eclipse zone, and it's really weird. so it's actually so incredible from the if sky that you can't even see it from the ground vantage point because you can see where the skylights up past it. will: right. >> it's just so incredible. it's like no other. will: quite an experience. have a good sometime -- time, stephen. >> thank you very much. we'll hope to have some awesome footage. rachel: yeah. we'll have to talk to you on the other side of this. >> we'll hope to share it with you. thanks for having me, guys.
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rachel: thanks. will: more "fox & friends" coming up. here take a free sho t go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem like me. to test the toughness of the kia sorento x-pro and the kia sorento turbo-hybrid... (♪) ...we recreated some of the wettest springs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪) ...windiest falls... (♪) ...and coldest winters. (♪) all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia. movement that inspires.
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