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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  April 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. rachel: it's the 9:00 a.m. hour
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on "fox & friends weekend," starting with this. house republicans moving forward with impeachment articles for secretary mayorkas as a migrant suspected gang member is busted for squatting. >> that's one of the things that's a causing john fetterman to declare he's not woke. >> we're counting down to tomorrow's solar eclipse, how cities if be had the path of poe at that time are preparing and -- totality are preparing and sweet treats to get you in the spirit. the final hour of "fox & friends weekend" starts right now. ♪ everybody wants some. ♪ i want some too. ♪ everybody wants some. >> this is another skyline we're trying to guess what the skyline is. it's a good one. there's no geographic -- it's flat. not seeing any mo mountains. rachel: it's not new york city, is it?
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no. >> looks like a st. paul. it's not, because i snow st. kn. paul's skyline. >> i was trying to think where is pnnc. i'm going to go pittsburgh. >> cleveland. rachel? rachel: i'm going to say it's -- >> y yes, sir. rachel: cleveland rocks. there you go. >> pnc feels like it may be pennsylvania, ohio, felt like it had to be pennsylvania or ohio. i feel like i know cincinnati's skyline a little bit. rachel: you've been on so many book tours. you know. >> boom, cleveland. rachel: there's another book tour coming up for your next book, the war on warriors. >> full mention again for a second. [laughter] >> did you know it's on sale? in two months. rachel: you can stop saying
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that. people can preorder now, pete. be your own best salesperson. >> .>> you can preorder right . you won't get it until june. it's perfect for summer read, order it now, be first in line. rachel: order now in time for father's day in june. >> i'm going to hire you as my marketing director. rachel: thank you. >> we'll talk more about that coming up. the house is set to deliver yet another set of papers to impeach alejandro mayorkas, should be later this week. this comes as we learn an illegal immigrant in the bronx found with a stash of weapons. >> guns, drugs. >> member of a venezuelan gang, a gang that has a huge presence in the country. >> how many illegal things can you do before you get locked up. >> he was arrested and released. rachel: when the cops came the first time for the owners, the cops were there, the owners were
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there, the gang members are there and the gang member in front of the cops to the owner says -- puts his hand across his neck like i'm going to kill you and nothing happened to him. i had joseph humar from the center for secure, free society, he's a great guest with so much information about latin america, and this is what he says we should know about this gang, he says it's very, very troubling. >> the specialization of the gang from venezuela is not drug trafficking, not money laundering, it's human a smusmuggling, human trafficking, that's what they're experts at. we've seen this pivot into the united states for two reasons. the regime built an air bridge into mexico and land bridge through the darrian gap. that's what the biggest concern of this is perhaps we're dealing with a state sponsored criminal organization. we needed screening measures to
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know which venezuelans are coming into our countries, terror prone countries, 30 countries around the world. we add additional screening methods to understand whose coming, we need to do it for venezuela as well. rachel: he said it's different than other ga gangs, other cart. this is a state sponsored gang. there's a strong connection between the venezuelan government and this gang andless a strong relationship between the venezuelan government and if the chinese would work hand in hand. this is very troubling. it's actually a national security let in many ways and it's -- threat in many ways and makes no sense this government hasn't done anything to stop this from happening. >> which is why a articles of impeachment make so much sense about a cabinet member willing to facilitate this, while lying to us that the r border is
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secure. rachel: what department does he represent again? ?i think it's homeland security. rachel: homeland security. >> homeland security. not the ukrainian border. our border. >> you're not doing that job? maybe it's time to go. it's a layup. >> the government has nothing to curb this. they've done something to unsensitiveize this problem. >> it becomes a magnet. we're supposed to care for folks but in this case it becomes a magnet. it becomes a magnet take that tu attracts more people and this is why it's important to note that out of the -- if have you 100 people that go to new york and at the end of four, five, six years, an immigration judge is going to reject 87 to 90% of them so why are we allowing 100% of them in when it should be a small number? it becomes a magnet. get to the border, go to new york or somewhere else, they're going to provide you everything
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and guess what? they're not going to touch you for the next four, five, six years. rachel: because not very long ago president donald trump was interviewed on a radio station and on a radio show and he said the chinese are standing up an army because we know 43 you thousand illegal chinese nationals have come across the border, mostly mill t military e machine, he said they were standing up an army. i asked michael pillsbury, a china expert on the show earlier and i asked him is that true? do you believe it. he said there's no other explanation for it. >> does it have to be facilitated by the chinese government, the chinese government knows where those people are going, they're leaving. rachel: he said if you had a few people, okay, they're escaping china. he said the numbers and profile of the people leaving absolutely give you a reason to believe that's why and then again, you go back to homeland security, secretary mayorkas. >> from illegal immigration to
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israel to crime, senator john fetterman continues to be surprised. he gives another interview to john levine. he aaddresses the issue you of squatting, he says squatters have no right, he says how can you pro pretend this is anything other than breaking the law. if someone breaks into your home and they have rights, this is crazy. if someone stole your car and held it for 30 days and you now have some rights. yessed we talked about squatting on the program. i saw some people say how is it -- do people have homes all over the place, that sit empty? some of these homes people leave for a while, meaning they went on a 30 day vacation, p went somewhere. >> they didn't have renters temporarily. you know what i moon. rachel: between r renters for sure. >> plenty of scenarios, where you believe it's my property so it's secure but people use loopholes to exploit and further criminality and it's interesting
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for this interview, john levine with fetterman, they sat down in hoodies and shorts in a fancy restaurant. rachel: i love that they did. >> there, in the same dress code. he's just been willing to speak common sense in a party that has lost its mind and i guess that makes him not woke at this point. at at thispoint. we tried to dissect what not woke means, i t unit means commn sense. i can't believe that's the guy delivering common sense to the democrat party. hey, squatting should be illegal, we should support the cops, common sense. rachel: i give him credit for saying squatting is glad the bar is very low. rachel: it is very low. how much do you think this is about politics? he's in pennsylvania. he needs to help win pennsylvania which is a swing state for the president, the president is needing to shore up his base and stay woke and
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liberal on that side. and so this is a way for him to say, not all democrats are bad and i'm -- there's people like me. how much of this do you think is for political consumption? >> i think you have to factor in politics. i don't know it would be for joe biden. i think it's for john fetterman. he's elected for six years, he represents pennsylvania which is a swing state and culturally is conservative, often votes democrat. it's hard because john fetterman reads authentic, everything about him whether you agree or disagree, it a appears to be something it is what it is. and to your point, wokeism against common sense, including on crime at large, he talked about the murder of nypd officer diller in new york. he said i've gone to police funerals. if this individual is convicted, he should spend the rest of his life in prison and never have an opportunity to get out. you have those kinds of established records, doesn't
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serve a greater goal to allow people that are offending and offending and a allow them to not be health accountable. we have to be smart and aggressive on crime. >> common sense and a low bar for a party that's lost its mind. rachel: he is in danger of becoming a republican by the way, he's far left on a lot of issues. most of the democrats in pennsylvania are blue collar, common sense democrats. >> john fetterman, will cain would like to have you on the show. >> i really would. you know, you point out maybe there's a healthy level of cynicism to have regarding what his motivationses might be but you point out he's still a democrat and it's a fairly low bar but i think it's notable when people break away from group think and doctrineaire and i would be interested in exploring someone who is willing to have an independent thought including john fetterman. >> it may be both.
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if he was from california he may not be making that statement. there might be some of him thats says i can call balls and strikes. rachel: i would like to get joe biden reelected and i would like to keep this job for the next term. >> let's turn to a few additional headlines. police in arkansas say a suspect is dead after barricading himself inside a shopping mall yesterday. officers say he drove his suv into a store and then barricaded himself inside a room before firing at authorities. no officers were hurt. no word on what led to the crash. and a pilot is alive after hitting two cars before landing his small plane on a north carolina high he highway last w. the engine failed when the plane was less than three hours away from its destination. the plane grazed two suv as it made an emergency landing on the highway. thankfully, nobody was hurt.
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krispy kreme is offering and out-of-this world donut to celebrate tomorrow's solar eclipse. the total solar eclipse donut is packed with o oreo bulletter cm filling and -- butter cream filling and an oreo cookie to top it off. it's a offered now until tomorrow of. we have some on set to try. rachel: you wonder who is the baker who sat around coming up with this. don't you know donuts are his vice, he donuts and nicotine. >> i'm a donut connoisseur. rachel: i know you are. >> i have opinions and -- okay, if you're going to have a donut, you go here. >> 100% i agree with you. >> you have to try it. >> i will i try it. you can't overdo a donut. when you go to an ice cream place, stick with vanilla.
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don't pile on the sprinkles. you do too much. >> have you tried to tell your kids this? >> i have. they don't listen. how is this? rachel: it's good. i'm afraid my teeth will be black after this. >> this is perfection. >> the butter cream is nice. rachel: why don't you give me one of those, pete. >> we should do a segment on chkrispy kreme donuts. >> fox weather's max gordon is on the ground in cleveland with how the city is getting ready tore the eclipse, hey, max. >> reporter: hey, guys. those donuts sound tasty. we're rocking out in phoenix ahead of the eclipse. excitement is building. a lot of excitement building including at the rocknd a roll hall of fame. a lot of people are coming to town to see the eclipse. will they be able to see it? we talked to one guy who drove up from atlanta and now he's got
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alternate accommodations booked in quebec just in case it's cloudy here. take a listen. >> it's incredible. it's everything people say it is. just an entirely different experience. from anything you've seen in your whole life. i want to experience it unobstructed as much as possible. i drove 10 and-a-half hours to get here. i'm willing to drive another nine and-a-half hours to see it, a more certain, clear version. >> reporter: this is a big event for cleveland. according to the city, between 140 and 200,000 people are expected to come into town for this eclipse, many hotels are either sold out or have limited availability and air fare is really expensive and tough to get. a similar situation to other cities across the path of totality. it's going to be a guardians home opener on eclipse day at 515:10, a massive day for cleveland. the big question, will it be cloudy? will you be able to see the
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eclipse. we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out. guys, back to you. rachel: thank you. thanks, max. >> appreciate it. rachel: the former nfl sideline reporter, michelle tefoya will join us live, straight ahead. >> former president trump is set to unveil his abortion policy this week. we'll talk to a pro life activist on what she's hoping to hear, next.
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rachel: donald trump is expected to reveal his abortion policy plan this week, the issue has of course become a key issue in the recent election s cyclesn the wake of the dobbs decision. here to discuss, kristin hopkins. the last time you were on we talked about how so many politicians don't want to deal wwith this issue, they want to stick their heads in the sand like ostriches and you say that's a recipe for disaster. donald trump is coming out this week with his plans which i'm assuming a lot of republicans will piggy back on whatever that is. what do you -- i know you put a lot of thought into policy moving forward. what do you want donald trump to say and what do you think he'll say? >> sure. well, you know, the democrats are really good at ending a lot
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of things and ending the lives of children, the womb, prosperity, affordable housing, cars, food. when elected president trump will have a lot to do, ending the anti-baby, anti-family, and quite frankly anti-american agenda. i wrote a column today in town hall because the generation doesn't want to see president trump embrace a late term, 15, 16 week limit on abortion which allows more than nine out of 10 abortions to continue, undermine our entire movement's mission to ensure that all children in the womb are recognized as valuable in the law and it would only incite president biden is dissolutioned base to vote for him. we need all the focus to be on the abortion extremism of the democratic party including senator john fetterman who is unwilling to limit a single abortion. they can't name one abortion they disagree with.
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rachel: every single politician who gets asked about a abortion should turn the question and say what's your limb police department i agree with you on that. -- what's your limit and i agree with you on that. i'm thinking about what should he say. 80% of all post aborted women say they wouldn't have had an abortion if they had support from their partner or families. what about from the government. should the policy be a huge injection of support, federal, state, he's recommending support for women because that's what they want. >> that's right. you're exactly right, rachel. there's so much the president can do. president biden had has done one thing well in this term. he has proven in fact that abortions is federal. first and foremost, protecting life and service. support for families, support for mothers, this is things like expanding the child tax credit for example, protecting life on
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college campuses, making it a requirement that federally funded four year institutions at least tell young women all the resources and support that's available to them if they choose life, reverse the extremist actions of his administration from the fda and you and a i have talked about this the dangerous dumping of chemical you abortion drugs in our waters, that's harming women, killing children, harming all of us in our drinking water a. the dod is now paying for aabortion travel with our tax be taxpayer dollars. you were talking about squa squatters. if you think about democrats running the cities, they're allowing squatters to steal an entire house and get away it, even arresting the owners if they come back, trying to a take their property back. yet the biden administration department of justice is imprisoning grandmother's and other pro lifers for peacefully praying in front of an abortion
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facility and they face a 10 plus year federal prison sentence. rachel: the administration ah hhasto do something or president trump should put forward he will stop you allowing the federal government to treat pro life human right activists, peaceful activist as if they're domestic terrorists and meanwhile let domestic terrorists free. i think this is really interesting. i hope he's looks to indiana, texas, who have you amazing state run programs to he help women. they don't tax diapers in indiana, a sign of how much they're pro-baby. it's phenomenal. thank you so much. great to have you. i hope somebody is in president trump's ear like you, advocating for the humanity of fetuses. thank you. >> thank you, rachel. rachel: and then there were two. the men's basketball national claim championship matchup is st
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while a coach says trans at coach says transathletes shouldo play. michelle tafoya is here to break it down. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20
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a business big leaguer. (phone ringing) go for key. (blowing) even the ultimate pool float inflator. with 22 brands and the best value for your money, choice hotels has a stay for any you. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct at gotta get the corners. >> well, the ncaa men's basketball championship has been set. >> smith, it's good. got to make him feel good. they will play for the national title. the boilermakers advance. >> spencer, all that running around. >> big finish! >> some estimates, the most dominant team, yukon against the most dominant player. here to recap the matchup,
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former sideline reporter, michelle tafoya with us right now. i want to talk about the men's and women's title matchups. first on the men's side, i don't think i'm being unfair when i say most dominant team, most dominant player, purchase you purdue, yukon.>> i would agree. i thought zach edi was held in check for parts of the game for purdue. yukon can look at the recipe they used against him. he did what he needed to do. i like the supporting cast of yukon. the if you can call it that. they've got donovan, 7'2", 270-pound monster in the middle. he's got a tremendous supporting cast. the point guard was a revelation to me, a transfer out of rut rutkers, he did a tremendous job. al a ex caravan is a -- alex alx
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caravan, that's a tremendous asset. >> i want to ask without the women's title matchup as well. i've got be honest. i've never been into women's basketball but i might be as excited as i am for iowa, carolina, because of case lynn n clark. i'll be curious how the ratings shake out on this because i don't think i'm alone. i think a lot of people will be watching the women's final. >> there is no question. and the ratings for the women's tournament just keep escalating. they incrementally go up with each passing round. so that is the katlyn clark effect. there's no doubt about it. she will be playing against a really deep, really good south carolina team but she is the draw. and everyone else should love that and go along for the ride. sometimes there's a generational player that lifts everyone around her or him and she has
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done that for women's basketball. you add they the don staley factor and you've got a lot of eye balls on the game. >> don staley and south carolina have been dominant in women's basketball. coach staley was asked about her view on trans athletes in sports s. here's what she had to say. >> if you're a woman, you should play. if you consider yourself a woman, or -- you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play. >> do you think transgender women should be able to he participate in -- >> that's your question you want me to answer -- i'll give you that. yes. >> i don't think she wanted to answer the question. i think she knew this is going to be a thing but she ultimately did take an answer. i don't think it's an answer that -- i don't know. it's not an answer common sense would lead one towards or i think where many common sense americans are on trans athletes. >> here's the thing. i think you and i you agree on this.
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everyone should be able to play sports. everyone should be able to play sports. but when we get into the elite level competitive girls have been training their whole lives and they're not assigned sex at birth, they are born a biological woman or biological man, male or female, and had thethey'vebeen training their we to play a sport and maybe they lose a spot or lose a place on the winner's sand because a male decided he felt like a woman and wanted to compete. i think everyone should be able to play sports. but we have divisions and categories for very simple reasons. to keep it safe and to p coop it fair. i don't know why people are so dug in on this other part of it that people are calling this allyship of don staley and she's a tremendous influence. a tremendous role model. but i think t answer versus to e more nuanced.
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>> i think that staley was taking what she thought might be the safe answer. she may believe it. i don't know. pete made a great point it's also one she can do abstractly, hasn't affected women's college basketball. and once south carolina is up against a team with a man on the other team taking away something from the her or her team her point of view might be different. before we go, ufl, games today, on fox. houston roughnecks paying on the d.c. defenders. >> houston roughnecks without their czar running back so they haven't been -- star running back so they haven't been able to get much going on the ground until they get mark thompson back. this is the developmental league for the nfl. the nfl has taken some of the rules of the xfl and usfl, now the ufl, and brought them to the nfl you know what you're going to -- you never know what you're going to see and how it might make its way into the nfl. >> always great to see you. thank you so much for being with
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us. >> likewise. >> ufl, i had the rock on the will cain show for a full hour. this week i i have kellyanne conway, so don't miss that, 12:00 p.m. on fox, youtube and facebook. didn't take a team of former presidents to help trump raise more than double what biden did at a campaign fundraiser. maria bartiromo on the major cash grab, coming up. if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow, stay prayed up
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we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? - good. - you sure? - i think so. - how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. kardiamobile is now available for just $79. order at or amazon.
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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>> we're back with your headlines. the former cvs and oakland is in ruins after it went up in flames friday. the store was closed for more than a year officials say. there was evidence of squatters breaking into the building and taking over the pharmacy basement before the fire broke out. no one was hurt. it is unclear what caused the fire. firefighters are investigating. and the nypd is rolling out these windshield boots in a pilot program targeting illegally parked vehicles. according to the agency, the city has four in use right now. the 17-pound device attaches to a car's windshield with 1,000 pounds of force making it impossible to remove. no word if the city plans to expand the program. windshield boot. all right. former philadelphia eagles star
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jason kelsey, current star lane johnson making a surprise appearance at wrestle mania. they jumped into the ring to help the tag team matchup. later in the night, the rock wrestling in his first wrestle mania in eight years, teaming up with roman rains to take down a tag team, cody roles and seth rollins. i'll be at the matchup tonight. might expect to see the rock. >> i expect to see you. i'm going to be watching. >> all right. >> i know you know that, guy. you'll have good seats. >> are you for roman or cody? >> i don't really care. if we watch, can we see you. >> i don't know my seats. i'll be disappointed if i'm not. >> after all that, you end up
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40 rows away. >> i may be in it. you need to watch. it's blood launch rules which means no rules. you can trip people. what if i go in had and start tripping -- >> amazing. >> another chance to be shirtless on tv, will. [laughter] >> he's not ready. he's not trained. he needs to get in shape. >> he needs advance notice. we've got three days of severe weather across the south and some of that is going to have impacts for tomorrow for the people headed out to you view this totality, especially across parts of texas. this is our area, monday, tuesday, wednesday, all three days almost the exact same spot dealing with this. i want to tell you, a lot of people tomorrow will be out not from the dallas area, a lot of people camping. if you've gone there, you need to think tomorrow if things take a bad turn suddenly, how do i get into a safe spot. needs to be part of your preparations that you're making for this event that we've got going on tomorrow. here's what's going to happen
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over the next seven days, at least this is the way the models look. another storm comes in across parts of the west bringing snow to the higher elevations, the big story is the three days of severe weather acompanied by a lot of rain and so some flooding conditions are going to be present especially parts of arkansas and mississippi, that kind of mid and lower mississippi river valley. tomorrow, if you want to get outside, he ev temperature wiseg pretty good. >> all right. former president donald trump raking in more than $50 million in record fund raising haul last night in florida. that's nearly double what joe biden raised at a ritzy event with obama and clinton two weeks ago. and exactly why the former president says voters want something new. >> thank you very much. it's a great honor to be here. it's going to be a very spectacular evening. people are just wanting change. rich people want it.
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poor people want it. everybody wants change. the country is really doing poorly. we're a laughing stock all over the world. we'll get that change very quickly. >> sunday morning futures anchor and our friend maria bartiromo joins us now. certainly looks like people want change and looks like the republican party is coalescing. maria: i'm not surprised at the huge money raised last night given president biden's extreme agenda, people are looking for change for sure and the rnc is now very much united, aligned with the trump campaign. and that's what we're talking about thus morning. president trump is on his way to another major fundraiser in the coming days in atlanta. so he is focused on raising money and the rnc is focused on ensuring a secure election. we're talking about that this morning. we are talking about this big night that the president had last night with the chairman of the rnc this morning, michael
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wattly, special guest along with the co-chai co-lara trump, the o discuss the priorities of the rnc which they say is more you aligned with the trump campaign than ever before. we'll talk about what they are doing to ensure a fair and free and transparent election in november. michael what i whatly says thiss main priority. lara says we want to get the numbers up for fundraiser and most important is secure elections. we're talking with florida governor ron desantis in this exclusive. the governor has taken action on a number of issues that are troubling to american citizens. democrats are calling this squatting issue a republican talking point. i was giggling when i heard that on the mainstream media recently. the fact is, is that squatters who are taking over americans' homes are being apprehended across the country.
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governor desantis put an end to it in florida by coming up with new legislation against squatters and protecting property rights. we'll talk about that this morning. and also the governor's plans for the illegal migration that he has been tackling as well. we will also this morning people with jd vance the senator from ohio. interesting commentary about the jobs numbers that we're going to get into with the senator from ohio. we were celebrating the great numbers on friday when the labor department reported there were more than 300,000 jobs created in the month of march. get this, pete. a big portion of the jobs created over the last year has gone to foreign workers. foreign born workers as well as illegals so this wide open border has so many implications. jd vance is going to get into that this morning. >> absolutely. as always, you cut to the heart of it. what's underneath the numbers is what matters and you're exactly right. maria bartiromo, thank you so much. maria: we'll see you in a little while. >> absolutely.
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and by the he way, i want to thank all of you who have had the opportunity to preorder the war on warriors. i announced it this weekend. we mentioned it multiple times. it's on sale right now. fox news, you can preorder it, you'll get it for a great summer read or father's day. before i was a television host reading a teleprompter i was an infantry man in the army and combat leader if in iraq and at changed inside the military and i tell stories of the change directly, personally and why it matters so much so if you serve, you know somebody who served, you love the country, this will tell the story of what we're up against to save the pentagon, called the war on warriors, you can order it right now. >> when the sky is dark, the party is on. that's what they say. we're gearing up for tomorrow's total eclipse with a celebration on fox square. ♪
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the chances of a plane crash -- 1 in 11 million. you're not going to finish those salted nuts, right? never waking up from anesthesia -- 1 in 185,000. validate your parking or just see how it goes? -what? -why stress about the unlikely? does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning while winning the lottery? -sure don't. but your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. you need aura. you, your family all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] aah! protect everything your family does online with aura. s wanted. >> tomorrow it will finally be here, the much anticipated total solar eclipse. and if you're planning to celebrate, our next guest has tips for the perfect eclipse party.
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joining us is lifestyle expert and our friend. >> i hi, guys. you want to make sure you get glasses, not staring directly at the sun. you can make a pinhole projector with a cereal box. you take a white piece of paper, put it on the bottom of the box, cut rectangles at the top, add tinfoil on the one side, put a ppinhole and point it to the su. rachel: the glasses are in high demand. >> you can try a local facebook group. i posted, said i need to the find them and someone said i ordered extra. rachel: we had some on set and they said give them back. [laughter] >> you want to make sure you have themed snacks so i have sun chips, moon pies, and then i've done a solar eclipse phases of the moon decorating, so sliced up apples, added chocolates and sprinkles. the apples are great.
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they stay fresh and white longer, have a beautiful red skin, they have a satisfying crunch. you'll love these. they're fun to do, really -- you can make them for the kids. we made them with extra chocolate. you can make them with as much or as little as you want. staying with the sun theme, over here for drinks i you have the e snapple elements sun. it's brand-new. i made moon garnishes. if you're in new york city tomorrow, they have a snapple solar speak easy event in chelsea at 1:30. rachel: what is that? >> this is something to make with the kids, two parts corn starch, one part conditioner. >> can you eat it? >> do not eat it. [laughter] >> if you put it in front of him, he will eat it. >> it's a table of eating things. >> one thing we're not eating, it's a sensely fun activity for
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the kids. rachel: i love it. i'm l love with this idea. >> thank you. we've got dogs over here. rachel: what's going on over here. >> come on over. we have marlin, executive director of the best friends an animal society. we're here to talk about pets and the eclipse. >> it could be a big day for dogs or any kind of pets. tell us what to do to keep them calm. >> we want to be mindful of our pets and understand due to the sudden change in light there's a possibility your dog could become confused, disoriented. to avoid take that, maybe keep them inside, make sure they don't have exposure to the solar eclipse and people will be having festivities inside, outside, if you're going to have festivities inside put up a baby gate so your dog can't slip out or put them they the side room so they can't escape. if you're outside, avoid loud
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noises, overcrowding, keep your dog on a leash, close to you. if your pet has a high crow micro --microchip, keep it up-te and make sure the information is useful. >> i have a fenced in backyard and i want to see how my dog reacts. that's how i'm feeling. maggie -- >> by the way, ringo is up for adoption. >> he's up for you adoption at and he's in the new york location, 307 west rockway. rachel: when the earthquake happened my kids grabbed the dog which was good. >> my dogs went you crazy for o minutes with it. >> the july thing, the fireworks, i know about that, dogs run off and a never come home. i don't know if the solar eclipse will be that way. i'll find out tomorrow. >> if there's a lot of loud noises, potential for them to get scared. >>, ringo --
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rachel: that's a good looking dog. >> by the way, check out our special eclipse coverage tomorrow on fox news and fox weather. thank you very much. >> we have more "fox & friends" just moments away. ♪ don't let the sun go down on me. me. ♪ although i search myself, it's e i see. ♪ t ota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at
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♪ 'cuz you make me feel like i've been locked out of heaven ♪ pete: i think i got that one. will: i need to have it -- pete: i got it. will: is that -- pete: it's that middle building that gives it away. i got it. i'm saying philly. where you're going to be tonight, will. will: oh, your right. pete: that's what i'm saying. rachel: i'm sure i've been ther- >> wow. pete: i'm to telling you, i have
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traversed the nation, okay? i've seen skylines -- rick: and paid attention. that's the surprising -- pete: and paid attention. rachel: can i boar with row these shoes next time -- borrow? pete: my daughter gwen took over by chair and got beautiful high heels. what do you know about the eclipse? what's the eclipse? >> the moon crosses the sun. pete: there you go. boom, everything you need to know. will: skylines and eclipses in the hegseth household. ful. rachel: and they talk about the deficit at dinner, i love are it. pete: go to church, everybody. enjoy the eclipse. ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. welcome to "sunday morning futures. "i'd maria bartiromo. today, coming home to trump. this, the call from last night's record-breaking fund rai


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