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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  April 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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donald trump is increasingly talking about religion and triggered a media backlash. not since the founders haven't done this since the founding of
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the republic. jimmy carter did this. now that he infused his rallies with this kind of talk. >> we lost religion in our country. we must make america pray again. >> many tend to pray as he winds up the events. >> we are one movement, one people, and one glorious nation under god. >> now the new york times is questioning this approach. reporter michael bender. >> we see this loyalty from trump fans. trump turned the republican party in the church of trump. >> the church of trump and that criticism echoed across the landscape. >> when donald trump said i never did anything wrong no reason to be forgiven. oh, he's the second coming of christ.
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they idolize him and it's twisted. >> revering obama as as messiahs embraced. now a praying touch at a rally is dangerous. they feel it's tacky to promote the world of god. some also criticized him for selling bibles for $59.99. >> 80% of white evangelicals vote for trump. clearly, they don't care. he has said before the bible is his favorite book. >> what the journals are trying to figure out how evangelical voters can stay so loyal given his personal life. >> despite the criminal charges, divorces, and hush money payments. white evangelicals support the president in droves. >> that trump wasn't religious
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or church going. now trump is using his own brand to dupe proclaimed christian supporters that he is the messiah himself. >> are they being duped or he's fighting for what they believe in. i'm howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. joining us to analyze the coverage is mary katherine ham. also kevin why is the media acting shocked and appalled. >> how do you evaluate if it's gone too far they are
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overwhelmingly secular. they inflate all of christian observants with christian nationalist. they are worried about it and you should have concerns about the american christian vision solely. allowing for a multitude of religions and great purpose. it's takey to hawk bibles during holy week. i'm like is that because the gidians put them there? overplaying it he ends up appealing to it because he knows a political opening. if president biden made it about transvisiblety then i'll make it about easter. i know a lot of christians are reacting to that. only 10% of the public is christian nationalist if you are
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worried about that part. maybe deal with that and not the entire christian population. >> i'll quickly add, the transgender visibility day was always on march 31st. >> i'm talking about the emphasis. >> this guy still gets so much support from vast majority of evangelicals. >> tell me you don't know the bible without telling me you don't know the bible. they will give him a break and grace because they recognize even has fallen short. there is method to this madness. if you use this football reference. first quarter, tell them why you are running and make a difference, second quarter reach out to individual groups.
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democrats do this too. second quarter ga galvanizing support and they can get out and make it out. third quarter all hands on deck. i'm not surprised. >> it's clear trump is less of a church goer than our current president joe biden. some feel trump delivered on getting rid of roe v. wade and his stance on abortion is preferable to the president's pro-choice position. >> they cut a deal on it. he's an elmer type figure and open about it. we know that's what they get as part of the deal. they feel hostility from the other side. they don't feel like they have an option on that front. by the way, the press needs to be honest about how democrats operate. they are happy to go to a church being as charismatic as they
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come and that's for the right kind of way. worship in obama was very common. >> you say earlier the press is hostile to religion. >> many things, yes. >> is that a giant blind spot in terms of the coverage particularly donald trump saying america must pray again. >> they disregard democrats using the same type of rhetoric. we understand this is going on and don't allow it because they inflate it with christian nationalist. they would do a lot of good by having a few actual believers in their newsrooms. >> diversity is more. >> if i could add to that, they run into a black church every four years and sing we shall overcome and swaying and doing all of that then it's cool.
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if he leans into it. >> the current president doesn't shy from this talk. he repoeted a comment entitled the crucifixion of donald trump. >> this is the problem with that. you can use some language and get away with it. i might understand why he plays in the lane. the problem with it from my prospective, if you are a believer that might be too far. i'll say it is a bridge too far and shouldn't have done that. if i were on his team i would never let him do something like that. when you have someone that's a bull in a china shop you never know what you get. that's why independents have shied away from supporting him. with the i'm g economy where its they might vote for him. >> the only bible endorsement. >> if his supporters want to buy
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them, is it that much different than mugs or t-shirts. >> many people have devotional bibles. i'd suggest when it's trump get it somewhere else for cheaper, do that. it's not the end of the world. the word of god can have power in many ways. if it's in his hands crack that. >> even the new york times story. there is a religious devocation on left leaning cable networks and other organizes. acknowledging trouble doesn't make appeals. that was way down in the story. >> they know what they are doing. for this it's calling out hypocrisy. this is hypocritical but when others do it they cast a blind
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eye. i think, if you are the president it's good to do this in the second quarter, lean-in and get them energized. okay?ing on doors and getting ready for the fourth time this year. get it out-of-the-way. >> the climate activist and pro palestinianist groups are their prosecularist. >> people on the left seem to be anti-is ral. they say he's trying to turn this into a christian nation. is that a real concern? >> like i said, there is a real danger of overplaying it. many will complete it with all of christian observants. you are not assessing a threat
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but smearing a bunch of people that are regular christians. that's the part where donald trump notices. these people believe normal things that the constitution was from the rights of our creators. the left doesn't recognize that and i will. >> it's easy to pick on christians. they won't get out and make a lot of noise and protest and break glass. you can mar. around they have been the picked on group. the president picked up on that in 2016. he's continuing to play the hand early in the year and get them fired up. that's what is happening. >> yeah, also, donald trump is a friend of israel and he also thinks all jewish voters should vote republican or for him. when he says, as a clip we saw
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christians is under seize. is that exaggerated? are they worried about that? >> i think they do. it's plausible they are being persecuted. you see folks like this pro-life activist that gets the doj coming down hard on him in an armed raid and feels like they use a lot of energy to go after this group. people see that, that's a rational reaction. >> targeting catholics too. >> let me get a break. the coverage of the judge in the hush money trial hit donald trump with a tougher gag order. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪
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in donald trump's hush money trial. the former president criticized
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the daughter of the judge. they expanded the gag order to expand his family and those of the da. is that criticism warranted. >> trump is not allowed to say his daughter is a democrat consultant and clients are fundraising off his indictment. >> this is what sure looks like the conflict of interest that the judges daughter has. she's the president of authentic campaigns and that's a democratic consulting firm. >> that implies he can't say what he's feeling. this is about witnesses and jurors. >> put his behind in jail. that will shut him up. >> mary katherine. trump posted his bond. he has a history going after
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judges. which know the example. it's out of bound going after his daughter? >> he should keep his mouth shut and legally beneficial. the brag cases and nonsense and doesn't have to right to speak. he should have leeway. it seems like a conflict of interest she's working with these folks. there is a better way to communicate that and not through newt social. it does seem like he has a significant way to talk in the case without going after outside characters. >> what does he get out of doing this. he got one delay, it started next week. is there a strategy. >> the strategy if you are the former president is to win the public over, that's to say, make
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sure your supporters understand you are being persecutors. you talk about this idea they are coming after me and biproxy. i find it reach they are saying don't blame the judge because his daughter is in the group that supports democrats but niece are the same people that say justice thomas should be off the bench because of his wives affiliations and interest. >> sometimes relatives matter and sometimes they don't. many professionals can't control what their adults kids do for them. this is the mirror image. they see this as a partisan case by a democratic prosecutor. it involves hush money payments to stormy daniels and say it shouldn't be a felony case. >> i agree with that criticism.
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those running the cases. if you think that's the key to saving democracy from the figure. keep your nose clean, including the appearance of impropriety. not conflict of interest but appears to be. fani willis suffers the same issue. >> part of the process should be, being as ethical as possible and removing all appearances of issues. i'm not sure that the motivation. his mia detract tors of which there r a few zillion. paying him $145,000 to keep silent.
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>> yeah, he does, michael cohen is a convicted liar. you believe or disbelieve his testimony. i'm surprise he's having that conversation. >> if it's a violation it's a low campaign violation. not many piled on top of each other. that's a specific usage of the legal system to target this person that's fairly obvious if that's what happened. >> we haven't seen that before. >> this is the least important of the four criminal cases. it's the only one that will be completed before the election. is the personnel going to -- it will get a monster amount of
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coverage. will the press say this is serious stuff because we have payments. >> i think the nature of this case is what they will love. it's auto there all summer long and contrast that with this high, i'm the president. i have news for you. this summer, i'll make a prediction, a lot will happen at the convictions and so on. cases will pail in comparison. >> it's a sexy story but not necessarily an important story and could be over shadowed. >> he starts to talk about it and sentence to jail. up next, the american media getting tough on israel after a tragic air strike that killed jose andre's humanitarian aid workers in gaza.
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chef jose insists the air strikes that killed 7 of his aide workers that event chalazia apologized to were intentional. >> this wasn't an oops!, we dropped the bomb in the wrong place. 1.8 kilometers. they had signs on the roof. i know, we were targeted deliberately. no one stopped until everybody was dead. >> this lead to tough interviews with the israeli spokesman. >> whatever transpired it's israel's fault. >> tragedies do happen during war. they happen in kabul.
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>> i thought they would have been out saying, we are sorry. we are sorry. we are sorry. >> the women and children that don't have a choice. why is that in quotes? >> are they not innocent. >> we don't want to hurt innocent people. >> joining us from israel is trey. it's understandable that jose is heartbroken. does he have a point. they kept bombing the convoy because someone mistook a bag for a gun and thought it was hamas? >> yeah, good morning. the chef has a point when he talks about the killing of the workers inside gaza. the tragedy speaks to a larger issue in the israeli military. the hand is not always attached to the head. you have troops operating at
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will and targeting different areas along the strip including close to hue mill tarn convoys and where they told palestinian civilians to go. they have bombarded northern and southern gaza. this took place in the central part of the strip and israel deliberately targeted these vehicles. the question at hand is if they knew aide workers were inside of them. they said they didn't know. those on the ground, including the workers that have been there since the beginning of conflict said this wasn't a one off incident. close to 200 aide workers killed. >> i have not sign such aggressive questioning since hamas started the war. is there a growing sense of
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flustration and anger. >> absolutely, from the beginning of the conflict they operate with strikes an top level intelligence. the reality that's not true. there is an investigation ongoing to find more of the details of walk took place the investigation is extensive because they are foreigners. it would be extensive involving israeli troops. it's not extensive when it involves how they are valued during the conflict. we step back and look at the 6 month mark. they have two objectives. bring them home and destroy hamas. they announced they will pull all troops out of southern gaza leaving one inside the strip.
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they haven't achieved the objectives. >> of course president biden said we may condition u.s.a. in the future. some of the coverage said biden is abandoning israel. they are still backing the jewish state. >> yeah, absolutely. we saw a shift in tone. john cu kirby saying the aid to israel is conditioned on their actions on the ground. while, that's interesting to hear from washington, the reality behind the scenes is the americans are providing weapons, bombs, and fighter jets to the israelis understanding the war is just a small piece of a larger picture and real threat is coming from iran and their lower proxies. >> we appreciate your insights. stay safe. kaicaitlin clark becamethe bigg.
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is the press misrepresent senting with donald trump is saying about migrants. shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there.
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i didn't feel the need to go to the store for candy, or go through the drive-thru after work. i feel so much better these days, and i have golo to thank for that. donald trump doesn't shy away from insen rarery language but some say he went to far in describing illegal migrant. >> he doesn't try to hide the racism. >> trump using hateful language associated with nazi germany. >> they are animals. >> when he says they are animals and not humans. shouldn't people condemn that. >> i listened to the entire tape. he was talking about the person that murdered laken riley in georgia. if someone murders another human they deserve to be called
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animals. >> joining us from palm beach is carolyn lovett. >> do you believe they deliberately distorted what the president said? >> yes, absolutely they did. this is the mainstream media's game. they are accom accomplissate ins lies. the mainstream media runs with it as truth. if americans took 30 extra seconds to watch his full remarks in full context, they will realize he was talking about illegal immigrants that are murderers like the one -- >> we'll take that 30 seconds. i want people to see the full context of what donald trump actually said.
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>> thank you. >> the 22-year-old nursing student in georgia that was murdered by an illegal animal. democrats say don't call them animals, they are humans. >> this is not a close call. fox news clarified this. you can't rip out the context. in palm beach where you are. the trump campaign raised $50 million. that's twice as much as the obama/clinton fundraiser. let's take a listen. >> every night they are releasing tapes of a building falling down. they shouldn't release tapes like that. that's why they lose the p.r. war. israel is losing the p.r. war.
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>> that's not what the prime minister wants to hear. is it having an effect. >> their historic fundraiser. it's a historic fundraiser most ever. for a single fundraising event with biden and obama. our team is well equip and well funded. victory for donald trump. can we move to the question. >> yes, that's why the democrats are taking his words out of context. as for your question on is isra. president trump said he would like them to get rid of hamas so all israelis can live-in peace. president trump is a pacemaker. no one has done more for israel. several presidents promised to move to jerusalem. he also signed the according and
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brought peace deals with israels. he was the negotiator and president trump also had his neck on the foot of the iranian regime. joe biden, one month before the october 7th attack unfroze $6 billion, a week later, after the attack. gave $100 million to the strip. when president trump is back in the white house, iran will be broke again and bloodthirsty terrorist will be gunned down. >> donald trump said he believes there needs a compromise of 15 or 16 weeks. you had them uphold this in florida. will the former president take
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that as too hush. >> the former president will make a position later this week. i k encourage you to tune in. he's been very consistent on where he stands on the issue. he said the dobbs decision was correct. back to those closest that's in our state legislature. president trump has supported the three exceptions on the issue of life, and incest of the mother. >> i like to see the media ask questions of the democrats and where they stand. many democrats, in their party, support abortion up until the moment of birth. joe biden's budget stripped the long withstanding bipartisan hide amendment that would force taxpayers to fund abortions.
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these are positions most americans disagree with. president trump supports common sense measures. >> let me ask you about trump writing this about the judge in the hush money trial. if this partisan hack would like to put me in the clank for speaking the truth, i'll become a modern day nelson mandela. why is he comparing himself to mandela and not worried about going to jail. >> no, not at all. truth will provail. the democrats would like presidetrumpconfined to a courtt bragg is a district attorney that spent time persecuting real violent criminals on the streets of new york. they are exposing the truth. that's why you see them coming down. they want to silence him.
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it's a complete violation of his first amendment rights. >> i'm glad to have your response. thank you for joining us. >> after the break is coverage of the constant presidential polls more confusing than clarifying. pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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numbertions are constantly bouncing around. they are playing on bloomburg polls that show joe biden catching up. then headlines, shock poll biden up by 10. i'm getting whiplash. >> i know it's my profession. they make money on polling. they should stop. we have 7 monitors to go. only 5% undecided and matters in 7 states. all of the national polling doesn't have any impact whatsoever. so often the surveys have 3 to 400 people. even 7% but the polling isn't meant to gather headlines and needs to stop. >> if the election were tomorrow who would win? >> donald trump. >> no question?
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>> tremendous question. i'm watching the key votes. some surveys touch has a narrow lead and flustered and ignored and forgotten. >> is it covered trouble with suburb ban whim. >> it's not covered. african-american young men. i'm doing a focus group this week. i'm shocked with how many male african-americans are voting for donald trump or considering voting for donald trump. part is anti-biden and others are pro trump. >> some might stay at home. >> the other group is union members. he's close to the 50% mark. when you lose those three groups i don't know how you win the election, i don't know how biden comes back.
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>> the polls said trump held. it's likable. honest and trust worthy. obviously bad news for the president. what ice that really about? >> it's about his age and his age and the age. you can't spend that. donald trump has seen on legal challenges they have a tremendous impact if found guilty. that's a big if. joe biden won't get around the fact he's the oldest president ever. he shows it in communication and right now, if i'm donald trump's campaign the thing i'm focused on is a debate. you see the comparison between the two individual. i told you every single day. >> yes. >> let's get to the debates. >> i asked donald trump about that. i might have skipped the
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republican primaries. there has to be a debate when biden shows up in these polls. i see the analyst say more optimistic about the economy. they are anxious about the economy. >> analysis is contradictory. americans are angry about inflation. it's affordability. it's housing and healthcare. the american people think joe biden made that situation worst and 10 to 15 points donald trump can do a better job. the second biggest issue is immigration. they believe joe biden caused the problem and donald trump to a great degree fixed the problem. somewhere between a 15 to 20% margin. that's the case where more americans support bidens
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position. >> these polls show trump with the same lead with rfk in the race. >> this is a democracy and things actually more important than a cymbal election. the dnc is spending millions to keep rfk off the ballot is anti-democratic. it shows the name of the party is hypocritical, however rfk will hurt the democrats more than the republicans. i understand why they are doing it but doesn't make it right. >> i have time for one sentence. you see pessimistic that joe biden can come back in the election. >> i believe he can but dependent on a trump slip. you saw the $50 million fundraiser. trump is hitting on all
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cylinders. if he fails or does a bad speech that's how biden comes back. >> still to come. a totally scripted espn interview with joe biden and catlin clark produced the two most watched women's basketball games of all-time. 've got type 2 diabetes like me, you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack or worse death. even when meeting your a1c goal. discomfort can help you act. i'm not trying to scare you. i'm empowering you... to get real with your health care provider. talk to them about lowering your risk of stroke, heart attack or death.
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it was the most watched women's basketball game every, over 12 million vowers on espn. catlin clark hit a record 41 points. 9 three pointers. she wanted revenge against lsu after last years loss. >> it's not about last year. you worry about the past. it's about the present. >> joining us from nashville.
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the founder of a nationally syndicated radioshow. clark had an off night with 14 million viewers and getting a nail biting win. are these games transforming how we see women's basketball? >> it's a great question. i think it really comes down to is there another catlin clark in the winds that's going to captivate america. if they had lost and played a close game against west virginia. if they had lost the game there would be half, two-thirds of the audience not showing up. the question i have. remember rhonda, everybody cared about rhonda in the ufc. then she lost and suddenly the interest evaporated. is that's what is going on with women's basketball. we have an transcendent elite
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star is someone going to grow the sport after her. michael jordon, the most people to watch a basketball game was 1996. the game against the utah jazz. no one has come close to that number. there were other stars but none on the jordon level. how do you assess the future beyond caitlin clark. >> i think she phenomenal and steph curry with a ponytail. there was back and forth last year with angel reece who had this to say after the loss this week. >> i have been through so much and seen so much. i have been attacked so many times. death threats, i have been
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sexualized, threatened, so many things and i stood strong. >> some have come out and said it. she gets a tougher time because she's black. >> i don't buy that. anyone on the internet as out spoken as she is is treated like that. look at your comments. before he walked it back emmanuel on fs1 had a good take about angel reece. he said if you want to be the villain you can't cry when you lose. she was the villain and made millions off being the villain. no one wants to see theainos cry after he snapped his finger. if you want to be the bad guy you can't cry when you have a rough go. >> i know lsu coach kim didn't
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intentionally march her team off the court to avoid the national anthem. she said this is routine. this is the biggest game she ever coached. could it have occurred it seemed that way she was blowing off the national anthem. >> that's why they stood at the final four on friday. both of them will on sunday as well. >> okay. >> let me get -- >> sometimes they do that. >> former espn host told fox news her bosses orchestrated the whole thing. >> every single question was scripted, gone over, dozens of times by many executives. editors and executives. i was on script and told not to defeat. this is what you will ask and how to say it. no follow-ups. >> how do you tell a seasoned
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anchored no follow ups. >> it's a huge story. the other question i'd have did espn provide questions to joe biden in advanced. whether her story was true and also did they provide all of the questions they would ask joe biden in advance. espn declined comment on that. >> thank you for coming off the bench. that's this edition of mediabuzz. subscribe to my daily podcast. join the millions that are downloading. by the way, the coverage of the new york earthquake, nothing really happened. we'll be back next sunday.l hyd? see you then. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost.
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