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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 7, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> it is incredible. it's everything people say it isn't. it's an entirely different experience. anything you see in your whole life drove about 10 and a half hours to get here. going to drive another nine and half hours to see it and more
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unclear version. >> that man excitement is contagious for the eclipse mania is gripping the nation ahead of tomorrow's rare total solar eclipse. every 18 months or so, so more on planet earth the moon briefly blocks out the sun completely by this time is different the sun and moon are aligned for private viewing across a good chunk of the u.s. spirit hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville part hello eric. eric: hello everyone, thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn pretty got to wait until 2044 for the next one. this breathtaking event all starts tomorrow afternoon. here is what we can all expect. first a partial eclipse as the sun that resembles a crescent moon as you can see there. then what is known as a baileys and beads at several bright points around the moon's edge. after that the diamond ring effect. one bump of light on the edge as a final raise of son fade.
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totality completely disappears it will be at lake and nighttime in the middle of the day. that temperatures will drop briefly just as it does at night. moving northeast. was going to be a factor in the viewing but no matter what remember this, experts say you must have the special eclipse glasses to protect your eyes. whether or not it is cloudy do not look directly at the sun. don't do that. where might cloud to be an issue and w where could we expect? adam klotz in the weather center with the forecast we are getting ready. >> we are excited for a lot of folks are going to be looking up tomorrow afternoon. and will there be clouds in your way but this is april and one of the rainiest parts of the season for a whole lot of different places across the country. as a result we are tracking a couple weather systems. it only takes a slight break in
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the clouds. this is not ruining your chances entirely but just to let you know a couple of systems we are tracking a work could be on the cloudier side. by far the most most robust system is coming off the gulf of mexico overcast in houston for 10 to get to dallas it doesn't break up a little bit that direction. it's the best chance of seeing any real weather as far as severe weather goes. it's likely for severe storms is to on a scale of five these will come later in the day to impact the actual viewing. a lot of people when the path of totality there will be a chance for severe thunderstorms by get into the evening hours that could cause concern with all the folks there. continuing to run with the path a little further to the north by the time you get in the midwest we are look at the midwest higher level serious clouds which will be easier to see the eclipse threw up this did happen to get in your way. obviously there's a lot fewer. you continue to the north you run into more cloud cover
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particular over the great lakes from cleveland up to buffalo, syracuse also sponsors more cloud cover. you continue on and get into portions of new england, maine, high pressure's going to be dominating and this part of the country we are going to be looking at crystal clear skies. there are spots out there but again it only takes one a break in the clouds you can see it partakes only one cloud and otherwise clear area. so far pretty awe-inspiring tomorrow, thanks. arthel: right in the middle of the path of totality cleveland, ohio. "fox weather" correspondent max gordon is standing by it live. cleveland rocks, we know is it rocking today? >> it is rocking today. they are playing the rock music at the rock 'n' roll hall of fame. this is one of the many places holding events to commemorate this eclipse prove also got the eclipse glasses ready to go for tomorrow. the big question on so many people's minds, will it be cloudy here in cleveland on the
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time of the eclipse? especially during totality between 313 and three 17 local time here. now yesterday and the day before things were looking pretty dicey kind of bad. today the forecast models the latest ones have improved cloud coverage model for the cleveland area. things are looking better here but some people have alternate plans in place. we've a lot of people in town for the eclipse we talked to one guy from atlanta. he drove all the way up here and said he has a combination booked in >> as well just in case it's going to be cloudy tomorrow. take a listen. >> it is incredible it's everything people say it is. it's an entirely different experience. anything you've seen in your whole life. i want to experience it on obstructed as much as possible. i drove about two and half hours to get him going to drive another nine and half hours to see it more certain clear
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version. >> what's another nine and half hours, right? a massive event for the city of cleveland between 140 and 200,000 people are coming here specifically for the eclipse. to put things in perspective that's like three browns games going on simultaneously. hotel rooms are booked out or bury scarcity. airline tickets also very expensive coming on into cleveland. that is the case all over the country and that path of totality. there is also going to be at cleveland guardian baseball game going on tomorrow that t a home opener for the guardians this is going to be a big day for the city of cleveland. arthel: a big day no doubt. thank you very much. >> of the other top stories we are watching at this hour but it is really defense forces announcing a drawdown of troops from southern gaza. this on the day that marks
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exactly six months since the savage hamas terrorist attack against israel. protest over the hostages still being held by hamas in gaza. they are growing for diggs he tens of thousands rallying in tel aviv last night to demand their release. all of this comes as israel is on the high alert after i run is threatened retaliation after last monday's airstrike on tehran's compound and top officials in charge of hamas and hezbollah but they have not credit the attack that killed two top level iranian generals. live team coverage former secretary of state mike pompeo here with his analysis but lucas tomlinson signed by the white house with a reaction to this evolving story. let's begin in israel with trey yingst who is live in tel aviv. >> good afternoon. today marks six months since the october 7 the massacre and the start of the war between israel and hamas. today and i surprised can't announcement it is pulling all
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troops out of southern gaza. they have just one brigade left in the strip the does continue to watch anywhere. it's an opportunity to give combat forces a rest to prepare first future operations negotiators are in cairo egypt trying to hammer out the details of a cease-fire agreement that could break more of the hostages home. one of the women released as part of the novembers cease-fire agreement is speaking out about the conditions hostages face in a new interview with fox news. cooks harsh hygiene conditions almost no running water in the sink. the sand in the tunnels, sand in our mouth. lack of air in the tunnel and heavy shelling. >> the pressure is growing on the government of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to cut a deal weekly demonstrations are also calling for new elections here in israel. netanyahu is resistant to new elections and said this would threaten israel security and war
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efforts. remain on high alert could be attacked for my ron or its proxies violently strike last week that killed two iranian generals. support trey yingst live in tel aviv, thank you. >> white house officials continue to defend president biden's a policy shift towards our key ally, israel which took a decisive turn the drone strike that killed seven world central kitchen aid workers and gaza lucas tomlinson life at the white house with the very latest. >> president biden appears he got what he wants with after the phone call with benjamin netanyahu is really forces announcing their pulling out of southern gaza but earlier jon kirby offered the following explanation for it. >> about rest and refit for these troops that a bit on the ground for four months and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of some coming new
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operation for these trips have been on the ground for four months. the word we are getting is they're tired the need to be refit. >> "fox news sunday" sedrick chris kuhn offered a different explanation. >> i presume that the tactical decision by the idf and it is to relate leadership in the face of a threat of a real attack from the north from hezbollah or direct attack from iran. it's important for all of us to support israel to be clear we continue to defend israel against iran or any of its proxies in the region. >> on friday at senator coons told neil he favored conditioning or cutting aid if changes were not made on the battlefield. >> if prime minister netanyahu and the idf went a head with a full-scale attack with a ground attack and an air attack on their f going ongoing efforts. without giving any provision for relocating the million civilians who have fled to roff i would be
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open to some conditions on aid. >> over 100 hostages remain and hamas captivity today inside gaza six months into the war many democratic lawmakers including for house speaker including policy of written president biden said they want to withhold weapons transfers unless changes were made. >> lucas tomlinson at the white house thank you. eric: never again. didn't happen again six months ago to this day the terrace of hamas wants her savage assault against israel it will happen again if hamas is not destroyed. mike pompeo former secretary of state director of the cia fox news contributor joins us now. mr. secretary good to see her. >> great to be with you, thank you. when you make of the israelis withdrawing from southern gaza? does this retreat what jon kirby
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says it is rest and refit or is it because of pressure from the democrats and president biden? >> i do not know the answer to that. do not know i'd israeli leadership made this decision. they will have a reason. but i can assure everyone watching this, this is not over pay what happened on october 7 wasn't seed brutal and barbaric and as you described it evil. hamas and the infrastructure surrounding it have to be entirely decimated to prevent this from happening again. the hamas leaders are still running around in the tunnels for their promise to do october 7 after october 7 after october 7. tactical decisions about troop deployment over the israeli government to make. i regret the biden administration is speaking out of both sides of their mouth for they say they are supporting israel, all of the pressure they are applying today talking about weapons and conditional is a shame. all of these things send up to fight this in a way that's more decent and protect civilians more. that is putting pressure on the israelis and not on hamas. that reduces a chance please
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hostages will ever come home for the fact president biden refuses to talk about, they are still americans being held by ron, by hamas. it's indecent the policy the biden administration has developed has become so unhinged with secr secretary blinken talk about moral equivalence it is incomprehensible. >> secretary you have the letter for the democrats. there should be immediate ending the attack on the aid workers. what does that do to israel? at their end it in our support ends as some of the democrats so make it much more difficult for israel to prosecute. set only necessary if a deep dep interest in the destruction of hamas. we should not think for a second
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the iranian regime that straining them, funding them, given the capacity is try to kill americans even as we sit here. to say we're going to cut up weapons and systems are israel is dangerous not only for israel but the arab states the united states as well pray pray america will not make that tragic decision. i think nancy pelosi and somebody democrats are playing. domestic politics on this. our support for israel should be unequivocal. they will fight the war this right way. these tragedies that happen in wartime are devastating and heartbreaking to see. we should not forget the biden administration killed 10 innocents as they tried to get after the folks who killed the americans in afghanistan. the biden ministry should never apologize or is accepted responsibility as the israelis have. we have to continue to make sure we understand. this is evil. we are good. israel is good we need to make sure that certainty iran who was on which side. who the white hats are is very clear in u.s. policy. eric: do you think those calls
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help hamas? does he get the propaganda victory to the islamic radical terrace? here's a prime minister netanyahu talking with the international community and that very topic. >> israel is prepared it is not prepared to surrender. instead of the international pressure being directed at israel which is only causing hamas to harden its positions, the pressure of the international community needs to be directed to hamas. eric: do think there has been a sense of reaching out to hamas by smart and semi- talk about the moral equivalence they give hamas the break. and not israel. >> one 100% for it every time president biden talks up putting pressure on israel, every time he castigates the israeli government. every time the international community felt like that you and but at the statement yesterday that was mind-boggling and naïve. anti- somatic at its core. every time it happens these
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leaders are encouraged the radiant regime is encouraged but every time the united states said please stop. if the houthis will stop we will de- designate you as terrace. everyone reverberates outside the decision-making process for this world's largest state sponsor of iran. >> right now bracing for potential iranian attack. you know firsthand the evil of that regime assassinations, using their diplomatic corps to kill opponents and other people. of course you got the bombing of the embassy and whiteness aris, the embassy what about that? what you >> for my ron and what does the u.s. do concerning that? because i don't know what tactical decision they made. clearly there is intelligence indicated there's going to be a strike. we should not forget since october 7 there has been over 100 attacks on american interests. forget is really for a moment.
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this is not new to think the are going to take a strike. through hezbollah, through the houthis and hamas as well has been active in the region since october 7. i will expect that will continue until the united states and poses a real cost on the regime. eric: former secretary of state mike pompeo knows first-hand the issue with iran the threat posed to international peace and security as well as ally israel. mr. secretary, thank you. >> ththank you have a great day. arthel: new video shot by our cameras in new mexico it shows migrants sidestepping an unfinished portion of the border wall for that video and reaction former border patrol chief ron vitello coming up next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health.
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sleep or take a look at this new exclusive video shot by our fox team this week and in new mexico. look at that. hot spot there migrants apparently have been coming over the border through holes in the fence. and where the fence is not there. migrants of the video seemed sen bypass the border wall completely and illegally crossing into our country. it's happening and sutherland park, new mexico the corner of that state were matt finn is
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standing by with the very latest. matt, how bad is it? >> over the past couple of days this area has been swarming with illegal human smuggling our cameras have caught scouts or coyotes who were monitoring us. keeping their eye on us. we see some of them smuggling small groups to -- 15 illegal migrants. some of these scouts didn't run away from us. the coyote some took off running others demand to their station kept their eye on us. some were also potentially intimidate us. border patrol agent tells me the border patrol has lost control of this mountain to human smugglers. we have clearly witnessed an illegal enterprise on this single mountain. coyotes are brazen but all this is happening steps away from the border wall. we are at the base in new mexico you can clearly see where the wall stops here and humans can pass right through this area.
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we saw a small group of men crossed through here one of them took off running. >> the video of those two men who breezed right around our border wall in sutherland park, new mexico. one presumably a scout went up on the hill and another man took off running into the desert. we did see border patrol chased down and apprehend to migrants in dark clothing who were running around the base of this mountain trying to evade law enforcement and a short while ago my producer and i saw yet another at least one if not two humans crossed around the wall going back into mexico. we s saw border patrol agent chasing them down. a lot of activity here in new mexico. eric: i w was in sondland park a few years ago you could put one leg in the u.s. and put the other leg in new mexico it is that open. do not do that i was told you can get arrested but there's parts for it is that open. >> that is right behind me.
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the wall you see behind me ends you can freely cross right through it we have just done that in the past 30 minutes or so. absolutely mexico is right there, humans are here they can cross. seaport matt and sundland park thank you. arthel: joining us right now former acting ice director ron vitiello. first if i could get your reit action to the video and match fence report. >> is going to have you don't have a wall the favor goes to the cartels, the smokers and smugglers andthat would be illel immigrants. you have to have the base of operation have to have an operational advantage of personnel, technology and the infrastructure that protects the border and protects the agents who work on it. the bigger problem here we are going to talk about there's not enough agents deployed in the field to solve that problem. that is a physics problem that is a hands-on problem for there
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to many agents that are assigned to do what they call in the border patrol, processing. did with the humanitarian crisis with the volume of arrest they're making each and every day but lots of young people, lots of children. they are doing that necessary admission there's not enough of them deployed to stop the smuggling at the end of the line there. arthel: meanwhile 4000 view border encounters last month. how do u.s. deportation factor in? what is the administration now doing differently? >> i do not think they're doing a lot differently but may be helping in discrete work texas is mowing the ball forward as it relates to protecting the border and homeland security. they obviously could do more under the previous administration more operational control. more ability to deploy in the
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field. the numbers are way higher than they should be given the policies. we have a big problem we talk about deportation you have to close the loop. if people aren't scented by being released into the united states that is what drives the traffic into the pipeline for that's what we have been seeing for the last three plus years it's just getting worse. 4000 per month reduction is good. we could go a lot lower than that if we have the right policy in place. arthel: talk about that. you mentioned how successful the trump administration was with incentivizing mexico. what happened? how did that work? >> the president threatened to close the border and then he proposed a tariff regime if they did not help us that he would institute. 5% to 25% until they started engaging. they put 37000 other national guard troops on the southern border and the first time i have
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ever seen in 34 years they deployed, on our northern border to stop these larger groups from amassing and going across the border overwhelming the border patrol all at once. they were a great help with us along with agreeing to the migrant protection protocols which is immigration law which could be instituted again. they helped allow people to stay in mexico for the immigration hearings. we had asylum accords with the northern triangle companies in which they would be the safe third country for other migrants that were in the pipeline. all of that led to the most reduced activity of the southwest border in 45 years. that policy is still available if this president wanted to control the border and make this problem smaller he could reinstitute that. for whatever reason he refuses to do that and blames others. that is a problem you're having here. there is no accountability for what is going on at the leadership level and we are seeing it play out at the
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border. and in many cities across the country. arthel: meanwhile the report today is that there -- last month about 4000 fewer crossings. as we know spring is when those crossings ramp up. how can border patrol agents take advantage of the current slowdown? >> date will be able to deploy a little bit more in the patrol function thereby apprehending more people. but the numbers are still way too high. people are being encouraged to come into the united states in a number of ways. we are releasing as a secretary report a couple weeks ago 85% of all the encounters cbp gets we are losing because that is just encouraging more people from all over the world to come. arthel: anyway to stop but other than what you are saying to reinstate some of the former administration's policies? any other way? what should close the loop to where you put everybody in detention until they have their hearing with the judge are you send them back that is what
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needs to be done. this illegal migration does not have to be the way it is. they could reinstitute that policy or they could obtain sufficient detention resources to hold everybody coming across a line. those are the only two ways it has ever stop before there may be a third way we are not imagining right now but those policies work and they need to be reinstituted because we are all at risk. it's not people just coming for a better life we are seeing the crime and the mayhem being costed all of the cities around the country these people who have just arrived here. arthel: we will leave it right there former border patrol chief ron vitiello thank you very much. >> thank you. eric: a little over 24 hours until the rare total solar eclipse begins crossing our country ago from the southwest right up to the northeast. cap next when the top experts in the country on what we can expect. what will happen. and what you will see.
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eric: president by its expectedly reported to roll out a sweeping new student loan forgiveness plan tomorrow. wall street journal reporting he will unveil the details at a speech in wisconsin for that's the key battleground state. borrowers have been reaping for decades and those who have been experiencing financial hardship may be eligible under the plan. as predicted the new aid package can clear that for as many as 10 million americans. it's being done to help his presidential race and penalize those who have paid off their student loans. >> i am excited. of may be our first time seeing it. >> want to come and be a part of it. i want to watch it. arthel: it does not happen very often excitement is building for the awe-inspiring total eclipse of the sun billions across america plan to witness from
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texas, the south, two main in the northeast. everybody once in. let's bring an expert jason brown carnegie science center in pittsburgh. okay, the last eclipse in the u.s. took place several years ago. what happen again for another two decades. why is that? >> the eclipse requires a perfect alignment between three bodies that are moving differently. you've got the sun, you've got the moon, the total solar eclipse when the moon is perfectly aligned between the son of the earth. just not happen all that often. it's very coincidental. the moon is pretty small so i about 100 miles wide as it moves to the united states. your outside that what had her bow she might see some of it but not the totality you see within the band you have shown there. arthel: that is why everyone is driving to the band we have showing there.
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you were referred to this as a universal experience and an astronomical coincidence. why do you say this? >> everything has to line up just right. if the orbit of the moon landing with the orbit of the earth. at the same time they need to be the same size. the universe is not perfect. the earth is different distances from the sun for the moon is different distances from the earth. only when everything lines up just right does it come out just right. but when it does its amazing experience. everything changes. it's not just that it gets darker the light changes, the color changes the temperature changes it is something have you had the chance and miss that you're going to regret it. arthel: does the temperature ggetsubstantially colder? >> it is like being in the bright sun being and a shadow. as the sun is covered the temperature is going to drop as it gets dimmer the way our eyes
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perceive the light is going to shift. not just that it's going to get darker everything quilt field per bolt. it's a very unusual experience i think everyone will have its much much different than everyday life. >> did you say everything's going to feel purple did you say that? >> the light shifts as it goes from bright light where the reds are much more visible it's going to get dimmer and will shift to a different wave length of the perception is the sky is more lavender than the bright blue we are used to seeing. it's pretty crazy. it's a really crazy scene is going to be different. i love it. the total eclipse hasn't captured the country. does this put science at center stage what should we take away from science performance?
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>> the changing and endeavor something we've learned for a long time we know when totality is going to be those other things we are always learning at science excepting things will change we will learn more a knowledge base is always growing. science is a practice is not a set of facts. that doesn't fit with what i believe and now things are little different. we are trying to show people science is inspiring. it is exciting. it is fun and for people of all ages. it's not just for kids, it's not just for adults and people who know science it exists everywhere in the world that dictates our everyday lives and we need to embrace that. that is what i believe about science.
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arthel: i love it. final question for you it will will beclouds upstage the eclip? >> i hope that. you see behind us to have a bluebird sky today. they are predicting partly cloudy here. i do not know what they are predicting elsewhere. i would imagine places like texas where it is sunny all of the time they will have an incredible view. here in pittsburgh we are lucky to get it couple good days this time of year i'll take partly cloudy but i'll take partly sunny. i do not know what it's going to be. i've got my fingers crossed we will be able to see the sky. one last thing is do not look directly at the sun. be sure you are using the right glasses. or at the right viewers and your pets do not need to see this either up or they will not appreciate the value of the eclipse so keep them in situ. arthel: great advice, great advice will leave in therapy director carnegie site center jason brown thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much, it's great to be here. arthel: i enjoyed it.
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tune in for special fox news eclipse the coverage of the celestial spectacular tomorrow. definitely we are all over it. eric: everyone is waiting isn't it nice to see scientists who are excited? that is really great. how does the white house stay tough on hamas? up next senate armed services committee there he is on what the white house is doing wrong. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at my dry eye's made me a burning,
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eric: white house walking a tight rope with this foreign policy right now in the middle east. national security communication advisor tells fox news the administration is in his words forcefully pushing for hamas surrender. this also comes president biden is ramping up pressure on the government prime minister benjamin netanyahu a call with the prime minister last week the
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president said american policy would hinge on israel's response to the humanitarian concerns in gaza. some critics say the president's push to reel in israel only helps hamas. this as israel sent an upright surprising about-face enhancing overnight it is pulling troops out of southern gaza for now. republican senator markwayne mullin sits on the senate armed services committee. do you fear the idf withdrawal, that came as a surprise overnight that that is a reaction to the white house and to some and democrats who are calling for an end to the transfer of arms to israel? >> i've not spoken with idf. we have a pretty good relationship with them. i would say probably so. have the president of the united states putting pressure on them, which i don't think he should. you said this before no one told us what we should and should not do after 911 boo after the terrorist organization that attacked us we went wherever we thought they were at.
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hamas attacked israel they should have the right to do whatever they have to do to eliminate not to stop the threat to eliminate the threat so it does not happen again. and unfortunately biden has weighed in on it. has put pressure on israel we are a strong ally of them. a lot of the munitions through us that everyone wants to see the atrocities end. welcome they are not more calls for hamas cease-fire for them to surrender to but put the onus on hamas not jerusalem that is exactly right. hamas is a terrorist organization that is sponsored by ironic. but her could put a lot of pressure on hamas to lay down their arms and walk away.
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it's not on the idf. but the defense force is not on them they did not start this fight they did not start the fight on october 7. that was hamas. it is up to israel. up to the idf to eliminate the threat. the same we eliminated osama bin laden after 911. and it could help with that forgiving their financing or calling on hamas to walk away. not israel. >> date support hamas. the billionaire leaders of hamas are sitting there in their apartments and hotels and qatar. how come the arab states don't get together and say enough of this, we are not supporting you paid get out and stopped us and
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we build gaza and help the people of gaza. not by the terrorists of hamas. >> qatar while qatar lives in a dangerous neighborhood that are the best they can to play the piano as i would say meaning they are trying to appease all sides. asome point that falls away and at some point to eve got to pick sides. and in this case i believe they need to learn to stand with the united states if united sands was standing strong with israel then qatar would have more ability to push back on hamas. there is no way qatar could push back on hamas along with israel's pressure. that dynamic in the middle east is just not strong enough for qatar to be able to do that. but if the united states demanded for qatar to do that without question, qatar could stand on their own until hamas leaders to get out and turn them over or go to another country.
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but unfortunately we have a very weak president. and biden is trying to figure once again had to appease people rather than standing strong. what i mean by that as we know where the funding for hamas comes from but it comes from iran. if president biden and his administration was not trying to appease iran that we will be able to put a lot more pressure on hamas. with our strongest ally in the middle east which is israel. eric: here's jon kirby talking the white house had their putting pressure on hamas to give up i don't see hamas listening to the white house on them. here is jon kirby and what they are doing, just take a moment. >> what we will do is make sure they have the tools, the capabilities they need to defend themselves. we'll also do i doing the presit made this clear, his hold israel accountable for the way which they are conducting these operations. you can be a good friend of israel, as we aren't helping them defend themselves. at the same time, holding them to appropriate standard of
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accountability and effectiveness from a military perspective where they are protecting civilians. eric: will finally wish jon kirby in the white house say? >> he should be saying we should hold hamas accountable for the civilian shields they are using to fight their war. we should not be talking to a holding israel accountable hold hamas accountable the aid that's already going in the white housf congress without the support of us at all they have delivered eight in there to realize those aid packages are ending up on the street markets in egypt? that means they can smuggle stuff out of hamas they can smuggle stuff in parts of our eight is finding hamas. why aren't we holding hamas accountable? that conversation was so backwards instead of directing your comments to israel and the idf it all should'v should oncee terrorist organization and they should be mentioned out i run along the way. see for hamas was the perpetrator. >> what i say it should be holding hamas accountable and
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mention ironic because iran is sponsoring hamas thank you for catching that. eric: i wrote in hamas the threats. markwayne mullin thank you for joining us. we will have more news right after this. lp fuel today with bt high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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eric: sean diddy combs faces dubious allegations but a been a codefendant a new lawsuit filed thursday in los angeles by woman who claims his son sexually assaulted her on a yacht two years ago. christina coleman live in los angeles with more on the scandal surrounding p diddy. >> hi yes, the new lawsuit diddy's second son christian combs is accused of sexually assaulting a crewmember working on a super yacht that suit was filed right here in los angeles. attorneys representing former yacht stewardess and grace o markey said she was sexually assaulted aboard a yacht when she was 25 years old. in december of 2022 by diddy's ascent wrapper christian coma said. they say his dad least the yacht had full control of his staff on the premises. his lawyers say combs turned what was told as a wholesome family excursion into a hedonistic environment they stated quote defendant sean combs fostered and encourage an environment of debauchery. there was always a party
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atmosphere publicists expected sex workers laced alcohol violence and sheer disrespect of women and the yacht's crew. the lawsuit also contains photos of bru bruises that hurt lawyery it she suffered when christian combs violently grabbed her and attempted to force her to perform a act. thus include a transcript of an audio recording what should they say captured her being forced to suspect elite shots of laced shots of tequila a lawyer representing diddy and his son christian said in part we have not seen this woman's claim but i am sure we can expect the same kind of manufactured lies. diddy is named in the suit for liability. he was not accused of sexual assault and this court filing. l.a. miami homes were rated just last month as part of a federal sex a trafficking investigationa series of lawsuits have been filed accusing the music mobile at sexual misconduct. meanwhile diddy denies any wrongdoing and is not been charged with any crimes. eric: are accuracy and in los
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angeles thank you. arthel: we are back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. keep it right here for more news from washington. that is up next.ovid thanks for watching. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again.
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