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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  April 7, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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r your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ is tripling reporting its forf southern gaza today at mark's six months of the day since our barbaric evil hamas terrorist attack help launch this war. the provision has completed its
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mission and is now recuperating for what israel calls future operations. hello, welcome to a new hour of fox news led by merrick sean. hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i'm arthel neville put israel's withdrawal comes as pressured to reach a hostage deal grows from the white house and the israeli people. in tel aviv antigovernment protesters joint families of hamas hostages in the latest rally against prime minister netanyahu. they are demanding new elections now. expressing frustration that netanyahu had yet to free the more 130 people still in hamas captivity. meantime in washington today israel supporters rallied at the lincoln memorial for a march to free the hostages. eric: fox news team coverage for you at all this. cb cotton on those protest rick lucas thomas of the latest in the white house but first let's go to trade links to his live in tel aviv with the latest from
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there. >> good afternoon. today is the six month mark of the war partly sat down with one woman who was released from gaza as part of the november cease-fire deal. she talked about her horrific experience as a hostage. >> i am and for the past three years i believe. and on. my husband they shot them u up.blank arranged in the chest. there are two or three gunshot wounds i remember. i was lying on the floor quietly i remember with his legs folded line quietly. straight away there were five terrorists inside the safe rooms with weapons opening the closet there. telling us to get dressed. we were naked or in our pajamas they demanded that we dress up. >> what is going to your mind in that moment? >> terrible fear and shock. we got out in a line.
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the boys were going out and the young followed. before that one of the tereus saw his uniform shirt he opened it like that i remember his big green eyes he screamed at me in arabic. i do not understand what he is asking me. >> so, you are driven into gaza with your children. what are those first few hours and days like? >> it took us seven minutes to get to gaza in seven weeks to return. when we came back from gaza the unbearable ease of how it all happened was unbearable. when we arrived and reach the tunnel we were there for two days. that was the first time they cried during the whole kidnapping. there were really composed they also tried to talk to the kidnappers. maybe a little in english. they were very alike. they did not cry, they did not shout they really behaved in a way for.
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>> or the interactions with hamas like? when you're held in these locations? actually in an absurd way they guarded us, protected us. sometimes even with their bodies from the israeli airstrikes. we talked about this absurdity. we talked about these absurdity several times they made sure to point it out like we protect you from the air force attack. that is the word absurdity. >> hamas wanted to keep these hostages alive. they understood they are bargaining chips in a larger cease-fire deal. ultimately could lead to the release of palestinian prisoners. eric: a fascinating interview, our hearts are with the israeli people. wheat meanwhile understand there are reports there could be potential cease-fire? >> absolutely. today's mood by the israeli military to withdrawal nearly all of their troops minus one brigade from gaza is an
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indication the stocks are headed in the right direction. they have shifted in recent weeks from know-how to cairo. we understand at this hour they are ongoing there could be a temporary cease-fire to at least get all parties on the same page and move forward to a larger agreement. eric: trey, it never again and we will never forget, thank you. arthel: meanwhile top white house officials are defending president biden shifting stance on israel. six months ago he said his insult support was unwavering the president pushed hard for a change in strategy after last monday's idf drone strike killed the seven world's central kitchen aid workers delivering food and gaza. lucas tomlinson's live at the white house with the latest. >> arthel it appears president biden's threats worked in his phone called israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. since the phone call the idf has withdrawn its system southern gaza as we heard from trait one
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brigade remains further north earlier jon kirby explained the president's thinking. >> we have been increasingly frustrated. and again that was a message president delivered to prime minister netanyahu this past week but they've got to do more. they've got to make changes for the prime ministers for the sure thepresident he would do t. we have seen some announcements in the early hours that is welcome it got to see more if got to see it over time. >> on "fox news sunday" at senator chris coons offered a different explanation for why israeli forces have pulled out from southern gaza. >> but i presume this is a tactical decision by the idf and israeli leadership in the face of a threat of a real attack from the north, from hezbollah or a direct attack from iran. it is important for all of us who support israel to be clear that we will continue to defend israel against iran or any of its proxies in the region. >> former secretary of state mike pompeo appeared earlier was
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interviewed by eric. here he is. >> a buy demonstration is speaking out of both sides of their mouth. they say they are supporting israel all the pressure they are applying today, talking about weapons and conditional's station in all of these things and say you have to fight this in a way that's more decent and protects the civilians more. that is putting pressure on the israelis and not on hamas. that reduces the chance these hostages will ever come home. >> six months into this war 100 hostages remain in captivity inside gaza including some americans for tomorrow here at the white house national security adviser jake sullivan will meet with some of the families. arthel: released the hostages. lucas tomlinson, thank you. eric: six months into the war on hamas the protests continue in a college campus is here at home. unfortunately so to the allegations of anti-semitism. jewish students reportedly fearing for their safety during one rally in new jersey that it
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records university cb cotton liglive in new york city with me on that. >> hi eric. according to jewish students who spoke with fox israel the campus has been feeling more and more divided ever since the student led government body asked undergraduates to take a vote on whether the university should sever ties with tel aviv university and divest from anything connected to israel. shortly after the universities and president of records, jonathan holloway wade in said he would allow the boat to take place but he made it really clear the university's relationship with israel would continue to pray try to share more about his position during a town hall meeting on campus pro- palestinian students had this message. watch it. [background noises] after that jewish students who were there until fox israel they were escorted out through a back door by police as pro-
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palestinian demonstrators began shouting this. we want 48. records university acknowledge the disruption to fox news but did not say too much adding in part quote the rutgers university student assembly leaders ended the meeting president holloway with his driver who is eight records university police officer and the other attendees left that meeting without incident." the lawyer of a jewish student at rutgers says his client was targeted and intimidated leading up to the town hall meeting. he says a criminal investigation is underway into how his client was treated while they continue to evaluate their legal options. >> alright thanks so much. arthel: onto the other news recovering as the countdown is on. less than 24 hours now until our
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first total solar eclipse in seven years and the last one for 20 years but, encroaching cloud cover might just spoil the fun for millions looking to experience this rare celestial event. we've got you covered fox weather meteorologists at a closet standing by with the all-important forecast. first of fox weather correspondent brandy campbell is live in rochester, new york which is in the path of totality. so brandy, how are things looking for tomorrow? >> arthel i think everyone will be waiting to see just how weather cooperates with cloud coverage but right now we are coming to life in front of high false beautiful scenery. as you can tell these guys right now are clear. no clouds in sight but unfortunately our "fox weather" forecast center is expecting it to beat mostly cloudy. threatening but we could see come monday afternoon. people i've spoken to around town are telling me they are concerned to see how it's going
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to turn out tomorrow and if they will be able to see totality. we do know what you will see the darkness and feel the temperatures drop in this area. regardless it is going to be a party we know there's over 50 event schedule just here in rochester. they are going to have a view party here they are selling a special beer called jenny celestial. just buy meat far down they have the r red wings there stadium they'll be hosting solar palouse of so people can go there. a party and also watch it. i did speak to the mayor of rochester about the city attracting potentially three -- 500,000 people. meanwhile clouds can spoil the show. take a listen. >> regardless of the cloud cover, which i am hoping will still dissipate, we are going to have great weather's going to be nice you are still going to be able to feel the experience of the eclipse regardless of the clouds are going to be in the sky that's what we're looking forward too. whatever happens we are still going to party. alright we are going to have fun
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out here. he also mentioned the city will be properly staffed with police and security. he also warned people coming into town as well as rogers should be on alert as traffic could be an issue. steve i guess it could be. i am down for the solar palouse i like that. the mayor is right this is going to be a great experience no matter what. all right brandy campbell thank you. eric: it will be no matter what the weather the answer to the big question, will the weather cooperate? is it looking cloudy or clear adam klotz a in the "fox weathe" center with that. so what do look forward to? >> whatever happens were going to party like that the and there's going to be some storms across the country just sent absolutely everywhere it is april this is typically the rainiest month of the year for a whole lot of these areas especially in the middle of the country. as a result there a couple of systems we are tracking the largest most robust of the systems is down across the south. this is historically read to the best chance of sunshine.
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it's probably where you are seeing the least chance of sunshine but overcast and he was soon to get dallas may be quite not as dense a cloud cover there could be severe thunderstorms and for the day is over. this is our storm threat everything in the red color is too on a scale of 5 feet maroon is three on a scale of five that means the risk for severe weather not during the totality of the totality is going to be at 1:40 p.m. across the dallas area for this will be much later than that but a lot of folks in this path. they would deal with potentially severe weather by the time to get later in the day continuing on a little further towards the north we see the cloud cover break up a little bit more. you are look at a lower risk of seeing clouds across areas from sousouthern illinois, up into indiana. even to portions initially of ohio before you do run back into additional cloud cover as you were going to be looking at fairly cloudy conditions right along something great lakes from buffalo, cleveland back to syracuse. by the time you get to burlington to continue heading
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off to the north getting across main high pressure does take back over you were once again talked abtalk about mostly clear conditions in these areas. i will leave the times were much i begin seeing this in dallas at 1:40 p.m. up to indianapolis it 3:00 p.m. moving its way across new england, closer to 3:30 p.m. you only need a little break in the cloud cover and folks will still be able to enjoy the show. support will be out on the streets being aware but did not look directly we have been told of course, adam thank you. arthel: eric, former president trump raking in very big bucks last night as he looks to close theory big fundraising gap between himself and president biden. will have details on you thatyd coming urap next. (♪) we're here with chris counahan
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stable former president trump's campaign said he shattered president biden's fundraising record last night at an event not far from mr. trump samara lagos state in palm beach florida. the reported 50 million-dollar hall nearly doubles what president biden brought in and his new york city gala last month. madison scarpino live in palm beach with the latest on the shindig last night. >> last night fundraiser hedge fund billionaire was a much
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needed financial boost for the trump campaign. this was the first major fundraiser for trump and the rnc since he became the parties of presumptive presidential nominee. trump said his supporters are contributing to a cause that will restore our country. >> they are just wanting change. rich people want it, poor people want it. everyone wants change the country is really doing poorly we are in a laughing stock all over the world trade going to get that change very quickly. >> there were some big names and a lot of money last night's event. republicrepublican maga donors l tycoon harold hamm casino mogul steve wynn were on the guest list. high dollar donors paid anywhere from 200 to $800,000 to be at the fundraiser. is with the rnc chairman said on "sunday morning futures." >> we are going to spend every single dollar that we raise on
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two key critical core missions for the rnc which are getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. >> biden campaign slammed trump's high dollar donors strategy saying it is a way for trump to pay off his legal fees and do the bidding of his billionaire buddies. ibiden said this campaign is quote scranton versus palm beach and that real people are pitching in what they can. donations of the palm beach fundraiser will go toward trump's campaign the rnc state political parties and political action committee that does help pay his legal bills. trump campaign spokesperson says pack also covers other expenses as well. still, trump is behind his competition in terms of money. biden has a $192 million cash on hand compared to trump's $93 million on hand. last night really accelerated trump's new effort to get more money. he has trips to georgia,
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florida, pennsylvania plan for next week. meanwhile provided will be campaigning in madison, wisconsin and chicago. back to you. >> all right in palm beach thank you. arthel: for more on this let's bring a political commentator government consulted justin. organizers s state trump bested biden's a fundraiser last week by $24 million. bringing in 50.5 million at last night. what does this tell us? >> it tells us the primary is over for the gop nomination. donald trump will be the gop nominee. the general election fundraising aspect of the trump campaign has started. it shows donald trump is going to have enough money to beat joe biden. a lot of people forget that hilary clinton spent over $300 million more than donald trump did in 2016 and trump still beat hilary clinton. president trump does not need to raise more money than biden.
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he needs to raise enough money to be competitive in beat biden this fundraiser shows he will have the resources to do that. arthel: you expected from campaign donations to continue to flow? >> absolutely. now the primary is over, he's going to be the nominee of the party. this is just the beginning of what you are going to see a lot more fundraising and a lot more competitiveness with the abiding campaign in terms of fundraising. arthel: okay okay, just avoid having harwood to switch gears for second ohio congressman michael turner was on cnn state cnn'sstate of the using this mo. he was talking about marjorie taylor green push house speaker mike johnson from the position. let's listen in then we will talk about it. >> i don't think he is at any risk. i think what people are referring too as the chaos caucus those individuals were seeking attention for themselves and trying to stop all of the important work you covers are
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now seen as merely disruptive. >> representative marjorie taylor green said the speaker betrayed the confidence of the house gop conference by pushing through a bipartisan 1.2 trillion dollar federal funding budget to avoid a partial government shutdown. how does this in motion to vacate help the gop when back the majority? or a bigger majority? >> the purpose of the motion to vacate is to try to switch that leadership and take down speaker johnson. it does not appear there is much support for that. the republican caucus has already been through two very lengthy speakership races. the first when we all remember in january of 2023 to elect a speaker kevin mccarthy. and then we had a number of ballots after speaker mccarthy was removed to elect speaker johnson. i don't believe there's widespread or even a small amount of support within the republican caucus in congress
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for a third election. especially when we are months away from the general election campaign. i think i'll blot up members the republican caucus are focused on defeating joe biden in november and winning their own reelection campaign and keeping control of the house. the motion to vacate does not help accomplish any of that. arthel: can republicans from this brief standoff between green and the speaker into a teachable moment and ultimately a beneficial outcome? >> i think the motion to vacate if she makes it or if she has made at it the process will play itself out. my personal belief is that will not be successful a in the republicans can move on. arthel: that is what i mean by a teachable moment. whatever dissension there may be perhaps this could have a little more cohesion after this. >> it is possible. the caucus is a wide variety of views within the republican caucus and each member is free
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to do what they wish. except the consequences of victory or defeat. if it is unsuccessful i think that will put to rest any other potential motions to vacate between now and november. and maybe beyond november if republicans keep control of the house into 2025. arthel: okay justin thank you very much. >> thanks arthel. take care. eric: the texas authorities bolster their border with fencing and wire, razor wire migrants we are told have been shifting a bit west using an unfinished portion of the border wall and fence to get into our country. we will have a live report from mexico on how they are getting in. ♪ started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td,
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sarah shaw: my day job is as an author relations manager for a publisher. i'm in books, and i think about stories all the time. the st. jude story, it's a beautiful, beautiful story that you can't make up. fundraising and raising awareness for st. jude
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is not just helping kids in the united states, it's helping kids all over the world, and that's a huge deal. what i do really does make an impact. so i love what i do for st. jude, and i just know that i'm in the right place. when you need to prepare for unpredictable adventures... (gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat.] (scream) seat protector to save the seats. [honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at arthel: back to tomorrow's total solar eclipse this is a rare event is not necessarily a
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once-in-a-lifetime. in fact, among the millions of people traveling for the celestial spectacular is an english woman who plans to witness horace's seventh clips. she has been chasing them around the world for 25 years. stephanie bennett is live in london with more. >> hey arthel. the past few years covid and also the cost of all this trouble has gotten in the way but as you mentioned this will be her seventh total eclipse. she has also seen several partial clips. this time she is excited to see it with her family. >> it is a really good excuse to come to cool places for. >> doctor sarah has traveled almost 3500 miles from her home in birmingham england to toronto, canada to mark off her seventh time seeing a total eclipse. >> always said it is not an addiction but i think after seven it's an addiction. >> what started as a fascination for astronomy as a young child soon launched into over the moon
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obsession. >> i have been a clips chaser for every day of this trip. i have a different outlook clips shirt every day pick up the first time she saw total eclipse was in 1999 she traveled with her parents to france. it did not go as planned. >> it was clouded out and was completely thick clouds i was upset. it was a remarkable experience. but not totality at that point i said i've got to go see this today. that's where is born for because of the last 25 years she has visited southern africa, libya, china, arctic circle and wyoming. her favorite was zimbabwe and zambia. >> just up the river from me there's a group of hippos. the hippos started to walk out of the water. >> now she is adding toronto to the list sharing this experience with her partner andy and two children. >> if it is cloudy tomorrow,
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okay it won't be the best but hate we been to niagara falls. >> she is already planning the next trips to see the other solar eclipses that are coming up. she's got in 2026 hopefully spain the next year in 2027, egypt. arthel: love her spirits up. it is not an addiction i will call it a great appreciation, what he think about that? >> exactly, exactly. i saw the went will last october and vegas. you can never get sick of seeing something like this. it is magical. arthel: it really is a magical and fascinating. thank you. eric: that is is another eclipse tourist is our next guest some and st. louis traveled more than 100 miles with three of his friends to experience totality and southern illinois. siva paul joins us now. welcome. first about what gave you the idea to do this and why did you decide to make the trip?
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>> i feel like a rubik, this is only my second eclipse. [laughter] i have not been to seven like your previous guests. i just love astronomy. i love astronomy. so it is a fun thing to do. it is a fun thing to do. right now it doesn't look too good it is cloudy and rainy here. [laughter] eric: how did you decide to pick where you are in southern illinois of all the spots? what went into your thinking, your friends thinking? i was the longest totality in 2017. we decided to come back here because this is where the paths of the eclipse in 2017 and 20204 are crossing each other. so we spent the last three years preparing to come down here to
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the state park down here in illinois to watch the eclipse tomorrow. eric: for those of us who have never seen one or experience this it's pretty breathtaking amazingly awe-inspiring. it's like the world to stand still for a moment. walk us through what it is like. >> oh well, this is going to be about four times as long as the one in 2017. the one and 2017 was like a minute and 10 seconds but this will be four minutes and eight seconds long. so really looking forward to it. really looking forward t optimi. >> even if it's claudius look at the effect of it. you may not see the totality of the block. >> i won't see the corona but
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it's going to be dark. >> we are having fun anyway. eric: certainly something that's work at. did it take a lot to get your friends to come along? >> a yes. yes. i have my wife in a couple of friends with me and we are here in the state park having a good old time. and 20000 of my closest friends what's going on other people and nowobviously people are going te driving they are certainly thereby tonight, 20000 or so expected. >> yes. we have been told it isn't best to stay here in the state park tomorrow because trying to get out of here tomorrow is going to
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be crazy. we are staying another night. then to go back to st. louis for. >> that is a great idea. and finally to plan to travel like the previous guests from london? went to seven of these eclipses do you plan to hit anymore? >> i think i plan on going to the nasa website to watch the next eclipse. i cannot afford. [laughter] i think i will stay at home and drink the blood he mary and watch it on the internet. [laughter] that is the way to do it. drink a blood he mary and stay on the internet. that will be a blackout that is for sure. [laughter] siva paul and your friends, a great time tomorrow. enjoy it. it is just an amazing experience as you know and we all know. our best of luck thanks. have a great time and certainly hope the weather clears up for
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you a bit enjoy it. >> thank you very much. thank you very much. take care. >> and make it as spicy blood he mary. alright fox news a camera is capturing exclusive footage of illegal immigrants looking to exploit the border in new mexico. this after the migrant crisis forces texas to bolster its own border. matt tiffin is alive in summerlin park with more. >> right now are standing on mount kreis over the past couple of days there's been a flurry of illegal migrant activity right here. our cameras capturing some of the moments coyotes and scouts were keeping their eye on us. some did run away and try to keep their illegal groups away from us. a border patrol agent told me and my photographer he feels like border patrol has lost control of this mountain to human smugglers. we have clearly witnessed what appears to be an illegal enterprise on the single
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mountain in new mexico. they coyotes are brazen. border patrol tells us they will throw rocks trying to defend their migrant groups all of this happening steps away from national border wall. >> with the bass base and new mexico but you can clearly see where the wall stops and humans can pass right through this area. we saw a small group of men crossed through an took off running. video and new mexico. one of the men presumably the scout or the coyote went uphill. another man took off running into the desert. two migrants in dark clothing we caught on camera running away from the base of this mountain. trying to evade law enforcement. ultimately they were busted. this is all happening a few miles from el paso. right over it's a much different
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scene because texas governor greg abbott with a r razor wiren enhanced fencing. >> matt finn at the border in new mexico. thank you very much for that foe update. >> tax season ai we are told to steal tax refunds but we have details on how to prevent that straigstraightahead here on "fos e live." no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies.
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threeric: expert note hide trade jobs are fulfilled jens he is coming to the rescue. and heading for other options including trade school. mike emanuel has the details. >> a new trend in education as members of generation z are going back to traditional trade
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work. from fall 2022 until fall 2023 the number of students enrolled in vocational based community by colleges increased 16%. jessica va bernie finished her apprenticeship as a pipefitter last may says she hears complaints from peers. >> college is expensive i want to work with my hands and i want to learn something i can actually use. >> can start out of high school working at a mechanics shop and saw opportunity. >> the overall industry of tradesmen work is lacking people. there's a high demand for people right now. a high demand of work. it's a big issue is the number of prominent universities such as yale, harvey mudd, boston university the university of miami are now costing more than $90000 per year. college advocates note there are cheaper options inside studies showing four-year degrees may
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lead to career contentment. >> they find workers that have that degree tend to be broadly more satisfied. one expert said those who work in trades m may max out their earnings early unless they become the boss. >> a trade school you're going to start a small business or something like that then you are putting some limits are probably under lifetime earnings per click concerns about the growth of ai and other expert suggests traded jobs are likely to last long term. >> trade schools offer more job security right now there's a lot of unknowns with artificial intelligence. you do not want to invest in your career with a degree program you don't know if you're going to have a job by the time you graduate. >> the white house says college should be affordable for those who want to attend but many of the nation's private colleges and universities, that is getting more out of reach. in washington mike emanuel fox news.
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arthel: speaking of artificial intelligence with a tax season coming to a close cyber criminals are using ai to steal taxpayer government refunds. let's bring in lexis-nexis special services ceo. he works within these cybersecurity companies risk solution department for the government. it's only a matter of time. how does this ai tax scam work? >> it is so simple. you take advantage of the stolen information that is on the dark web. you create a fake driver's license. you go to a tax office where they are providing or having you deal do a sulfate habit trusted referee and all of the sudden you have taken over someone's identity and you can file not only with the irs you can use the same information to file in over 40 states. before you know what you have
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given access to hundreds of thousands of dollars. arthel: how can you or your tax preparer detect if you have been scammed or if you are being scammed? and if you have been scammed what can you do about it? in some cases state-sponsored. they are highly organized. they have incredible technology. in fact i refer to it as cyber terrorists attacking the u.s. government and using that money ffor nefarious purposes. but there's a couple things you can do as a tax filer. the first thing you should do is a file early. be the first one to file the second thing is don't get a refund make sure you owe the irs money. second, if you get a call from the internal revenue service, it
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is probably not the internal revenue service. it's likely one of these international criminals. they are using generative ai tool they are going to tell you that you owe a bunch of money. what you need to do at that point is hang up. it is a fake call. the irs is not going to call you over there going to send you a nice warm introductory letter at first. >> you said something interesting many things but one thing that struck me do not get the refund. basically change your withholding so you don't have a big payout come tax time is that what you are saying? >> as a taxpayer personally that is the smartest thing you can do because if you got yourself into a situation where you are expecting a tax refund and you need that money for your everyday living expenses you get caught up in one of these schemes that it is going to take you months if not years to get that money.
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that is the first thing you should do the other thing by the way sometimes you're going to get a letter you're not going to understand it. it's going to be from the internal revenue service and might be from a state you don't even live in. whatever you do do not ignore that letter. what it means in all likelihood itis these criminals have access to your information, have filed a return. you need to immediately contact your local police department. you need to let credit companies and no aqua facts, trans union and experience. you need to protect yourself. arthel: at that point is it too late to set up an irs account should you already have one? >> the challenge with the irs account right now is that in
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some cases not just the irs in some states. they are using this facial recognition technology which is very easily gamed by the generative ai tools that are out there. so you go ahead i have your image i have some video of you i picked up off the web. i have created a fake license and i've gone into the irs system or to a state system i have essentially become you and then i can overcome and use that information to file and do things on your behalf. arthel: wow. it seems pretty easy to get caught in the scam. not as easy to protect yourself but there is protection per think that's what you said yes or no i've got to go? is that the gist? >> that's w what is going to gea lot worse before it gets better. correcthank you very much for tt
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>> music mogul sean 'diddy' combs facing another batch of abuse allegations. his codefendant a lawsuit for a member of the yacht crew accuses his son sexually assaulting her
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two years ago. christina coleman live with the story and the details and los angeles. what is this about. >> in the new lawsuit, diddy's second son christian is accused of sexually assaulting member working on a super yacht this was filed in los angeles, attorneys representing former yacht stewardess sensed she was sexually assaulted on board a yacht when she was 25 years old in december 2022 by diddy's son christian combs, they say his dad sean combs leased the yacht and had full control of the staff in the premises, his lawyers say combs turned a wholesome family excursion into ejido mystic environment they stated that defendant sean combs fostered an encouraging environment of debauchery, there was always a party atmosphere with suspected sex's workers violence and sheer disrespect of women in the yacht crew, the lawsuit also contains photos of
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bruises that the lawyers say she suffered when christian combs violently grabbed her and attempted to force her to perform a sex act, her lawyers included a transcript of an audio recording which they say captures her being forced to consume suspected lace shots of tequila. a lawyer representing diddy and his son christian said in part we have not seen this woman's claim but i'm sure we can expect the same kind of manufactured lies, diddy is named in the liability but he was not accused of sexual assault in this court filing his l.a. in miami homes were rated last month as part of a federal sex trafficking investigation and lawsuits have been filed against the music mogul accusing above sexual misconduct. diddy denies any wrongdoing in the is not been charged with any crimes. >> thank you. >> that is it for as, stick around more news on "fox report with jon scott" is coming up at
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6:00 p.m. eastern. the eclipse is happening. we have you covered.mple what's up cheryl and chris, i see you all. thank you for watching everybody. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones.
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thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel.
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let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> i'm jimmy failla and this is fox news saturday night. topic. ♪
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