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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  April 7, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> i'm jimmy failla and this is fox news saturday night. topic. ♪
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's. >> hello from new york city, celebrating 66 birthday this weekend. plenty of jokes i could make but i'm going to hold my fire. [laughter] tonight show features some special guests along with these people. a fantastic legendary broadcaster in a baseball card store which makes sense because she's taken a lot of guys cards over the years. [laughter] say hello to karen fisher. democrats and republican husband but things my wife is hot a man puts the biden bipartisanship. she is a fan favorite on the show and also one of the top 20 women i've ever dated. jenny has made weights and she's back on the air. can you just confirm that i don't actually harass you about your weight next i make my sense do the dirty work.
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>> he does. >> i have to congratulate you on the wedding because it's not often you throw your life away. >> first on the terms are part. >> you did work on the biden campaign, is it true he didn't attend because you sent a save the date" and on tupperware? >> the reception was after hours in order sleep. >> saline 3:00 p.m. x forgive me but my audience needs one dimension joke or they start calling me a rhino, you know how it works, trying to be bipartisan and we do have fans of every political stripe on the show because it's already, we don't care who edward". if you do have a joke that offends you, e-mail me. [laughter] >> i hear you're going on tour this month? >> why did you say it like that? >> i was just there, it's great, it's a wonderful time.
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>> where are you going? >> tampa and miami. >> april 18 is miami. >> that is hot. have you ever been? >> no. >> it's a lot of handle cigar places which is great if you are me or monica lewinsky consequently. >> still a little in you. sitting a little close. i will hit you on tv. for the rest of the country getting ready for monday's total solar eclipse reporting to nasa rising up to mexico and taking journey to texas you think americans would be but 10 million times the portable travel experts one 30 different highways will experience something good luck with over 31 million people living in the
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path of totality. you realize how slammed quest areas are going to be? a great weekend to be a wizard, you know what i'm saying? it might be time to come out of retirement. >> i know what i'm doing. >> jenny, right don't pay itself. ohio paying 575,000 visitors this weekend so good luck getting a ci cracker barrel. [laughter] that is all i'm saying. arkansas is expecting one and a half million visitors monday alone. tourism reports that it hasn't seen that many one night stands since quinton was government. [laughter] >> so many people on the canadian side of niagara falls authorities declared a state of emergency. eclipses are big deal in canada because the only time they see something dark covering something like this when he celebrates following. don't judge me at home, he wanted, not me. total eclipse only expected to
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last for minutes. >> are you into the eclipse? >> i kind of them, it's pretty cool. >> you are fired up? family and friends, do you have a ritual? original but i do have classes. >> to wear for the eclipse or -- >> yes. [laughter] not because of -- >> you clearly don't intervene. [laughter] like now you care what i wear? but ship has sailed. 3:30 p.m. eastern approximately, what time can we expect a statement from the white house? >> i just right hopefully the president is fully briefed on what's going to happen and we don't go into world war iii or something like that. >> we need the president thousand.
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joe, you focus. some viewers may not know this but you post a wildly successful podcast with our great friend christina hutchinson since he wants to, it's been copied probably a billion times by the podcast just but i asked because my question is, does the eclipse bring people together? >> i think so because it's not political, just something we can all enjoy together. can i say corny? i just did. [laughter] >> can i ask if people are going to be painting? i don't know what the proper etiquette here, screw them anyway i'm telling you, switch seats. my favorite clips story so far by far the greatest thing about right, six prison inmates suing to go outside and watch the
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eclipse for religious purposes must escape fan i never heard. plaintiffs listed in the suit reportedly baptist, muslim, seventh-day adventist, two people who practice interview area and an atheist. how is an atheist cooling for religious purposes? the convenience doing for ribeye, doesn't it contradict the claim? does this story sound like an escape plan? >> like everyone else is looking up, i think it's brilliant. >> these people taking a page from r kelly. [laughter] >> this is an expert, she's had a lot of men escape her. no, i love you. think of a movie like shawshank redemption, if that movie was
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made today, they would take is helping on the beach and get tagged and go to jail. the saddest escape movie ever like we did it and that's it, they would go to jail. anyway, if you deliver in the northeast, nasa, dial in here, it's not jimmy failer research. most of my research is on websites we can't name. [laughter] just make sure we are on the same page but nasa says some of the best places to watch our new hampshire, maine and vermont. be careful and vermont last time i was there, i cropped stopped me for driving without a super. have you ever seen anything on the road and vermont not a subaru? i don't think you legally can but you haven't lived until you've been pulled up by a cop on a bus but under orders with bernie sanders. [laughter] my advice is to track our if you can't, scientist don't expect
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another total eclipse in the u.s. until 2044 which is right in the middle of president money boo-boos second term. i'm kidding because the way we are going, we are not making it to 2024. who's ready for comedy? ocular our best and brightest, financial plan, charles payne to off the meter. mental fitness to the test with jim or jim plus i put the pedal to the metal with the new york international auto show in tv and football star michael stringham debacle on the off-road truck, here's a previ preview. >> we will get the bronco show me how it's done. >> you need to know. i've had my fair share they are not usually for their usually in the road so let's see how it's done legally local
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there you are. my next guest is a brilliant presence mind childhood lemonade stands publicly traded. [laughter] not only a wildly successful tv
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host but he is, i mean this, the only classic you should ever take financial advice from, a big no-no but foxbusiness is here, the crowd goes wild. it is time to go off the meter. this is what we need to know first, i'm obsessed with demand moments, betterment was bit by a radioactive spider that turned him into i want to be spider-man, what made you want to be the business mobile you are? >> already. [laughter] [laughter] >> it's starting. >> i've had no skills spider skills, not a great -- >> spider-man gets replaced by new spider-man like every two years. if you got roaches, they are sticking around. no toby mcguire wrote followed by tom holland roach. that's amazing.
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let me ask you, charles payne runs for president and winds. who plays the inauguration? >> we get a nice mix, earth wind and fire. >> you want a crowded dance floor, i respect that. >> is not going to criticize your wardrobe. [laughter] >> my, platform. [laughter] >> i will say willie nelson but i don't know if he's still performing. >> he is performing and if everybody is trying to take the edge off after the intensity of the inauguration, he's probably your guy. [laughter] >> you won't be nervous for the speech. [laughter] >> who one? [laughter] >> president trump said they
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faked the moon landing. this is crazy. [laughter] what is your favorite sports? >> my first touchdown. bob warner, kickoff, he grabbed it, iran but my father is in the military have time, daddy, daddy, did you see? why did you keep looking back? [laughter] >> you got business that. [laughter] >> i love that. your father was strict, you probably didn't do an enzyme celebration or did you? >> i scored a lot of touchdowns. >> i respect that. >> he didn't play that i owe you big because i'm sometimes making that defend my wardrobe choices on air.
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next time i'm in trouble, i'm calling you. [laughter] >> i was a jockey so i get it. [laughter] glue stick it was great. how is your karaoke? >> it's okay. used to be a nine. just starting to get a little failing as you get older. >> and we respect that. personal question, is stuart varney faking the accent? >> he's not and i'm a little jealous because i grew up with a speech impediment, i'm terrible with names, of course we live in a global world, smith jones and 15 syllables could mess him up but he said it so nice the people change their names.
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[laughter] >> you just run with it. >> is the one place in the world everybody watching is it? >> thirty-seven libraries around the world beginning with trinity libraries are not sure, it's hard to pinpoint. amazing wonderful places on this planet i think you should. >> the difference between your finances in mind -- [laughter] >> they've got a sweet spot in the bronx. [laughter] >> if i don't know -- you are the man. great charles payne, everybody. california turning mcdonald's happy meal into a sadness and unhealthiest cities in america, grab your burger and join us next. ♪
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mother: within about two weeks of being in the nicu we got the genetic testing panel back. he wasn't moving a lot. he was on a feeding tube for a long time. ( ♪ ) there's such a need for people with special medical needs and rare diseases and intellectual disabilities to get the support they need. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) mother: it was such a good feeling
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when you open your heart and join our caring group of supporters today. join now, and we'll send you this one-of-a-kind t-shirt with our heartfelt thanks. mother: anyone who's willing to donate must be a really wonderful, caring person. that they see that potential and want to help people. go online, call or scan now. because your support today can change a child's life forever. ( ♪ ) boom, there it is. welcome back to fox news saturday night. california has a new fast food and mom wage, workers will start at $20 an hour.
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good news, nobody's getting a raise. factors, restaurants will probably close and if it does stay open, we are paying more for our food. the panel is back, kevin falling and kareem should fisher, i want you to appreciate the fact that i have my wife on tonight because new yorkers, some of could be squatting in our house right now and neither of us could get back and when we get back home so if meyer the commitment to the program. thanks strippers to leave. if you are in tenth grade in your pants on tv, i want to know what's going on let's talk about this. i want to get into the analytics of minimum wage because we are trying to be keep people from changing the channel because they here all week during the show we know there's a young and again, pay market cost will go up for the people who shop at fast food because they are cheaper and places will close. that said, we all have a
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relationship to the story because we've had these types of jobs. what was your first entry level job? i worked at the carwash beyond babysitting i worked at a carwash back and washed cars? >> no, it was a self-serve they had to clean the parking lot and watch the quarter machine. >> you are the quarter machine girl? you've come a long way. to her credit, i disrespected you. you are not a quarter stripper, you are not. what was your big elitist entry-level? >> i went to the bookstore going up. >> and what did you do? >> i didn't burn any books, let's be clear. i sold them. [laughter] i didn't ban or burn anything. >> entry-level gig for you? >> victoria's secret -- thank
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you. >> amazing, a dry guy just wound. security. >> the beauty part, not the lingerie so they only happy self lipgloss, sorry guys. [laughter] >> is not why you are always on monterey instagram? >> yes, the moment passed me. [laughter] >> i almost couldn't carry over the cameraman's bracelet. [laughter] >> unbelievable stuff. >> was your first job? the mark i sold rare coins that were so rare the people who bought them never got them in the mail. [laughter] when i was in high school, i got a job selling rare coins, we were on the phone my thursday. the second day the woman was taking the perp walk out in handcuffs and meet my buddy who
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got me the job, i guess we are not getting paid, i do not. amazing so might first job lasted two days but a series of telemarketing jobs and i learned how to build a staircase, do you know that? yes staircase, you asked a series of questions and they will say yes so they get so used to saying yes when it's time to close, they can't say no. married 20 years. [laughter] >> the problem is, we met at a stand up set and i was like did you like the set? she was like no and i was like let's start over. [laughter] next topic, let me read this. these next folks know a thing or two about fast food. a study from small help, unhealthiest city in america is brownsville texas the top five, gulfport mississippi, laredo texas, georgia and louisiana, this office here for the time, not a long time so health and fitness underrated? we are actually married, this is
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weird. [laughter] >> kevin walling, a true swing voter in every sense of the wo word. were you the ones who got them the flamingo? anyway, stick with me. the question we have different definitions of health? i just mean when you hear these, they make the list there's a lot of green spaces, do you know what i mean? the connotation, but i don't think we all major health the same way. >> definitely not and i can totally see, i looked at the list, if i lived there versus a place that would have quinoa and kale, i would absolutely. >> the places living the
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lifestyle with three extra years of longevity, you don't want to hear. bottom line and we know this, if you have to choose between america and america, the better time is better had in america. you are liberal and that's fine but you are pottering, you probably want to party with marissa. >> i be eating macaroni with my hands. [laughter] >> victoria's secret. [laughter] >> that's a half page when you go from only fans to only food. [laughter] >> i love this so much. the one thing i come back to from a they talk about exercise and walking and everything for real. [laughter] >> this is what i come back to. i know a lot of people with bad
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habits who lived a long time because we are happy we know this person, you've heard that story, they smoked until they were 93 with no issue, they quit on their 94th birthday and died before their 95th. it's usually because your body gets used to doing things a certain way and you are supposed to change the routine, this is how i got fired as a life coach. [laughter] my second job as a nutritionist didn't quite work out. what is the one habit you would give up? people consider unhealthy. don't say me, jenny. that's awkward. [laughter] you like diet soda that's healthy. >> that's not healthy. it's terrible for you. >> you look great, i mean that, the timeline when i said i've never seen anybody skinning drinking a diet coke. it's funny, he drinks diet coke. that was before they had a real cold in the white house. therapist.
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what is the one habit you wouldn't want to get rid of? >> going on fox news as a democrat. [laughter] this gray hair, four or five years ago. >> is the one habit you wouldn't let get torn out of macaroni and cheese? >> i was going to be diet coke but it's fast food. i eat it like once a week. >> one thing that will slow it down, is 38.50 upper. figure every ten days. all right, can you tell the difference between a fitness slogan or jim morrison lyrics? jim or jim comey up. we take you to the limit at the new york international order shall. what is going on? [laughter] >> twenty-eight peak coming up. [laughter]
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>> is this proper etiquette? don't you dare. [laughter] how is this something? how is this a thing? but wa progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) oooo. trouble seeing, buddy? you should book an exam at america's best. america's best. they have one of the nation's largest groups of optometrists!
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have anything in common and you would be right. however, there's a ton of overlap in the language both corporate gyms and jim morrison use. something our stuff notice when shopping for personal trainers but decided to quit and pay in the desert instead. i want to read the panel online
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and they will tell me if it's a marketing phrase for people looking for a fresh start for people who think this is the e end. time to play gym or jim, the winner gets a free membership to the 27 club and reminder to the panel. [laughter] the coveted yellow jacket is on the line the winterfest game or whoever offers me the best. you're the most uniquely positioned on the panel to off offer, let's stay focused. we will start at the end. the line is drenched in vitali vitality, dripping in bloom. gym or jim? >> i'm going to say jim morris morrison. >> they want to date is a lot of or not i guess, i dunno, i'm not judging you. [laughter] >> wanted to. >> all that time put in for nothing. >> i studied and everything. [laughter] >> rig up. there is no one type, no one reason, no one way i think it's a gym like workout gym.
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>> you are correct, crunch fitness because they serve potato chips, right? >> deli jenny, all the people you seek will be free, new year's day promotion? >> i'm going to say jim morrison the mark you are correct. jenny bail on fire. [laughter] a free weekend. here we go. i'm to walk, time to run, time to end your arrows office on. >> this has to be jim morrison mcgregor sure? have you been on the websites? they are so absurd. >> when i be doing archery the gym gym? >> probably.
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[laughter] >> it's called cross [bleep]. but it is jim morrison. you're getting it back. kevin walling. fall off your moral high horse and see what you find at the bottom. >> i think that's like a fitness gym think. >> like a dominatrix for something -- >> like something we would go to together. [laughter] >> it feels like a liberal slogan so. [laughter] >> that's what it sounds like, dominating woke progressive. [laughter] you are a bad girl, kevin. it is. >> you have to read that because every one of them sounds like that like it's are making the band. [laughter] >> find your inner animal. are you ready for this one? let's ride.
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>> jim morrison. >> @not the sole cycle? it's the correct answer. sole cycle. i didn't give her a chance. a classy game here. thank you. how about you working the refs? [laughter] was that promise you made? like yours get in shape slogan or something else, people to make long-term promises to turn their lives around, i don't have an answer. i'm not really give you hints, she's trying to put it into a song. >> you said it so melodically, i'm going to go with gym but it could be anything. >> come on come on come on. >> i'm not familiar. [laughter] kevin walling here we go let's swim to the moon let's climb to
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the type. is this a personal trainer pupate and we'd? >> i think it's a fitness gym like the swearing stuff. >> this is not the fitness gym overcharging you for the level of pretension you are dealing with and if it's a fitness gym, your trainer is named jim morrison. [laughter] >> it's challenging. >> the recall, jenny. embrace the void, the madness, mass, new methods of destruct destruction, chaos. >> a fitness gym. >> is an equinox, jenny quinn's the yellow jacket for the second time in the history of this sh show. two times yellow jacket when to timer of her husband that's okay. there it goes, ladies and gentlemen. give it up for jenny. [applause]
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that's enough, covid. [laughter] world-famous new york water shall, right on chronicle obstacle course and talk cars with michael stringham. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. my psoriasis was all over. then psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. cosentyx helps real people find clear skin.
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check it out, a huge global event going on in new york city this week of course not all of you can make it to the big apple because you don't have the hands to buy off muggers. after my because i hit the town you know how to get subway platform. check it out. i went to the new york international order sure mike oj simpson, they began with bronco chicks. rock 'n' roll. the nice thing about new york is this wasn't put here five-point, it's a regular whole you would expect to encounter in our town. at the risk people watching this is just new york. we were going over giant hills, we are talking to actual new york giants. obviously your first car, what
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was michael stringham's first car back in the day? >> we will get back to mid minute because no offense but were not the prettiest liberty representing the auto show. >> we partnered with sydney sweeney. >> this is awkward because i have turned her down -- i'm kidding. stop it. continue. sydney sweeney. >> we created to celebrate 60th anniversary this year so i've got robins egg, fresh class, new wheels, new interior. starlight headliner, we did all the work you. >> it's so awesome you agree to let me drive this for the week. all sydney, thank you as well. you have to do this. >> we wanted to. >> when we work talking about famous people, who were checking out famous cars. >> this is the verbal addition. for those of you cleveland
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brown's stanislaus is a marketable is defaulted early february robert downey junior's dream car which i only say because i like to keep all or crowds, this one from the sequel to pass, to buy curious. this is from a little-known sequel called her become a little-known drug. this is why you don't see a lot of orbis and mafia movies, you don't have to body storage case. i am standing here next to purple rolls-royce. this is that vehicle that let atlanta churchgoers no preacher is dipping into the casket. this is what greg gutfeld calls a stretch limo. i'm standing next to the new york yankees mobile, check it out. don't make a new york exhibition because for some reason the car
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stopped running in october every year. you get to drive these? >> i've driven them quite a bit of pace. >> a fancy way to say he broke the sound barrier. lamborghini with a laser light show underneath. this is when you know your cocaine dealers overcharging. >> he almost don't recognize it, yelling at the passenger. >> every upset of my show. this car. >> that's like a baby take me back correct or. he's like baby, i'll buy you a mercedes. as a how it went down? >> a good sport. i love it. i think you would agree, this is the makeup car, he deserved to be made up.
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if i get you, give me for everything that shows up on clashed answers. you heard it here first. this is the taxi and limousine commission, the people who wrote me almost tickets when i was a cabdriver. excuse me. ♪ >> plenty of working around because fox makes me didn't 15000 steps a day so i fit into my sports jackets. >> you can play with puppies because they know if you are a woman who buys a subaru, we walked over to the kat exhibit next. >> the crowd will go wild if i hit this. >> here we are for the wind. get there. get there. >> the crowd goes wild. national anthem.
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take it away. >> we remember to catch up with michael stringham follow picking up a sweet ride at the auto sh show. >> what was your first car back in the day? >> i'm talking high school. >> nobody likes to show off, p pal. >> that went from zero to lonely and three seconds. [laughter] >> i had 87 chrysler and they didn't even give me one. it had heat. i had swag. that's what i'm saying. old-school color me that. the ladies are getting nuts right now. let's talk about.
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i just got sacrificed right hand, did you see that? last question, i don't think they have. i used to be a new york city cabdriver. do you think this can take my crown victoria? >> but i might in the race. [laughter] at least you are honest. >> i think we can all agree it's an award-winning day. >> thanks to everybody at the new york international auto sh show. michael stringham, you are the man. i think i'm still in the race. all of your burning questions will be asked next, ask a cabbie on the next corner. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice... i can make this work. that seems to be universal.
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country they tell you about the trouble like l.a. has the worst. chicago, the beltway and d.c. new york has the worst traffic. you know why? new york is the only city in tho world where bank robbers flee on foot because it is faster.'d n you've never turned on the news and see a high-speed bank get away it could not happen. run out of the bank like dude i got them a where are youk li question at the getaway driver was like i couldn't get a spot,g i amet so sorry i got towed. i'm over by the center on the west of the ho house bring all e .oney are going to need it you have never seen a high-speed bank getaway that is its funniest newscast ever. thank robert was caught just 3 feet outside the bank he rubbed his tract on a copop writing a turtle. [laughter] it is time for ask a w we tap into the wealth of wisdom i acquired a pi picking up writ, fighters which are one of the same with mike tysons is iamn the back. if you have ta questionys or wt
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some life advice from yoursy, trul ty use the # ask a cabbie can e-mail us at and saturday night fans at give us sulfate video question said it to us will put you on tv. like our guy michael right here. >> if you did not know how to get to where a pair wanted to go what was your go to navigationni aid?out yelling out the window does not count to request there's a man on a government watch lists is anyone else see that disguise? what book he does he owe money to? a probe tip foner every cabbie t home but we get passenger in the back you should always ask theme if they have a preferred route they want to go. the reason i say that is because in the eventnt you encounter hellacious traffic like you maku a left on 38th and a ninja fight breaks out, they cannot come at you. they chose the route. the two breasts you learn is the deferring to passenger go that route ever y day.
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he is getting slapped in the head. they beat it into your people t will freak out if yoheu get it e wrong i had a gun in the back of my cap when i first started driving you're talking 2008. i had a guy in the back of hise my head to lose his might and made a wrong turn 34th and ninth present u-uppercase-letter blue that turn i'm shocked you blew that turn.d i think shocked is important choice of words and 33 i speak english i'm driving a cab. clearly some of the first wrong turn i've taken in life.y th [laughter] anyway gus sent in a question.>h >> hey jimmy, got any pets? >> gus i love this question. i have a cat named daisy who is 19 years old and will not shut up. she always wants treats so keepn it meowing and meowing and dog meowing. i have a dog named bixby who is phenomenal is a big giant be beagle. his name is a bixby plan a quicy laugh i will tell pass. lincoln when he was about five years old said mommy, daddy went to get a dog and name them bixby and we are like why question we
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set us up any bixby on youtube so we watched the youtube videom that man lincoln was walkingan this fix to be spending my mones by this bixby calling me at work by the point as he was not saying bixby he was saying be. our dog is named bixby in theory but until lincoln was not 15 he didn't understand what iknt wash didn't understand what he was sacred we love the story but i have two penthouse pets unless janet found that magazine and the nightstand. during her your day as a cabbage ever pick up on airbox personalities with whom you now work? no. the way tonight's showrk when there's a good chance it could o happen in the future. [laughter] didn't used to have a fox show? smith asks a new political party. what should they be called and what animal should be as simple? no ma'am it should be called a keg of parting the symbol shoulh be a red solo cup.
3:00 pm
let's be honest about her drunk at teenagers in the backyard would be way better than anything we have in congress but anyway party is over thank youti for watching fox news saturday night. every saturday right here on fox news do not forget to follow us on social media f and saturday night. for more of me i'm coming to a city near you girlfriend praise everybody calm down ton to her t fox across you carican also listen to the ' show from 12 to 3:00 p.m. eastern fo very good night fromw york city.york i'll see you next saturday. you can be a republican, you can be a democrat, just don't be ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: we are following three major stories this evening. israel marks six months of war against the hamas terror group by removing troops from southern gaza. donald trump kicked off his spring fundraising


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