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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 8, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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to be some type of attack. he is saying -- he is ringing the alarm belsz. is he saying he has never seen this kind of threat in his fbi career. and with our wide open border, when you have dozens of peopople on the terrorist watch list coming across, i will remind everyone that san bernardino, that attack was from the terrorist watch list. pulse nightclub was from the terrorist watch list. and i think schumer is going to regret dismissing these charges. >> todd: if anybody should be sensitive to a terror attack it should be the senior senator from the state of new york. congressman michael waltz, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. "fox & friends" begins right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 6:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's monday, april 8th. and this is "fox & friends." hello darkness, our old friend. i will spare you the singing. we are hours away from that total solar eclipse and janice
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dean is live in the direct path of the incredible phenomenon. >> this happening today former president trump set to make a major announcement on the abortion issue. >> lawrence: the faa ashocking video this engine cover ripping apart on a southwest boeing jet. the latest ahead. >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better with friends and it will be us today. ♪ >> brian: earthquake on friday and eclipse today same old same old. i don't understand what is going on with this planet but i'm glad i'm on earth, especially today. >> ainsley: that was on friday. sitting at the kitchen table.
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cousins visiting and crashed pictures frame fell down. >> lawrence: i was on a plane, what was that. did they come in with the bags too heavy and then. >> brian: the plane was in the air. >> lawrence: it was on the ground. >> brian: you should say that. >> guy: totally felt it. >> lawrence: that's a good point. [laughter] >> brian: only place to be safe place is in the air. >> lawrence: what is happening. [laughter] >> ainsley: look who is here filling in for steve. did you feel it. >> guy: i was here. i felt it wasn't that big deal especially in new york where the eclipse very expected. we have been hyping this thing and it finally arrives today. >> brian: send great time to where the eclipse is. i didn't of it but i will take credit. >> ainsley: she is in arkansas at the little rock zoo. >> janice: good morning. this is a very exciting event.
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if you remember in 2017 i was in greenville, south carolina for the solar eclipse. that was amazing. in one from little rock, arkansas. the trip here was challenging. i'm so glad i am here. put it that way. they will be studying the reaction of animals when we have two minutes of darkness around 1:51 local time in little rock, arkansas. i have to tell you the weather has improved forever many of the cities if you look at the map and the cloud cover across the country. dallas, we're a little concerned with you. you could see the potential for some thunderstorms, but i think you will get the eclipse violation viewing in before the worst of the weather. still pay attention to what is happened. there you see the path of total tattle. just a few clouds here and there we will see overcast skies for parts of buffalo you saw that severe risk, large hail,
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damaging winds, tornadoes will be possible mailing sure people are enjoying the experience but paying attention to the weather. little rock arkansas wasn't looking good last ek but right now few wispy clouds. you have to be in the path of totality to see complete darkness. some parts of new york city you will get a partial eclipse. you have been getting warnings you have to where special eclipse sunglasses. little rock absolutely spectacular. we picked you the best place, all the ladies and the gentlemen here at the little rock zoo are cheering for that because it looks like it's going to be spectacular viewing here at the little rock zoo where we are going to see lions and tigers and bears, oh, yes.
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all morning long. so i hope you will stay with us for "fox & friends" for that eclipse conch. is everybody excited on the couch? i know brian is like meh but everybody else, yea. [laughter] >> ainsley: are you excited. >> brian: i'm moderately excited to be over with so we can get back our life as scheduled. looking forward to it see what happens. i'm glad you are there with the animals because the animals to know. >> ainsley: i'm curis to see how the animals will react. some schools are letting out early so we can pick up our kids or go to the park or wherever to watch this. we all have our janice. janice dean, do you have your glasses? >> janice: special glass. not sun glasses. can you hurt your eyes. take it from me. >> brian: we will get back to you. >> lawrence: tell the animals i say hello. >> brian: exactly. meanwhile, safety is the concern for many when it comes to viewing the eclipse. >> ainsley: experts are
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recommending that people do wear those eclipse glass. get them at local stores, libraries, science centers same day delivery or make your own, actually. >> lawrence: you can also make your own using for the solar eclipse projectedder using a serial box and aluminum foil. >> guy: travel is a concern. warns of high traffic flow before and after the eclipse. >> this huge influx of visitors, especially in some of the remote parts of our state, truly you need to expect extended traffic delays. so, pack your patience along with snacks and water and make sure you have a full tank of gas. >> expecting intense traffic on at least 30 interstates ahead of the big even >> brian: bring cheez-its. >> ainsley: bring a snack. >> brian: get the boxes with the variety pack. >> ainsley: isn't that a cute
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word a snack. a guy 105 years old he lives down in texas, and back when he was 45 years old he packed all the kids up, three kids' wive and station wagon in 1964. drove all the way to maine, more than 200 miles more than that to texas to maine, 1200, 1500 miles drove all the way to maine and cottrell the clipsz and he said i'm hooked. so he has done it every time there has been an eclipse. he is 105 years old. this will be his 13th total solar eclipse. >> guy: god bless him. >> brian: so close if we thought ahead, this would have been a great time to go. >> ainsley: i feel some sarcasm. >> brian: going to be great. >> lawrence: special conch on fox begins at 12:00 eastern time. >> ainsley: guy just had a baby so this is his first total
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eclipse. >> guy: i was going to be the cure mulling but that role is taken. >> brian: i'm all for the son. the sun. i like the moon. >> ainsley: okay. happening today, two major events for both presidential candidates in this year's election. starting with former president trump saying he will reveal his position on abortion this morning. >> lawrence: brooke singman has the latest on that brook brook presumptive g.o.p. nominee posting to truth social must follow their hearts and minds. remember like ronald reagan before me i and most other republicans believe for compensations for rape, incest and life of the mother. here is what former president last week when he was asked about his abortion policies. >> mr. president, do you support the six week abortion ban that the florida supreme court just upheld.
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[boos] >> statement next week on abortion. >> today's announcement comes after the former president suggested last month he was leaning toward supporting a national abortion ban around 15 weeks of peg nancy. this announcement sure to weigh heavy. trump will be moderate position on abortion would actually help republicans at the voting booth as we get closer to this november's presidential and congressional elections. guys? >> lawrence: thanks, brooks. >> brian: president has seen what has happened over the past two auto abortion cycles not being addressed by republicans. not a good and consistent message. see what he says today and indicated what he is doing on truth social. >> lawrence: i don't think the president has to prove his pro-life chops after what he was able to accolish with the supreme court. i think his core argument is about winning. if you lose an election, are you really winning the life issue? and republicans' argument was
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turn it over to the states. but when you look on the federal level we are losing races as a result of this one issue according to the polling. >> ainsley: he talked about compromising, having a heart for other people, but also we have to win. he said we have to win this election. so, curious to see what he is going to say. is he going to announce it this morning. he didn't say a time, right? >> guy: at love americans are sort of torn and moderate on this issue. the democrats are way out there on the radical left and republicans really, to your point, brian, need to figure out how to message better. they are actually closer to the mainstream in a lot of ways. >> brian: nine minutes after the hour. president biden is going to make headlines this week. is he going to wisconsin today where is he expected to announce new plans to cancel student debt for tens of millions of americans, despite what the supreme court ruled. guy guy all right. so what's next? madeleine rivera has more on that. good morning. >> good morning, guys. after the supreme court struck down the president's student loan forgiveness plan last year
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the biden administration began looking for other ways to provide debt relief. they believe this new plan stands up to legal challenges partly because it's a lot more targeted. here are some of the folks who could qualify. people who now owe more than they took out could see up to $20,000 in interest wiped out. the administration believes about 25 billion americans fall under this category. about 2 million borrowers who are eligible for loan forgiveness programs who have not applied could see their balances automatically forgiven, too. here is you what the education secretary had to say. >> if these plans are finalized as proposed. all together this administration will begin to cancel up to $20,000 in interest for millions of borrowers and full loan forgiveness for millions more this fall. >> so far the white house says it's canceled $146 billion in student debt for 4 million americans. this comes as college becomes even more expensive. take a look at tuition for four
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private universities in new england cost is almost six figures. out of cost for a lot of the americans. sue it now. they hope implement the new proposals in the fall. student debt is a big issue for young voters. the president faces some headwinds in wisconsin where is he making this announcement today. during the state's primary last week, about 48,000 democrats voted uninstructed to protest the president's handling of gaza. that's nearly twice his marginal of victory in 2020. guys, back to you. >> brian: thanks, madeleine. >> madeleine: you got it, of course. >> lawrence: i think at its core what did the supreme court say? roberts in his opinion said that the administration doesn't have the authority to waive or modify relevant statutes and regulations when it comes to emergencies to cancel debt. so the supreme court was clear. nancy pelosi was clear she advised the administration that as well as an audience of democrats that the president just can't do this. it looks like, brian, because
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election season, is he going to do whatever is necessary to win those young voters. >> brian: going statement by statement to do the best can he and brag about defying the supreme court. look, i'm going around it. they can't stop me. look what i'm doing for you. why is that? a myriad of reasons. one he made it a campaign promise. number the two "wall street journal" has a poll. only 50% of the voters under 30. and most of those under 30 have student loan debt. and if he -- look at where that is it was at 61% he walked away in 2020. he can't afford to lose 11% over the next generation. >> guy: if he does lose in court again he will blame the court, which is he comfortable doing politically obviously. i wonder on the fairness issue the left likes to talk about and the democrats what about the vast, vast amount of americans who don't owe student debt, who didn't go to college, who worked hard and paid it back. who didn't go to their dream school and made responsible decisions i think some of those voters will be thinking what about us? >> ainsley: do they get their money back for paying for
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college? >> guy: no, they don't. >> ainsley: what if you go in the military and willing to give your life in this country for free education? how do you explain it to them? how do you explain it to my dad worked some jobs to put us through school. he already paid our schools. and now is he going to have to pay for other people to go to college because they are going to use taxpayer dollars. >> brian: david axelrod speaking over the weekend, the democratic strategist who got obama elected twice and also worked with the governor, deval patrick over in massachusetts. he said this when it comes to student loan forgiveness when joe biden is bragging about the economy it pains him. listen. >> i wouldn't go out and there extoll the miracle of the biden economy. it's t. just drives me crazy when he does that. he needs to put himself on the side of working people in their economic fight here when you see
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70% of americans -- over 70% of americans saying we are heading down the wrong direction that they don't feel like the economy is great for them that you have vast majority of americans living paycheck to paycheck why are you still going on the campaign stop saying things are better for you. that's the frustration not w. not only axelrod but president obama who is calling the campaign every single day giving them step-by-step plans. as witnessed by axelrod you can give the president all the advice you want to, is he going to do what he wants to do. right now he feels like a win for him right now. >> guy: spike in the football when most americans aren't celebrating interesting choice as axelrod points out. >> ainsley: people are hurting go. to the grocery store and fill up your gas tank and then when you hear everything is fine everything is great. >> lawrence: so tone deaf.
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>> brian: job numbers over the weekend look strong. but when you go and takes the pulse of the people they don't feel that way and they want to say because people aren't -- the media isn't cooperating. i find that laughable. he has got nine channels and every newspaper cooperating with whatever he has to say. the thing is last summer i saw that he spent $40 million about using the term bidenomics and bragging about it. and it didn't move the needle at all. so i think he should back off that a little. you would think, naturally, that's one reason why donald trump is running on the economy. >> lawrence: well, brian, they are selectively only taking those numbers. they are not talking about the massive credit card debt that americans are experiencing right now. and not talking about the amount of debt that people got during the pandemic. so, you got people that were already in the hole and you are saying oh, they are back working. they got to pay money back. they are barely making it every single month. so, we will see what happens in the next elections when it comes to this. >> brian: he wants to toss right to ainsley i know it's close and
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a little awkward. does anybody want to toss to her. >> lawrence: is there a strategy to it. >> guy: can i do it? ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, guy. a houston bound southwest flight losing its engine cover while taking off from the denver international airport, the flight was immediately turned around for an emergency landing back too denver. southwest says pets jerusalem were another plane arrived three hours late. no injuries reported and a live report on this coming up. a massive container ship lost power near new york city bridge on friday night. it was crossing the new york harbor between staten island and new jersey. tug boats had to guide the ship to safety before it regained power and managed to anchor near the bridge. it comes nearly two weeks after a different cargo ship lost power and crashed into the breej in baltimore. six people were killed when that bridge chanced. new photos of rap mogul sean "diddy" combs shows him on his
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phone and having a drink outside of his house in miami. this comes two weeks after federal agents raided his house in los angeles and miami is part of a federal human trafficking probe. diddy has denied any wrongs doing in connection with to the investigation. now to basketball. the south carolina women's team taking down caitlin clark's iowa hawkeyes in yesterday's national championship game. south carolina's coach dawn staley praising caitlin clark on the other team after the final buzzer. >> obviously they are formidable opponent that took everything that we had to win the basketball game but just don't want to not utilize this opportunity to thank kaitlin for what she's done for women's basketball. >> ainsley: i thought that was nice of her. south carolina becoming just the fifth school ever to go undefeated in a steven and as for caitlin clark emotions were high as her magical career came to a close at the college level.
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>> to be proud of. there is going to be tears. there is sad this is all over and last time i'm going to put on an iowa jersey. just reflecting back and, you know, soaking in everything i was able to do. >> ainsley: clark is widely expected to be the first overall selection in next week's wnba draft. and those your headlines. >> brian: carrying the big show over the weekend. you were the sports guy. i felt like i was watching espn for a while. >> guy: thank you. i broke it down a little bit and i watched the whole game. >> brian: bench points? >> guy: thats what the difference and rebounding. deeper team in south carolina and bigger. >> lawrence: built a dynasty over there. >> brian: south carolina? >> lawrence: yes. >> ainsley: five new starters and won the national championship unbelievable. >> brian: starting to cover women's basketball in last job i remember when she was a player. >> ainsley: dawn was? >> brian: i was in kentucky. connecticut.packed with 22,000 .
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it was amazing. thought women's basketball is ready tyke off. launched wnba in rival league, something starts with an a but it collapsed. and they never got traction. maybe this will give it traction. >> guy: 14 million people watched the final 4. i can't wait to see the ratings from yesterday. massive interest. a lot of that is thanks to caitlin clark. you can't deny that. >> ainsley: a lot of moms are putting their children or dads, too, in front of the tv as a girl can you do this. >> brian: as a woman, girls have to watch women's sports. that's been the problem. girls and women aren't watching. >> lawrence: you want to hear something, brian? do you know the practice squad for south carolina all men? she drills them. >> brian: uconn does the same thing you play against guys. >> lawrence: speed of the play. when they go and face women on the court for game day, they are faster. >> brian: lawrence likes sports but he also loves country music. >> lawrence: this is true. that was great, brian.
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>> brian: only one i got. larynx lawrence the stars of country music were out last night in austin for the cmt music awarts. >> brian: i took my company amex and asked abby to cover it for "fox & friends." a abby, how did it go. >> i didn't have to use your amex. night was priceless. newcomers and country music he willends as fans voted on categories. some fans waiting 3 plus hours to get in. we caught up with. so stars ahead of the big show. take look. >> what's up "fox & friends"? >> hey "fox & friends" it's ashley cook here. >> hey "fox & friends." >> hey "fox & friends." >> watch out i'm chase rice and having fun in austin, texas tonight. >> was it more exciting being on "fox & friends" or congressman awards. >> this is tough. maybe easier because it's no so easier in the morning i look the afternoon shows.
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>> ainsley: what do you think about new york city? >> it's a little claustrophobic. >> you are playing stage coach what means more to you? >> i'm doing it for america all i got say is when you follow god you are all right. in good name. i like to say glory, hallelujah, god is good. >> how do you do it? >> oh, man, by god's grace. literally by god's grace, man it. might sound old and southern but that's truth. i try to keep floating and do right. i spent a lot of years not doing right that i have got a lot of making up to do. >> truth is i want the lord to just use me as a vessel and i want people to feel like they're not alone. i want them to feel like there is somebody else who has felt what they are feeling. >> what can fans expect out of your performance tonight? >> sparkly guitar ♪ i'm moving on ♪ give your house back. >> i just saw meghan, she suspect for the same one i believe. she gave me the bird and let me
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know that we are rivals tonight and i let her know that too. she is going down. >> and the winner is -- lawrence zirs. you are nominated and performing. which one are you more excited about? >> speaking into existence and accepting my award here in a couple of hours. that's what i'm worried about. >> first things first god is good,. >> i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the good lord, and he has given every one of us on earth a gift. it's up for us to figure out what it is. i'm glad this was my gift. >> i used to watch this award show every year on my couch with my family. it's clear to be here and to be nominated. a call thing. >> i havave dreamed like winnina cmt award for a long time. my very first cmt award. >> what is it about country music allows people to connect with one another? >> because it's so truthful. >> do you have a preshow ritual that reminds you all right we are in this together? >> 1, 2, 3.
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amazing. >> jordan davis here in austin, texas and now back to you all in new york. >> it's warren that's all for me in austin. i will catch you all this summer in new york city. >> abby: the red carpet was reminder what makes country music so great. the people, the atmosphere here in austin and overall energy. i said i didn't spend any money on corporate card but i did give it to warren to come back to new york and perform august 16th. can you get it back from him then. >> brian: very low cap on it. i'm not sure he can get a private jet from it. thank you so much, abby, that was austin. meanwhile straight ahead a so-called migrant influencer in jail. he talks. form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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and the arts as a child, which fostered my love for acting. the feeding america network of food banks helps millions of people put food on the table. when people are fed, futures are nourished. join the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possibilities for people to thrive. visit >> guy: looking at headlines now family and friends of israeli hostages gathering last night in tel aviv. they marked six months since hamas invaded israel killing at least 1200 and taking more than 200 hostage. back stateside major protest could be seen outside the new york building here in new york city. we will be speaking with the parents of one of the hostages being held by hamas later this morning. happening today, attorney general merrick garland facing a deadline to comply with house republicans' request to release audio recordings of that special counsel robert hur interview
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with president biden. the president reportedly, of course, suffered notable lapses in memory during that exchange. garland has until noon today to comply with the request or he could face contempt of congress charges. those are your headlines. let's check in with brian. >> brian: thanks so much, guy. moreno known as the migrant influencer that's how we know him take advantage of squatting rights in the u.s. >> i have thought about invading a house in the united states. i found out that there is a law that says that if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it. >> brian: he is right. now after being arrested by ice, he says is he a victim of persecution and he misses his freedom. georgiaorwell is the reporter who interviewed moreno in prison and joins us now. georgia, great job. how did you line this up? >> i just went online and booked
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a visit whim. a tele visit through the geauga county jail website. >> brian: he showed up. you speak spanish. what did you find out? >> so, at the beginning of the meeting he was refusing to answer any questions and saying that i would have to call his wife and his lawyer and set up an interview that way and that he was going to charge money for the interview. the "new york post" doesn't pay for interviews so i kept asking him questions and eventually he just started answering them i'm a good person a family man why am i in jail? i don't know it. why is any jail he knows is he an influencer. he knew exactly what he was doing when he held that phone up. he said he made about $500,000. >> he actually had 500,000 followers on his social media accounts. but, yeah, i think that was a
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question that a lot of people had about him. they suspected that he said these inflammatory comments because he knew that he would get a following and as an influencer that translated to money for him. it was interesting to to hear him say who is he in real life is very different than the character he plays in his videos. >> brian: right. here is one of the quotes from your column i came here to the united states because of persecution in my country. but, they are doing the same thing to me in the united states. persecuting me. we are becoming an oppressive country indead of a free country. i miss my freedom. is he from venezuela. >> um-huh. >> brian: overall impression was? >> that he doesn't regret what he does -- like what he did. i think that he is just making himself a victim of the entire situation. >> brian: right now, what is he looking at in terms of
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sentencing do we know. >> we don't know the exact charges he is facing. we just know they are not right now related to the videos although the "new york post" exclusively reported this week that actually they were eyeing -- adding gun charges on top of any immigration charges they were already looking at. >> brian: by the way his information was right about the squatting how to enter and what to say that's how vital it was. is he playing the system and he cites himself as just a responsible parent doing what everybody else is doing. >> he called himself humble, brian. >> brian: right. i don't see that at all in those videos. >> no. not at all. >> brian: in the end, you didn't pay but you got great information and fantastic column can you read it in the "new york post." thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> brian: hours away from the total solar eclipse. janice dean is in the path of totality as americans and turtles gear up to watch.
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>> guy: terrifying scene in the sky engine cover ripping apart on southwest airlines boeing 737 jet forcing an emergency landing. >> ainsley: imagine seeing that before you are about to take off. >> guy: no thank you. >> todd: the southwest flight headed to houston from denver when it lost it engine cover during takeoff. this, of course is a boeing 737. passengers and crew saw this large piece of metal ripping off one of the plane's engines before striking one of the wing flaps. that flight immediately turned around for emergency landing back in denver. southwest says passengers were transferred to another plane and arrived in houston three hours late. now, asked about the incident. boeing referrered us to this expost from airline pilot who says quote we are not too worried about safety. the cows are unliningly to do any damage that threatens to bring the airplane down. they might peel off and hit the tail but that's a rather remote
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possibility and still unlikely it would do life-threatening damage. that's boeing's statement to us. this is just the latest in a string of recent mishaps involving boeing planes and comes as the justice department launches a criminal probe into the aviation giant following that door plug that failed on islamic airlines flight back in january as for this southwest flight the reviewing the aircraft. the faa is investigating this incident check referring people to odd tweet that's odd choice. >> todd: i double-checked with the producer that didn't seem normal. biggest down to the smallest have some communications department issue a bland statement we read it because that's what we do in the statement. the fact they said one talk to southwest and here is extra background from random pilot on
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x is bee guiling, mind blowing to me. maybe boeing has been in overdrive. >> todd: million tell you billion dollars company they should have more than two people in their comms department. >> ainsley: what do you do if you look out your window and see that everybody is already buckled in but you need to get the pilot's attention don't take off. we are about to take off. thankfully everybody was okay. >> lawrence: send a tweet everything is okay because your life wasn't in danger even though you see parts of the plane falling off. >> todd: shows a tone deafness of people are scared every time we mention the word boeing when you say ah, you know, we probably weren't going to die. does that make any american, any american getting on a plane feel any sense of confidence? parts on the plain falling off is just bad. there is not good spin to that. >> todd: no problem. >> counting down the hours until
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the total solar eclipse sweeps over the nation. >> ainsley: looking at the map. it is going through new york in buffalo. got a chance to talk to folks who traveled all over the country hot springs national park in arkansas to catch a glimpse of the site. >> lawrence: janice dean joins us live from little rock zoo in arkansas. hey, j.d. >> janice: this is represent tar, an african spurred tortoise. 7 years old. loves to eat lettuce. can you hear him eating the lettuce? >> ainsley: yes. >> janice: is he so cute. one of the animals they will be watching during the total solar eclipse here at little rock zoo which i'm so excited to be seeing the ellipse from here. as you mentioned yesterday. went out to hot springs arkansas to take a look what they are up to at another viewing location. best known touring destinations
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of course the majority of the traffic seeing taking place here is here for tomorrow's event. >> total eclipse. >> when i retired in 2021, i told my husband this is the first thing i wanted to make sure we awrngd to do. >> excited and tiny bit nervous because it's my first time seeing it. >> we saw it in tennessee. it was so amazing my husband and i said the day it happened we said wherever it is next time we will go see it. >> my wife made me come so here we are. >> we knew that the total eclipse was going to be a big event for the state of arkansas. >> i'm hoping to get some interesting shots during the totality. >> we missed the one in 2017 that came through our town. the next one is in 2024 we are going to arkansas. >> we are seeing license plate tags from all across the nation. >> just outside of chattanooga. it's a little over 8 hour drive. >> nashville, tennessee. >> lubbock, texas. >> tallahassee. >> i'm from a little bit outside
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of town. we have never seen the place so busy before. >> the planning stages for the ellipse have been years in the making. i remember some of the first conversations that we had took place going on three, three and a half years ago. >> we knew we wanted to be here so we rented it three years ago. >> i booked it in may of last year year and a half ago. >> i know everyone did this years in advance we did this a month ago. >> many of the state parks are within totality. >> hopefully decent weather. >> hopefully it's not cloudy. >> yeah we are very nervous about thanks it was cloudy in nashville 30 minutes before the eclipse t the skies broke open d we were able to see it. really you never know if you are going to see it again or not. >> she is just 8 months old. her first trip her first national park and first eclipse all at the same time. >> janice: so fun. everyone is excited about the solar eclipse here in and around the little rock area and hanna
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you are the curator here. tell us about this wonderful tortoise. >> this is represent par 7-year-old african tortoise. these guys are reptiles. echo thermic or cold blood. i'm interested to see if the temperature change during the eclipse will mean anything for him. >> janice: he loves the camera. >> he does love the camera. not shy at all. cat scan january one of the animals we will be interviewing on "fox & friends" ahead of the total solar eclipse which is happening at 1:51 local time here in little rock. by the way, the skies are going to clear. the best place to witness the total solar eclipse here at the little rock zoo. back inside in new york. >> lawrence: can you put the microphone closer to the turtle so brian can heart chewing? >> brian: drive me crazy even when turtles chew it was unbelievable. >> janice: grab it. oh, right there he yeah.
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[crunching] >> brian: right in my ear. >> ainsley: brian hates it when people chew gum because doesn't like the sound. total eclipse special conch on noon on outnumbered. we will have part of the show outside. >> brian: i will be with martha. two can play that game. >> ainsley: okay. >> brian: guy? >> guy: on "america's newsroom" later kudlow. two shows. beat that. >> brian: you chose to keep quiet about it. ainsley is quick to promote herself. >> guy: toss it to me to brag about the shows i am. >> lawrence: criticizing or promoting. how many hours do you do each day and she can't do an extra. >> ainsley: thank you, lawrence. >> brian: can you tease out? >> ainsley: sure. health warnings ahead of today's eclipse. plus, a new bird flu and nutrition plan that could beat dementia. >> lawrence: dr. marc siegel is here for our medical monday. [laughter] ♪ looks good ♪ baby you should leave it
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>> lawrence: back with your
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headlines. a massive wildfire spread to 5,000 acres in western, oklahoma. flames spread to their fire truck while they were inside. rain today and tomorrow is expected to bring relief as teams continue to fight the blaze. so a school gymnasium in brooklyn has been deemed unsafe to use after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake rocked new york city. expect to stay vertical and step shaped cracked found along the interior of the building and for potential dislodged make the gym unsafe. the revs the gym has been cleared by inspectors. those are your headlines over to you. >> ainsley: the cdc issuing a health alert confirming a human infection of the bird flu as the u.s.s. da reports dairy cows in five states have developed cases of the disease dr. siegel, this person is in texas. it was discovered at the end of
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march. will this person be okay? can you treat. this absolutely. i spoke to the head of the cdc about this dr. mandy cohen last week and this person has already gotten a lot better. he got tamiflu. he had mild symptoms. red eyes some suggestion. he got better. all the cattle that have gotten it have also gotten better. mild symptoms. the wish bird flu is that it affects paltry. very, very deadly because they have no immune system 400 million cases either in poultry or killed to prevent spread over the last 20 years. over 400 million cases. over 200,000 people over the world have gotten infected about half of them recover fully. the point here is and this is also according to the cdc director it hasn't mutated. it hasn't changed so that it could go human to human. it is not going to spread human to human in this form. somebody studied this in the laboratory in 2012 in netherlands and discovered it
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would take four mutations, four changes, major changes before it could effect us. we are not seeing them. >> ainsley: that's good news. let's talk about the eclipse. this is starting at special conch at noon. what children kids pets? >> first of all we should be as smart as our pets. rosy, your dog is not going to be looking at the sun. humans are idiots looking at the sun when actually can you burn a hole in your retina and definitely can do that only way to look at the eclipse are through those special glasses we have in 2017. i still have mine. i'm a hoarder by the way. those glasses completely polarize out the light. it's about 89% of an eclipse this time in 2017 it was 100 percent. you cannot look directly at the sun. here's the other problems. people are going to stop their cars, here to goes. they stop in their tracks, car accidents occur. pets, like yours, i'm worried about them getting nervous. not about them looking at the light.
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they see the light change. they get really nervous and start secureying around. you already told me you are keeping rosy indoors. >> ainsley: keeping her inside. if you do take your dogs outside. make sure they are on a leash just in case they get nervous and run away. >> i completely agree with that they will create more and more havoc and they are very anxious and nervous during this eclipse. >> ainsley: have you ever known a one burn a hole in the retina. >> in the emergency room where i work. people have come in they lose partial vision. it gets better overtime doesn't get completely better. the nerve endings inside the eye the letna. they don't go all the way to the letna. so you don't feel it. normally you would feel pain like if you burn your finger you are not going to feel pain if you burn your eye. >> ainsley: dr. siegel great information. protect your kids. put those glasses on. >> absolutely. good see you. >> ainsley: sean hannity is going to join us live this morning. we need to call and wake him up, dr. siegel.
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