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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 8, 2024 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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and happening today president biden heading to battleground, wisconsin to push another student loan bailout. gregg jarrett on the potential legal challenges this one might face. >> lawrence: plus a country music contribute caught up with toby keith as he as was honored at the cmt awards yesterday. >> you can use a word to describe him as a father, what would you use. >> legendary? what do you think? >> all-american. >> guy: very touching. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: today millions of americans will be able to see the total solar eclipse and safety is top of mind. >> brian: experts people, meaning you wear eclipse glasses local stores, libraries, science centers through same day service
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or can you make your own. >> guy: make your own solar eclipse projector. >> brian: we don't do anything ourselves. >> guy: look how easy that looks. >> ainsley: travel they are saying could be a concern. in new york our governor is warning about all the high traffic flow before and after the eclipse. >> so with this huge influx of visitors especially in. so remote parts of our state truly you need to expect extended traffic delays so, pack your patience along with snacks and water and make sure you have a full tank of gas. >> ainsley: experts are predicting traffic on 30 different interstates ahead the eclipse. >> brian: check in with janice dean live with animals at the little rock zoo ahead of the eclipse. >> been upgraded to the rock. >> janice: no animals right now. [laughter]
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>> janice: we do have otters in the back here. this is a beautiful display with an otter here at the entrance to the little rock zoo. this zoo is going to be packed for the total solar eclipse because we are in the path of totality, that narrow band where things are going to completely go dark if you live in that span of the totality. this is going to be exciting because the next time we see a path like this going across the u.s. is going to be in 20 years. so i'm going to be 74. i'm still going to come and still gog to watch it. here are some of the cities that you are going to see that total eclipse. partial eclipse for parts of the ohio valley, the northeast, great lakes, down towards the south. but you have to be in that path of totality to see that complete darkness. the moon completely covering up the sun. and that's the time when some people can take off their glasses. but if you are in a partial those solar eclipse glasses on. here's the concern. the potential for showers and
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thunderstorms for parts of that viewing area from san antonio, little rock, i think, is going to be okay. the thunderstorms are going to come tonight. so, it depends on when the path of totality is going to start. here in little rock, it's 1:51 local time and it's going to be abundant sunshine with just a few clouds. the forecast actually improved from what it was a couple of days ago. most of the path of totality will see some clouds, but mostly sun. except for areas across mexico, up towards dallas, texas. and even buffalo you could see some cloud cover. but, the weather forecast looks much improved from what it was last week. here in little rock i think we are going to have one of the best viewing locations with just a few clouds but, again, the thunderstorms, the timing of those, the challenge is going to be will you be able to see that total solar eclipse for two to through minutes depending on where you are and when the severe storms going to come through across the south. just listen to fox weather.
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they are all eclipse all the time today. and i will be here at the little rock zoo. one of the best viewing locations with the animals. they are actually going to have scientists out here watching the animals are. what do they do when all of a sudden during the day there is total darkness. more animals coming up. i know you want to see it. also the governor. the governor is going to be here and the mayor of little rock. stay tuned. "fox & friends" is filled with animals and local officials and me. back to you. >> brian: all right. so we are only talking this last ago few minutes, right? >> janice: yes. >> brian: is it going to get graupelly darker or rapidly get dark '. >> janice: whole event will take several hours. if you are in that path of total eclipse some proximate result eclipse. only time can you take those special glasses off you have to be in that very narrow path.
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if you are in a partial eclipse area. you cannot take your glasses off. so just keep that in mind. as you heard with dr. siegel, it will damage your eyes. >> ainsley: i remember being a child and being so worried i was going to burn a hole? my retina if we just looked up so we just had the glasses on. >> lawrence: janice do we need sunscreen? i'm serious, you know? >> janice: yes, if you are out in the sun. if you are out in the sun during the total eclipse, you should wear sunscreen. your special eclipse glasses and make sure you are covered up in sunscreen. >> lawrence: there is no healing agents in the sun at this time to smooth wrinkles out or anything like that. >> brian: nothing like that. >> guy: i'm so white i wear it indoors, actually. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. >> brian: couple things, people out there still think the world is flat. this should wipe that out. this will eliminate it. it would be just like a big shelf. >> lawrence: if it doesn't wipe
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it out there is no hope for them. >> brian: if we can't convince them after the eclipse. >> ainsley: 105-year-old grandfather in texas. he has caught all the eclipses since 1964. is he not going to miss this one. he and his wife and kids got in the station wagon remember those? we all had those. drove from texas to maine to see it all those years ago. he said now he is hooked. this will be his 13th total solar eclipse. >> guy: only other person more enthusiastic on the couch than me is obviously brian. my concern and i'm sure you have been up all night worrying about this. if people have traveled at great expense to get into this main zone and then there is cloud cover or some sort of thunderstorm crest falling. you are hoping for good weather. >> brian: enjoy the process of putting the pup tent in the station wagon. >> ainsley: enough time. they know where the cloud cover is going to be drive more nomplet. >> brian: it is unifying. nobody is talking about democrats or republicans or
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americans or finland. we are all in the same boat. >> ainsley: finland. talking about the sun and the moon, you are right. something we all share. >> brian: yes. as far as we know. again i'm so glad we are in this solar system or else we would not be seeing this. >> ainsley: the path going to go over 15 u.s. states. 115-foot totality. i keep hearings the word totality. >> brian: i love the way you say that a lot the t's. >> lawrence: a lot of enif a sis like brian says his l's. toss to lucas. >> ainsley: some are issuing disaster for some of these areas because they are worried about traffic and some people. >> brian: our governor did us a favor bringing snacks, water and gas. at least she didn't make us plug in our car. we have no infrastructure for a lot of cars. i don't want to get bogged up in another conversation. but do we still have to stretch or are we done?
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>> ainsley: we are moving on. >> guy: a little closer to earth, a terrifying scene in the sky an engine cover. watch this video. just ripping apart during takeoff. this is southwest a boeing 737 forcing an emergency landing. >> ainsley: something do you not want to see when you are taking off. todd piro is here with all the details for us. what going on? >> todd: unreal stuff. southwest heading from denver when lost engine cover during takeoff. passengers and crew sought metal rips off one of the plane's engines before striking one of the wing's flaps. this flight immediately turned around for emergency landing back in denver. southwest says passengers were transferred to another plane and arrived in houston three hours late. when asked about the incident, boeing referred us to this x post from airline pilot who says quote we are not too worried about safeties. the cowls are unlikely to do any damage that threatens to bring the airplane down. they might peel off and hit the
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tail but rather remote possibility. still unlikely it would do life-threatening damage. well, that's a relief. this is just the latest in a string of recent mishaps involving boeing planes and comes as the justice department launches a criminal probe into the aviation. now as for this southwest flight, the airlines says its maintenance team is reviewing the aircraft. the faa is also investigating. back over to you. >> brian: thanks so much, todd. nine minutes now after the top of the hour. we are getting more information in and this is going to be a big day for 2024. you have joe biden is coming out and is he going to say i'm going to forgive more student loans and today is the day that donald trump is going to make it official. he has got his strategy and the message for the republican party when it comes to abortion. >> lawrence: this is big because there hasn't been really a national strategy when it comes to the republican party. they are kind of seeking and we saw this with ivf as well. what is the president going to say on this. katie britt reached out to the
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former president this is a big mess in alabama where do you stand? apparently the president is going to release a video owe-already released a video to address this issue. >> brian: moments ago. >> guy: democrats have been expecting this will be a huge issue for them tokes employed. >> brian: key keep saying ban donald trump wants to ban abortion. >> lawrence: it's dishonest. >> ainsley: he said it on truth social yesterday saying that hinting around that he was going to release this statement this morning. let's go to this. a fox news alert. former president donald trump just released this video on truth social about his stance on abortion. >> brian: mark meredith just finished watching it. mark, what did it say? >> mark: good morning to you. four-minute long video. pretaped and posted just moments ago on truth social, the social media platform that former president trump uses. in this video he says that he believes abortion policy should rest with the states. he believes that there's not necessarily going to be a federal standard that has x number of weeks that something would be allowed or not happen. he believes it needs to happen
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on a state by state basis and even admits this could create confusion on wherever you are. he says it's about the will of the people and indication that if the residents and executives and the legislatures of alabama, for instance, have a different policy than, say, the people of california what their lawmakers would have. so, the form are president making it clear while the abortion issue is going to come up. he believes this is not something that should have a national debate instead should be focused on the state level. he also says this is important to allow people to have their voices heard, again, on that state level as opposed to trying to hash this out in congress because that's been one of the big debates will we ever be able to see some sort of abortion policy make it through both the house, the senate, reach the president's desk and be signed into law. and most people admit that is unlikely to happen because of the high threshold that you would have to hit in order for that to happen. why is this happening right now? well, a, you have got the former president who is now the presumptive republican nominee. is he being hammered by the biden-harris campaign on this issue specifically. and you have the state's also
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rolling out on the individual basis these different abortion policies. we have seen what recently was enacted in florida that six week limit. we have also seen different states try to get this enshrined into their constitution. we know that it's going to be on the ballot in the number of different states already for this november. so this issue is not going away. but, for trump here, the political consequences, he has got to do something to make sure the republican also stick with them. but, also not alienate any of those independents that may be out there that's saying they don't necessarily want to see no limits on abortion whatsoever. but they want to see something put into place and that's where trump is saying that's fine if that's what you want. but it's going to be up to the states to decide. in this four-minute long video. he also thanked six ever the nine supreme court justices. the so-called conservatives on the bench. he says he is still proud that they decided to repeal roe v. wade and that he believes he played the key part, if not the part in making that happen because, of course, he had appointed three supreme court justices while he was in the white house. the former president, he does
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not have any campaign events on his schedule today. i know he is in atlanta for a fundraiser on wednesday. in fact i'm heading down to atlanta myself. a rally scheduled for pennsylvania over the weekends. so we know that this is an issue he will still have to talk about on the trail in this four-minute long video the former president still believes this should be a states issue. he does not say i support x number of weeks. this is going to be a state-by state basis. can you bet we will see a rapid response from the biden-harris campaign about their. hind is not here. is he in wilmington, this morning. then heads off to wisconsin to talk about stiewntd loans and chicago for a fundraiser. i would bet we will hear him make some sort of comment about this at some point today. guys, back to you. >> brian: so no mention of 15 weeks or 12 weeks. just let the states decide, which we pretty much knew, didn't we? >> lawrence: yeah. so in the video he says look, he knows that each state is going to have their arguments of what they want. and he goes both political sides wanted the states to handle it. that should be the case now.
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he goes against any federal legislation, with it. he also said, which i think is an important point, he goes republicans aren't the radicals on this issue. democrats are. because some of them are for nine month abortions. so he puts a line in the sand right there saying it's not us that are the radicals. he also talked about as we talked about earlier when we start to get the sound that the ivf issue that he led on issue that, got alabama to come to a compromise on that and that the party, everybody in the party should come on board with that. >> guy: more questions about this though. in the past, the very recent past, the former president has been critical of states for some of their laws, including law that's said were too restrictive, six weeks, for example, and then on the other extreme, on the left, unlimited, unfettered abortion on demand paid for by tax dollars. so he has really slammed some states for the choices that they have made. follow-up question would be let's say somehow, unlikely but
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legislatively maybe a 20-week ban widely supported by americans. if that came to his desk as president, is he saying he wouldn't sign that? that is something he will probably have to answer. ainsley: yesterday on truth social he was saying i like ronald reagan and other republicans believe exception force rape, incest and the life of the mother. we need great love and compassion for the subject of life but at the same time we need to use common sense, he says, in realizing that we have an obligation to the salvation of our nation. which is currently in serious decline. to say win elections, without which we will have nothing other than failure, death and destruction. mark? >> ainsley, you are right. in fact, in the video as you rightly point out he does mention he would be for exceptions as it comes to rape or incest. that's something that he wants to make sure that people understand because that's going to come up in these different states when would there be different exceptions to a policy and when would there not be. the former believes this would be a losing issue for republicans this fall. obviously trump is trying to
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make this elections about the economy and immigration. he knows democrats are ready, willing and able to campaign on reproductive access but, obviously, trump could not just avoid the subject all together. these comments that come out today, yes, they came out in very specific time because trump last week, he was in michigan trying to faux focus on immigration and there was a reporter, i believe there was an nbc reporter who screamed out what about abortion? what about is going on in florida. i will have statement for you. he put it out this way on interest truth social video. of course these questions are still going to come up. by saying, this do you have to imagine for trump, this could create a politically add van teenage jus situation. because, again, he will say that's the state of california to decide. or the state of new mexico, state of colorado. kick that issue to them to say but he still takes credit, of course, for the roe v. wade decision being overturned. what is funny, brian, i think have you seen this before in. so videos, the biden-harris campaign and even president biden says look at trump's own words. they replay that clip where they
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say i take credit. use that as a political weapon against them. trump may be taking some of that ammunition away by saying look, i'm okay where we are now as a country because this has changed. i believe it's going to be up to the states to decide. lawrence and guy to your original points as well the ivf was the first part of the video. ivf he says is very important. so many americans rely on this to start their families. he believes those protections should remain in place. >> lawrence: just got that video right now from the former president. let's play it? >> the issue now is that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. the state also determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. >> brian: right. so, one thing about the president, is he going to say it's up to the states. it goes on the ballot in the states even places like kansas and ohio. it usually passes with 12, 15 weeks. and now it's going to be
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interesting in florida. because they have six or 23. not in between. and even though more republicans are registered, is that going to bring more democrats out in these battle ground states? >> brian, you bring up a good point. a lot of talk within the last week or so about whether or not florida is truly in play in november. a lot of electoral votes that would be up for grabs. it has been solid red in the last few elections. you remember governor desantis easily ron reelections. cruised through. question do democrats even have a shot? they do believe because of the abortion issue would be on the ballot that, yes, it could bring out some independent voters or maybe some voters that would traditionally stay on the sidelines in an election to come out because it would be on the state constitution whether or not that plays out is really too soon-to-be told it. has happened in other states. you bring up kansas. kansas is a solid red state where this has come up on the ballot and that has obviously generated a lot of interest. if that's happening on that state by state level you are seeing voters getting the final
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say. >> brian: no lawn equipment was working during your entire broadcast not challenging for you. >> a nice chill monday morning. >> ainsley: thank you, mark. >> of course, guys. >> ainsley: every state is different. in new york we are much more liberal up here as a whole than we are in south carolina or than they are down in florida. for it to go back to states might be a wise choice. >> lawrence: the former president ends the video thanking the supreme court saying that they did the right thing and also says the legal scholars on both sides of the aisle always wanted this to be a states issue. to your point, ainsley, different states are going to be able to decide. it also means that the activists on both sides much the debate are going to have to make their case to the voters there. i think why it hurt republicans, national message of what should happen in every single state. i don't really think you are going to be able to do that and win. again, i have been very vocal. i'm pro-life. i got a pro-life. my mom got pregnant with me at
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16. the way we do things in texas you are not going to get that in maine. republican voters have to be honest about that. if you want to win the pro-life argument, then you got to make the case to voters. it doesn't look like they have been able to make that case in some states. >> guy: i do wonder how the pro-life movement will respond to this announcement from the former president. there is a a lot of pro-lifers out there saying what are you talking about? in we have an opportunity to limit abortion nationally, we should do it. and at the same time, they're routing for him to win the election osmght how does that dance go? we will be watching. >> brian: here is what else is happening in the news. a police officer is in the hospital after responding to a hang-up 911 call in southern new jersey. this according to galloway township police an officer was stabbed in the face and another was hurt -- hurt his head as they investigated that phone call. the suspect is in custody. the department plans to provide more details this morning and we need them. the jailed migrant influencer encouraged illegal immigrants to
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take advantage of squatting rights in the u.s. now claims he is a victim of persecution in an interview the reporter who interviewed him in prison joined us earlier. >> he said he misses his freedom. i think that he is just making himself a victim of the entire situation. it was interesting to hear him say that who he is in real life is very different than the character he place. >> brian: really. i can't wait to get to know him better. the migrant was arrested last month for skipping his mandatory check-in with ins with ice. this just in country music star morgan wallen arrested overnight. staff members of a local bar say wallen threw a chair from the sixth story of their business. that chair landing just feet from where nashville police officers were standing. wallen was arrested for three counts of reckless endangerment. for the two officers and the danger tout public. he was also charged with disorderly conduct with a bond just over $15,000. and this ever wondered how the
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welgty became wealthy? the school of hard knocks founders say all you need to do is ask. >> excuse me, sir, quick question for you, man, is this your corvette? >> yes, it is. >> excuse me, sir,s question for you man is in your yacht. >> yes. >> what is it you do in miami to. >> i run a healthcare company. >> are you business snorns can you ask you a couple questions. >> you can but i'm not in your league though. >> brian: james, head of hard knocks the co-founder shared his best advice that he has been getting from millionaires. >> procrastination is the assassination of all destination. you can't procrastinate about anything. do you know where the most valuable piece of real estate is. >> don't know. >> grave yards, billion dollars ideas sitting in the ground for people who never took actions. >> brian: all these guys under 25. the school of hard knocks instagram followers interviewing professionals. >> have over a billion downloads just by walking up to people
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ambushing them who look successful and trying to inspire whole generation z. >> ainsley: i love it. >> brian: so cool. >> ainsley: we mind me what's the brothers we have on from staten island. we like them. >> guy: graveyard. >> brian: all three military families under 25. two went to the university of texas. meanwhile, guy, this: >> guy: happening today president biden heads to battleground wisconsin to push another student loan bailout. could this one face legal challenges? i think. so gregg jarrett weighs in coming up next ♪ i love it when you go crazy ♪ i all my inhibitions ♪ baby, nothing holding me back ♪ you take me places that tear up my form 1040 and limited credits only... reputation that's me! (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving?
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not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier! apoquel, the trusted #1 treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it!
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> towed president biden set to push brand new plan for student loan debt for millions of americans when he visits the key state of wisconsin. the court struck down the last plan back in june. the white house believes this new targeted one will clear any legahurdles as those who owe more than they borrow could see up to $20,000 in interest wiped out to name a few. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett is here to react. gregg,g, i went back, looked at the opinion, the courts were
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pretty clear that the white house they don't have that authority to do that. how are they maneuvering around something that is pretty clear? >> well, they're invent ago different run around, the supreme court decision. in so doing, you know, joe biden is brazenly defying the law. then he has the audacity, the arrogance to brag about it. admitting recently, yes. the supreme court blocked my plan as illegal but then he said, quote: that won't stop me. you know, no amount of lawlessness is beyond joe biden by dictate. what is he really doing is shredding the constitution. he changed his method of loan forgiveness in the latest plan but the same legal principles that make it unconstitutional still apply. he is not canceling anything, lawrence. is he transferring billions of debt from borrowers to
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taxpayers. and under the constitution, only congress has the power to do that. as the supreme court explained in their decision. so, you know, this is a stunning act of contempt. biden says he doesn't care about the separations of powers. the law, or the constitution. so i sort of ask you here, who is the deck territory? who is the threat to democracy? >> lawrence: so gregg i guess that then becomes the big question. the court was clear. and then biden made it very clear that he wasn't going to respect that third branch of government. so, how does the supreme court respond to something like this? does -- do they wait a long time? do they wait until the next session or do they address this with speed? >> well, 11 states have coalesced to file two different lawsuits to block this latest plan by joe biden. one has already been filed in
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kansas. another forthcoming in the state of misissouri. their arguments are principally going to be the same as their last successful challenge. because, you know, joe biden here is buying votes. so desperate to get young people to real elect him, you know, is he willing to undermine both congress and the supreme court. the new plan, like the old one, is not just illegal, it's grossly unfair, forgiving debt helps those that went to college at the expense of those who didn't. but it also punishes, lawrence, students and parents who scrupulously saved for years to pay for college without loans and it also, of course, punishes those who are sacrificed an enormous amount to repay, faithfully their loans as they promised. >> lawrence: you know, gregg, i'm just curious, in the dissent kagan and a lot of the justices make the argument that she shouldn't be involved in these
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sort of disputes. but the president is almost putting the courin these disputes. and i think he kind of wants that for the campaign trail to say the conservatives, the conservative court is blocking progress. do you get that vibe from him? >> oh, totally. i think it's a great point you are making, lawrence, and, you know, this is a pattern with joe biden. when confronted with an important issue. he says i don't have the authority to do that. it's unconstitutional, a couple of months go by and then he does it. the eviction moratorium. the vaccine mandate. the racially discriminatory farm program and, of course the student debt forgiveness plan. all of these were pretty clearly lawless and, yet, he went ahead and did it. he gets slapped down by the u.s. supreme court and then he turns it into pure politics by railing
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against the high court and trying to incentivize democrats to stack the court. >> lawrence: it's a rallying call and he is doing it during an election year i think we should take note of it. gregg, excellent legal analysis as always. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: former president trump just released a new video about his abortion policy. it's a platform for the republican party, next. ♪
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>> brian: glad you are back. now. this fox news alert. president trump just released his new video detailing his policy on abortion. >> lawrence: our own brooke singman watched the video. she has the latest. brook brook the presumptive g.o.p. presidential nominee posted this video to truth social just a few minutes ago.
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take a look. >> all legal scholars both sides wanted in fact demanded be ended roe v. wade. they wanted it ended. it must be remembered that the democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. the concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth and that's exactly what it is, the baby is born, the baby is executed after birth is unacceptable and almost everyone agrees with that. my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or, perhaps, both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. brook brook elsewhere in the video trump highlighting his action while in office which eventually led to the an abolition of roe v. wade the most influential abortion ruling this country has seen in
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decades. guys this announcement is sure to weigh heavy on voters' minds as we get close tort congressional elections. >> brian: motivate people to come out either way. if it's on the ballot in that state. >> ainsley: putting more pressure on the local officials. governors of each state. >> lawrence: he does two things in this video that i think is important. he puts a red line in the stand for republicans so now they can run from the perspective of the president, there shouldn't be any national legislation when it comes to this. the second thing that he does and i think it's very important, because gretchen whitmer couldn't even answer the question last week when she was on another program about when should abortion be illegal? and the president said at nine months the baby is a baby. and there are some democrats that are still in favor of abortion at that point. >> brian: when the baby feels pain should be the cut off is what a lot of people think. he has to walk a fine line. alienate the pro-life crowd in coming out and saying that? i don't think so. what you would do is a bigger risk is say 15 weeks.
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remember lindsey graham rolled that out and said why don't we get behind 15 weeks. maybe that's a compromise. guy it's a reasonable compromise. mainstream in europe, for example. but, what the biden campaign would say is that's a national ban and let the the week numbert cut in the detail say the number ban over and over again. >> ainsley: i would imagine the most in the country would want a limit. most of the people wouldn't want that baby to grow in a woman full term and then you decide to abort? >> lawrence: to brian's point real quickly to the pro-life crowd, the former president's argument is listen, we wouldn't even be having this conversation if i didn't do what i did on the court. so, i know some may want to question my pro-life chops, i got rid of roe v. wade by making sure there was a constitutional court. >> brian: 18 minutes before the top of the hour. people across america are getting ready to see the total solar eclipse today. >> ainsley: safety is a big concern for many people with
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experts warning all of us that you have the proper precautions and have those glasses. >> guy: robert wray shows us how people in minneapolis are preparing for this. robert? >> yeah. good morning. to the minneapolis motor speedway here in the capital of the state. look at this, guys. look at this beautiful sunrise here this morning. not a cloud in the sky. this is indicative of the day we are going to have, great news at 3:06 p.m. we are going to experience the solar eclipse. glasses like this probably our eyes we have the indianapolis motor speedway. you see that and people starting to shuffle in here. look at this. i want to give you a little tech guidance here. during the solar eclipse, turn into fox weather and fox news. i will have my trained into the cannon lends and solar filter bringing this event to you live on fox weather and fox news.
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lloyd alfred who is behind the camera right now rning this camera shooting me shooting the eclipse and talking to many people. lloyd, come with me. i want to show our viewers here. the fox weather beast. all of the broadcasts will be transmitted from this truck and, lloyd, if you can let's walk all the way over here and i want to show you the entrance to where over 50,000 people will make their way into the indy motor speedway in the next coming hours to experience this incredible event. guys, 15 states will have the totality. 115, 120 miles wide. over 30 million people will see the totality. the good news is every state in the lower 48 will experience some sort of this eclipse. look at this, guys, as cars are coming in and nassau is here and people from around the world. back to you. >> lawrence: what a walk. that's how do you a live shot. >> ainsley: brian is jealous. >> guy: i was actually nervous walking backwards. >> brian: bigger news size much the weather budget. look how many cameras this guy
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lloyd who knows how many he is charges cameras watching cameras. it's incredible. >> >> ainsley: do you all know who sings total eclipse of the heart? bonnie tyler. >> brian: what else did she sing? probably nothing. one hit. it's a good one. all right. let's go to janice dean live from a zoo in little rock, to tell us how the plants and animals are handling it. >> janice: we are at the little rock zoo. we are going to have a spectacular day for the total eclipse. this is tazhayakov. taz. >> 9-year-old african penguin. they're endangered bred as part of our zoo species survival plan. great ambassador for his species. they sound like donkeys. >> janice: what are you going to be hun noriega during the eclipse. some of the animals are going to react. i don't expect the penguins to
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react. i i am going to let him wonder around a little bit. i wonder if the ocean will be affected at all with the eclipse we know that the moon effects the tide so i'm curious about fish and catching fish and if any of that changes. >> janice: i have actually heard some fish will start to feed during the eclipse so there is going to be a lot of fishing holes excited about. this susan, director of the zoo here, what are we expecting today? >> well, we are going to have a lot of family fun. and a lot of eclipse viewing happening at the zoo. so excited about today. >> janice: this is going to be the best spot by the way for the total eclipse viewing. oh my goodness, don't drink my coffee, honey, it's not good for you. oh, so sweet. you know what in the best viewing is going to be across portions of the ohio valley up towards new england. here in dallas, and arkansas, some severe weather is going to threaten afterwards after the eclipse, keep it tuned to fox weather. we will keep you abreast of all of the n fox and
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thank you so much, taz. you have been so good. good boy. back inside to new york. >> ainsley: how cute are those penguins. >> lawrence: a penguin walk also named the brian kilmeade walk. >> brian: i don't walk like that. that's not a jackass penguin because they're a little smaller, right? do you remember the jackass penguin? >> ainsley: i don't know. what was during cody. >> pangolin. >> ainsley: they are cute little animals, aren't they?. >> guy: six months since the israel hamas war began. still 130 hostages still unaccounted for. >> ainsley: those poor hostages six months. we will talk to the parents ofig one of them coming up next. ♪ fl now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off.
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♪ >> guy: we have now passed six months since the brutal hamas massacre in israel. and more than 1 130 hostages are still being held in captivity right now. herb goldberg pollen is among them. his parents have been advocating every day pushing for his return. we are joined now by his parents rachel goldberg and john pollen. thank you for being here. i know you talk about this issue a lot. it can't get that much easier
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because you have been living a nightmare for six months, plus. before we get to the politics of it or anything like that, tell us about your son. >> so, that's obviously one of our favorite subjects, our children. herb is a laid back easy going funny with a dry, dark, sarcastic sense of humor that never falls over to being mean. is he extremely respectful. he is wild about soccer. loves music festivals. and he is, since being if first grade has had wonder lust and a dream of traveling the world. is he obsessed with geography. you want him on your team in a trivia competition. >> guy: and these terrorists took him, just over six months ago. the information about where he is obviously deeply imperfect, if nonexistent. and i know that as soon as you are done here with us, you are going to have a few more meetings in new york and off to washington, d.c. to speak with policymakers.
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what is your message to them more than half a year into this ordeal? >> so, there are a couple messages. message number one in general is 185 days it's enough, let's figure this out right now today, get the right people in the room and not leave that room until we have got a solution that includes all 133 hostages coming out. what's happened in the last couple of weeks is we are stilling to hear more conversations about the conflict and about the region barely if at all include the hostages no. conversation should be had without the starting point being 133 hostages need to get out. once that happens pressure can be released in other parts of the region get them out thought. >> guy: people slaughtered and people stolen is after thought in some of the conversations around this which is absolutely astounding to me has to be
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extremely frustrating to you people might say it's a far away problem on the other side of the world. unfortunate our thoughts are with them. i would think americans need to remember there are americans, including your son, being held. >> correct. first of all, on october 7th, there were 55 americans murdered that day. and there were 13 taken hostage. there have been five released in the release at the end of november. but there are still 8 u.s. citizens being held hostage. and we now know tragically that three of them have passed on still held. bodies need to be released for proper burial. we stand for freedom. having our people held hostage -- >> guy: focus on that issue rachel and jon. our prayers are with you thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> guy: more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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