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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 8, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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investigating the parents in this incident. this should not have happened. these kids should not have been out. this happened after midnight and these kids should have been home or somewhere else. >> dana: one of the things i read in the "washington post" this weekend they were saying the schools have a high level of absenteeism. these girls included. they weren't at home and haven't been in school and now they are in jail. ted williams, thank you for joining us today and happy eclipse to you. >> my pleasure. >> dana: thank you. fox news alert a rare celestial event collides with a policy failure on the ground. the southern border is directly in the path of totality today when the moon covers the sun. i'm dana perino. we're one hour closer. a lot of build-up. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home. that's team totality on the other side of the wall. >> dana: what a studio they
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have. >> bill: our folks on fox weather are dialed in on this. check it out. we're told officials are bracing for higher traffic than usual. that means a real opportunity for smugglers and cartels and migrants to come right in. fox news has reporters far and wide following the total solar eclipse as it crosses the u.s. the first location of totality is actually the southern border. that's where we find bill melugin live in eagle pass, texas, a place you are well familiar with, bill. good morning. >> good morning to you. we got double duty down here in eagle pass today. eagle pass expected to be the very first spot in all the united states where the totality of this eclipse is supposed to be seen. but that is only if the weather cooperates. now it's not looking good. we got forecast overcast skies in eagle pass. everybody is looking up. if you look at the border here is what you'll see.
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look at the video from nearby new mexico seeing a surge of illegal gotaways and invaders. you'll see illegal immigrants dressed in dark clothing, sometimes camouflage trying to sneak into the united states as suspected cartel scouts and coyotes watch from a mountain above. border patrol agents try to respond and these guys sneak about the country. it is a constant game of cat and mouse down there. take a look at this second video also over the weekend in new mexico. more evaders climbing over a mountain in the new mexico area. kind of on the border of el paso and new mexico. more evaders dressed in dark clothing sneaking into the united states. more of those suspected guides and scouts watch from a mountaintop. look at these photos. el paso sector. border patrol reporting they arrested another one of those
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suspected venezuelan gang members. you can see p in the photos here this guy is covered in tattoos in connection with that venezuelan gang. the chief of u.s. border patrol jason owens tweeted out this statement. this is the most powerful gang in venezuela known for murder, drug trafficking, sex crimes, extortion and other violent acts. back out here live one of those illegal alien squatters, one of the venezuelan guys ice says he self-admitted to be a gang member who spent time in venezuelan prison crossing here in eagle pass in october of 2022. despite claims of vetting at the border, he was released into the united states and made his way to you guys in new york city. >> bill: imagine that. thank you, bill melugin, eagle pass, texas. thank you. >> the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and whatever they decide
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must be the law of the land, in this case, the law of the state. do what's right for your family and do what's right for yourself and do what's right for your children and do what's right for our country and vote. >> dana: much anticipated statement donald trump outlining his stance on what is shaping up to be a key issue on the campaign trail once again. he said states should chart their own path on abortion leaving the federal government out of it. joining us is rich lowry and jessica tarlov co-host "the five." statement on its merits and then the issue of the politics. hit both of those for us. >> well, the politics has a lot to do with the merits where it came out on the substance. taken a long time. doesn't think it is a winning issue for republicans. prefer not to fight on it. another sign, dana, of how on the defensive republicans are. he didn't want to take a position whether there should be
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a federal ban or where you draw the line on that. wants to punt it to the states to say if it's good for alabama or california to decide. this is not a crazy calculation. he thinks pro-lifeers don't have anywhere else to go. joe biden? but again a sign of republicans are on the defensive on this, no doubt about it. >> bill: okay. so in light of november, jessica, here is where abortion could be on the ballot. florida, new york, maryland. you see those in yellow. then in green are the proposed ballot measures of which you have two battleground states, arizona and nevada. when the president talks about the law of the state today and talks about exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, how do you read his statement from earlier today? >> i read his statement as he wants to have it both ways. he wants to be responsible for getting rid of roe v. wade and
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also wants to be able to say it isn't me. these are your local legislatures, your state skourts and government that is doing it. continue to vote for me and don't blame me. he is concerned with that. he is in a really tough position. rich is correct. we have seen these ballot measures in seven or eight states already overwhelmingly for the pro-choice side of this. people who might even not be okay with having no restrictions up to 20 or 24 weeks are being forced into that position because of how restrictive these states are. up to the states, he is allowing 14 states that ban it in all cases including no exceptions for rape or incest. that's allegedly something he opposes but he is letting it happen. there are 24 states that can't even get a ballot initiative out there. he is leaving people in dire straights people like kay in texas who had two children and a
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non-viable pregnancy and 10-year-old in ohio who had to go to indiana to get care. >> dana: there will be a lot on this. so he made the statement and we'll see where it goes. wanted to bring you this. john fetterman, the pennsylvania senator, had dinner with a "new york post" reporter and he came up with a couple of interesting points. on skwarts he said this. they have no rights. how can you pretend this is anything other than you are just breaking the law? i am not woke. he also called for more crime policies and more aggressive ones saying if you have the established records it doesn't serve greater goal to allow people offending and offending, allow them to not be held accountable. he is getting strange new respect. >> six months ago, conservatives, i was among them had contempt for him and now he is our favorite democrat. the most anti-woke democrat in america. it hasn't required him changing.
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he hasn't changed the healthcare and minimum wage and taken strong common sense positions on gaza, on the border, on this and it is really going to help him. he has been under water in pennsylvania, had health difficulties. but this is a turn to the side that might help him. >> bill: if you think you were surprised imagine how surprised jessica is? >> john fetterman was always this person. people just didn't bother to ask him about these issues. a staunch supporter of israel. the more conservative part of the state. rising tide brings up all boats. what is going on with fetterman and shapiro. the casey numbers are getting better. good hope to hang onto pennsylvania. >> dana: one correction to rich. we can all say jessica is our favorite democrat.
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we'll see her tonight. >> i don't know, fetterman might be better for rich, actually. >> dana: when you are back from maternity leave you can -- >> can i wear a sweat suit? >> president biden attempt to slash school loan debt for more today. we're in wisconsin where the president is speaking soon there today. hello, edward. >> hello, bill. the madison area technical college where the president will be. he will talk about new changes to existing student loan forgiveness programs. changing the rules. already rule changes have affected some 4 million student borrowers forgiving debt and putting all taxpayers on the hook for $146 billion in tax relief. the proposed new changes would expand the number of eligible people to 30 million and balloon
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the price tag. >> at the same time, there are colleges is an important experience for some, too. that student debt relief, this is very much a part of the president saying we want to make life more affordable and make opportunity more open and make sure everyone, regardless of your past, gets to share in that. >> so the latest moves would expand the eligible people to those who haven't applied for student loan forgiveness. automatically forgives loans for undergraduate students who started paying 20 years ago and includes students who universities failed to provide adequate financial aid. doesn't define that. it includes forgiveness for people who can show hardship in paying back loans. again, no big definition. republicans say it is unfair for anyone who paid off their loans and most of those with the highest student loan debt with in the best industries. >> this isn't even a group en masse that needs help. if you really want to reduce the
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cost of higher education, the best thing you could do is to stop all these ridiculous student loan programs. >> these new rules still need to be finalized. the last rules took about five months. that puts the finalization for these rules in september right before november. >> bill: madison, wisconsin, dane county where oftentimes democrats win or lose the entire state. see how it goes. nice to see you today from fox business. >> dana: iran sendsing an ominous warning after it prepares to retaliate for an israeli air strike. >> bill: eclipse time in america. a day you won't see again for another 20 years. nate foye is on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier in intrepid where crowds are already gathering in new york and we'll take you there after this break. get your glasses ready, right? ♪
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i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots; i was surprised to learn so many more things. there's the family name. 1892 wow. that one here is the boat they came over on. yes. wow.
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>> dana: new york city will see 90% of the sun covered by the moon later today and that's when millions across manhattan will look for the best spot to see the eclipse. matt foye is live at the intrepid museum. where are you going to watch from? >> we'll be watching right here on board the u.s.s. intrepid. a watch party starting at 2:00 in advance of the he clip. cities like buffalo, rochester,
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niagara falls. new york governor kathy hochul said the last solar eclipse in new york happened over 99 years ago. here she is yesterday. >> this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to witness the imagines tree of god's cree crags as the eyes from the earth look to the evens. breathtaking to see the sun covered leaving us mere mortals in darkness for over three minutes. >> some safety tips here. don't look at the eclipse without the glasses. if you are driving, make sure you turn your headlights on during the eclipse. don't stop on highways or roads and fill your gas tank and prepare for traffic. right now i want to bring in jim, who will be hosting this event on the intrepid later this afternoon. you have 6,000 pairs of these eclipse glasses. tell me why they are so important to wear them while viewing the eclipse this afternoon. >> these are really, really safe. you must use these while
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watching the eclipse. they are 100,000 times darker than regular sunglasses. your darkest sunglasses that you usually wear like the ones i have on right now. eye injury can be caused really quickly. the regular sunglasses don't block the thermal energy, not the heat. they block some of the light. you want that not only to block all the light but want it to stop the thermal energy that can cause quick eye injury. >> bill: thank you very much. we appreciate it. 385,000 people expected to travel to new york today to view the eclipse. the governor will be in niagara falls. they expect the most visitors in the city's history in one day there today. >> bill: americans will not get another front row seat to a solar eclipse like this for 20 more years. here is what many of you will witness in the coming hours. the moon will pass in front of the sun blocking it for more
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than four minutes in totality and millions of americans will be plunged into near darkness. dr. richard, he is a professor of -- it's safe to look at the sun for a minute or two, safe to look at the equips through smartphone. eclipses emit harmful raise that can cause blindness. i think the last part is actually the possibility of a fact. go ahead, sir, tell us what is fact and fiction. >> you can't look at the eclipse with your naked eye for a minute or two, definitely not. normally we look away from it because the sun is so bright. when you get only a portion that is obscured, you are tempted to
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think i can look longer but still untray violet let coming through. the only time you want to look at the eclipse without the safety glasses is totality. one of the things we've told the students to look for. high school students will measure the ultraviolet light intensity. the bailey's beads is a neat phenomenon we'll hope to see. generally it will be the darkness. i don't think anybody is prepared for a darkness that descends, sun set that is 360 degrees everywhere at once. the other thing is the coolness and quietness. so i told them about how ancient civilizations a bear would take a bite out of the sun and they would try to scare away the bear so the sun would come back.
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people normally will shout and be excited and be happy when they see this. >> bill: i like that. clear something up for us. this cannot cause you to go blind, is that correct? >> if you are looking at totality you won't go blind but outside of totality you must have those glasses on. definitely you don't look through a telescope ever at the sun without a solar filter on it. >> bill: the sun is so bright and so strong when the moon is able to block most of it out, that's when you get a really good opportunity to study what on that star? >> you get to study coronal events. next here we'll have a lot of sunspot activities. you will see sunspots as the eclipse is progressing but the sunspots are active so they'll create prominences and some
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eje eje ejections from the corona. one thing i'm curious about is that during totality, if you take a picture of a white sheet on the ground with your camera, we may be able to see ripples in the light as it's going down on. you aren't even looking at the sun. there will be lots of physics and astronomy. >> dana: lots of things to learn and lucky to have you as their professor and lucky to have you as a guest. have a good day. >> bill: enjoy it. >> dana: today's solar eclipse is more than a curiosity or tourist attraction and also giving nasa a learning tool. nasa will look at the effects on
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the weather and measure changes in the earth's upper atmosphere. a lot going on today. think about the people who figured out before there was all this science and technology. imagine in the past there is great information what people used to think about the sun. when there was an eclipse the chinese in ancient times thought it would give you as a clue as to what the emperor would do next year. >> bill: or something like that. i read in a back somewhere, it must be true. okay. let's move to this, 23 past the hour now, watch here. >> [people shouting] >> that right there is not from overseas. that are pro-palestinian protestors dogging democrats here at home and abroad. a new interview with a former
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hostage freed from hamas captivity. >> what's going through your mind in that moment? >> terrible fear, fright, and shock. form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there
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girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> dana: israeli troops withdrawing from southern gaza while thousands in jerusalem rally for the release of more than 100 hostages still being held by hamas six months after october 7th. trey yengst is the tel aviv with more. >> a major development over the weekend as israel pulled all its troops out of gaza with the exception of one brigade. this brigade will be used to maintain a supply route across gaza and help to facilitate raids that will take place in the future. the announcement clearly marks the next phase of the war and could be an indication that cease-fire talks are headed in the right direction. a delegation of hamas leadership is in cairo along with representatives from israel and
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united states for continued conversations as israel has expanded the mandate to reach an agreement. now more than six months after the october 7th massacre hostages that were freed in the previous cease-fire agreement are calling for international pressure to bring the others home. >> we would like the whole world to exert pressure on hamas to release the girls, the women, the adults and young people. there are still children, to release them. the whole world should work on this. >> as efforts continue to end the war, new drone video shows the extent of destruction inside gaza. reports indicate more than 85% of gaza's population has been displaced since the conflict begin as more than 50% of the buildings in the strip have been destroyed. with a possible end in sight for the war in gaza israeli forces are focused on southern lebanon and the possibility of a broad attack from iran. >> bill: thank you, trey. meanwhile democrats at home
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feeling the heat from pro-palestinian protestors just about everywhere they go. no break for president biden. this was in his hometown -- home state of delaware wilmington protestors greeted him with chance and close to his front door. dear born michigan now. [shouting] >> so you see in the bottom of the screen the translation death to america. muslim protestors chanting that at a rally near detroit after the "wall street journal" branded the city as jihad capital of the united states. watch this story as it goes over the next six or seven months. >> you are seeing some efforts to respond to the white house's vocal criticism of the operations of israel in gaza.
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quite frankly it seems president biden has been asleep at the wheel as he has not responded to the crisis as it has unfolded and now making public statements criticizing netanyahu and israel. this has been going on for some time. >> dana: republicans pushing back on biden's criticism as iran warns the u.s. to step aside as it read east for a strike. jack keane is here. one thing from richard goldberg in the "new york post" he wrote this. did israel surrender to white house pressure in gaza? iran likely thinks so. to the extent tehran perceives israel to be weak and totally susceptible to american pressure the ayatollah will be emboldened the escalate on all fronts. what do we need to know? >> i think we're making far too
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much out of israel pulling troops out of gaza. after the campaign was completed in northern gaza they pulled out all of their reservists from the -- without advertising it certainly. and the campaign in southern and central gaza that has been going on now for months is about completed as indicated by the idf chief and so they are pulling their forces back from there. they haven't given up on their commitment in rafah to clear out battalions that exist there and hopefully to capture or kill most of the hamas leadership, which is in residence there. it will also take some time to move the civilian population out of rafah, they fully intend to do that to safer enclaves and quite and undertaking to have that take place. they pulled out the troops. people are overreacting to what is taking place there. israel is still committed. if they leave the battalions in place like many in the
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administration are suggesting and back away from rafah, hamas wins. they have five or six battalions left. leadership is left. we'll reorganize, reequip and reattack and make the security of the people in israel vulnerable and that's what it's always been about. >> dana: could you talk about iran's warnings to israel and really to the united states? >> i think this is a measured undertaking by iran. israel has been attacking iran for years with very little response by the iranians. they are somewhat conditioned to it. they blew up a centrifuge and killing top nuclear scientists and leaders inside iran for years. conducting major espionage against power plants for years. 300 air strikes almost in syria against hezbollah and other
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iranian proxies. in the last few months since october 7th they knocked out an iranian warehouse at the damascus international airport and done it several times. what iran does not want here, dana, they do not want a war with israel or with the united states. something the administration has internalized. they'll respond here because the attack has been so visible internationally they are abell galeatied to do something. they won't conduct such an extensive attack that israel would have to respond and escalate significantly. why? iran does not want a war with israel and certainly does not want one with the united states. that would mean they lose their regime. >> dana: thank you for clarifying a lot of that as it swirled over the weekend. appreciate it. have a great eclipse to you. >> bill: yes. >> yeah, looking forward to it,
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thank you. >> bill: still a major country music star facing felony charges is hemmer celebrity news. nashville officers booking morgan wallen after he threw a chair off a rooftop bar at 12:30 in the morning. three counts of reckless endangerment, one count of disorderly conduct. not the first time he had runins with the law. in 2020 he was charged with intoxication and disorderly conduct at a bar in music city. >> dana: the chair landed next to two police officers. so got to nip that one in the bud. we'll see what happens there. sean diddy combs spotted in miami in the wake of another set of abuse allegations against him and his son. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next.
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(vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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♪ >> dana: stay silent until midday make us happier and health year. an idea posed by a scottish singer. speech fasting. the goal is no chatter before noon. it sounds like somebody who doesn't want to hang out with her roommate. the benefits include brain growth and lowered stress levels. she is scrolling through the internet in silence is what i think. >> bill: do you think peter would support that? >> dana: you might. we have a morning show but i'm ready to go in the morning. i have a lot of words that i thought of overnight. just ask greg. i told greg this morning i dream about him having a beard.
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i told him that before 7:00 a.m. >> bill: you have no shot at doing this. sean diddy combs seemingly unaffected by the investigation. he is smiling and with his mom days after a lawsuit accuses his son, christian of drugging and assaulting a woman. the latest in a series of legal battles facing him and his family. no one knows where it will go. a criminal defense attorney is here. good morning to you. no charges that have been brought yet. you say that's not unusual but what does it mean, mark? >> i've never met a law enforcement officer who gets promoted based on how many people they let go. you add to that the fact they put a lot of effort into this case by securing search warrants after establishing probable cause, having a judge sign off on those search warrants, executing those search warrants. like military style. lots of people, pulling lots of
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pieces of potential evidence in the form of cell phones and computers and now they will go through each line of every email, every text for what? to establish he has done nothing wrong? my guess is you will see charges soon. >> bill: here is what i find intriguing. daily mail is reporting this now. he has a son, christian, apparently there is a case against him. they are on a ship or some sort of boat. there is a producer by the name of rodney jones who works the music studio on board the boat. for christian, there were microphones in the studio and jones, the producer, was told to capture everything, which would have maybe recorded the exchange from his son and this woman who is bringing the case. what did you think about that leak, i would suggest, in that report? >> like all leaks, we don't know if it's true or not and we don't know what does it capture. does it capture the actual crime
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itself allegedly or something leading up to that the or it doesn't prove what's being alleged? this case is all about corroboration. support for what people are alleging. you have the inherent bias here. people are interested in money generically. not saying these people are. they can always answer the question why are they alleging those things? they want money. so prosecutors must have corroboration, support. so if there are audio tapes that support what she is alleging, that's more problematic for both big and little diddy. >> bill: is this a cash grab or can you say that now? >> you can't say that now at all. we know, though, that the first allegation that came out in that civil lawsuit from his ex-girlfriend was definitely a cash grab to some extent. doesn't mean what she was alleging wasn't true. she did immediately a day after the case was filed, she settled.
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so we know she grabbed cash most likely. does that mean what she is alleged was completely untrue? i don't know. you will see her as the victim in the federal case is my guess. >> you think he will be facing sex trafficking and criminal charges. why do you say that? >> yeah. two reasons. one -- again, don't know, i don't have any extra insight. i'm adding it up and using 32 years of experience. the agency that's investigating is the agency that handles specifically those types of offenses. secondly, when you read the allegations in the civil complaints, they are covering those types of alleged activities both rape, sexual assault and sexual trafficking. so that's kind of a fair assumption that that seems to be the target of what they are alleging. doesn't mean he wasn't framed like the mona lisa. >> bill: thanks. plenty of time to talk about
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this and there will be a time sometime soon. thank you, mark, for coming on today. >> dana: back to this story. america gearing up for a rare solar ellipse. we go to the fox news viewing party on fox square as millions gather across the country to get a glimpse. ♪ it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ it's good to get some fresh air. fresh air? hi guys! bill, you look great! now that i have inspire,
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cabinet minister will be with me. plan tarry expert and a legal expert. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. ♪ >> bill: got all the best music today. really good stuff. fox is hosting a watch party on fox square which is right outside our building in mid town manhattan where we find meteorologist nick, who is getting the party started. nick, what's happening? you were with that guy on friday from the earthquake when he gave a shout-out to all his buddies in the office building across the street? what do you have in store today? >> love that guy. listen, from earthquakes to total solar eclipses, right? the month of april is full of sun surprises. we're here on fox square with the fox weather booth behind me giving away all kinds of fox
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weather swag during the eclipse party. we have the weather beast out front and have a big presence for this big event. the last total solar eclipse was 2017. the next one happens in 2044. if you don't get a chance to get to this one today you have another two decades to wait. in new york city it will be a partial eclipse with 90% coverage. maximum coverage will be right around 3:25 this afternoon and we'll all have a good time looking up and using our protective eye wear to see it clearly. i don't know if you experienced this, but the city is more calm today. a lot of people took off from work and school to see the eclipse. >> bill: it's a monday post covid. you know the trick. nick, i'll be with the ladies from "outnumbered" and seen you
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at noon. stand by. >> dana: we may be getting excited to witness the rare solar eclipse. but it could be confusing for animals. the indianapolis zoo will see four minutes of complete darkness. the zoo is studying how the animals respond. dr. robert shoemaker is the zoo president and ceo. this is fascinating. in 2017, it was reported that gorillas marched together, giraffes ran around the enclosure, bears had no reaction. do you expect the same today, sir? >> well, thanks for having me. i expect flamingos to be a little bit surprised that it is getting dark so early. they will probably start to head inside right as the sun disappears. i think your prediction of bears is spot on. they'll relax and not worry too much about anything. in general, my guess is that the
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animals that are normally taking their cues off the sun and daylight will head inside like it has been an early evening and maybe it is a little surprising, maybe a little confusing. as soon as the sun comes back out they'll go back to normal routine. we are not concerned. we are not wororried. but we do expect that the animals will certainly notice it and maybe make a couple changes depending on how quickly the sun goes away and comes back. >> bill: who are your friends there? who is with you there? >> dana: some of my favorites. >> some of our favorites. we have 21 chimpanzees here. seven we have here we have lisa, doria, winston. they are coming and going.
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they are fantastic and i'm thinking that if any of the animals are going to vocalize an be excited about it chimps might be the ones. they have big feelin and they don't hesitate to hide those. so we might see some excitement from them but overall we are predicting a terrific day. what we really love. the zoo is here, we love people are outdoors, enjoying nature, being inspired by what is happening outdoors. that's the best of all possibilities for us and we love it. >> dana: what should you do for pets at home? >> such a great question. pets will be nervous and worried. here is the thing, pets are absolutely masterful at reading our emotions and our body signals. so if you are worried and you are anxious, you will make your
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pets anxious. calm down, enjoy yourself. your pets will pick up your cues. enjoy it, go outside. take time and relax and your pets will enjoy it if you enjoy it. >> dana: do their eyes need to be covered if they're outside. >> i wouldn't predict that dogs or cats or certainly any of the animals at the zoo would look at the sun. it's not something they normally do anyway. so -- they certainly could be damaged. don't hold your dog up or point their head towards the eclipse, of course. their eyes could be damaged like ours. >> bill: tell your friends we said hello behind you, doctor. >> will do, thank you so much. >> dana: he has a shadow.
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watch this >> you can tell from the video how much mom wishes she could be here, right? guess what, she is. ladies and gentlemen, will you please welcome -- my honor to welcome chief petty officer. [applause] >> dana: beautiful moment. she is on an 18 month deployment in be rain and made it home to see her daughter compete in the drive, chip and putt national finals. thank you for sending that to us. we'll be watching. harris faulkner, here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news. it has been six months since hamas terrorists invaded israel slaughtering more than 1200 people. torturing women and children and toda


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