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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  April 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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indication that you're in -- there is somebody out there who can create that at this time in history. >> martha: thank you so much, lauren. lauren always has a great perspective on these things and a depth of understanding of a lot of it that you bring to the table so is right happy with us. thank you very much for joining us today. what an extraordinary day and will conveniently new to watch this throughout the path as it moves north, upstate new york into canada. internet and extraordinary experience that everyone is talking about. usually -- around the dinner table with your family so thank you for joining me on the story today outside in the plaza, when extremes to be out here. will see you tomorrow back on the story. have a great evening. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ singing ] nothing i can say x. also be our --
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planting the city into almost darkness millions of americans across 15 states looking up to catch it in my traffic stopping over its. a special -- special delta flights chasing it. even stock wall street slowed because of it to make an nasa firing all three rockets to learn more about it. we will talk to the mission commander behind it mark first fox team coverage with jonathan hunt and in minneapolis where they just gotta go somewhere. nate horner had a viewing party aboard the uss intrepid foret. and cleveland they're gathering all day just to see it and a lot of them stick around -- welcome everybody i'm neil caputo and that's true what i just told you about. it even affected the -- a lot of traders less there runs and computers to take a look outside. very happy to have you everybody. that get to it. jonathan hunt in
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indianapolis, he was one of -- what was the reaction there? >> it was an extraordinary reaction to what was a quite extraordinary event. i think the numbers among the 50,000 are so who had gathered here for a watch party at the indianapolis motor speedway new exactly how we would react as we approach that moment of totality and understand completely disappeared and the moon. for me, martha, actually felt quite emotional. it was certainly a physical and even spiritual reaction for a lot of people i think here as you look down the speedway now a few stragglers still here because how often you get to walk on the speedway itself? but it was an extraordinary moment, neil, and i think for a lot of peoplple white out to hear who extremes that we had -- we're talking about how it
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made them feel smaller and how it made him realize just how big the universe is. how awesome nature is. and i think for a lot of people it made them think about the divides that they have perhaps within the family, the divides that we see across the nation politically speaking. divides that we see globally with so many complex ranging around the world and i think a lot of people thought this makes us realize that -- was put aside our differences at least for today. this is one moment where we are unified, looking up at the sky, appreciating the sheer power of the universe in which we live and in which we are after all just a tiny, tiny part. so it was an incredible experience, neil. i felt absolutely privileged to be here not to some of these 50,000 rate people who have -- had come to the unit -- indianapolis motor speedway but to be part of
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this event itself. it really was quite incredible. breathtaking. and i have to say again in actually made me feel a lot better emotional as the sun disappeared and then reappeared and you can see from the people at the rear actions air, it was much the same for a lot of them. just gasps of all and then tears, just watching the universe, this cosmic coincidence, do it's thing, neil. >> martha: >> neil: you are doing your thing and it was wonderful to see. jonathan hunt in indianapolis. want to gluconate point right now. love your coverage and you discussion a little earlier in new york, you're in the as i said olivia rodrigo if you don't know she is just, like, a step below taylor swift. she's as famous as he gets right now, she's playing at
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msg and a girl said that she enjoyed -- she was more excited about the eclipse. she was one of 3000 people that came here to the intrepid review it and honestly, you know, living in -- you know living in new york city sometimes days without seeing the sun because of all the skyscrapers so a lot of people came out here on board the uss intrepid, on the hudson to enjoy it and see it as well as they could, i want to talk to marvelous people who just had this viewing experience. what's up, what did you think? >> it was really good and -- >> keep talking. it was really good? >> and also -- and also. >> what was your favorite part? >> my favorite part was when it was okay crescent moon or crescents and i mean. >> yeah. i'll ask mom, for the family, what what kind of extreme weather for you? >> it was really amazing being able to share this experience together and just, you know, come here in the
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atmosphere is so great. and see something that we've never seen before, you know. we've never had this opportunity before and have it right here in new york city is amazing. >> is the first total eclipse in new york in 99 years. so is once in a century moment. that your big take away? >> it was -- neil we have one more family to chat with. you guys live in new york? >> yes, we do. >> tell me about your breakup or -- my son and my first baby here, we were anticipating this for weeks on enmax and so we try to do everything we could prepare and, you know, were a little bummed out that the clouds rolled in right as, you know, we got to the peak and just excited that we --
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>> no i don't gimmick we were out on the west coast so we -- it was partial and the next one and one for -- how old are you going to be? twenty years? >> thirty-three. [laughter] >> get stuck. nice meeting you and i'm happy had a good time. >> thank you. >> thank you. you know, neil, people are in new york city so 90% of totality. for the cost ten cents, you to go to upstate new york. niagara falls is where governor kathy hoover -- then emily is in the city's history and 385,000 up to -- expected to visit new york
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today to view the eclipse which again in new york is now over as it continues to move northeast right now over main. we'll send it back to you. >> neil: a lot of interviews with the kids but that when the loan, he's 13 out of 20 years heal be 33. i'll be 112. that's amazing. so he had a shot at this. me not so much. nate hagrid job today. appreciated. and max gordon -- i was telling him earlier -- 1 of the things we were saying is we put him in harms way on the biggest stories, whether stories -- is used to disaster so he had a treat smack >> there are certain sorry they recover as a journalist especially when your life where you are simply experiencing it and you're just trying to take the viewer along with you and just try to give them a little taste of what it's like to be there and to be
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here in cleveland during totality was simply incredible. we saw a sunset through the 60 degrees around us where we were plunged into darkness here in downtown cleveland, all around me we had people staring up at the sky and, you know, just to echo what jonathan said earlier, this was a moment where everyone were asked -- what is praising the same thing. across the country. everyone was staring up at the simpson as it was blocked by the moon and it was simply beautiful and mark it was incredible. we saw the corona of the sun and the prominence here in cleveland and this amazing solar flare the prominence on the southern tip of the sun. it was just amazing to watch, amazing to experience and this is going to be something that i personally will never forget as a journalist and as a person. >> neil: beautiful stuff. now the bad news for you, max. i don't know if you saw your
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assignment for tomorrow but will talk when you come back. next -- she had a unique venue for this -- went to undo but finally she talks back but anyway she witnessed all of this. how did that go down? >> it was spectacular, neil caboodle. i have to tell you i was a little worried because earlier last week we were looking at little rock and elect like we were going to see some storms. we certainly saw storms in parts of texas and the severe threat. of course, he want to stay tuned to fox whether for all your severe weather alerts but here in arkansas at little rock in particular clear skies. and susanne, what did you think? this was the first eclipse. >> i totally understand what the hype is all about. what an absolutely amazing experience this was and it was so fun to expansion here
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at the little rock zoo. >> unit director here. tell me about attendance. was it up? >> it was up especially for a monday we had a long 1500 people which is a great crowd for us. >> what you think people take away from the 7? >> i can people were excited mark i think people had an absolutely incredible experience. i was over at great apes and people were literally screaming and crying. he was just an energetic experience. >> let's talk about the animals. this is eclipse by the way anthony s. you witnessed some animal behavior during the eclipse. what happen here? >> i was down here at the arkansas heritage farm and i noticed a lot of our animals actually came inside. like, it was the. [ engine roars ]
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of their day here when we're feeding them, 1 of her horses was running around. she is like where was our dinner at? so it was pretty fun. >> and the reaction from the elephants too. did you hear about that? >> i did not. >> we were by the elements and there was something to be heard. >> year we had some company that happened in our chimpanzees were fascinating too, i was over there when that happened and they went on patrol, they got a single file line and started chatting -- to county exhibit. it was a little strange for them so they were major everything was okay. it was a lot of interesting things happening all over the zoo. >> and the reception was pretty amazing. we had a perfect view of the total eclipse work to inhabit at 1:51 pm. >> i mean how great to be able to say that you have that amount of time to be able to experience something. and again like i said this was something none of us had ever seen before and to be able to see it for the first time was really truly amazing. >> i'm excited because in 20 years from now that water
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solar eclipse is going to happen in little rock, arkansas so i hope we'll be back. >> we would love to have your back. we want you to come back for so many other things not just eclipse. we have 70 things happening here neil caputo a lot of the animals felt like it was like -- they wanted to take a nap after the solar eclipse and me as a weather anchor i feel like i could probably curl up and take a nap as well so back to you. >> neil: i told them i show his artwork loki. richard ouellette trick. [laughter] great job. it was really fun to watch only yesterday, you really i heard about this whole phenomenon. so thank you very much in the phenomenon of this thing. off today, he wonder what that was about -- were on it after this.
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>> neil: still following the summer closely as it
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passes through maine right now but what was interesting about today not only had an opportunity to watch his on tour for my earth, 3 different rockets lunch today to study it in greater detail the former nasa astronaut. nasa astronaut guy you are achieving the impossible is a gradebook. -- retired nasa astronaut. guide as you know i'm a fellow astronaut because jim sentance famously gave me a pen to prove it so i guess we're all astronauts toge together. but in all seriousness that he have to help me out here with this multiple rocket -- more than about that? >> whenever we have -- it's great to see you, neil, and terry nice outfit, good had. [laughter] i hope you were also wore glasses the when you were viewing -- >> i can still see the sun --
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i don't know why. >> is an opportunity not for not just to enjoy the spectacular event on earth and view the eclipse. is also an opportunity for scientists to learn about the sun and what they call space whether which is the activity of the sun. so the sun is so right and it's really hard to observe it under normal circum circumstances. but the earth, when the moon eclipse is the son and asked in natural what we call corona graph which blocks out the brightness of the sun. is also used observe the -- and you can see the outer corona of the sun itself and so we can study and measure the activity of the sun and by having a telescope or a probe of satellite -- about the atmosphere to do that which is i assume what they're doing with the rockets you got and even cure review you're above the atmosphere. >> it was fascinating as well is that they were -- lunch at three different times. so 45 minutes before adventuring and 45 minutes after the peak local eclipse.
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was the purpose of that? what is that about? >> those particular rockets were are looking at how the sunlight affects the upper atmosphere. to -- a few hundred miles above earth to see, you know, before, during eclipse and after we see how the atmosphere changes. and that atmosphere is very important for medications for satellite medications, for electric grids. scientist is trying to get some basic scientific information about our atmosphere. you can only weekend during eclipse. >> neil: you guys noticed inside that which makes you astronauts or makes us all after knots but mike tampinod a lot of people millions of miles from the sun and this is that rare opportunity to kind of witness that, you know, calculate that, study that.
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what do we gain from that? >> i think it was a couple we had solar activity that actually affected communications on earth. there were some -- and so when we have that type of activity it's helpful to be able to protect the annoying that's going to happen. and the more they learn about the sun got the better that they can predict those things. also for people up on the space station or a people traveling even further out into away from our planet have the are susceptible to the solar flares and the radiation chemical understanding how it behaves and trying to predict the nature and way it may have been will help us -- help us prepare for them and be able to be ready when they occur. >> it is amazing. no these we've seen a lot of launches period, not only standing whose back and forth to the
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iss but, carry, many more were at the space coast, it almost seemed like every other day there's a launch amex or it's busy these days. what you make of it? >> it isn't busy. the space industry has been really exploding mx space x. specific has been launching just a ton of rockets. a lot of them off -- they got a lot of thousands of satellite so that means there's a lot of launches happening in magnets and a few other companies. blue origin, rocket labs. there's a lot. but it's a great time for the american space industry. america has been really been dominating used to be a russian dominated industry about five years ago. it's been good news for that -- and elon musk and on. but i was noticing when you
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add china and what it's doing on the moon and setting up the space station on the moon, spend a lot of time on the far side of the moon, but we don't get many details about that. i don't mean to use this the other chance to raise eyebrows and worries but it's al qaeda not participating in all the fun and some are worried about that. >> is unfortunate i think it would be great to have all the countries of the world cooperates and i think even for countries that may not always get along and straighten matters and you can usually agree on scientific and exploration i would hope that we will be able to cooperate with other countries around the world back right now that's not happening but certainly i think also there is a little bit to be said about competition may be allow competition will help us get there alone quicker. >> neil: that will put. an indication of -- it help to have sort of, like, an enemy that that's obvious --
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we want to beat them to the moon and that was the focus and the challenge. we kind of loss that at the end back of their full program, the program -- apollo 17 cutting down -- never quite the same but is changing now. how you see it now? >> that's true, competition like mike said is a greatly. without the red sox -- nowadays without the -- competition is a good thing. i think in the future hopefully we can wor together. there are some things on earth are more important than working in the space but mike and i both were in the for a time where we had some great cooperation. we've got the international space station as a model of how we can do things, we just need to make sure that governments behave better on earth because that is where most people live. but the corporation was my theory part of being a national to be honest. >> neil: that's interesting because that is in our dna to
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cooperate and sort of practice with the same the geochemical plea that returns. on honor to have both of you, thank you very much. in the meantime you talk to you about -- all over the country where this was going on because 99 in% of americans could catch some of this so it's maybe more than others in the places. but in dallas they were actually kind of worried because mother nature wasn't cooperating. that was until the moment itself, casey steagall is there. hi casey. >> high, neil. talk about a big shot in the arm for the economy. one economist said that today's model -- most pocketable humanists in the state's 179 year history. we will bring it -- break it all down for you tonight -- up next in the live report. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lowe's knows there's nothing like the thrill of finding the best deal.
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at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. >> neil: speaking of the eclipse is casey steagall has been strove -- on economic impact of this copy is inborn good business reporter as well. in fact, alone too good for my liking. he joins us out of dallas with the economic impact of all this. what do you have? >> good to see you. $6 billion and there is an awful lot of money and that is how big the economic impact of this out of this world experience today is supposed to have across the entire country in here in texas specifically there's supposed to get the biggest chunk of that because we had the largest area of the most landmass in the totality zo
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zone. in fact, multiple large metropolitan areas like san antonio and austin and dallas-fort worth here, official in the lone star state officially said they wouldn't have the final figures until it's all over but they say preliminary estimates put that number anywhere between 150-600 million dollars. for contacts in dallas alone, hotels were 91 -- 99% four. some 35,000 rooms, well, transfer at 90 percent capacity and some half a million people were expected to visit like this woman we met from washington, dc. >> this time this seems like but dallas was just such a mortar have a couple of colleagues and friends in the area so it was, like, we should meet up and tried to make a party of it. >> area roadways have been, with people with cops shutting from areas known to
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battle a car made the surge of traffic mimic rental cars practically sold out mark and -- very, very long reliance and all those eclipse goers who flock here at home and start to trickle back to their final destinations. neil? >> neil: that and i hope you young man who these excellent business stories. that's fine. >> thank you your very kind. >> neil: michael steagall in dallas, texas. -- vermont -- and we were intrigued to have steve come over and talk to us because everything is s booked in vermont, everything is booked in a lot of hotels. business is booming. this started early, right? >> yeah. nice to be here. you had about 900 rooms booked for about a year here and although we will do the 600 million dollars was talking about how the last two or three days were absolutely make our fiscal year.
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april is the end back of our physical and along with about 40 inches of snow in the last teemak days this eclipse has meant the world to us. >> neil: 40 inches of snow? >> yeah. >> neil: and you are getting a lot just last week or so. so that while. but the one thing -- when you book all of these rooms and obviously the state was well known -- were emergency april 8th, see this big eclipse throughout the united states, you know, big-time by you, were those rooms booked years ago? what can you tell us. >> we booked our very first room four years ago. at the beginning of the pandemic we booked our first room. i have no idea what an eclipse was at that point but i can tell you i found a roobroeck what was. we adjusted our rates and we started the book and report everything on the side put everything within the year of the day. and, you know, we have a couple hundred people that live in the town that we're in and we have more than
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10,000 people here today on campus and it was spect spectacular. >> neil: that's amazing. you said you adjusted your rate. what were they normally? what were they for this event? >> normally in april even though -- april is the end back of the season so we are on late-season rates where i will simply say that it was late-season plus -- >> neil: i like that. late-season blast. >> yeah. within gouge folks but we made a good number here this weekend. >> neil: that's a big crowd to put up with. i was reading about niagara falls that had a state of emergency right now just dealing with a million plus written in "falls. isley is a different creature for you. you did have the added appeal of the snow and the skiing and all that but any difficulties with any of all those people? >> extraordinary well behaved. somewhere between very busy holiday weekend at a ski resort and a -- that's what it felt like you today.
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a little bit of everything and everything went out mark everyone was super well-behaved. >> martha: >> neil: obviously none of my relatives minutes for your place but unlike you held -- candidate. >> wouldn't see any caboodle is here. we had our eyes peeled for one. within the city anyway -- >> neil: i'm glad everything went well. congratulations. >> thank you, neil. >> neil: steve ryan, vermont jay peak resort general manager primitive been getting hit by a lot of snow. we have a lot more coming up including right now joe biden. he is still eclipse thing donald trump in the money raising front. see what i did there? but don't assume that donald trump is still shooting for the stars. basic cable, my friends. basic cable.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: you know, for the longest time that you might have been trailing in the
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polls, but joe biden was eclipsing one donald jay trump when he came to money raised in fact -- loving him and that money raised. but now all of a sudden well donald trump is red hot again shooting for the stars and that exhaust all my eclipse analogies so let's go tocharlien the ma race. >> i have to say i haven't had that -- her that many clichés in one sentence in a long time. >> neil: then you haven't been on the show nearly enough. [laughter] how does a look? >> by the way was there an eclipse because it looked pretty light outside to me. >> neil: incredible. go ahead. >> anyway. here's the thing you have to realize about trump, he doesn't mean -- need as much money to run against joe biden to run against the -- joe biden will conduct a time -- largely even from the press. is not going to be --'s advisors will not put him out there because he's not just --, from -- in the end to the perception he's not physically capable for the job or the reality or however
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you want to put it. so trump does need money but he needs -- all he needs to do is close that gap a little of it and, you know, if you're looking at the numbers now if you're looking at this weekend, up -- anecdote and indicator, he's probably going to get enough money to be competitive form of money standpoint vertically from large donors. what i understand is except for a handful of holdouts and we can go through that handful in a few minutes, you know, a lot of people are coming back to him. there looking at trump-biden and, you know, as far left as biden has gone, you know, has really turned off a lot of, you know, people that let believe in free markets so if you have reservations about donald trump's divisiveness and january 6 and takes, if you're a big gop magnolia thinking, you know, should i be worried about president kamala harris, should i be worried about turning the white house again for another four years over to the far
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left of the party which joe biden has done in the previous four years. anything that could really help donald trump marginally. know there are holdouts and, you know, we were talking about this today on foxbusiness, neil, can bring the big gop megan owner, pulled out right. steve schwartzman another big mega donor and someone who is close to trump still holding out. is the ceo of blackstone. merrian yellowstone who her husband was a huge donor to trump, they were actually all pretty close at one point, you know, somehow got turned off by donald from and she was supporting the centers and i think at least haley at the end back. so those are three mega donors that my guess is donald trump is going to try to back in to the folds as a matter of fact i heard there is open to medications all this other stuff. will see if they come out my come back but if they can get -- he will have -- i think he was -- at least the people i speak to think he will be okay in the money side. remember, neil, there was a story we did on your show in
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2016. every time the guy opens his mouth, he creates a media by. every time he put something on through social, you know, people tuning. the guy that have a sort of an array of talents that mere mortals don't on the sort of publicity side. so again he doesn't need it as much as biden. he will be out and about and biden won't be. to put that together, that's what i'm hearing from the gop faithful. back to you. >> neil: a lot of folks are focusing -- she and her husband close to $100 million to the trump campaign in the last moron. she had held up for the time being. we know why. >> well she supported haley and desantis and my guess is -- you know, we once interviewed sheldon. since he's fast i guess i can talk about this. my one of all producers interviewed children and we did a story on it for foxbusiness that quoted him
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on background and things of that nature where he's always had reservations about trump. just personal -- personally. you that he was divisive and overly divisive. open his mouth too much, too much tweeting them after go back and pull the story but essentially what i said and i think, you know, merriam is probably echoing some of those things. he still gave to trump in 2016 a lot and -- because you look at the sort of differences betweethe two and that you know, kilrea, trump, i'm going here. this is better for america. an agency sheldon elson at the trump inaugural can one of the inaugural balls which i happen to sneak into. i went under the guise of jerry jones just so you know. >> neil: okay. >> i can't tell you how that happened. but what i will tell you is that, you know, sheldon was always a little skeptical of donald from the sort of personal behavioral standpoint. >> neil: but his wife might
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give now. we'll say. >> i think they're all open to it. i think they just want -- to look at no biden administration just from an economic policies and hang think they're going to say, you know, do we really want four more years of this? neil, these are all business people. >> neil: sure. so if donald trump to get money from them will learn about it the one exactly -- i know you know, we've been covering him for forever. is one of the most persuasive and charming people when he wants to be and i guarantee he's turning on the charm right now. >> neil: yeah. his business acumen -- i'm done thank you, charlie. your son, the moon and the start of this broadcast. i'm done, folks at almost because brandy campbell in rochester new york which she also got to see the whole totality thing up close. was near some great food, too. reports she doesn't eat the same kind of food -- anyway.
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brandy hehn -- adelaido? >> neil, we'll -- had a great show. here in rochester, we didn't quite need our glasses as clouds stole the show but we still got quite a spectacle. i have more about that after the break. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah oooo. trouble seeing, buddy? you should book an exam at america's best. america's best. they have one of the nation's largest groups of optometrists! oh, you're... very welcome.
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♪ ♪ >> neil: rochester, new york was one of the cities of totality will -- where you're supposed to see the entire eclipse. mother nature didn't entirely cooperate might have happened that we in dallas not necessarily rochester, new york. brandy campbell with the latest. what happened? >> neil, yeah, i guess its what didn't happen. here in rochester we had clouds really threatening our view all morning and really as we get later in to the afternoon the closest we came in thicker and thicker, we had low-level clouds which is what our meteorologist said we did not want to see. and as you can tell from looking behind me was still have it. so 3:20 pm when totality hit, the sun was still not to be found. but people they did the countdown from ten and the crowd went wild. the sky went completely dark.
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neil, it almost seemed as though it was nighttime here. that's how dark it got back at fox for concentrated told me if it is a cloudy total eclipse you will get a darker experience. so we did feel that. also had my manometer ready because when you can also view the temperature drop as the moon covers a naturally i could see in the second them numbers were going down. i was counting 71, 17, 69. it went down to 65 degrees. i saw about a 10 degrees drop and again that was just in minutes. so we did that -- get an expanse. but i met people from all over. a lot of people from around new york city. that area just driving five hours but even further. software is they wanted to see the full show but they did get an experience with thousands of people. -- this is actually the rochester museum for science so, you know, they threw on a
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show. they had live music, entertainment, a national here to talk to the crowd. coastal act, -- time to be had but maybe some folks disappointed by not getting to see that corona of the sun like some of our other cities did. indianapolis, dallas. i mean, i watch it from our fox mother up and i got goosebumps so i can't -- and imagine what it was like in person. >> neil: consolation prize is rochester, new york has great food. my dad grew up there, visited there many times. so maybe before you go you can stop by nick tahoe streaming have something called a garbage -- you heard about it, right? come on that's worth it. eclipse, who cares? >> there closed! >> neil: what?! >> they opened up for a couple of hours. >> for god's sake! >> i'll have to come back. >> neil: all right. you had the -- he had so much more batman you are in the capitol in the new york region of some great, great
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food. like it you have to talk to your doctor about what it like to eat it but i'm serious, it's great food. that should be a consolation prize. brandy, thank you very much. brandy campbell. we have a lot more coming up including jonathan hunt. don't know if he's ever been to nick tahoe and tried to garbage plate. i do know he's in indianapolis and been talking to folks witness something that may be was bigger than food is ever. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and, you know it, then your face will surely show it. ♪
1:54 pm
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♪ ♪ >> all right, that was jonathan hunt in the dark. we had not told jonathan when we went to indianapolis that was foany clips. in the middle of that and everything would get dark. he did know that. he covered it very, very well. talk to some great people out there. i guess the lights were out there for a good 3.5-4 minutes. everything okay right now. how did they all go down, jonathan? >> it was incredible. i think for a lot of people here -- there are about 50,000 or so gathered here at the indianapolis motor speedway. it was a physical experience watching the total eclipse. it was an emotional experience. for some people, i think even a spiritual one. you know what touched me most of all was talking to a lot of the
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kids who were here. the family -- families come to events and bring the kids along whether they are preteens or teenagers. often, you are dragging them. i know this from experience. they are bored and complaining. every single can't we talk to after this was saying, oh, my goodness. that was amazing. and it truly was. when we saw the moon starting to creep across the face of the sun here in indianapolis there were gasps just then. as it completed that cross across the surface of the sun, and we plunged into complete darkness here, the totality as they called it, that gasps, the cheering. people were hugging each other. it really was quite an emotional experience and a good reminder to everyone of us that we may be divided within families. we may be divided within this country along political lines so often. there may be conflicts raging
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around the globe. the universe is bigger than every one of us, bigger than all of those problems. a great reminder that if you are arguing with your spouse or significant other tonight, forget about it. give them a hug instead. the world will be a much better place after today for those who witnessed it at least i think. >> you obviously didn't run into any of my italian relatives. short line for them. it is true. united the world. we weren't arguing about anything. politics neighbor came up. you want to see these things last but they don't. >> now, they probably don't. and i'm sure tomorrow, everywhere will be back to discussing the same things that we have been discussing for so long here in this country. and around the world. at least it can serve as a reminder. we can look back at the pictures of this. we can look back at the video and think, what an amazing thing, a cosmic coincidence as nasa officials put it. it really was a beautiful thing
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and should remind us all that we are just a very, very small part of an incredible universe. i heard you talking earlier to brandy up in rochester i think she was where they didn't get to see it so well about all the great food up there. i will go to rochester any time you want i will eat all the food that is bad for us. we can give our own doctors a heart attack by eating the food they tell us not to. speak out we are going together, young man. great job. we really appreciate that perspective. only from delavan but all our folks. this is a very special day in one of those days where we stop and think, this is all right. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino along with jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪


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