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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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aaron. >> bret: 50 years ago today legendary hank aaron hit 715th home run to become the all-time leader. the blast broke babe ruth's record which he set in 1935. aaron's eventual career mark of 755 was broken in 2007 by barry bonds although many fans still consider aaron the true home run king, all in. tomorrow on "special report" we will talk to retired general jack keane about the fighting in israel. if you can't catch us live set your dvr. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" starts now. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. democrats' death to america. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: now, we heard for the longest time during the obama era that this guy, his preacher,
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was an anomaly. >> the government gives him the drugs, prisons, passes a three strike law and then wants to us sing god bless america, no, no, no. not god bless america. god damn america. that's in the bicycle for killing innocent people. god damn america for treating its citizens less than human. god damn america as long as she tries to act like she is god and she is supreme. >> laura: but he wasn't an anomaly and that wasn't an outlier. what reverend wright was saying back in 2003 was what many leftists then and some of the democrats now believe. >> going to rip out the systemic racism that still effects our laws our institutions our culture. >> laura: given those words from our elected officials, systemic racism, structural racism, given that sentiment, why would anyone be surprised that others who
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live here feel justified saying yes, that we are, indeed, a wicked, evil country like in michigan over the weekend? >> [chanting] >> laura: none of this should shock anyone who has been paying attention. because those protesters are saying what most activists on the left think. frankly it's what most members of the white house staff believe. outside of maybe fourth of july or funerals, the left recoils and ridicules bold displays of patriotism. they recoil from it. flags make them uncomfortable. trigger warning. >> i was really disturbed. i saw, you know, dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with, you know, expolitic tifs against joe biden on the back of them. >> yep. >> trump flags. and some cases just dozens of american flags which, you know,
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is also just disturbing because essentially the message was clear it was this is my country. this is not your country. i own this. >> laura: i'm still stuck on explicatives. she means expletives. even national anthem had to be another song to clean us of the taint of the original. yet, the line on joe biden all along going back in 2008 was that he was scrappy guy from scranton more of a moderate with patriotic working class roots. well, the roots are long gone. >> i recognize a lot of folks across this country maybe it's not you. your kid, your family member going through whatever a transgender child in a family is going through but i think we all agree if it were you, you would want the space to figure it out with your family and your doctor, not being told by anybody. i will not stop until i ban assault weapons again and high
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capacity magazines. >> laura: because no one who really loved america, our history and our culture would make it his policy to push that or to leave our border open. no one who really wanted to help keep america safe would have appointed anyone can a poops to the cabinet like janet yellen, lloyd austin or jennifer granholm and no one who really cared about americans could dismiss their complaints, their real complaints certainly no ono respected our working people would try to outlaw gas powered cars and mandate evs. no one who wanted a healthy america would consider legalizing high thc weed. and no one who really cared about protecting american life would consider abortion up until birth a sacred right. so death to america is a fact of life under democrats' policies. biden's unending spend something
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death to our economy. his weaponization of the doj death to our rule of law. his obsession with dei will mean death to standards of objective excellence in education, the workplace, even our military. everyone immigration policy, that's death to our local budgets, schools, and healthcare system and that's just for starters. and of course his kowtowing to the trans lobby means death to women's sports. in effect democrats today promote almost everything that's bad forever us. an open border, drugs, pornography and abortion. one by one each is a step toward our nation's death. the sad truth is democrats all think it's best for the world and best for us if we had fewer resources if we have less power. remember, we're structurally racist after all. and anything that they can do to bring that about they're going
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to try to do. look at what they have done in places they have controlled. for instance, does california as a state have the same type of influence and cachet that it had back in the 1980s? no. >> i moved to california in 1986. it was not as liberal as it is now. i saw this coming years ago and i said, you know what? i'm going back to florida. florida is a free state. >> laura: same deal with new york. that's no longer the place you have to live. how about harvard? does a harvard degree still mean edges lens after claudine gay? >> an e. anti-semitic rhetoric when it crosses into conduct that amounts to bullying, harassment, intimidation, that is actionable conduct and we do take action. >> so, the answer is yes, that calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> again, it depends on the context. >> laura: and our once trusted agencies like the cdc, the nih
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still is well-respected after covid? we all know the answer to that, no. if you told the average leftist that 10 years from now america would be richer, stronger, and more powerful, i think they would be pretty depressed. but if they knew in a decade that we would all be living in microapartments, own nothing cars and eating bugs, they would be happy. i think the happiest they ever were was when everyone was locked down. they loved their zoom cocktail parties wearing masks, zoom classes for their kids, getting checks from the government to do nothing. america stopped working and they were thrilled. the economy was on ice, just as they like it. death to america is not just a phrase shouted in dearborn or anywhere else in michigan after the hamas assault in israel. it's what the party of joe biden is bringing to america every day of the week with more to come if
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he is elected again. that's the angle. joining us is vibleg tore davis hanson. victor, it does seem like on every major issue biden and democrats want to put america last but it's more than that, is it not? because they are uncomfortable with america's premier status in the world. >> i think so, i think at first when they went through that litany you reviewed thought well they can't be that bad. they can't be that ill intended toward america. they are just incompetent. they are lazy, they are lax, they don't know what they are doing. as this administration devolved, they can see that it was deliberate. especially the border i think they feel to reset america they have to destroy america as most americans had been accustomed to. so, they had the on midas touch. everything they touched, crimes
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border, foreign policy they destroy. out of these ashes are going to come new america and kind of the america you outline where we are a third or fourth class power abroad. we have a high unemployment. we are not even call did a high unemployment rate. people are not working highly central ridessed and really a war against individuality and freedom. all of the things that brought people all over the world into america to make it unique. they don't like it. and they think it has to be destroyed and rebooted or reset or what the obamas call fundamentally transformed. and biden has done more to in three years to fundamentally transform the united states than obama did in eight. >> laura: they really do like it. could be young people in michigan. harvard or upenn. when they are unhappy with america. even if it's a temporary political setback for the democrats, they like that they like that agitation when it's
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coming from the left and when america is called evil in the process. victor, where does this end? >> well, it ends when we get a few brave people to speak out. we had a college president vanderbilt. they just simply said if you are going to break our rules suspended. the students were historical and terrified. all you have to do is deport 5,000 people here and nobody else boo come. we have it in our power to stop the madness. it's such orthodoxy and group think that we don't have enough people standing up and say i'm not going to do this anymore. once people stop doing it. the commercial of in the early 2,000s they filled a hammer and ball into the screen the o. wellian figure shatters. it's not based on any
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contribution to civil situation it's nihilistic if we all speak up it would crumble. people don't like it. they don't want to be called a racist, sen xenophobe. >> they hate this idea of people living with their families going to church regularly or maybe going to a patriotic music festival as you saw with kid rock over the weekend that makes them very uncomfortable. and they feel like they need to do something about it, victor. i have noticed this and only picked up in recent years since that reverend wright clip from 2003, it's gotten worse, not better. >> they they call that i think they think it's called marxist false consciousness that all of us plead in and pro-tear i can't tell. we don't know what is did good for us and can't wake us. like biden saying to charlamagne tha god you are not black if you
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don't do what i want or the white world class doesn't know what's good for them what happens matter with kansas? if you listen to the left wining bicoastal elite nobody listens to them they get hangrier and more constructive. they are not very nice people, i don't think. they don't come across as pandemic they thick or kind or have the best interest of americans at heart. people are trying to conclude that and that makes them angrier. and project on to some person who is not angry. it's they who are angry really ironic about it. >> laura: all upset because trump and, they took a little phrase of what he said. trump wants people from good countries to come. they go after trump for that, i think most people are like what's wrong with that? people are like well, okay. no we want more people from our enemy china to come across with their roller bags. >> yeah.
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mine, what's wrong with saying we don't want people from venezuela that hates us why do we want thousands and millions of people without -- anybody know that when trump says it, everybody nods and says you are not supposed to say that but you are right that's what drives the left crazy. they can't stop it. >> victor, great to see you tonight as always. all right. just how bad was biden's interview with the special counsel that they are afraid to release the audio. judiciary committee chair jim jordan has some ideas, next. intuit turbotax. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready.
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>> laura: what's the biden administration hiding? the justice department is refusing to comply with the house g.o.p. subpoena to turn over audio recordings of biden's interview with special counsel robert nur that classified docs case. an elderly man with a poor memory. remember that's how hur described the president in that written report submitted to the doj. now recall that democrats circled the wagon for biden after hur's findings became public. >> it's flatly wrong. it's inappropriate. it is gratuitous. >> gratuitous, inaccurate, and
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inappropriate. you know, regularly, his mental acuity is great. it's fine. >> laura: right. it's worth noting that schumer is still with it and is roughly the same age as the president. so, if biden is as sharp as ever like chuck says, what are they worried about? in fact, the audio recordings should actually put the public's doubts to rest once a and for a. the doj says production' interest in securing them is not in service of legitimate oversight. but only serves political purposes that should have no role in the treatment of law enforcement files. joining me now congressman jim jordan, chairman of the house judiciary committee. congressman, to the doj's point, what law enforcement purpose would the recordings or could the recordings in your mind advance. >> i think we got to go back to the facts. remember the facts here. joe biden knowingly kept and disclosed classified information. robert hur says in the report
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the reason he did that on page 231 he said he had strong motivations for doing so and ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book. a book by the way that he got paid $8 million advance. we know he met the elements of the crime. he knowingly kept and disclosed information to the ghost writer. we know that we have a motive, $8 million motive. but yet the special counsel said we're not going to recommend charges because he is a forgetful old man. okay. so he met the elements but you are not going to do it. we want to decide then and yes, sir up the democrats say oh no, no, no he is not a old man and gratuitous for them to say that. >> let us have the tapes. we have the duties to do oversight we the people would like to know that's someone who meets the elements was in charge if that's the reason let the country eval theta that from eer
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themselves. you know as a lawyer that you can get more from that than you can just the transcript alone joe biden when he actually used to take questions from the press what would happen to those who defy congressional subpoena. >> what's your message to people who defy congressional subpoenas on the january 6th committee? >> i hope that the committee goes after them and holds them accountable criminally. >> you think they should be prosecuted? >> i do, yes. >> laura: by that standard, should they be criminally prosecuted should they not? >> well, there is definitely a double standard. think about this, laura. in the last three presidential elections we have had three people run for office. we have had president trump, hillary clinton, president trump, joe biden and now president trump and joe biden. so three people they have all had. there has always been concerns raised about how they handled classified information but only one is getting prosecuted,
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president trump. that makes no sense,i think, to the american people. particularly when you have at fact manor that i described that robert hur in his investigation put forward in his report and says we are not going to charge forgetful old man. double standard which is exactly what joe biden was alluding to people who defy subpoenas should be prosecuted and held in con tempted and on and on it goes. that is not how it is supposed to work in our country. it's supposed to be equal treatment under the law. >> laura: i keep remember the comey, rerm the famous statement when he gets up and lays out the elements of the crime and then says well we are not moving forward on this and strangest thing ever. >> no reasonable prosecutor would there were 30,000 emails she destroyed. moving classified information adoes the searcher. it seems to us to destroy evidence, bleach bit used to
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destroy things. and, yet, no prosecution there. no prosecution with president biden. but, of course, jack smith is going after president trump. the one guy by the way i would add who was actually president of thenited states when the concerns were raised about how classified information was handled the one guy who has complete aututhority on whether something is classified or not, that's the one who gets prosecuted but not the other two. >> congressman, always good to see you. thank you. now, trump just took away the only issue democrats have to run on in november. i'll explain it, next.
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that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. >> laura: scare rhetoric, hillary, really? for many in the pro-life community and beyond was one of the most important moments of the 2016 campaign. it was clarifying. and after the dobbs decision, the issue of abortion is back. now, democrats can't argue, right, this year that americans are better off than they were three years ago because they are not. they can't argue that our border is more secure because it's not. or that fentanyl smuggling is down because it's not either. and they can't tell women that they should feel safer in their homes because they do not. all the democrats have is trump bad, and abortion good. well, today trump hit the issue on truth social and took the air out of the tires on their training wheels. >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or
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legislation or, perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. >> laura: joining me now byron york fox chief correspondent fox news contributor and kayleigh mcgee white fox news. steam boat institute blankley fellow. kayleigh, i know you are the daughter of a pastor and a pro-life advocate. but you're saying that trump is doing the right thing here. explain. this. >> right, and, again, this cause is very d dear to my heart. i volunteered pro-life and still do so at local crisis pregnancy center. do i believe trump is right on this. i'm also a pragmatist realizes it would be far better for the pro-life movement to elect literally any republican than it would be to elect a democrat who will not hesitate to codify a radical abortion regime that
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would make even socialist europe blush. by the way i would just say that many conservatives criticizing trump over his statement on this actually would agree with me. because they had a chance to elect a candidate in the g.o.p. primary who would have supported federal legislation on this issue. who would not have taken the centrist approach. but they didn't. the g.o.p. voters nominated trump for the exact same reason that he is now taking this position, which is that they believe that he can win the white house. >> laura: byron, republicans fought for 50 years to get roe overturned and courtesy of trump they finally succeeded but didn't he do the thing, the only thing really he could do at this point without committing political suicide and ensuring that more pro-abortion activists get nominated to the federal courts? >> yeah. i think he did. i think he felt especially after having wrapped up the republican nomination, i think he felt a responsibility to lead the party on this.
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certainly after the ivf controversy in alabama. and you are absolutely right for 50 years, conservatives pro-lifers, legal conservatives all argued that since there is not a right to abortion in the constitution; therefore, the issue must be sent to the states. now, everybody knew that if that happened then you would see intense political battles in the states is we are seeing now that's what you saw trump finally focus on in his statement today. >> laura: well, the interesting thing is, most of the pro-life groups are rallying to trump politico said in a headline in one of their pieces today despite they were disappointed with his announcement. they see the pragmatic position they have to take here. but, caicaylee.
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pro-abortion movement because they really don't have any limits that they will publicly state on the procedure of abortion. what trump said in 2016 is still accurate. up until birth. perhaps even after birth believe is baby is expendable. a glob of cells or whatever they want to call it. that's a radical position. trump never favored a national ban although they keep saying that. >> absolutely. by taking the centrist position he is not only neutering the strongest against him is he turning attention to the democrats radicalism on this issue. he even under statemented just how radical they are. it's not that they want abortion for any reason up and until the moment of bitter. >> take away conscientious. they want to remove women not to be coerced into the procedure.
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they want to essentially use your tax paper dollars to subsidize and. that's what the democratic party's agenda is. that's what we are up against. >> things are moving against the democrats in so many directions. the piece today in asian pacific islanders and asian americans moving against the democrats. a trend we have been seeing for some time. that's another cause for so i think they are taking a lot of incoming and they are grabbing on any anchor they think could still eke out a victory in various races for them. but i don't get the sense that this one is going to win. not the way trump handled it. >> well, they really do believe that abortion played a big role in their doing better than expected in the 2022 midterms. obviously there have been a lot of predictions of a huge red wave, mostly did not happen. and they believe that even in a very difficult economy, in which
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a lot of voters specifically blamed joe biden for the conditions in the economy democrats did better than expected and they think that was because of the abortion issue. so you are certainly going to see did. the way you saw vice president harris just jump on this today and as well as the president and everybody else. i think it tells you what they are going to be doing for the next seven months. >> laura: forget the economy and border and fentanyl go for abortion. byron and kay lee great to see both of you. up next a wild confrontation caught on camera and a homeowner who decided i'm not staying home. almost gets killed in the process. we are here to tell his story. so stay there. ♪
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so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> laura: washington state resident erec smith was in bed last wednesday when he got a notification on his phone that someone was in his driveway. and his car door was open. it was his immediate instinct to venture outside to see what was going on and what happened next was tariffing. >> help!
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help! we were first alerted to your story by jason rants who is a friend of the show. like so many of us, he was shocked at how brazen the criminals have become. what were you thinking a lot of people would say take the car. let me live. but you decided to confront these thugs. >> yeah. you know, i have a ring, obviously. and a lot of my neighbors are getting rings now. and received that notification and just like every day, received notifications of everybody else telling their story or posting their story about incidents trying to going
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on in the area in the neighborhood. you know, i'll always look at the map to see if it's close to me and you know, it's not. but, it just happened to be that night. it was a situation i ran into. but. >> laura: you walked outside and they were -- were they already -- they were in the car. and that's you running to tackle them. are you armed in that? it looks like you are. >> nope. not armed. >> laura: oh you are not. >> no. like i said, i was in bed. i received a notification within a couple seconds i was downstairs, outside. i slammed my front door as i was going out and that like alerted the individual in my vehicle who jumped out. and i went chasing after him. how lucky are you not to be run over by that car? i'm looking at that video and i'm terrified forever you but you ended up on the hood of the vehicle, again, it's a vehicle. i mean, i wouldn't recommend people doing what you did because you are putting yourself
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in danger for a car. was this out of frustration? you were just sick and had enough and you were sick and tired of this? >> yeah. it's just -- i think you i had the mentality, the mindset, you know that, i didn't want this to happen to me. i keep seeing it. it's growing issue. it's growing popularity of criminal activity in the area as soon as i saw it. as soon as i saw my truck door open i'm like no, it's not going to happen to me. car jacks here in the washington, d.c. area. what can you tell us about the suspects in your case as soon as i got my hands on the individual i could tell by his voice, how much he weighs i didn't get a good look at his face but i could tell he was young. and, you know from, that moment, i was just like okay, i'm just
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going to hang on to this guy and i'm going to call the police and but things changed very quickly. when the passenger or the driver of the vehicle decided to back up and try to come between us. that's what exactly happened and i was very, very lucky and fortunate that it ended the way it did. >> laura: did they just run away? what happened at that point? >> so, i was on the hood, ran into my vehicle. i just happened with the momentum hop off the vehicle and land on my feet. turned around and the first thing i thought in my mind was all right, it's a clear shot of his license plate. clear shot of faces getting in the vehicle. so, i pull out my phone. started taking recording photos and in attempt to gain as much information before they took off. if they were willing to hit me, who knows what they were going to do next. i didn't know if they were going to try to hit me again so i
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created to create that space and that's where i grabbed my phone. >> laura: earthqueric, you gavem something to think about. thank you for shaking your story. just when you think all hope is lost for humanity or young people are entitled or rudderless or becoming more vicious, something happens to make us optimistic again. well, last week thousands of students gathered for unite georgia. it's a faith event geared mostly toward gen zers brought students and locals together in worship and prayer singing and personal testimonies. at some point the event moved from the coliseum at the university of georgia to a parking lot. and pickup trucks became impromptu baptismal pools, their beds filled with water. >> this is insane. thousands of college students getting baptized in truck beds. >> i was three years ago when christ called my name.
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[cheers] and he showed me that the love of jesus is the greatest love story of all time. [cheers] [cheers] >> joining me now tonya pruitt founder of unite us and nate kearns a junior at the university of georgia. nate, we actually have video of the moment that you were baptized. let's watch. [cheers] >> cheers. nated, had you planned on getting baptized that night. >> i had not. no ma'am. i just heard the call from the lord and he said be obedient. i listened to him to take a step of faith my fraternity brothers watched that. >> wow, i know have you organized multiple revivals like this at schools. including at auburn which we
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covered last year what's going on here among our young people? >> you know, first i just want to say that these events can only be explained by a move of god. we have thousands of students showing up at these events and hundreds giving their lives to jesus. hundreds getting baptized. we are getting testimony from these students saying hey, i walked in contemplating suicide but i left with the most joy and peace i have ever experienced it's amazing and moving. we have universities reaching out on our website every day saying we are desperate for revival. please bring unite to our university it's a work of god. >> incredible to see this. again, at a time where so many people are so down about our youth nate, what was your relationship with religion with christ before last wednesday?
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>> yes. my experience is very -- i grew up culturally christian. went to church there was no peernl relapersonal relationshi. wednesday i fully committed myselflf to christ a month prior and i felt the calling to obey the lord. i'm here to say that for you at home no matter how broken you think you are, jesus christ's love is more powerful than that. and he wants to enter into a personal relationship with you. you call on the name of the lord you are will not be forsaken. >> laura: wow. well, i want to have everyone tonight watching the angle see how your night ended once all the baptism had actually finished. watch. ♪ was blind ♪ but now i see
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[cheers] >> laura: tonya, first of all i always cry when i hear amazing grace. it's one of those hymns that like -- i better not even talk about it that is so beautiful and something is happening here in this country. there's a deep, deep, desire for something more than going out and getting drunk and hooking up and, you know, doing whatever college kids do. tonya, close it out. >> yes. so i think we have college students all our nation saying you know what? i'm hungry for more and desperate for hope and in mentoring college students i heard about all the unimaginable pain that students are going through. they are seeking for something. and what we're bringing to them is just hope and truth and we offer salvation and freedom and
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connection. our prayers that these students will leave this event and get connected in a local church or ministry and carry this on is a lifelong decision. >> laura: tonya, nate, very, very cool. i'm so happy we did this segment tonight. nate, i'm an alabama fan but tonight i'm a georgia fan. >> there you go. >> laura: all right. great to see you both. all right. the biden white house launches a new campaign strategy and raymond sees an eclipse that you may have missed. "seen and unseen,"with next. be ♪ liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you.
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>> laura: time for seen and unseen where we reveal the stories high and the outlines we took to the fox news contributor, president was on the stump today. >> reporter: he didn't look stumped now and then. as you know the president has been having some difficulty on the road and campaigning is becoming something of a challenge. >> when we ran this lead county,
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we made a commitment to fix the broken student loan system. i'll never stop to deliver student debt relief from hard-working americans. >> reporter: there is no way that he can win voters over with that oratory, the white house has shifted strategy, you've heard of uber eats, meet by a need, a delivery service where the president not only picks up your food but shares it with you at your home for political purposes. we showed you the peace where he went to an african-american family in south carolina. you'll remember. >> all right, man. how many chicken fingers you've got? i love reading these biographies. biden you can see president, i
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had no -- no idea. >> reporter: good lord. now biden eats has descended on the italians. the family of pennsylvania are the victims this time, biden donors, and he brought dr jill long because she's italian. >> it was time for pizza, doctor biden went for classic margarita, the president, well done. >> might be irish but i'm not stupid. sicilian. >> reporter: i guess he's going to go house to house with this racially distinct menu in the hopes of winning over voters, the biden campaign says that this is part of their strategy and they're posting this on instagram and tiktok. they tnk this is the retail politician signed joe >> laura: what was that show that they did comedians and cars getting coffee this is biden in
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homes getting board, i don't know what this is. >> reporter: getting votes. >> laura: i think it's creative. what else they gonna do. >> reporter: at one point president biden found the young daughter, the little girl and note the fascinating and eating -- easy conversation that ensued. >> did you write this? holy mackerel. >> and everybody signed their name. >> the president president has the power to help people. >> president joe biden: that's the whole purpose. thank you very much. >> laura: thank you. >> speaker-03: -- >> reporter: holy mackerel. thank you. >> laura: holy mackerel. tell us about this eclipse meaning and seemed to grip the nation today. i was out there and i had a few
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moments. patel is. >> reporter: i'll get to that. i love the idea that unified everybody. but the presidential candidates posted their own eclipse, watch. [ ♪♪ ] >> laura: that is hysterical. >> reporter: but then biden posted a public safety, watch. >> enjoy the eclipse template safe, don't be silly. >> reporter: don't be silly, apparently the day anchors at cnn did not hear that. >> welcome to eclipse across america. >> this is what's gonna happen if i can reenact. the moon we'll be going in front of the son. and that's a partial i thankful eclipse. >> this is where things are right now. >> just peeking out in mexico.
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and then it'll be total. in the zone a totality which will be amazing. >> reporter: this is cnn. this thing was one of the most underwhelming events. all we had new orleans was cloud cover. i've seen approaching hurricanes that were darker, would you do? >> laura: i was outside gardening as i am when i'm not working. and my dogs are outside. and they put classes on them. i'm not sure if they like it so much. >> reporter: that sounds thrilling. >> laura: so he doesn't like it. she's always cockeyed. even the glasses were cockeyed in and did not like hers at al >> reporter: maybe she stared into her sonon, that will hurt you. >> laura: up next, jesse. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters primetime tonight. [ ♪♪ ] trump and biden. day and night. >> plate save don't be


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