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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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tyler fisher, amazing comedian and of course, the great kat timpf that's tonight at 10 p.m. my way, jesse podcast. patrick beck david, i was over on that this weekend. there you are. you can go check that out on youtube, spotify, apple, i watched it. >> you did? yep. well, that's a great weekend for you then. great. >> tonight, jesse watters primetime trump is the solar eclipse. oh, yeah. congrats on being number one. i said earlier. thank you very much. >> so he feels guilty that you want to go now. >> i want to wait. how do you want to go? i do not. it's going to be great game tonight. you go. i'm watching fox. i don't know what you're doinger here. oh, yes. i don't know. all right. that's it for us. everybody. have a great night, thil. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonightonight.t. well, and biden day and night. >> play it safe. pla don't be silly.
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welcome to the 2024 cmt. the country music takeover party often left out. here. >> ted nugent is here. this is hitler. ] i know, because i know what mental illness looks like . >> get it together, people. he will bo w down, plus stuff playing. wow. did you see it? did you stare at it? dosee itdi your eyes hurt? >> mind you. there it goes. yeah, it deep inside. look at this. look at this. the crowd is really good. it.
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i would take it. tak yeah. i get it. i get paid to die. oh, not only the solar eclipsess stop news, they stop wars. ag over 2000 years ago, in ancient greece, an eclipse stoppedar wab a six year war between the means and the libyans. a peace treaty was quickly signed. humans have always seey wan solr eclipses as bad omens. the inca civilization, sun worshipers, believed the eclipses were the wrath of godrshipersses. so to appease him, you guessed it, human sacrifice. >> some native american tribes hue the sun burned themrth an to earth and seeking revenge, the dwarf ensnared the sun and only a mouse was able to nibble through the ropes and release it back on its pathh . hindu mythology taught us that
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a cunning demon disguisednvad in women's clothing invaded a banqueed at to drink the nectr of the gods in a quest for immortality. ofbut was caught and beheaded and the decapitated demon head with float across the sky and obscure the sun. >> ancientd flt acro chinese bed celestial dragons were devouring the suese n, so to sae it, they bang drums and created a ruckus to scare the dragon away. >> the ancient chinese believerw that dragons were eating the sun, and the only way to stop it was to yell at it, have at it, stop playing while waiting for. >> today, millions of americans grab their silly glasses, am theirk and stared at the sky. >> it's going to be amazing. and this is either the best idea or the worst idea. set aside all journalistic credibility. yes. this is basically what's going.n to happen if i can reenacte the moon will be going in front of themoonbe goi sun.
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boris sanchez in this point, and that's a partial i think the we've got a full eclipse there. >> once the moon passes the sun . everything goes back to normal. it always does and it always will. >> ask donald trump the last time we experienced an eclipse, the president stared right into itt star and then it was over and he was fine. and so we're way . hanged well, some things have changed e . >> folks enjoy the eclipse, but play it safe. >> don't be silly.don' this year, biden doesn't want tu you to see what's coming and wants you to forget happthappens nex
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. the trump eclipse.pse, >> a bad omen for democrats. dragon devouring their power so they bang o y one drum on da and raise. >> and if that doesn't work, only human sacrifice will save them. but good luck finding in heavenly bodies are aligning the former president hosting a live golf tournament at his miami clubresident gol. the game the game's biggest names all their the night before, trump raised over $50 million at the palm beach fundraiser, shattering million joe biden's 5 million record haul. and he didn't neede help fromm
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two other presidents and lizzo. >> people are just wanting change. >> rich people want poor people. everybody wants change. the country is really doing poorly. nted, evwe're a laughing stock r the world. we're going to get that change very quickly. we're going to makeat america great again. everyone knows it. the election is going to bee in now a little more than six months and it's going to be the most important, i believe, election we've ever had. >> trump's have eve going to have plenty of money to win. the court cases are backfiringnf . he's speaking with nuance about abortion. imaginbackfiri y speakie that trump nuance. and he's ahead in every battleground. democrats know what's coming, and they see it as a sig n of the apocalypse, just like ancient cultures did to the moon . >> they're screaming to make trump go away. he wile l punish everybodye him. that didn't vote for him, let me tell you. yeah, tell yoi know the i know becauw i know what mental illness
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looks like. hmm. thishat mania is unstoppable. >> this month, hitler and the democrats say you need i to dobs more than scream because just like they thought the moon would never leaveye. >> they say trump's going to stay for life. you hear t f about trump saying he's going to be a dictator for a day, which is not going to be for a daday whonnay. the >> if it happens.t of could be for the rest of our lifetimes and our children's and more. >> just like what happens after every eclipse? everybod.ike what y knows trump's going to leave office just like he did the last time. just lik but just like the ancients, in order to restore order to the universe, liberals dance and pray for power back. oh, yeah, buddy. pennsylvania, you have to get out and register to vote. and you have to vote for biden. i pass that other guy,
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the orange man, the proof mane' like this. he is going to takse away your social security and a lot. of you are right. don't. e's go >>nn and he's going to take awaa your health care. the democraty yours are using ey ritual bribing voters, hoaxes, arrestg vos. >> now, the biden campaign is going door to doorn ca ethnic groupsni and offering food to the demographic gods as a formform of atonement. earlie or, biden showed up to a black family's home to eat fried chicken. they talked about basketballta and bullets this weekendlked. a >> biden went italian. this is what happened. democrat wens going in and persuading him to ask for pizza . >> here's betsy hamming it up ie with thets president. you did last night.the fantastic. god loveesident. you. dr. biden went for a classic margarita. the presidenou.
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t had the premiere. >> well done, sir. the may be irish are not stupid . i married w g a couple's daughter. >> sicilian. oh, all right. what's next? >> taco tuesdays with hispanics. a long night in michigan. these food offerings aren'tn mi going to stop what's cominchig g. nov >> from now until november, people are going to scream. they're going to teling tol you something horrible is going to happen. >> you'll have to sacrifice your paychecuk and your safetyi to stop it. >> but be smart. a greek philosopher, thérese, was the first human to predicttu a solar eclipse. >> he watos considered the firss scientist. >> so be a political scientist. you also know what's coming. don't be an ignorant villager. >> let's bng in owner of the jets, woody johnson. woody, you were at the big $50 million palm beach fundraiser for donald trump. what was it like? >> well, it was trump's eclipse
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,i guess, by your inner monologue. yeah. i mean, it was unbelievable. you know, i've been going to these things for years sincte reagan. i've never seen anything like it. you know, everybody'e th everybods back. you $50 million, as you said, twice what biden and clinton and obama raised together. very enthusiastic people is about 100 people at that dinner a little over verythat appreciar of what trump and his family, president trumump anp and his fo are giving up to do this to save america and make america great agaiven. reat a >> sgao the good news is you raised 50 million just to start . all these people are fired up. and th aree second, the small and medium sized donor also came in with a huge, huge 50 million dollars 50. >> so that's that's, you know,ln a couple of million a day. >> pretty good. it's pretty good. good.esse: prettyand by the wat
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record, not even not even close. bi we always hear about what joe biden tells donors at these events. >> he goesde a off script. goesf does former president donald trump tell donors things different than what he tells the public? donors dy to you at this fundraiser? >> i think it was one oft wa the best speeches. >> you know, each one gets better and better. . >> but he really was very relaxed with this group and hedf kind of described what he wants to do on the dire straitsre of the countries and with inflation and, you know, low rule of law, an open border. what's going on in the middle anst and europe and all this criminal ness, inflation, gasdos prices that are unattainable for a lot of people.. >> and he has she's done itn an before. and this time i think he'll be even better. a lot better, becaus u'lle he really kno knows what he's doing now. so he'll be able to get inflation down, gas prices down by drill, baby, drill. >> he'll close the border.
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he'll make good dealu'lls with china and north korea. some of our adversariese and iran and israel and so >> and i think the world be ae o safer and better placerl. there'll be less crime. he's extremely compassion d that people don't know, that he's extremely funny. thk people are startingeciate to appreciate his sense of humor hf humour and he just e all of us. once againt . >> and i think, yeah, the overwhelming thought was, i yeah, this is just the beginning for us. everybody in that room was usd, but itll up har was really an appreciation. appreciagood that you know, thas doing. yeah, it's good. it's good to hear that the party is coming together and coalescing afterin a lot of the division we've seen over the last couple of years. >> now we've had an earthquaketn . nod a solar eclipse and you're starting quarterback almost was a vice
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presidential candidate. what is going on? i >> well, what is happeninging ri right noghw, he is getting back to football 100%. he never left football. okay. but that 100 was that was a momentary distraction. >> maybe like the, you know, guy in the dark room orn whatever. but he's back 100% great leader. you know, i tell i tellt to 1 the receivers, you count to ten. >> hold your hands up and look around the ball. >> be there. right. so, you know, he is he's going to be really good if we can keep him on his feet, which i think we cans fe. he's going to be it's going to be an exciting start to n the seasonex. jets, >> all right. we've got to save the jets, save roger's sav save america. >> what do johnson with the country. save the country. and you're doingy. a great job. >> and congratulations on your numbers. they're really good. thanngratulak you very much. >> we appreciate it. and president trump's numbers also pretts alsoy good. really got to do the same. all right. take care.
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>> you, too. diddy volcanoes and abortion.heb ahead on primeug tims.e. made w botherit the bugs, notit wipes your family. ziva cleanly was made with essee oils which attack bugsople biological systems-f in whites e cleanly. plus a safe for use around people and pasd maculat tsavo. i >> people friendly but deadly. >> people friendly but deadly. i was scared age related macular degeneration could jeopardizalle my vision. it was hard, but taking preservation was easm taking ot preservation as the exact clinically proven rates to formula recommended by the nea. >> i'm taking control like millions of others. you're being watched. the new show that's changing crime tv is back with a new season only on fox nation. hey, criminals, we're still watching sean sticks. larkin returns to the show where every shot tells a different story when every frame uncovers the truth. buckle up, america. crime camp 24/7 returns new episode friday on fox
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15% off with promo code trim at take lincoln. >> two years ago, the supreme court overturned roe v. wadear,e sending the issue of abortion back to the states. then the red wave didn't happen and we realized how powerful the abortion issuedit wascontine and continues to be. >> since then, the democrats have been running hard on abortion. it's a major pillar of the or campaign.tion kamala harris even did a campaign event at a plannedfis parenthood first time anything like that's ever happenet-tid, the democrats telling voters if trump selected, he'll enact a federal abortion ban. but where doesa the actually stand? >> large majorities of democrat
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ites and independents are strongly against a federal bapendents n. they want legal abortion b nationwide. 42% of republicans agree. majohetherwide. you like it or , a majority of americans think abortion should be legal. the issue is at what stage should it becomee is illegal? around two thirds of us feel that abortion should be legalldb in the first trimester. >> that's 12 weeks.. but once you get into oncesecond trimester, anything past 12 weeks, people's opinions change. a majority w thinks secondf seco trimester abortions should tr and then in a thirdimester trimester, nearly everybody thinks it should be banned. >> therefore, and i' m only speaking about this politically, a state that allows abortion in thet the first three months of pregnancy. that's where the america on people are. anything more restrictive than that is politicallylitica challenging, i'll say, for republicans. lllenging,
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which is why democrats are trying to frame donald trump as a federal abortion bani guy. >> but this morning, he came out againson.t a federal abortii ban. >> watch. my view is now that weon have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. verybodytetwo states will detere by vote or legislation or perhaps both. islation and whatever they decide must be the law of the land.e da at the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people. , this f >> this 50 year battle over roe v. wade took it out of theee federal hands and brought it into the hearts, minds and votoh of the people in each state. you must follow your heart of this issuate, youe, but reme, you must also win elections to restore our culture and ine n fact, to save our country, which is currently fac and veryn sadly, a nation in decline. >>tl the biden campaign immediately responded that donald trump supports extrem jesse: gne abortion banst exce. >> another hoax we expect that.e >> but politically, abortion is a thorny issue. .
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strong feelings on both sides. the former president posting this later. >> we cannot let our country suffer any further. damagege b by losing elections on an issuee that should always have been decided by the states and now will be. >> trump's asking republican politicians to follow their hearts but show wisdom. the country can't be saved if republicans lose power over the abortion issue . no >> south dakota governor kristi noem joins me now.govern >> governor, your reaction to donald trump's statement on abortion? well, the president is exactly right and his thoughts and hiss heart is with women in crisis that are facing these prtuations with precious babies and that roe v. wade gave this right back to the states,that's and that's exactly where it should be. every state will look different. we may hol eould d personal beliefs per as elected officials. i'm personally pro-life, but everbeliefs,y state will lok different, and it is about the will of the people.
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>> and i've neveer seen the federal government come in on a tough issue and offe r, a solution and fix it. in fact, the reality of a t thf a federal bill passing through t the senate and through the house just isn't there. so why are we talkinouseg aboutu ? people have more of an inputpeop moa way to frame their state laws and what it looks like in their statawe with their state legislators, who are their neighbors and their business men and women talkir neis an to them ane that conversation. and that's exactly what president trump was sayin gelieve . do you believe, governor, that republican governors, tharc that are pushing for six-week abortion bans to have that be on the ballot this election is politically risky for republicans? i think that we've shown that in many of these swingte states that those over 80% of the women in thosengle i states more than a single issue voter. we should be talking to them about the issuesss shoul that they cares about as well, such as the border and gas prices,s
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the economy, how they're taking care of their kids. these governors, you know, we te all opinions and we all have personal beliefs and values. but th e will of our peoplede in our state decides what the law is. you know, i don't get tos with h dictator and no other governor gets to as well. we can voicegets our opinions, y but at the end of the day, the people should decide. so that's what i would encouragpeoplethat's we republis to do, is to listen, to talk to their people and li that the democrats dem are the extremists on this, that overwhelminglocray the vasi majority in these swing states, these democrats and thoses that are these single issue voters, they want abortion up until that baby is bor il than, maybe even after that baby is born. why don't we just talk about loving people? why don't we jus at talk about taking care of people that are in crisis, giving them the resources, the information that the and gy need, and win hea the hearts and minds of people instead of constantld mindy just picking fights and arguing and talking about some kind of a federal ban, that just a reality is never going to happen. it's a great point. the media doesa does have a way of getting in there and dividing this country. we saw yesterday ncaa women's championship. south c
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>> south carolina coach, she was asked about whether men should play women's college basketball. here'sould pla what she said. >> i was wondering if you would tell me your position on that issue and you got the meeting. i am on the i mean, i'm one opio the opinion of of if you're a woman, you should weigh if shoul you consider a woman and you want to play sports or versa, you should be able to play. that's that's my ifn. you consider yourselfde a woman, you should be able to play. .
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yeah. you know, it was hard watching that press conference becaus wat e she was just so and she hasn't had this battlee yet in women's sports. we've seen it in other sports. but in women's basketball, she hasn't had to face that. faceand she can have that opini. and by then, as soon as menst start stepping on that women's basketballeppingthat court, shee her mind quickly because she would see opportunities goneforn for young women, scholarships gone for young women. i wa s super impressed with her after the game. you know how she talked about uncommon favor from the lord and how she talked about her faith. shed aboe and her team was incry disciplined. i was impressed with her defense and ho discw they were their offensive boards were amazing. so i think she's afence of boaro and she just obviously was put in a press conference before, a big game, and askedesti a question that she got wrong because there definitely shoulod be men playing in women's sports. and if a man shows u women's sp say the men's team from her college wanted to play her her girls and her wome o n, i wonder how she would like that game and how that would result in for any otheme andr na men's sweet 16 team playing her team, how she fefeel
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about that, and if that was a fair game. sohahawa it's just physical. pha physical bodies are different. our gifts and talentl bodiessdir are different. women. sports was created for women to have opportuniten women's fory is tofidenc have success, to build confidence, and to go on and do an ands. r thing so she she was wrong that christi and we'll try to get her back on track. i don't know. we'll see what we can do with herat. >> you d i'll talk. you know what? talk to her. i'll talk to you. do that. k yo that again. >> thank you so much. okay. you, johnny.s th she's the eclipse. she's the eclipse. i can't see nothine eclig but y though. >> you've got to be looking when i protect you. yourwhere yoee.g. i know >>.. your yard is a sanctuaryapg where you should feel free. >> i knoraw. ix of >> i was talking about the dogs. dogs. they need a lo >> and you need scott's turf y in the grass. it's a revolutionary mixedom, eh it's a revolutionary mixedom, eh of seed and fertilizer that grows fast two times
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it works differently than other laxatives because it's made from the son of plant, a natural vegetable active ingredient, gentle dependable seneca also available itneca also available >> the virus that causes' shingles is sleeping in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting anyt and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painfulim, blistering rash that can last for weeks and it could wak e at any time. yo shinglesur. it's time to wake up becauseabo shingles couldsh wake up in you. if you're over 50. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. >> the entire biden administration's a mirage . we're paying more for everything, but they tell we'rn. econ's dowmirage they tell us the economy's great, but the jobs go to migrantsnose . >> biden's flying migrants straight into our airport so s intol us.l >> border crossings are down and now they say there's no crime wavee's no we're about to
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show you are graphic. in arizona, cops were called to a hotel because a guy was swinging around a samurai sword . so. so what are you doing? i'm practicing my way with it. it's almost like are you're not able to do that in the comfort of your room? yeah. leave it there. didn't do it with downtown. >> and right now you don't. don't. don't. in l.a., a guy was pop for dui . cops brought him to the hospital, and then he started biting 4 to 5 years. so the problem i tried to fight with him, but i relax and relax . i was ready.
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and in new york, cops were responding to an assault in an apartment building when they tried a arrestingsting th the suspect, he grabbed the cop' s gun and shot two officers. >> so i want to go grab my badge. i've got nothing good. that's what sort of crimes
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everywhere. why do they say crime's down ev >> a new report from the fbi shows that there was a 30% decline in murder rate. >> what the data shows, which we've been talking about, the fact that crimut, e is goinn down in most places, is not registering with the public. noty walk my dog to the capital today in a way that you couldn't do when whendw we all got here. >> i'm glad pete can walhegot hk his dog. but why should we believe the fbi? welldog wh, turns out we should. the washington examiner did the , discoveredbeen the fbi, been cooking the books, did books you knowut about half the country doesn't send their crime statistices? the fbi. so the fbi just estimates o the number of crimes and then they estimate in the wrong direction murders are actually up 20 3% across 70 cities since 2019. >> in milwaukee, the fbicities
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reported a 13% dropobbe in robberiesries, but milwaukee police reported a 7% increase. the biden administration is using enron style accountinog to cook the books on everything and crime to the border to the economy. and then the media, reporterhe they just regurgitate the propaganda and they wonder t y why the country's soured. >> we don't trust them. and trump's winnind an trug. . >> paul morrow's, an attorney and former nypd inspecto an at former. so how egregious is this fbifb crime book cooking looks prettyy bad. >> i mean, you only have about 63% of the country. that's havnt even covered by the numbers. and what the media does is they generally find some selling point that works for them. they hammer it, hammer and hammerrkfo, they. >> you and i know how this works, right? it goes out to all the biden proxies and they lea d with thatt story and they hope that everybody's eyes glaze over. >> the numbers are numbers. nobodyevs eyeslaze cares. of the the truth of the matter, though, is i actually think
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this is good for, the right and good for donald trump. >> why? because nobody believes it. and as they continueieves itd ay this point, people know what they see and hear. and the realitn y is, as yout ou point out, since 2019, we are up if you take, for instance, the murder number,ch which generally the analysts like uses the metricgenera. l tt >> we are up at our highest number for last year inye aggregatare murder numbers since 1996. >>r sinc and that's because 1996 is no coincidence, is when broken windows policins becag ry began to take hold. we're up about 12% sincet joe biden took office. >> now, look, people point to covidnce jo. re the run from that is gone. i cov all right. we're in a post-covid era noid-h we have to deal with reality as it is on the ground. new york city, similarsit metric going on and album breaks jurisdiction. >> and the other prosecutors were up a full third in the major felonies since 2019. that's reality. people know its re and they're l buying that storyline. >> it's good politically for republicanin s, it's bad for the country. do you think
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that the media knows what they're doing? yeah, sure. yeah, of course. i mean, i think that, you know, there's not counter reporting going out there so that they know, well, look, if w e actually at what's taken place since joe biden took office, we're noatlacet going to have the great storyline that we want here. so let's just take what we know work, sis takes us and we're goo with that and all the storyline with them and the video. that's a key point. i mean, you guys went to it k an, everything is televised. >> it's very hard to obfuscate that kind of reality. yeah, that is some really graphic footage. but we did the warning. unbelievabletelevise bravery frm all of these officers. >> thanks so much. thane hesek you. >> ted nugent joins primetime next excuse to be on fox nation . the evidence that's come out this very compelling. the only thing worse than being accused of a crime is knowing you're guilty. they were as unlikable a pair of defendants as you'll ever see. none of you guys are 21, right?
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the tools and trning they need to succeed. >> learn more, read heifer, talk. >> being a rock star takes juste more than talent. it takes controversyhe. cross-dr ozzy osborne crossed dressed and on the alamo. axl rose started a riot at a concert and then was caught giggling in the backseat of a cop car. >> keith moon stripped andhi then drove his oldsmobile into a hotel pool. >> chip this tootho and on the way to the jail, didn't need novocain. jail to the dentist.
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he was that drunk. now, that' ns rock star.tist so when i found out country n wallen gotorga arrested for throwing a chair off of a rooftop bara, i thought. kind of has a long way to go . >> now i'm going to a morgan wallen concert in may, so i hope he keepn wallenconcers h. until then, he needs to get itge together. meogeti don't know what's happed to me, but i watch the country musibut c awards last night, ani have to say, i thought it was refreshing. it wasn't like other award shows. it was authentic.t like, patrio and i don't even knowe cr who the host was, but she crushed it. >> i am sous happy to be hosting the show again this year. >> when cm tt called me and ther were like, hey, will you host for the fourth year in a row? there was really tre only one appropriate response, and it was, yeah, sure. okayate respt wa. >> so i just. kacey ballerini i don't know kelsea. >> and then i found outbout
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about lainey wilson a couple of j-school pal john i'm fromy n philly, and now i'm starting to like country music. >> i don't knoi'w what's going on. >> the whole award show was th a movinge ceremony, most of its dedicated to the late country legend toby keith. >> all right, real quick, get him up. repeat after me.home r everybody at home. raise your fist if you have a solo cupr fist . hea live. toby here, you repeat after me. whisker y for my man and beer fr my horses. let's go.der th
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>> now, the cmas was a remindear that this country still has clas class. >> listen to the acceptance speeches.the . >> i guess first things god is good all the time. ladies and gentlemen, this is my very first cmt award awa and award in general. thank you so mucrdh. thank you, lord. thank you, lord.i wa >> this is a moment i want to take to thank the fans for everything they have done fooran me. k i want to thank god. i want to thank my beautiful wife and mnkl y daughter at hom, rock icon and american sportingr legend ted nugent joins us now. >> tedic, when you see morgan wallen get arrested, oh, god,weh we got to go hunting togetheavrr >> we win. get you got it together. i'm getting it together. ting jesse. >> you have it. not a lot of other people do. and that's the point when doe who needs to get ited together. throw in chairs off a rooftop to gr, getting >> i mean, i'm sure you've had v
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some trouble in your time. your how do you how do you seeou that kind of behavior? >> well, number one, i've been clean and sober for 75 years. hence the mystical flight of the arrow. i approach lifical fliof thee a arts. >> i try to put my heart and soul in being the best that i cantrnable my be. i that's why i guess i've sold over 40 million records. and that's why toby keith and i connected. and what you're acknowledging there, jesse, is thad t the musc industry, especially the country artists, you know, tobyc said, i'm more countryl h than all the other country because i'm a rancher and farmer, a hunter, a fisherman, a trapper. >> i'm a sheriff deput y, and id believe in god, family, country, constitution, bill of rightsi beli, ten commandments,c and order. >> that man in the arena, work ethiommas, along ic that helpedt together helps me get it together. and i would recommen together a that young man who got arrested again get clearresten and sober immediately because god gave us this precious gift of and the only way to show appreciation and accountabilitey is treat your sacred temple
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and your spirit as a gift from god. >> and that'temple ae s what i've done for the last 75 years. that's why i'm still going out. i'm not going to tou whyr again because hotels are like jail, but i'm still doing ted nugent likey is here in texas and i'm still rocking out. rocking e are great, great people. it's good that you acknowledge that because there's some great, great people i 'sn that in that industry that are epitomized by the great tobyin keith, a dear, dear friendfriend of mine who stood up for god, family, countrt sty and was a bl hunter. here's a hunting buddy of mine. so i know these sea intimatey. l well, it's new to me. i see this guy, bailey zimmerman, performing and ip, ca grew up on hip hop, classic rock, or evessn the grateful dead. >> you know, my parents are democrats and i listen to all kindsead, my e of music, but wasn't just never given an opportunity to enjoyer country music. and i don't know if it's dana perino or what's going on,i' but i am going to morgan wallen concert and i'm loving these guys aan walle. i'm lo >>vi i'm loving it. >> well, i'd like to think that the best country music, the best music, my music.
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i have a recent record called detroit muscle with a song called american campfirdet and i think that my hunting lifestyle is the guiding lightf for what created country music ranch in the great outdoors,ng conservation, god, family, country, all the importanthe imr stuff. >> but jesse, i got to tell you, if you've listene stuff.d o much hip-hop and rap, i can fix that. >> i canrap, help you with ted nugent. rhythm and blues, rock and roll. i've got the bes witd nuntt bane world. but you know, toby keith and his incredible band,world. d his guitar player, rick eckhart, that you saw last night and the awards, thosee ar are honest to god world class virtuosos. and i hao d the honor and privilege and excitement to jam with those guys. i'm doing a special event with big and rich and all these country bands, those players an toby's guitar player, rick eckert,uita is one of the greatest guitar players in the world. and my only problem m with country music is that they don't put the guitar volume where it belongs thes properly within the context of that music. so here's a little tip for
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country music. >> people turn up the guitaorro what? jeff i saw roger clemensemen alt crying. this, this guy throws 100 mile an hour fastballt char and you don't charge the mound ever when roger's on the mound, like this gugeoundy is as tough as nails and he was crying. this is this award show last night touched me. me. >> there you go.hear it touched a lot of heart and soul. i think there's a little little too muchand solittle cartoony tp music for my taste. i likec fo a little bit more bam soul. i'm from detroit, the motown funk brotherore s and all those artists. but you saw a lot of spirit there last night, and i salute them spiri . and especially those tears are real, because when we lost that great toba greay keith, everybody cried. so a big salute to everybody there who who representedre that great man, sammy hagar, did a great, great job and soint did brooks and done all right. >> pull that bowin back onel weap more time. let me see that beautiful weapon. i can feelon good eighties right now. ted nugent, everybody taking t
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us to commercial break. we're going to go telling you the complete completedrow. the arrow, buddy. there you go. johnny's he's going to see the eclips jesse: e. the ancient greeks had the the eclipse. may god was mad at us and he was sending dow greekmeann m. what do you think we did? well, we elected biden, start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin yuck. cleaning brand dangers letters. >> got her mark? yeah. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thingteed. call 833- leaf . >> our patented filter technology keeps leaves technology keeps leaves and debris forever guaranteed. tiall of ocall eight through thf filter to get started and get the permanent gutter solutiond t
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>> there were people gathering t and glaring all around. in ♪o we sent jonny in with some protection. joe biden wants you wearing protection. why aren't you wearing any ? >> it's about to get real dark-- up in here. i'm excited. what are you goingk up i to do n they first happen? smoke my friends and hang it outside dark on me. here was my bad. i like the darkness. because you find yourself. r. tu better, right? don't turn them on.mpturn don't turn the lights on. >> what happens during an eclipse? does it hurt your outside? a i felt science. the moonfailed crosses between the sun and us. i just know something.>> you with the sun in the moon going over each other. yoh and you got then the sun. >> and here comes the moon. ov >> there you go. it's when the sun and the moon love each other. >> tand then what happens? and then they split. hasta la vista, baby.
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my earthquakes eclipses. what's the world trying tell us? she's telling us. it's a shock to me. tthe earth is trying to tell us to get it together. don't get back with your ax. h yosomething is going on.mbie o aliens. zombie apocalypslypse.e. looks like we're almost there. >> the ancient greeks believedth that an eclipse meant god wasanr angry at us, and he was sending down. did what do you think we did downhee here? what didn't we do? do you see this place?s. it's a mess. we her hair. >> we haven't really taken care of the planet. the dog died. a beat dog. humans are pretty stupid. we elected biden. they did ipid.>> wt. it but the ancient chinese believe
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that a drag man was eatinghe sun the sun during the eclipse. and the only way to save the su durine onn was to yell ad at it. >> how about it? .[ screyou stop playing? wow. waiting for. stop it. stop it, stop it. stop it. what are we looking at? i'm concerned my wallet couldced get stolen m any moment. >> given how entranced i am by this sun makes me feel so e me vulnerable. what does it look like? it looksl so >> wortune cookie right now. what do you see out there? dollarhat do y . dollar? i can't see nothing. well, you know you to be looked >> mr. tt. rotec >> you.t li i don't see nothing. you'd be dead by the morning. most likely. what's your message? if jesse watters on fox, you betterkely>> to get protect happy eclipse, may you release all that is not serving you? jesse, what is the bes releaset?
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>> check out the peabody podcast. patrick bapbt. david. i was on it over the weekend. apple, spotify, youtubeekende peabody. >> go look. let's dol some textlook.s do sc >> laura from california is starting to like countrting y music because you're getting older, jesse. happens to all of us jes. . >> david from nevada. hey, biden. i'm polish. polish come have some pierogies with me. joseph fro.m new. f woody johnson. yoease make the new york jets great again.ll for that's all for tonight. dvr the show and alwaysht remember i'm waters and this is my world. >> and welcome to a special welo edition of "hannity" countdownme to the election in just 210at i days. that's it. joe biden can finally be helat. d accountable by you. and despite terrible approvades


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