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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  April 9, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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se that they are concerned that house republicans will use the informatio c n, quote, political purposes. pretty ironic coming from joe's doj. the attorney general garland is now at risk weaponirney gen e in contempt he should be after failing to producee up the subpoenaed materials by today's deadline. ut nudthat's the one where joe r on was i still viceside in 2009 you started that year, joe. all right. unfortunatel y, that's all the time we have left this evening. >> thank you for being with us. please set your dv yr. you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heartd. be. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. >> have a great night. >> gre
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all right. good. i like that.g:ll i lii like it. thank you. okay, that's enough. happy monday, everybody. ier to >> so as you've probablyda already heard earlier today, the big eclipse took place. it hit washington, d.c. at 330,. interrupting joe biden's dinner . >> nancy pelosi also watcheds the eclipse but she had no t choice. she has been able to closeo her eyes since 2004. >> during the eclipse, it was so dark in manhattan that new yorkernhattan s to announce when they gave each other the finger . drew was so black outside, new yorkers had no ideo a who they were on. >> according to new york post,td many people reported eclipse sickness plagued by weird feelings, headaches and insomniaeird fee. l well, you should be so lucky.f most of us have eclipselips sickness round, except we call it joe biden america by
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the way. i actually got a picture of the eclipse on my smart smartphoneof . >> here it is that got that when i. >> this one take a look's >> yeah pretty hits amazing don't you think? ayou think maybe i tooky po a picture of my pocket, but no, that's the actual eclips te. all right. i never that . and kentucky man hasenou to fakt his own death to avoid paying over a hundred grand in child support. man was, his sister. e "thi i agree. this weekend, hamas supporters in michigas weekensupporten chah to america. meanwhile, michigan supporters in gaza chanted go wolverines. a new report claims that turkeyt is the most promiscuous country in the world with the average persony inworld having slept w4
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people beating america by four partners. i tried my best, said one man. the u.s. placed 13th on the list and would have placee d as high as second.s second but madonna wasn't included in the studymadonn. >> true, researchers say the average has sleptte with about ten people. wow. stilr my first.oople. >> said one man. e actually, the precise numberfo for americans was 10.7 partners point seven. that means a lot of people. bang. danny devitoo.. >> all right, we're done that. >> last week, joy reidy interviewed a so-called cultando expert on her so-called tv show, and both agreed trumpism a is a cult, which might be thmpei most predictable result since
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hunter biden's std test came back as all of the above. i can't wait until next week h with joy as ilhan omar if she's bringing a date to her family ng a, roll its van. >> the good news is it's note permanent and people wake up and. >> they are embarrassed and ashamed. as i fele em d in st in 1976. but more and more people are19 leaving the maga cult. >> it's important that people not just yell at people who are still trapped. this delusion ask questions in a respectful, curious way that gets them to start realizing they've been connesd n and that their minds have been hijacked. >> trump has reached that point where he's donhijackede pivot fa saying that he's leading a movement of believerhe's least the belief should be in him that he is the messiah. he is from a lady who'ss wearing a trump wig. sorry, junior, this was you,eedm
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pre-trump. >> this is you. nop. this iw. ter] >> someone's hairstyle is definitely maga, but so the interviewee and the interviewer seem satisfiedconclu with this conclusion. for an example them of understanding why oor a- sor how people think differently than they do in this case with their brains.m now, if joyce says trumpism is a cult, then i say what a t terrible cult it must be because it violates ever iyt single tenet of a cult. there's no abuse, no isolation from family, no weird rituals.s unless you count shouting, you're fired you during lovemaking. but maga heads know what's and g on outside maga world and they freely move in and out of it. y move iand have no problems deg with people who are into trump fowith peor instance, yous in the red cap still loves his half baked niece with the purpleg ple hair. the feelings are not mutual until she needs a loan to pa muy for a seventh year at wellesley, a texan in a pickup trucink with a trump sticker
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will pull over to help a woman change her tire on hern . i'm with her bumper sticker id" prius, but the reverse. buer bebet on it mainly because the prius driver lacks the upper body strengton ih. try asking a manhattan liberal m for directionsan. you're wearing a magnet cap. they'll tell you where to go.. and it won't be to the empire state building. fact is, dem s don't know what atrump trumper believes. they don't mix with people outsidorieves. wite their bubbll is how the bubble ends up sounding like this. man? >> the orange man. the orange man. soke this he is going to take away your social security and a lot of your drive. he's go he's going to take away your health care because can kids right now, until they're 26, can be on their parents health carn the. and the orange man wants. to stop that. >> you may not know how. and that's not a cult
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that makes a harry christmas look like h&r, but libs assume the worst, not the best in people they disagree with where it beats fo beid and shaken out of their own cult. now, though, that those of usrev aren't progressives are forced toyndal with this dynamic dailes for our culture demands it. we are in the minority in entertainment mediaacademia and academia, so we know their arguments well before. we even know ours. u we're so used to libs yelling l in our facesive we can still sl the almond milk. but because often outnumbered, we're more than aware of different beliefs and we've learnend to accept them. so trumpers know the outside world as opposed to theth reverse. the libs only interaction with os these days is when they pay their plumber or scream at their driver. uppe >> a perfect example, according to data. liberals are less likely a cons to accept dating a conservative, evene who one wo looks like me, but a conservative, both data liberaay
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,not jus'rt becausee beca they're easy. maybe because conservativeuscon politics as a small part of life where liberals see it as a foundation. a conservative realizes that politic realis isn't as important as a human connection. and so the liberal will show you their blm signs rainbow flags and coexist bumperan stickers. but tolerance, that's harder to find than rob reiner' as jaw line. bu >> but as for trump himself, there's never been a candidate who's blurrerump d so many lines. >> it's pretty much middle of the road. it's just that hy muche states t positions, with all the delicacy of a toaster thrown into a bathtuwith all thh so he says build a wall.uild well, since since when was controlled legal immigration just hard right. the it's the rise of the no borders crowd on the left that mad e it bil that way. it was bill clinton who first arted building border wallfos, though he settled for an electric fence that keeps hillary on her side of thee of house. it's the same with crime's the.t
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since when is it political to want to put criminals in jail? s ini that would be right around the time when the left decided that that was criminal. >>ded that so who's in a cult? really? who's othering the other side? l we hear about siloing of beliefs, but for us, it's not by. most righties leave where they aren't wantedar. you see this now with men in the democratic party. rede are joiningdemocrat a cult >> they're leaving one that deems men terminally oppressive. unw, true, some men are unsavory, disgusting, even but current data shows that every day working men are fleeing the dems. the media says mostly black anda hispanic, but that's because most of the whites already bailed the. the men still stuck in there democratic party are there because if t they leave, their wives will have their in a sling. >> i know i'm here. it feels bad. s >> some, of course, fear losing their jobs. a coubut for the last seven ye,
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men whose spouses despised trump have beer thenn into the e position. you've seen this with men who weren'you've st anti-trump,l and then mysteriously, they were. the good analogy is the boss. your wife mighrmit yout find hie or egotistical, but you overlook that stuff because you know he's greabecaust at rum the company, which in trump's case is america, incwhich in. bf he just said something rude to the waiter, your wife might say, and you just nod because, m you know, tomorrow he'll makeor sureroe -- the company hits its numbers. and by the way, he paid for dinner, of course. an hpaidso what is the republicy do with this info? well, ify do wit dems have all but abandoned men, shouldn't shifother party embracundant met with open arms? was will try to shame you by just be yourself. they act like masculinity is bad for your health, but we
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can't help by having to protect and provide debt levels, as would probably be my fear. but no, i the dup a which works. t' welcome tonight's guest. he's lik e james, born in akronuated hi and graduated high school, douglas in literary critic walter kirn, he puts the hearten in disheartening. host of one nation and fox and friends, brian kilmeadn"e. n his crumbling g prisonsions are better than alec baldwin's, afd he never shot anyonee be. tyler fincher. she's like an eclipse.
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g: she'sbe careful if she's arod your son. "new york times" bestselling authorun. . compares >> walter. everybody always compares the other side to a cult t, right? >> yeah, because it's like an easy way to dismis?s a naturaln debate. >> what are your thoughts on that? one of the reasons you have meyo on this show is because you want the benefit of myefiton education. >> and one of the reasons i do it for free is because it's not worth much money. >> but i did study cults, and i- have written about them, and they have a certain number s. d tog common one is they tryat y to control what you eaou et. for example, they might suggest you eat insects rather thaghn meat. right. another thing they try to control is yourerythingrol i >> for example, they might suggest you join poly schoolsd s and have with a lot of people while dressed as the otherr genr
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gender. of none of these are features of the market cult, but they are features of anothelt br kind of cult that i might mention. so, you know, a scholar said a,' cult is, a religion that i don't like. >> and i think it's the other thing is so what if it's a cult? >> you've got to start somewhere. you. >> yea whats a cuo starh. yeah, i got it. it's the dry humor often leaves you in suspense about whether i've finishes d not. we never have that problem with brian. we know he's finished. weright in your face. kill me. thanks for sticking aroundhave and doing the show, by the way. i thought they were coming later. so far, i'veaid rd but ie gotted but i've gotten two insults. my direction. and i'll forgive you fori'll. u but i cannot forgive you for this assignment because you gave mgnment be an attachmey to this story, which was the whole segmen tt that you mae
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me watch, a joy read. and i could not stop watching.wa i could not believe the ut that was coming out of her mouth. number one, sh or mouth. e thinks that donald trump is in cahoots with mark burnett of survivoran an apprentice on acults christian cult. so they're on the same wavelength then th. does a does anybody think that mark burnett is orchestrating anything with donald tha or vic? versa? number two, she says, if you want to know what donald doin is doing, look at whatt the chinese do for brainwashinwg and look at . >> i do not know. >> are working togethernk to brainwash and als oo i think. fundamentally this is the problem. they thoughtught would be writig a story about trump down like he loses the primary , he goes to jail, and they look back and say, how didd he he get that cue going? but the bad news is he's actually more popula ially morr, more popular than 2020. he's more popular in 2024.nnin he's winning in all the battleground states. he seemsal to be on top of thesed
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court cases and gaining momentum. sogainin to do an after action i while he's at the top of hisle gamehe seems bizarre to me.? >> how did i do?re i that's a great answer. >> yeah. [lautop sending me letters saying you want him fired after tyler. eig >> is it is trumpism a cult or i is it more like a team? likes it a team that you're likl to be the like the captain of the team? what is it likth e you. >> you're inside trump's head. first of all, i just want to say walter look s, like greg, if alec baldwin and you had a baby, he's got alec baldwin. - and that's a compliment minus the murder part. e >> yeah, but no, i think he'd be thrilled because frankly, excuse me, because in as well, t you think of it, i would have a pretty cool name becausety the 45th, i would be called 45 because we're dealing it, frankly, we're dealing and no, you know, there's worse culture that biden would be in the mansioe n cop because
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they were good at trapping children. he would be sniffing outiffing the for them, you know what i mean? meannd of course heaven's gate was a popular one because biden is knocking on heaven's gate right now, you know., we'r but no, we're not calling forsud mass suicide. ll say >> we're calling for mass freedom. and that's oh, that's what i'll [c. franklyk you. what do you make of that?in >> what do you make of the dudes leaving the democratic party? you want to talkk leaving abouu do you want to talk about the cults or the cults? i think abouk. okay, let's go to the cult, then. yeah, well, because i thought it was s thenwatcheo interesting.of the i also watch the whole thing. there's a lot therire which she said in all earnestness over the interview, saying a lot of people on't think trump is speaking for god, but that that he is god. the people think that. i don't think people think people tave not met a single people t think who thinks that trump is god. not like trump doesn't even think that. yeah. so i don't know where she gets par that. but a part of the interview that really stuck out to mt ey wa ac when the guy was
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actually making sense, when he was saying,tuaking se you wh? you can't yell at these people and you have to let themt know you love them and that . e smacke open if they want and she had like she like, actually is nodding along like ,how dare you? wereknow, it's you don't agree with everything. she thinks that you're this awful life. if i were out of it like, oh, likeow know she's like, yes,i tn that's right. i think that's the lack of self-awareness was evene' o shocking than her saying trump people think trump is god, which peopl sure, like any, could become a cult if you get too into i t. >> right? tell me about it. even i don't think so. tell mei mean because they're , maybe people like random people out there that are they think, yeah t but i've nott encountered that, not even like on the internet. so i definitely open to starting a cult. if it makes, you know, if it just it's fun, but it has to be a fun cultit h, you know, none h of this stuff. we'll just hang out together. that's cool. having.
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all right. all okay, you got your applause. km up next, daughters are off their rocker. crying racism in women's soccer . >> if you'll be in the new york area, i'm like tickets to see. yoube in thgutfeld go to foxnem slash gutfeld and click on the link to join studioing te audience. oves 99% >> there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50% dry. don power wash dish spray. don power wash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease tr it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products multiple cleaning products trie >> hello, ghostbusters, it's doug. >> we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance. insurance. but liberty mutual libey ♪ a situation. a situation. sure in peter's cracked windshield in peter's cracked windshield schedule would sav and we'll come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying this customer was enjoying her mornin
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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you lose fat and get lean absolutely free. that's b o 82 215215. >> everything there heads t burst at the wordsca america first fan led soccere groups are accusing the utah royalstah roya of racism and whe supremacy because their uniforms prominentlyraciso featured the logo of their sponsor,
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america first credit union. and from the overreaction, you think they were called the bacon tt--ade bank and trus that is so. yeah, to quote one super offended organization, firsspirit squadron quote, america first is a phrase fraught with a contentious historasy that has always hadt deep ties to white supremacy. ithave is unacceptable for anyoe to have the ku klux ideologyjery on their jersey in a sport that has been in the forefronttt of social change. >> what ever a sport where they can't use their hands. they've done a hell of a job cantwisting. those words. oddly they're cool with the wos. royaljo despite its negative connection to colonialism, inbreedingkle. and meghan markle talk that's kind of redundant redundant there. no skia credit union tellsl axios the american it's name represents their foundingg federal employees who worked at american military basesees w and first implies putting
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their members at the forefront. i like doingg th that, but at least this controversy is shining a spotlight on women's soccer. true, it's the most attention the sport gotten since anderson cooper retired. anyway, you remember, lady, she did the impossible. she actually made people want to watch socceladyr less. now, the credit unions had the name since 1984,- bu but america first is now a symbol of white supremacy amerl ideology, no doubt the related to the big orange media f. famili donald trump, who famously useds the phrase in his 2016 presidential campaign. but by saying they don't like the wordby sayins america in ano context, these soccer fans show they've taken a fewfans s,y to the cranium. >> let's just hope consultantsm suggest the team get at more appropriate and lesster] inflammatory sponsor. i'm all for that.
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all right, brian, i know you always want us do a soccer . topic on, but the soccer topics are never about soccer, are they? >> they're always anything ise during a knethere? the national anthem. yes. it's what anderson cooper was doing. why is soccer involved in these contentious stories? well, number onententiou, the nr one sport in the world. th you don't seem to acknowledge that world earthe ,the one that was eclipsed by the moon a short time ago, it seems ee thatwas yesterday,s actually today. so i just got to give you a ito givef. the american first credit union wa s first called the first douglas civilian employees credit union, 1939.- they it quickly changed to the federal employees credit unionai 1947, no protest. and now it has its current namge from 1984, at which time it went on its shirts of these women who are lucky enough to have a bank sponsoring up inp your to your point, it's not easy for soccesr to get a majoro rating sponsor. that's a lot of money. so what ist of
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america mean? it's not just about trump in work to keep out of world war two. --s a group called americawanted first who wanted to not be in world war ii. that doesn't seem liket a thing. it seems like a point of view. the same e same t thing in 1920 16 with donald trump. so it's an insult. >> here's the bad part. i think what i think soccer's going to cave. yeah, got to see the d>> grec defenders are actually upset about this and i sense they're going to cav e well, - and they always seem to give it a very woke organization. >> you could have just skippedgc all that and said that. and i want to givet people some depth. but brian, this is mormon socceriv. you are a mormon. yeah, can say that as a mormon, as a former mormon. and they don't-- o perform in yr forming mormon. wor i think the problem their problem is with the word first, not america, because ityh minds you that in sport somebody winors and communists e don't like that. >> that isg: t that. -
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well, since you're talking, don't you think a compan y rea called last would do really --lla? is er >> oh, i'm sure that they would awarded the trophy before the gamee. e the ga yes, i you'd have to sit on it,w you know, cat, do thinkve? they're actually going to cave. if they do, let's you and me agre they dos e, we're going tot all the utah utah royals games. i'm not watching.i'm no >> okay. you're right. t kay.i this is just so ridiculous if they're so offended by then, likeoftenethe the of a bank, lit till they hear what a bank does. >> yea what h. you know what's not what the bank can pretend they are. they'll be like they'll send the email like happy pride. we support all of our lgbtq plus customers . >> yeah. they'll also takyour [ble houset that is true. there is nothing more heartless than a bank. ohng , watered down.murder
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has the laugh become? we're the thin tg that they'reek getting in rage about. the bank is the name the bank? yeah. they put money first. yeah. u for the bank. yes, exactly. and if you don't, it doesn't yof you're or ify r you're black or you're black, you'll take your whole gold silk. but also they will not give you a loan if you don't have the right that they don't give it. th. e ths why i like banks see, to me, tyler, the bank is the most patriotic thing in the pat world.r >> the color is green. read tyler this is all about trump tape. it these people didn't do it. they didn't do a history class on this. likes boring kill me, did they? >> cheering, preparing for your segment? yeah. oh, dear. i can't i,. i apologize. i apologize. i'm trying to better to. brian. >> io you. >> i think it's the color looks a little trumpy. also i'm also having a hard time looking at that because i was one of the idiots that didn't wear glasses looking at the
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eclipse about 4 hours ago. >> and fun fact i just found out it was actually just lizzo-n standing in front of the sun for andifron hour.think. it's not going to do the damage. you think? yeah yeah, . k li yeah. i i mean, look, you know, i would get laid a lot more if i didn't wear thidelayed t mores in new , right? i don't know if that's true. >> gw if you set me up.>> you i'm sorry. go ahead. oh sup , need to busk for a number. but, you know, you don't seen'te american flags here and you don't hear about america first. like you walk around, you see rainbo amerirst buround w in tha countries. today, i walking around, i'm like, am i in trany i'm wals palestine, you know, or ukraine. so anyways, that's all i look, i love our area so far tohey're get out of, but now it's when they're done speaking and that is it me h.s a. right. up next, no endorsement from the rock for the prez who's asleep by 4:00.
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. >> go to deal right now and see how much you can save. it's coming your way. hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. all right. a star of wrestlemania won't endorse a press with no brainier? today's video comes to us from dwayne the rock johnson, who said the he will not suppor biden this year as he did in 2020. hit it, gladysase di am happyhe with the state of america right now. well, that answers joe. i believe we're going to get better. i believe in that. i'm an optimistic guere? bemonoy and i believe we can get better. the endorsement that i madears g years ago o with biden was what] thought was the best decision for me ht was that time. ha am i going to do that again this year? that answer is no. year?at answeg to do that,t tht because what i realized what that caused
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back was backthing that tears me up in my guts back then and now, which is division. i wouldn't do that becausen anno my goal is to bring our country together. >> but sadly>> greg: sadly, joel what the rock is cookin. nor can he taste roc or chew it unless it's mashed into a fine pasts in e. ste insiders claim that biden sayss jo was hurclait to not have johnson's endorsement, but at biden's age, the wrestlerhnrsement he should be worrying about is the undertaker cat. a this makes me think of the a block that somewhere down the road he realized the party is notmewherthe road for men or. i mean, i think that that couldt be part of it perhaps. i think that part of thaaps.t it could be more generalized where if all a group to offer is to just tell you how bad you are over and over again, people gets tired of that, which is why i think a lot of the support fo-- wr trump from in the first place, people getting tired
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of that. and i think also- an exactlywitt what you said with the division. i mean, it was seeision. n the defaultourse position. well well, of course, they're going to endorse biden because anargoin otherwism you're for trump. but then you're then you are all of those bad things. and i don't wantand yoale ba tok all those bad things. but i think people i mean, peop livine out here living reat lives. they don't they don't want to just be sit wae there there and told how bad they are. all right. i mean, people get tired of it ale ge that makes them support trump even more. >> yes. i like being told how ba e.d am sometimes i'll pay for it. f >> tyler well, speaking of,>> se you owe me 50 bucks. >> yesak, well, you'll have to find it. you know, it's all in quarter. imagine how he must really feel if he said that publicly. >> because generally sai people don't say like that. like they they will. i don't know. --i don' that will do that. >> but if he's saying that, imagine how he really feels. >>d to know how he really feels. i mean, he's a big guy, but the little rock's if he cant he
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actually say what he thinks. huge guy , actually.- actu fun fact. f another fake news conspiracy. the otherearthquakeac day? it was the rock and lizzo landing at newark airporan eart >> yeah, you never know. that's where you have a problem with. anyhow, i'm done. no, i'm not done anyhow.i'm don >> no, i think it's just kind of. it's like a woe is me. like, oh, i made such a mistake . >> but he's not sayingin what he's going to do. it's like saying, oh, i'm not doing heroinit's lsaying anymorr >> so you're going to do other drugs? well, you know what? that'swell, you know, good. gr: he's not saying it, but he's t eit being very cleve>> hr eithe. >> let's see. there are two people running for president and he's not endorsinlet's se g the one. >> yeah, let's flip one of those quarters. i agree. >> this space. this basically shows that rock thinks trump is going to mm-hmm. and more importantly, rock's agenmportantt thinks it's going. more importantly, his agents pr person thinks he's the
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publicist and will go down the whole line. also, do dow you he was influend by his friends like imagine the people that he you know, if he's friends with wrestlers and people that are intohe's wit fitness. you know, remember, fitness is racist. revolut were told that was white supremacists to be physically fit. >> he must have been like, what theg my doing with theseng weirdos? >> and he started listening to his buddies witirdos an who , why are you thinking this way? se youe that rock knows one thig about himself that the public can only suspect. he knows for a fact he's an idiot. >> so? >> so he also knows that everybody listened to him. le the first time was an idiot . >> and this time he's trying to let them off the hook, i guess, to i thint offk, even more fundamental what he's in the entertainment business ente percent of the country is ticked off. and joe biden is that to rally around. it's not like a ronald reagan. i'll take a risk. so i'm going to be around foreve isg tor,n going to be in airport someday. everybody knows that about
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joe biden. u knowt surem nothbout joe is endorsing he's going with trump. he's just not going with anybodywi youg because thiu about it, bruce springsteen comes out. what do you think about i think of at,yol gore. >> oh, by the way, this is really preparation. is that a bad thing? no, that's. okay, good. lebron, hillary memories over in cleveland. joe biden, stephen colbert, they're in their restricted therd. nke scott bail still. joni, but still i think scott together but intry r think the rock is saying i think you've shown the country reallyea take to me black muslim of that black black adam absolutely bomb came out right after it really hurt his career. n and you say to myself, why doeeh i need that? also, i think he fundamentally is more of thee fue . >> remember he was everybody tweet that said about whenhe got laden was shot. >> he's got contact with thectsi military and ah i do not trustt a liberal male. i'm sorry. i just don't know. but do you think he's liberal? >> bthat's n. o, i don't think any man i actually think he's a i don't think any man is liberal liberal i don't thinn stern is liberal. i don't think kimmel.
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i think they're al--l i think it's a virtue signal. i think it's to be a chill. 's t- fo isn't mad at them. - i think that's the whole i when you're around a liberal women, if you think your husband's your you know he go he leaves and he's like think yeah it's -- it's and it it's not greg it's the ne homosexualitity. >> oh exactly. well, walter and i are starting a foundation. if you're if you're ifd wif your wife's liberal, your husband's liberal, rather. isd come to our house an we'll take care of you. >>ther tha but. right, walter. and then we talk about that in the. never mind. okay. mind all right. coming up, he mocked america on tiktok u, and now he whines in the cell block. >> he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know?
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shin tyler, a venezuelan illegal alien. vid a video telling his half million tiktok followers to invad e the border squad in abandoned houses and collect government handouts. now he's arrestedlain and complaining that he's missing his freedom. do you feel bad foingthat hs mi first of all, he has more followers than me and tik tok, whiche off. 500,000. i've been frozen formade three years because i made fun of fauci in this guy. >> you kno ofauci w, think in te country. and first of all, i've said it before. i'll say it again. d tiktok should be changed to a dating app for women in theirou late thirtie thes. r let that sink in. give it a second. but i want the privilege of anf immigrant. i am officially walking to mexic officialo and i'm crossing back over as an illegal immigrant so i can get my tik talk back, get a girlfriend, and. and you're still goin to debit>> and card and a debit card? yeah. yeah. i feeld.. >> gad for you, tyler. thanks, greg. walter. so he claimster] that he's not
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really the person he is on tik tok. that that wan tiktoks a for his. what if he's telling the truth ? what if he was just responding to the incentives of social got media and he got screwed? >> would that be. --n funny or. well, he. he chose wrong. yes, he is being persecuted, but not enough. listen, he he came to the country. he gathered 500,000 social media followers. he became a huge influencer. but now he has millionss of of enemies. . >> mm-hmm.e that's america. those are the rulerules.ghter]s >> he's had the immigrant experience that sometimes takes people 40 years. >> yes. in three -- >> yeah, that is so true. that is true. its
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spit hyperspeed, bryan. he is now is hated. is you are not true. - >> they took you 26 years. took him. you're only one that hates me. hate. but i would say a couple of things. s. >>i hate to be the reporter i that interviewed him in the prison. i said, how did you do it? i wentd oua i filled out a form and he showed up. he said, what are you doing in, you know, through the training? so she speaks spanish. and he said, well, i want money to be able to spea mo beo spk. then she refused. and then they just kept talking. and in the endalking ad he says, i'm a great husband, i'm a great father, i'm a grea t. ther c >> please let me but they're coming up because he violet is all his agreements on his coming here illegally. >> also, he might have a gun. ght haveso together, i think heo an asset to our country. an assetalready done tremendous. >> keep in prison. videprison.o cat. i mean, theoretically, he achieved the squatting.squa >> he's living rent free. room and boardtt is taking care of by us. >> all right? yeah, well, the videos, i mean,a the stuff he said. this is likere all he's like,
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you guys are all just mad because i make all thisl wo money and i do anything, and you all work so hard. >> it's like, yeah eah. yeah, i have no regrets. >> really. like you. you nailed it.know nobody would ever. i don't know. but i wouldn't have a problem if you wante av d to come hered contri and work hard and contribute to the economy. you're sitting here braggingo the ece about taking handouts and encouraging other people to do the same. the money's not free. o money it freea of us work rea and our taxes are absurdre. >> and you're going to be just swabbing all of our faces. yeah, yeah. >> gt. hu. but only go to you. remem yeah. i can't remember. boy, my. yeah, yeah. oh, yeah. it's a spoiled brad. causes that traffic stat>> i ags exclusively on fox nation. the evidence that's come out is very compelling. the only thing worse than being accused of a crime is knowing your guilt. >> they were as unlikable a pair of defendants as you'll
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and help us save other orangutans in desperate need before it's too late. we got another clip. .
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you know it's video. hey. heideo of thy. try to.o th second video. acs fromcomes to uat climate activist greta thunberg, who was detained twice in one day, twictierg wa e this time for blocking traffic at a protest in the nether regions. >> in it that we are here because we are facinitg thisexie financial crisis, we are in a planetary emergency and wethen are not going to stand by and let people lose their lives, livelihoode theis s and be forced to become refugees would be catastrophin doc. now you, as a bonus video outgen this lazy getting dragged away from that same protestg m protet ,beating that walter.
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she doesn't have the excuse of being drunk or wearing makeup. but you know she got arrested twice in a day. big deal. i mean big, trump sometimes geta arrested five times in a day d and it's, you know, anywhere wen are told to be. i'm short all the time.e thu knowal, cat, don't you think she peaked too early? >> like she becamein d world fas person of the year at, like 14? it's all. re has >> that's got to be difficult. g arrested twicene in one day. i hope she enjoyed it. i'm serious because, like, imagine what would happen if to protest and then just went home. >> yeah, that' s. kill her inside. yeah, it would. it would. it would. this is like, i thin>>uld.i thiw she's addicted to being like she's like, legally objectifiedy
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as opposed to physically. bryant you know what i mean? not at allu kn. a couple after a couple of days, she gets arrested in hollandf thingn she is from sweden. she's protesting subsidies for fossil fuels. >> did she take uber? oua, uber there? i am not sure. number two, she says the world's going to endd back in 2030. >> i don't think so. t on it. old pu she should put money on it. right. i'd love to see it. yeah. i wouldwhat about, you know, te >> she is single and so are you . yeah, and just like she's over 21, right?0. just like the migrant. this has more tik tok bitch followers than me. i've been doing comedy for0 20 years. i feel bad she's on the spectrum. >> they kind of exploit her. kind of like you guys do it to me on thiu ms show.e pupp >> i'm a little puppet. but you know what? these people, they. they gluetbut yoe to stuff.i th >> i think we should gluine thee people to the backs of navy seals so they can see what actual fighting looks like. figh, america, i, i don't
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think that's realistic. >> it was an easy applause break, though. >> you know? it was. it was. i admire your red meat foddey k those r. d meat all right. don't go away. fa back.rea ht >> if you'll be in the new yorkn area, would like ticketsli, seen gutfeld go to, slash gutfeld and clicthk on the link to join our studio la what do you needs? we' they have you surrounded. they have you surrounded. just going to cente'ack. are you going to take your that. we're going to take it back.s yr >> going to take it l with scott's builder. hhhh! terrific action it get three jobs done at once. acrevents comcastle and keeps her ongoing going strong glorious oh now get a bag of scots triple action today it's guaranteed feed a lot feed it and i consumer
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