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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 9, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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eventually it will be a total, zone and totality, which will be amazing. >> this iss is cnn, and laura, e was the most underwhelmingst events. all we hav e in new orleans was cloud cover. o s i've seeeen approaching hurricas that were darker. what did you do? >> laura: i was out outsideot gardening my dogs are outside. i put glasses on them. i'm not sure that they likedmu that. epor>> that sounds thrilling. >> laura: zoey does not like it. she is cocci and she has at ones in -- >> maybe she stared at the sun at the last eclipse, don't do that. >> laura: up next, jesse. >> a fox news alert, the justice department refusing to hand over audio ricoh from robert hur's interview with president biden is democrat continue to track impeachment inquiries.
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and you have the chairman of the house oversight committee. take evidence an account for someone who is working with the russian intelligence and tried to impeach and remove the president of the united states. >> at that chairman james comer will join us live to respond to that comment from aoc. >> that was something. and they know a thing or two and getting paid to investigate one. she's making a lot of money doing it. it is about four times more than she made running chicago. >> and check this out. ♪ ♪ >> i like somebody like robert kennedy jr. >> probability as there is something important to say. >> comedian and actor is you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: looking forward to
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that. i am todd piro. the parents of 15-year-old school shooter ethan crumbley will be sentenced today. >> carley: brooke singman is here with more. good morning, brooke. >> brooke: the sentencing hearing for the crumbleys will be held this morning. they will be held criminally responsible for a shooting carried out by their child. both were found guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter. the parents gave their son access to a gun and ignored warnings along with the words, the thoughts won't stop, help me. prosecutors are seeking 15 years for each parents and the crumbleys have shown chilling
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lack of remorse. the parents are expected to be sentenced together todayay. mrs. crumbley's attorney is asking for leniency, even asking for her to live in her home. mrs. crumbley has suffered significantly, she's lost everything. ethan pleaded guilty to one count of terrorism, four counts of first-degree murder and 19 other charges and is serving life sentence without parole. four children were killed, 16-year-old, a 14-year-old and 17-ye 17-year-olds. six other students and one teacher were also hurt. victims and their families are
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expected to give impact testimony at today's hearing. >> carley: d.c. police and mayor bowser touting a hub to solve the district's crime crisis. the center has hundreds of cameras and plans are in motion to add up to 600 more. police chief smith says it will be the epicenter how metropolice departments respond to crime. efforts are helping drive down crime. the camera connect d.c. are part of those efforts. transportation secretary pete butt buttigieg. >> simple acts and reality are staring us in the face,
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including the fact i can safely walk my dog to the capitol in a way we couldn't when we got here. >> carley: just hours before that shooting there was a shooting southwest of the capitol building. >> todd: to basketball. u uconn huskies dominated purdue in the championship game. >> what an amazing run. it is a uconn coronation, huskies make history back-to-back national champions. >> todd: uconn's national title putting in tie with -- behind only ucla and kentucky. difference is all of uconn's titles were in the past 25 years. husky head coach and fellow
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jersey boy, that was written in there, dan hurley speaking on what got the team through the dominant run. listen. >> i think we're old-school values in terms of how hard we work, people we bring in and have a good formula to play ball. >> todd: newton named most outstanding player of the tournament. helping uconn become back-to-back national title winners since 2007. you think of duke, indiana, ch kansas, uconn? more titles than duke, indiana ore kansas. >> carley: they have blue blood. you believe you won the "fox and friends" bracket. >> todd: coming off my major win
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in 2022 with the "fox and friends" football, this is another win. when it comes to winning with no money on the line, i reign supreme. house chair james comer here, he is fighting to get the robert hur interview tapes. don't miss it. >> carley: and banning biological men from performing in women's sports. a former athlete who competed against lia thomas will joins live.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> you have the chairman of the house oversight committee, representative comer take evidence and account from someone working with the russian intelligence and try to impeach and remove the president of the united states over it. this is serious. how did they not know this was connected to the russians or did they not figure it out? >> that is an excellent request for chairman comer. >> carley: chairman james comer is here to respond to that. your colleague and stephen colbert have questions regarding the impeach impeachment inquiry. >> all the democrats have is russia, russia, russia.
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our investigation is actually proven that the bidens took 3.5 million from a russian owing gar oligarch for no reason. they could not explain why they received a $3.5 million. we believe it was received because the oligarch couldn't get an american bank to take her as a client. democrats go back to russia 2.0. i assume what aoc is talking about is the fbi informant that was arrested. we never knew who the fbi i informant was. whistleblowers brought forward a 1023 that allege the bidens were involved in a bribery scheme.
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we knew bidens were up to no good in ukraine and investigated this. we asked christopher wray who the informant was and wray told us one of the most trusted and highest paid informants that had been with the bureau for over 10 years. the whole ordeal with the fbi informant was not relevant to the investigation, it was one part we investigated. democrats are concluding with media to say that was a key part of the investigation and it needs to end. bidens took $30 million from enemies around the world and can't say what they did to receive the money. we believe joe biden is compromised because of the money he's taken and been dishonest with the american people. >> carley: politico has a piece saying your investigation into
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president biden, impeachment inquiry is fizzling and republicans are looking for fresh lines of attack against the biden administration. is that true? where are you in this investigation into the president? >> it is not true. this investigation has been one of the most successful congressional investigations in history. at the beginning of the investigation, media narrative was the bidens had a legitimate business, never took money while joe biden was president, they never took money from china. we have proven all that to be false and done it with subpoenaed bank records. we have their bank statement ss bank statements show the bidens took the money and e-mail show involvement of joe biden in the schemes. three biden associates testified
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joe biden was the closer of the schemes. this has been a successful investigation and we're trying to do the accountability phase of this. we have proven the crimes and proven the government was involved in a massive cover-up. now it is time to hold the bidens accountable. stay tuned over next few weeks. >> carley: what will we be staying tuned for? >> what will happen in the next two weeks? >> we'll be issuing hopefully a report soon giving joe biden an opportunity to answer some questions. we invited joe biden like we invited hunter biden to testify publicly. they said they wanted to do that. the media attacked me because they said i didn't want the bidens in front of the
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committee. they have an open invitation. to help with joe biden's busy schedule, he wakes up about noon and ends work about 3:00, we submitted questions for joe biden to answer. we're hoping he answers those questions. end of the day, it is difficult to answer the questions in way that doesn't implicate the bidens because we have bank records, e-mails, deposed biden associates that are not in jail or on the run internationally. we believe there are criminal referrals that are warranted and believe impeachment is on the table. >> carley: you are looking for information from the doj, you and jim jordan requested audio recording of special counsel robert hur interview with president biden over how he handled classified documents.
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doj responded saying request denied and indicate that you only want the audio recordings to damage the president politically, last line, we urge committee to avoid conflict rather than seek it. what is your reaction? why do you want the audio recordings when you have the transcripts? >> doj is pot calling the kettle black. past 12 months, jim jordan and i have been under attack by the war room. every fact we presented, the doj colluded with main-stream media to create a false narrative that there is disinformation, there is no evidence and russian collusion and none of those things are true. doj doesn't get to determine what congress needs.
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we need the audio tapes and biden administration claimed when they were a candidate for president they would be the most transparent administration in history, i can make the argument they are the least transparent in history. we need to determine if the trip matches the audio. you can hear the stuttering and back and forth, when the transcript comes out, you can't tell whap went on. we believe it is a check and balance to ensure everything in the transcript is correct. there were problems in the interview or robert hur wouldn't have said joe biden was a forgetful old man. we believe robert hur went through the pain i've been through with utter dishonesty of
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joe biden and his administration. we expect to receive audio tapes and biden administration and doj should provide them in the manner of transparency. >> carley: your surprise cameo on the late night shows, thank you. great to see you. the media having a field day after president trump says abortion should be left up to the states. >> giving this statement, he's trying to wash his hand of fallout of end of roe. >> believe anything, god knows what he's done in his past, transalate into please votes for me. >> todd: plus, lori lightfoot stafrts her new job today, she is investigating the worst mayor
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. tomi lahren will be here next. i hear that music and my feet just start tapping. my grandchildren, they're sixth generation of dancers. it's what my family is all about. i thought i knew a lot about our irish roots. i was surprised to learn so many more things from ancestry. 1892. oh and here's the boat they came over on. there was a julie healy, a mary healy, this is all their names? yes, yes. wow. i was stuck.
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. >> carley: the biden-harris campaign is bash ing president trump. >> abortion is a key issue where democrats poll better than repub republicans. biden campaign is wielding it as a political weapon. the former president is not endorsing a national ban supporting the status quo. >> the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and whatever they decide
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must be the law of the land, in this case, the law of the state. >> madeleine: trump repeated himself. president biden saying this, donald trump is worried since he is responsible for overturning r roe, voters will hold him responsible in 2024. they will. >> the former president yet again declaring how proud he is of his responsibility for overturning roe v. wade. be clear, if he were put back in position to sign off on a law, he would sign off on national abortion ban. >> not happy are south carolina
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senator lindsey graham who is pressing for limits. >> carley: thank you so much. let's bring in outkick host tomi lahren. members of the media, trump's biggest critics reacting to his a abortion stance. >> more accurate headline, chann channe channelling -- abortion bans. >> given this statement, he's trying to wash his hands of fallout of end of roe, and say this is not a federal issue. >> anything he says could be translated to the following, he doesn't have principles.
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translate into please vote for me and put me in the white house. >> carley: what is your reaction? the former president's stancea abortion and their response to it. >> tomi: politically, be honest, we lost the 2022 midterm, republicans, because of this issue and republicans failed to communicate the issue effectively. a lot of americans don't know where republicans stack up on abortion. there is so much misinformation and convolution on the issue, americans do believe republicans want a federal ban even if they don't and are not pushing for a federal ban. for donald trump to come out and
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put out a message directly addressing the issue was an excellent move by him. for those in the media that want states to decide for themselves, donald trump is giving them what they wanted and that angers them because they can't weaponize it against them. i'm paying attention to the former president putting out a meddleage loud and clear and if other republicans want to win elections and protect state rights they will go along with donald trump's message and if they are wise, they will adopt donald trump's message on this political issue. like it or not, this will be an election issue and republicans have to have a cohesive stance if they want to win. >> todd: just so far you can ignore this upon toic.
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at some point, everybody will have to speak up about it. get your thoughts on this, lori lightfoot, former mayor will be paid $400 an hour to investigate tiffany hayner, dubbed as worst mayor in america by using the police. here is lightfoot on her planned investigation. >> as former mayor i bring expertise leading investigations of this kind and understand complex challenges of governing. i commit to you that i will follow the facts where they lead without bias and resefrve commet until the work is complete. >> todd: i guess there is logic in hiring the person dubbed the
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worst mayor in america to investigate the current worst mayor in eshg america. was there no one else available? >> tomi: she must have time on her. i thought this was from the babylon bee. this is too wild to believe. no, it is a real thing. i would like to focus on this mayor. i did digging and checked out her personal profile and she refers to herself as hashtag super mayor and has her own podcast and calls out haters on her official instagram page. this is a soap opera, maybe a bravo reality show. if you look into the allegations, she is making
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$224,000 a year, if she is replaced, her replacement would only make $125,000 per year. luxury vacation, security detail, if this is not made for reality tv, i don't know what is and add in lori lightfoot. >> carley: and lori lightfoot investigating for $400 per hour. that is a lot of money. thank you for joining us. have a great day. the naia, governing body of college athletics has announced that transgender athletes will be banned from participating in -- in women's sports,
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participation and activities like work out and practice up to the institution. wheeler is a swim alum, part of the lawsuit against the ncaa over transgender regulation and joins us now. how important was this step in breaking the ice to put pressure on the ncaa to enact a similar r rule? >> it's huge, all i can say is all eyes are on the ncaa right now. this is what real leadership looks like. they did research, made the right call, unlike the ncaa who admitted they have not done enough research. which i don't think opening a biology textbook is that hard. over past two years we've seen men taking away trophies,
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scholarships, it is not inclusive or fair. inviting them into our locker rooms does not promote safeness. it is time the ncaa follow suit and do the same. >> carley: naia is separate from the ncaa, it governs small schools and universities remember you were a temperature temperature -- teammate of riley gaines. this has impacted you because you competed against lia thomas. what do you think the future holds on this issue? >> as much as the ncaa would like to turn their head on this issue, they will be forced to face this and uphold title nine. people are fed up with the n nonsense, it doesn't matter republican or democrat, there
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are differences between men and women, especially when it comes to sports. it is sad we had to file a lawsuit against the ncaa to make them understand this. this goes beyond this issue and reveals how weak our leaders are. i'm encouraged by naia new policy and hopeful that many others are going to do the same. it only takes one before more follow down the right path. >> todd: this last month, women's sports have had this amazing boost, it would be a shame if anything was done to destroy that. women's basketball is more popular than men's basketball. keep up the fight. president biden accused of buying votes with latest student loan handout he is adding to $146 billion tab you the taxpayer have already been asked
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to pick up. >> carley: we'll dig into his strategy next. sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now.
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. >> todd: tens of millions gathering to watch a total eclipse across america. you can see it here. an eclipse is when the moon
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covers the light, is that correct? huge watchers in dallas in the moment of totality, less than four minutes. >> carley: this is more than total eclipse of the heart. this is the moon shadow passing during the eclipse. senior meteorologist janice dean spent the day at the little rock zoo to see how the animals reacted. >> janice: what was the c consensus? >> our elephants did some -- >> carley: that was janice dean on monday, this is janice dean on tuesday, live in little rock still. you experienced trumpeting and monkeys and everything else.
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tell us about it. jason l >> janice: it was pretty amazing. i was excited about it. everyone was there. there was emoegszemotion. we don't have control of the universe, it was pretty cool. i'm in downtown little rock in the old state capitol, this is a museum and we get to be here during "fox and friends first" and "fox and friends." we are inside because it is pouring rain. that is another angle of this solar eclipse. we had potential severe weather in texas and arkansas. it is happening today. take a look at the map, severe weather next couple days. we are just on the edge of it here and you see showers and thunderstorms popping up from
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texas up to the tennessee river valley and ohio valley and severe storm threat is going to be multi-day event. we could see large destructive, dangerous tornados in texas toward louisiana. large hail threat, damaging wind threat and that is ongoing next several days. getting out of the south will be difficult travel wise as this system lingering. today, wednesday and thursday and on wednesday, that is where we have a significant risk for texas through louisiana up into parts of arkansas. hop hopefully we'll be back in new york city. know where you will get your watches and warnings. this is the old state capitol, we'll be broadcasting live through "fox and friends." i've never been to little rock, arkansas, i will come back with my family. people here are so amazing and
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hos hospi hospitalable hospitable. back to you, wish me luck getting out of here today. >> todd: janice dean and john calipari. jamie diamond says global risk to the economy may be the greatest since world war ii. he wrote, it is important to note the economy is being fuelled by past stimulus and growing need for increased spending as we transition to a gre greener -- research fellow at heritage foundation joins me now. that was econspeak for the following, joe biden's economy is not as rosey as joe biden
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makes it out to be. how dire is our nation's economy and what does this mean for our financial future? >> todd, i think diamond hits the nail on the head. we cannot continue spending, borrowing and spending money during the biden administration and expect anything other than disaster in the long-term. >> todd: got to get your thoughts on this, everybody talking about this, we are overspending from a government perspective and eliminating debt is kicking the can down the road and joe biden being ripped over his latest student loan handout plan, it includes millions of b borrowers on top of lone cancel a ations the white house already
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approved. joe biden is trying to buy that vote. what are your thought says? >> that is pretty spot on. the president continue to underperform with that cohort of voters. many of them will never be able to buy a home, part of the american dream. he's trying to use this handout and forgiveness means taxpayer-funded bailout he is using to buy votes. >> todd: do you think it will work? >> i don't, mostly because i don't think it will get across the finish linine. it is unconstitutional, just like his last attempt was. >> todd: something in the law called admission against interest. when you go in front of the public and say the supreme court
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said i couldn't do this, i doll it anyway. it should get overturned by the same supreme court. comedian and actor rob snyder ripping wokeness alongside r.f.k. jr. >> elect somebody like robert kennedy jr. >> carley: rob snyder is here live. first steve doocy will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." rob is right here. >> steve: you can do it, he can anchor. >> todd: his second topic, steve. >> steve: hi, carley, todd and rob. coming up on "fox and friends" in 10 minutes and 52 seconds. lori lightfoot has a new job? that's right, ex-chicago mayor hired for $400 an hour to
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investigate mayor heynard over alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars. and more student loan debt cancellation, we'll give you details and so much more. and slam dunk, uconn takes down purdue while women's basketball scores another record viewership. another one for the record books. we have a busy three hours, kicks off nine minutes from now on the morning you trust for morning news. rob snyder, carley and todd back in a couple. you are watching "fox and friends first".
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>> elect somebody like robert kennedy jr. >> >> r.f.k. jr. gearing up to host night of fundraiser. wokeness and raise money. >> comedian rob schneider will be on stage but, before that event, he joins us live right now. >>hank you. >> carley: this is taking place april 21st. i love this idea. a politician leaning in to comedy. what was your reaction when you got this invitation. >> first of all, the republicans are getting closer and closer to getting -- to doing nothing
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about biden and the impeachment. they are this close. they are putting out another mean tweet. i'm telling you. they're getting more evidence and going to be more tweets. this close to a real meany. >> carley: you want more than mean tweets. you want evidence. >> it's so embarrassing. at least have some hearing where they can say everything out in some sort of process pee sides what they are doing now. it's really humiliating when you really get to it how tawdry the biden family is. >> todd: there is some truth in your point it. seems like d.c. when it comes to the republicans and democrats. >> seems like two sides. doesn't it seem like two forms of justice in this country. >> todd: does seem like the democrats never get held to account and to your point the republicans are to blame. you are going with an independent. you are going with r.f.k. jr. is that one of the reasons why. >> first of all, is he a friend of mine. i really like him. is he actually talking about things that matter for the american public. what we want to do we spend five
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times more than they do in europe for healthcare and way worst results. we can't have 60% of the american population unhealthy. 54% of children. that seems to be the biggest story for you guys and all mass media the fact that children have chronic illness at over 50%. that's 10, 12-year-old statistic. we have to get peoeople healthy. i have got little kids. if that isn't the biggest concern by media then what is. send $100 billion instead of giving to ukraine for forever wars. end healthlessness. >> carley: 10% in the polls that. >> needs to get higher. he needs to get at least 13, 14. at least what is going to happen now, because he is -- by the way, is he winning with people 34 and under and people who can't vote. is he winning. >> carley: why do you think that is? >> because he is talking about things that really matter. because, you know, unfortunately, we get two major
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parties in america. one more than china. and i think people are tired of the same, you know, getting offered the same thing. we got again america trump vs. biden what do you think of that hear him speak. listen to robert kennedy. hear him speak is he talking about things that really do matter to the american people. >> todd: when it comes to speaking and being free to speak your mind. obviously you are on the show attacking trump and biden. you don't care. because free speech is about not caring about the consequences of your actions. >> there should be no governmental repercussions for your free speech. that's the whole point of the american. >> carley: first amendment. >> todd: part of your attack against wokeness. shane gill columbus. gillis.>> it has to be close to collapse as my good friend lindsey says 12, 18 months for collapses. it's entrenched power and right now the democrats are have the
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entrenched power. it's the party. democrats now suddenly turn to not be the party of the people. now they are the party of forever wars and party of censorship. there is a direct proof now thanks to elon musk buying twitter for $44 billion, that was a nice little thing to do on the weekend you could see that there is actual -- talk about collusion with russia. we have collusion first amendment and of course the justice department will do nothing about it. there is proof that the united states government colluded and told social media what they wanted to do and that's a direct violation of the americans first amendment rights. >> carley: you have a whole book about it too you can do it hits shelves on september 24. >> todd: say it the right way. >> you can do it. buy my book, please. >> carley: quickly, a minute until toss to "fox & friends." tell us about this book. >> i really wanted to go after what i felt was the attack on free speech. and i also wanted to make fun of people and, unfortunately, show business has been a big part of
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this censorship. if you do speak out of line. if you are -- if you dare to not be one part of the one party system you are out and you are out forever. it's not to see guys like shane gillis and guys like me still getting on and doing fun stuff. >> carley: heck ya. >> the turn around is happening. the media we can't continue to ignore half of the pop lace. people just don't live in california and new york. there is another 48 states, hawaii, is basically california, you know, plus. but, anyway. 47 states at least that really matter and that care and people and want to have interesting different opinions. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. you look great. you sound great as always. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. april 9th, about. this is "fox & friends." >> steve: that is right, brian. >> ainsley: about? it is april 9th. >> brian: i don't want to zone in and commit myself.


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