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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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even outside of the bloomington delaware home of the president of the united states. they followed biden around everywhere he goes now. every state. and they may not have been protesters but the vote against him that was uncommitted in places where we have seen so much in anti-israel movement like michigan, in those places those voters were above 100,000 voting uncommitted not for biden so this is the political side, we have the video, role. here it is. vote to stomach protesters gathered shutting down the largest cafeteria on the senate side of capitol hill. making their voices heard going back and forth with cops. "america reports" will be all over it, stay tuned. speak of this court's with 10 102-15 years jean crumley in the sentence of this court that you
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serve 10-15 years. >> that just moments ago the parents of convicted school shooter ethan crumbley is the judge sentenced them both to 10-15 years in prison for their roles in their sun's crimes. >> john: james and jennifer crumbley are on four counts in a child being announced as historic there the first parents ever to be charged and convicted in a deadly school shooting committed by their child. >> sandra: really something hello i'm sandra smith, john, great to be back. >> john: good to see you again, center, i'm john roberts in washington and this is "america reports" carried in both cases prosecutors argue the shooting that killed four and injured seven could've been prevented if it were not for the parents "gross negligence" >> sandra: four days before the massacre when ethan's father bought him a handgun during the time the school was raising alarms about the teen's behavior.
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>> john: andy mccarthy and what precedent this case sets but here garrett tenney was all the results of today's sentencing. air? >> jon sanders they call it for the crumbleys to get seven years but in this case the judge went well beyond that sentencing them to 10-15 years in prison. which is what prosecutors were asking for. in doing that, the judge noted the threats that james crumbley made against prosecutors noted that the crumbleys and had unfettered access to a gun in their home and repeatedly characterize themselves as martyrs, showed no remorse for their lack of action, and to describe their attitudes toward their sun's spiraling mental health as "dispassionate and apathetic." >> these conditions confirm through heated acts or lack of acts that could have halted an oncoming runaway train. about repeatedly ignoring things that would make a reasonable person the hair on the back of
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their neck stand up. >> the judge also noted powerful impact statements noting how their lives have been forever changed and how the crumbleys could have prevented it from happening. >> when you texted ethan "don't do it" i was texting madison "i love you, please call mom." >> you have filled your son and you have failed us all. this failure had a deadly consequences that can never be undone, that can never be made right. i'm asking, your honor, for the maximum sentence allowed. >> both james and jennifer crumbley will be able to appeal their convictions and jennifer crumbleys attorney has made clear they plan to do so. this case is not over just yet, john and sandra? >> john: thank you very much. garrett for us, center? >> sandra: mccarthy the former attorney and fresh off
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the sentencing, heartbreaking listening to some of the parents in the courtroom this morning, and he. just how unprecedented is this to hold parents of their child accountable for his crimes? >> it's completely unprecedented, sandra. it is actually, it your heart breaks for the parents of the children who were killed here. but you have to remember that the person who actually did the shooting got treated as an adult and was sentenced to life in prison. it's not like the system did not carry out law enforcement against the person who actually did this. is unprecedented to hold the parents accountable to something that they obviously didn't, you know, plan, agreed to, participate in. i frankly don't think this is what the criminal justice system is for. i think the criminal justice system mainly is -- should be reserved for
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intentional wrongs. and i think it's more troubling here because michigan actually attempted or proposed passing child access prevention laws which would prevent -- which would make it a crime for parents to negligently allow their children to have access to firearms. and the legislature would not pass that. so what happened here with the prosecutor made up a crime on the fly that the legislature had not opted to pass. >> andy, for our viewers to take back to the highlight of this trial what led up to this day and this moment, this is some of the evidence that was presented along the way in the courtroom, listen. >> this is a receipt from the dumpster for the sp 20229-millimeter pistol sold to james crumbley. this is a picture of the defense's son holding the 22, i noticed he had some type of firearm training. >> this is about what she knew
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and what she didn't say. james crumbley did not know what his son was going to do. >> sandra: i mean that is somewhat we heard. now there is this question of precedent. some will say what does this mean? are we entering a new world? it goes beyond the person commits the crime and more people can be punished. i mean, doesn't this open the door to a lot of possibilities in the courtroom here on out? >> yes, it's a pandora's box. you are extending the criminal law to people who did not actually commit the crimes. there is hostility obviously because there is a firearm involved, but no one is alleging the firearm purchase was ill illegal. there are things a legislature could have done here to criminalize aspects of this. they opted not to do that. so if you're going to have a
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system where you no longer have to be actually a participant intentionally in a wrong for the criminal law to apply to you and the prosecutor gets to make up the law as the prosecutor goes along without the legislature actually prescribing the laws, then all bets are off. and at this time it was a gun. maybe next time if the parent that buys the kid a car. or some other thing that is legal but could be dangerous if used irresponsibly. if so, who knows where this goes? >> sandra: you look at some of those emails the red flags. i mean, that should have tipped off his parents that he was about to carry out this heinous crime. this was paul mauro earlier. he has a sort of contradicting look at this. he says no, actually, this not so unprecedented. he makes this analogy, listen. >> this case has facts that are particularly egregious for the two convicted parents. let's say a bartender who is
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over serving a customer who then goes out and drives, that is a form of liabilities so we have seen this kind of thing before it is not unprecedented. >> sandra: is this a fair comparison? >> well, look. i think paul is a very smart guy. when i am in company with him i usually retrace my steps to see where i got it wrong but in my view having been a prosecutor for a long time, this is what you have a civil justice system for. these parents ought to be sued civilly. it is why you get the judgments you sometimes see in these tragic cases. but the criminal justice system is not intended to deal with tragedy. what it is intended to deal with is intentional wrongs. and i think if you take the step where you will now extend it beyond intentional wrongs, then all bets are off and you don't know where it goes. >> sandra: they are the first two parents convicted of a mass
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school shooting. parents of those victims, your heart breaks for them. with one saying about her daughter to the parents as we are waiting the sentencing earlier to the judge while you are purchasing a gun for your son and leaving unlocked, i was helping her finish her college essays. and she is no longer with us. which is heart-wrenching. andy, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you, sandra. >> sandra: john? >> john: more protests on capitol hill, probe gods of protesters shutting down the big senate cafeteria. this was at the dirksen senate building which is literally across the street from us. it is the largest cafeteria on the senate side. protesters protesting "senate can't eat until gaza eats" capitol police are quite active arresting and escorting some of
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the protesters out. our aishah hasnie is tracking this along with our capitol hill team. we will have more coming up in the latest protest for you as soon as we get it. this follows what we saw in dearborn, michigan, protesters chanting death to america, death to israel, these gaza and anti-israel protesters are really snapping it up, sandra. >> sandra: capitol police obviously looking for ways to do with this. it almost seemed like a daily occurrence in some form that they are having to address this, john. it does not seem to be going away and we will have more coming up. >> john: as the pressure mounts on biden trying to get something done in terms of a cease-fire. this will continue. >> sandra: a shocking new report into the origins of covid. claims more than a dozen federal agencies were aware that china's wuhan lab was experimenting with coronavirus. senator paul watched the investigation, he is here to
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tell us why he thinks there has been a great covid cover up. >> john: plus a first year med student at ucla forced to sit through a bazaar two our lecture on april hamas color. how are some of the other professors responding to this? >> is definitely a controversy because ucla refuses to say why they have activists and residents getting paid $7,500 and leading students in a path to free palestine and no one stops her. biotic. (♪) do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from
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>> john: all right, that taking place in the senate office building just a short time ago, protesters blocked senators and a senate staff from having lunch in the biggest cafeteria on the senate side. our aishah hasnie on capitol hill following all of this pro because anti-israel protesters again? >> what a way to come back to congress, right on question market afternoon, this all broke out during the very busy lunch hour. where a lot of folks go to grab lunch. the dirksen cafeteria, its largest cafeteria on the senate side. you see 1,000 people go through their original day. i am told what was happening here is that these pro-palestinian protesters who, by the way, had already been protesting a hearing this morning in which secretary austin was testifying, they made their way into the cafeteria and are basically standing and blocking interns, staffers, young people, young professionals from checking out and getting their food and eating their food.
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so they were trying to stop them and blocking them from checking out. that's when the u.s. capitol police came in and started telling them you have to get out of here. some of these protesters were chanting "senate can't eat until gaza eats" they were saying that people with because you are starving and dying and so that's why they are there. there was a bit of back-and-forth between capitol police and these protesters. i am told by a senate aide who watched this allappen and films with some of this video that it got really contentious and he did between capitol police and these staffers as she said the capitol police kept their cool. they were very professional but some of these protesters were very rude to them. eventually they were pushed out outof the dark some area down to the russell building and eventually pushed outside. they were trying really hard, john, to stay inside saying this is the people's house, we are allowed to protest but now they have left the building. what a way, again, to call attention to what is happening in israel and gaza, john? >> john: yes they found a
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number of ways to do that in recent days. keep watching it, aisha, good heavy on the case. >> sandra: we will keep watching not for sure, meanwhile jewish faculty member's furious what they are calling a pro-hamas activist lecture who gave a mandatory presentation to first-year medical students. they say she made them prayer to stomach them i pray to mama earth and lead them in a chance to "free palestine" chris bedford here to debate but first william la jeunesse outside the school of medicine in los angeles for us. william, what can you tell us about this? >> well, three things. number one why didn't someone from the administration step in and stop this politically blatant point of view filing policy? number two, why are all the activists and residents here at ucla from the left politically and three what does praying to mama earth have to do with medical school?
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>> not only are our buddies called unclean and public. >> this is lisa greg garcia one of ucla's paid call covering structure equity and they are praying to mama earth. ucla describes garcia as a former homeless and incarcerated property's color. on x she said the hamas attack was not her terrorism, that's jt us. she let them in a chance to free palestine. >> of course i did. >> the jewish faculty resilience group called it disturbing. some students who were obviously uncomfortable were singled out for discipline. >> we should not be talking about free palestine which stops from neutral and we shouldn't
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have her asking them to pray to pagan gods. >> with a pro-gihad message the public. >> the problem is laced into this class for reasons i don't understand are very serious anti-semitic tropes, anti-semitic statements, and anti-semitic pictures. >> you see a lady refused or declined to respond to our questions about the activist or this history of anti-semitism in the structural recent class, sandra? >> sandra: alive live in l.a., thank you. >> john: let's bring in chris bamford and senior analysts when i was thinking about medical school is biology and physics and organic chemistry and anatomy. there were no classes on structural racism. and certainly none that leaned anti-semitic, what's going on here? >> i don't know what to say to that. that sounded wild to me.
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i think it is very important, though, to separate out what looked like sort of wild antics and i don't know what you said she is a hired? >> j>> john: and activists in residence. >> i don't know what they are doing there. i mean, there are issues about racism and medicine and doctors but this is not it. to me, though, i think it's important to separate out concerns about her behavior and talking about mother earth from a legitimate concern of protect and free speech and academic freedom around israel and its wartime behavior and gaza. right now you have a majority of americans who are for the first time according to gallup 56% disapproving of israel's actions in gaza and for me it's not american to silence, debate, or dissent on campuses. i think academic freedom demands free-speech. >> john: i'm interested that
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hundred% of people don't disagree with what happened on october 7th, which is an interesting perspective to look at this from but again, what does any of this have to do with learning medicine? obviously you want doctors to come out with a broad perspective on society. and how different people are advantage and disadvantage when you are training them in terms of medicine. but this seemed to wait outside the lines. >> i kind of love stories like this because it exposes a lot of what's going on in a ton of college campuses. it's not just the liberal arts, it's not just pcu anymore or you can laugh it off and say oh that person got a poetry degree how that affect me? because these are mandatory classes. they are mandatory part of psychiatric associations. they are mandatory parts of medical school. here in the united states we are really you still quality. we are used to good doctors and good engineers and airplanes learn of the doors don't rip off when you are flying but because of that i think we have accepted a creeping decline in education and a mandatory mandated and a lot of these politics decline in
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our education. these doctors may just be students right nowyou can laugh at them we can talk about, but eventually they will be doing surgery on us. they will be doing life-threatening life-saving operations on our children. and a lot of them are getting taught ideology before medicine. that is really dangerous for the future of the country. >> john: you have to understand the differences in social condition for many when you are a doctor but i'm not sure that has anything to do with the application of medicine with this person. >> i think it does. i think you have to -- >> john: you think what this person was saying has to do with the application of medicine? >> let me think about it for a second. i guess, i am just, you know, my hypothesis here is the at mr. risch and says if you are going to be a doctor or engineer or indian chief in america, it is important you have sense as you just said there are sociological differences in your
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patience, your communities. >> john: she called the october some of the tax justice. she led students in a "free palestine" "talking over each other] >> when processing our doctors are the best in the world, i agree, but this is not about an organic chemistry class. i hope there is still held to the highest esteem and i hope the intent of the administration was to say you know what? you have to open your eyes and realize the world you live in is a bigger place then your organic chemistry test. >> john: clearly it is but this sounds like it is an entirely different region. speak i be surprised if any of these have mandatory courses on wide to go to a private physician unless your ultrarich anymore why you can't find a family doctor for your kids unless you go through hospital system. >> that's what they should do. >> those are the kind of things that are really impacting american health. this mama earth pagan stuff i
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think less so. >> john: chris, thank you great to see you, that was unusual to say the least, sandra i think? >> sandra: it was indeed. dr. gary schiller will be joining us next hour really looking forward to having him on. he is a professor of medicine at ucla. he stands firmly by it, students don't have the right to pick and choose among the menu of classes, this is medical school. this is a school of medicine their required classes to become a doctor so we will get his reactions. >> john: but this was a requisite class i'm not sure what they learned about medicine or even society in that class. >> we will ask after he was on for more than 30 years he has some strong feeling and we have breaking news on abortion and arizona, the supreme court in that state has now ruled it can uphold a ban on all abortions
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except those to s save the mother's life. this rule was officially passed back in 1864, it provides no exceptions for rape or incest but if the mother's life's in danger 14 days from today's ruling and obviously this is heating up more and more, john. is a major focus as we head toward the presidential ele election. now this. >> my daughter is getting out of school and saving all my money and she doesn't have any student loans, do i get the money back? of course not. so we will pay for people who did not save any money? and those of us who did the right thing get screwed? >> john: we remember that famous moment four years ago and that frustration still lies with many americans as president biden pitches his student loan bailout plan. is he really offering relief or just transferring the burden to someone else? >> sandra: plus jpmorgan ceo
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out with his biggest inflation morning at on an economic environment that may be as bad as world war ii? we will get reaction from charles payne when he joins us live onset next. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ >> tech: at safelite, we'll take care of fixing your windshield. but did you know we can take care of your insurance claim?
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time to shine. get paycom and make the unnecessary unnecessary. >> john: we are awaiting the white house briefing with press house secretary karine jean-pierre and security advisor coming out in jake sullivan today, logic to over this afternoon from iran sanctions will be to administration strategy on israel. we will have it for you right here on "america reports," sandor? >> sandra: john, thank you, president biden unveiling other multibillion-dollar student loan bailout. because that's what it is. he says borrowers could see up to $20,000 of unpaid interest wiped out regardless of income. but someone still has to pay for that of course. it is the u.s. taxpayer. charles payne here. when we saw, this has been a
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huge issue. because let's stop calling this student loan forgiveness or the president is erasing student loan debt, this is a bailout. why? because someone has to pay for it. most likely as a u.s. taxpayer who never went to college and probably never will. >> how sad and ironic is that? i am telling you this is the party of the wealthy, well educated voter in this country. this is another gift to them. we did not pay for your ev car or your solar panels or extra earned income tax credit which is never designed for families making 200,000 we've done a lot of things and we will do one more. if youou look at the debt, the bulk of it, the biggest chunk if you go through at least demographically 35-49-year-olds. we know this is lower for young voters in college right now the idea of i will never have to pay this back but people who are paying it back, these suburban
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families, we know this election will be won or lost in the suburbs. this is a gift to them as well. but to your point about 93% of these loans since obama have been backed by the federal government. that's american taxpayer money. you know, i have gone through the litany of why this is nuts but think about this for a moment. no income threshold. lesson -- >> you don't have to apply for it. just checked the records. >> like a master's degree, someone who will make $5 million in their lifetime will have someone making less than a million and in their lifetime paying their college -- i mean think how crazy this is how unfair is that? this is the most unfair, most elitist thing i've ever ever seen. over and over and over again president biden keeps saying i'm going to give money, i'm going to take from the poor and give to the most fortunate people on the planet. that's a crazy scheme. >> sandra: i had a thought sometimes you go to the store and they say would you like to add a dollar donation to go to this particular cause?
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wait, if everyone says yes to that it's being donated in the name of the company. not me. in this case president biden is saying i will forgive your student loan debt, but the american people are cutting the check. "the wall street journal" writes about biden's latest lawsuit forgiveness saying that they blocked the right off but who did the justices think they are? and joseph showed them on monday by waving his royal scepter again and canceling deck but it's not canceled, that is fact and that's what gets me fired up this is what vice president kamala harris just yesterday on alleviating the burden for the public service workers, listen. >> many are silently struggling with student loan debt. god knows we don't pay them enough in the first place. we as a society in a country should reciprocate that care by alleviating the burden so many of them are carrying with this
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enormous debt. >> so much of this reminds me of 2008 we were having this discussion this morning. the bank bailouts, right? the difference here is there is nobody saying okay, why did this happen? who is responsible for issuing these risky loans to people who are showing they could not pay it off? the banks were made, right? there was reformed so they did not get themselves into that situation again. what are we doing to avoid this happening again? >> this is a slippery slope. everyone talks about colleges, why are they so expensive in the first place? i mean acres and acres of these wonderful buildings and parks. you never want to leave after you go inside. >> and you leave and you can't get a job. >> but for her to say that yesterday in new york came out y expect not to be able to make a minimum payment on their debt. a minimum payment on the debt. they will take money from those folks and transfer to the wealthiest people in this country. >> quickly can i get a final
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thought on jamie dimon? he is making a lot of headlines with his new letter out looking forward saying this economy is being fueled by large amounts of, guess what? government deficit spending in past stimulus recent events however may very well be creating risks that could eclipse anything since world war ii broke. we should not take them lightly. >> we are spending the money to defend ourselves in the world come that's not the circumstance we are in. listen, i'm glad he said stimulus because a lot of people feel like it's in the past. it is still pumped in peer you know on friday all those local jobs? that was really federal money. federal money in a timely manner to create jobs into the election. it's all part of the scam and it has to stop because again we paid for it when inflation goes through the roof everybody pays for it. it's another scheme to get president biden reelected. ultimately it does nothing net positive for this country. >> sandra: we will cut that sound bite because we have our econ panel, robert walton and seymour will say more.
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thank you for coming. >> thank you for having me. >> john: and chicago's plan to help illegal migrants coming at the expensive aid of chicagoans, illinois democrat congressman jonathan jackson join us on us that next. >> sandra: he is the laughing and i assure you his eyes are okay plus the border paddle is shifting west, bill mcdougall ohmic pollution is live from eagle pass, texas, hey. >> hey, sandor, illegal crossings have pretty much dried up in eagle pass following texas' lockdown of its own borders are coming up after the break we will take you out west to the state of new mexico where illegal immigrant innovators are trying to sneak into the country for a single day. that's after the break [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob. —hi. —hi. do you believe in ghosts? meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals have no privacy, try one that has no one but you. let's get started. bill, where's your mask?
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speech of the deserts don't make new mexico are seeing activity a new video showing a group of illegal migrants captured, bill melugin is in eagle pass, texas, right now. it is who they found in that flurry of migrant activity raising some eyebrows. bill? >> sandra now in eagle pass illegal crossings have dried up because of the lockdown texas has done here. since yesterday have not seen a single illegal crossing and that used to be on her to. member months ago we were seeing several thousand a day here. as you mention most of this is starting to shift west so we will take you to the el paso sector take a look at this video our team shot out there this morning. this was a group of what was about 100 illegal immigrants waiting to be processed by border patrol. this is gate 36. this is that infamous spot from a few weeks ago where we saw the
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rush that riot of those venezuelan men overrunning the texas national guard there. they are wanting to get to border patrol because they believe they will be processed and released into the country but, center, you mentioned new mexico we will show you a video from there as well. take a look this was yesterday. new mexico seeing a surge of adult -- single adult attempted got aways these are innovators not turning themselves in. we were there is border patrol was laying a cat-and-mouse game catching as many of these invaders as they could. this is the sort of thing they're getting hundreds of every single day out there in the deserts of new mexico. also in new mexico, take a look at these images. border patrol busting a human smuggling stash house in the deming area in the middle of nowhere in southern new mexico, stash house with 29 illegal aliens being held inside of it. border patrol says they have now busted 136 of those stash houses in the el paso sector since october 1st. and they will bring it out where we are. look at these mug shots these
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photos, border patrol says in the sector they recently arrested two convicted sex offenders who crossed illegally including one with a conviction for sexual assault of a child, and another for sexual assault or to patrol says they will face criminal prosecution in deportation from the united states. back out here live, border patrol reports have now arrested more than 8,800 illegal aliens with criminal convictions just since october 1st. those numbers do not include any got away for a less. as of today they are been about 150,000 of them that have snuck across the border just since october. send it back to you. >> sandra: built thank you. john? >> sandra, president biden visiting chicago yesterday for a campaign fund-raiser is mayor brandon johnson struggles to manage thousands of migrants surging into the city. he is pushing to get migrants work permits to clear up shelters, let's bring in jonathan jackson and house of foreign affairs committee with
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the congressional black and labour carcasses he's also the son of a friend of mine jessie jackson, good to see you, congressman. >> great to see you. >> john: thank you for being with us create a lot of residence in chicago are pretty ticked off about how mayor brandon johnson is or is not handling it. >> all of this asylum seeking why, all of this is about refugees, no, no, no what's happening is they are emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states and into our communities. they are junking up our country. and yes, we feel some kind of way about it because it is our country. >> not another dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad, the city council members are so concerned to donate their salaries to the cause of the real public service should. >> what's your take on all of this, congressman? >> i think unfortunately these are people in desperate measures that are resulting to desperate challenges. so i think we have to look
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beyond texas to figure out where the people are coming from. the economies in haiti and cuba and venezuela are collapsing, so there been great migratory flight coming through the pan-american corridor all the way to mexico. i don't want people to pit the united states versus mexico. these persons are fleeing countries but do we have an economic development plan for south and central america for our own neighborhood? we have an agreement, a nato agreement, the european union, what is the deal for the americas so we can keep people at home? these people are coming here that don't speak the language, have no money in their pockets, have a child on their hip and have gone through transporter smugglers, they are coming up here and not being well received and welcome because they have no other place to go. they're only coming because they have no other place to goes with the level of desperation. >> john: not just from central america or south america come they're coming from china, kazakhstan, from india, from
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pakistan, somalia, the congo, you name it. the door seems to be open to the world right now. >> there's a problem -- >> john: the one thing the biden administration doesn't seem to be doing in approaching this this is not just migration. this is a big business run by some very nasty mexican cartels. >> and those nefarious characters should be singled out and they should be shut down. but if you look at what has happened in cuba for example, and we have to deal with these case-by-case, cuba president trump when he was leaving put them on the terrorist watch list. no other country in the world has put cuba on a terrorist watch list. we have taken them out of the world economy, if you will. they have 500,000 people to leave because conditions are now unsustainable in their country. look at what happened when we did boycotts on venezuela. so many people had to leave that country. where did they go question went almost 4 million went to brazilian others have tried to make their way up here.
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we have a gentleman named barbecue as simple as that sounds in haiti. barbecue and coleslaw with spaghetti? that's ridiculous. we can't go in there and sure up what should be our longest, oldest ally in this hemisphere, haiti, to bring stability? that's a problem. and we saw when haitians tried to come to the united states, they were met with whips and chains from a bygone era. >> john: wait, wait a minute. you are talking about the border patrol? >> the people on horses turning back the haitians. >> john: they were not whipping them, congressman. >> but they were on a horse and it looked like they were chaining people >> john: twirling their reins to keep folks away -- >> that was a far cry from give me your poor and you're tired. these were people who had children chased away on horses. >> john: i want to ask about this mayor johnson is embracing and he wants to get some work permits as quickly as possible listen to what he said. >> sure.
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>> we need the president to extend the same economic opportunities to our long-term undocumented brothers and sisters to further benefit our communities to empower immigrants so they can build a better life here. in the city of chicago or wherever else they decide to live. but we are okay with them living in chicago. >> john: he says we are really okay with that but a lot of people are not okay, people who live in chicago with the fact he is trying to get work visas for migrants because if you look at the chicago urban league report in black chicago from june 2023, black unemployment 16.7% that's the highest of all the ethnic groups, poverty rates, 28.26%, median household income 35,000 which is the lowest on the demographic scale. why is johnson trying to get work permits to illegal migrants instead of taking care of people who live there? >> i think is trying to make the balance. first of all he did not seek or choose people, they were shipped and i would not put a letter to the department of homeland security often to the department of justice asking to investigate
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governor greg abbott on child smuggling. you cannot put the children on buses that are unaccompanied by an adult and move them across state lines. those persons and their many children that is simply wrong. you cannot do that. union i.d. to get on a plane, train, bus you cannot move people across state lines and dump them. 90,000 people have been dumped in chicago if you will -- >> john: florida does same thing but i do it quietly. >> it's wrong. they need to enforce the law. second is at the start of the ukrainian war where russia invaded the ukraine. we set up temporary permit status and temporary permits so that you can have 30,000 ukrainians to come into chicago but also have the residents from afghanistan. they were given work permits and they naturally migrated in there and they had families. venezuelan community does not have that many people to observe them as the ukrainian people.
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they do need temporary work status and there also needs to be economic focus on the african american community. i think those are parallel tracks on either or. >> john: it's a difficult product all my problems to deal with. congressman jackson, great to have you on. >> thank you. >> sandra: outrage over an anti-israel lecture at ucla and medical students were required to attend a professor from ucla will react to live on this program coming up. gs... (♪) ...hottest summers... (♪) ...windiest falls... (♪) ...and coldest winters. (♪) all on one track. to prove these three-row suvs were built for the unstoppable. kia. movement that inspires.
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>> fox news alert senate g.o.p. urging the speaker of the house to delay the impeachment of secretary alejandro mayorkas, chad is working this with brake news what do we, chad? >> good afternoon, sandor the something that my colleague i've been working about the past 45 minutes at there have been conversations about asking house speaker to hold up on sending these articles of impeachment over. the reason is because they believe this will all be done by thursday. if they wait and dell back until monday that would allow them to build some momentum for next week. you've had these senate republicans trying to develop some pressure on the senate majority leader chuck schumer to
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hold trial. he has played his cards right close to his vest in this and has not said how he will do this. meaning he may just move to dismiss these articles of impeachment very quickly. they are supposed to send the articles over around 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. and swear on the senators on thursday and i talked to one impeachment manager here who said they had not heard but they would try to delay the start of the trial. >> sandra: chad pilgrim on us live on the hill, chad think you. >> john: a lot of really interesting stuff stuff coming up senator rand paul's covert origins investigation continues on, he will join us next on what he has discovered on what government officials knew about what was going on at the wuhan lab. about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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