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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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♪ children are starving in gaza ♪ >> john: anti-israel protesters shutting down senate lunch on capitol hill today. they said the senate can't eat until gaza eats. >> sandra: fox news reporters are working this developing story for us right now but first we will go live to the white house. >> john: nothing much happening there. that protest is the latest with president biden and a moment n now. jake sullivan will join karine jean-pierre at the white house press briefing as we await their response to the "death to america" on american soil listen to this. >> john: yes that was downtown dearborn i'm john roberts in washington, sandra and other
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news filled hour ahead of us. >> sandra: we had to show that live shot because we know karine jean-pierre will step up to the microphone shortly and there is huge interest in how the white house is going to brief amid the growing call for death to america. happening in dearborn, michigan. i'm sandra smith in new york this is "america reports." it was there in dearborn, john it happen on friday went into israel demonstration erupted it chanced calling forth "death to america." >> john: the white house expected to face where they say will free up money for terrorists. >> every dollar bis and mr. risch and gives to iran is another dollar that will be used against our sons and daughters. speak of the administration has operated as iran's best friend, hasn't it?
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>> john: life to hillary vaughn on capitol hill where lawmakers have been pressing treasury officials on the lifting of sanctions against iran, hillary? >> john, that's right. senate republicans want to know why we are issuing any waivers at all for iran when they are clearly using some of their assets to fund terrorism. the white house with $10 billion in sanctions through a waiver they say this money can only be used for the purchase of food and any suggestion this waiver sends money directly to iran, it could be used to fund terrorism is false. antony blinken signed the extension that allows iraq to pay for electricity through an escrow account to guarantee they don't pay for bad things. they also are not convinced that the additional 6 billion and frozen funds held by four iran will not ultimately be handed over them at some point.
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>> president biden says don't give this money to iran and the government says give the money to iran who do you think that the bank will listen to mr. secretary? >> they value greatly their ability to have a relationship. >> right. >> that's how they make money. >> like the tooth fairy? >> ultimately cut off those banks that will not be able to make money. >> democrats also drilled into the deputy secretary about iran's vibrant crypto business allowing them to have a crypto cash flow to fund their activities, they have a crypto fund which means american crypto could be helping iran profit through paying around bitcoins minors. >> iran could be our validator and would be collecting a fee processing our crypto. all of that without either one
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of us knowing it. >> a transaction like that a certain possible. >> okay, so iran, which is subject to all kinds of sanctions, is moving money through crypto and actually making millions of dollars validating crypto transactions for americans? >> and the deputy secretary today defended the administration decision to waive sanctions while arguing at the same time they need to crack down on crypto because ultimately that is what iran is using as a work around around the sanctions in place and they say if we don't crackdown on crypto that they are effectively useless, john? >> john: even elizabeth warren is baffled to what the administration is doing something is afoot. hillary vaughn, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: john, the justice department say they have arrested 19 19 year old who was
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going to attack churches, alexalexander mercurio was goino use guns and knives and fire to attack they say it should be an "eye-opener" u.s. intel has warned the war in gaza and the recent terror attack in moscow inspire lone wolf attacks here at home. >> john: congress is keeping up with its covert origins investigation and our next guest says he has discovered the government officials for more than a dozen agencies new the wuhan institute of virology was trying to create a virus similar to covid-19 back in 2018. let's bring in republican the kentucky senator rand paul. you have an op-ed but how vast was the great covid cover? it has recently discovered from 15 federal agencies new in 2018
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that the wuhan institute of rosie was trying to create a viruslike covid-19 new claim in your op-ed that they all knew, nobody said anything. >> we found out about this first from a brave marine who were reported this research for this grant proposal would have allowd wuhan institute to create a virus similar to what covid-19 covid-19wound up to be what we t from a whistle-blower, no one else informed us including anthony fauci who was asked about this particular grant proposal and he said not only did he not find it he said we don't know anything about it and we have never heard of it pay what we discover no and are releasing for the first time today 15 agencies knew about this and the original proposal, nih, and anthony fauci's are niaid were in the proposal.
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they were intimately involved in the proposal which was to create a virus that looks a lot like covid-19 and may well have been covid-19. but nobody revealed this, and then a anthony fauci continues to say hey, i know nothing about this. this was his own agency. we approve the nih and niaid found cheese agency knew about this proposal and were part of the proposal despite him continued dumb a continuing and public saying had nothing to do with it that it ties nih to the funding of research that may well have led to covid-19. >> john: a name that comes up in all of this is that of peter does asked the head of the echo health alliance will be testifying before the committee in the house the discrepancy that came up when he gave behind closed doors testimony and that was about a project called
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"diffuse" >> same thing. >> to make a fearing cleavage site in a virus according to winthrop the proposal said that the research would be done in the university of north carolina but that in fact it was actually targeted to the wuhan institute what he know about that? >> it's the same proposal, it's defuse which was never funded by the u.s. government but we know wuhan continues to do this research and a lot of people knew it was going on including anthony fauci and never revealed it to the public. in fact, it sort of the opposite. if you have this knowledge and you know they are trying to develop this in the lab, you would be suspicious they came from the lab at entity fetch of the and four years has tried to call anybody who believes that it came from the lab or looks at evidence it came from the lab calls them conspiracy theorist,
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he journalist to promote it and say it wasn't possible and peter day second knew it, ralph barrick at unc knew it. he was part of the project and yet he comes to the white house and says nothing about it. this would've warned us this virus was not attempting to make a clumsy leap from animals to human but was already preadapted and would be incredibly infectious to humans. that is not typically happen with an animal virus, it helps with mutations that are forced in the lab. >> john: as you point out, senator, every time that anthony fauci has come to be at the house or the senate hit spline has always been the same. it sounds like this. >> i will repeat again the nih and niaid categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be connected in the wuhan institute of virology. >> john: yet you say that with you questioning them there as you have so many times you say it's impossible he did not know
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about this? >> yes. without question they did funded gain-of-function research in wuhan so that's a lie but also we now know and what we are revealing today as he knew about the specific project to put a fearing cleavage site with peter dave zach, and the wuhan institute to create a virus that was more infectious to humans. he knew about it because not only what's his team being briefed about it, we now have documented evidence they were brief, we also have documented evidence they were partners in this. the actual original proposal with wuhan involve the nih and rocky mountains lab owned by >> sandra: . so felt she was intimately an integral part of all of this and yet he continues to get away with saying i knew nothing, but we now have documented evidence that his team was briefed and they were an intimate part of the proposal to create a virus that looks like covid-19. >> john: as you pointed out a
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moment ago anyone speaking of a lab leak theory was dismissed as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but now we have an editor at npr who has been there 25 years named yuri berliner who made an op-ed in the free press about all the times when politics has interceded in the proceeding of journalistic items, this is what he said about coverage of the lapped leak theory. he said over the course of the pandemic a number of investigative journalists made compelling if not conclusive cases for the lab leak that at npr we were about the trouble we were not going to tiptoe away from the insistence with which we back the natural origins to story, politics will blotting out the curiosity and independence that ought to have been driving our work. what do you say when you hear that? >> so disappointing. the media is supposed to be equal opportunities of going after both parties.
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all ideas all issues looking for the true. look at the reporters who have uncovered this. most of them will tell you they came from the left. matt to he become a michael shellenberge they will say either moderate or democratic or from the left and they had the honesty to do it so there were honest journalists that of gone after the story but the institutional forces and this is and homeland security letting them work together to persuade, cajole, and course media to do their bidding, the media needs to be independent of government. i don't care whether it's right, left, or in between you have to have an independent media that is critical. during covid what we found is you have the media and the powers that be working collectively with the government and the fbi sitting down. can you imagine if after our interview right now the fbi called you up and wanted to sit down with you and said part of the interview is good but we want to remove this one question because we think it's disinformation. no one in broadcast tv would tolerate that but that's what
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they were doing. they were sending people down and saying we don't like that question, we don't like how they entered it and we wanted stricken from the record. stricken from public record. it's mortifying to think of this government power over the free press. >> john: i know at fox if the fbi ever called us and said that we would do a story about the fbi calling us and asking us to do that. >> exactly. >> john: it's been a while good to see you again. sandra? >> sandra: that was a short time ago we are checking back in on capitol hill. dozens of anti-israel protesters were arrested after shutting down the senate cafeteria. aisha carson he has been chasing this down. what's the latest, aisha? >> yes, sandra, that has moved
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outside of capitol grounds we don't anticipate them coming back but you never know we can tell you more information or police have arrested 50 protesters as part of this large demonstration, probably the biggest one i have seen in the last year of a program is a demonstration on capital gro grounds. it happened during a noon lunch hour, the busiest time for traffic in the dirksen cafeteria. it's the largest cafeteria, all lot of hill staffers, aides, lobbyists, press, a lot of people come through to eat and i was told by a senate aide who was watching and witnessing taking some video, sandra, these protesters were essentially blocking interns young kids that come to learn, blocking them from cashing out at the register to go and eat their lunch. eventually u.s. capitol police came in and basically escorted them out trying to push them out there is a lot of back and forth a lot of harsh words spoken by
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protesters, but eventually they were finally moved out. 50 people arrested so far charged with basically illegally protesting in a congressional building. >> sandra: aishah hasnie live on the hill with us we would check back soon. john? >> john: as we hear the sirens of the president's motorcade as he goes back to the white house from an event he just had at union station a live the white house as karine jean-pierre doing some housekeeping we expect jake sullivan to join her in a few minutes. a lot of thorny questions facing the white house we will keep monitoring. >> a lot of reasons we want to watch that ends the lead ceo of a financial firm is calling out a move by joe biden calling it "enormously naive" what has the president in hot water with jamie dimon? we will dive in with economic advisors steve moore and roberto wolf.
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with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. >> jpmorgan ceo is pushing back and criticizing the movement's shareholder letter as "enormously naive" let's bring steve moore economic advisor, i don't know is not fair? >> i think this one may be robert and i will agree on. i don't understand the war on american energy. it's bad for the american economy because oil and gas development is a major part of our economy we have more oil and gas than anyone in the world and it's bad for security when we allow oil and gas to come from countries like russia and iran, it makes america more
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vulnerable. we know terrorists and for example that what has happened in israel that those rockets were really funded with petrol dollars. i don't see the logic of this and it is bad on every front end biden sugar versus policy and let's do a donald trump says and drill, baby, drill. >> sandra: the entire point is we are an energy rich nation. we have abundant resources. we should be using them and not turning to foreign nations for them. this is what jamie dimon specifically said in that letter to shareholders he said a lot. but on this on the cancellation of liquefied national gas projects the projects were denied mainly for political reasons to pacify those who believe gas is bad and oil and gas projects should simply be stopped. this is not only wrong but enormously naive. you go to this whole push for evs china is doing it and there will be ahead of us if they don't keep up while china
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does not have the energy resources we have isn't that the whole point? and we are ignoring it here? >> this is a great topic because we know we are at all-time historic highs in energy production for oil, gas, and renewables. >> sandra: biden administration has taken a lot of heat for that. >> i'm glad steve gave me that softball saying we are energy independent the most we've ever been. and we have the highest production the most we've ever been with respect to jamie's comments. listen, i am for an all in energy approach so steve and i agreed on that for years. i am also in agreement that we should export lng. he is referencing is mainly that we were exporting lng and recently the biden administration has put a cap on exporting lng even governor shapiro pennsylvania said he hopes that this pause is short-lived. >> here is the problem, sandra let me say one quick thing.
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look, robert and i are most sensible people that agree with what robert just said but the problem is you have this radical green lobby running the white house. why are we building the pipelines? why aren't we exporting more? robert, you are right we are at an all-time high but we could easily be producing three or 4 million barrels a day with the current technology and all the oil and gas producers say they would like to that happen. >> can i reply to that? >> sandra: you can. because the question is, robert, you are touting oil production -- no i'm touting the fact of all energy production. >> sandra: that's fine and a lot of republicans say we are still living out a lot of the decisions from the previous administration to get to that point. biden is still trying to undo a lot of that, you can respond, but first gas prices are on the rise. we have a lot of oil, right? but it's not translating to lower prices. you're looking at national average for a gallon of gasoline
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$3.60. a month ago you are up $0.21. it's back up and on the rise with oil near $ $85 a barrel. >> but that's why you like having me on because when i was at solomon brothers we owned philip brothers and when i was running it we had enron so i know the market very well. we know right away that energy is a commodity. it's based on where we are globally. the geopolitical risk is high. steve and i have been an agreement that we think there will be long till inflation because of the geopolitical risk. it's not because of domestic oil production it's about what's going on in the middle east and what's going on in the ukraine. we are in agreement that this is not surprising. we've been talking about the energy crisis will probably move up as they normally do end of the summer when people travel more. and as they normally do on this has high geopolitical risk. >> sandra: diamond spoke he factored in the inflation risk as the reason he said that global economic risks could eclipse anything since the second world war said jamie dimon to. this by the way, steve, you will
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love this. this was the president just less our speaking life on the former president donald trump's expiring tax cuts here is biden. >> the last administration enacted a $2 trillion tax cut. overwhelmingly benefiting the very wealthy and the biggest corporations exploding the federal deficit which we have cut by the way it added more to the national debt than any presidential term in history and is due to expire next year and i hope to be president because if it expires it will stay expired. >> sandra: it will stay expired i teed you up crummy reaction? >> i hope it is her debate on what to do with the tax policy in this country and maybe it's another issue robert and i may agree on. the reason we cut the business tax rate is the united states had the highest business tax rate in the world when trump came in like a head start
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program from all the countries we were competing with and when we brought the rate down what happened? we brought a lot of jobs back to the united states, we imported capital back into this country and it was a big success. by the way the top 1% paid more taxes after the trump tax cut so if you look at every element of this, and it was a success, and joe biden is talking about tax cuts for the rich when in fact we have more tax revenues than ever before. >> he is chomping at the bit. >> you know corporate taxes are being grandfathered continually, we are talking about individual taxes. individual taxes, that's going to be a huge debate. we should be clear. it has been the highest deficit increase under the trump administration because your gdp growth never happened. the way you thought to pay for it. that is clear. it went up more than $7 trillion perry 45%. >> sandra: this sounds like a debate. >> we wanted to cut the tax rate for small businesses. robert you know this. >> i'm in agreement with small businesses. >> the individual they didn't
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pay the corporate so for american corporate's and small businesses. >> you paid for it. >> sandra: i appreciate the debate which is why you joined us every week i think we need to name you guys. i don't know. >> thanks harriet >> warren and wolf? wolf and warren? >> i like wolf and the fox done but they didn't like that because i cut steve out. >> sandra: thanks, guys. john? >> john: his copyright expired on the battling picker since? i don't know but ucla had to sit through a lecture from a woman critics say was a pro-hamas activists the school now facing huge backlash. >> plus you won't believe who was heading the investigation into the so-called "worst mayor in america" mike tobin has that from illinois what do you want to tell us? >> added to the mess dulled in illinois a controversial name that most of you already know.
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>> you are not what we need for dalton. we don't want you to hear! you or your administration you need to go. >> mayor, you need to step down because you have disgraced this village. >> y'all should be ashamed of yourselves, you are black and sitting up here beating and attacking a black woman. that is in power. >> the mayor of dalton iinois tiffany had near facing multiple lawsuits and a long list of troubling accusations. they include sending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on lavish trips and her hair and makeup teams. now the town has brought and another controversial politician to investigate her. cannot make this a-determiner. it is no one other than the former chicago mayor lori lightfoot. senior correspondent is live in dalton for us can lightfoot take
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any action here? >> that's a good question. i had that conversation, sandra, with an attorney for the trustees and no, lightfoot can't do anything binding but can drum up some fact, can drum up a lot of attention with the goal of getting an investigative body like the illinois attorney general out here or one of the federal agencies. lori lightfoot, the former mayor of chicago the one term mayor has been hired as an investigator to look into the dealings of dalton mayor tiffany henyard who has had a determinate stomach turbulent time in office to say the least. she is accused of embezzling public money and taking trips at the public expense taking police off the public patrols to work her security entourage and accused of retaliating against stomach against an employee who claims sexual harassment. lori lightfoot was a prosecutor before she was a mirror chicago she has now been hired at $400
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an hour. >> as a lawyer and federal prosecutor and mayor i bring expertise in leading investigations of this kind and understand the complex challenges of governing. i commit to you that i will follow the facts where they lead without bias and reserve comments from this night forward until the work is complete. >> through an attorney hezbollah says she will not approve payments to lightfoot saying the trustees already have an attorney but the attorney representative says lightfoot is hired as a special investigator not a lawyer. now henyard is mayor of dalton and the township coming to around $300,000 a year. auto son tells me the village of dalton is operating 6-$7 million in the red, sandra?
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>> sandra: mike tobin live out of dalton i said it earlier, john, you cannot make this up. you heard from the people in that town. they want her gone badly so. >> john: yeah. if you are going to appoint someone to investigate the worst mayor in america, there are probably some people out there who would say that the former mayor lightfoot is a good choice. >> sandra: wonder where that sketch you? >> john: not sure. donald trump making his stance clear on abortion laws listen to what he said yesterday. >> my view is now we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and perhaps whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case the law of the state. >> john: let's bring in marjorie pro-life america so you
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put out a statement yesterday after the president came out saying you were "deeply disappointed" and what he had to say what was the source of your disappointment? >> disappointment that this issue has been a human rights issue not contingent on geography. where you live should not determine whether you live in a human rights battle. there is a contrast between biden which is limited abortion when a baby feels pain, has fingerprints, starts sucking left or right thumb to indicate whether it's left or right-handed. it's a highly developed point and the baby's development and it has wide consensus that this would be a place to draw the line nationally. now it does not really please a lot of pro-life activists because it is not really that strongly pro-life, but it is with the consensus of the country and contrast with president biden's position it neutralizes the issue in a way that states only doesn't.
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it simply does not belong in states only conversation. >> john: we were talking during the break looking to neutralize it as an election issue because the democrats certainly had been beating republicans over the head with this. it lead to gains for their side in 2022. republicans thought they would get a 2025 seat majority and they did not. but what you said actually is tame in comparison to what the former vice president mike pence said about the announcement he posted on x saying "president trump's recession is a slap in the face to those who voted for him in 2016 and 2020 and the majority of americans want to see minimum national protections for the unborn and federal law" but many opponents of roe v. wade we were looking for exactly just to go back to the states. so it can be decided on a state-by-state level where voters thought they had much more influence in the process them at the federal level. >> every human rights battle in american history has acknowledged the fundamental nature of what a human right is.
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it's never been about geography. look at france who has a lot of provinces and they just put 14 weeks as the limit in france. far stronger than what we have been our country which is no limit. let's go back to midterms. there is no question a unilateral disarmament battle you will lose if you lay down your arms or don't put any resources behind your argument. you will definitely lose. that's exactly what happened in the midterms and now to blame the issue instead of blaming the messenger or the resources of the party playing end to that issue, it is really wrong. >> karine jean-pierre just addressed this a moment ago let's listen to what she said. >> and the president 'his predecessor handicapped three supreme court justices to overturn roe v. wade, it paved the way for the chaos and confusion we are seeing play out across the country today. speak of the latest example of that according to the white house was the arizona supreme court just said which upholds an 1864 law which pretty
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much outlaws every form of abortion except at risk of the mother's life being at risk. and democrats now are fighting to put that on the ballot in arizona. it looked like it was trending red, but now could it flip the other way? because democrats are energized about this in arizona, and other states as well. >> let me refer to the chaos that she just said. chaos was 50 years of marching left, right, left, right, the ability of the voices and the will of the people was never allowed to make its way into the law. all across europe 4750 nations limit abortion at 15 weeks or earlier. they never had a law that said they cannot do that. after 50 years it's going to take a little while for that discourse to unroll and take that consensus. four women in unborn children so arizona is a state where that will be argued out. if that ballot wins it's no pro-life protection for up until
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the end. that also was not popular. this is the beginning of that conversation. >> john: may be able energized republicans as well, great to have you win, we will see you again soon. sandra? speet>> sandra: they were forceo sit through a lecture by a loop activist it was required to attend a professor who has been at that school nearly 30 years is here to react. long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx.
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>> sandra: a story we are following closely for you a jewish faculty member at ucla medical school, the faculty there the jewish faculty are outraged over what they are calling a pro-hamas activist
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lecture who gave a mandatory presentation to first-year medical students. they say she led the students in a free palestine chant and prayer to "mama earth" fox news reached out to ucla for a response to several of our questions including why it ignored warnings about anti-semitic content in this class. we have not yet received a response. let's bring in ucla professor of medicine gary schiller. you've been on the faculty for more than 30 years. what can you tell us about this activist in this lecture that was forced on medical students? >> the first thing i would say is that for me i have not suffered in these over 30 years any adverse consequences from being a religious observant traditional but many of the students who don't necessarily identify as religious but certainly identify as jupy jewst
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with my progressions from the classmates may be a little more than my micro-aggression from this kind of curriculum. >> sandra: this is a quote from the professor up ozzfest biography we grab, professor, she calls herself "tiny" a.k.a. lisa gray garcia formerly on house incarcerated poverty scholar revolutionary journalist lecturer poet, visionary, teacher, single mom, daughter of a house lists disabled indigenous mama, are you aware of this person? do you know this person personally? >> i have never had any interaction with her. i don't know if she really is on the faculty. of course, i have the same question you and many others have and that is how does this person come into aim mandatory curriculum? the challenge in the school of medicine as it is a vocational
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school. medical school is not really like graduate school. certainly in the preclinical years these students have no choices in what classes they take. they have to take a prescribed curriculum. so if the curriculum is developed to include speakers under the guise of structural equities of health and structural racism, then, you know, the faculty have to have some input into that medical education content. >> i just want to play out a little bit of what we have seen and heard from this person. this is a tiktok video of the lecture were calling to free palestine, listen. >> hell yea i asked for a free, free palestine and turtle island they called us the bums come the homeless ones. see that fresh over there? but then i offer prayer for fire bombay and suddenly you can see
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me real clear. speech if there is that on her tiktok and then there is this of her teaching the class on homelessness, listen. >> sandra: professor you've been there over 30 years in the faculty. how did she get through the door to these medical students into a required lecture? >> that's the question that needs to be answered. what you ask about as faculty engagement, the g bodies credited require faculty to be
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involved from every part of the process from certification to those admitted to the school to medical education content to certifying the progress of students and ultimately for submitting names to the regions of the university of california for all the degree of doctoral medicine. so yes, the faculty really need to be more involved but this is an administration decision. and that is the challenge. >> sandra: got it you are identifying a difference and one i can hear your concern about. we will continue reporting on the story, professor, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you for the opportunity. >> john? >> sandra one college sports is all but banding transgender athletes from competing in sports what this could mean fori the fairness just ahead. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%.
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>> john: one college in athletics association is fighting for fairness in women's sports the letter and aia which most orbs and smaller colleges unanimously approving banning ts athletes from sports. alexis is here with more on the story. >> hey, the president of the letter a letter i let her aces he discussed this with his team about two years with athletes
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and coaches saying this all camn to fairness and it's not about politics but he has had sh already. >> i wouldn't say we were nervous, we were certainly aware of the variety of opinions and some of the backlash we are likely to get on this boat but keep fairness in competition as guiding light. >> on monday this group announced the policy change saying only aia policy athletes whose sex is female can be in female sports more than 31,000 0 student athletes across the country represented by the n aia the group is the first college sports association to make this change and some other people are not so happy about this including the human rights campaign the largest lgbtq rights group, sander and john, saying every student it does not matter who they are deserves to be on a team and have that experience in
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sports, we will send it back to. >> john: this it debate will go on i think that's for sure. alexis mcadams thank you, we will be right back. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? (restaurant noise) introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is th #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin
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