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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  April 9, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> out of time, thank you rob, charlie, our studio audience, "fox news @ night" with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. 11:00 pm on the east coast, eight clock in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". breaking tonight, evidence of americans under attack. we have new information about more illegal immigrants beating more police officers.
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also, one of america's major medical schools has now paid someone to give an anti-semitic lecture. and in idaho teenager now in jail accused of plotting to attack 21 churches in the name of isis. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more on the plot to attack those churches. good evening. >> reporter: good evening. 18-year-old alexander is facing 20 years in prison for allegedly pledging allegiance to isis and also for an intent to commit attacks on the terror groups -- on behalf of the terror group attacking people in churches in idaho. in fact after attacking the first church, he told the informant, obviously employed by the fbi, that he planned to attack others in town, as many as 21 churches before then in his mind being killed in an act of martyrdom. his arrest follows a multiyear investigation by the fbi's joint
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terrorism task force. he was arrested on saturday, just a day before he planned to allegedly attack a local church. according to court documents, those plans included attacking his own father, stealing his father's guns and then carrying out a suicide attack on churches the feds allege that his plans involved using a flame sword, explosives, knives, a machete, a pipe and ultimately firearms. the feds also say they began looking into the 18-year-old after he allegedly reached out to courses online and indicated his support for isis and other terror organizations. however there are a couple of interesting notes to pass along. the accused is just 18 years old and he claims to have "drank the kool-aid of white supremacy before finding more purpose with isis." and if you carefully read the charging documents, it seems
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somewhat plausible that the man's interest escalated from talk and perhaps a bit of coding from, say, a self-proclaimed informant or confidential sorts -- source, from that to real-life behaviors. but now he could face 20 years behind bars because of that. >> trace: live in dc, kevin corke thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent nicole parker along with criminal defense attorney. thank you for coming. you heard the report there, nicole. you have this 18-year-old who's talking about confidential informant and he says the plan is he's going to go into his first church with a pipe unless he can get a gun from his dad. kneecap people, stop them and then use you taint canisters to set the place on fire. what do you think about this whole plan going over the past two and a half years. >> well this is an example of what we call a lone offender and they are happening and this is happening all over the united
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states and thank goodness that the fbi stop this individual who could have caused drastic harm. from my understanding this gentlemen had started having these lots and interacting with isis and becoming sympathetic towards isis during covid. he had been home from school and was on his laptop computer and was not attending school and he started looking things up. there was data that was on that school issued laptop that showed that he was sympathetic towards isis and wanted to join their forces and was again charged with title 18 u.s. code 2339 b which means that he was lending support to foreign terrorist organization group. i am so grateful that this individual was stopped. >> trace: and i wonder, vikas bajaj, you look at this and he was it planning to attack 21 churches. the whole concept as they probably would have grabbed him. but pledging loyalty -- loyalty to isis, legally does that change the jeopardy he could face legally?
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>> absolutely. without the allegiance to a terrorist organization, you don't have a crime. you have a thought of committing a crime. but the element that is required for the statute that nicole just pointed out is that it has to be in furtherance of what we used to call in the eighties and nineties criminal street gangs. the federal equivalent on the terrorism side is i pledge allegiance, therefore any action i take is to further the reputation of the international terrorism organization. so yes, it absolutely plays a role. >> trace: interesting. moving on to the parents of the school shooter ethan. each parent got ten to 15 years. here's what jennifer says. >> don't think that this can't happen to you, the stereotype the bad kids come from bad parents. your child could make that decision intentionally or unintentionally. if there's anything the general public and take away from this, is that it could to happen to
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you too. >> trace: i know you are familiar with school shootings, nicole. i'm wondering, do you think she's right in some capacity that it could happen to anybody? >> you know, this is a very complicated case and situation. yes, i have worked school shootings and as a parent of the survivors, they want to see justice served. but looking at who committed the crime, the 15-year-old committed the crime and he was charged as an adult and sentenced to life in prison. but again, i understand the flipside as well, the judge and the sentencing. she went way above the sentencing guidelines for the state and said no, you are going to get above the sentencing guidelines and his parents, this is not just poor parenting, you actually could have stop this from happening. apparently this student was involved in a meeting with two administrators at the school and had, you know, red flags, red alarms were going off because he had written something very dangerous on a map sheet and he had been reported in basically
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the school administrators told the parents you need to take care of your son's mental health issues within the next 48 hours. they did not come pick him up immediately and it was that afternoon, the school shooting occurred. so parents, you can't control everything your children do but i do think they had a role in this and, you know, they have been sentenced and i know they are going to appeal it. >> trace: but quickly, vik, because the whole concept is this is a slippery slope. you could say okay, the parents had a baseball bat, the kid took a baseball bat and killed somebody, you should have known this was lethal. >> you've instilled the important point which is causation. some states have statutes that say you know what, if you negligently store a firearm and someone gets access to it and commits a crime, there are serious penalties. but in this state, that crime does not exist and the danger going along your lines of the slippery slope are well if we don't monitor everything our kids do, are we on the hook for something that we can't predict? >> trace: a very good question. vikas bajaj, nicole parker,
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thank you. meantime dozens of demonstrators arrested for the anti-israel protest that that door shut down the u.s. senate cafeteria. the video obtained by fox news shows the group walking through the hallways of a senate office building saying "children are starving in gaza and people are dying in gaza. capital police say the protesters were mostly charged with crowding and obstructing. meantime jewish faculty at ucla, one of california's top universities, now calling out the college administrators over a meadow school -- medical school lecture by a school paid activist who blasted modern medicine as white science and called the attacks of october seventh justified. merry and rafferty is live with information on this. good evening. >> reporter: this was a mandatory class for medical students called structural racism and health equity. the controversy arose when the speaker, who the university describes as a former homeless and incarcerated poverty scholar , reportedly instructed
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the class to prey to mama earth and later lead students in chance of "free, free palestine ." it. >> i've brought this humble message into a space where healers are made. and guess what, they lied and said i was trying to do something i was not. hell yeah i asked for a free, free palestine. >> reporter: and at the end of the two hour lecture, she reportedly asked students to stand for a closing prayer back again to mama earth, some students declining to participate in one singled out for potential disciplinary action according to a jewish faculty group. >> she should not be speaking about freeing palestine, it violates policy of staying neutral. she should not be forcing people to prey to pagan gods. >> reporter: fox news also obtained slides that use anti-semitic images reminiscent of 1930s germany as part of that class. >> we are there to care for everyone and all of a sudden
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they are trying to indoctrinate these young physicians so that they have this bias. >> reporter: the jewish faculty group previously sent an e-mail to the university's chancellor warning him about the speaker but no action was taken. ucla did not respond to our questions about this activist and the anti-semitic content in the class. fox did speak to a jewish student though who attended the lecture and said some of the students were offended but others just accepted it as a radical point of view. >> trace: interesting, thank you. the "fox news @ night" commonsense department is never surprised at the flood of left-wing ideology infiltrating college campuses but even commonsense was baffled to learn that it ucla medical school, one of the country's highest rated structural racism and health equity are required reading. turns out the school is also in favor of abolishing police, prisons and borders. ridiculous. prisons importers have already
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been abolished in california but ucla medical school isn't just moving left, it has taken a babe ruth the batting stance. students are being forced to attend lectures by a pro- hamas activist named lisa gray garcia, a woman who thinks the attacks of october seventh are justified, a woman who calls israel amerikkklan. a woman who says palestinians are as oppressed as california homeless people. at one point she lead students enchanting "free free palestine" and students who refused were noted for noncompliance. she also made students nylander prey to mama earth. you would think even far left patients would want their doctors to be better at healing than annealing. focus more on proper training, less on propaganda. commonsense thanks it won't be long before the hippocratic oath to do no harm will soon give way to the hippocratic oath to pick a side.
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-- hippocratic -- let's bring in the co-author of stolen youth. thank you for coming on. one witness said "i was very deeply offended and disgusted, but my point is, when you are paid to given anti-semitic lecture and you are no tank what students compliant and what students are not, it is shameless. >> absolutely. what's terrifying is that this isn't relegated to just the university system in california. it's happening throughout the k-12 system. this is something i talked about a great deal in stolen youth, that all of the stuff that is happening on college campuses is starting in the k-12 system. california is trying to hide it. a project just had to sue the state of california and the berkeley school system because they won't hand over the materials that they are teaching to californian students in the
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k-12 system especially in the berkeley area. they are trying to hide their tracks and so all of this activism that's happening in the k to 12 sphere is now showing up at ucla and other state schools in california. it starts somewhere and it's in these k to 12 systems. >> trace: it certainly is. the jewish federation of los angeles says since october 7th, 2023, there has been a 2000 percent increase in anti-semitic incidents on college campuses across california compared to the same time period last year according to the adl. it's allowed i mean just do what you want and california. >> they look at me as a religious person, a fanatic, but the reality is the left is a religion but no one is calling it that. they are very phonetic in their views and they will preach it with what they can and it makes no difference. the fact that ucla allows this person to get away with this stuff only tells you one thing, they agree to this religion.
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where is our society, where is our morals? out the window. my question to the entire thing is, the parents that are paying money to ucla, why? why are we making our own schools and say bye-bye and we can actually make the best doctors listening to medicine. >> trace: a very good question. i want to move on because this is eight seconds, the people in michigan, some of the pro- palestinian protesters chanting death to america, watch. [ chanting ] >> trace: the white house has condemned the chant but the daily caller says the following, even though the white house condemned it, there were many major outlets that did not cover the event. it's a pivotal moment in american history and they did not cover it.
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>> to play devil's advocate, maybe it's not newsworthy because it's happening in places like harvard, in places like ucla. maybe they don't think it's worth covering because it's happening at the most elite institutions in america and so maybe it's not noteworthy it's also happening in the streets of dearborn. maybe that's the least notable place its happening considering where else is going on. >> trace: that's a fair thing. final thoughts? >> maybe these are their profits. they enjoy what's going on. but how many times have i said on the show, this is not anti-israel, this is not for palestine, this is eventually to take over america. it's an ideology that wants to take over america and we are sleeping. >> trace: and someone should pay attention. rabbi, bethany, thank you both. we have or information on the rising number of illegal immigrants attacking police officers. in new york city, two illegals, both with rap sheets, are accused of beating a new york police officer who was trying to stop them from shoplifting at a
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target store. ashley is live in new york city with an update on this. >> reporter: six venezuelan migrants are facing charges after attempting to steal merchandise from a target in new york city. two are being accused of assaulting the responding nypd officers while being placed under arrest. according to reports, a 23-year-old and 21-year-old wrestled, shoved and slapped the officers, sending one of them to the hospital for pain and swelling in his left arm. he was treated and later released. this is not the first run-in with the law for the two. one was busted in january for trespassing at a migrant shelter and accused of scratching a woman during the argument. the other was charged in another shoplifting case in december. three other suspects involved in this incident were charged and arrested with robbery and disorderly conduct and then the remaining suspect is still on the loose after throwing rocks at the responding officers. they were not hit.
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all but one of the captured suspects, were arraigned and released without bail. one is being held on $3000 bail or a 9000-dollar bond at rikers island. this is not the first time people trying to protect residents of new york city have been attacked by migrants, including the beating in times square that in multiple incidents at the randall's island migrant facility we talk about a lot on the show. this particular scuffle happened over just $82 worth of food, water, tools and a gaming like. >> trace: it is incredible. ashley live in new york, thank you. let's bring in the sheriff of -- clear texas along with future potential congresswoman. thank you for coming on. sheriff, to you first, i want to start with the cops being beaten in new york city again. here's the nypd commissioner. >> it's a broken system. we see we are locking up the same people over and over again and it has an effect on our law
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enforcement officers, it has an effect on our ally -- law-abiding citizens and a negative effect on the actual or perceived image of public safety. there's no way we could tell where they live, where they come from. they are pretty much ghosts. >> trace: he's right, they are coast criminals and they have faced no consequences. >> no, you are exactly right. here in this county, about a year ago we had someone assaulted and unfortunately they can't prosecute cases themselves so what we did at the local level is we took the case and prosecuted it. but what happened in new york city, it's not surprising because we continue to see it happen time and time again. but what i will say is americans should not be surprised when they find out that these people are picked up, charged, they may serve some time but since they are so from venezuela they will be released on the streets
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because their country is not taking them back. >> trace: here's the med not mentioning that a sexual assault suspect is in the country illegally. just put this up on the screen here. man broke in, sexually assaulted children. earls sexually assaulted in home invasion, suspect caught after extensive manhunt. st. joseph county home invasion, sexual assault, suspect in custody. so afraid that somebody might be offended to call these people in the country illegally? >> they are illegally in the country and that's a fact. they are repeat offenders but under the biden a ministration, they are protected. they have allowed this lawlessness to continue. in fact the representative of my district voted against deporting illegal immigrants who commit crimes against the american people. i never thought that i would see a time when someone who's
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illegally in the country commits a crime and is not immediately deported. i mean that should not be -- a no-brainer. i immigrated to this country. these people are not a representation of those who immigrate to this country illegally and want to make this country better and come here to accomplish the american dream. i hate that the democrat party puts us all in one box. there's a huge difference with people crossing into this country illegally and those people like myself who came here to this country legally to make this country better. >> trace: and the consequences. the headline reads, individuals, many of whom enter the country illegally, are acquiring and driving motorbikes to do food deliveries and the district of columbia but many of the bikes don't have legal licence plates indicating they are not properly registered or insured. the majority of the drivers we spoke to confirmed they had crossed the border illegally. the problem is, you don't have the resources, sheriff, to be able to round these people up and give them tickets that you know are not going to be paid.
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>> even further, in my county we've had numerous asylum-seekers that have come in from cuba, venezuela, nicaragua and from honduras that are coming in to pick up illegal aliens in my county. we see it often. i spent the last 26 years of my career as a border patrol agent, you know, protecting the border. our border patrol agents have continued to do the best they can do over the last three years but until we get another president in the white house we will continue to see the lawlessness go along our country's border. >> trace: it's crazy. i want to put this up because is it any wonder the favourability among u.s. latinos is going, moving up from, you know, biden, you see it moving down with trump. it's getting much closer. about ten seconds to wrap it up. are you surprised? >> i'm not surprised. the democratic party is not representing our values. the hispanic community have
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realized that the democrat party has walked away from our values and that is the reason why we will vote for new leadership in november. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, democrats made fun of donald trump challenging joe biden to debate. now the major broadcast and cable news networks urging biden and trump to take the stage. at a new poll shows the president slipping in key categories. later in the nightcap, las vegas now rolling out it's new self-service tsa security check. put your back on the conveyor belt, watch yourself -- walk yourself through the body scanner and off you go. some say it's great, others say dangerous. what do you think? x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. wejobs are coming back. [♪♪] [♪♪] .. liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. ooo, that looks complicated. that's why visionworks organizes our frames
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[♪♪] >> trace: to debate or not to
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debate. the question being asked of president biden and former president trump by five major broadcast and cable news networks ahead of november's presidential election. back live to the senior national correspondent kevin corke. >> reporter: anyone paying attention knows that the letter that we are talking about really is an appeal directly to the white house. president biden in particular to debate this fall. while the letter is not yet final, "the 5" major networks, especially the ones we are all familiar with, are seeking endorsements from other national news organizations, including newspapers, because they want the people to get up on the stage. according to two people with direct knowledge of their plans and according to a draft obtained by the times, the letter, endorsed by fox news, abc, cbs, cnn and nbc, urges the presumptive presidential nominees to publicly commit to taking part in general election debate before the november election. so there. now obviously the reason being,
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at least in part, because there are growing concerns, especially amongst key democrats, that putting mr biden out there in multiple debates could lead to some trouble. so the thinking goes this way, instead of debating, which is risky, accused the former president of being such a lawyer that debating him would be simply pointless and thus in the process avoiding the possible gaffes and stumbles that could befall an 81-year-old on stage several times. how soon this letter will be delivered is anybody's guess but given the public good, it is hoped that it will be effective. >> trace: that is the hope. kevin court live from dc, thank you. thank you for coming on you both. i like to put the first one up there. how important for biden and trump is it to debate. you see the number on the left, 64%. it's a big number so it would seem to be beneficial to the
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current president and the former president to debate but as kevin was saying, for the current president it might also be detrimental. >> yeah, this is a lose lose situation for biden because if he accepts the challenge to debate trump, he would have to take unvented questions, difficult questions, stand on his feet for more than an hour, both things that his opponent has no trouble doing and yet biden clearly does, given his reluctance to engage with the press in any uncontrolled environment. it's also a lose if he refuses because than the concerns about his mental acuity and his ability to withstand the responsibilities of the job are only going to come out in full force once again. justifiably so. >> trace: it's interesting too because you go to the next one and it says if the candidate skips the debate, you see these numbers here, it shows weakness, 72%. i mean that's the whole thing, if you are president biden, you almost have to give it a swing. you are thinking if i don't debate i look weak and if i go
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up there and make mistakes, well, at least i went and gave it a shot. >> you do. the white house keeps telling us there's no age problem, no acuity problem and so maybe this will be like the state of the union where the bar is simply so low that biden got up there and gave his speech and things will go well. it is a much tougher medium for him on his feet and it's an entertainment medium where the former president absolutely excels. but i hope they do debate. kevin is right, it's a public good. it's not where you go to learn about policy but it is where you go to be reminded of the personality traits of the people that will be the leader of the free world. >> trace: it's a very fare assessment. so the polls show, can manage government effectively between trump and biden. trump has the ten-point lead. moving on, is a strong and divisive -- sorry, decisive leader, trump has almost a 20-point lead on that.
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it seems like these numbers did not quite come out the way that the democrats were hoping but listen, it is still early. >> yeah, and this will be an issue that is largely decided by the voters and this election will be decided by specific policy issues that they care a lot about. it's a unique election in some ways because the voters are familiar with both candidates personally and also familiar with both of their presidential records. i will say this as a gen z voter, a lot of democrats are worried about young adults fleeing from the democratic party and they keep asking why that might be. well it's because we are really familiar with both biden and trump. they are the two presidents that have affected our lives most directly as young adults and when you look at the policies that affect us, it is very clear who has the best presidential record. the polls reflect this. on the economy, on immigration, on crime, on foreign policy, voters overwhelmingly say that trump was the better president.
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>> trace: yep. meantime, off the polls now and onto joe rogan who says he thinks biden will be out in may. that's next month. watch. >> may. i think he's got until may. >> no way. >> i feel like right around may they will pull him. >> no way. and newsom comes in. >> i think he has health problems in the country understands and newsom is going to have his support fully and kamala harris will be like i don't want to be president, i'm colding vice president. >> trace: i'm not sure that scenario. what do you think? >> i totally disagree. the democrats are absolutely stuck with biden. he beat all the rest of these guys, including kamala harris, the last time around. to set her aside as this historic figure, the first woman of color and a vise presidential post would be completely counter to the administrations message about diversity and progress,
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and she is unfortunately for them utterly unelectable according to most of the polls and also the research i've done. she's very unpopular. >> trace: she is indeed. thank you both, we appreciate it. coming up, $24 billion spent to help solve the homelessness crisis in california. 24 billion. has it helped? nobody knows. because nobody was keeping track. and still ahead, bruce springsteen help so young fan out when she skipped school to attend his concert. and a florida resident was shocked when she saw this falling from the sky. the days best viral videos are next. meantime "fox news @ night" trip across america, a live look at phoenix, arizona were last night yukon won the ncaa championship game against purdue. you are watching "fox news @ night" so you never saw it. we thought we would give you the score. next, fairfield, iowa where i was first ever state fare was held. finally a live look at florence,
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south carolina where nearby university of south carolina's undefeated women's basketball team took home the championship title against iowa. what a season. if you cannot join us live, do not forget to set your dvr and watch us any time. we are coming right back with some great topics. [♪♪] [♪♪] dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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[♪♪] >> trace: first up in tonight's real news roundup, experts calling for a drastic change in transgender medicine after a mayo clinic study revealed the truth behind puberty blockers on their potentially irreversible effects from fertility problems to withering testicles, even cancer meantime a washington state middle school accused of violating a fifth graders first amendment rights by denying her request to establish an interfaith prayer club meant to serve their community. meantime a dozen other
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nonreligious clubs are permitted including a pride club but according to the schools -- that according to the schools website serves as a state space for educating staff and students. that fifth-grader by the way joins "fox news @ night" live right here tomorrow night to share her story. so how effective are california's homelessness programs? estate audit says beats me, we don't know. california has 30% of the nations almost population and spent $24 billion over the past five years but failed to track if the money actually had any impact on the crisis. let's bring in california gop delegate and fox news contributor. i mean i looked at the number. the governor triried to block te audit and there's a reason he did, because $24 billion just went whoop and homelessness is
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up. >> you get what you paid for. they paid for or homelessness and now we have more homelessness. it's unbelievable and unconscionable because aside from the fraud, the money, the wasted, you know, it's lives that are affected. those are people's sons, mostly. some daughters. dads, brothers, sisters that are out on the street falling apart and dying and we are just spending tons of money to enrich homelessness workers. >> trace: it's crazy to spend that much money and not have any accounting of where it is going. moving on, california dropped school fitness testing a couple of years ago because the body mass index, those kinds of things, they thought were, you know, body shaming, they were gender equity problems with them but now we see that obesity is up 35% in california. bad decision to drop the physical fitness testing, good decision?
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>> bad decision by governor newsom and everyone else to drop it because we need it because obesity is actually a disease by the way and leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes. so it causes other problems i need to worry about and here's the issue, here's what i like about fitness testing, it's inclusive. it's not exclusive. it actually says to people, let's run a mile together. let's gently do some push-ups or pull-ups. it's not a severe competition. as far as the body mass index, look how simple this is that we have to find fault with it. what is your weight for your height? that predicts so many things going forward in terms of health risks. i need to know that. it's not a way of being prejudice, it's a way of doing medicine. >> trace: yeah i mean sometimes it really is. you need a bit of peer pressure in some cases. sometimes it helps you. meantime the wall street -- >> especially coming out of the pandemic.
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>> trace: you are exactly right. why californians are playing the golden state quoting the fact that newsom has been governor while constituents flee the state is mostly coincidental. sure state policy decisions have motivated some to leave but they probably would have departed no matter who the governor was. by the way in that same article they get to taxes and the costs in like paragraph 25. >> that's a good one. a really good one. california is paradise. it is where everyone used to try to get to. now there are people plotting their exit. by the way some of us can't afford to leave and, don't worry, gavin has a plan for that too. if you can't afford to leave, they want to attach your assets and tax you even after you are gone. >> trace: right, the exit tax which is california's -- that's a whole thing. you want to leave, fine, but we will tax you on the way out. the daily wire rights, mayo clinic study says puberty blockers caused atrophied testes, fertility issues and cast doubt on reversibility and not to mention cancer.
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i mean the evidence really is starting to mount. what do you think? >> i think that we are using them tragically in young people and they are not doing that in western europe or the united kingdom and i think we have to look to that because people maybe confused at that age but they don't need something that leads to here reversible medical issues like bone loss, fertility problems down the line, shrinking testicles, cognitive problems, behavioral issues. and yes, when you combine them with other hormones like estrogen, it can increase your risk of breast cancer and we don't even know all the long-term effects so completely agree with these cautions coming out of mayo clinic. >> trace: when they come out, is there enough evidence for them maybe to be some kind of penalties for using these types of things? >> i don't think dr should be prescribing them period. i'm not a fan of policing medicine but i am a fan of not political pressure --
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pressurizing doctors or parents or kids. it's time for mental health support, not these interventions. >> trace: good point. thank you both. [♪♪] [♪♪] first up into nights viral videos, a bruce springsteen concert in san francisco an 11-year-old fan held up a note that said skipping school, sign my note. after performing nearly three hours, springsteen saw her sign and obliged, signing her absence note in front of the crowd before taking his final bow. in scotland this daring sheep farmer crawls inside a water pipe to rescue two baby lambs that got stuck after trying to find shelter from harsh weather. the lambs were later reunited with mom. it's a bird, it's a plane, okay it's a bird. no it's actually a plane. a florida resident heard a loud boom from the sky and pulled out her phone to record this airplane whirling to the ground with the parachute deployed. the two passengers on board dismal aircraft luckily maiden escape, no injuries.
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if you have a viral video to share, share it with us @tracegallagher or @foxnewsnight coming up, are the self screening lanes at the las vegas airport genius? it's an attempt at cutting down lines, right? smart or is it a risk to your safety in the sky? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher. we will read the best responses in the nightcap. but first on fox and friends tomorrow, eric trump previews the former presidents latest fundraising effort on the heels of last weekend's 50 million hall. dvr the show if you cannot catch it live. we are coming right back with the nightcap [♪♪] at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden.
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if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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. [♪♪] >> trace: we are back with a nightcap crew, kevin, ashley, marianne, vikas bajaj, doctor mark. las vegas has rolled out their new self-service tsa process. officers will be on hand if needed but the goal is to put your back on the conveyor belt, walk yourself through the scanner and head on your way. some are praising it as a great thing, others think it is potentially dangerous. what do you think? good idea? why or why not?
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ashley? >> i think it's a 5050 split. i can see how it would move things along quickly but at the same time i am concerned about the safety aspect of it. i mean who knows who's just going through. i would have to see it in full swing and going. i thought we would show a video but i guess we don't even have one yet. >> trace: i think they are unveiling at this weekend. dr mark. >> as somebody who never works at the supermarket at the do-it-yourselfer groceries, i'm against this. tsa came along after 9/11. it's a poster really screen people. granted, some places you take your shoes off, other places it your belt. it seems really ridiculous. on the other hand, i still wanted. there is a comfort level. i think it does a bit of something having real people. >> trace: roxanne. >> dr marc, they do nothing. everything they do is bad. i would think we are going to get more people self reporting i
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forgot my gun than we do from them catching it. >> trace: vik. >> i agree with you. unfortunately tsa has some egg on their face with thefts while handling passengers luggage so hopefully this is secure. >> trace: every time they test these things they get all sorts of things to do scanners. >> i agree with doctor mark. i think it will be like when you start to do self check out and you get stuck in your like somebody help me, standing there like what i do, all the sirens going off. >> trace: exactly right. let's see, who are we leaving out? kevin! >> you know what, i say if you have clear -- i would say y cler but otherwise wait and let someone check your back. >> trace: i think in vegas they should make you just pull one. if you line up and you get through, if not, well, you know, what it's a game of chance. we asked x and instagram if it's a good idea. yes 41% instagram, yes 47%.
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james, self-service blackjack tables where i get to deal the cards would be better. jhooty, illegals don't have to prove who they are, why should we? steve, open borders, self-service tsa, what could go wrong? robert says i've used it long enough with the automatic baggage check. it's not ready for prime time and a huge headache. sam says might as well, they trust you to check yourself out at walmart, so why not the airport? and felix, too many criminal minded people like hunter biden. that's it. thank you for joining the nightcap, thank you for watching the nightcap and watchingthis the nightcap and watchingthis america's late news "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagheorcer in los angeles, see you back heremeno tomorrow. and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones?
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soon right now. here's "the five." [♪♪] >> hello everyone, i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jesse watters, greg gutfeld, dana perino and jessica tarlov. it's 5:00 in new yor


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