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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 9, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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soon right now. here's "the five." [♪♪] >> hello everyone, i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jesse watters, greg gutfeld, dana perino and jessica tarlov. it's 5:00 in new york city and
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this is "the 5".. [♪♪] crooked joe biden is smelling a, big defeat in november. so he has no choice but to bribe , baby, bribe.'s the presiden 5t is taking anothr shot at his failed student loan cancelation scheme to juice hisi flailing numbers wits h young voters. it's a group he won by 25 points just four years ago but now the latest poll shows the big guy is losing to donald trump by two points. biden is desperate to win them back so that explains why he is trying to find another loophole in the law and cancel student debt for 30 million borrowers. aoc is cheering joe on and is giving the plan her socialist stamp of approval. >> this is huge. this is people getting student loan forgiveness back their student loan's canceled, it means that, you know,
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it's hope to buy a house or have a kid or travel abroad or maybe even govi back to schoolng. and, you know, pursue a career that may be they otherwise wouldn't have.el one of the reasons that is not me now is because i did not feel like i would be able to afford medical school. and so hopefully someonehool else who's had a competition somewhere will be able to do that because of this. >> judge jeanine: as usual president biden is trying to castlly republicans as the bad guys. >> tens of millions of people's debt is literally about to get canceled but then some of my republican friends and elected officials, the supreme court blocked us. but that did not stop tha us. >> judge jeanine: and the liberal media is more than happy to help biden dump on the gop. >> in multiple states republicans are suing to make sure that americans
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have to pay more in student loans, to make sure that you have to pay more interest to banks on your studentnt loans. that is what they are offering america in this election. isn't that what america most needs, for banks to make more money off people who took loans to go to college? isn't that a real justice issue for america? [ laughter ] m >> judge jeanine: osmore interest to the banks.ff i never realized that that was a student at issue. i will go to you, dana. the truth is, the supreme court is basically saying that this is against the law, that the president does not have that power and now maddow is making it about something other than the law. >> there is room to talk about the interest rate issue and that would be j great bueat that's not what: president biden is talking about, he's going after the taxpayer to help pay for people
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who are in positions, they had a contract and also they have been basically forgiven for years and it's going to cost everybody else money. we talked about the fairness issue, for all the people who did it right. a couple of things here, the main driver right now of thes cost oisf college is ten year professor salaries. nobody is going after -- tenured -- university of pennsylvania, annual cost of attendance as well above the median household income for one year. regardless of the major.. you can major in artificial intelligence and set yourself ub for a good career or major in art history and that's great, is love art history as well but then you are going to complain about your student loan later on. it reminds me of the immigration policies. the student loan proposal that he's doing now solves none of the root causes and teaches everyone the wrong lessons. what he's saying to the supreme court is that i will just defy you in to get votes until november and then if it doesn't work out, no problem.
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there was one statute that the supreme court said this is a major issue and under this statute, you cannot do this. congress has to get involved so they said we will do it under another statute. i think the result from the supreme court would be the same. my last thought is something i came up with today as i was walking but it's been percolating for a while. i think president trump would benefit from announcing his vp pick sooner than later. i hadn't been in that position before but i think there are so many issues going on right now and him about to be in a courtroom every day starting monday, you think about havingwh somebody out there who's a good communicator, who can deal with all of these issues. i mean i think -- we know who the two nominees will be.en it's thet longest general election in history. i thinbek he would benefit from figuring out who that person would be, announcing it and letting them get out in the country and do some of thisan batting practice. >> judge jeanine: okay. l right, well jesse, aside
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from that, which certainly you can comment on, canceling student loan debt and basicallyb canceling a legally enforceablee contract -- a legally -- should occur in order to give hope so students can travel abroad. t is that the new democrat platform? >> jesse: yes, oh to europe for six months and get so drunk you don't remember it. i had so much fun. if only i could remember it. i think we are not talking about the lead here is that aoc thought sh e was smart enough to get into medical school.t lo i thought maybe law school but she doesn't even know what racketeering is. i guess she would have been a great doctor. dana, i like that idea. she could have basically someone out there selling your agenda will you are tied up in it's a good idea. jeanine will talk to the president about that. [ laughter ] >> jesse: i figured out thecoul reason why we are in this situation, it's all the baby boomers fault. in the late 1960s, the biggesten
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generation eveour and the only y you could get ahead was to go to college. he wanted to be a white-collarei worker, you didn't want to have to havdoe a job in a factory. so when all of the baby boomersy had families, all of thee millennial generation, they were made to go to college whetherd they wanteidd to or not. little johnny, let's be honest, probably is not the greatest academic studentd , but he wassi forced to go to college and even if the parents, the boomers,e 19 could not afford this,'s he was forced to take out loans to gooo to college so he could be a liberal arts major and get ary. white-collar job.ab then what happened?y we have this overabundance of white-collar workers and all we need our blue collar workers we are reindustrializing this country and doing chips manufacturing, all this construction, and there's just not enough blue-collar jobs out there. so now you have a bunch of people in debt, complaining that they can't find work and so instead of joe biden encouraginh
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people to maybe not take $500,000 in loans out to get ats useless degree when we need somethinbundg for maybe that chs ac ourt where the inflation reduction act. he's still just bribing them.e- that's whereco we are right now. s the fault of the >> judge jeanine: okay. alngl right, let's talk about te fact that the democrat party wa5 always the party of the workinge man angrd now we see the democrt party, you know, they are giving all of these benefits so you can buy an ev car and giving benefits so that you can get solar panels, tax credits if you put solar panels on your house.d now benefits forge those who hae aba college education, cancelins their debt t. what about benefits to, you know, seniors who can't make ann more money or veterans or the working class?you >> well there are a lot of benefits to seniors if you look at what's going on his part of the inflation reduction act,at loweringio the price of prescription drugs, especially
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foits r medical -- medicare is e huge winra for seniors, insulin going down to $35 a month.t that's something that has like a 99% approval rating. e ofin terms of getting jobs anl of these -- in all of thesea gree99n industries, a huge numbr of apprenticeship programs undeo bsthe biden harris administratie just because you get a job and it's a green job, you might not like it is much but it stillu paying youge and training you.ot >> judge jeanine: have l any green jobs are there?st >> jessica: there's ila pressge release about it j. part of that is about. >> judge jeanine: is it forit the charging stations?argi >> jessica: it's not about the charging statis. i just wanted to say though about the student loan forgiveness i was skeptical at first, youin certainly can'lyt go aroundre erasing hundredsds of thousand - hundreds of thousands of dollars of student debt but 62% of americans think at least somen, portion should be forgiven. they've targeted five borrowers. i think you guys would be hard-pressed to say these people
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haven't gotten it rough. some of it is the interest rate problem. gou certainly private institutions are gouging kids. i'kid love to see how many medil schools are now being fully funded, that billionaires are n and saying no one should come out of this with that. but these borrowers, people who owe more now than when they borrowed, have owed for over 20 plus years, people who have just $10,000 in debt and then they can have their life back, folksc who enrolled ik,n "low value academic programs." the used to have a financial ai program and now they don't. these are people who you could really make the argument are victims of the system versusof what you would say it was, that gets kids who are out thereea earning rna quarter of a millio. this is for low and middle income people. >> judge jeanine: for couplese who makeco a quarter of a milli. go ahead, greg.>> >> greg: first of all, aoc'ss district is a, i mean venezuelans walk in and they leave instead of helping her constituents, you know, crime victims, seniors who no longer have pharmacies to go toe
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because theyca closed, people wo need jobs but can't find himca because somehow amazonus neveron came here, i wonder why that happened. instead she decides to bail out, you know, the nonbinary pinkin haired gender studiears major fm wellesley because, you know, jes it's just that travel abroad thing.if t i did not realize that the whola point of a government and thet whole point of paying my taxes is so that somebody can travel at sabroad. do you think that truck driversd making theirri auto payments are a handout so they can go backpacking through europe traipsing from one hostel to another until he passes out insu the red light district of amsterdam? jesse. >> jesse: i didn't pass out. whe >> greg: i did not travel w abroad when i was young. it wasn't until i was older and that was for a medical procedure. this could be.e solved fairly,yo would you think the democrats would embrace because it's all about fairness.
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so why not split the load weighn between schools, banks and borrowers. it's not really about fairness, it's about votes. they would prefer to milk the taxpayers because the taxpayers are powerless unlike the banksdi who can come after you. and they are always conflating intentionality with functionalitnflay.ity, so as long as it's compassion it's good but if you look at all of the areas that democrats apply compassion, crime, immigration, women in sports, here with the loans, it's bad because they never factor in hoo their compassion in paeans other people, whether the loans, money being stolen from other people, whether it's female athletes,ha whether hard-working americansrd whveo have to compete for jobs, all of this stuff is viewed through the lens of compassion. when they say these people needi help paying their bills, that's no different than these migrantf need a sanctuary or this trans woman needs to be her best self.
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they are all the same but in this compassion, in this weird compassion filter, it ignoresth the cost that it imputes on everyone else. in this case it's theft. you can't call it forgiveness, you can't call it lone cancelation. they are stealing mone arey. har if you are a hard-workingw american howyo you can support this guy who's taking money right out of here pocket, thenth you deserve him. >> judge jeanine: okay. coming up, a huge moment for f women's sports but the left won't stop until caitlin clark has to play against men.y ag [♪♪] when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen.
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women's sports is having it's moment in the sun but woke liberals won't stop until it's ruined. over 18 million tuning into watch watch the women's national college basketball championship and sport sensation caitlin clark. but enjoy it while it lasts, ladies, the lefties are dead set on letting biological dudesfi snatch up all the glory. thankfully there's some pushback. in association that reps aboutid 250 colleges and oversees 80,000 student athletes is banning transgender women from competing in women's sports. it's putting pressure on the larger organization, the ncaa, to do the same. that might be a tougher battle.n one of the most influential coaches in college sports is standing by transgender athletes. watch. >> if you are a woman, youle should play. if you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or vise versa, you should be able to play. that's my opinion.
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>> do you think transgender women should be able toti participatone -- >> you want to ask, i will give you that, yes. yes. so now a storm of people will flood my timeline and be ame distraction to me, on one of the biggest days of our game. >> it's kind of what the media does. it's like right before the biggest event, they ask you the most divisive controversial question. >> and she answered it divisively. she said if you consider yourself a woman then you should play. i mean she did not even say. look, the ncaa makes sure that they undergo these transgenderr- or transitioning hormones and stay out of sports for a year. the good news is that the naia, made up of 241 colleges, is saying no, we are banding
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transgender's, we want women to play. and yet she's over there, she could not have answered the question. she could have said that's a question for another day and she could have said -- she did theg right thing, she talked about caitlin clark. she said she'sto a great basketball player, even though she wasn't on our team, and her team beat caitlin clark steam. but here's the thing, we aresh ruining basketball for women. now america is tuned in. america is watching it and loving it and now what they want to do with people like billie jean king, they are all in favor of the transgender's but they already made it to the top, the already retired, so they can be as liberal as they want to be but in the meantime all theseeta women who are fighting to be on these teams and have been dream and ambition, i guarantee that men will come in and say i want this scholarship, i want the t metal, i want the trophy, i wano to take up -- be on the roster and it's a shame. the bottom line, the last thing
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i'm an essay is this, the men are significantly taller, bigger, strongerta, faster, and that's got nothing to do with i the quality, that's just bottom line biology. >> greg was saying in the green groom that this would be the oy way he would watch women's basketball, if there was a dudem out therene just ripping down boards, elbowing women in the face. that he would watch. >> he's right. he also said this is the particular fight at the right, time to have it because everybody is watching. so they just made record viewership for women's basketball. so you are talking about caitlin clark and angel reese and i can't remember her first name cardoza and they are bringing in millions of viewers and peoplede are watching and imagine that all of a sudden they go to the wnba after the draft annex year they are getting dumped on by o transgender's. and you think there wouldn't be an outrage? especially on the salary point. the scholarship point wewe alrey no.nt. what if one of them gets injurea
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by one in their careers are over. g to someat's happenin of these collegiate girls. one girl in north carolina, she will never be the same. w i thinhak this is the perfect opportunity.e gi and i'm glad it came out when it did. i think it's a clear-cut issue. they are saying that transgender women becoming men, whatever. it's the same from both, you can't go from woman to man and n play in their sports either. >> yeah, i applaud the naiyou a, although it's kind of like me getting banned from a vegan restaurant. do you thinkna that trans women are actually going to be in those colleges or will they play division i? >> what's division i? >> i don't know. these are smaller schools, right? >> but i? think they go for thee scholarship money and the gloryn >> i'm just coming up withup something crazy. we are going to look back.
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start over greg, they didn't get it.o we arelo going to look back at this era as a period of social contagion ignited by delusion based on false compassion. all of this is virtue signaling without any virtue.y it deliberately marginalizedvi e people they claim to help, which is actually real women at the expense, you know, and benefiting emotionally manipulative but unwell men. and they are awful enablers. for those of you who mocked us when we would bring this up, you are losing and you are going to lose. we are experiencing a moment when the adults have come home. they are wrestling the car keys, the atm, the remote away from the kids who need to exit stage left and let the adults fix everything. from women's sports to law &nd order because the irony here is, you know, the people that were heard the most were women in alm of these areas and they are hurt by other women who would notuldn
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back them up. what about -- where were the moms, the teachers, the female-' doctors? i'm not saying all but i'm saying many of them stood by and watched as this grace took over, happy to indulge a mind virusma because maybe theyyb were just o scared of being called out. o utbut the science is there, the gender affirmation delusion has harmed the psychological profile of young women mostly becauseca they areus especially vulnerablr to a social contagion, being on onsocial media more than boys ae and they respond to immediate emotional recognition so theyth were the ones that were hurt by this andth nobody was there for them. think everything is, changing. >> we were there.en w >> we were there, the men weredo there. and you judge. jessica wasn't there. [ laughter ]'t >> jesse: jessica? >> greg: tell us what you said in the break. [ laughter ]r] >> jessica: just between us gals. i was disappointed that this came up and it was also asked o
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iowa coach and she just said i'i not doing this today. i think there was a feeling thac she couldn't really punt it. she gohe ct more follow-ups and engaged, but that's a double standard that has been discussed on social media about this. i think the only correct answere to these kinds of questions is to actually go to the numbers of how many of these trans athletet actually exist. therree ar 3e 33 trans women ouh 520,000 athletes out there. that'sle .00006. >> greg: the media keeps obsessing about this. >> jessica: a little obsessed. >> greg: the reason why this is happening is because you put corporations, you've had media totally amplify this issue andnd put it there so that we have to go yes, this is biologically correct and now we are called obsessed for calling it >>ng jessica: i don't feel it is
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correct. seventy% of americans agree with that. i think a person like leah thomas is the reason thishere happens because there can becase such an outlandish case, which is not the average experience, where you have someone who wasef one of the worst swimmers on the men's team and then is setting all these records on the women'r side and everyone looks up and says that's not appropriate. no matter how many hormone hoop you have to jump through, i just point that. >> judge jeanine: and she onese by 3d 8 seconds as opposed to every other swimmer, milliseconds.ght >> jessica: that's why i brought her up in this. it is still a small faction,t th getting outsized attention. w >> i want trans athletes to compete. they can have their only or you can create leaks were anybody can join. just like soccer. [ laughter ]y ca
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>> greg will have hormone hoops jumping on his show. >> jessica: that sounds like aea "jesse watters primetime". >> jesse: try to follow this liberal logic. trumpet -- punching women in the face is somehow donald trump's fault. [♪♪] we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game! cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms
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[♪♪] a liberal writer says the prolific rise of women getting punched in the face on the streets of new york city is somehow donald trump's fault.of the headline w calling it a "desperate last gasp of the mal rage fuelling maga." the left refuses to blame anything but soft on crime policies. shocking video shows a lowlife punching a 68-year-old womanhe down the stairs in front of a church and then's stole her purse and car.ime the nypd is looking for the attacker. greg, the other thing is, i thought crime was coming downn and atdo 50 year lows.
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>> that's what happens when people stop reporting it because they realize it's useless. that writer, amanda, she has a head injury. she has never said anything that made any sense.wa that's why i remember her name. you have to look up some of her stuff. she might not even be real.t why woulhad you lie in the facef truth? it's because if you spoke the truth, politically or morally you would be finished. so if there's a possibility to d put out the truth -- put off the truth until november, there's ai chance you cannj simply by lyin. and so even if the crime is ever present and the border is a mess and the cost of living has gone anup, you can still deny that ad hope that may be people will buy into it because if you admit it, then you are toast. it becomes a double lie, gas lighting. the lie masks the truth and also denies other people's experiences, whether they've been mugged or -- you are
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telling them they are an idiotrh which leads me to my big epiphany. here we goes.or i can't find anybody who is for squattinhaveg or who will say ty are pro- crime, i can't find anybody who is pro- inflation so what gives? why is this stuff always happening when you can't find anybody who says they are for it? i realized just because no one is for it doesn't mean no one i behind it. >> judge jeanine: good. >> greg: the democratic's art for inflation but they are behind it. it's hard to think for yourself, to plan ahead for yourself, to c make decisions when you are having a really hard time getting by. that's the strategy. we wile l be right back.n't we should end the show right now. >> imagine criminal punches a guy in the face and you ask him who did you vote for in 2020? [ laughter ] >> judge jeanine: that's because -- look, they are
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looking for any excuse to blame donald trump. what i love about the article is they say this is increasingly about unhinged male theory that women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than to cater to man's every whim. as far as i'm concerned, that have been 40 years ago.a lui don't know why they are just figuring this out. every example she uses has nothing to do with maga. is anyone screaming maga or wearing a maga hat or saying we are maga, new york city. but they want to blame donaldut trump, they want to blame donald trump for men punching women bue the article is about womeno ca kicking women, women punching women, someone stealing from ath woman at a catholic church.i the irondoy is that the people o were writing this stuff are thea people who were pushing thee sc agenda itself. and so what arini say to myselfs where are the people on the d disinformation boardon?
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this is the same group who wants to make sure we don't sayme anything that's disinformationn but even there premise doesn't connect with the facts. >> jessica, do you denounced tha writer? >> i don't know her as intimately as greg does, or work, not her personally, but this seems pretty interesting. there's plenty that you canis blame donald trump on. whatever side of the aisle you are on, you have plenty of legitimate fodder to go after the other candidate without doing this and it did remind me during the summer of 2020, remember a lot of asian peoplese were being targeted and abused and no one talked about the face that it was done predominantly by black men that were running around punching. >> and in aoc's district and she said nothing. >> it's like you can pick a problem people hate and a dynamic the left cares about and say its trump's fault. >> i would make so much money as a liberal and here's how i would
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do it. in the media industry if you write about transgender or if you blame trump for a problem,he promotion, promotion, promotion. also, to greg's point, not only are the liberals behind it,ia their solution is an compassion which makes it worse. they would rather be seen as compassionate than actually fix the problem. because fixing the problem can be hard sometimes. >> let's solve some problemsint, here people. up next, does it take one to no one? investigating the worst mayor in america. [♪♪,] then compassion hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish.
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♪ ♪ [♪♪] >> she's back. lori lightfoot putting years of experience on how to destroy a city to good use. by investigating america's worst mayor, her successor. lightfoot is getting paid $400
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an hour by the illinois village to probe their democrat mayor.y tiffany isis allegedly a cartoon character of corruption, accusez of embezzling public money, taking lavish trips at public expense all while making nearly 300,000 when the town's 5 million in the red. lori valves to get to the bottom of it. >> i will do my utmost if this motion is passed to make sure the residents deserve nothingty. less then a government that is a fully accountable, responsive, a cotransparent and effective stewards of your precious tax dollars. >> of course there's the logic, it takes want to no one, but jesse, this is the real story. the most incompetent leftist still has a safety net. brian gets fired from cnn, it's
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a job at harvard to keep him afloat and tilley find somethin else at arby's. litfoot finds this jobt investigating the worst mayor never after she was the worster mayor. there's no safety net for you, jesse. you lose this job.b >> there's not--? you mean i'm on a live wire right now. >> greg: news now wouldn't even take you. >> jesse: what's that? >> greg: it? don't know, it jusy popped into my head. >> jesse: i don't want to say anything about them. [ laughter ] >> jesse: if you know what you want for a result, you hire a ar firm or you hire someone to do an investigation. i'm using a lot of air quotes but you know what i'm saying. you do an investigation, it's been predetermined and lori will unsure do whatever she has been told to do, which is probably keep this woman in office. >> disagree. >> she's going to get the ax?e >> absolutely. >> with analysis like that, maybe i will be leaving here >>today. g >> i've got to say, i don't like
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jesse. [ laughter ] >> all right, jessica, i suppose she has expertise in assessing corruption, she practicallyco invented it. are yoaru going to defend her wh your contrary perspective? >>cont yeah but it seems like al the ladies at the table want to, do that so s i will make it quio i don't think that, you know, she did not do a good job,od jdemocracy worked and voted her out and she's entitled to have a career after that. is also is a gay that will notot last that long. lasthe max is $30,000 when shes to submit a report and we shoul be applauding the fact that the people of chicago, whatever you think of -- they voted someone out they thought was ineffective and she has a right to live and make money. >> but judge it's like hiring sam bank been free to do your taxes. >> judge jeanine: yournumber 1,
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prit's a prophylactic. >> watch your mouth. >> judge jeanine: thank you, watch your mouth.ut it's a prophylactic because thah the mayoowr who should be, i dot know, i think the fbi should get involved, but what do i know.t lorido lightfoot had 100 times e number of people and made less money. this womanless is america's cit0 20,000 peopl pe and makes 300 grand. lori lightfoot had -- may 216,000. but here's the problem. this woman hires a sexy offender to be in charge of code enforcement which means by the way you spent 12 years in prison. we are not talking about in name only. that's how many brains this mayor has. what better placcee to put him. and she has professional hair,u makeup, all kinds of security. she's the mayor of a smalle she's using the money and that is why when lori says i will be an effective steward of your tax
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dollars, she made a deal ahead of time, she's going to nail he >> ssao you're saying be a mayof free somewhere -- amir summerer you get free hair, security? maybe there is a place. >> you said in the break nevertf trust anyone named tiffany. >> exactly.g: first of s all the evidence is t there about tiffany.ady the people who are most mad are black women in the community com saying this is outrageous. lori lightfoot, whether youhe agree with her not, she has credibility in the community, i think she will do a good job. s i know $40ig0 an hour is a lot compared to what most people make but that's actually in these types of investigations about one third of what these lawyers are getting. >> dana says $400 an hour isli
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normal. >> that's not what i said. >> clip it and send it everywhere. kidding. joking. up next, a take on the solar eclipse that is so dumb it will fry your brain cells. [♪♪] there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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[♪♪] >> the view, horrible comment just now. shocking everyone at the table with what she said about the solar eclipse. >> we have a solar eclipse. also i learned that the cicadas are coming. >> either climate change exists or something -- >> earthquakes are not at the mercy of climate change, it's on the ground.'v >> they've known aboute the eclipse happening because it's happened. >> i don't know. like why is she so stupid? honestly, i can't stand it. even this week the ap style guide changed, if you can e descent against climate changev. you are not allowed to have anybody who says it's not like the end of the world. it's really pitiful, sad.
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>> judge jeanine: will look, when they shoot it down you knot she's gone full loony. >> i was trying to think back and granted i consume most of this through clips but i had not seen that before, where there was actual push. usually it's just like moving on or whatever. >> i think they've figured it out. i finally figured out why the show is popular. it's "the 5" if every pint -- panelist has dementia. >> so not just me? >> but it's amazing, her name in sonny. she doesn't know anything about eclipses? she has son and her name for god's sake. she's having a bad year by the way. a month ago she found out her ancestors were slaveholders and now she finds out that cicadas have been around since forever. she needs to read more. >> judge jeanine: she says it cicadas. >> cicadas, cicadas. t >> i think sonny doesn't really
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believe that, i think she's playing sonny. sometimes i play myself on tv. sometimes i will say things because i think jesse watters, a fox news host, would say that.y that's something jesse would say so sometimes i say things. sometimes i play myself on tv and that's what she's doing just to mix things up on the show. >> greg: that is so honest, by the way. he's not lying.k >> jesseje: honesty is my bestfo policy. seat, x nei did it again. >> one more thing is up next. [♪♪] [♪♪] complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> now on fox nation. s okay, now it's time forti one more thing. so i'll go okay. a police officer in utah was caught on cameraht ocamera in ht of two pigs that had been on the run for several days.squl >> four legged pigs who werecorr chasing swimming animals across the yard before he managed one r one of them in thejumped o driveway. the pigs almost got away beforel the officer jumped on top of them tackling the animal. but paul style and i had pigs. we shoulmyd have put my pigs up. okay, greg. all right. tonight we got a amazing show.b rob schneider. charlie,der, cha our noelle jay. liz al-khattab. look at that, huh? all righl t, let's do this, gre. guess what comes out of theth and . all right, i'm going to show you the pipe, and you guys have to guess what. out out of the pipe? jeani >> an alligator. an alligatorne . a raccoon. a raccoon. jessica.
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a crocodile. crocodile. i got to go. >>ocodile.. >>. g: g good for you. all right, producers. all cers out what comes out i of a pipe. hardli can. >> to the person i knew. it was a person you didn't say,. john. and you're still. it's still not. wow. we're not there yet. you can actually come out and said the woman. man?'s a it's a person. go. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. it's a woman wom with a i go. yeah, a little baby girl.oats >> i like this. this is in, like, a sort of cattiness. hey, mom. i was waiting for that. waay, here you go. ityou just been one of my. one more thing. yes,a hero. i. >> all right. women, they can do so much. anythingo >> jessi a man can't , o any, you can't not d anythingth. >> can we talk about bryant park again? i wouldn't have gone in that pipen , jesse. n. all right, so you may not get permission from
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your parents to skip school, but bruce springsteen will happily sign off on playing hooky for >> jdn't havin tha. that's exactly what happened to 111 year old who got t haade spriy singer to sign her note to her teacher, explaining why she wouldn't be in class in the middle of ant san francisco show, springsteen noticed the young fan holding up a sign that said skipping franolaining w sign my note, ane knelt down and happily obliged. ingsteenlooks like tilda swinto. yeah, he is. he looks like tilda swinton. >> but i agree, both of you. jane, that hit it well. 34. dalliam bill real well. 34. rehabilitated sea turtles are back on the ocean after being released on jekyll island in georgia. it was the largest release on recor blah.d. i the turtles were under care at four facilities on the east coast being treated for hypothermieanaftea related cond, including pneumonia and dehydration, which the turtles experienced when the weather became cooler in the fall. georgia. >> georgia. i'm a dun dun. what are they going to do? what are they goinr hyg to warmt up for? >> the turtles? and what does that do when they get to jekyll islan inceum turn into mr. hyde?experi no, hyde. oh, hi.en
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i'll get to that. >> is that because of climate change? jesse anthony going to rehab. come on. i'll be in fort myers. >> oh, this weekend. and you can just rub your fingers through my real hair and can prove it's real. book signings in beach haven, t vero beach, florida. mendham, new jersey, and yorbay linda, california. tonight, jesse hunter from time . >> the kamala harris podcast at 8:00. she wa gs. >> she was. is she on your show? you make news at 8:00 eastern. just watch him. okay.go that's it for us, have a great night. >> thanks for watching. so a giant welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight.primet >> i aimm sure that i'm the firt vice president to use the wordtu uterus. a vote for joe i thes really a . for this


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