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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> is that because of climate change? jesse anthony going to rehab. come on. i'll be in fort myers. >> oh, this weekend. and you can just rub your fingers through my real hair and can prove it's real. book signings in beach haven, t vero beach, florida. mendham, new jersey, and yorbay linda, california. tonight, jesse hunter from time . >> the kamala harris podcast at 8:00. she wa gs. >> she was. is she on your show? you make news at 8:00 eastern. just watch him. okay.go that's it for us, have a great night. >> thanks for watching. so a giant welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight.primet >> i aimm sure that i'm the firt vice president to use the wordtu uterus. a vote for joe i thes really a . for this.
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exactly how many people could a pound of fentanyl kill? tens of thousands. tenspoun of thousands. a de and they're doing a deal outside of the federal building in san francisco. cis >> yes, my green fentanyl ring exposed. chris hanson is here. >> a full moon. is that complete rounded circlep which is made up mostly of gases? how could we as humans live on the moon? who's voting for these people? >> plus, go yourself. san diego. >> america's first vice president, john adams, once said t: americo his wife, abigai the office of the vice presidency is the most insignificant office that ever the inventio n of man contrived or is imagination conceived? >> harry man truman called the presidency about as useful as a couch. usefulaccoun50. >> nelson rockefeller says the vice president was just
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standby equipment. >> walter mondale called the job the fire hydrant of the nation. but it wasn't what the viceiden president did in office. >> it was what they didi od to t in there when jfk desperately needed the southern vote. >> it was lyndon johnson who helped carry it home whennter, jimmy carter, a long shot, one term georgiaon governor, w needed the backing of the washington establishment. he picked walter mondale mondishm, who came with decades long experience under his bel t. >> and when black freshman senator barack obama needed a whitre guy familiar with foreign policy, he tapped bue biden. but now joe biden's the one who needs help. >> we are holding their election in the palm of our hands and they're not listening. we have no trust in joof hands . president biden's campaign has touted his success on ke they issues affecting young voters, including student loan forgivenesess, loweringnemplo unemployment and growing inflation. >> still, thoughymand
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, i don't feel it. people may be employed, but can they survive off of what? what could president biden do>>a to change your mind as far as how you vote in november? call for a permanent cease fire if he doesn't get elected . that is his fault. that's not our fault. that's notat'sault not the blacs here. >> that's not x, y, and z. no, it's -- it's on hi, y,m. veu but it was never supposed to bej on joe biden. kamalaoe harris was supposed to help win biden. >> the young and black vote. at least that's what biden thought when he picked her. bidbut he's sleeping until noon while his base collapsese and everyone'sbase looking aroud and thinking, where's kamala? she's not looking for roott th causes at the border. >> and we know she's not building electrierc car chargin. stations. >> johnny gets it. jo>> whowhat's this?>> who i don't know. is that i don't see the black woman. >> i -- thi don't know who that. >> how's kamala doing? >> kamala harris. how proud are you of kamalaroudo harrisf ?
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all she does is laugh. what has she done for my community? kamala harrie done mys loveses her electric buses. we don't need that, kamala. she loves a lot of things, ere s you know? >> love her people. so where is she? co puller they pulled her off the college tour because of hamas protesters, we founecad her hanging out with suburban white women from bravo. >> let'sn whit dip into a little workplace gossip, if you will. >> okay. in >> who are your favorite coworkers in the cabinet? who do you have the most fun with? well, i mean, the person that i definitely have the most fun with is the president. he's fantastic wit. >> he's. he is. he can be very serious,also obviously. >> but he he's also got an incredible sense got incrhumor. biden an incredible sense of humor. that's what girls say a about guys who aren't good lookingbouts. he makes me laugh. right. greg? >> you want some more gossip? i have a very embarrassingbout story to share. okay. tell us about the president.
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prest.y. riy with my famil we're at a little cafethis on the island of capri. and i see this man man walk by,h and he's. he starts to walk by. i was like, i am on my shirt, and i screamed at the top of my lungs like, it's paulim. anke mccartney. >> and i'm like, joe ijoe bidenl bloom, smiling and ask turnss at around, winks at me and waves. >> when i saw joe biden,and i mean, i totally thank god.fa >>in i'm goingte to telld. thatd say, you know, that lady screaming in capri bidens, paul mccartney, now it's like beatlemania when he walks by. >> i've covered biden at fox for 20 years. i've never seen video of women m screaming when he walks by ever . but nobody likes talking about their boss. ikeskamala wanted to talk t about herself, so the ladies played a little game. an icebreaker. it's called had it or hit it. had it her hit it. astrolog>>y.
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hit it. you know. >> so i'm a libra.m a li my husband is a libra. >> and it's so funny. he'll talk, doug. he'll talk about the fact that.t >> that it's the libra in us where we will sitht on the couch in front of the tv with the switcher for, like, 45 minutes, debating which netflix showswe will start streaming. and then by the time we're a done, we're ready to go to bed . kamala doesn't watch netflix. >>kamalashe watches the five. she saw us do a segment on this takes longer than the movie to find the movie. >> and it's like it's like after watching it, why am i doin whileg this? why am i doing this? why can't this be better? and they tried to fix it, but it get so angry when i'm there. looking at netflixso ang, lookig at amazon, looking at paramount, all this lined up like thi, als. kamala stealing our stuff. an: she sty good shows you watc?
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>> yh, we. i you know what i've beenn watc watching recently is the morning show. >> oh, that's so. now, in case you're wonderin g what the morning show is, brian stelter produced it. anyone you want right here? when i walk down to the capitol, men and women are going to be cheering kamala watching shows about january 6th in her free timeuary 6. had it or had it went on, hadr i it or hit it. hated >> people taking their shoes off on airplanes. >> oh, god. itd it lately. it's terrible. and then if they take their shoes off and then crossoh their leg so that their foot is just danglingfoot i right. >> and especially if they're cyclists, cyclists, people in an airport. >> it's unbelievable. yeah.
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you might have the faa looking to look into that. yeah, they looe k at it. >> these are the issues that can bring out lady gaga or even sacha. o >> we have a lot of federal agencies, not that one department of grievancesabout w >> we love that idea. but when's the last time carmela's flown commercial?ra she has air forccie two.ous up she's ripping off the five- ri again. >> worst dudpping ofe on the ple is the guy who takes his shoes off and then shove shos his haiy foot between the seats and it's on your armrest and he hasn't trimmed his toenails. i i don't want anybody to take their shoes off on the plane. kamala has more grievances than just bare feet. on airplanes. >> her job. and i'm going to play my little violin and i don't get to text anymore. i have all these things on my phone that prevent, you know, for the sake of security. ye s. but i used to love our family group texts like when we would.w
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i mean, it was everything. was evelike when word first car >> did you get the word for when, you know, like. >> right. it was just. it was it was so good. i thought al gore was the most boring vice president. word on netflix, airplane grievances. she's a cliche. actually, there is one thing unique about her. >> i am sure that i'm the firsto vice president to in front of the press use the word uterus. and then i didn't stop there. d idi said the f-word, fibroids. are you sure dick cheney didn't say uterus even once say? >> we're checking. but if kamala wante?s that title ,she can have it. weird flex, though. do you want to keep playing wax? had it or had it? donald trump totally had it. >> and right now, donaldt he
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trump is telling us that he wants to be a dictator. >> there's a a dog whistle. >> it is like a gigantic >>ic i don't think it's hyperbolic to say this g genuinely could be the last democratic eleion we ever had. >> you're right. democracy extraordinarily fragile. >> yeah, it's only as strong as our onl willingness to fightr it. >> well, i'll tell you what. paris and i are scrappin whag at last. don't you feel like you've gotten to know kamala? in a way that you didn't before? >> good. because a vote for joe biden is a vote for kamala harris. >> if joe is reelected, ifg it another four years. will the suburban white womenkaa get scrappy and put kamala in the white house? whs anythingit goe like it did with the black and youth vote, they've had it,. >> let's bring in former white house press secretary kayleighe mcenany. kailey, your job job in white
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house communications, i'm sure, was sometimes to put the vicee e president or a member of the cabineent or mt in a podcast ane let them show different sides of themselves. >> do you thins ofk this kamala harris podcast was effective? yeah, it almost feels like a setup. there are two things. every perspective president wants to be, and that is likable and relatable. it's the whole purpose of her doing this interview. but here's what her team miss.onsew. before you work on being likable and relatable. you have to be respectable. and she ha s spent two years losing all respect. >> the cackling, the border czar bit all of the gaffes time after time, the the words to that she repeats. she needs to get back respect. e so i have a belief that she went through immediate training over christmas break because she came out on the view and she was hitting all the pointshed sh that a politician d
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want to hit on abortion, on gaza, hitting the youngn, people, hitting women. but then she loses it with this buinterview. r up so i don't know who put her upbu to this, but likable is not your problem. respect lit bullet. >> right. and she would have gotten more respect if she had actually done her jomore rb insd of avoiding her job as she's done for the last almosther yea, four years. >> she had an opportunity that almost served it up to he r . you know what makes you different? you're the 49th vice president. e 49what separates you?u? >> and she said, i saidord the word uterus. that's it. and i imagine if vice president mike pence had said that, you know, people ask him, you knoke pence.w, what di? oh, i led the coronavirus task force. i was, you know, beside the president during a national crisis, a pandemice. imagine if he had said i said the word uterus. and that's my accomplishment. but this is kamala harrilishsmet and she's she's got two problems. >> it's not just respectable. it's likable as well.
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>> i don't know if dick cheney said uterus. we are still checkin ig on that. do we have her talking you're checking that. okay. th also we want to askt to you about this entire push towardsks suburban white women.a now, as a suburban white woman . do you think kamala harrisyou tn is the mos t effective messenger for the biden reelection campaign? no, not in the slightest, because suburban women careou about the economy. they care about inflation. they evethn care about theand dl border. and deploying kamala on thesoyi i'm going to call them like abortion hit jobs, just going from state to state, assuming that all suburban women care about is abortion to theal exclusion of good education for their children, affording dinner for their families, the to the exclusion of all of that, and putting women in a box. as long as i say the right things about abortion and roe et wade. >> chuck todd, the suburban women, not the key suburbaomenn
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women, care about what men care about, which the top two issues economhichy, border. >> and i would add to that for women education. lastly, dana perino mentioned pn an idea for donald trump today just off the cuff. ideant to see if you thinkntio it's a good one. >> what if donald trump picked? his vp person now you know he's going to be tied up in court for a while. >> he's going to b fore having to stick to these hearings or these trials. >> what if you had a vp out there hitting the road forwn you while you were tied down at trial? th and that is one of the biggest qualities i would be looking for in a vicesthat i'de presiden be the most effective messenger on these legal issues. most efmessento women, to thesp that i need to win. i think it's a ver iy smart mov. but at the same time, he chooses the vice president. now, he'll tim lose out on alle those free media cycles he throws at tidbits. ia"the washington post" hand-picked pick, tim scott throws a tidbit over to thim sce "new york tis". oh, no. maybe it's i don't know, tulsi gabbard, whoever he throws out
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there, you would lose that free media. >> take the free media when messca mediait when get it, butn effective messenger. >> others true. are you sayingr. : that i trump lacks the drama and the tears? >> i can see that i me, i say maybe i would say maybe. >> kelly. >> thank you, vivek ramaswamy. and chris hansen. >> ahead on prime time, it's new day one where our shared values propel us towards a more secure future. through august, a partnership built upon the cutting edge of american, australian and british technologies. will develop state of the art next generation submarines and build something stronger together. security. decades of peace and prosperity for america and our allies. we are going forward and staying forward together. >> when i started mypillow, it was just a problem. solution one product company. well, since then, with the help
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>> grow your business with freelance experertise, fibr . when you're a parent, you know o what's going on with your child. and if you don't, that's with on. >> that's why i'm shocked to hear these parent.s todayay have no idea what their kids are doing. l >> right. you hear it on the news all the time. we have noth idea. >> kids in his room with 16 bazookas, 19 grenades.
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he's going to schoole ro dressed as darth vader. you knows what? look in a room. it starts at the house. >> school shootings aren't funny, but maniscalc shootino ms a point. parents can't plead ignorance poinrents cas on aoe rampage legally. >> that argument ended today . mes an >> james and jennifer crumbleye were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter after their son ethan shot up his michigan high schooethan shl, killingmat. four classmates. ev they're the first parents to ever be charged and convicted in the case of their kids schoold nvicte sh. >> the judge said this tragedy could have been prevented with som te halfway decentt part parenting. >> parents are not expecteing.dc to be psychic, but these convictions are not about poor. parenting. ths confirmction
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the repeated acts or lack of acts that could have halted ab oncoming runaway traikn about repeatedly ignoring thesoe that would make a reasonable person feel the hair on the bac fk of their neckstan stand up the school shooter en the days before the massacrup wrote in his journal. i have zero help for my mentalee problemsro and it's causing mec. to shoot up the effing school. i want help but my parents don't listen to me. >> not only did the kremlin's not listen to them, they bought their mentally disturbed 15-year-old son a gun and didn't secure it. >> ethan was a loner. and he was depressed. he kept a mental health journal . >> he had scary eyes.. just a few hours before befor the shooting, a teacher found sadistic sketchee shootis on ets desk, mapping out a mass killing, including this messageu . the thoughts won't stop. help mghon't sto e.
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>> the school called his mom and brought her in for an emergency meeting, but shed wouldn't take ethan out of class because she had to get back to work later that day, he slaughtered his classmates. >> the families of the victimshd hold the parents accountable. >> when you got a call to me at the school about your son and how it interfered with your day, i was rearranging my schedule so i could take medicine to get her oil change for the firstt te time. when you texted ethan, don't. doxtin it. >> i was texting madison. i love you. >> please call up the defendantsca to their choices, to their indifference and gross negligence enabled their son to murder my daughter hannah. mand three other children. nd you have failed your son and you have failed us all. ng >> former parkland judge and current partner of conrad and share elizabeth's share joins me now. >> elizabeth, do you think legally this is a sound rulingol
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? >> absolutely. for years,y. jesse, when i worked as a prosecutor for ten years in violent crime for 1s, and thy i was a judge for ten years, something like this used to be termedeang felony stupidity. in other words, you have this parent who's gotnt a kid that's doing something extremely alarmingomething and the parentn got their head in the sand not doing anything to preventhe sant what could easily be a c preventablould ee tragedy. i think that this was a sound ruling and i think that this sets a precedent that parents cannot be stupid anymore. you have to you have rights as a parent, c your constitutional rights to bear arms with thosonstite rr come responsibility. and these people andesibilitie all parents owe it to the community to exercise those response abilities with those rights. >> i think they go hand in hand. yeah. you don't bu theyy your 15 yeard son with no friends wearing weird clothingo , writing
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in mental health journals about sadistic, sick, twisted fantasies, a handgun, and then not keep it locked up. >> thindgun ins was similar to t happened in parkland, that that case that yodu oversaw. >> weren't there similar instances of just absolute o neglect on this case, too? in the parkland case, there were. the parkland shooter's mother died about three or four months before the actual incident. so he waree orr monthss living g friends and family members. but, yes , there were were signs, in fact, signs that people reported to law enforcement that he was in fact, i'm watching this and. i'm having a little bit of deja drawyou know, isolatedt déja, q, crazy eyes drawing these these disturbing type drawings. in facypet, the the specific drawing that is of the most concergn is the one that was
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shown to the parents on the just hours before the shooting. that's crazy. this kid drew a picture. >> j of what is clearly a semiautomatic firearm. t it's not. if i had to draw a firearm, it would look like a stick. aw you.a a terrible rendition this kited drew with very specifics.y what what could even be termedt by some there that are familiar with handguns as the sig sauerar nine millimeter, that that is the gun that his parents bought him. ifbegun parents you look very c, you can tell and his parents sa ant at that meeting and did noto say a word. they knew he was having problems. w th they knew they had just purchased him that gun, that gun for him four days before. they didn't know where it was, obviously, becauseid withinin minutes of the shooting happened and being reported by the new hootins, a mom calls dad and says, what are we going to do? and then dad reports the gun stolen and says, you know, thi i think my son may have been involved and mom textsn the son
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and says, please don't do it. so obviously, if they reacte that quickly, they knew that their react son was at lea- maybe they didn't know for sure that he was going to do this,s u but they at least knew that he presented a present danger to the community. . lony stupidity >> there it is.d i think all these stupid nothink you coined i thinkit you've coined it not a legal argument, but i think you've coined it very well. judge, thank you, as always,fo for joining us. and i know sebastian maniscalcg o look was joking. >> but go in that room and look around. arou could hel thank yop. >> thank you. thanks. liberal protesters invade the congressional capitol area f . . edom i bought the i bought the team. i bought the team. i put it on the! freedom unlimited car. and i'm a cash back on a few other things, too.n't thin starting with the sound system. all right. from deep. from deep. that's cash undergroun eph, one..
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>> but over the last decade, npr isn't even taken seriously by anyone. last year, npr canceled shows, d laid off staff, and now only 30% of their own audience trusts them. >> how did this happen? well, one senior editor who's worked there for 25 yearss is confessin g. uri berliner, a classic live, says npr has gone way too far. >> in an interview, he revealede how npr corrupted itself in 201rrupted 6. and le >> i think like every newsroom, every legacy media, and as we were shocked, disturbed, distraught, really troublee d, l assumed hillary clinton was going to winla and she didn't. and it was really an unsettling audience. o but i also think to me, itth revealed that we didn't really understand a lot of what was going on i was goin america, the were out of touch. >> he even admits npr's newst ot team coped with hillary's loss by getting into becoped wid wit.
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schiff. >> and after a while, we starte d covering trump in a wayy that that that, like a lot of legacy news, news organizations that we were tryin t g to damage his presidency, even its trying anything we could to harm him. >> and i think what we latched on to was russia collusion. ewsr like a lot of newsga organizations, which was as i write, sort of catnip, althoughp it was just rumors and a lotd oe of it based on pretty shoddy documents, we really latchednts, on to adam schiff. >> he was like w muse to the the trump collusion story. an had him on constantly trump. and then the mueller report came out and nt o collusion. >> and, you know, i think we sort of went to sort of, you the story kind s of disappeared. >> so once the trump russia collusiotoryn story was debunkey npr pretended like it never was happened . nmen >> it's exactly how the government works. they use our tax dollars works, t to mess things up and then act like it doesn't happen. but it didn't end there.
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he also admits that when covid kicked in. npd inr did everything it could to kill the lab leak theory. and then when the hunter laptop bombshell dropped, npr ignored it. >> instead, they started pumping out an assemblr ignore y line of liberal propaganda trans racismf li, climate. >> republicans are bad. this is alcll being fueledrmer r by former npr ceo john lansing t ,who thought white people had to atone for their skin color. r lansing ratcheted up. >> the d.a. made it clear he thoughsht the country was racisa and told his reporters to spread that message. ig >> it's a pretty big thing to say that america is infectesd with systemic racism. that's a big deal to fac say wod that that would be a great starting point for reporting. lookin ba greag for evidence, fg out is this true? is it not true? is iextentt to one extent? but i think sort of a tone hadst been set. >> instead, the ceo set the tone and the rank and fileif
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followed. ol >> reporters had to ask everyone they interviewedd wh what their race, gender and ethnicity was and follow. protocols set by the dci board. like avoid using the term biological sex. >> couldn't use thatm. npr as workers seemed happy with the rules. here's why. >> at one point i got so frustrated with what i saw was the lack of different in our coverage that i decided to look at voter registration among our staff. and what what i i found was eig 87 registered democrats on our editorial staff. they were republichto sen. and i presented this at a all hands or large news meeting. and i said, hey, look, something'an, somes gone wrong o >> no republicans, no problem. d >> they didn't care. there were no republicanse were on the payroll n in fact, they preferred it. >> remember, npr is a taxpayer funded news organization.
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>> well, i think we have a particular obligation to reflect america, to understand people from all different outlooks, too. to bring up things that mightp n be uncomfortablegs for for our progressive audience members to to be a little more darinble for dience mg to a little more chance to be more curious about things that don't fitmore the narrativ. >> vivek ramaswamy as a former presidential candidate, the npre just put out a statement saying they stand by their reportinmeg and inclusion is very importanba in what they do. >> you're going to have to grapple with these types of people to e. >> i mean, it just doesn't stop. what's the strateg y? >> well, look, in the name of diversity, they've name of thoughtrsity and in the name of inclusion, they've created this culture of exclusion ince traded where c points of view representing overer 50% of the population in this country just aren't welcome. but on the positivt e side, courage jesse, i want to say that took a lot of courage for that reporter uri berliner. r that ri want to congratulate a guy who probably disagrees with himgu on the substance of f
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lot of political issues. posllll respect his willingnes to come out and tell the truth. that takes courage. and i think npr coul playd take a page from his playbook ifat they look at their own audience in the eye and say, we liede trm to you about the trump-russia collusion hoaxrussia hunter biden laptop. >> we're sorry about and here'si what we're going to do to fix it. that's how npr could have reopened it. hows trust. t >> it's too bad the management squandered that opportunity. you know how brave this guy is. >> he's still working at npr. >> he still walks intoo the newsroom. he's just come outthe with this huge interview, this big piece evnd he's just going to work like everything's fine. that takes courageerfine.. >> and i respect the heck out of that, jesse. you know what?y our founding fathers, they had courage. what i found today is in america, you've traveled i this country. >> people have common sense. those people behind closed doors probablyand people even ae believe what this man does. >> americans don't lack fore la common sense. >> we lack for courage.
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and i think this man f, despitew being on the left, showed some courage in his move in thie in hiss reporting today. >> and i think that whether you're on the left or right, when you're thon t righte only n in a room who believes what you do, you have an obligation to stand up and say it in. >> this guy did just that.kyt. well said. vivek ramaswamy always. well, said one of the nexon. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> chris hansen on deck. uld be >> d did you know 80% of womennt are struggling with your damage? just like i was? rescue dees and frizz could be damaged. hair that can't be tamed. moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deepn condnditioner was the first gu pearls locks in moisture pearls locks in moisture to repaiback! in one wash without weigh down. guaranteed or your money's back for resilience. health pantey looking hair. if you know you know what pantene is going up going
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primetime, wants the government to fight bad guys. >> they should have the tools t >> but every time we give them the tools, they abuse us with them. e eyamericans spies penetrated the trump campaign. the feds invaded the privacyf of political donors. contractors leaked trump's tax pos, and the cia and fbia an interfered in the last two elections. and now whistle blowers saying t they're blocking investigations into the bidens. and these agents have been deadd silent about the dangerous open border for what? sile dangers years now. >> now they want to get tough. do we need more government power? >> or more? chris hansen's his v.a. investigation uncoveredion un a syndicate of hondurans poisoning san francisccoo. cisc. who is running the fentanyl trade in the san francisco area? >> well, within san francisco, we've got a group of hondurans are mainly distributinare g ovev 400 of them that we've identified. >> 400, over 400. and are these illegal citizens c from other countries? most mostly the majorityountri n
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folks that we've identified are coming from the same area of honduras. and so they have reallyand so developed a niche capability within not just our area, but they've expanded to salt lake city, to denver, to portland and seattle. >> permissive laws in the sanctuary cityer and have let ds brazenly trafficked fentanyl right in front of the federal agencies tasked with bringing them dow agencien. >> it was insane to walk around my building. people were dealing. this is the federal bill. this is the federa >> tl buildingst of bill. people are dealing drugs in front of the federal buildings. weheings have federal protective service vehicles sitting right out there, law vet vehicles o all around. the person was out there doing a deal for a poundut of apple, a pound of senator pound event. how many people could a pound of fentanyl kill if you break that down? >> tens of thousands supposed to take down with chris hansonpredat on true blue and the predators of court podcast.
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chris hansen how sophisticated is this migrant crime ring? d an >> well, it's sophisticated and it's been going on a long time. you basicalling on ay, jesse, h0 illegal hondurans trafficking fentanyl, san soan you havcisce all that and u have the users committing crimes for retail to buythe the fentanyl. fentsauldroou have thi called origin of crime that is so profitable because each of these dealers is making 300ad to $400000 a year and they're sending that money back to hondurasa year , wherehere t they're building mansions for 400,00he0 dollar mansion in honduras. hoe five mores lik alagoas. >> well, i don't know ife it's five mar-a-lago, but it stands out. >> a dollar goes a long waybu in hondurat its out.s, let's put that way. and they're making good money. and the problem is>> the mon, ai mentioned earlier, it's a sanctuary city where a lot of these century people busted are not turned over for deportation.
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>> so they have relative immunity to continue to sell fentanyl. >> and think about this, 14,000 kilos of fentanyl have been 14,0 into thishong country. imagine how much has gotten in from mexico where make thiss stuff? >> are the feds cooperating at all the fed with the locals, orar are they still saying this is sanctuary? we're no t telling you guys, jack. >> yeah, they figured it out or they're starting to figure ir ir out right now. mike santo, who you heard from in that interview, tells me that federal prosecutors thes agreed to take on some of these cases and some of the drug dealers are agreeing. a , know, a minority of them to plead and be deported. >> but the problem is in honduras, they know the golden gate bridge is the promised land. and ge and if you want to make money and get out of this poverty, you've got to a ticket thiy yo n fentanyl in san francisco and these other cities. >> so obviously, the fbi, the cia, they say they want to know what's going on. they say ts can stop it.
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ag chris hansen do you trust these agencies with all this power we're giving theism to use it wisely, what, in the past they really haven't trus istt but verify. >> obviously, they have intelligence capabilities that could be helpful here. >> right. and after 11, we're all up in arms because the cia wasn't communicatinsg. >> the fbi, they should have known the terrorists were meetin thag you know, overseas. >> so we gave them t this power. fine. cked it's got to be checked. it's got to be watched. and it has to beit h monitored. if we can just have them infiltrate the honduran fentanyl ring instead of the trump campaign, this timad oe, e i think we'll all be very well served. >> chris jansing crushing it. >> thanks, as always. thank you. pro-hamas protesters have found lots of ways to make politicians uncomfortable. >> blocking traffic, scream screaming at campaigns, events. >> they even shut down church. in campaig but their latest stunt may just be their most diabolical. mak
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because if you really want to make a politician mad, make them hungraouy. rs w >> over 50 protesters were arrested today afterer rushing the senate cafeteria, blocking the entrance and forcing itders to shut down. bernie sanders. no soup for you. they screamed that the senatei a can't eat until gaza does. >> children are starving. >> people are dying in gaza. you people, i got your résumé people out. a story watching capitol police told fox that the protesters were arrested for crowding, which i didn't know is a crime, an obstruction . >> sheila jackson lee. a lo
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sign up and start streaming today. ] charles barkley sick of the eclipse. >> we all sort of move instead of outside watching them, but they're not losers as they are. s. all pay we've all seen it before. stop it. i'm not gonna sit outside like an idiot and wait outbefo the darkness. >> primetime knows at least one person who was very exciter. s d sheila jackson lee. >> yesterday, she went to a high school in texas to teach kids about science and space. >> they didn'to teac . >> well, you had the energy of the moon at night, hear and sometimes you had the world wordn. o sometimes you need to take the opportunity to come out and senehe oppor te a full moon. is that complete, rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. and that's why the push. the question is why or how we as humans live. and the moon, the gas is such t that. we can do that.
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the sun is a mighty powerful heat and it's almost impossible to go near the sun. the moon is not manageable. i don't know about you. i want to be first in line to know how to live and toe be able to survive. and the moon. that's another plane t t which you're going to see shortly. >> sheila is spreading: misinformation. >> the moon is not a planet, and itshisinform is not made up. e should have known that shetedr graduated from a yalome and was a ranking member on the space and aeronautics subcommittee. d politicians are clueless. they workeskd in the real worlde >> she would have been fired a long, long time f >> and she is still trying to fix those glassesix. >> kamala said something that kind of stuck in my craw. >> she called the remote a switcher. a
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now a remote controls either a remote or a clickererol is er i've never heard switcher. is that like a california thinga ? text me. let me know. susa t me letn james from rhode isla, comma. >> the rest of us call i.t remote. rem not a switcher. a switcher. someone who usedott to be a democrat. >> a lot of switchers. these this lisa from massachusetts. >> kamala, maybe the first vp to say the word uterus, but she's also the first vd p to not be able to define what a woman is.neck s bruce, let's hear from bruceta in idaho, where it all wasn't released until after kamala was vice president.unti oh, we caught kamalal lyingide. about warble. u're goi >> if you're going to lie about word, well, what else are you going to liee abou abou? >> mark from gallup. wallac from ohe glip. alice, i don't believe that's a real place. >> i guess kamala learned
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one thing from joe how to plagiarize. i mean, she just ripped offrippd the five stone cold, stole it. maria from rhode island, bide i've had it. i kind of like. that game. >> laurie from michigan. i don't think that npr edon'd is brave or respectable. he pushed his false narrative for 25 years. >> i think we should w apprecias the fact that he has come forward and confessed his sins. >> d confes his journalistic sins. >> would you have preferred that he nohet said anything? him i guess that makes it a little bit better. ert perfect. no one is, except not me. >> paul from arizona defund npre . >> give the funds to the police. why no fune pot? christo account for maryland. >> imagine if more parentsfrom spen mt a little time in jail fr their teen's crimes. how fast do you think crim t e rate would drop? >> i think biden. i think he'd be in prison for
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quite some time. >> john from kansas if parentsas of lawbreaking, kids are beingki convicted of accessory, why isn'ds t hunter's pop in prison?e >> it's almost like the textersn read my mindd.. don from maryland with sheila jackson lee and representative hank johnson, science class. aright. >> he thinks islands are sinking and she thinks the moon is a planet again. yale we're going to actuallyil contact yale and see if yaty have a statemen about that. >> marina from georgia. i took your friend's advice and filled my gas tank up the with premium. >> the clicking noise and my engine stopped in my cli 2008 rav4. >> never run better rav4 with premium. >> i don't know. >> and welcome to hannity. with just 20o 0 and ninehannit s until the 2024 presidential election. pl electi


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