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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 10, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is now.ther
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and abilities categories, biden is losing ground big time. check this out. >> he is down nine on likability. wow. and is he down, down 9 on whether he displays good judgment in a crisis is shocking. and he lost 8 points on the is he a strong and decisive leader question. now, on these same questions, trump is up a point or flat from 2020. and this poll isn't the only warning sign for biden.
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the trump trials have not moved the needle for biden at all. the border story keeps getting worse. and inflation remains, as jamie dimon said yesterday sticky. that means it's bad. voters just are not happy. plus, even in blue states like nevada, democrat incumbents may be in trouble. and while the official reaction from the democrats, kind of cool as the cucumber, oh, the stories say oh, we're confident and focused. there seems to be some contingency planning underway. the party that prides itself for being pro-women and, of course, they are all champions of diversity, is giving the first latina on the supreme court, justice sonia sotomayor the bumps rush. as usual, ideas are advanced by liberal senators and then by pressure gas. >> republicans are very good at stacking courts. democrats aren't very good at seeing the power of the supreme court. that's why i worry. i worry that why would you want to repeat history? why take the risk? you have a
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you want to repeat history ande take the risk is a democratic president,dn't democratic senato it shouldn't be a personal choice.ra: more people on the supreme thei, supreme court. >> laura: perhaps the obvious point, lecturing us on the court. the obvious point alt eludes hi she has 12 years younger than t biden, dude, and the constitution gives life tenure. again, read it. plus commit was there a side that has literally floated theom idea of court packing. is that different from stacking? meaning and attempt to diluteexa the power of any republican appointees by expanding the number of justices or >> cast the judiciary act to expand the supreme court andssma bring balance back to the supreme court. we have a moral duty to act pure there is no more time to waste. supreme court justices may serve lifetime appointments, but we cannot wait a lifetime to write
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injustices. >> laura: senators snake eyes from the state of connecticut tried the opaque approach to influencing the justice. >> it's not like there is any ministry here about what the lesson should be. but the old saying, graveyards are full of indispensable people or so in this body included. >> laura: okay, richard, whyirst don't you go first? and this isn't the first time s the left pressure at a senior"nw justice to step aside.n br "the new york times" wrote about just a stephen breyer's retirement two years sang justice breyer retired a little reluctantly under pressure from liberals who wanted to make sure tharesien ct president bidp appoint hiers successor and that the conservatives super majority on the court currently 6-3 would not get any more lopsided.
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again, what this tells us is even the first and wanted brilliant justices are fair gamt their presence on the scene is becoming inconvenient. leftis how ruthless the is. and it is so consumed, of course, by holding onto power by any means necessary.n and that is "the angle."ge joining me at jonathan turley comeaux george washingtong to university law professor and fox news contributor t.h jonathan, we are going to get to this trump push for jud judge marchand recusal -- money case in a moment but regarding this rather crash democrats campaign justice sotomayor, howa great she was whentc she was nominated, watch. >> the depth of justice sotomayor makes her uniquelyd th
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qualified for the supreme court. her keen understanding of case law and the importance ofqual president. >> chose to sotomayor's immensely qualified appearanceiy because she is qualified and has more judicial experience than any nominee for the past 100 years. >> laura: jonathan, it is only 12 years ago. but they suddenly want to get rid of her. >> it is amazing transformation from the gold standard to junk bon ad status because thats what they are treating her as. this was in trust 2,009, she was celebrated as the wise latina. are treating justices like entirely fungible. they are all just lever throwing liberals on the court.s am obviously, they are more than that. what is amazing about the commentators igives they give no consideration at all that individual justices may havegacy something to bring to the court. that maybe their legacy is more than just casting votes.
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they reduced them all our
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politics, when we saw those billboards through washington, d.c., telling breyer to resign and his legacy is at stake, it was a breathtaking moment for many of us. i teach supreme court class and i love the fact students are from every end of the spectrum my vote undying respect for the supreme court, but they are not seeing that many professors, even dean's who are calling the justices hacks and calling for the replacement of younger models. you know, you just need 2024 model that is going to last a little bit longer on the road. >> laura: it is clear that to them, they are just another activist at an ngo at one of their pet nonprofits. that is all they are. super legislature, whatever they
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want to regard the court as a pure so much for the wanted return to normalcy for for joe biden. they are ready to up into every institution. >> right, you have to remember that ginsberg was 87 with serious problems and sotomayor is fine and she is great mentally and physically but wendell holmes was on the court until nighty. >> laura: marshall. >> i can only imagine what sotomayor is thinking. >> laura: 69! i think age, jonathan, my goodness, i don't think these people actually understand how they sound in the arguments they are making given fair side of the political aisle. it is just absurd. but i never thought i would stick up for justice sotomayor but i'm sticking up for her because i don't think that is fair. china come good to see a puritan fbi arresting an 8-year-old from
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fbi and truly describing horrific and violent plot to attack churches on behalf of isis. joining me with the details fox news senior correspondent kevin corke ma what can you tel. usyou ? an incredible frankly, laura alexander scott facing 20 years in prison for allegedly pledging allegiance to isis spirit and intent to commit acts of terror on the group's behalfy attacking people and coeur d'alene, idaho, texas.atio this is an investigation by the fbi joint terrorism tax force j.t. tf here in and arrested saturday just a day before he allegedly planned to attack a local church. according to court documents, those plans included attacking his father, stealing his guns, and then carrying out a suicide attack on churches quarreling. the feds allege his plans involve using a flame sword, explosives, knives, and machete,
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a pipe, ultimately firearms. the feds began looking into the 18-year-old after allegedly reached out to courses online and indicated his support for isis and other terrorist organizations. a couple of interesting facts, he is 18 years old and previously admitted to drink the kool-aid of white supremacy be before finding a purpose with isis. frankly, what's this way if you look at the court documents, it is plausible that they may have sort of have gained him into this sort of environment where it went from talk to goading a source into ultimately real-life behavior and now he can raise 25 years behind bars because of it. >> laura: wow, we will continue to follow the outcome of the police ankle and the fbi angle too peered the pandering that continues, biden you runs o univision as hispanics are running for the exit. senator marco rubio reacts next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪y >> laura: biden's staff workss. overtime to keep him away from actual press interviews. things can get embarrassing fast as we can see. but his approval numbers among hispanic have sunk so low so fast that they actually risk to
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sit down univision interview inn an effort to stop the bleed with the voting bloc he can afford to lose. but rather than trying to convince his audience his policies are working, he just trash topped trump. >> think of the things he says. look at the way het mi talks abt minority populations and hispanics. we are talking about -- anyway, i can't think any other time in my lifetime in the history that it has occurred that you have had somebody with this kind of attitude. >> laura: smear and fear is all they have. biden's advantage over trump among latinos is slipping from 29 points after his first year in office to just nine points today. of course, inflation and crimeen are top of mind. oh, and biden's lead further to three points among latinos who actually plan to vote in november. joining me now marco rubio, senator, we don't have -- which
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i bemoaned the fact we don't have hispanic rush limbaugh. george soros an investment company bottle up a lot of talk radio stations. what should trump do now?al >>re we capitalized, first of a, that interview, that segment is a lie. b trump doesn't talk bad aboutthey minorities but he talks about criminals that happen to be minorities, but they are criminals.. he call people in the hispanic community, mber of a gang fromot venezuela's. these guys are getting members and because they arecrim crimins every society, it is insulting to the country. that is what he points out. a couple of things, the first is and i think this is owed under the mic number of those that watch the program and get news from other sources is more than univision, growing number of hispanics to and that continueso be the case. >> laura: we should do hispanic languag e ads, correct? the >> there was a segment of the audience that gets entertainmene
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in spanish. >> laura: spanish-speaking ads would be great though. speak of the soap, for example. they are made in turkey. >> laura: don't knock it. you are running it for me. speak with those ads are running in spanish and what is happening in this country, yout see a grt storm happening or working amer, working-class americans with working-class values that live life by common sense whose minds not polluted and poisonedn by a crazy professor and leftf wing expensive university or gravitating with the democratic party. they can't open cohabitate of the party. trump speaks to them. their primary identity may be prouestyd to be hispanic, theyhe follow the traditions of theotin culture. they are working-class americana and boating indistinguishable tr from all working-class americans. people are tired of seeing their jobs sent to china.un tired of the country being flooded from people all over the world including many criminals d potential terrorist as well.
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i think trump needs to appeal t' that end has done soolla successfully that is why the numbers collapsing for biden.n >> laura: you mention came ong before youth month a crisis among boys in the united states. this push to redefine masculinity or feminized masculinity, which i've had a fi chance to talk to some of my his spanish friends in texas and they recoil at that. they find that to be assaulting an horrific trend for young men. do you think that might be some of it? >> than t is embedded in the workplace.male this determination demineralization from the time they are little boys is demonized. and if you look what is described as a good student, someone quiet, and someone who listens to instruction all the time, that is not boys. boys are rambunctious, loud, it is a natural thing that can't be disruptive but a natural thing. all of those kids are under attack in mass media, education and across society. i do think people represent
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that. of you are working-class family, hispanic or your family came from sweden. >> laura: you can't put money away. >> constantly under attack by democrats by the left and by the radicals. >> laura: you have been terrific on the issue of china and many have looked to you to leadership on this issue. what is the latest on this tiktok forcing china to separate ownership from tiktok in the senate now that t the house -- >> they heard a lot of people in the senate or lobbyist. >> laura: big money. >> all the money is on the outside of the argument that this is a simple thing, okay?nt irtiktok's algorithm, which ilt controls the entire app noty does it belong to a chinese e company but accompanied that the chinese communist party tells them to do. but in a time of crisis, chinaes decides we will invade taiwan and go to war with america, they will weaponize that against us and bytedance can't see anything about it. that is what we are aiming at.uh
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we have to divest by dams from tiktok. >> if we put it to a vote, but procedural because irougt has to to congress committee and the chairwoman of the committeesk skepticism. i hope she will change her mind on a pure and know a lot of people are advertising it. i don't think they have financial flow into ads but uphill climb that needneeds to happen. >> laura: tiktok is about a veterans and dogs, and that is al il it is, senator. nothing else. we will keep following this and thank you for what you are our saying about young men. that is something about to stici to in our culture, thank you. help or do the liberal median an need to go to carry water for biden? npr just got ou called out by aar long time employee and the details are absolutely devastating. and that is next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: large lead to deafve ears, conservatives for years a i've railed against the left-wing bias npr and urge congress to cut the funding. the heritage foundation put it well saying across-the-board government must stop funding services set up with taxpayer to servr one all americans but catr only to one side. at this point mpr doesn't try to show gooive d faith. it expects conservative leaders to lack the backbone to takeis over the government and sadly, this assumption is usually correct. mpr, therefore x brazenly as the imperial tribune of the permanent bureaucracy amplifying the woke mind-set of the bicoastal elites. well, now it is so bad that they d byare even beginning the might getting hammered by their own senior editors at npr blew the whistlthe on how the quasi-government entity manipulates coverage from e treatment of the covidff lab
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theory dam to damaged iranian to make trump's here and am no longer exist with mpr and would not be a problem for political news outlet but npr purports to consider alle. things is devastating both for journalism and business model. and admits npr has banned liberal, we know that says things went really wild when trump entered politics 2015 and rise of advocacy took off donald trump, adam schiff thenp' house into a committee became npr guiding hand as ever present news. and host adam schiff said 25and times about russia but another reportt found no credible evidence of collusion, notably sparse and quietly faded from our programming. joining me now one william sr. clinical analyst who spent tento years as a news analyst and correspondent for npr andne jason chaffetz, fox news contributor, you hav owne your n
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take that you talked about on this network of npr's brand of tolerance 2010 when they fired you and admitted it was poorly handled. this editor come i know you know him, but does it surprise you? >> not only did they fire me but called me a psycho and said horrible things quite publicly.d so no, it doesn't surprise me what he had to say. i think, this was before trump, laura. so they are very much andt. insulated cadre of people whoim think they are right. and they have a hard time with people who are so even for me, and i don't think i'm a wild either conservative, buconst they thout it was too conservative, a black guy for their kind of company. so i said something way backt wi about, gee, after 9/11, i got nervous and the airport with people dressed in garb and to defend muslims to have and to build property ground zero andth
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yet they threw me out the door. this doesn't surprise me at ally i think what you are seeing now especially after trump, we live in a very polarized media landscape, and they have established on the far left. and you have seen this in terms of the audience he would mention in his peas, now the audience in disproportionately liberal more heavily than e ever and fewer conservatives. >> laura: npr plays the show heircame with how they describe funding. you onlyon get 1% for the federl government when you really dissected, and "the hill" done a great job and done many years but misleading because they get a lot of government contracts an fd ited ends up being federa funds flowing indirectly to npr. they have $90 million revenueio from contracts and customers and $279 million much more than 1% when you really go through it. o
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so, why hasn't the republican party moved to stop the madness here? >> between npr and pbs comeauxn we are $34 trillion in debt and pay more money and interest than the actual national defense. >> laura: i have been with npr 25 years, and i enjoy it basket weaving and i have enjoyed them. but it is it is not national public radiob it is liberal public radio and always has been. >> the chairman of the oversighb midi, serious investigations a handful of times thaant may be given invite but adam schiff asn you pointed out, 25 times on trump russia mike russia g russn gait. >> laura: all things considered, but not all things, you were frankly f the reason i used to listen to npr. that is me saying that, but you know what i'm saying? you offered a different
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perspective and itse sounded and seemed saying to a lot of people who were listening. sobe again, relented his own digging when he thought a lack of diversity in the newsroom anc found in d.c. where npr isking headquartered committee seven registered democrats working in editorial positions and zero republicans as and none. so 2021, i presented the findings all hands editorial staff meeting when i said we had a diversity problem. the response wasn't hostile, itr ofwas worse. it was met with profound indifference, juan. >> at least they didn't fireu him. the problem is they treat you as if you are a pariah. you are weird. what kind of black guy are you? to me, the thing is, i sharese your sentiment. the sentiments are fine and i e journalismf th there. but when you start diggingeath underneath, you see there is no acceptance of people who have
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the burgeoning points of view. the debates come i think, whatua we do is debate. you are wrong, juan, come on, laura, i think that is good to make the journalism. >> laura: it is fun to listen to and it is national, the nation as it usually is is it divided on the back issues. >> i always look at the people that preach the most diversity,e inclusion, equity, they are the least tolerant of having convergent view ana d actuallyn having a real debate. i don't want to pay for it anymore. it is time for republicans to grow a backbone and say, you want to doo that on your own private time and go sell it, tox pago do. way as taxpayers should we -- >> laura: my old producer does this our american stories commit is an hour every sunday.y syndicate that goes across the country and stories about america. it is beautifully done and thomas edison or jackiebins robinson, but it is actually classic american story telling. that is what npr is really good.
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at and that is what 60 seconds is good about.yo that is what america is cravingl but you have enough of the other stuff. juan, will you come back? come back any time, happy birthday , it is his birthday tomorrow. >> thank you, guys. >> laura: juan and chasing thank you so much. it is a new low in america, a 68-year-old woman attacked outside of a church, yes, church. her nephew joins us with an update. ♪ ♪
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of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. ♪ ♪ >> laura: what is happening in america?anle even sunday mass isn't safe. another despicablet and depravd attack caught onn wa camera. a 68-year-old woman walking up the steps to her church in new york city this weekend 8:15o in the morning.hrew when a thug dressed in black ran up ahead of her and threw her down the stairs. the woman hit her head fracturing her she laid motionless on the ground, and her pocket stealing her phone,0u first with $300 inside appeareds this behavior is classic of the psychotic junkies and freaks terrorizing americans coast to
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coast but especially in places like new york and often get the vulnerable. bud t it didn't end there. joining me now daniel coffaro hill the nephew of the woman attacked. daniel, first, a skull fracturee especiallyci in the late 60s,ri this is serious.oung how is your aunt doing? >> she is making a recovery. we are visiting her in the hospital. people speak to us a little bitt and she cannot make full sentences or anything like that. she suffered a skull fracture and is just been -- the whole family has came from out of state to see she haovs been recovering in the hospital and they think it willf be a long recovery. >> laura: what happened after the suspect attempted to or did flee the scene? >> so my aunt was strong enough that she actually did get back up and attempted to walk towards her car when she got tseemo the.
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it seems like the suspect was up the block watching her.. and as soon as obviously she stepped away from the car when she realized she didn't have he purse and keys, he then stole the car and she walked home where her daughter called 911 and she was taken in an ambulance to the hospital. >> laura: with a skull fracture. she managed to wald toalk home. >> yeah. >> laura: do we have a description of this suspect? i can't really tell on this video, or any leads, daniel?f >> apparently the nypd pulled a fingerprint off of the vehicle today and was just presenting it to us. they havhavee an idea who they k it might be, they say but theyuh didn't give us anything further. e on her ways sh to mass? >> yes, she goes to mass everyan sunday. , >> laura: i keep saying what is happening to america at this point, like, the most vulnerable
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are the most frequently attacked whether it is young people who are depressed or disillusioned or the elderly or even those who are disabled, even people in wheelchairs. this is what has happened to our country. daniel, thank you for joining us. we pray fo r her swift recovery for your aunt's swift recovery'j and your entire family. thank you for sharing yourer t story. all right come over the yearsai the media, the liberals complained middle america was filled with a bunch of misogynistic, chauvinistic men who never give women sports ther are due. as usual, they were wrong and unscented the ncaa final between iowa andne o south carolina bece one of the most watched sporting events of the century accordinge to espn with 18.7 million viewers. i was one of them, but in the name of equityake and inclusio, the left, they want to take it all away.
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>> would you consider yourself l woman and want to play sports or vice versa, yo do u should be ae to play. >> do you think transgender women should be able toyou participate? >> that is the question you want to ask and i will give you a "yes." dan >> laura: joining me now, dan tucker, host of "output" head coach of men's basketball in the university of indianad . and also head coach for women's lacrosse at overland ambassadore for the independent women's s forum. kim come itart w want to start h you, if that coach had her way,o you think 18.7 million people would be watching the women's basketball final? >> no, i don' i do think that she took some time abegit the beginning and ry waited to make that statement. and i truly believe because ofha
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something she said after they won that perhaps that isn't how she feels in her heart. >> laura: okay, shhe ce said ito unless she corrects what she said i think that's kind of right? it's almost like a hostage tapel dan. i keep watching this going,g finally women have this incredible following for what was an amazing season in basketball. and man watching it, men, and now, no let's have men play. this is insane!an >> it isd totally insane and tt opportunity to clarify this, that was not aftersked a game tt question was asked. that was ona the day ofur.spor and dawn staley, the coach, laurtha was talking about women sports and how great it is and then she could not defend women here but this drives me crazy and i will telwhl you why.gain why do all the transitioning
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people participate against wo women? man transitioning to woman plays against woman come up women transitioning to a man plays against women and it drives me nuts, it is the frauds that say aboution, they never talk this.wh you can play, laura, but why doesn't everybody gow wh playoo against the men?d. >> laura: because they are not that good.n. they like to dominate women. >> right! that's right! that is exactly what this is. when dawn staley the biggestfend boys, most respected voice among them can't defend women on the biggest stage? you said itst earlier on differi segments and i will add something, what the hell is going on in america course market is crazy that thizy ts is happening you can't simply say, look, we want you included. go play with the men. or like that in ai i did, you are not playing unless you are a female, which is cool with me you it's also.
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>> laura: i like the facthi athletics at small colleges ansd they said enough of it.ey basically biological meantd cannot compete against femalefa they said this decision is rooted in fear and saven competition. aunt kim my wet adsteyd to this, dawn staley was one of the great, great female basketball here and she's a great athlete.t matt, right?t of ever, right? she didn't have to compete, she didn't have to compete against biological men. had she competed against biological men who were star high school basketball players as men but wouldn't make division i basketball, which you have been one of the best women on the team? i don't know. but it's easy to say this now but she didn't have to compete against biological men. >> absolutely. and i think, you know, when you look at the two games, dan, you know this, you coached men's.
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we all watched amazing men's and women's games, at least i did io and so did most of america. the the women's game is much different than the men's game. >> laura: . >> laura: right. >> and wen's we need to keep won sports female only. and all of these people whsayioe saying that we are excluding anyone, no one is being included. in most instances, the men's game is the open category. so there was always a space for everyone. no one is beinll, g excluded ev. >> laura: yeah, well, it is supposed to be based on talent, athletic talent for your biological sex, okay? otherwise boys basketball. players from high school, top ones, they will dominate. i'm sorry, that is the way it is and i say this as a former athlete myself. we sent one of our producers out what peopleto see think about while biological men
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playing with women and this is what they said. >> i think it is unfair a girle who practices her whole career s to be outdone by somebody. >> do you think it is a safetyca issue? >> it can definitely be a safety issue when taking liberal strength, there are differenttr avenues where people belong. >> is?f you had a daughter, woue you let her play against a trance? >> yeah, i wouldthat let her ply but i wouldn't agree with the fact they are playing becauseri they are built differently. >> laura: dan, does that surprise you? i wouldn't let my daughter j compete againsust a male athlet, you know, sorry, that is not what we are doing. but they worked their whole life to compete. but i think women have to say,ts "no." and not submit to those.wo >>me that is my point, laura. why aren't more women standingn' up? i according to dawn staley, here is what can happen. i don't think this is out of thn realm ten years from now. a guy plays on tuesday for indiana men's basketball against
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el lpurdue and says, well, you , i kind of feel like a aythen he plays against produce women on thursday.ha malcolm according to 10 dawn staley, that could possibly happen. i'm telling you, ten years ago,w we would not have thought to have this conversation, would we come about men playing women?au so don't tell me iran a world of all rules, it could happen! two years, five years, ten year come i don't know, but i'm notya going to be shocked if something like that happens and that is whatst dawn staley was promotin. i don't understand why famous women in sports don't stand upn' and become -- and look, this isn't happening. >> laura: i don't get it.j.k. j.k. rowling's, she would be fired and what they did to you. that is why they are not doing it. dan and kim, we have to run. sheila jackson lee does best kamala harris and the worst mirror hired to investigate the current worst mayor. jimmy failla next. ♪ ♪
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>> laura: time for >> laura: know it is time forok wtf for what the gymin pay lip, all preppy and no clown outfittp and strip club outfit. >> i've abandoned overweight collection >> laura: very nice.cong jimmy, congressman sheila jackson lee held an event like everyone and their dog for the solar eclipse yesterday but this was at a used in high school and she gaven hi her best kamala impression. watch.imsion >> sometimes you need to take the opportunity to see complete rounded circle made up ocircf my gases he would we as humans, could we live on the moon? the gas is such that we could do that. the sun is a mighty powerful heat, but it is almost impossible to go near the sun.
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the moon is more manageable. >> [laughs] i'm glad you cut her off before she said it was onion rings around saturn, okay? [laughs] she ishter such a dope!pe the sad part of this is government officials like sheila jackson lee make me thinw we were incapable of going to the moon. now, the truth is we did and diu and obviously come i'm proud of that achievement. but when you watch somebody like her spr speak, it really does kd of break your heart that we't don't have better than this intr >> laura: it is a fiery ball, the sun isa fi a fiery ball andt is around, and it is orange, and it is circular. >> she also called it a planet.t it is a planet. p shlae thinks pluto is a dog thaa hangs out with mickey mouse. i can't! >> laura: by the way she struggled as well. i think we have video of this. she struggled ass we well to pur glasses on because that is kind of tricky.kind
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so, she is doing an impression of kamala and biden.good that is pretty good. >> proud moment. >> laura: prepping the democrats,prov jimmy, don't know anything aboutw science, here i the latest from "the view" and i know you were supposed to be on yesterday's. here is what they said. >>ar e we have the solar eclips, the earthquake and i learned cicadas are coming. t >> cicadas. >> all of those things together, eaybe one would believe climat change exists or that something is turning. >> the eclipse, they've known about the eclipse coming because the eclipse has happened.>> >> laura: whoopi goldberg isre the voice of reason, you know you're in trouble. but sonny is a lawyer. good for her. >> whoopi goldberg, who wants nominated jill biden for surgeoi general on live television is the voice of reason on the show. but you have to give sonny some
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slack here because the eclipse is a big deal. it is the thing coming through the country in mexico through i biden. a little bit of milestone aspect wh this. but you realize they show is the same guy a insane asylum with hr and makeup, it makes sense. >> laura: it is that e conversation at the nail salo, don't look for great wisdom out of this pure jimmy, thom oe curt worst mayor is going to deal with someone who held the title before her. chicago's lori lightfoot. hiring her to investigate the h misconduct at $400 an hour here and here is how she reacted, watch. >> you all should be ashamed because you all are black, you all are black and sitting up here attacking on a black woman that is in power. >> you are out of order, you are out of order.
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>> i didn't come here to have and do business but came here to do political response. might be old video, but you get the point, money well spent. >> that is what i'm soat fascinated by. they are investigating waste of taxpayer dollars by wasting taxpayer dollars, you know?oo hiring lori lightfoot to investigate corruptionstig is le hiring o.j. to save your marriage. going downw you are the right street here, laura. >> laura: maybe josie small it can do the queen appeared great to. see you, huntsville, alabamh jimmy live and jesse watters is. >> todd: a fox news alert, it is dualing hearings on the hill as house and senate lawmakers both get their chance to question alejandro mayorkas. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, i'm todd piro.


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