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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> brian: it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, wednesday, april 11th, lawrence checked for me. this is "fox and friends." >> ainsley: it is the 11th or
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tenth? >> brian: did i say the wrong date? >> ainsley: the teleprompter. now you don't have to watch tomorrow. >> brian: i'm ush ced. >> steve: for this, my neighbors texted me, april 11th, here are details. we have them behind anti-israel activist who chanted death to america. his long history. >> from the river to the seen moos annihilation of the z zionist. >> ainsley: stuart varney wondering what can their team campaign on? >> on inflation, he can't run on the border, he's a total mess. you can blame trump, that will not fly. >> lawrence: so true. it ha happening today, trump hes to georgia for another high-dollar fundraiser.
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eric trump will join us. >> brian: join us and remember mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas impeachment proceedings are delayed. >> ainsley: president biden claim courts issue are preventing him from solving the border crisis. >> steve: peter doocy live at the white house with the latest. he is going to do an executive order it sounds like? >> peter: the word is likely, like tow to sign an executive order by end of this month, according to axios report that is detailing fight between staffers who don't want to shut the border down and staffers who know they are getting clobbered by republicans in an election year and the boss knows this will wind up in court.
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>> president biden: we are examining if i have that power. i would have that power under the legislation when the border has over 500,000 people, 5000 per day trying to cross per day, slow it up. there is no guarantee i have that power all by myself without legislation and some suggested i should just go ahead and try it. we are trying to work through that right now. >> poor border stats got mayorkas impeached by the house, the house is delaying sending the article to senate for trial. republicans need more convincing about impeaching. if republicans believe this impeachment was so urgent they wouldn't have delayed sending to the senate for two months or
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delayed it for another week. lays bear how devoid of s substance this pr stunt is. trump wants border to be number one policy issue of this election that is coming up in november. it is unclear what president biden could do that would un undercut that or make it so trump and republicans move to another issue. around time of the state of union, trial balloon floated that he was going to sign an executive order and it never happened, there is no guarantee it will happen. back to you. >> steve: according to this axios thing, it sounds like he's getting clobbered in the polls and joe wants to win. what they are going to try to do is restrict people who can claim asylum. we know now and we've talked for years about how cartels show everybody how to game the
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system. you go to the border and say you're here for asylum. patternly that is going to change. >> peter: title eight, saw a couple dozen people came in having a brawl and overwhelmed the texas national guard sent by the governor. those guys got arrested and released because law in the united states, unless it is a specific felony committed, you have a chance for a day in court and we know those court dates are 7-10 years down the line. >> brian: thanks. 125,000 illegals were let in from san diego and if you show up, you're in. this goes to how much power we have. disc discretion, one problem with senator langford they were
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supposed to say you are not allowed in here unless you have written proof you are under threat in your country. no one believed joe biden would use diskregsz kregz to enforce t that. he continue to let people in and say i did it and in reality nothing changed. now he's saying, we'll up the stai standard for people let in. >> lawrence: it only affects once people get to the country not pushing those people to port of industry. he is changing standard for people getting asylum. people aren't going to a port, it does not do anything to clog the gap he stopped when they were building wall. the second thing, you have the
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president of the united states right now, talking point from the white house, claiming credit what is happening in texas, suing state of texas saying you don't have authority to do it. same hand saying, the crossings have stopped at eagle pass, it is because of greg abbotts, not because of the administration much >> ainsley: nobody is going to trust him, he wants to let them all in. look at his action, nearing the election and he's trying to do something about it. too little, too late. he said we don't have enough officers at the border, don't have border patrol, do not have enough machinery to detect fentanyl. well, put it down there. >> steve: this conversation started because this report said
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he will likely have an executive order based on the polls and polls show american public is horrified by invasion of tens of thousands of people per week and hundreds of thousands over course of a month. the campaign has been chugging along, we knew they were going to essentially run on joe biden is not donald trump and look at the chaos donald trump brings. over the last week or so, interesting, people close to the political democrat machine for instance ron clmcclain and davi a axelrod, they are both blasting this campaign. they are so far off the mark at campaign headquarters, that is why david axelrod said this last wednesday on a podcast. >> i wouldn't go out there and
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extoll the miracle of the biden economy. it just drives me crazy when he does that. i think he needs to put himself on the side of working people in their economic fight here. >> steve: because people don't feel like bidenomics are working. >> brian: prices risen from 3.2 to 3.4%, inflation heading in wrong direction. oil supply is 38% les than when he took office and prices going up at the pump, series of bad news with the economy and that is why you have guys like ron c clain, get him out of the bridge and get him in a grocery store. >> ainsley: listen to this. >> steve: he said to politico -- >> brian: do your best impersonation. the >> ainsley: president is talking too much about bridges, he is
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cutting a ribbon on a bridge and here is a bridge. like i tell you, if you go to the grocery store, eggs and milk are expensive, the fact there is an f-ing bridge is not -- >> brian: isn't he with the campaign? >> lawrence: chief of staff, a trusted adviser. i don't know what is going on there. to the point, they don't want to put the presidency in anything that may be controversial for the president. they know he is going to be hit with people grocery shopping saying, what are you going to do tos fix it? they don't want to take him to a place where there are actual issues. they don't want to bring him to new york city to the cop's funeral, the cops will say, mr.
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president, you have not had our back like you used to. they try to remove him from controversy. >> brian: pro-hamas movement is stopping him from going to church. he's getting hit from every angle. i think donald trump could win or will win, david cameron went to mar-a-lago yesterday. he is getting briefed from around the world. >> ainsley: raised 50 million. >> brian: msnbc may not want to air his speeches. >> ainsley: when you read transcript of univision, it starts with him talking about threat to freedom and democracy and talks about donald trump. then talks about donald trump trying to overturn the election. i'm thinking, this is so old,
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why not focus on the border and things that matter to us? >> steve: on "fox and friends first" this morning, they had on mike rogers, who is running for senate in michigan. he had a great line. the most expensive vehicle to operate in michigan is a grocery cart. people don't feel like the administration, i feel your pain, bill clinton used to say, doesn't feel like joe biden does. ron clain is suddenly saying he's lobbing a grenade into the campaign. you guys in wilmington are blowing this. forget what he's done, make it about the future. >> lawrence: why does the former chief of staff have to throw in a grenade? >> ainsley: they don't listen. they talk you 32 the television. >> steve: right and now we're talking about it and maybe they'll have a course
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correction. >> brian: i no longer am seeking a therapist because what i read yesterday about npr executive that said, i am not crazy >> for last few years we watched him and said laptop is real and we saw that the russia thing was a hoax, no collaboration with vladamir putin. why was adam schiff never called out and why aren't we looking at intel agents that claimed it was russian information and why did they not admit covid information was wrong and the origin probably did come from a lab. we were marginalized, told you were crazy conspiracy theorist and berliner came out and spoke about it. >> ainsley: he's an editor at npr and worked there for 25
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years. >> lawrence: tons of awards. >> ainsley: he said how much npr has changed and talked about the changes. this is what he said to the free press. >> one point i got so fruft frustrated that i decided to look at voter registration among our staff and i found 8 to -- republicans, i presented this at a large news meeting and said, look, something has gone wrong here. >> steve: something has gone wrong there. it is really awkward for him to be in the halls at npr these days. >> ainsley: he still has his job. >> brian: what time is it? >> lawrence: exactly. >> steve: i don't each think he is republican. while he says there are no
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registered republicans on the staff at npr, i have a feeling number of members of congress who are republicans in the next day or two will take what he's just said and are going to say, why are we funding public television hundreds of millions for something so narrowly -- television and radio, that is so narrowly tailored to tsuper progressive way. >> lawrence: npr is no different from -- well, straight-up left. >> steve: this is public radio. >> lawrence: in name only, we continue to fund it and it has been going on. juan williams came to fox after npr fired him for saying what a lot ofern ms agreed with. they said later they regretted it issue but it has been happening for a long time.
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they are not welcoming, they don't care about your opinion. >> brian: maybe things will change. >> steve: they don't care about the ratings, they get money from the federal government. >> ainsley: juan williams said they fired me and called me a psychoand said horrible things about me publicly. this does not surprise me. they thought i was too conservative black guy for their company. >> steve: what are you going to spend money you had been spending on therapist now? >> brian: looking into the story, the glasses and bring that forward again. i have satisfied my deductible, this would have been time to seek a therapist. >> steve: so early in the year. >> brian: yeah, i turned an ankle. >> lawrence: maybe you can donate money to carley shimkus. she deserves a raise. >> ainsley: shoes. >> steve: mental health money.
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>> carley: you bought me a pair of heels? always in need. >> brian: we were on instagram talking about being sos. >> ainsley: that is the headline, he does not need a t therapist. >> brian: thanks to yuri. >> carley: sometimes it does make you feel like you need a validation check for sure. the parents of michigan school sho shooter sentenced to 10 to 15 years. the crumbleys are first parents to be held criminally accountable for the shooting by their child. >> i think this is a bad and dangerous precedent to take, the blame of a teenager who knew it was wrong, dangerous precedent. >> carley: the judges there is repeated lack of action that could have prevented their son
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from committing a mass shooting. repeat offenders arrested after police say they attacked officers. two suspects wrestled and slapped the officers sending one to the hospital, four of the five were released without bail, rap sheets include robbery and criminal trespass. new york police officers catching a serial subway robber attempting to run off with a woman's bag. it happened is the, an officer patrolling the subway saw the suspect run out of the car closely followed by a woman. the suspect is well known to the nypd and was taken into custody and the purse returned to the rightful owner. look at this, mountain goat stuck under a kansas city bridge. people noticed the goat hopping around, it is unclear how he got
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there, firefighters got the goat to safety and he was checked out by vets taken to a shelter. his name was chug and people noticed the goat looking at the solar eclipse. >> steve: people probably said under the bridge, there is a goat. people probably think mahomes. >> carley: good one. >> brian: or tom brady. >> carley: or caitlin clark or ain ainsley. >> steve: watch "fox and friends" each and every morning. any time you want. >> ainsley: end in billy, the billy goat. >> brian: if you are watching on dvr, you know i've done this already. think about that for a second. >> steve: in order -- >> brian: new details on disturb being past of a protester who
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sparked out rage for rhetoric of ji jihadists. >> ainsley: medal of honor r recipients this administration is spending too much time worrying about social media and not enough on these threats. ity. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan.
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>> lawrence: the white house is responding to the death to america chant at pro-palestinian protest in michigan. the leading activist has a history of violent rhetoric. lucas tomlinson has more. lucas. >> lucas: in case anyone was unclear what the slogan from the river to the sea, one activeists in the united states provided the explanation at a rally in michigan. >> from the river to the sea, means absolute annihilation of zionist regime, it is evil, it is cancer in the middle east and in the world. >> lucas: not just members of the squad, michigan governor who were silent, president biden, too. jacqui heinrich asked if the
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president had plans to condemn the comments. >> it was a pretty significant display. >> you are hearing from me, that is important. other point i want to be clear about, peaceful protest is something the president has been clear is important to give folks space to peacefully protest. any type of violent rhetoric, we'll denounce. >> lucas: hamas has rejected ceasefire attempts. >> lawrence: they don't want a negotiation. thanks, lucas. retired staff sergeant david velavia received medal of honor for his actions in fallujah. did you think you would hear
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people in this country chanting that chant? >> in 20 plus years, maybe this administration would take it more seriously, that is a threat to democracy, isn't it? death to israel, largest democracy in middle east. death to america is almost as if we are so consumed on sending the fbi to people's front porches to question what they posted on facebook, we serve fisa for posts and not for what is spread domestically in the united states. revolutionary guard killed thousands of our friends overseas, american soldiers, marines, killed 13 at abbey gate and when soleimani was chopped up by the trump administration,
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the dnc had problems with the death of soleimani. we have schizophrenia here that is disturbing. >> lawrence: you have an administration that spent their time investigating white supremacy in the military, but not investigating this. people screaming death to america and you don't think they should be on a watch list? >> how about our air force veteran that set himself on fire? we have left-wing extremists, too. bradley bradley manning, chelsea manning, left-wing extremists and ms-13 gang members and people, the military is fighting ext extremism every single day. we want to keep radicals out. we are questioning what our iranian envoy actually did, how did he lose clearance?
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why was he brought home by members of the justice department? we have questions and i think not only does this administration have an israel problem, they have an iran problem, too. >> lawrence: yeah, they do. and no comment from the president, hopefully we'll hear something today. thank you for joining the program and thank you for your service. still ahead, washington school blocking student from starting a players club. will and pete go off the club f grid for the battle of l religious lib berty. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made
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.4%. and cpi rising 3.5% year over year, rising for a third month in a row, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. washington public school blocking a student's effort to start a prayer club one week after the principal approved a pride club. will cain and pete hegseth join us. this child, 11-year-old girl, they said you cannot have a prayer group. >> this is what public school stand for. i was doing research, oregon next to washington state tried
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to outlaw god. no way they will be welcomed in. consider the request, not a southern baptist prayer club, it was interreligious prayer club. it included christians, if it was islamist club, they would allow it. she chose to include christian and prayer, got to be out. >> ainsley: this town is close to the town that banned coach kennedy, he was fired from the school for just praying before the games. >> will: you know, the way pete describes it sounds over the top, no other conclusion you can come to about antipathy that is baked into the culture thatirria
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of the country or certain pockets or leadership in position. from my understanding "fox and friends" reached out to the school district and haven't heard back. here is what you will hear, we're sorry, we'll allow inner faith prayer club. this is guidance from department of education. it is beholden to administration is works for and generally ends up on the left. students may organize prayer groups and religious clubs to same extent they can organize other noncurricular activities. they allowed a pride club and other clubs, said no to prayer club. constitutionally, get ready school district, you will be sued by first liberty by april 29th. what is going on in your le
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leadership this is your instinct before you threatened with the constitution? >> ainsley: this is sad, pray for the principal. first liberty says they will take this to court. a democrat voted in committee, jason hughes, voting for a school choice bill for parents to pay for home schooling or private school. this is what he said. >> can't close my eyes to the 67% of third graders in public school who cannot read, i cannot close my eyes to number of kids living in poverty that are trapped in failing schools. so what do those families do? >> ainsley: will? >> will: so, you know, education is like the border, you talk to somebody on the left that does not understand the issue, they
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are surprised, really, that is how bad it is? mystery is how minorities and inner city, urban voters continue to vote democrat while they ensure their kids fail in public school. my kids in new york went to a charter school, i saw the life line it represented. across the street you had a 96% failure rate. that should be enough if you have this situation, never again vote democrat. >> ainsley: pete, how about you? >> pete: this is tenth or 11th state that will pass it, super majority had to pass this. this democrat knows what time it is, he did research and listens to his constituents, this is
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really popular once implemented. if you hand a family barely making it, here is $8000 for education to choose education you want for your kids, leave a failing government school and do that, you will see parents making that choice, too, which is a beautiful thing. takes political courage, unions will come after him, they control this. >> ainsley: the vote was 13-8. ing comment on pete's shirt? >> pete: well, sooner or later, i'll have to call in -- >> "fox and friends" shirt. >> will: i can't see it. >> ainsley: it says "fox and friends." >> will: can you describe it for me? >> pete: i'm on "fox and friends." homage to you. >> ainsley: threat to democracy is how biden is characterizing his predecessor, eric trump is here in the studio to respond.
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that is next.
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>> constitute primary threat to freedom and democracy at home. >> donald trump. seriously. >> brian: seriously. we've been telling you about pro-hamas protest ers shouting deatath to america. according to the president donald trump is the single biggest threat and the media say the same thing. >> trump says he will be d dictator for a day, could be rest of our lifetime. >> he will punish everyone that did not vote for him, i know it because i know what mental illness looks like. >> brian: eric trump disagrees, that was a small sample of the main attack line against your dad. >> i'm a son who has watched my
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father go through hell, seen them pull him off ballots in maine and colorado, seen them make up fake dossiers, try to impeach him twice, sink every ag and d.a. on my father to take out his wealth, try to put him in jail. this administration led close to 15 million illegals into this country, 320,000 illegal immigrants into the united states to mess with the u.s. census, they have let wars break out all over the globe and donald trump is the threat to u.s. democracy? we've lost our standing in the world shg we have zero respect from anyone. not being looked at as super power, we're losing u.s. currency. we lost afghanistan in the most
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embarrassing fashion. look at the litany of things happening and donald trump, who had none of these problems, is the threat to democracy? it is a joke. >> brian: this interview with univision, that seems to be a set up question and to sean hannity, he said, will you be a dictator? yeah, one day i will be a d dictator and close the border and then go back. over the weekend, 50 million brought in at mar-a-lago. big fund raiser in atlanta. biden administration has outraised you two to one. can your wife and dad close the gap? >> not anymore. since my wife took over the rnc, they will raise 15 million
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today, they have never seen this in history of the republican party. they have seen the train wreck that is joe biden. biden narrative no longer working, mainstream media can no longer sugar coat how disastrous he's been. my father did unbelievable th things best economy, peace on earth, no wars, peace in middle east, biggest tax cuts in history. in a three-year period of time, our country has gone to hell and people want old america back. theyun wa the country they are proud of back. they want a cheerleader back in the oval office and funds are coming out in the way they are. >> brian: not many people thought your wife would go across the country and take over the rnc, why was it necessary
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for her and what ley to take it over? >> there were a lot of never-trumpers and the second they got rid of them, the s spigget got turned on. they are working as one campaign and one objective, no excess money in flowers, no silly expenses. get people to the poll and make sure voter fraud does not happen in this country and they will put every minute of everyday and every single penny they raise to make sure donald trump is next president of the united states. >> brian: of course unlike last time, you will be for early voting. for president of the united states, court case probably going to start next week and he could be stuck in a courtroom,
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eight or 10 hours per day? how can you overcome that? sglps every time he walks into the courtroom, millions flow in, the american people know what is happening to him. you have a judge who has a family member who profits off these cases, making millions of dollars off these cases whose twitter profile is my father behind bars and that is what new york has become. and my father goes in and there is recusal motion in there now, you need to recuse yourself. you can't have conflicts of interest. new york is the legal system in new york, the laughing stock of this country and has to guiet fixed. you can't have elected officials who fund raise and get indicted and make millions of dollars in a state, it cannot happen in
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united states legal system. >> brian: i believe the judge did donate to the byiden administration, he will not recuse himself. there is a gag order, cannot talk about it. >> they wanted to do that from day one, twitter and facebook banned him. we have a first amendment for a reason, as pertains to donald trump, it doesn't exist and everybody else, first amendment is unstoppable. it comes to donald trump, he no longer has a freedom of speech according to the courts, he will take this to the supreme court and he has an amazing voice, he will win the cases and this presidency. >> brian: you believe you're going to win? >> i know we're going to win, i know where this country is, i feel the csentiment of the
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country. main-stream media will keep pedalling nonsense, americans are upset and they miss the guy who did great for this nation, donald trump. he will be back in office, i guarantees it. >> brian: curious to see if he wins again, if you will join him this time and see if you are the trump that goes or the trump that stays. great to see you. always fantastic. back in just a moment, you are watching "fox and friends." i have time, i like to check in with dana perino. hi, dana. >> dagen: >> dana: president byted welcomes prime minister of japan. does anyone mean it when they say never forget? we'll talk to david cameron and another link that biden might consider action. and secretary mayorkas faces a hearing on capitol hill and is a 12-hour a day school day a good idea?
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>> ainsley: we're back with headlines. video is going viral over the super sized price of a mcdonalds deal that doesn't even include a
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drink. >> $23.93. you couldn't throw in the sprite or a medium sprite in there? holy cow. >> users are blaming the price increases of california recently increasing the minimum wage for fast food workers from $16 an hour to $20 an hour. scrabble has released a less competitive, more inclusive version of the game to appeal to gen z players, patty says all they did was dumb down scrabble for woke and lazy people. every time they don't want to ply by the rules they can change the rules? pathetic. >> lawrence: i lose at the end of the day. >> steve: ultimately it's a way for scrabble to sell more games
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to people who thought too competitive. >> brian: they're trying to compete. monopoly is trying to pick up the pace. >> lawrence: they have credit cards in monopoly now. >> the one side is the original game and the second is the less competitive version to appeal to the gen zers say it's easier and more inclusive. >> brian: what about the toss across. they don't want you to get all three? when you take a sandbag and throw it across. >> steve: you mean bean bag? >> lawrence: these kids are weak. when my dad threw my trophy across the parking lot. be better. [singing] >> bill: anti-israeli protestors shutting down a senate cafeteria. some are calling i


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