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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 10, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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surviving fox on fox nation. looks like a good piece. before we go i have something for you. i know caroline likes it. tiger woods gearing up for his 26th masters. he won it five times. he is still confident he can compete with the best. >> i still think i can. so i don't know when that day is, when that day comes but i still think that i can. i haven't got to that point where i don't think i can't. >> dana: i will go with him. who are you going with? >> scotty scheffler. i'll give you the field and i'll take scheffler. all the other golfers and i take this guy. fox nation special to drop on tiger is really good. >> dana: harris faulkner is next. here she is. ♪ >> harris: you see the red paint on their hands. blood on your hands. they call the president of the
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united states, joe biden, genocide joe. angry anti-israel protestors relentless anti-israel protestors and they're getting bolder. yesterday they stormed a senate building raging against israel's war with hamas. democrat lawmakers are feeling the political pressure just like the president. turning our strongest ally in the middle east away. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." capitol hill police arrested 50 protestors. it forced the senate cafeteria to shut down. they chanted the senate can't eat until gaza eats. they also interrupted defense secretary lloyd austin's testimony on the pentagon budget going on yesterday morning and during that hearing he smacked down one of the protestors most incendiary claims about israel. >> i want to address what the protestors raised earlier.
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is israel committing genocide in gaza? >> senator cotton, we don't have any evidence of genocide created. >> that's a no. israel is not creating genocide in gaza. >> we don't have evidence of that. >> harris: senator warren does not agree with the evidence that does not show that israel has done anything wrong in that regard. you just saw that play out. she was asking if israel's actions are genocide during an event at the islamic center of boston. her answer and this is a quote, if you want to do it as an application of law, i believe the international court of justice will find it is genocide and they have ample evidence to do so. a recent headline summing up the angst over all this. democrats fear netanyahu may have undermined biden's image among voters. the domestic problem stemming
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from gaza extend beyond anger with the progressive base. senator roger marshall is in "focus" today inside the senate building yesterday during the protest. first let's go to griff jenkins in d.c. >> good morning. these anti-israel protests are ramping up. this one even showing as organized by a group called christians for a free palestinians and they descended on the senate cafeteria yesterday. many of them displaying blood on their hands. [singing] ♪ people are dying in gaza] >> one of the organizeers tell me the bloody palms is too much blood spilled in gaza but for many israelis it conjures up of a palestinian youth with the
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blood of two idf soldiers lynched by a mob. the president of human rights voices say the red hands are representing a bloody defeat of jews. just a month after the october 7th massacre bloody hand prints were painted on the gates of the white house. meanwhile president biden is calling out netanyahu's handling of israel's war on hamas. >> president biden: i think what he is doing is a mistake. i don't agree. i think it is outrageous. what i'm calling for is for the israelis to just call for a cease-fire, allow for the next six or eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country. >> we're learning this morning that hamas has rejected the
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president's plan for that temporary cease-fire in gaza. >> harris: griff jenkins, thank you very much. new reaction to president biden's assessment of israeli prime minister netanyahu and his war strategy. former u.k. prime minister david cameron. >> you get the fighters out of gaza and get rid of the terrorist infrastructure and start to build a peace from there. if hamas does not do that we have to support israel in getting hamas leaders out of gaza. you can't expect israel to live next to a state that in part is still run by terrorists. >> harris: the "wall street journal" editorial board says democrats are playing into hamas's hands and cutting off weapons to an ally in wartime would be the definition of betrayal. senator roger marshall is with us, republican from kansas serves on the homeland security, governmental affairs and budget committees. great to have you in "focus."
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i want to start with without us where would israel be? is this really the road that we are going to risk going down? what is at stake? >> listen, as i listened to those comments i think about an old saying, a friend in need is a friend indeed. israel has always been a great friend to the united states. people are underestimating how much they have contributed to our safety and security as well with our intelligence. i want to remind folks that the blood of every person in gaza is on the hands of hamas who broke the cease-fire, who started this war. that's where the blood is. united states needs to stand firm beside the folks of israel and i know it is tough times right now. president eisenhower said i hate war and i've seen its futility and brutality. war is never pretty. this is a war created by hamas. as long as hamas has a presence
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there there will be no peace. they continue to say death to israel and death to america. >> harris: they're doing it here. you couldn't tell michigan from the streets of iran shouting death to america. you hit on something. they were already in a cease-fire on october 6th. that was what a cease-fire looked like. october 7th reminded us what a cease-fire looks like in terms of hamas. it's temporary. >> it is temporary. as long as they have any type of organizational skills and assets from iran and as long as iran is feeding them weapons they will continue to seek to destroy israel and destroy america as well. and these protests up here in the capitol. let's talk about those for a second. number one it's against the law to be inside the capitol protesting. there are places you can do it with a permit. a right place to protest. >> harris: that's not what happened yesterday. >> it is not. they snuck in. i would just talk about respect for your fellow americans.
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it is very intimidating to the folks that work here. these are young staffers who feel threatened by these people coming in shouting and yelling and screaming. this is not the right place to do it. i think there needs to be some respect. again i respect their ability to protest. that's illegal and they are back here today doing the same thing. >> harris: at least the capitol hill police are arresting them. 50 people yesterday. we'll cover it as it happens today. you were recently in japan and we had pictures of you with the prime minister and he right now is at the white house with president biden. we're standing by for, you know, how they always start out with the media for their photo op at the very beginning and there were some remarks there. we want to show everybody that. i first of all want to get your thought how critical is japan as biden tries to figure out what to do in asia with all the threats from china. >> yeah, so in a world of uncertainty, in a world where
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there is threats of war japan brings us certainty and a great partner to the united states for the past 30 or 40 years you would be hard pressed to find a better partner than japan has been. it is their actions. they are doubling military expenditures right now committed to defensive retaliatory weapons. the largest base for our naval fleet and support our military forces there. a great partner and help financially support our military there as well and working very well with the philippines as well as south korea. the prime minister is a great leader there and need to stand fast with them. remember they are part of this quad that is so important on containing china with india, japan, australia and showing great leadership. >> harris: you look at that and i understand the quad.
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i wonder why it is not more people. china is a threat to anybody that china wants to be a threat to. ask taiwan. so as we go forth, what do you understand about joe biden's policy as far as taiwan? it's a little muddy coming from the administration and from the president. sometimes they don't coincide. >> exactly. i unfortunately you are summing up what the prime minister of japan is feeling as well now. they are saying they aren't sure they can depend on america there. that joe biden is very wishy-washy. >> harris: i hope you can stand by. the president of the united states and prime minister of japan. >> president biden: welcome back to the white house and to the oval office. good to have you here and good to see you again. when we were here last year we said the role being played by the united states and japan is becoming even greater and i couldn't agree more with your assertion back then and what we
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see in our joint support for ukraine in the face of russia's vicious assault is just outrageous. [interpreter speaking japanese] >> president biden: we see it in our relationship with south korea. we see it in our economic investments, which has helped generate millions of jobs across both our nations.
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i sincerely want to thank you for your bold leadership across all these issues. you personally have made all this possible. i want to assert our alliance has never been stronger in our entire history. so today i look forward to discussing how we can even deepen it more, including increasing defense and technology and cooperation across the board. and we can also discuss how we can continue to enhance and insure indo-pacific remains a free, open and prosperous region of the world with us standing together.
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thank you for being here, mr. prime minister. you heard me say this before but i will say it again you are a genuine leader, a true partner, and a good friend. thank you for being here. >> harris: i will bring in senator marshall quickly. the translation is not simultaneous. what do you make of now in terms of the tone of this so far? should there be -- let me just get the answer from you. >> well, what concerns me right now is this ugly american attitude.
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joe biden started off by saying what do you think about ukraine? he is putting his agenda ahead of japan's agenda. focused on this incredible relationship, $3 hundred billion of trade. we have a wonderful opportunity in space that they are helping us with and building the lunar module. we have had increased exports of beef to japan as well. so many things to stress. i am glad the president is acknowledging the prime minister's leadership, though. that's true. there are good things in here, of course. >> harris: it was surprising to hear him lead off with ukraine. i wasn't sure why it happened at that moment. let's listen to the english translation. >> -- trust along the way. japan and the united states are now at the forefront in maintaining and strengthening a free and open international order based on the rule of law.
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>> [speaking japanese] >> japan and the united states are also indispensable now to each other driving economic growth as well. [speaking japanese]
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>> through this official visit, i look forward to confirming the robust bond between our two nations and demonstrate at home and abroad how japan and the u.s. are bound together will build a future as global partners. once again thank you for your warm hospitality. >> president biden: thank you. [shouted questions] >> thank you, everyone. >> harris: i'm told by my team and i wanted to double-check that, there was a shouted
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question about the cease-fire between israel and hamas. the president sitting smiling and waving and that's pretty -- one more time? okay. he said we're still negotiating. it was hard to understand all the talking around there. it was said very softly. we're still negotiating. meanwhile that's the traditional photo op with get with some texture there. can we bring back senator marshall? he was just -- you were just there in japan. what did you think about the japanese prime minister's comments in terms of how they matched with ours? he talked about having a robust bond that they will work on today. can they do that in a day? >> it's interesting to me, his words were very measured. he said he wanted to confirm our relationship and hoped that the u.s. would demonstrate -- confirm and demonstrate are two very important words he is using there. he is saying that look, we're
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wondering where the united states is in indough china and what will you do to demonstrate your commitment there. incredible economic opportunities between the two countries. japan is the largest investor nation in our country and hold the largest amount of our national debt as well. important things to keep in mind. we're both motivated the keep the seas and trade open. he is here to confirm where joe biden is. that's interesting. >> harris: what is japan as relationship with china compared with ours? >> there is a huge economic dependence. china is a bully. it's that simple. china is a bully. these two countries have been warring with each other for thousands of years. not ten or 20 but thousands of years. japan is trying to demonstrate good allegiance. a $3 hundred billion trade between them.
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my assessment of indo-china. the rivers are polluted and vietnam they can no longer grow rice. they are all feeling this pressure from this big, big bully china. china is not a good neighbor. this is an opportunity for the united states to step forward and be a true world leader and a good neighbor mostly. >> harris: the most recent example i was in vietnam the latter part of december, a couple months ago, and you can feel that oppressive nature as you go north beyond hanoi and head toward the border that vietnam shares with china. xi, while we were on the ground, came across unannounced. he can come into their country any time he wants and uses that and as you say bullying is the key word. let's move to this. if americans think reare being bullied on the border. president biden could issue an
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executive order on his border crisis by the end of the month. eliminate the number of asylum seekers that can cross the southern border with mexico. the timing of it. mayorkas is testifying on capitol hill. republicans did not send the impeachment articles to the senate. did not send them to the senate today as planned. so why is there a delay? >> originally senator schumer had planned to do this on a thursday when everybody is trying to get back to their districts. isn't that special? wonder why he picked the thursday? >> if we don't start it until the end of the week it leaves us no adequate opportunity to debate it. you don't want members trying to get out of town so quickly they are influenced by the jet fuel. >> harris: it sounds like the white house is spinning. the delay lays bare on baseless and devoid substance the whole
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pr stunt is. white house press secretary called it unconstitutional partisanship. what do you call it, senator? >> what your listeners need to understand is chuck schumer. such a toxic subject for them that chuck schumer won't allow an impeachment trial. as soon as he gets us sworn in he will table the motion. the first time in the senate history we're not going to proceed with an impeachment trial after getting the impeachment orders to proceed with. this will set a horrible precedent. by the way, any two democrat senators could force an impeachment trial. they don't want this. they do not want this on the front page. >> harris: two. let me get this straight. we were reporting yesterday this was going to happen today. the house impeachment papers would go over against mayorkas to the senate. we didn't just learn that today was thursday. what kind of a play is this in terms of chuck schumer? >> i think that what we want to
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do is highlight exactly the crisis at the border. you brought that up numerous times. 11 million illegal crossings under joe biden's watch. we want there to be an impeachment trial. ultimately americans get the final choice. me november, elections have consequences. meanwhile we thought if we delayed it until monday we can force two or three senate democrats saying we need the trial. the good people from montana, ohio, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, nevada. all those senators up for re-election come november are feeling the pressure. everyone knows someone who died from fentanyl poisoning. if you vote to table this, that's telling lakeen riley's family we don't care about you or her loss of life. 250,000 americans have died from fentanyl poisoning. we need to put the pressure on
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the senators. >> harris: the president, we anticipate, will try to do what he didn't do before the state of the union. he figured out now he had the power. he knows trump had it and he flipped trump's policies. we see him coming into atlanta on the trump plane right now. we'll get to that in a second. senator, if biden does something about asylum, what does it do to the issue of his border crisis? does it cool it down or solve the problem? >> this is the number one defining issue of this election is the open border. the fentanyl that's already in this country is enough to kill every american already. human trafficking is exploding. crime is exploding. it is too little, too late. america knows exactly where he stands. if he is reelected the borders will open. he wants this problem and wants these people crossing into the country.
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it is too little too late. >> harris: he may want it but a political headache now. all he would do is delay if he takes any action. so wonderful to have you in "focus" handling the breaking news with me and so much more. god bless you. let's look live. this is atlanta, georgia and the former president of the united states number 45, donald trump, is on the ground. we understand that he will be speaking soon at a fundraiser. we will take it live right here on "the faulkner focus." stay close. yesterday fox news political analyst gianno caldwell spoke before a house subcommittee on work and welfare at a field hearing in chicago. he gave personal and emotional testimony on how the welfare system pulled his own family into a culture of dependency and also pushed for reasonable work requirements to help end that
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cycle. here is gianno testifying. >> the promise of a so-called great society became a trap for millions of americans. in many cases, those who get on government assistance too often get comfortable and figure out how to manipulate the system as much as possible so they can continue on the same pathway going forward. i've seen such thinking take down even the strongest of people. >> harris: this is such an important conversation to have as we learned inflation numbers have crept up now at 3.5%. gianno caldwell joins me now. your personal story about how not to be so dependent on the government for everything is so critical at a time when a lot of people are having to depend because the inflation is biting them. >> that's right. and i'm so thankful to chairman smith of the house ways and means committee for having this
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hearing in chicago whereas in certain zip codes on the south and west sides of chicago you have unemployment at 20 to 48%. staggering unheard of numbers. cook county, where chicago is, you have the highest degree of extreme poverty in the country. with that consideration in mind i think it is absolutely important to embody the spirit of speaker newt gingrich and bill clinton in the 1996 welfare reform which required work for benefits. they made it easy for people. if you were a single mom with two kids they gave you childcare. that was good. allowed you to work your job and not pull the rug out from under you if you made for money. the goal was to get people off the system. like ronald reagan says it's what the measure of success is. another point i want to deliver there. there was a conversation by one of the democratic members of the committee with one of the witnesses a white man who experienced poverty after his
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mom died from cancer. she have was making the point he only got out of the poverty because he was a white man. i pushed back on that. here is the idea. >> harris: who made that point? >> one of the democratic members of the committee from wisconsin. it was shocking to hear that. i have to tell you, for everyone listening, every individual has this hidden ability in them. potential. what does it take to realize potential? work. produ productivity. whether you're a black man or woman or a white man or white woman in west virginia living in a trailer park. we're all entitled to the opportunity to pursue the american dream. whatever it may look like. i think that's what needs to happen here. we focus so much on one group or another and we need to focus on everyone as americans. we need to push forward and show and insure the that future generations no productive work
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is a good thing and what they should want to do. >> harris: this issue is so tied to where we are now with people. i'm so glad that you are on the record there in that hearing talking and pushing back. it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. it's 2024. we are all dreaming the same thing and should have the same opportunities and rise. if we're not rising, there are a whole host of issues we shall talk about before you get to race. i'm so glad and proud that you would do that. i am curious, though, with the high inflation, this is going to get worse. so if the goal is to try to get people off the dole it will get harder. >> and you see that just by the data as you just mentioned. you look at credit card debt for the first time in american history over a trillion dollars as people are trying to make ends meet because everything is so much higher, gas, groceries, pretty much any and everything in the biden economy.
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it is funny that they have the slogan build back better. we haven't built and nothing is better. it is unfortunate because as americans, we want to see our country succeed and our fellow americans succeed. but the current administration has put us in such a tough position where it has usurped the independence of many americans. so much fraud, waste and abuse in our government. we need to change the leadership at the top and being a country that unites and is productive and builds. >> harris: i forgot about build back better. he doesn't say it anymore. he says the biden part. bidenomics. he still think that works. the reality is it's not working for a lot of people. those people vote and some of those people are going to vote in numbers for whomever they feel can fix the economy. maybe remember a time when it was better not too long ago. gianno caldwell.
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>> prosperity under trump. thank you for having me. >> harris: president biden is ramping up the rhetoric about donald trump. republican lawmakers, all of them together, what the president is pinning all of them with as he actually is the one struggling in the polls. plus biden is promising one key voting group he has their back. >> president biden: first piece of legislation i introduced as president was related to the border. i wanted to make sure everything from dreamers had a path to citizenship. >> harris: he is really losing latino voters now. i don't know if a few words will fix that. a new poll shows the support is tanking among that voting block and doing everything he can now to win them over. a great debate next. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪
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>> harris: a lot of red on the tarmac today. the former president's make
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america great again red hat. donald trump has landed in atlanta, georgia talking with supporters now. we don't have microphone ability to listen to every word that he is saying unfortunately. we can't hear him. he is set to speak soon from that airport. so as soon as that happens, before he leaves for the fundraiser, we're told, we'll take it live. keep watching. president biden going full anti-maga. he says it is a strategy many encouraged him to use. he targeted former president trump and the gop in a rare one-on-one interview that aired last night. >> what in your view constituents to primary threat to freedom and democracy at home. >> president biden: donald trump, seriously. using phrases like eviscerate the constitution, a dictator on day one. also restore the expanded childcare tax credit. republicans friends let that
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expire. we have to expire a couple of them politically. they want to terminate the affordable care act. terminate it. guess what? killing millions of americans, take them off of healthcare. >> harris: yeah, okay. the white house down played the president's sharp comments against the decision by congressional republicans. >> does he think that republicans are trying to kill americans? >> i think you are taking the most extreme -- extreme definition or extreme evaluation of what the president said. but you are taking what he said to the most extreme part of your definition. let's be really clear. people having healthcare is important. >> harris: that's not what the president said. it's almost like she is saying, you know, try to believe him if you can. power panel now. t.w. shannon.
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republican former speaker of the house of representatives and marie harf democrat under obama. >> i think people are up in arms, harris. listen to this. we have had 2 million people cross this country illegal because of the open border policies. many from al qaeda. i did an op-ed on to talk about how chinese party is actually in the united states in rural oklahoma. the worst he can come up with is a threat to democracy is his political opponent. every american should be concerned when the most powerful man in the world considers his political opponent a threat to democracy. that's a problem. our founding fathers are rolling over in their grave. joe biden should be ashamed. the real threat to democracy are the policies of joe biden like the open border that's
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destroying this country. it is poisoning the bloodline in this country because we are allowing illegals to vote. supplying them with all types of resources. >> harris: this is the former president. >> biden has no idea what the hell he is doing. the worst president in the history of our country and i have something -- i have good news. where is brian? this is a man i've known for a long time running in georgia. he will be a fantastic congressman. brian jack, very simple name. jack brian or brian jack. he is a great guy. he has been with me for seven years. he has always wanted to run for congress and this is where he was born and grew up. he knows it well and loves the people. he will be fantastic. you know who brian is? you do now.
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there is another brian. [shouted questions] [inaudible question] >> i think the case has been totally discredited. it was a money-making scheme on behalf of her and her lover, wade, mr. and mrs. wade. i think the case has been totally discredited, i would hope. it seems to be. we'll see how that. the one in new york is totally discredited. every legal scholar said they have no case. it is election interference run by the white house. every one of the cases. fani willis, every single case is being run, civil, criminal. it is election interference because joe biden can't put two sentences together. he can't find the stairs off the stage. joe biden is using this to try and get elected and it is a shame. so far it is backfiring, as you
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know. we just had polls come out. they are the best polls i have ever had. it is all coming out of the d.o.j. a thing like this has never happened before. they are trying to protect the man who is grossly incompetent and the worst president in the history of our country. [shouted questions] >> how about campaign money. you are here to raise money will you be able to catch up to democrats? >> -- the other night. we had an all time record i believe. they did 24 and we did 52. we did it easily. i didn't need so-called stars. we did it ourselves. the republican party has a lot of money coming into it. it is coming in in small
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donations, $6one average. we did large donors the other night. broke the all-time record $52 million. we don't -- if you remember hillary clinton i had 1-third the money she had and who won? i'm not he can actly sure, who won? we don't need to same kind of money they need. they need more money because they take care of more politicians. hand it out like it's gravy. when you look at what they did with the lockboxs and everything else it is disgrace. we don't need nearly the money that they need. in florida as an example i put up a very small amount of money. they put $3 hundred million into florida. i put peanuts into florida and won by 2 million votes. we don't need the same money they need. plus i had a great four years and biden has one of the worst president sees in history. destroying our country. between israel and october 7th should never happened.
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ukraine and russia should have never happened. russia would have never attacked ukraine if i were president. the inflation is out of control and now it's out of control again. they brought down the rate so fast because he wanted to get elected and -- >> have you spoken to prime minister netanyahu. the white house is issuing a warning. do you think the u.s. is not doing enough to show support for israel. >> biden has totally lost control of the israel situation and abandoned israel. frankly, he is a low iq individual. he has no idea where he is and who he is supporting. he doesn't know if he is supporting the palestinians. he knows one thing he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. any jewish person who votes for a democrat or biden should have their head examined. [shouted questions]
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>> i think they're very happy with those things. we brought it into what it was. it was always about states rights. everybody is happy with the exception of a few individual people that have the wrong agenda, people are very happy with my statement. you'll see it. everything about abortion was all about bringing it back to the states. every legal scholar, everybody from the democrats and republicans wanted to bring it back. for 53 years bring it back to the states. i did that and now -- [inaudible] what i'm going to do is vote for brian jack running for congress district three in georgia and he will be a big time politician and he loves our country and he loves georgia.
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>> how do you feel about -- [inaudible] >> totally discredited. her lover was thrown off the case and she should have thrown off with him. fani willis did it to get vacations. look at the kind of money. she never paid him back in cash. if she did she has a bigger problem. you can't do that. campaign cash paid him back. not allowed to do that. either way it is a crime. she is a criminal. fani willis has been totally discredited. that case should end. a big insult to georgia that the case is going forward. i don't know if it's going forward. nobody knows that. if it goes forward it is a big insult. she is a corrupt individual. he was corrupt. she was corrupt. nobody has never seen anything like it. i suspect that case will be terminated because it has absolutely no credibility. >> you talked about the polling
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numbers. >> he just said i'm crushing biden in the polls. i appreciate that question. thank you. brian, thank you very much. we are doing great in the polls. we have a campaign because they have no policies. people are destroying our country and coming in -- [inaudible] they have no policy that is good. between afghanistan, high taxes, big inflation, everything they do is bad. they want to quadruple every one's taxes. as far as i'm concerned he is a criminal and what he is doing with the weaponry of the justice department, every single trial you read about and that you report about and every one of those trials is run by the d.o.j. and the white house. every single one, including fani. her lover spent eight hours, i think, her lover, wade, spent
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eight hours, at least, on numerous occasions each day working and coordinating with the white house. how do we hurt trump so maybe biden can eke out a victory. i don't think the people will stand for it. i'm sure people won't stand for it. these people have weaponized government and the justice department and done something that nobody has ever done before in this country. it is done a lot in third world countries and banana republics. never in this country. so far based on the polls that came out today and over the last fairly long period of time if you look over the last four or five months i'm leading every single poll and by a lot. we are a nation in decline. biden is the worst president in the history of our country. he is corrupt and he is incompetent. he can't put two sentences together. i think we'll have a tremendous victory. november 5th will go down as the
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most important day in the history of our country, election day. the most important day and moment in the history of our country. we'll close the borders and take all of the criminals out. many of the people that came in came from jails, they came from insane asasylum had and mental institutions, drug dealers and terrorists at the highest level. i predict november 5th will all turn around and get our country back. this incompetent man that's president is a terrible person. a terrible president, he is a -- he gets money from everybody. he is a manchurian candidate. i predict biden will be gone. in six months, that's all we have. six months in a long time. the damage he can do in six months. he has done more damage than the ten worst presidents in the history of our country.
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there has never been anybody that's damaged our country like crooked joe biden. i predict november 5th, the most important day in the history of our country. and it is going to be christian visibility day. christian visibility day. christians will come out and they will vote like never before. thank you. thank you very much. [applause] >> harris: the former president of the united states just set a pop-up news conference. we didn't have the ability to see the reporters asking the question. they were rapid fire and some of them were tough questions. it will be interesting to see the last part with the president saying he is leading in every poll. i would imagine now there are people on the staff at the white house looking for that reuters poll in particular that shows in a two-person race biden winning
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by four points 41 to 37. they'll look for that. in the battleground state we've seen days of polling where the former president is leading biden particularly on the top two or three issues, the number one issue, the border crisis right now. it will be interesting to see if, you know, we do see a news conference from the white house. we normally do in the later part of the afternoon. no doubt some response to that. i want to go back to the great debate with t.w. shannon and marie harf. marie, we didn't hear from you before. i want to ask about this. inflation is ticking back up. the bad news about that is not only is it a horrible talking point on the economy, the nation gets to see why suddenly biden stopped saying bidenomics. they were all right and he was wrong. how does he go forth on the economy now?
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>> first there are a lot of economic indicators that have been going up. economy in many respects is much better than when donald trump left office and all you have to do -- >> harris: the measurement here is whether or not the president could bring inflation down. the promise he kept up until two months ago it started to come down and went back up again. 9% high prices have no way to come back down in this environment and they'll cook at 3 1/2 percent. that is economic disaster. >> we'll see. inflation on many issues and many commodities has come down. >> harris: not food and energy. people need those things. >> can i get in the rest of my sentence? thank you. i think a lot of republicans want to spend all their time talking about inflation. you are right that a lot of republicans love to talk about this. we saw eight minutes of a very angry, vengeful presidential candidate who took credit for
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sending abortion decisions back to the states where in a key swing state arizona they are trying to take women's rights back to the civil war. deeply unpopular. he said if jews vote to democrats they should have their heads examined. >> marie, marie. >> let me finish. i didn't interrupt you. there is a reason that donald trump has a hard ceiling on his support. always around 46 or 47%. there is a reason he hasn't been able to any election he has ever run in to actually to go above that hard feeling because he is so polarizing and so vindictive and angry. >> marie, bless your heart. nice try to pivot away from the economy. like every democrat in the country you want to. reality is the reason republicans want to talk about inflation is because that's what the american people are talking about. they are crushing. being crushed under bidenomics right now. whether we talk about the price of fuel, the price of goods and
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services at the grocery store. americans are feeling the pinch of joe biden's policies. not only that, you look at the border and where we are at the border. intellectually disingenuous for you on national tv to try to attack donald trump as angry. the one angry is in the white house going around can't complete sentences and angry at the american people because they are demanding answers because of his corruption, dealing with his son hunter biden. the only people in the country who did better under joe biden is hunter biden and illegal aliens. if you want to do better you need to be an illegal alien. donald trump is pledging to make america great again. securing the border. something joe biden is uncapable of doing. >> harris: i want to get the full quote in here. you were talking about what the president had said about jewish americans. he said biden has totally lost israel on that issue. and abandoned israel. then he went on to say if you are jewish in this country and
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you vote for him, you need your head examined. that was the full context of that. you made it sound he willy-nilly said it. he is saying this is a problem. anti-israel protests up to the line if front of biden's home in delaware. the secret service holding that perimeter around the president. they are showing up everywhere. the president's handling of the war against hamas, israel against hamas is costing him dearly. >> that's exactly the point. because he is standing by israel. >> harris: i said handling. he vacillates. he still supports israel and gives them ammunition. >> the reason there are protestors at every biden event is because he has continually stood by israel and repeatedly given them advanced weapons. more military aid to fight and
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prosecute this war against hamas. he have has stood by israel and why you see the protestors. >> he didn't stand by them in the u.n. >> he questioned the loyalty of -- how jewish americans should vote. over and over and over. >> harris: ladies and gentlemen. >> he just did it five minutes ago. >> harris: anti-semitic, anti-israel. anti-all of it is what we're covering here and we have to get our facts right. i didn't hear what you are talking about. what i heard him do to call biden out is not having clear and successful policy with israel. i'll bring you back again. "outnumbered" after the break.
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>> harris: we are awaiting a news conference from


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