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tv   America Reports  FOX News  April 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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like the water literally does not move this way and i'm like no, it goes everywhere so we have these arguments about the dishes but not about other things like faith and politics et cetera. >> don't forget to put the sponge in the dishwasher, everyone! speak or use paper plates when you can. in just a few moments we will see president biden holding a joint news conference with japan's my minister in the rose garden. we saw earlier marks from them and the prime minister at the first official follow-up and now in the rose garden full-throated from both of them their policies and how they are working on what they call the robust relationship, "america reports" now. >> sandra: we are watching the u.s. stock market as the dow continues to sink following the release of the latest inflation report. dow at 431 points right now as
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one of the latest market and fed observers of the obama administration says he may have to take seriously the possibility that the next rate moved by the fed will be up rather than down. we will dig into that with charlie gasper we know when he joins us next hour. >> john: and it does seem to be coming up only marginally, raising questions whether the fed will cut rates this year. member they were signaling at least potentially three rate cuts but they said that a look at the data. at the moment the data is not looking good. >> sandra: we have a busy taco hours coming up because any moment now president biden is expected to join along with the japan prime minister. they will be holding a live joint news conference as you can see on your screen they will deliver this live from the white house rose garden. as we anticipate this, the
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administration says the pair will talk everything from ukraine to the future of artificial intelligence. but the big focus of course, john, will be on beijing. hello and welcome everyone to another busy news afternoon i am sandra smith in new york. >> john: i am john roberts in washington this is "america reports." looks like we are still a way away from that news conference for delegations have not come up to the rose garden just yet but it appears china and russia are taking note of prime minister kishida's visit to washington. the foreign minister going to xi jinping less than 24 hours ago and what was a show of support against united states. >> sandra: we will have fox team coverage beginning now bret baier are standing by. >> john: but first with jacqui heinrich life from the rose garden we are expecting this to happen a little more than half an hour ago but you know how these things go. what are we expected to hear from the two leaders when they eventually come out to the rose garden? >> john, as far as state visits
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go there are actually a considerable number of deliverables for this state visit the meeting between the two leaders, with a military industrial to look at where the countries can coproduce defensive weapons also integrating antimissile defense between the u.s., japan, and australia and collaborating in areas of space and artificial intelligence. the meeting comes one day after the fbi direction christopher wray called the china threat the defining threat of our generation. the two leaders biden and chinese president xi jinping spoke earlier in the month president biden calling on the xi on the freedom of law and maintaining peace and stability this language we always hear from him but just yesterday russia and china pledged to deepen what they have called a limitless partnership and is a
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growing opposition to what they call a "u.s. attempt to dominate the world order" all against the backdrop of this meeting on the japanese side, though, is the subtext that biden is up for reelection and the risk that he may not win a second term. part of the m japan has here is establishing a deepening connection that would outlast any administration has these challenges. >> john: jacqui heinrich for us as we await the delegations of the president and the prime minister, thank you, sandra? >> sandra: half hour delay but that is to be almost expected these days. bret baier joining us now anchor an executive editor of "special report" and fox news anchor feel free to set things up the next petition for this news conference. >> good afternoon. i think this news conference is about submitting one thing and that is a message to china that the u.s. and japan are on the
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same page and that they are working together both economically and in defense quarters. i think the premeeting between jean ching peng and vladimir putin was an acknowledgment that the two powers are sending the messages they are together and united russia and china expect t but there are also other issues for example u.s. steel, they are against selling that company to japan and that similar with the stance the trump administration took so the main message is to china. >> as all of this is going on supporters of israel are worried the biden administration is in retreat when it comes to the support for israel, "the wall street journal" editorial board noting that "virginia senator tim kaine wants the white house to 'withhold bombs 'that could kill
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civilians never mind what is needed to defeat terrorists. in 35 hash democrats also demanded the white house cut off weapons to israel even while hamas and hezbollah fire on it, betrayal is in the air" is this white house turning its back on israel? >> this is a really difficult position for this white house and they put themselves they are. they are trying to have it always. they are trying to say they support israel, but also put conditions on how israel defends himself does this operation. clearly there is concern about civilian casualties on the ground in gaza but there is no longer talk of the oneness being on hamas. there's little talk about the american hostages that are still there. so, a lot of it becomes what is israel doing? and i am not sure they are winning friends on the either the pro-palestinian side inside
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the u.s. or american jews worried about israel. >> sandra: the growing threat that is china to the united states christopher wray is talking about the threat that china is to this generation with hackers ready to wreak havoc on the united states. he just said this on tuesday, listen. >> front and center is china. the defining threat of our generation. to put it simply the ccp is growing its hold government and undermining the security and economy of the law. >> certainly we will be listening for what is said on stage shortly. >> it's a major threat anytime christopher wray talks about china he gives very specific things that are happening, attacks, cyberattacks, not only economic but also on the government let alone the concerns they have expressed on
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tiktok and the data being discussed there. i think you will probably get a question about that or some statement out of these two, but it should be interesting to see what comes out of the rose garden. >> john: the news conference direction always depends who is called on to ask the questions. i'm sure if fox were to be called on we would ask a question about the violent rhetoric that was in full display in dearborn, michigan, on friday when a known agitator named to wreak with leading people and a chance of "death to israel and death to america" with a history of violent rhetoric, listen to this may couple of years ago when he was explaining the meaning behind the now infamous chant from the river to the state, listen to this. >> from the river to the sea means absolute annihilation of the zionist regime. >> nothing from biden on this although cream on peer entered a question from our jacqui heinrich and denounce any violent rhetoric, listen here.
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>> should we expect to see from the president on that it was pretty significant. >> you are hearing from me and i think that is important. the other part too i want to be very clear about peaceful protest is something that the president has also been very clear that is important to give folks space to peacefully protest but any type of violent rhetoric we are going to denounce. >> john: unless the president is asked specifically this afternoon it sounds like we are not going to hear from him. i mean, a lot of people think he is just terrified of the arab american muslims in michigan. >> clearly his critics say that and point to that. i think that they are again trying to have it all ways and it's not working either way. when the oldness is no longer on hamas it becomes a major problem. i had general keane and he was really articulate about how he believes the policy has taken a turn just in the past few weeks.
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>> sandra: all right, brett, that's sets things up nicely we await the news conference to begin, we are watching white house live for that to begin soon, brett, thank you we will see you tonight. >> john: see what 6 let's bring in jerry baker and editor at large of "the wall street journal," he heard what brett had to say about the mideast, what do you think is going on in the biden administration at large because the pressure is all on israel. it's not on hamas and there are staunch supporters of israel w biden if he has not already will turn his back on israel. >> yes, john, it looks like that but the biden administration has political pressure as you discussed. for some reason they seem particularly agitated about places of michigan in particular with the significant number of arab and pro-palestinian voters. i think however that is massively outweighed by the sympathy most americans have for israel and by jewish voters in particular states that are
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concerned about what they are hearing from the biden administration. i think it's also a broader touch for the biden administration unfortunately joe biden in particular has this record of being propelled by events. he does not seize control of it. after october 7th he came out rightly and set all the right things and did some of the right things and condemned it but as this has gone on and israel has been criticized more and more and the rest of the world wrongly in my view that these casualties in gaza are what you would expect when you're trying to conduct a campaign against hamas like that but as israel has been more and more criticized and isolated i think biden has moved in that direction too. both domestic political pressure and the typical movement of global progressive opinion has been pushing biden and that direction and i don't know whether they will continue to push israel or support it or turn against it. >> sandra: one thing is for sure we are hearing from other
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countries cameron did come on earlier today to discuss britten's position as this war in israel continues and they did confirm their support for israel's right to self-defense, listen here. >> we are a country of free speech and strong opinions and people are entitled to make those opinions known. they should do it within the law and should choose their words carefully and not inflame hatred. britain is a very strong defender of israel, its rights exists and self-defense. >> why, i should ask you -- >> what is the message president biden is sending by his lack of response to these chants of "death to america" jerry? >> projecting weakness and again i think failing to do what is on america's interest in the strategic terms that america faces the world right now. is rails on the front line of democracy. is the sole democracy in that region. it's the one place in the
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world -- go the one place in that part of the world where if you are ga or a woman you are completely free to do and say and speak as you wish within the bounds of the law. we need to defend israel. israel is defending -- not only defending itself which is of course would swing primarily but it standing up for the values and the principles of the united states above all else represents in the world and should represent. and it is a kind of again just another display of joe biden's weakness he seems to be unable to give an unequivocal defense of israel in the circumstances. >> john: jerry, to refresh memory let's play some of that rally on dearborn on friday. >> john: as i mentioned with brett the man behind the microphone is to wreak was well
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known in that community. the daily mail reported yesterday in a deleted instagram post he allegedly said "to be placed on the terror list of history's biggest terrorist is nothing but an honor" it strikes me if this were an extreme right wing group saying things like this about israel or the palestinians you would have the president out there denouncing them. from here until sunday. but in this case he is silent. >> john cummings at the right do you remember when joe biden ran for presidency in 2020? he claimed erroneously and faulty but he claimed he was doing it because he had seen the protest remember in charlottesville in 2017 and people out on the streets anti-semites out on the street saying terrible things. things he said we have never heard since the 1930s and he was not going to allow the country to be pushed in that direction. it was his duty to run for president to stop the country being hijacked by these extremists. is exactly what we are seeing now and it's not actually the right, i mean many of their own problems is true but that left
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these people on the left are progressives, younger people these pro-palestinians guys like that uttering this absolutely nauseating language where as joe biden now? he ran for president, supposedly, to eliminate the threat of extremism. to eliminate racism. to eliminate all these people want to destroy the country supposedly and the values we stand for and he is silent. let's karine jean-pierre give this milquetoast lukewarm condemnation of it. this is not at all what joe biden supposedly told us he stood for. it's another example again of i am afraid just how weak he is. >> sandra: he is quite literally silent right now they are about 45 minutes late to this joint news conference. we await that, jerry baker joining us leading up to it, appreciate your time. >> john: thank you good to see you. >> sandra: the world will be watching to see what the president says on that stage a few moments from now. >> john: again, having going
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to innumerable of these events the direction of the news conference always depends on who is called on to ask the question. if it's the letter a p as it typically is it may be writers as well you will hear international questions about the relationship between japan and the united states. if you get a little deeper into the press corps, that's when some of the more pointed questions about issues the president may not want to talk about so we will see where he goes today. >> sandra: we will we are watching and it will begin shortly we assume. meanwhile in idaho a man accused of planning to attack american churches in the name of isis. how close was the plot to becoming a reality? >> one stomach to mike formal president trump in georgia a state that was once reliably red, mark meredith is on that story what you have? >> john the former president makes his first stop at a chick-fil-a ordering dozens of milk shakes and also trying to make an outreach to black voters in the state. he is at a fund-raiser right
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now. the question of course is what will georgia look like by this november, i will tell you right after this brief. all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. ♪ in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> sandra: all right, formal president trump is back in the battleground state of georgia for a private high-profile fund-raiser today in atlanta. all of this comes as the former president tries to define his position on the very big campaign issue of abortion. he says the decision should be left up to the states but that is getting pushback from some of his biggest supporters. mark meredith his life in atlanta with the very latest on all of this for us, hi, mark. >> sander, good afternoon. the former president is at that fund-raiser right now expected to rake in a couple million
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dollars for his campaign. there has been a lot of questions whether or not the republicans could catch up to democrats with the cash advantage the former president said today he believes they are headed in that direction. but you bring up abortion which of course has been the dominant story in the last 24 hours after the arizona supreme court ruled that laws up to the 1800s govern it when and where an abortion can take place in arizona. whether or not that can stand the court ruling they believe they could go back to those laws come in the former when he touched down in atlanta we got a chance to ask and whether or not he things arizona went too for he says that he does think arizona will have to change its abortion laws, given the supreme court ruling. essentially they will have to be changes made but there was the big question about how trump would handle the situation because just this week, sander, the former president said he believes the abortion issue should be handled on a state-by-state basis. he says it's up to the will of the people that essentially folks in california want one thing or the legislature that may be different than alabama. obviously that is playing out in real time where we have
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different states enacting different policies, but what is interesting of course is arizona being a battleground state even the senate candidate the former news anchor kari lake has said that she too disagrees with this ruling. republicans here having to say they believe the arizona law was simply going too far. how big of an issue is abortion going to be this november? you have to wait to find out. me of, we have immigration still pulling higher from the latest fox news survey showing what americans are carrying about. the former president also talking about the latest economic report from the fed showing inflation is still here. it is still happening right now, so we will look to see, sander, whether he brings it up on the trail for the. we know the former president will be down in florida at the end of the week with the speaker of the house trying to show a united front for republicans put sandra today is about money. i mentioned to john before the break trump's first stop here in georgia was chick-fil-a 30 milk shakes which i guess you have to get. >> sandra: sounds good, mark meredith for us and some activity of the white house
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looks at the president and the prime minister from japan has stepped out. >> john: yes there they are but better late than never so here they are. >> president biden: because our alliances are america's greatest asset. the relationship with japan is powerful proof of that. that investing in our alliance and raising our collective ambitions will yield remarkable results. overly last three years the partnership has been transformed between japan and the united states into a truly global partnership. that's thanks in no small part to the leadership of prime minister kishida and i mean that sincerely. together our countries are taking significant steps to strengthen cooperation and modernizing command and control structures and increasing the operability and planning so that our militaries can work in a seamless and effective way. this is the most significant upgrade in our alliance since it was first established. i'm also pleased to announce for
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the first time japan and the united states and australia will create a network system of missile and defense architecture. we are also looking forward to standing up a trilateral military exercise with japan and the united kingdom. and our august defense partnership with australia, the united kingdom is exploring how japan can join our work in the second pillar which focuses on advanced capabilities including ai, autonomous systems, all told that represents a new benchmark for our military cooperation against a range capabilities. on the economic front, our ties have never been more robust. japan is the top foreign investor in the united states, say that again japan is the top foreign investor in the united states. and we come to the united states, are the top foreign investor in japan. nearly 1 million americans work in japanese countries here in the united states. and to name just one example a
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few months ago toyota announced an $8 billion investment in a massive battery production facility in north carolina which will employ thousands of people. prime minister is going to visit that project tomorrow. don't stay, don't stay, we need you back in japan. they will probably try to keep you. he also affirmed the science and education ties between japan and the united states. those ties stretch up to the moon. where two japanese astronauts will join future american missions and one will become the first non-american ever to land on the moon. and they reach into the high schools and universities as well where the program exists named nora and monot of. we will invest in new student exchanges come help train the new generation of japanese and american leaders. we also discussed development in
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the middle east including our shared support for a cease-fire and hostage deal. and urging efforts to deal with the humanitarian crisis to assist in gaza perry we also want to address the threat to launch a significant attack on israel. as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security in these threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad. let me say it again, ironclad. we will do all we can to protect israel's security. and finally i want to commend the prime minister himself. he is a statesman, command -- the fact is you condemn putin's brutal invasion of ukraine when it happened. who pledge more than $12 billion in aid. prioritizing nuclear nonproliferation at the united nations security council. standing strong with the united states as we stand up for freedom of navigation including in the south china sea. as we maintain peace and
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stability across the taiwan straits, and taking the brave step of amending ties with the republic of korea so we can all stand shoulder to shoulder together. tomorrow we will both be joined by another good friend, president marcos of the philippines for a trilateral summit. the first of its kind. and threw it all our commitment to the defense of japan and article five including, excuse me, these chicago islands is unwavering. mr. prime minister, through our partnership we are strengthening this align is. in the work together we have raised our shared ambitions and the u.s.-japan alliance is a beacon to the entire world now. there is no limit what our countries and our people can do together. thank you for your partnership, your leadership, and your friendship. now over to you, mr. prime minister.
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>> joe, again, i express my deepest appreciation to you and joe for inviting us. >> pm kishida: , though my thank you, joe. >> president biden and i have met and talked countless times and confirmed our shared notion that we are at a crossroads and japan u.s. partnership is immensely important. the international community stands at a historical trading point. in order for japan, the u.s., the inter-pacific region and for that matter the whole world to enjoy peace, stability, and prosperity lasting into the future, we must resolutely defend. and further saluted by a friend
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order based on the world of law. and again, today, i told the president that now is the time to demonstrate the true values that japan and the united states can offer as global partners that we must together fulfill our responsibilities to create the world where human dignity is upheld and japan will always stand firm with the united states. i explained that based on our national security strategy japan is determined to strengthen defense through possession of counter strike capabilities, increase our defense budget, and other initiatives. and was reassured by president biden of his strong support for such efforts.
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in such context, we confirmed, again, the urgency to further bolster the deterrence and response capabilities of our alliance and concurred on reinforcing security and defense corporations to increase interoperability between the u.s. forces and our self-defense forces including the improvement of our respective command and control frameworks. we will be discussing the specifics as we plan for the next u.s. two plus two. the president and i went on to discuss various specific challenges faced by the international community. first we confirmed that unilateral attempts to change status quo by force or coercion
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is absolutely unacceptable wherever it may be, and that we will continue to respond resolutely against such action through corporation with allies and like-minded nations. from such perspective we agreed that our two countries will continue to respond with challenges concerning china through close ordination. at the same time, we confirmed the importance of continuing with china and incorporating with china on common challenges. we also underscored the importance of peace and stability in the time and our encouraging of peaceful resolution in the cross streets issue.
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the situation in north korea including nuclear and missile's development was brought up as well. we welcomed the progress seen in many areas of cooperation based on the outcome of the japan/u.s. summit last august and concurred even more closely as we face serious concerns under the current state of affairs. president biden was again demonstrating strong support for the immediate resolution of the abduction issue. we reaffirmed the importance of realizing a free and open and a pacific based on the rule of law and concurred to maintain close collaboration through various opportunities including the japan-u.s.-philippines summit which is planned for tomorrow.
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regarding russia and ukraine based on recognition that ukraine today may be east asia tomorrow taking the issue as our own problem for japan, i expressed our resolution to continue with stringent sanctions against russia and strong support for ukraine and we concurred to maintain close partnership with like-minded countries. on the situation in the middle east, i expressed my respect for the efforts of president biden to the release of the hostages, improvement of the humanitarian situation and by then explained how japan is continuing diplomatic efforts to improve the humanitarian situation and to realize a sustainable cease-fire and
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agreed to continue corporation toward the improvement of the situation, the realization of the two state solution, and the stabilization of the region. regarding the economy, we firstly concurred that for both of us to leave the global economic growth together the promotion of investment in both directions is important. i explained how the japanese businesses are making a significant contribution to the u.s. economy by the investment and the creation of jobs to which president biden agreed. in order to maintain and strengthen a competitive edge in the area of advanced technologies and to respond appropriately to issues such as economic coercion, nonmarket policies and practices and
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excess capacities and to overcome other vulnerability of the supply chains and to lead sustainable and inclusive economic growth, we affirm that collaboration japan and the united states is indispensable. in addition we concurred to advance our corporation in the areas such as decarbonization, ai, and start-ups. it was a huge achievement also in the area of space. in the first half of the 1960s when i was in the united states, it was the dawn of space development. in the united states i am one of all of those who was so excited in the u.s. by the spectacular challenge in space that an implementing arrangement has been signed on this occasion and
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the provision of the lunar plan and the allocation of two astronaut flight opportunities to the limo service to japan were confirmed. under the artemis program, i welcome the lunar landing by a japanese astronaut as the first non-u.s. astronaut. we also discussed the efforts toward a world without nuclear weapons. we affirmed the realistic and practical endeavors of nuclear including the g7 leaders hiroshima division last year and i welcomed the participation of the united states in the fmct which was launched by my initiative.
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lastly, in order to further strengthen the people to people bond which is the cornerstone of our unwavering japan u.s. relationship, we affirm to further promote people to people exchanges. as the outcome of our meeting today, we will issue the joint statement title, their global partners for the future. but this is the expression of the determination of japan and the united states to maintain and strengthen the free and open international order based on the rule of law that under peace, stability, and prosperity of the community and states regarding the principles with our partnership we will defend for the future of japan and the united states the end of pacific and the world and make that future all the more prosperous.
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>> president biden: thank you, now we will take a few questions. bloomberg. >> thank you, mr. president. last month he predicted the federal reserve would cut interest rates thanks to flying inflation but today data showed that inflation rose more than expected for the third straight month. so how concerned are you about the fight against inflation stalling and do you stand by your prediction for a rate cut? >> president biden: i do stand by my prediction that will before the end of the year it may delay a month or so but we don't know what the fed will do for certain, but look. we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we are in a situation where we are better than we were when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it whereas the opposition, my opposition, talks about two things. they want to cut taxes for the
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wealthy, and raise taxes on other people. so i think they have no plan. our plan is one i think that is self sustainable. >> mr. prime minister, you said upon steel acquisition of u.s. steel as a private matter but i am wondering did you discuss the matter today with president biden and do you believe politics are influencing president biden's decision to impose the deal? and president biden i am sure you could answer that too if you don't mind. >> pm kishida: on the issue that you have raised, we understand discussions are underway. we hope these discussions will unfold in directions that would be positive for both sides. japan believes that procedures based on law is being implemented by the u.s. government.
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japan is the largest investor to the united states. japanese businesses employ a close to a million workers in the united states. an investment from japan to the u.s. can only increase upwards in the months and years to come. and we wish to select this win-win relationship, thank you. >> president biden: i stand by my commitment to american workers i've made my word and i will keep it. i stand by my commitment to our alliances. this is exactly what we are doing, strong alliances. eco-prime minister's microphone, please. >> my question is both to prime minister kishida and president biden. at the summit you confirmed your
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strong objections against unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or conversion by china and agreed on reinforcing response capabilities and under current circumstances japan and united states both through different capabilities china may become more preoccupied in military expansion and intensify its coercive behavior. that is the risk and dilemma in order to avoid divide and avoid the divide how should japan and u.s. respond? let me then take that question first. at the summit we confirmed that the united states and japan will resolutely defend and bolster a free and open international order based on law and that japan and the united states as global partners shall work together for that purpose. on challenges concerning china,
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including the point you raised on objecting to unilateral attempts to change status quo by force or coercion, we concurred that japan and the united states as global partners shall work in close ordination. and also, as i said previously, we will continue with china and we will cooperate with china in tackling foreign challenges. and the president and i know the importance of such dialogue as well. based on the solid trust with our ally, the united states, we will continue to call on china
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to fulfill its responsibilities as a major power. japan's policy, which i have considerably embraced, is to comprehensively promote the needs of strategic relationships we have with china and established a constructive and stable japan-china relationship in efforts by both sides. that has been my consistent position that i have upheld. we will continue to seek close communication with china at all levels. that is it for me. >> president biden: first of all, we keep improving our lines of communication with one another. that the united states and ch china. i have recently spoken at length with president xi we agreed that we would number one have
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personal contact with one another whenever we wanted to discuss anything so there would be nothing slips between the cup and the lip as they say so we now examine what the other team is thinking, number one. so we had a long discussion last i guess almost two weeks ago now. to make sure there is no missed regulation or misunderstanding that's number one. number two, and our alliance with japan it's a truly defensive in nature. it's a defensive alliance and the things we discussed today improve our cooperation and our purely about defense and readiness. it's not aimed at any one nation and it does not have anything to do with conflict. this is about restoring region and i think we have a chance of doing that. next question, who do i call on
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next? take on, have my listing. hang on. i apologize. afp. >> thank you. my first question would go to both of you, mr. president and mr. prime minister. is there a path for japan to become a full member of orca orcus and you say benjamin netanyahu is making a mistake in gaza what are you willing to do to make him change his strategy and when you consider military aid to israel? >> pm kishida: thank you for your question about orcus i will respond in our country we want
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to contribute to this consist ability of our region and we have consistently supported orcus. having said that the participants u.s., the u.k., australia, or multilateral occasions, we have established the various relationships but for japan to have a direct relationship nothing has been decided. going forward with u.s. u.k. or australia with such countries oral unilateral frameworks we will continue with our corporation so that will continue to be considered but at the moment about the potential but in aukus that's it. >> president biden: with regard to my discussions with
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prime minister netanyahu as well as the relationship with israel i have been very blunt and straightforward with the prime minister as well as his work cabinet and the cabinet. the fact of the matter is that he and i had some discussions and doing things with getting more aid, food and medicine into gaza and reducing the attempts of civilian casualties in that action taking in the region. thus far, and it's tied to the hostages, there are a number of hostages being held by hamas and just yesterday we were meeting with the vice president and the security advisor before that and there are american hostages as well. they know how committed we are and the whole team to getting their loved ones home. we are not going to stop until we do.
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the new proposal on the table of bill burns leading the effort for us we are grateful for his work. there is no to hamas they need to move on the proposal that is made and as i said we will get these hostages home where they belong, but also bring back the six week s cease-fire we need n. but getting in somewhere in the last three days over 100 trucks was not enough but needs to be even more and if one more opening has to take place in the north. so we will see what he does in terms of meeting the commitments he made to me. >> mr. shimizu please of nhk. i asked both of you as
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prime minister kishida mentioned that the abduction issue of north korea was discussed. prime minister, you have expressed your wish to have direct engagement with kim jong un but they say that abduction is already resolved which means they are refusing during the meeting what'd you say president biden about the outlook of the summit and what engagement did you ask president biden, president biden my question what did you hear from prime minister kishida and what is your observation in the nuclear missile issues and use support early summit between japan and north korea. may i start regarding the summit meeting with president biden about north korea including the nuclear and missile issues we have discussed and regarding the increasingly situation we have
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agreed to continue close coordination. and on top of that, we concurred that the window of discussion with north korea is open and will discuss japan-u.s., japan, u.s. will continue to work closely. i also asked for the continued understanding and corpo cooperan the abduction issue and president biden once again gave myself a very strong assurance regarding the recent announcement by north korea. i will refrain from commenting on each and every announcement about north korea but as i have been mentioning repeatedly, based on the perspective that
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the establishment of a meaningful relationship between japan and north korea is in the interest of both japan and north korea and that it could be hugely a beneficial to the piece and stability of the region, my policy is to aim for a summit meeting with north korea to resolve various issues and with consultation directly under my instruction. and that remains unchanged. that is my response. >> president biden: we did discuss this and we both agreed that the dprk must address these serious humanitarian concerns of the international community including the immediate resolution of the abduction issue. prime minister has spoken to the potential on these plans may mean but i welcome the opportunity, we welcome the opportunity of our allies to initiate dialogue with the democratic republic of korea. as i have said many times we are
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open to dialogue ourselves at any time. without preconditions of the bprk. so i have faith in japan and i have faith in the prime esther and i think we are seeking a dialogue with him is a good and positive thing, thank you. [speaking over each other] >> president biden: why don't everybody holler at once? elect me, i am in the 20th century. 21st century. not back then. they weren't even a state. thank you all very much, thank you. >> john: all right president biden biden and the japanese prime minister fumio kishida. >> sandra: i think he is still talking.
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>> john: he is? >> president biden: overwhelming support for the ukraine among the majority of democrats and republicans there should be a vote now. >> john: there come a second chance to go he breaks from tradition in these. typically is just to buy two and nobody else is a word but the president and a couple locations has answered a couple more questions calling for a vote on the ukraine aid also saying elect me, i am in the 20th century, oh, no, the 21st century with abortion in arizona. i will also say he is building the china alliance standing strongly in support of israel saying his support remains ironclad. >> sandra: bret baier, we called him back, he is back in the chair. write your reaction to what you heard specifically on israel come president biden saying it is now up to hamas to move on a potential cease-fire. president biden saying we will see what netanyahu does in meeting commitments he has made. brett? >> we talked at the beginning of the show about how we really
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have not heard much from the biden administration officials or the president himself including, again, the owness, moss in his remarks there saying prime minister netanyahu made some promises to him and he is there to see what happening. it was a different tone on israel from the beginning of this news conference all the way to the questions from the end and i think there may have been some pushback that led to some rephrasing of how they are talking about it but clearly they are standing with israel. i thought was interesting the first question was about inflation. that number that cpi number is hot which is not good for the economy. >> john: a quick point with elvis i think the president went to paint saying his alliance with japan in the coming with the philippines is a defensive
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posture nothing to do a conflict just restoring stability in the region. a clear sign to china they should not be worried there is any offensive capability. >> that's the big message from this meeting right here. as you look at what was agreed to and the specifics as to look at the market there down 521 with the u.s. and japan and basically japan is stepping up its defense and that is a clear message to china. >> sandra: i wonder if we could come up right, dig what he said there off the top. that was really interesting to all of us the first question went to bloomberg and it was on inflation and the data we got out today. had a long conversation with jerry baker as he was sitting off-camera jerry baker said weeks ago he believed while the market was told by the fed it to some cut this year to interest rates but he thinks not only will they stay the same because of what we are seeing pricewise but it's a possibility we may actually see a rate hike.
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we have sound of the president just a few moments ago? okay, let's listen here it was, brett. >> i do stand by my prediction. looks, we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we are in a situation where from when we took office where it was skyrocketing and we have a plan to deal with it whereas the opposition, my opposition, talks about two things. they want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people. so i think they have no plan. our plan is self-sustaining. >> sandra: to be really clear the comparison he is making on inflation being much better now than it was, that was under his presidency where it reached the highest level we had seen in this country in decades. the reference to we are in a
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much better position now than we were when he took office is just not the case. i mean, look at gas prices up 50% during his presidency, brett. >> right. year-over-year from the beginning until now you can look at the number of different ways but the ending a sentence they are the dismount was not accurate. that said the cpi number does potentially roil the markets because they were thinking there was going to be a cut. everything the administration was saying even reading between the tea leaves and the fed chairman. we could be looking at something where we are looking at a jittery market again based on inflation that people are feeling that is the biggest thing the voters are a feeling it on the back of an envelope planning their budgets at home. >> john: back to the middle east read the tea leaves here the president saying he has been blunt and straightforward with netanyahu. told netanyahu what he wants, more aid to the gaza stomach
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gazans and more protection for the civilians. failing it back but they are suggesting that yahoo is doing that but at the same time going no distance with the rhetoric that is violent with death to israel and death to america, he's engaging the most delicate of balancing acts. >> >> the messagin comin out of the white house specifically from the president, in the interview the other day he was very pointed and basically putting all of the criticism on the israelis. now he mentioned thomas today and said they are continuing to do some of the things they talked about and starting a-determiner. trying to tiptoe through the tulips here. >> john: without the benefit of a ukulele. >> sandra: very interesting to hear from japanese prime minister determined to strengthen our defense forces, increase our defense budget, brett, he said at the very top
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there he confirmed the importance of continuing dialogue with china, wondering what your take away was that we heard from his posture there? >> finally i think the dialogue both leaders and saying they dialogue with china, the bottom line is china is a big threat to the u.s. and japan. this gets together was to signal we are on the same page. >> john: a trilateral meeting tomorrow with the president, prime minister of japan, and of the philippines ferdinand marcos jr., who thought we would hear that name come up again in history. but they will talk tomorrow about how to secure the south china sea which will be a real foreign in the site to china, brett see you tonight at 6:00. appreciated. a live look inside the capital where top intelligence officials will brief house lawmakers on the controversial government spying program known as size. they say it's a critical too


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