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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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it because anything that speaks to the almighty has to be ridiculed and ridiculed again and i mean that's what they do. it's like okay, it's nothing we haven't heard before. >> continuing that trend, we have rihanna appearing on the cover of interview magazine dressed as a trampy nun. looks like she had the spirit halloween bargain rack who probablyromoted her trashy nun shoot on soulful meet -- social media. this is the last refuge of desperate artists. >> more from the nonthinker. great to see you, i have to get back to that overdub from biden. antonio banderas. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... the greatest record of up president comparable to lyndon johnn. >> i hope the legacy is that i kept my word. >> jesse: joe biden too worried about himself to worry
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about you. >> elect me, i am in the 20th century. >> thirty milkshakes and some chicken. let me give you a hug. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] >> we are going to get rid of biden. [ cheering ] >> jesse: donald trump, chick-fil-a and the truth. >> that's a large chicken, you are right. it's a good chicken too. >> mikey, mikey, your hands get hit what your eyes can't see. >> day three, still one at [ bleep ] with me? >> jesse: the problem child. iron mike, the event of the summer. jake paul joins prime time. plus... i don't talk to fox news. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: what do washington,
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reagan have in common? america was at war in a recession and they put the people first. they did not worry about how history would judge them, bush 43 put it this way. >> i will let history take its course. the key for me was that i gave it my all. i served, i did not sell my soul and history will ultimately be the judge. >> jesse: history is best written by historians. now the jewish puerto rican truck driving greek professor razed in a black church claims he he's a historian too. here he is reflecting on his legacy. >> did you spend a lot of time thinking about what your legacy would look like? >> well i hope the legacy is that i kept my word that i said that the reason i was running was to help change the life of ordinary people, reduce the prospect of war because of vietnam.
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and when i ran i said that i was once asked -- when i was 29 years old. i hope my legacy is that i was on is, straightforward and did what i said. >> jesse: he's compared himself to roosevelt in world war ii and shamelessly plagiarized the kennedys. you have to be a narcissist to be president but biden is a special case. a commander-in-chief has a lot on his plate but biden surprisingly finds time to meet with handpicked historians at the white house for hours at a time, talking about his place in history. and this is the president's favorite historian. >> this is like 1860, this is like 1940, you know, you have to talk about the large issue in the room and just looked as
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lincoln gave the house divided speech, is roosevelt gave the speech, here's a time were president biden has chosen. from now until the election we all have to say the only issue is democracy versus dictatorship , don't let them take it home. >> jesse: biden's historian hype squads pumping them up into the wilmington messiah. a wartime president saving the nation from evil while he argues trump has an ego. joe biden has run for president four times now. when he was vice president he removed classified documents and stash them in his garage so historians could see that he was against obama's surge in afghanistan. he put our national security at risk for the sake of his legacy. and for a guy who did not have time to go to east palestine for over a year, he sure has a lot of time to listen to chosen historians compare him to face his own -- on mount rushmore. historians are telling biden the
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election is about dictatorship or democracy. the rest of the country is telling him no, it's not, it's about us, it's about our incomes, our border, our streets all 81 -year-olds look back at their careers and try to make sense of where they landed but not all 81 -year-olds are president. he's supposed to be serving us back not himself. now's not the time to worry about what's hanging on your presidential library. nancy pelosi, 84 years old, fixated on biden's place in history. >> greatest record of a president in the first two years when we had the majority comparable to lyndon johnson, frank and roosevelt. >> jesse: they compare biden to fdr and trump to hitler. while the rest of the country is comparing gas prices to what they were four years ago. you get the feeling that biden is planning his retirement, not really his second term?
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everybody who interviews him treats him like he's about to leave. >> as far as your memory of this house, we are not assuming what the future holds, but what are your favorite memories of this place? >> our kids jumping in bed with us, our grandkids when they are down here, sneaking up and jumping into bed with us, that's my favorite memory. they love it. they love wandering through the halls, there's two floors upstairs, a lot of bedrooms, private residence. they just love coming down. >> jesse: do you ask a president in his first term, what is your fondest memory about the white house? or do you ask him what is your vision for america? because i thought he could only predict rain. does he know something we don't? biden's inner circle has created a fantasyland where joe actually believes he can hear the founding fathers rooting for him >> what in your view constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump.
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seriously. donald trump uses phrases like you are going to eviscerate the constitution be a dictator on day one. i can't think of any other time in my lifetime that you've had somebody who's had this kind of attitude. he says i'm going to be a dictator on day one. no one doesn't believe him. >> jesse: the real biden legacy, covid, inflation, ukraine and illegal immigration. and a few bridges build. 's former chief of staff just caught on a hot mike saying this "i think the president is out there too much talking about bridges. he does two or three events a week where he's cutting a ribbon on a bridge. if you go into the grocery store, eggs and milk are expensive. the fact that there's a bridge, kind of a fools errand. a president has never won an election over a bridge. as carrville said, it's the
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economy, stupid. biden knows that is and it's what he lies about it. >> you chose this company today to deliver a message on the economy. i've heard you talk about economic growth, job creation. what do you say to the families, not just latino families but families across the country that don't feel that economic growth, the job rick flood -- job gratian reflected in their paychecks? it's not yet because the 15 million jobs we've created so far are more than any other president. >> jesse: millions of biden's drops want to migrants. a lot of the job growth, part-time jobs. real wages are down, prices are up, inflation still hot. >> hotter than expected. 3.5. this is three tenths hotter than we looked at in the rearview mirror. >> jesse: gas prices up 40%, rent, used cars, groceries all up 20%. americans are skipping meals to pay their mortgage. you can't even by a house with
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rates this high. not since the great depression have we seen so many young adults living at home with their parents. but it's not just numbers. forget about the numbers, how do the people feel? >> the undecided voters were asked how they think president biden is doing on the economy. take a listen. >> i think he's been absolutely disastrous for the economy. >> i agree. >> trump's policies on the economy would your -- be better for your family personally, raise her hand. okay so that is everybody. >> jesse: the legacy of the president is what other people think of you, not what you think of yourself. -- joins me now. you hear him and his historian publicists saying this is about democracy and dictatorship. what is this really about? >> i think it's about what you
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just said, jesse, look at what we are doing at the grocery store. we go in the grocery store and everything we are trying to buy is much more expensive. if you are an illegal you might say to yourself, okay, i'm better off today than i was four years ago. if you are an american citizen, your costs are up in your wages are down. the problem that we have right now is the fact that the federal reserve is trying to reign in inflation. so sure, it's not as bad as it was a year and a half ago when it was, you know, at 40 year highs, 9.1%. now we are up 3.8% on inflation and when you think of things like you just showed, rent, oil, you've got auto insurance up 22%, it's much more than 3.8%. 3.8% is just the average. one of the issues is that while the fed is trying to reign in inflation, the president and the democrats keep throwing more stimulus into the game. and by the way, jesse, these are oxymorons but you've got the inflation reduction act, not.
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you've got the fiscal responsibility act, not. you got the chips act, the forgiveness of student debt, all of this is more stimulus and it means that the federal reserve is facing this tsunami of spending. and then there's the green climate change agenda. the more he says don't use fossil fuels and tries to kill the fossil fuel industry back the more the demand goes up. oil prices are now back up. that's underlining everything. between the spending on the climate change agenda, it's bad policy. >> jesse: i don't even see why this is a close election. because you have to be stupid to believe these hoaxes, that trump is going to be a dictator, all of the hoaxes they are shoving down our throats, when the economic reality is so disastrous. do you think they even are moving the needle on these hoaxes or our people just thinking this is expensive, this is expensive, i'm going to vote trump?
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>> i think people are onto it because of what it's costing them but i also think this idea that trump is a threat to democracy at the same time that the democrats are trying to take his name off the ballot is so ridiculous. obviously that is a threat to democracy. so i don't think people are buying this. i think they are actually just experiencing a really expensive moment in their lives and wishing that the economic policy would change. >> jesse: it's the most expensive moment in their lives, and all most all of our lives. we have to go back decades to have it be this expensive. isn't it a little strange that a president at 81 years old is inviting his favorite historians over for lunch is that last hours long? he never does any interviews, he's in there with historians who are telling him he's basically jesus and he's saving the world. isn't that strange for a man to do at this stage of his life? >> it is, if, in fact, he's in expecting to run again. i don't know if the democrats think it's odd but it doesn't matter who is behind the wheel
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because this is all democrat policy. so it's going to be the same policy whether it's joe biden or somebody else, if it's a democrat in there. they want to spend more and raise taxes. and by the way joe biden just told us what another four years might look like, he just came out with his budget and in that budget is $5.5 trillion of new and higher taxes. at that onto everything else, jesse. >> jesse: i will be able to afford hairspray at this point. speed mac that's not good. >> jesse: gonna be tough. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> jesse: jake paul on fighting mike tyson. and trump goes to chick-fil-a. [♪♪] [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants,
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and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade,
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we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: hugs, selfies in the
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lord's chicken. today donald trump showed what love is, hitting up a chick-fil-a in atlanta. >> wow, that was worth it. >> that's beautiful, wow. >> it's art. can i have 30 milkshakes and also some chicken? is this good? making a lot of money? getting rich right? [ laughter ] >> thank you very much. >> jesse: people like trump because trump likes people. it's that simple. being around trump is fun and johnny was right, the love is real. >> i don't care what the media
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tells you, mr trump. 4:00 pm. >> come here, let me give you a hug. [ cheering and applause ] >> thank you! >> jesse: the dictator on day one hoax just got cooked like a sock of waffle fries. these are genuine interactions that you cannot fake. you will never see videos like this on the news. it's too real. >> come on then, come on then. we are going to get rid of biden. [ cheering and applause ] >> jesse: biden's forced to spend money producing fake moments that fall flat. >> how many chicken fingers have you got? tell me about you guys. what are you doing these days? >> i'm playing basketball right
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now. >> guard? >> yes or. >> jesse: clay travis transmit now. i think these are one of the moments that chick-fil-a trump moment that you will remember years later and say oh yeah, 2024 campaign, a chick-fil-a moment. >> will it just emblematic of how good trump is in these unscripted moments, jesse. you can't let joe biden do anything. i mean you saw today he was trying to take questions and he pulled out his note card and asked who he was supposed to call on again. they keep putting in him -- him and those aviators. did you notice japan's leader wasn't wearing sunglasses, why did joe biden need to? i think it's because he look so spacey they tried to cover him up. and this is unscripted. people could yell anything. you don't know what someone will say in a chick-fil-a yet all trump gets his love. it really is pretty incredible.
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it reminded me of east palestinian where it took biden a year to go where trump when into the dairy queen if i remember correctly and ordered blizzards and ice cream for everybody. on like joe biden who stands around creepily licking ice cream cones by himself. donald trump just rolls right in, buys ice cream and chicken sandwiches for everybody. he called it i think the lord's chicken which if i owned chick-fil-a, i would put that quote from trump on it. it's incredible branding. trump needs more of these unscripted moments. i think it demonstrates honestly a perfect moment there out different these two guys heart when it comes to being able to handle the job of president. >> jesse: fast food trump is my favorite trump. hands down. all trump is good, fast food trump is really good and if i were running his campaign i would have him do these fast food stops every week. he's tied down in court constantly. i would say just go to fast food joints on the way to and from court, every time, and have
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moments like this and it would force the media to air that because this is absolute gold. also he was on the tarmac. listen to his comments about joe biden. >> i predict that biden is going to be gone. six months now, that's all we have, but it's a long time because the damage he can do in six months, he's done more damage than the ten worst presidents in the history of our country. there has never been anybody that has damaged our country like crooked joe biden so i predict november 5th, the most important day in the history of our country, and it's going to be christian visibility day. christian visibility day. christians are going to come out and they are going to vote like never before. >> jesse: not trans visibility day, christian visibility day, clay. >> yeah, i'm sure you saw, speaking of trans visibility
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day, that the south carolina women's basketball coach wants to start recruiting dudes. but i mean how many points do you think lebron could score right now if he decided to identify as a woman great 200. he might double up will but i think what you are seeing there, with what happened with everything that's fallen apart, i think democrats are going to stop spending money in georgia soon. i think this trip into atlanta to raise money, the chick-fil-a, the number of black voters you saw showing great love for trump >> jesse: that's everywhere in atlanta. you put that in atlanta and the rest of georgia, you have lakin riley reverberating in people's hearts there. georgia is off. bucket, i'm with you. are we allowed to bet? >> you win arizona and that thing is getting close. >> jesse: that's getting a little crazy. with the abortion stuff. but we will figure it out, as they say.
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looking dapper, i'm glad you dressed up for "jesse watters primetime", thank you. >> pink for you and the love of lesbians everywhere in my heart. >> jesse: trans day of visibility enclaves wardrobe. fox news alert, over the weekend a group of pro- hamas protesters chanted death to america at a ramadan rally in dearborn, michigan. [ chanting ] >> jesse: not a great look. the mayor condemned it, the white house condemned it but what about congresswoman rashida? she wraps dearborn. is she okay with her constituents chanting death to america? foxbusiness correspondent hilary vaughn asks her. watch. >> congresswoman. >> i don't talk to fox news. >> at a rally in your district
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people were chanting death to america. do you condemn -- >> i do not talk to fox news. >> do you condemn chance of death to america? >> i don't talk to people who use racist tropes. >> why can't you just say whether you condemn it? why are you afraid to talk to fox. >> fox news -- listen, racing -- using racist tropes towards my community is what fox news is about. >> 's death to america racist? chanting death to america racist? >> talk about your guys is racist tropes. you guys know exactly what you do. you guys have to go deal with it and not use me. >> jesse: the great crawl, plus jake ball. [♪♪] [♪♪]
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you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us.
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this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs]
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[♪♪] >> jesse: primetime is getting an inside look at the chinese migrants infiltrating america. this week the fbi director warned that china is throwing
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everything out. >> front and center is trying. the defining threat of our generation. to put it simply, the ccp is throwing it's whole government at undermining the security and economy of the world. >> jesse: if china is throwing everything at us, why are we letting armies of chinese nationals sneak in? over 40,000 chinese slipping into the country. what is joe biden doing about it? >> for the first time i had an engagement with my counterpart from the people's republic of china to ensure that china would begin to accept removal flights and we actually did affect one flight most recently, for the first time in a number of years. >> jesse: 40,000 chinese broke into the country and biden only sent a plane's worth back. is that because the chinese paid the family millions of dollars under the table? now.
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how did 40,000 chinese nationals even get here? it starts in south america. >> this hotel that we stumbled upon by accident is a major hub, a major transit point meeting place for chinese foreign nationals that are on their way to the united states. it's mostly military age males. there are some behind me right now actually. one thing to note is that among all of the foreign nationals entering the united states illegally, the chinese are among the most well-funded and the most sophisticated in the way they go about getting into the united states. >> jesse: who are these chinese migrants? our friends at modric or talked to a chinese alien on his way here. >> do you think that there are chinese spies in america? [ inaudible ] >> high-technology, military field. >> jesse: chinese spies are everywhere, stealing our secrets, driving our senators, even sleeping with our
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congressmen. good this explains why this guy was caught sneaking into a u.s. military base? china operates like the cartel. it's people are under control of the government, no matter where they are in the world. if the migrants disobey china, big trouble for them and their family back home. >> are the chinese police in the united states? >> yes, yes. >> are you worried that the chinese police can find you in the united states? >> yeah. i'm afraid. >> jesse: anthony rubin is the founder of mud raker. when you said that the chinese migrants smuggling was more sophisticated than you'd ever seen, what you mean by that? >> will they have dedicated hubs when you are in south america when you are in columbia. you can see those hotels that they stay out at that are packed full of chinese. i've obtained the logbooks and gone through them and it's just
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all chinese headed to the united states going back months. and then when they get to the united states, of course there are many stops along that journey, but when they get to the united states that have an entire network set up. i'm going to direct the listeners to a website. i shouldn't expose this because they are planning to shut it down once we say it on air but it was set up at least in part by a chinese illegal alien and they give instructions on their as to how to survive as a chinese immigrant in the united states. one of the pieces of instructions on that website is it actually tells you, as an immigrant, how to obtain a firearm in the united states. >> jesse: they are not allowed to. i mean illegal aliens are not allowed to possess firearms. >> that's what you would think. but what they say is they say there's a workaround and in order to work around the framework that gets you -- up -- prevents you from getting a gun, you have to first obtain a hunting license. >> jesse: that is alarming.
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and you also heard the guy say that he's aware of chinese spies here in the united states, he's aware that they are ripping off high-tech military secrets. is that just kind of understood to be the strategy? >> absolutely. i mean these are very sophisticated people. i would be even more concerned about things getting kinetic. if it only stays with them stealing trade secrets, i think that would be a blessing for us but unfortunately the chinese have a history of unrestricted asymmetrical warfare. people can read on guerrilla warfare and can also read unrestricted warfare, put out by two chinese colonels in the chinese liberation the army that talks about how to defeat the united states using tactics such as this. >> jesse: drug warfare, we are already getting crushed with fentanyl, pretty effective without right away. thank you for bringing this to our attention. i hope they shut that down immediately.
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great reporting, thank you as always. anthony rubin. we thought -- saying the moon was a planet made of gas would be the most ridiculous thing we heard this week but then this congresswoman topped it saying black people should not pay taxes. that should be the reparations. where did she get this idea? will of course she heard from a celebrity. >> just this past week i saw, i don't remember which celebrity, but it was a celebrity and i was like that's not necessarily a bad idea but i would have to think through it a lot. one of the things they proposes black folk not having to pay taxes for a certain amount of time because then again that puts money back in your pocket. >> jesse: we've always been open to the reparations conversation but no taxes is insane. oprah, obama, lebron, don't have to pay taxes? i'm 0.1 percent black, i don't have to file? seconds later she realized her
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tax plan is crazy and said maybe we should just cut them checks instead. >> if you do the no tax thing, for people that are already, say, struggling and aren't really paying taxes in the first place, it doesn't really -- exactly. >> those checks like they got. >> exactly. >> jesse: if you are planning on paying your taxes this year, deadline is monday, unless you are hunter biden. jake paul joins prime time. [♪♪] but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts,
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(vo) in three seconds, this couple
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will share a perfect moment. (woman) is that? oh wow! but we got to sell our houses! (vo) well, almost perfect. don't worry. just sell directly to opendoor. (woman) yes! (vo) close in a matter of days. when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: primetime loves a spectacle. we love controversy and nobody in the fighting world is better at stirring the pot then jake paul. originally a youtube sensation, now a boxing star, jake paul's taken on ufc champs like tyrone woodley, nate diaz, but he's stepping it up in class now. [♪♪] >> you heard it right, [ bleep ], i'm fighting mike tyson. [ bleep ].
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>> a bloody right here. >> and not only do i have the honor of fighting one of the two most famous boxers to live -- >> jesse: july 20th jake paul will fight mike tyson at the at&t stadium in texas live on netflix. this will be the event of the summer. iron mike, the youngest heavyweight champ in the history of boxing, a lifetime record of 50 wins and six losses, he's now 57 years old and still training like a beast. >> it's day one. the fun has just begun. day two, i'm getting ready for you. day three, you still want to [ bleep ] with me? day four, you don't know what you've got in store. >> jesse: at nine and one, jake paul doesn't have tysons
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record but he's got youth, he's got power and he's got athleticism. he's only 28 years old and he only took a -- up a boxing four years ago and continues to shock the world. >> mikey, mikey, your hands can't hit what your eyes can see >> jesse: does jake paul have what it takes or is he making a big mistake? tyson was on hannity last week talking smack. >> he's come a long way from youtube. and listen, i've seen youtube of him at 16 doing we are dances, that's not the guy i will be fighting. this guy will come and try to hurt me, which i'm accustomed to, and he's going to be greatly mistaken. >> jesse: jake paul joins me now. thank you for coming on. >> thank you, jesse. i want to give a quick shout out to my mom who's watching. mom, if you are watching this, i
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love you. >> jesse: mom, i want to give you a shout out. i know you are probably not watching but i love you too. so you heard mike. mike says you are making a mistake. what do you say? are you? >> man, i think he's underestimating me. i truly think that. and it's a heavyweight fight so, you know, he's the bigger man but i'm the pastor man. he's the much stronger man but i'm fresh. he's experienced, i'm smart but in the ring he may be smarter so it's a really interesting matchup but i think the whole world and a lot of people see his training videos and yes, he looks like a beast, he's a dog, he's iron mike tyson, but i believe i have what it takes to beat him and i know this is the toughest test of my life and it's an honor to be in there with mike. but at the end of the day, i will be the one who gets my hand raised. >> jesse: we will see. i know i will be watching along with millions of others. you know how he likes to get inside on people. that's his move.
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get inside, kidney, kidney, uppercut. you've seen the results. i don't know if you want to give away your game plan on live tv but what are you going to do? >> yeah, look it's going to be tough. he's the bigger man so you are right, he will be getting inside. i will probably be at chick-fil-a with mr trump trying to gain weight for this fight, but i believe that i have the faster feat and the faster hands so i'm going to be working angles and, you know, i don't mind. mike and have the game plan, i'm still going to win. that's how confident i am in my ability. >> jesse: what happens if tyson bites your ear off? >> he can't bite my year off if i knock his teeth out. [ laughter ] >> jesse: okay. is this an exhibition fight? there's a lot of controversy over how real this is going to be. what's the truth? >> yeah man, it's so annoying.
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people on the internet will believe anything they see or hear. there's been so much misinformation. >> jesse: i can't believe that would happen. >> mike and i want this to be a pro fight, for face shots. we are submitting that request to the commission. it's an all-out war. there have been all these fake videos about not being able to hit each other, big gloves, all of that stuff, and it's all, as trump would say, fake news. >> jesse: you do have a big event coming up in november. maybe not as big as this fight this summer between you and mike. if biden put the gloves on and trump put the gloves on, what do you think would happen? >> i mean trump wouldn't even have to punch him. biden would just fall over from the wind. [ laughter ] >> jesse: all right, we will leave it there. >> and trump, if you are watching this, i know you used to promote tyson, so i would
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love to have you at the fight. of course the silver fox parent trump. we've got tickets. >> jesse: you have tickets for "jesse watters primetime"? >> i've got you man, of course, come on. >> jesse: what you've been very successful, everybody is getting ready for this fight live on netflix. jake paul, mike tyson. >> the first-ever live professional sporting event on netflix and most valuable promotions did that in less than three years of business so it's a testament to me and my partner and jesse, thank you for having me as always and i will put on a show and i promise to my fans that i will come out with the w and do the unthinkable and show the world that no matter what the odds are, no matter if it's mike tyson, in less than four years, you can become the best in the world it something. >> jesse: if you beat him i don't know who you will fight next. that will be a tough call. >> anybody. anybody anywhere anytime anyplace. >> jesse: it's a challenge. jake paul, thank you and good
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[♪♪] >> jesse: let's do waters mike cooler and bring in fox news host. tonight the white house state dinner with japan which we were not invited to >> oddly. >> jesse: but we got a look inside. your are the arrivals. we have the food, there's a larry is with dougie fresh looking very fresh. how do you think kamala harris looks? >> i think she looks lovely. >> jesse: you are very kind. what is hillary wearing there? bmx some sort of komodo. looks like a mumu dress to may
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but let's talk about this lady. i love all natural women, don't you? >> jesse: this is jeff bezos fiancé. >> this is what you can buy with all that money. >> jesse: this is robert de niro, i guess that's his girlfriend. and that is janet yellen but not janet yellen's husbands, that is that yellen's work husband, deborah terry -- deputy secretary to the treasury. there we go. it's going to be a feast and maybe if trump is reelected we will get to go. >> i was just going to say. we will need another president to get in invitation. you would need an eviction notice. >> jesse: women do not want us to fix their problems, they just want us to listen. >> whenever i talk about something to my boyfriend and i have something to rant about and something did not go well, all i want to here is yes, you did well, good job. but every single time i tell my boyfriend he's like this is the logical way to solve this and
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here's the solution. and i'm like no, i don't want you to fix my problems, i just want you to tell me that i did good. like hello. >> jesse: like hello. >> oh my god, like, i can't stand it when girls go on on social media and they talk like that because i seriously want to punch him in the face. >> jesse: it's true though, right? you don't want us to fix your problems. >> absolutely not. i want to man. if i wanted a woman i would be gay. i don't need a man to sit there, a doormat, a placemat that i can walk all over. i want you to tell me what i'm doing wrong. if i'm screwing up, tell me. >> jesse: you want us to fix stuff and solve things? >> i want you to give me an intelligent response and not just sit there. >> jesse: i thought you just wanted us to nod and say i hear you. >> no, i actually want a man but here's the problem because there aren't really any real men these days so the young women don't really know one. >> jesse: maybe if you guys were a little more clear. >> i should be a little more straightforward. i will try. >> jesse: finally, sorry
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ladies, the tournament is over but sports aren't. >> this message is for the wipes out there. now that march madness is over, there's a black woolen sports it doesn't really get filled until football season so we latch onto whatever sports we can until july when it all goes [ bleep ] so your husband will probably watch hockey which is weird i know. when we put on a game on a monday and also tuesday and wednesday, don't ask is how long it will go on. a long time. the patient. my advice is, lean into it. go do your thing and let us do our thing. >> jesse: this really is a tough time for us, until preseason football. >> no, i would live in separate houses for three months if i had to listen to football for three more months on top of whatever. i can't stand sports. are you a sportsperson? >> jesse: mis boards person? >> are you big into football? are you obsessed with it like some of these guys? >> jesse: i watch football.
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he's right though, you do have the masters and then the kentucky derby. >> and you like the eagles you are one of those? >> jesse: you are learning that men like sports. >> all i know is they have a prison other stadiums so it says a lot. >> jesse: you know more than you lead on. thank you so much. >> of course. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: sometimes you meet somebody and you think wow, i know this person. and then midway through the conversation they hit you with something and you are like i did not know that, that changes everything i thought about them. lesson, anybody could be anything. let's do texts. merry from westchester, new york. napoleon said that history is a set of lies agreed upon. biden maybe a historian after all. [ laughter ] >> jesse: dale from nevada, biden's legacy makes carter look like you should be on mount
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rushmore. joe from alabama, 30 milkshakes? did trump use a straw to drink them? we are investigating whether straws were used and will report back to you tomorrow. we are not afraid of condemning the presidents straw use. leader from virginia, jake paul will pulverize mike tyson, just like lennox lewis did. sal from massachusetts, i hope jake takes those diamond earrings out or mike will make his tooth. michael from florida, jesse, and i give a shout out to my mom too? love you mom. love you mom! love julie's mom, i love you too. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> sean: welcome to hannity. we start with a fox news alert. at this hour we are monitoring live pictures from the biden whitehouse where president joe


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