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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  April 11, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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man, how many bathroom trips are you making each day? try super vader advanced the number one selling formula and it's category made with prost. defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to find it at wal-mart or these retailers. >> welcome to fox nation, a place where we look to the future and close to our past. this is fox nation, where all of america's stories are told sign up and start streaming today thanks to bighig man river swams toi kennedy had ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening,ngra everyone, i am laura ingraham, and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. radical protestersr jo confrontf the mat confronting senator josh hawley.
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it is all caught on camera and he idebus here to tell his sidef the story. what a mess plus bunking bidenomics, the administration's latest lieies buocust first, dot leave them here that is the focus of tonight's "angle.". now, this is the lovely caravan, doesn't that sound fun makingor its wadey through mexico to the southern border. enthousands more to add to the millions biden and alejandro mayorkas waved into the united states. now comeou i thought about this today, that is what the public schools, just what the at ohospitals, just what the homeless shelters, what those schools into programs already overflowing need, moreoo people with more problems.wi if you hadn't noticed, look around you, we are all full up with problems. but of course, you have noticed because americans are upset and enraged with the white house has done to the country by opening the borders to everyoneri including the morsmie harden knn
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criminals.out now, from the beginning, whenever they were suppressed about the border, they immediately started lying and of course, blame shifting. now, first, you remember it wasn't a crisis at the border arena. thenthank you, kamala harris, at was president trump's fault forh not agreeing to support what was in the endion a bogus immigratn bill that would have kept the flow coming. now, all along, they were lying. they were so desperate to flood the country with undocumented democrats and cheap workers for their donors, that the white house completely misread e the electorate. now with theirmage own eyes, we americans have seen the damage the biden border policy has done to our communities.te yet the administration andnt its minions claim consistently that the president didn't have the power to stop it. >> it is foltz to say president biden has the necessary authority to securee
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the border. speak with the president i trying to make it clear no executive action would have that effect. >> laura: we laughed out loud every time we heard it because we don't believe everyone is stupid and obviously the trump x administration did figure out how to secure the border andders make mexico a part of the solution. >> we have come to an understanding with respect ton rehow those coming to the t united states to seek asylum can remain in mexico during the time of dependency of their >> laura: [applause] that was such a great tone. and now, wouldn't you know thef biden staff sent him to univision to prepare liberals for the once unt unthinkable. the prospect, can you imagine actually turning away the large of migrants at the border and biden actually doing it? well, he reportedly invoked the section 2f that gives then to
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president discretion and why distraction to block entry ofe certain immigrants if it ides determined they are detrimental to the national interest. it must have killed the website axios to concede that if biden really does it, really does it, he would be taking a page fromdn former president trump, who himself relied on ellipse in section 212f to fix the border mess. what is clear here? whatever they end up doing, itil is not biden making the decision. it isions his political people. >> have you made a finalo at decision on taking executive order in terms of what you want to do at the border? >> there is no guarantee that i have that power all by myself withougislt legislation. anselm adjusted i just go aheadh try it and if get shut down by the court i get shut down by the court. we are trying to work throughe i
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that. >> laura: are his eyes even'm open during the interview? they look close. at this point, i'm not even sure he knows he is lying but that was a life. of course, there will be lawsuits, mr. president, but given what has happened to the company, there is no federal court and i'm talking staff wits biden and obama appointees, no federal court will second-guess the white houslye making the caf that is desperately needed toac severely restrict border crossovers. now, the fact iss th open bordes though is the preferred policy. i've been telling you this for years. this is their policy.en in the 2020 campaign, don't forget that president trump warned voters that biden would open the floodgates, and aftereo all, he was all but promising he would do that.n >> we don't need a wall. i would end this notion for the in history that people seeking asylum have to be in squalor on the other side ofw thhie river, and no one, no onen
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would be put in jail waiting for their hearing. >> undocumented immigrants arrested by local police be turned over to immigration officials? >> no. >> lauaura: their plan all along was to speed up, not slow down the mass importation of foreigners into the united states. now, theirn was compassion wasr directed or the concern neverre focused on the s american people who, at the time, by the way comeaux was still struggling with the covid lockdowns. it was reserved for the million> of fraudulent asylum-seekers. >> we will institute responses and that means rebuilding capacity we need to safely and quickly process asylum-seekers. without creating near-term crisis. >> laura: process somewhere? process them in the country except m not martha's vineyard r new york or chicago, never there. only to florida an wd texas. but he talked about we want to
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ever a short-term crisis? he and his open borders fanatics created a long-term crisis, but to them come up course american safety, that is irrelevant.ra a haitian migrant pushed 15-year-old disabled girl in a a bed and rating the teen. >> confirming gutierrez withd se aggravated murder and he is ankp illegal immigrant deported seven times he keeps finding his way back to the county. >> he was arrested earlier this week on several sex offense charges. elnow i.c.e. telling the man was from el salvador and a consul my constant cycle of being arrested, deported and coming back to the u.s. o they went but is he registered to vote?does just kidding, kind of pure nevei forget the biden white house doesn't care about these trageds until it begins to hurt them politically and, boy it is hurting them now.
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but they are generally unfazed about the issue, that theyhe r t even bother knowing the real numbers. >> l>> how many cutaways have te been since congress? we will provide that data to you. >> laura: by the way, that was today. he's been in there, what, three years? isn't his job to know the numbers? if this bunch does anything onr the border winning in november rigwill be their only motivati. they are not doing it because ie is the right thing to do or they want to protect the country but they want to protect their power. f heheaven for bed if joe bidens reelected, if he is, his dhs coc promise you will simply return to the catch and release policy of the past three years. there is only one presidential candidate in this race with any credibility within a trackrst record, a proven track record, h
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putting at the border. his economic and foreign policy as well and that is donald trump, and that is "the angle." rizona aa rancher and arizona ad tom homan former acting i.c.e. under trump. tom, let's start with 17.5 million illegals and that is what we kno, sow of. i'have come under biden in jim's ranch we will talk to him in a moment. and he i's the fs considering ee reaction? bowhat would he have to do to prove his bona fide? >> remain in mexico in play.said the highest courts in the land saidin remain in mexico is lega. it was a game changer with the trump administration.o. we could have done that three years ago. look, the monologue is excellent and i will have to steal it because you did a better than iy can do it, but the only reasonot they are talking about it now is because of the election. three and a half years and they didn'tgoin do a single thing anw
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an election, he will do something. but e i agree with you 100%, ife was to win reelection, the day i after the reelection thattion borders back open again. i'm hesitant if you will takerd any action. we will wait and see but hiswe actions speak louder than words. i don't think he will take executive action.use we will see. >> laura: i agree, that is all messaging here jimt on come i hy that when you go out on your ranch now you always do carry a handgun. tell us about what life is like on the arizona border. >> my greatest fear is running into cartel led people coming through with guns, ak-47 was.hil >> laura: when you are in your truck or vehicle in yourh. traversing your very large ranc and you have 5 miles on theu border itself, what are you t regularly finding that american> would be shocked to learn about?
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>> i have five motion activated cameras. >> laura: this is the ranch we are showing on the screen, by the way. >> in the last three years, i p have collected 3,050 images of people in camouflage, carpet shoes, and similar backpacks. i am sure and told at least 20% are packing drugs to come into our country to poison our people. >> laura: now,en you hear about what the biden administration is thinking on about doing on the border. does that give you any comfort, jim? >> no. they were so many people coming through that they are busy processing people. i haven't seen a border patrol agent on the ranch proper for a over four months. >> laura: what? do you reach out to them and say where the heck are you or anyone call the office?, >> essentially, ththe border
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patrol guys tell me, there are nothing but text the agents picking people coming across the border and wanting to be apprehended, processed, and released into the country. >> lauranow,: now, that is the t whole in the border that tha actually is in your ranch. they were as the fence or whatever com you want to call t, and then that is where they comi through? >> that is one spot. in the end of the wall is on our ranch. it proceeded from out east and on biden's first day in office, he stopped it and they had ads half mile to go on my ranch.he >> laura: oh, my goodness, who tom, this is a heartbreak tor year. this is one ofne many stories tt people own land at or near the border. yet, the secretary of the hs today was called out for actually trying to the mislead e
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public on the number of deportations that are actually being carried out.have watch this. >> you said 630,000 have been returned, that is not accurate. the actual i.c.e. deportations is 142,580. alrejel those other people that arare talking about was rejected at the border. these are not the 14vati deportations, and you complete those two numbers, and it is aggravating to me that you doxat that. >> laura: tom, they knowt? exactly what they are doing, do they not?y just like the bidenomics is so great that people can afford groceries. >> it is another light, here is a cabinet member lying under rrecoath. you know that number is incorrect. at the same time, historic illegal immigration. i.c.e. numbers are historic numbers in the history of the program. but hang on until january because we will secure the border, and we will run the
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largest deportation operation you have ever seen and we will give you safe and come for onoig your home property, guaranteed. >> laura: jim come ion t will a you a question that has nothingo do with this topic because your beautiful wife is here, and you have been married for 60 --. >> 60 years. >> laura: 60 years! i what is a secret? >> my wife is right and when she is absolutely wrong come i refen back to number oneod. >> laura: those are the twok rules, right? us andou for being with telling your story. this is not tht the america youw up in but i hope we can get the america pac, jim and tom,on thank you. coming up senator hawley confronted by pro hamas craziess >> and you believe it? >> i have to stand up against call out yourn ne pro-hamas rhetoric. >> laura: he is here to respond next.
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♪ ♪ >> [overlapping voices]eo >> you are supporting genoocide! >> you are here to try --
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>> laura: are there crows flying around? tod wow!josh more from the safe human of the crowd to dave accosting josh hawley, who is, by the way, one of the least pro-war senators o tn capitol hill. you may have noticed the palms of their hands were painted orda dipped. it looks liksoe red ink or red paint or something.ut why is that? thathey didn't rebill their thinking as to why, but we do know back in 2,000, two idf soldiers who made a wrong turn in the west bank and then were intercepted by bloodthirsty mob that went on to torture theseolc idf soldiers and then murder them at a police station. one of the gunmen even spoke to one of the soldiers wives onthe phone reportedly telling her,an "we are slaughtering your husband now." and apparently, the mob loved it. aone of the soldiers noticed he
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was covered in the blood of the soldiers he had strangled andwa stabbentd them. but he knew what the crowd windwanted to. he walked over to a window and held up his bloody hands. they cheered, then the bodies on those soldiers were thrown out of the police station and desecrated. so perhaps the next time you see one of those pro-hamas, edgy protesters holding up their red hands and wailing about how they are for peace and human rights, you might remember this image and the story. joining me now, senator josh hawley. senator, pay for the most part are following around the biden campaign. i believe they will be aere' pry big presence at the democraticno national convention this summer. what is their beef with you here? >> well, there beef with me as i am pro-israel. that is the long and short ofen it, laura. i have tchano tell you, i enjoyd
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the exchange. because when you point out to them that they were funded by china, coping, paid for c protesters funded by the chinese communist party and they come from china, dark many groups and then it goes topleo code pik and these are people that can't admit the uighurs are in internment camps and they say israel is a terrorist state which might give me a break! astroturf wackos is what theyar are and it is time they got called out. >> laura: while the radicalsael. are angry at people who are pro-israel, the billionaires are very happy, senator, with the biden campaign, the biden victory fund received 246 figure donations back in 2023. according to forbes, 25% of the country's billionaires donated to biden in 2020 compared to only 14% for trump here and so my question to you, although trump habig s billionaires no dt
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supporting him last weekend, but what i s it that the globalist get billionaires are getting fromfr ombiden that the filmic they are worried about not getting from v trump? >> the globalist billionaires are investing in making china theand america pour appear thep betting on the demise of the united states. these are the same people who sent our jobs to mexico in the same people who have movedden industry over seas. at the samey people who love the biden climate agenda where we pay then chinese to make electrical vehicles that no american wants and sell it back to us mark upha while we decimate auto jobs in the auto industry. it is all the same people. these billionaires and wall street love it and they make money off of it is making money off of the demise of america. they love the biden policy. the problem is, it is destroying the country, bankrupting the country and destroying the working class of the country. internal troubles and that is why they oppose him. >> laura: despite what we know
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is this effort to repair relations with china and placate the chinese in any way they can. thine fbi director had a chilli warning yesterday. >> front and center is china,t f the defining threat of our generation. if you took every single one of the fbi's cyber agents and intelligence analysts and focus them exclusively on china,i china's hackers would still outnumber fbi cyber personnel by at least 50-1.nato >> laura: senator, when you send janet yellen over there to gap her flap with president xi, and again, all of these busines men, u.s. ceos go over therean and have dinner with him and suck up to him, and this is what the fbi director is saying. this is bad news. >> it is terrible news, but you know, chris wray, whatime. is he doing with his time? if china is the number one threat, why is t he focuses on
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sitting fbi to the doors of the protesters who want to merge for their faith and demonstrate peacefully and he has s.w.a.t. ing team showing up at their doe in the morning to terrorize them? come on! let's put our priorities where they ought to be pure if china is the number one threat, let's start acting like it.ions why are we sending hundreds of billions of dollars to ukraine if china is the number one sam global threat? i mean, these people need to gen on the same page here. let's admit it come if china has the top threats, let's start acting like it. chris wray and the biden administration don't leave it and they are not doing anythin g to keep america safe. they are granting political access and trying to destroy the political opponents. >> laura: senator, i am glad t you survived the code pink aeric and you didn't wear pink tie, why is that? up time for americans about theh economy, but that is not stopping joe biden spin, that is next.
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>> laura: no as "the angle" predicted, there is no way with trillions in the list spending,t the biden brain trust whittled down inflation. it couldn't happen. a new government report showse o how bidenomics continues to r ravage theos family budget.wa the consumer price index rose 3.5% froore m a year ago. thatexpe is more than the so-cad experts predicted. now, of course, the numbers don't lie,, but president bide, you be the judge. have>> look but we have dramatiy reduced inflation 9% over the course from 3% and we are in a situation where we are i n ang better situation than when wade took office and inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it. >> laura: it looks like the eclipse was still happening over him.s.
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forget bidenomics. this iseieenomics. inflation was sitting at 1.4%, l wasn't 6%, 7% and sure as wasn't 9% s. and his claim that people are better situated now? i guess if you think that having to skip lunch or breakfast to pay your bills as progress.r >> do you think you are better off for four years ago?d, >> four year is ago.e >> it has tripled them it is i ridiculous. i feel like most of them american public is in trouble in trouble. >> crazy high come i go get a sandwich for $7 now and i used to be pegging $3.50 back in 202. >> disposal income is on thee decline. do abs you think things are more expensive now? >> absolutely! >> laura : here are the price increases facing americans, look at this medicare up 6% over the
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last three years, really, payroll, up 10% from a shelterw 20%, food at home 21%, new carsu 19% and even used car is .4%, and of course, gas prices, we know what those are from a 50% up when biden took office. >> what do you say to the families, not just latino families but families across ths country that don't feel economic growth and job creations threflecting on the pockets? it is not yet but 50 million jobs we pee created more than ay president and the time. matt, 4.5 million were latinos,. 4.5 more than any other time. >> laura: i swear there are people laughing at the back check. according to snopes, biden's net gain from pre-pandemic job5.5 levels is just $5.5 million.ou and if you dig deeper into that jobs report, you see that more than 8.6 million americans have to work multiple jobs just to get by now.
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i can this is not a messaging problem, this is a biden policy problem. and there is only one way back to growth, prosperity, safety,eu and yeah, freedom. yet, they want to put the guynd that can help us get there behind bars. think about that. joining me byron donalds, financial services committee, congressman, they are stru struggling, people are, toessi afford basic necessities. c i haven't seen this since it was a little girl during the carter era, but you see it.h an and people's eyes are filled today with anxiety when they are not angry. >> 100% because people can afford to do the basic things to all of this stems from theelos massive overspending, from of tjoe biden, nancy pelosi,s. chuck schumer when they were in charge of the entirewhen governt for two years. when you t masterfully spend massiv ce spending, that money comes from somewhere and it
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comes from the purchasing powerl of every american. look, if you are rich, you will figure a way to work it out. but if you're working poor, middle-income families, who have fallen behind massively so because everything is upy do inr wages are actually down when yot goint to go to the store. americans can't continue like this. e a realave to hav economic agenda, and you have tp have a serious plan on spending to curtail that so the american people are allowed to thrive anh prosper. >> laura: ron klain come i don't agree with much buy.t he s actually smart guy i thin charge of -w - well i thinkhe he was working for biden/obama but now he is worried about the reelection strategy they putingn plac oe that is missing the mar. politico obtained audio of ron klain sync the president is out there too much talking about bridges. if you go to the grocery store, eggs, milk, the fact that there is a bridge in the tape apparently cuts out.
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congressman, is he on to something? he wants them reelected. he has been paid a lot of money over the years to deliver the good and bad news to the democrats, but ron klain even sees it. >> he is not wrong, but what are they going to do them abandonedg their political agenda? stop massive green new deal according to wall street, $2.3 trillion for solar panels and windmills, frankly we don't need? we wil andl send that money to t and power the chinese against our own interest at home? the democrats and joe biden have r issue. they were able to accomplish a lot of their domestic agenda, and it sucks, and it is hurting the american people at home. so they can't give up the agenda because i have to tell people they were wrong. what we have to do is be very simple. we need toe. be energy dependent at home. we need to be exporting energy around the h we have to cut regulations in d.c. and cut spending in d.c.,'s allow the economy to flourish,r actually secure the border.
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that is th peoe recipe for succs for the american people, not politicians, for the americanco people. that is the recipe. >> lauraovel: will some of yourf colleagues have novel ideas that will share with you tonight. one of them from congressman jasmine crockett and in her view about what would be fair goingul forward. watch. >> i don't remember which celebrity, but it was actually a celebrity. i was like um i don't know that that is necessarily a bad idea. black folk not have to pay taxes and not only do you over the labor that was stolen, killed i all the other things, right? but the fact is we end up being so farha n'buto think that america doesn't owe to is an error. >> laura: congressman, this fould be a new way o formulating an old idea which would be reparations. >> it is a bad idea. it doesn't work and how do you delineatwhe who gets money or wt does not or jasmine's perspective who pays taxes and who does not?
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that is a major problem but atr the end of the day whayot you wt is an economic system whether black, hispanic, white, doesn't matter. h son ability to judge the mic to build generational wealth so you can pas bs it onto your . that is a conversation we should be having but when you have crazy economic agenda from the democrats and joe biden, it is not possible for people to getgr ahead and pass and build asset growth and pass on generationalh wealth! i that is not going to work, but i will tell you when it did work, under the trump economy. under the trump economy whether black, hispanic, white, everybody was getting ahead. you were able to increase net worth. >> laura: 2019 was people would be able to buviy ao house in young families moving into the neighborhood. o live in aman. micro-apartment. great to see you aeat s always. if you are worried about the dangers of big government, wait until they use the power of artificial intelligence. a new warning from elon musk
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next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪the >> laura: no, we have all heard a lot abouof at the danget and the threats of artificialth atintelligence, but elon musk jt put it into context fo r i think a context everyone can understand. >> if you find agi as a human
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smuggling to i think it is probably the end of next year but within two years. is it smarter than all humans working together who are alsompt using computers to augment their operative. i think that is probably fivean years away. n th>> laura: that is unsettlin. comes on the heels of a new "wall street journal" report where japan's top telecom country and largest newspaper joinedat together to warn what will happen if artificial intelligence is left unchecked. and the worst-case scenario, democracy and social order could collapse resulting in wars here that is all for joining me now is john, policy director at the s project anda ple loceo conjecture, connor, a lotf people don't get what that says. except they will write essays for you. but what it is all the danger of aei that people are talking about here? >> i think one of the first most
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important things to understand is ai is very different from traditional software. when we talk about software lik you might use on your computer, it is written with code. you have programmers write code, instructions to tell the t ancomputer what to do like te, you can read and understand what you are telling it to do. this is not how ai works. ai is more like organic. you have these huge pile of data on these massive supercomputers, and you kind of grow a program on your and the way that this program looks, it is kind of like a bunch of numbers. these numbers don't make sensen to us humans. it is kind of looking at athey petri dish. if you execute the numbers and run themthin on your computer, y can do things like chatgpt or generation of where we don't know how they actually work. if you take this seriously and we use these things to makes dosmarter and smarter systems ih can do more and more things thad
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can understand more and more complex tasks and can perform those things, well, currently we heard elon musk telling usll hii thinksll human level intelligenw who come in a couple of years. hai will ask the question, if we know something smaller to make smarter at all humans, better ae deception, manipulation, politics, science, business andt everything else and we d don't know how to control it, which we currentlhay don't, why do youha think will happen? >> laura : what happens toom humanset at that point?ll you are talking about your hometown iovern illinois and ala jobs moved overseas because, of course you can make cheap stuff in the asia. they lost their manufacturinw, g and now, now this. >> i don't think our leaders are really wrestling with what could actually happen. certainly folks likeng t elon ml and i love him for bidingltim twitter to make it a free-speech place, but while thereth ultimately they are notne thinking about wha tt can happen and the jurassic park line where they are thinking about what shouthey can do but not necessai whatnd they should do.
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the scary thing here, what kind of guard rails will we put in place? will we put ai in charge of nuclear arsenals, biolab's?id we-1 saw covid-19 and what happs with science. so that is the fear here. washington doesn't seem to be taking it very seriously. >> laura: also, connor, you think about ai generated news. we are in the opinion business on this show and break a lot ofo news as well, but what happens when that gets written in order to control a population or stoke passions within a population and divisions within that population and it moves at lightning speed? that is another thing beyond nuclear weapons, which is the end of times as we know them. but before we get there come a lot of other things would have to happen, correct? >> of course, the technology ise incrediblydi powerful for psychological warfare. the systems that are used today
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by domestic and international actors to produce artificial videos, voice cloning tech technology. pro can currently, accessible to anyone watching this program online.yo you can buy from company software that allows 152nd clip of anyone's voice and clone it and make them say anything youro want. perfectly realistic and thisnsun already a probm for consumers but what do you think more technologist currently being developed and it is possible to so meet someone online. you talk them for a whole year and get to know them and send pictures back and forth. so one. this person ever existed.og it was ai all along. this technology already exist today and being used already to form narrativeons to push divisn and so on.rse. it is already starting. it is only going to get worse,h especially when we have multiple systems interacting with each other. >> laura: and competing with each other. >> exactly. >> laura: john, what do wen't need to do?is s congress needs to get involved.
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i'm a libertarian. this is a case where we need smart regulations if there is such a thing, but something has to happen. >> democrats are looking at this how do we weaponize this in her favor and sensitive ohmic sensor republicans? i am afraid they haven't figured theythat out and they are invitg peoples from think tank to testify on ai. we need toseri hold ai creators accountable and ultimately makae sure they are not censoring folks and putting out dei/ai.whn >> laura: to his point, they the can send funny videos and there has to be a stamp that can't bec taken off of that voice, correch her smirk and my onto something, connor where you can't take itia off of the actual visual voice? there are always ways around that because ai can figure out how to get around it. john and conor, we can do a whole hour on this and i know we willma in the future. biden barely discernible andevid maybe we need ai to help us but
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lots of content and the pop-culture is targeting nuns. raymond arroya, not aei, explains it all in "seen and unseen."
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" where wefor reveal the stories behind the headlines. return to fox news contributor, raymond arroya. raymond, earlier, we showed biden's meeting wi the japanese prime minister. >> yeah, but there were somet pe important moments that i that people didn't see on the nightln news, laura. the only thing that would makehw biden less clear if actually he was speaking japanese. >> error com commitment to the defense of japan and article five, including the islands. next question. who do i call on next? hang on a second, i have my list here. hang on, i apologize.
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in distinct and tied to the hostages, there are a number of hostages being held by hamas. >> laura: oh, my god, biden, a biden. every movement is scripted and preplanned, raymond's command that looks like the solar eclipse was coming again. what was that big shadow? >> but this is the problem, thil is exactly the problem, laura.,o you saw the president when he motioned to the staff on thether other side of the greenery there. >> laura: help, help! >> what we are witnessing the frightening campaign of all time where the staff is petrified that the president's confusion will be exposed in a major way. >> laura: and by the way, your recent reports, raymond, on the kitchen table campaign where he goes and has food with people confirmed today by nbc news and they wrote that the president may his recent battleground
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campaign didn't draw major croww spoke critically for the biden campaign produced a lot of content.s the campaign is focused on reaching disengaged voters with digital content and apparently ones who eat food in the biden economy which is expensive. speak with the visits with the black families, italian families and even prepping for the masteh children, apparently.>> g >> okay, you were going to challenge me? [laughs] there we go. [applause] >> laura, you notice how every presidential reaction and responses just wow, holy mackerel! no policy is engaged we are theh only policy you can discuss here is how he is getting rid ofso title ix so boys can compete
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against girls. >> laura: he is not gettingg ririd of it but there might be a massaging of the rules here at raymond, i kept thinking we would see the windmill there ate snow cone.leas >> at least it would be a distraction from what they are saying. the latest biden strategy to wii back latino voters appear they are booking highly scripted spanish language interviews. they prayed that they pruniv unn overdub will save him. listen to the raw here first. >> spending a lot of timetime thinking about what your legacyo would look like? >> i hope th e legacy is that i kept my word. that the reason i was running was to help change the life of ordinary people and reduce ther prospect of war. because of vietnam. >> he needs a drink of water, laura. but now, watch how he sounds
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when dubbed earlier in the >> [speaking non-english language] >> suddenly he's tony bent darrow's and fluid and has the wonderful pattern and rhythm, it is ridiculous! >> laura: that was quite peppy. talk about the pulp pop-culture trend targeting nuns, how brave. >> and the fate that these nunsu embrace inns italy. there is a new ad that features a nun who places communion hosts s.with potato chips. the ad and sparking outrage. the italian ad standards agencyi calling for the ad to be taken off of the air, laura.eous this is outrageous and blasphemous. the catholics believe the host i is the body and blood of jesus christ. it is not a snack. >> laura: raymond, anything
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religious is for them to my main, you have to ridicule because anything that speaks toa the almighty has to be ridiculed an d ridiculed again.i me that is what they do. n okay, it is not anything we haven't heard before. >> continuing that trend, rihanna onring the magazine dree as a nun and if the spirit halloween bargain rack and trashing none shoot ontras social media. thiss the last refuge ofoulf evy desperatthe act. >> laura: more nun since for the nonthinker appeared raymond, great to see you and i have to >> carley: a fox news alert, focus on adversaries abroad as president biden gears up to confront china with leaders of japan and philippines today. >> todd: and ira


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