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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  April 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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main, you have to ridicule because anything that speaks toa the almighty has to be ridiculed an d ridiculed again.i me that is what they do. n okay, it is not anything we haven't heard before. >> continuing that trend, rihanna onring the magazine dree as a nun and if the spirit halloween bargain rack and trashing none shoot ontras social media. thiss the last refuge ofoulf evy desperatthe act. >> laura: more nun since for the nonthinker appeared raymond, great to see you and i have to >> carley: a fox news alert, focus on adversaries abroad as president biden gears up to confront china with leaders of japan and philippines today. >> todd: and iran signals it
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could carry out a strieg on israel after a top commander was killed last week. >> carley: and fbi director christopher wray says he can't remember a time when we faced so many threats on our national secu security. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. and a warning to the country. lucas. >> lucas: the southern border, china, war on gaza and threats to china. christopher wray says the world is a dangerous place right now. the fbi director said looking back in my career in law enforcement, i would be hard pressed to think of when so many threats were so elevated all at once. wray says the u.s. opens a new investigation into china every 10 hours.
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some investigations could be open in the united states after a surge of nationals crossed into the united states. two marine corps bases. 6000% increase. on capitol hill, not everyone is convinced the fbi director is taking threats serious enough. >> if china is the u.s. number one threat, why is he going after peaceful protesters and he has swat members showing up to terrorize them. put our priorities where they ought to be. if china is number one threat, start acting like it. why are we sending millions of dollars to ukraine if china is our number one global threat. if china is the top threat, let's start acting like it. they are not doing anything to
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keep america safe, they are trying to there political opponents. >> lucas: the fbi director is before a house panel this afternoon. >> carley: thank you so much. ing to to fox news alert, president biden will host leaders at the white house today. president biden and japanese prime minister say they are deepening military alliansz in the face of threats. >> president biden: it is a defensive alliance and things we discussed today improve cooperation and are about defense and readiness. >> carley: one goal of the summit is to strengthen america and ties to japan and highlight deepening trilateral cooperation between japan and the
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philippines. >> todd: president biden says executive order will shut down our southern border could be on the table. >> president biden: i suggested we are examining whether or not i have that power. have that power all by myself without legislation. and some have suggested i should go ahead and try it and if i get shut down by the court, i get shut down by the court. >> todd: former president trump is calling his bluff. crooked joe wants to turn illegal migrants into voting citizens. day one i will deport crooked joe illegals and shut the border down. there have been 1 upon.8 million known gotaways since president biden took office. >> carley: streets of new
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orleans are wauchled by flood waters. several roads and underpasses are impassable after heavy rain drenched the city. on the north shore, tornado ripping through the city of s sl slydell. several people hurt and hundreds homes and businesses are damaged. >> todd: a car flipped on his side, emergency crews found a woman trapped inside and were able to pull her to safety. the city has not seen this much damage since hurricane katrina in 2005. and a trailer levelled to the ground, a tornado ripped the trailer from anchors and flipped it several times before it landed like this destroyed. severe weather is heading east and threatening to delay the masters tournament in georgia. all eyes on that. senior meteorologist janice dean
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is here with the forecast. >> janice: rough day yesterday, national weather service storm prediction center did a great job honing in where we think the severe storms are going to land and they did across portions of southeastern texas, mississippi, alabama, several reports of tornados and winds in excess of 75 mile per hour, hurricane force winds, you saw video of cars flipped over and flooding potential, that is moving eastward toward areas that are experiencing a big golf tournament. we will follow that. i think later this afternoon, the conditions will improve, the morning will be dicey. severe storm threat from florida to ohio river valley, interior northeast, we could see potential for tornados, as well. have a way to get watches and warnings, this will affect a lot of population here. top rain totals, close to 10
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inches in a matter of hours in louisiana and texarkana. we are seeing the incredible amounts of flooding in this region, rain still to come, one to two inches in shofrt period of time, it won't be the deluge we saw across texas and louisiana. we could see potential for flooding concerns. eastern third of the country messy today and tomorrow as the system moves eastward. florida up to the ohio valley, se sections of the mid-atlantic. we will see travel delays throughout the day today for millions of folks as that system continues to move eastward. we will watch the forecast in augusta. when is that supposed to start? >> todd: later this morning, might be tough. >> janice: will they postpone it? >> todd: they will try to get it
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in. >> janice: and lightning, storms contain a lot of lightning. >> todd: they try to avoid to play on monday, they want to do thursday, friday, saturday and sunday. >> janice: if they need a weather gal, they can call me. >> carley: thank you. numbers are in and everything you need costs you even more last month and members of the main-stream media know this is bad for president biden's reelection campaign. we'll be talking to a small business owner about all this coming up next. >> todd: talking about the weather in augusta and previewing the golf. round one and rounds two, three andure fo, heavy favorites, who is going to win this thing? pga tour play-by-play announcer doug bell, we will ask him what time he thinks this will happen. don't go anywhere. "fox and friends first" on this masters thursday, don't go
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>> todd: inflation is still hot with consumer prices up 3.5% in march. joe biden says don't blame him, i'm calling cocorporations, including grocery retailers to use record profit to reduce prices. fighting inflation remains my top economic priority. places hit hardest, honolulu, hawaii and cities in florida and california, st. louis, missouri, dallas, texas and the seattle area. the owner of a small business in
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seattle joins us now. march inflation numbers probably feel like someone is kicking you while you are down. how tough is it to turn a profit right now? >> very hard. the profit is going lower and lower. i'm surprised prices are going up everyday like double and we don't make any money. instead of biden focusing and giving money to ukraine and israel, focus and give people money. take out package and throw it in the seat. they should focus on inflation and everything become double prices, gas and food and everything, the homeless problem in seattle, they should help people afford houses and medical assi assistance and things like that. biden doesn't focus. >> todd: you heard in my introduction, he lays the blame
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on what he calls big corporate america. what do you think think when you hear that? >> i think i'm american, i'm ashamed he is my president. i'm like, i see him, i was like, no, that is the wrong guy and please no, he shouldn't. he don't know anything, he don't help with the economy. everything is going like, gas is double, food is double, i can't raise prices, if i do that, my customer will not come, you know what i'm saying? people take our money in taxes and just throw it somewhere else and never help the people help like if i want to do reduce inflation, if you want to do it, he will do it, i don't think you want to do it though. >> todd: defeat on his part to an extent. you mention prices, here is what you use in the cafe, coffee up
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19%, milk up 15%, bread up 23%. and eggs are up a staggering 52%. cost of hiring workers, for you and so many others is through the roof. what kind of pressure does that put on you when you can't hire workers and you have to do everything by yourself. what kind of life pressure does that put on you? >> it is suffering, i can't see my kids as much as i used to. i work seven days a week. i leave and come home seven days a week. i cannot afford to play people $20 an hour. everything expensive, eggs and things. salsa price went from $9 to $12. and second day it went to $19,
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more than 50% in couple days. things going crazy and where is k the control, where is the government? they let people raise prices and that's it? what you want me to do, don't buy it? how do i run my business? small things affect us so much and make my profit lower until i work for free? who is going to pay me? biden? he is not going to. >> todd: that is not the american dream. american dream is working hard and seeing fruits of your labor, if you have to work for free, that is not the way this system is supposed to work. maher youssef, hope it gets better for you, thank you for your time. a top story, united states on high alert after around signals it is ready to strike israel for taking out a top iranian
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general. >> todd: nancy mace will tell us what congress is doing to head off this very concerning threat. stay with us. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted... but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000,
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i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> carley: fox news alert, u.s. military on high alert as iran signals it could carry out a strike on israel in the coming days. they said when they attacked our consulate, they attacked our territory and must be punished. an airstrike killed a top general in syria last week. congressman nancy mace joins me now. this attack by iran is considered inevitable by senior intel officials. what are you hearing about this? what should we know about it? >> well, it is inevitable when
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you have weakness in the white house, what we're seeing is joe biden live marching into war in the middle east. he's played footsie with iran, played both sides and the united states has a morale obligation because of support for democracy to support israel. when donald trump was president, our incomes feared him and this would never happen under donald trump. he killed nuclear deal with iran, there was peace through strength, there was strength in the white house and our enemies feared him, this is what w weakness looks like. >> carley: there is concern this attack might not just target israel, it could target american assets, if this comes from iran and their proxies, then what? >> that is the million dollar question, we have already seen
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ira iranian proxies attack and try to harm u.s. soldiers. again, this is why november is so important, we don't want to be in war in the middle east or anywhere. while this is happening, the left is flailing over russia because of the situation in ukraine. it is an unstable world and we need a stronger leader as president of the united states. >> carley: president biden commented yesterday, take a listen to what he had to say. well, i can read it for you, we're having trouble with that sound bite. he said, we want to address the i iranian threat to launch a signal we are threatening s significant attack on israel, i told prime minister netanyahu threats from iran and proxies is iron clad. he says that we're showing picture of him shaking prime minister netanyahu's hand there.
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but he also did an interview with univision and described benjamin netanyahu war policy as mistake and said i do not agree with this approach. daily criticism of israel is a political calculation. whatesque r effect does this rhetoric have when it comes to the war itself? >> it weakens israel, you see joe biden playing both sides, shows weakness for the united states, even though we have a moral obligation to support them. this weakens our position and w weakens our allies in the region and makes iran feel embolden. this is what we're seeing today. >> carley: there is a lot going on today with fisa, you were one of 19 republicans to vote no on
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advances this bill that allow upons the united states to t track -- why were you a no on that one? >> we need to reform fisa, i'm a constit consti constitutionalist and we should not spy on law-abiding american citizens without a rnt wa -- warrant. this is negotiation on moving forward on fisa. we are demanding this be reformed with real reform that protect all americans and that is what this is about. we had this opportunity to kill this bill yesterday, that is what we did and are in negotiations with moving forward with more reform. >> carley: what does the path forward look like? christopher wray says it is critical this does pass and it is true if a suspected terrorist
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is talking to an american overseas, that communication can get swept up along with the suspected terrorist communication, there are laws in place that say you need a warrant to investigate that american system. this new hanover thing republicans are trying to pas would add a second warrant to that, where discipline your concern lie here? >> last person i trust on warrantless spying of americans is wray. i don't want to hear how serious he is about national security when biden administration has a wide open border, they are letting evil people in every single day. they won't do anything when it comes to security at the border. we ought to make sure citizens are not spied on illegally, there are fisa court abuses, we
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know they exist. we need to protect rights of all american citizens and protect our nation's sovereignty and security. >> carley: thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> carley: todd, over to you. >> todd: jamie diamond speaking out about the future of africa. we do not know the full effect or precise raid ai will change business or affect society at large, we are convinced the co consequences will be -- past several hundred years, think printing press, steam engine, electricity, computing and internet, among others. kara frederick is director at heritage foundation, she joins me now. what do you think of what diamond said, do you agree?
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>> >> kara: i had to read it several times, this is a finance guy talking about ai. i am so glad to hear him talk like this, it is tr transformational and like ele electricity. ai will underpin many things we do, it will not be something that sends drones everywhere to kill someone. this is something we can think of enhancing productivity if we harness it securely. if you build it, bad actors will exploit it, that is true with most everything, you need grtd rails there and use it to our advantage. i am not a technical doomer, there are good things here. >> todd: for the person watching right now who does not understand commrek plexities of ai, me included, how should we approach this? from a perspective of fear,
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optimism, excitement? what should we feel right now? >> i think a measured optimism, there is dual use technology, it is typically applied to the military, you can use technology for military or for business purposes, life purposes, it is going to happen, you are going to be able to have bad actors use it. you see deep fakes, digital forgeries that say put realistic images of women in compromising situations, that is happening and that is bad. look at the general technology and i'm not talking about africa general intelligence, you look at underlying technology and it helps recognize patterns and auto mate tasks, simple things we should do, say in the in intelligence community and
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integrate data and ai can identify patterns in that data and that is huge. stead of data going on the cutting-room floor, get value and insight, it is productivity enhancer and it is math, guys. ai is math. >> todd: quick question, elon musk said it will happen by the new year. how quickly is the ai train leaving the situation? >> kara: much faster than we anticipated. i started looking at this in 2018 and it has taken off in ways i never tught possible. >> todd: thank you, carley, over to you. >> carley: congresswoman rashida tlaib has been tight-lipped, fox news went to capitol hill to ask her if she agrees with them and this is how that went. >> fox news, i don't talk to fox
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news. >> people were chanting death to america, do you -- >> i do not talk to fox news. >> carley: she condemned fox news, did not condemn them. jake paul giving preview of highly anticipated fight with mike tyson. >> he is underestimating me, he is a beast, a dog, he is iron mike tyson, i believe i can beat him. >> carley: what else he is saying about stepping into the ring with the boxing legend. don't go anywhere.
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groceries to rent. inflation jumping 3.5 and 4% month over month and food and energy jumping 3.8%. that is big number for the fed. in 2021, it was 1.4%. overall prices are up 19%, everyday items like electricity jumps 29.5%, rent up, groceries, car prices, 19% higher, gasoline 42%. all of those under president biden's watch. you spoke with one seattle small business owner feeling the pinch. >> it is worth suffering, i can't see my kids as much as i used to, i work seven days a week, i come home by 5 or 6:00 everyday, i cannot afford to pay
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people $20 an hour. you are talking about eggs and coffee, i'm american, i'm ashamed he's my president. >> cheryl: today we get producer price index, inflation at wholesale level, expected to be up 22.2%. again, i really watch today, ppi, it is idea in the future of what you'll be paying, that is wholesale level and has not gotten to retail level yet. >> todd: it is tough, i can't remember this in my lifetime and a lot of people can't either. quite reaction from congresswoman rashida tlaib >> >> cheryl: she is refusing to respond to what we saw happen in her district. protests were shouting death to america and death to israel in deerborn, michigan, her
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district. [chanting] [screaming] >> cheryl: basically this is rashida tlaib, she represents the 12th, she refuses to condemn the chants. watch the exchange with hillary vaughn. >> i don't talk to fox news. >> people were chanting death to america, do you condemn -- >> i do not talk to fox news. >> do you condemn -- >> i don't talk to people who use racist trump. >> why can't you condemn people -- >> cheryl: despite the fact president biden and white house condemned protesters because jacqui heinrich asked kjudp abo
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this and she said absolutely we condemn this violent rhetoric, you cannot shout violence to our nation. even the mayor of deerborn came out and said this is not us, not our town or city. >> todd: that video does speak for itself, who is on the side of the american people, fox news or that congresswoman who can't condemn death to america. unreal. thank you very much. carley, over to you. >> carley: speaking of attack, ice immigration official rearrested some venezuelan migrants who robbed a target store in new york city and injured police officers and now those migrants could be deported. two of the suspects are repeat offenders who pushed and shoved police officers in an attempt to resist arrest. a new york congressional
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candidate and retired nypd police officer join me now. allison, here we go, we have a group of repeat offenders, in this country illegally, beat up a police officer, get arrested and released without bail. how does this make sense? >> it doesn't. we turn on the television and it is crime after crime after crime, the administration will tell you, don't believe your eyes. fear is just perception of the crime and it is smoke and mirrors. whether it is crime, if you look at new york city, you can say it is down from last year. if you look before bail reform, it is up 33%. grand larceny auto is up 194%. tell that to the homicide
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victims, extra burglar victims it is just perception. you have amazing police officers that go out and put themselves on the line. the police are interacting with dangerous repeat offenders. you now interact with criminals and get them off the street, they fight with you, throw rocks at the cops. now you want them incarcerated to interact with police officers. cops will get hurt, people will get hurt and biden administration, hochul administration will tell you crime is down, immigration is not a problem. we have everything under control. >> carley: police officers are doing hard work and judges are letting them go. luckily after they were four of the five of them released without bail, ice came in and
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rearrested them. the city did not coordinate with ice, they can't by law, that is a problem. >> a huge problem, that is sanctuary city problem and you have that with mayor adams, kathy hochul, pat ryan, the executive that made that county a sanctuary counties. when you have dangerous criminals that cross illegally and commit crimes,hey are supposed to be removed. my home district in middletown, a week and a half ago, you had a double homicide by an individual, violent double homicide, homicides are violent, that happened in middletown, new york, by an individual that was awaiting deportation hearing. we are supposed to coordinate with ice and get violent criminals off the street, you have pat ryan, kathy hochul, joe biden saying it is okay.
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>> carley: starts at the top and president biden realizes his immigration policy is so unpopular he might nannounce an executive order. former president trump posted this, crooked joe has flooded our country with illegal aliens while insisting he could do nothing to stop it. do not be fooled by a phony biden executive order. what is your reaction? >> the sense of urgency. illegals cross our border at record rates, 300 known terrorists caught crossing the southern border and now because it is an election year, all this time he's been saying i can't do anything, mayorkas himself in 21 said they came in and rescinded trump era plolicies and it was
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too long to mention. people like laken riley, people like the individuals in middletown that lost their lives last week or americans that overdosed in fentanyl, he had ability this entire time to shut it down and he didn't. >> carley: great point. there have been many americans killed in car accidents because of bail outs taking place if texas and border states, as well. todd, over to you. >> todd: a major update in the scandal surrounding baseball superstar shohei ohtani and waiting to see if first round of the masters will tee off on time or if we'll see a rain delay. biggest names in golf go head-to-head. doug bell joins us live, he will be with us. first lawrence will preview what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: coming up on this big jam-packed thursday morning,
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fox news alert. fbi director christopher wrays he can't think of time there were so many threats to america. he prepares to testify on the hill today. plus tale of two meals, biden hosts fancy state dinner and trump hits an atlanta chick-fil-a as the president gears up for his trial next week. gregg jarrett on what to expect and cal ripken jr. stops by and senator john cornyn reacting to the reinflation report. we got a busy thursday edition of "fox and friends," don't go anywhere.
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♪ >> did you see this moment going viral? former president trump stopping by a chick-fil-a after holding a fundraiser in atlanta. watch. >> can i have 30 milkshakes? and, also some chicken? take care of the customers. business good? the lord's chicken. >> that's the lord's chicken, you are right. good chicken, too. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support
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you. >> let me give you a hug. >> please do. >> the former president stayed to hang out with employees and guests after buying customers' lunch. bought a lot of milkshakes. by the way chick-fil-a milkshakes excellent. reportedly raked in 5 million bucks. that's about the same amount involved in this story 4.5 million to be exact. los angeles dodgers star shohei ohtani translator negotiating a guilty plea after being accuse -6d stealing 4 pain $5 million to cover gambling debt. ohtani is a victim of fraud and right now not believed to be involved. told he was a victim of theft and never been on baseball which could have resulted in a lifetime ban from major league baseball. paul feeling confident ahead of his fight with mike tyson. he just gave fox news a preview. >> i think he is under estimating me. you know, he's the bigger man
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but i'm the faster man. he is a much stronger man but i'm fresh. he is experienced. looks like a beast. he's a dog. he is s mike tyson but i believe i have what it takes to beat him. >> paul also joking about tyson's infamous ear biting incident. take a listen. >> what happens if tyson bites your ear off. >> he can't bite my ear off if i knock his teeth out. >> amazing question by jesse watters. paul getting into the ring with iron mike tyson in arlington, texas on july 20. >> [cheers] >> todd: that's a heck of a putt. bubba watson's daughter dakota steal the show imagine big three putts i can canning off the masters yesterday. the pros may need to wait a little longer expected if the weather does not hold up.
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doug joins me now. looking at my phone here at 8:00 a.m. eric van and jake nap scheduled to tee off. will they? what are you hearing? >> they are going to tee off, doug. it rained hard last night in augusta, georgia. serious storms. dumps about inch and a half of rain on this beautiful golf course. 8:00 was the first tee time that may be pushed back maybe 2 or 3 hours. awaiting word from masters officials. they are waiting for the sun to come out to check out the golf cthe golfcourse. >> who are you going to be watching to take home the green jacket. >> obviously the number one player in the world scottie scheffler and it's interesting the gap between scotty and the rest of the field it hasn't been this big statistically since a guy tiger woods maybe 22 years ago when he won back-to-back green jackets. the one thing that the players are hoping his wife meredith is
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due any day now and he said he is going to fly home if she goes into labor. i don't know if that's going to happen, that would be a heck of a story. scottie scheffler is the favorite. we will be watching him today. >> todd: also got jon rahm, defending champ he is back after defecting to liv. always the spector of one tiger woods. i never want to count tiger out. i feel this time 140 to 1 odds i could count tiger out, who else are you watching? >> obviously jon rahm trying to go back to back and only happened three times history of this event. jack nicklaus, nic fall low and tiger woods. that would be a tall order for the spaniard who no longer plays in the pga tour. you mentioned tiger woods if he makes the cut at the age of 48, 23 years in a row. set a new record of making the cut. with the weather, here's the deal. tiger with fused ankle and bad back, if he doesn't finish today and have to come out early
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tomorrow morning to finish round one and turn around quickly for round 2, that could be trouble for the great tiger woods. that is a huge story line here at the masters. >> todd: you mentioned scheffler, is he from quote unquote texas. he was born in new jersey where the natural sport in new jersey is eating. let's get into the food prices. i'm from jersey i can say that sandwich prices between 1.5050 and $3. doug, can they do all of this because, let's face, it tickets to get in to the masters so darn expensive we're talking thousands of dollars. it's a tradition unlike any other. that's a special thing about the masters, one of many things, they haven't raised the prices of pimento cheese sandwich. i can honestly say more than three decades of covering this event never had pimento cheese or egg salad. those prices are amazing bidenomics has not effected prices of the sandwiches at the
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masters. thank goodness. >> todd: so many people who don't watch golf will watch the masters. in 15 seconds, why? >> it's the best golf tournament in the world. it's the most beautiful golf course in the world. it crosses all demographics, male, female, old, young, all cultures. people watching all over the world. highest rated golf tournament. everybody knows about the green jacket. everyone wants to see who dones the green jacket at the end of the week. everybody to the super bowl, the final four, the kentucky derby you name it nothing is better than the masters. >> todd: amen. doug bell have a great time in the next three days. we appreciate it. "fox & friends" right now. >> thank you,ed to, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. this is thursday, april 11th. this is "fox & friends," and carley is joining us today. >> carley: hello. >> steve: good to have you. >> carley: i schooled my booty from the 12th floor to


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