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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 11, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> todd: so many people who don't watch golf will watch the masters. in 15 seconds, why? >> it's the best golf tournament in the world. it's the most beautiful golf course in the world. it crosses all demographics, male, female, old, young, all cultures. people watching all over the world. highest rated golf tournament. everybody knows about the green jacket. everyone wants to see who dones the green jacket at the end of the week. everybody to the super bowl, the final four, the kentucky derby you name it nothing is better than the masters. >> todd: amen. doug bell have a great time in the next three days. we appreciate it. "fox & friends" right now. >> thank you,ed to, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. this is thursday, april 11th. this is "fox & friends," and carley is joining us today. >> carley: hello. >> steve: good to have you. >> carley: i schooled my booty from the 12th floor to the first
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floor and here i am. >> steve: thank you for scooty your booty. >> brian: steve, are you allowed to say booty? >> steve: hold on a second. serrie, can we say booty? >> brian: chris said yes. >> katie: go ahead. >> steve: only if talking about the pirates booty. carley, thanks for screwing up the show 38 seconds in to it. we have lots to talk about today. former president donald trump serving up chick-fil-a and milkshakes for georgia supporters. >> brian: meanwhile, at the white house, president biden is having a ribeye steak with robert continue anywhere row and the clintons both of them next o do i call on next. hang on a second. i got my list here. >> carley: plus, step aside, bubba watson. there is a new proin augusta. [cheers]
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>> lawrence: there you go. "fox & friends" starts right now. and remember mornings are better with friends. >> steve: and booty. >> brian: yes. [laughter] >> steve: fbi director chris wray is warning americans saying that he can't remember a time when our country faced some threats to our national security and he is heading to capitol hill today at 2:00 to say much more. >> brian: supposed to make me feel better. meanwhile dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas finally admitting our border is in a crisis and raising concerns over the number of chinese nationals encountered down there. finally. >> lawrence: unbelievable. lucas tomlinson has the details on that. >> hey, lawrence, good morning. let's list some of those threats around the world right now. southern border, china, israel-hamas war. threats by iran, proxies in the middle east. russia war on ukraine. north korea. the world is a dangerous place and not many would dispute that christopher wray says, quote:
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looking back over my career in law enforcement, i would be hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats where public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. but that is the case as i sit here today. now, the number of chinese nationals crossing the u.s. southern border has skyrocketed over the past three years, particularly near san diego, home to the u.s. navy's third fleet, two u.s. marine corps bases and west coast seal teams. it's 6,000% increase in just the past three years. biden's dhs chief says he is in talks to deport more back to china. >> for the first time, i had an engagement with my counterpart from the people's republic of china to ensure that china would begin to accept removal flights and we actually did effect one flight most recently, the first time in a number of years. >> mayorkas also told lawmakers so-called sanctuary cities should work with the feds to kick out criminals here in the u.s. illegally.
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and after three years of denials, he finally called the situation on the southern border a crisis. house speaker mike johnson says the house impeachment articles against him will be delivered democrat controlled senate early next week, guys. >> steve: so, lucas, chris wray is going to sit down before the house appropriations committee again today at 2:00. he has got some scary stuff he is going to tell them. his approach today is kind of two fold. one, house republicans cut the fbi budget by half a billion dollars, $500 million. he wants that money back. and he would like to see fisa reauthorized section 702. but that's going to be tough. because yesterday donald trump said kill fisa and republicans did. >> that's right, steve, and many congressman many people around the country want to see what are. so negotiations where the fbi has used pfizer fisa to stop terrorists. 18-year-old stopped from destroying and killing all those people at churches throughout the country whereas fisa was that used in that case wants to see some examples. the fbi claims a lot of their
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use of fisa's classified but perhaps we can hear some more about that tool how it's being used to stop terrorism here in the united states. >> brian: right. because the president understands if he becomes the former president, if he becomes president. he is going wanted elements of fisa. >> steve: 100 percent. >> brian: there is confusion about what part is renewable and what part is debatable. and i think people are getting confused yesterday. i'm surprised the speaker didn't do a better job explaining what they were voting for. were u.? >> well, there's a lot of people -- like you said, brian, it's the big debate right now over fisa and many people want to hear a lot more about it. perhaps we will see that this afternoon. >> steve: right, indeed. thank you very much. the confusion is the fact that hard line republicans want an amendment so that you have to get another warrant if there's going. >> carley: a second warrant. >> steve: you already have to go to the fisa court and get a warrant. now you will have to go and get another warrant in the event
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that there is some surveillance of an american, a non-foreign person. because, fisa is all about foreign people, people -- but, unfortunately, let's say you are surveilling something in istanbul and he is calling carley on the phone, suddenly carley gets swept up in it. now they want a second warrant. >> brian: talk to get carley. if bin laden calls carley and you can follow bin laden but you can't unmask carley unless did you go back to the fisa court and say i have got a problem with this in america. >> lawrence: that's the proposal. currently they are spying on some americans that have communication with them. and they could -- they may not even be a target. they may have some form of communication with them. and i think that's the pushback from the trump campaign and some republicans. they got hit in their district about this one issue. and they are saying, look, until there is some reforms to the overall system, then we don't want to reapprove. >> carley: goes back to carter
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page. you think about fisa you think about him essentially being illegally spied on. that's not 702. that's section 1. signed into law. it's never going to be up for a congressional debate once again. but this section 702 is truly so important especially when you think about all the heightened terror alerts we are facing right now. what steve was talking about before, you are absolutely right. what happens is if you are a suspected terrorist and you are talking to american, first of all, maybe that american is in danger. maybe it would really benefit that american for the feds to come in and see what that sort of communication is going. but, because you are an american citizen, even if you are on foreign territory, the federal government already needs a warrant to investigate that person. >> steve: right. >> carley: this would put a second warrant into place so a lot of national security minded people are saying even. >> steve: we don't have time. >> carley: yeah. if this is like another 9/11 situation, you got to move fast.
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>> brian: 9/11 families want it renewed. make the changes and make feel peel comfortable. build in the fact that there are some people in the fbi have a lack of ethics. we saw with peter strzok and ladies and gentlemen. >> steve: they are long gone. >> brian: right. we want to make sure from here on in maybe there is a fail safe built in should someone have a political agenda. >> steve: one of the other things about what lowx was reporting is that extraordinary that finally, of course, he wants money and he has been impeached. but now alejandro mayorkas says that is a crisis at the southern border. >> lawrence: it's about time. >> brian: really? >> steve: yeah. >> lawrence: some other news that happened yesterday the current president schmoozing state dinner clintons. why is the having to do a state dinner with the current president. i think that's strange. like we showed you the funeral with donald trump there with the people mourning wiwith them as e biden with all the celebrities across the street. donald trump went to a
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chick-fil-a yesterday. and was talking with the workers and it was such an organic moment because you had all these people obviously knew the president was there. but were trump supporters as well, minorities. watch. >> what good-looking people. wow. that was worth it. beautiful. wow. it's art. right? so can i have 30 milkshakes? and also some chicken? we're going to take care of the customers. is it good? making a lot of money? >> yes. >> get rich, right? [laughter] >> he asked are you republican? she said yes. had she said no. would he have still ordered the 30 milkshakes?
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>> carley: did one of the workers have a nose ring? is that what he was saying that's beautiful. art. pointed to his nose. i love when trump does that kind of stuff. it's funny. we have seen him do it before after first court appearance he went to the cuban restaurant. chick-fil-a and milkshakes for everybody. second part was telling. number one unscripted you have a very scripted press conference out there in the roz garden with the chinese prime minister. he asks the questions. he has got the answers. is he scrambling to find out the order. then you have another guy who walks into a fast food restaurant in downtown atlanta and just says let me order some of the food you have and let me smile and find out what the people think. i don't know how this could go. if it went bad there were plenty of cameras. >> lawrence: 100 percent. >> brian: i could see the raw feed. when he went up to kayla montgomery. he had another extemporaneous conversation. listen to this exchange that even "u.s.a. today" had to write up as a positive. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump. we support you. >> we love you. >> okay.
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>> let me give you a hug. >> please do. [cheers and applause] >> wow. [squeals] i got to tell my momma. [laughter] >> lawrence: just to put it in perspective. atlanta is the modern day black wall street where all black businesses, flourish, this is a highly probably about 70%, 60%, 70% of black folks that are there. if you are a democrat, you are worried about moments like this. this just takes me before donald trump decided to declare his presidency. he was known as the hip hop guy. the person that was cited in all the lyrics because he was a money guy. this is why he relates with people. and, brian, i think your point is correct. you got joe biden doing all these kitchen table things across the country. all of them are scripted, he is buying acting like is he buying chicken. >> brian: bought black chicken for a black family and goes to
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the kitchen table and orders something else. >> lawrence: much like hemmer and the hot sauce comment as well. donald trump being himself, relating to the people. if he can do this in every major city in the country, democrats should be worried. >> carley: yeah. one person that said that in the crowd said that chick-fil-a is the lord's chicken and he is like former president trump is -- democrats are going to hate that that he called it the lord's chicken. >> steve: right. and they call it that because the family that owns it is very religious and. >> carley: closed on suntdz. >> steve: right. they are closed on sunday. >> brian: might be a bible mentioned. >> steve: on the cups. they want their employees to be able to worship on sundays. while this is going on and by the way the food is delicious. >> brian: one fast food antidote. all americans in massapequa where the president showed up two weeks ago. as is he driving back all americans legendary one off hamburger place has grilled
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cheese and tuna in hot dog bun. the president gets word of it. he stops. they order 200 hamburgers. and they didn't use his name. so, the guy at all-american goes okay. the owners i got to get 200 hamburgers and done quickly. they do it. all of a sudden somebody walks up could you have the trump hamburgers what are you talking about? these are for donald trump. donald trump had them. sent a note back golf at any golf course the owner of the burger place said i have been waiting 22 years for a moment like this. it's a legendary place. >> carley: so cool. >> lawrence: average day. >> brian: he found out where the hamburger place is in town. >> carley: while all of that was going on like lawrence was talking about before, president biden had a state dinner honoring the japanese prime minister and it was a star-studded event. you have bill and hillary clinton there, robert deniro, jeff bezos and his wife tim cook. they ate has cured salmon dry aged ribeye steaks, paul simon
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provided the entertainment. you see them all walking in there with their fancy outfits on. >> steve: indeed. jamie dimon was there. tim cook was there jeff bezos was there. roberts d deniro was there robet was asked by one of the reporters so what do you think about 2024? and he said what do you think? so essentially he was channeling one of his characters. but, before the state -- the very fancy state dinner which could not have been much different than, you know, walking into a if i can fillet, it turns out joe biden, once again, when they had these bilateral things, at the conclusion of remarks by the japanese prime minister and the president, they take two quesquestions from each. of course fox news is never on the list. we know that in years joe biden has never put fox on the list of preapproved reporters but, nonetheless, not only is fox news not on it, but joe biden has trouble remembering who's
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next? watch. >> okay. third -- the next question -- who do i call on next? hang on a second. i got my list here. hang on. i apologize. >> lawrence: just wasn't that moment. it was when they were both the prime minister and joe biden had to give a statement. and you got the japanese prime minister that is no notes or anything just going. obviously in a foreign country. okay. and is able to do. and you got the current commander-in-chief that has to read off a little note and it just shows you the contrast between one country's strong leader and our president who can't remember things. >> ainsley: this one moment where he was criticizing the abortion laws in certain states where they restrict abortion access and he said that he's the president of the 20th century. >> steve: whoops. >> carley: corrected and said 21st century. >> brian: nbc must have cut away
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from inaccurate statements. inflation is high but it was a lot higher when i took over. no, skyrocketed. he also had another thing where he talked about the border with the -- former president. two things totally inaccurate back-to-back but it's just amazing how obvious it is that he is scripting the questions. i would like to know does the bloomberg reporter submit his question or her questions ahead of time? these reporters. >> lawrence: looks like he has the answers right there. >> brian: he has got the answers. is he reading off a card. how we know that? >> carley: it a s. a good question. >> steve: great in the audience. at the state dinner last night, i was reading a report that the -- well, robert deniro was channeling robert deniro it turns out the prime minister of japan was channeling james key kirk because at one point he said that he said he hoped the unshakeable relationship between japan and the united states
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would boldly go where no man has gone before. >> carley: that is a "star trek" reference at the state dinner last night. >> steve: indeed. >> carley: more to get to here with a fox news alert. an attack on israel by iran could be imminent as iran continues to blame the idf for a strike in syria last week that killed top iranian officials. this as senator joe manchin says hamas is using the hostages as leverage. >> when we use our military machinery, our military might to protect our citizens. when terrorist organizations go to war or conflict they use their innocent citizens to protect their war efforts. that's what you are dealing with. >> carley: a u.s. senior military commander is traveling to israel later today to speak with idf leaders. congresswoman rashida tlaib refusing to contem con condemn s death to america by ache at this virsz and had to say on the topic to hillary vaughn.
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>> i don't talk to fox news. i don't talk to fox news. >> in your district people were chanting death to america. do you condemn. >> i do not talk to fox news! >> carley: the death to america chants took place in tlaib's district. she condemned fox news, not those chants. a former school bus aide is out on bail today after video reveals the moments they spent kicking and shoving a 10-year-old nonverbal autistic boy. the boy was found with these marks allegedly dating from march and february. it comes as earlier this week -- it comes as earlier this week families of three more special needs kids in that district accused the aide of abusing their children as well. that is horrific. and a young girl aiming to start an after school interfaith club is now speaking out with her lawyer after she was told no by school officials. >> i wanted to start it because i felt kind of alone in the classroom. really just at school. i realized i had some friends
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and i knew some other people that felt the same way. >> it's actually viewpoint discrimination to deny a religious club just because it's religious. >> the students also say they were denied to start their club only a week after the school approved a pride club. on to a fox business alert. today, the producer price index report will be released at 8:30 a.m. eastern time after worse than expected march cpi showing inflation up in march in year over year. this as a tiktok user goes viral with angry rants about the cost of living. >> can somebody explain to me in crayon eating it eating terms ie times the minimum wage and i cannot afford to live? >> carley: today's producer price index is expected to be up more than 2% year over year. county masters bubba watson's daughter stealing the ow during the annual par 3 contest yesterday.
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[cheers and applause] >> carley: and the crowd goes wild. the watson family has a great history at the masters. bubba watson won the masters in 2012 and 2014. and his daughter is shining bright right now, guys. >> and he was doing the dad thing. even though she was on tv. there is dad. >> carley: got to take pictures of the moment. >> brian: i just know why. he knows someone at the network. relax and enjoy the moment. >> steve: got the bubba cam. >> brian: want to be in the moment. >> steve: if you are there right now in this moment, it's raining and janice dean has got the -- >> brian: can i tape janice doing the weather watch it at home? >> janice: hi, brian. >> brian: don't be nervous. i have you on camera. >> janice: oh my goodness. is this going to go on all your
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social media? >> brian: all of it and everybody follows me. >> janice: i know they do at kilmeade, right? >> brian: right. >> janice: also have your own website at brian >> brian: keep going. >> janice: looking at the potential for showers and thunderstorms in the augusta area. all this moisture streaming in from the gulf of mexico and the atlantic. we had a flash flood emergency earlier on poor the panhandle of florida. several severe thunderstorm warnings for southern georgia and then another batch of rain moving in. so here's the forecast for the next couple of hours. through the morning. the afternoon you are still going to have a chance at some rain but i think the best part of the day will be in the afternoon. so they will probably delay it, i'm assuming. i don't do the weather forecast for the augusta region. but we are potentially going to see, you know, some delays in that region as well as the potential for severe weather for parts of florida up towards the mid-atlantic. oh, i'm wrapping it up? okay, brian kilmeade. [laughter] >> janice: that's your forecast. over to you.
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>> brian: there you go. >> lawrence: unbelievable. >> brian: supply this tape for you. >> janice: were you done with your forecast? >> janice: i only listen to brian kilmeade in my ear. he tells me i'm done, wrap it up, i'm done. >> steve: thank you, j.d. >> carley: he did record your whole report. >> brian: i'm sending it to you now. >> steve: if you would like to record every program set your dvr 6 to 9:00 a.m. eastern. >> lawrence: amanda knox back in trial in italy for slander. >> brian: the hush money trial help the former president? he'll explain that, next. ♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> carley: welcome back. amanda knox is back on trial in italy. this time she is facing a slander retrial. she was convicted of wrongly accusing a bar owner of murdering her 21-year-old roommate meredith kercher in 2007 while thewere both exchange students. kircher's body was found with her throat slit in her locked
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bedroom in an apartment she shared with knox and two other people. knox and her boyfriend were convicted of the murder in 2009. she served four years for the crime but both she and her boyfriend were acquitted in 015. knox did not appear in wednesday's hearing in florence and is being tried in absent i can't. her ache sayings against the bar owner first appeared in statements typed by police that she signed since then they have been ruled admissible by the new trial by italy's highest court. knox hopes a not guilty verdict will remove any lingering doubted about her innocence and clear her name. she's eventually expected to testify wow, steve over to you she has to go bag to italy and relive. >> steve: another app. amanda knox trial. a woman who allegedly attacked a cellist in a new york subway station attempting to plead guilty to assault charges in court yesterday until her lawyer
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intervened and talked her into changing her plea to not guilty. the video from back in february shows the woman allegedly smacking him in the head with his metal bottle of water. she is due back in court in june. let's see what happens then. meanwhile, according to ice, four of the five repeat offender migrants who were arrested after attacking cops, here in new york who were trying to stop them from stealing at a target store in new york city will likely face deportation after being picked up by the federal agency. police say at least one of the officers was sent to the hospital as part of the incident. and a seattle dance team says their american flag-themed shirts made attendee, some of them, feel triggered and unsafe. look at those shirts. the team was given ultimatum either wear regular shows or do not perform at all. this result in the entire team walking out. the team sharing why they chose to wear the uniforms, quote:
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because although we may not always agree with the current state of things, we recognize that being an american means true freedom. and those, brian, are some of the headlines. >> brian: i hope they don't back off, steve. let's hope they dig. in a new york appeals court rejecting former president trump's third attempt toe delay hush money trial as jury selection set to begin on monday. the next guest says the deck is stacked against the former president in this politically driven case. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett wrote about it on here to explain it now. greg, your thoughts, borrowing a last minute reprieve, the show starts monday. >> yeah. and trump is fighting for a fair trial, brian. and an impartial jury. that's his constitutional right under the sixth amendment but in manhattan, as you say, the deck is stacked against him. you've got a biased judge, a jury pool dominated by trump-hating new yorkers. he's right, i think, to demand
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that the trial judge recuse himself because his adult daughter has a vested interest in her father's case. she runs a democrat consulting firm that solicited tens of millions of dollars by citing her father's case. she has a financial interest in the outcome and under ethical rules, that's a disqualifying conflict of interest. trump's other challenge is based on immunity, which is, of course, under review by the u.s. supreme court. some of the allegations and evidence against him in the new york case took place while he was president. why not wait until the high court decides that issue? oral arguments are in just a couple weeks. but there is a rush to convict trump in advance of the election. >> brian: right. so you say he is accused of falsifying company records to hide the nature of payments to his former lawyer as it relates to stormy daniels. this is something that they had to extend the statute of limitations to try and upgrade
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the charge from misdemeanor to a felony. now, do you think that president trump's legal team is up for the challenge? could they be ready to defend the president in a way that could convince at least one juror? >> well, i would hope so. i think they are a fine team of lawyers and their argument is quite valid. paying somebody for violence is not a crime. so, you know, instead, the d.a., alvin bragg, accuses trump of falsely accounting for it. at best, that's a mere misdemeanor as you point out. that was barred long ago by the statute of limitations, so, bragg is trying to circumvent that by twisting the law and claiming oh, it's illegal campaign donation and, thus, a felony. no it's not. the federal election commission concluded it doesn't qualify as a campaign expenditure. the department of justice said hey, there's no crime here. alvin bragg doesn't care.
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>> bri: right. >> he has decided to charge trump criminally, even though he has no authority as a local prosecutor to charge federal crimes in a federal election. >> brian: gregg, just do this, look at this trial, see the 76-year-old cfo trump organization back in refresh my rrikers.while shoplift, rob stot up cops. no one charged for crimes. nonstop bail reform cannot be penetrated but we have to go and arrest donald trump and his cfo to keep new york safe. are they that oblivious to how bad this looks around the country, around the world? >> they are oblivious and i think they are, you know, delusional. these documents all have one common denominator, brian. they are politically driven. abuse of our legal system meant
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to interfere in the presidential election. polls show it's back firing. only solidifying trump's support. voters see him really as a villain, not as a villain, rather, but as a victim of unscrupulous political enemies who are weaponizing the law. so, you know, we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. >> brian: nor on this on legal analysis there. one thing is for sure the president got to be in court most of the time next six weeks which will not help his campaign. gregg, thank you. even the biden friendly media taking note of yesterday's grim consumer report. >> inflation is headed in the wrong direction. >> wasn't good headline for the white house. >> hotter than expected 3.5. >> brian: wow. with new numbers due out just hours from now jackie deangelis says inflation trends are not biden's friend and she promises to say more ♪ in a rich man's world
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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> steve: the biden campaign likely sweating this morning after a teenager inflation report. consumer prices year over year up 3.5%. and that's not all. since joe biden took office, gas that we all buy up 50% nation's emergency oil reserve has been depleted 43%. he was trying to bring down prices. now even the mainstream media taking notice. >> this just in, inflation is headed in the wrong direction right now. the latest consumer price report just out shows prices up 3.5%. this over same time last year. >> there is real concern with inflation, which has been starting to come down, ticking back up a little bit today. this wasn't a good headline for the white house. >> hotter than expected 3.5. this is 3 tenths hotter than we
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looked at in the rear view mirror. >> steve: jackie deangelis co-host of the big money show joins us live. this is the last number the white house wanted to see yesterday. this is the last number. this is not that good trend, steve. >> this is a president and administration that spiked inflation up to 9%. but, when president trump was in office, we were at 1.4%. now they are taking victory laps for getting it to 3.5. and the trend it s. not their friend. we are going higher as we head into the summer instead of lower. what do they do? they stand there and tell you that everything is fine and everything is great. they are gaslighting americans and feeding them fuzzy math. the average person knows that they are paying 19% more for food items, for example, at the grocery store. they know they're paying $3.63 a gallon for gasoline right now. and it's only going to go higher from there. there is only so long you can just lie to people. >> steve: with gas up 50%. it's hard to do gaslighting. but here's the soundbite she is talking about. joe biden yesterday.
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>> i do stand by my prediction that before the year is out there will be a rate cut. this may delay it a month or. so i'm not sure of that we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain. but, look, we dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office, where we -- inflation was skyrocketing. >> steve: jackie, inflation was not skyrocketing. >> no. >> steve: you got a problem with another part of what he just said. >> i do. he is standing there and promising the american people we are going to get a rate cut although he says we don't know what the fed would do. joe, are you pressuring the fed by putting that out there. you have wall street analysts expecting three cuts this year if we stayed on a path where inflation was slowly coming down. now they are saying we may not get any cuts. we may even get a rate hike at this point. and people need to brace for that and so does the market. so, when he stands up there and he says there will be a rate cut this year, that's irresponsible.
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>> steve: for a lot of people who own houses, we need a did at last week it's cheaper to own a house in some markets but in most markets now it's cheaper to rent a house than actually own a house. and now all these new numbers out show the cost of home maintenance skyrocketing. much higher quarter over quarter and the annual cost of home insurance is going 20%. average property taxes are going up as well. how is somebody supposed to do that? >> it's really difficult, and when you see the rate picture as well, freddie mac reporting the 30 year fixed at 6.8% right now. everyone is forecasting it's going to go back over 7%. so you have got skyrocketing costs to maintain your home as you are pointing out, steve, and you are going to have have higher mortgage costs at the same time rent costs are super high and people are having a hard time with that having to scale back really just to survive and get by. you were showing that tiktok video of the guy talking about how hard it is to live, even
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though he is making three times minimum wage? that's what people are experiencing. and that dream of home ownership, and it is still a dream for a lot of people is slipping away. so, this administration has to look at all of this and say what are we doing here? >> steve: not good news for joe biden. >> no, not great. >> steve: you just mentioned the tiktok guy because you did, we are going to run that very shortly so everybody knows what you are talking about. listen, watch her show big money show 1:00 eastern over on fox business, jackie, thank you very much. >> thanks, guys. >> steve: brian joins us now with news from my favorite sports star right now. >> brian: everybody else is, too. steve. caitlin clark over in iowa turning now to sports. the university is going to retire clark's number 22. the superstar has broken 45 ncaa records during her incredible career, which included scoring the most points in division one history. clark is widely expected to be the number one pick in monday's
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wnba draft. i think 30 of her games are going to be nationally televised. jackson holidays is making his major league debut with the baltimore orioles last night wearing the special number 7 on his jersey. his father wore that number when he played with the st. louis cardinals and the orioles unofficially retired the number after cal ripken senior wore it during his time in the organization. his legendary son posted this on x. our family is thrilled that jackson holiday will be wearing number one. excited to watch him play. stick around cal ripken jr. will join us to talk more about it. he was really good with tremendous endures. josh and beau of the cleveland guardians each belting a home run in the same inning make it severity it was on national siblings day. coming back all the way into the
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bullpen center field deep, watch your back, on the track. out of room, outta here. 7-6. quick look at sports headlines back to steve busy doing something while i was talking. >> steve: i'm going to be talking smack, brian, because jake paul says legendary boxer mike tyson is under estimating him. >> mike can have the game plan. i'm still going to win. that's how confident i am in my ability. he can't bite my ear off if i knock his teeth out. >> steve: some tips for jake paul coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪
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♪ >> i think, you know, he has came a long way from youtubeing and, listen, i have seen a youtube of him at 16 doing weird dances. that's not the guy i'm going to be fighting. this guy is going to come and going to try to hurt me, which i'm accustomed to and is he going to be greatly mistaken. >> steve: there is mike tyson,
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iron mike talking about the big bobout with jake paul coming up july 20th, at&t stadium in dallas. everybody is already talking about it. before a big fight that's what you need to do. >> carley: so much hype over this fight already. that was mike tyson talking to sean hannity about jake paul. last night jake paul was on with jesse watters talking about what he thinks about mike tyson and he is talking smack. >> yeah, look. it's going to be tough. he's the bigger man so you are right. is he going to be getting inside. i'm probably going to be at chick-fil-a with mr. trump trying to gain weight for this fight. but, i believe that i have the faster feet and the faster hands. so i'm going to be working angles. and, you know, i don't mind, mike can have the game plan, i'm still going to win. that's how confident i am in my ability. >> jesse: what happens if tyson bites your ear off? >> he can't bite my ear off if i
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knock his teeth out. [laughter] >> carley: what a quote. >> brian: that is great. going to come up july 20th. going to be in texas at they say texas -- you say it's cowboy at&t? that's 77,000. i don't think they are going to be selling out 77,000, you wouldn't think. but he is giving up 31 years in age. giving up reach. but tyson is around 220, 230. this guy is 199. >> lawrence: everybody is going to be brian we were talking ofof camera they haven't came up with the rules and how long the rounds are going to be and how long they are going to go. everything is going to be based on that. if it's shorter rounds like roy jones toss to the clip in a minute. i think tyson can survive this and he just have a brutal punch. if this is a long beg fight, then paul may be able to win. >> carley: jake paul says he doesn't at this point in time to be exhibition match. mike tyson originally it would be. there was speculation 2 minute round if it's an exhibition. pro-fight 3.
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the gloves are different. >> lawrence: big difference. yesterday jake paul said theyed submitted their request to the boxing commission to make it a pro-fight. >> brian: both passed the physical test. i don't know anybody that fights for the title at 57 years old. roy jones jr. went with tyson last time. two years ago. they thought this might be a series. going to sponsor almost a senior boxing series. it hasn't really come off. but roy jones got in the ring with him. they are both past their prime. this is what he said about how tyson hits today. >> mike tyson is still one of the most devastating people. he is still the person that everything will stop to see what he does. so when he fights, everything else stops and people pay attention to the television to see what mike does. he is still as strong as ever. is he still as allusive as ever. so, for me, it's going to be tough for jake to hit him. jake is a pretty good puncher. make no mistake about it. he has a few pretty good knockouts on his resume himself. but it's going to be very difficult to put a glove on mike
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tyson's chin. if mike tyson hits your chin first it still spells trouble. >> lawrence: that's what it is. if mike tyson hits you and this is a guy that has taken mike tyson punch in the last couple years, he hits hard. if you watched that fight between tyson and roy jones he kept wrapping him up because he just could not continue to take the brutal punches from mike tyson. >> brian: two minute rounds. >> steve: i got a prediction they are both going to win. they are both going to make so much money. because here we are months away from it and we are already talking about it and, brian, to your point about texas -- at&t stadium having a lot of empty seats, that's why they are promoting right now is to fill up all those seats. butts in the seats. >> brian: tyson is training too hard too early. worried he is focused too early. >> carley: could you imagine? >> steve: i'm too prepared. car karl prices for basic things are out of control just ask this
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guy. >> i make over three times the federal minimum wage. and i cannot afford to live. >> carley: americans' frustration with the economy is coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at
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