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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 11, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. >> steve: it is precisely 7:00 here in new york city. welcome aboard. it is thursday, april 11, 2024. and this is "fox & friends." hillary vaughn confronting squad member rashida tlaib after this
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anti-american protest happened in her district. go get her, hillary. >> is chanting death to america racist? steve steph we're going to play what she said coming up. >> carley: and different priorities. while former president trump is serving up chick-fil-a to his supporters, president biden is having ribeye steak with robert de niro and the clintons. >> lawrence: plus new numbers show inflation still running high and americans can't keep up. >> i make over three times the federal minimum wage, and i cannot afford to live. >> brian: all right. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, your mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> carley: we begin with a fox news alert. fbi director christopher wray is going to be speaking on capitol hill today addressing the serious threats facing the united states from around the world. >> steve: the director yesterday said, quote: looking back over my career in law enforcement,
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i'd be hard pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated. all at once. but that is the case as i sit here today. >> brian: he's desperate for people to pay attention to him. wray's hearing will begin at 2:00 p.m. eastern today. and, of course, we should take note that he said this multiple times. when asked he just said it at a luncheon the other day. is he trying to say if you see what i see you would be extremely concerned and it doesn't seem like we are doing much to react. it seems there is the white house here and christopher wray sitting here with his hair on fire. >> lawrence: when someone says something multiple times you get the impression he is trying to get someone's attention. i don't know if it's the president or the congress of the united states. he has already said there are some issues whether it comes to the border and potential terrorists coming across there. but, also, when you see these pro-hamas protests all across the country, openly calling for jihad,. >> brian: and death to america.
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>> lawrence: and death to america. >> steve: one of the things is he doing is he is asking for more money. we are going to talk to the death to america guy in just a minute. is he asking for more money because the house has cut $5 million from the fbi budget. al wants to reauthorize section 702 of fisa. but here's the thing. luke barr over at abc news got a copy of the transcript of what he is going to say this morning, rather at 2:00 today. and wray is going to warn congress about potential bad actors attacking us here in the united states. he, the director is concerned that lone wolf or small groups will be inspired from events in the middle east and russia and worried about a coordinated attack like isis-k at that russian music hall just a couple of weeks ago. so he is going to say we are getting information that makes me believe we are in peril from those lone wolf groups. >> carley: is he going to say
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this is no means a time to let up or dial back. this is a time when we need your support the most. and one of the reasons, i'm sure he is saying that, is because of this recent protest that took place in dearborn, michigan, where u.s. citizens are chanting not -- keep in mind, this did not happen in iran. this happened in michigan. they are chanting death to israel, death to america. the congresswoman who represents that community, is rashida tlaib. she has not condemned those comments yet. so, yesterday, hillary vaughn asked her what do you think about this? take a listen to rashida tlaib's response. >> congresswoman tlaib. >> i don't talk to fox news. i don't talk to fox news! >> at a rally in your district people were chanting death to america. do you condemn -- >> -- i do not talk to fox news. >> but do you condemn chants of death to america? >> i don't talk to people that use racist tropes. >> carley: why can't you just say you condemn people chanting death why are you afraid to talk
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to fox news. >> fox news is not -- listen to me, using racist tropes towards my community is what fox chooses to talk about and i don't talk to fox news. >> is chanting death to america racist. >> talking about your guys' racist tropes. you guys know exactly what you do. i know you are islamophobic. >> chanting death to america. we would think you would have a response on that. plus, you said when confronted after you should have been expelled from congress when you said from the river to the sea, you said it didn't mean what we thought it meant. then you have that same guy that's from your community saying that it's for the annihilation of jews. which is it, congresswoman? i have got to ask the people of congress you were so ready to get rid of santos you can't rid of a congresswoman that has this type of stuff espousing the same rhetoric that this guy espoused in her community. i think it's cowardice.
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>> brian: she was first but not the last. first one to speak out against israel. now most of the democratic party does and keep in mind, in my view she became a congresswoman to represent palestinian cause, that's all she really cares about, they didn't really want her to go visit tel aviv. they told her to go over to gaza when she did decide to visit. and she has not condemned the comments. she could do it in a statement. don't have to give it to hillary vaughn if you don't. if you find fox to offensive. governor whitmer where is governor whitmer coming out saying this does not represent the people of michigan. we don't agree with this, you know, don't worry about whether i vote for a democrat or republican. this is not representative of michigan. in that area in dearborn, the president of the united states should have condemned those statements. >> you might have the right to say it, but it doesn't mean that you don't find it abhorrent in america. >> carley: the president and the mayor of dearborn said this is unacceptable. so he has spoken out against these comments. it's just -- this just feels like such a scary time when you
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think about americans,. >> steve: sure. >> carley: people in a state like michigan saying death to america. there was this 18-year-old in idaho that was just arrested by the fbi because he pledged pledge of allegiance to isis. and he came up with this what looks like actionable terror threat kill in his hometown. >> steve: scary to hear death to america, death to israel. talking to kerri kupec urbahn. it is offensive. here's the thing about tlaib. essentially tlaib has -- remember when she was sworn in as all members of congress. you are sworn in to defend the united states of america. and if you cannot defend the united states of america, hey, death to america, are you for that? and she would not respond. it's just like, come on. that's a no-brainer. she could have said, look, i have already pledged to defend
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the united states, so it's the other guy's free speech. freedom of speech. >> lawrence: it's her community, she said some of the same similar things to the river to the sea, she tries to twist the words and act like she doesn't -- meanwhile she is on the financial service committee oversight of treasury when there is sanctions being brought on different countries. i don't think she should be on there she definitely should not be over oversight getting information from the fbi. if she cannot be firm on her distances when it comes to defending and protecting this country, i don't understand why she is on these committees, let alone in congress. >> carley: moving beyond her if you think what president biden is doing with his israel policy, i mean, clearly, he is criticizing benjamin netanyahu now every other day because he is trying to appeal to these very voters who are chanting death to america. >> brian: as we move on, just a quick note. i just was watching local
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israeli tv yesterday go on youtube and find out. benjamin netanyahu no one is pushing back with his policies. don't like what he is doing in certain areas. the way he is doing the war in hamas is not upsetting the people of israel. so, when you condemn him, you are condemning the people of israel and what they want. and that is not to be massacred on october 7th. and this is what they get, the people, the palestinian people, 85% support hamas. hamas is living underground using them as human shields. this is not a hamas problem. it's not a netanyahu problem. we used to understand that meanwhile, let's talk politics. while former president trump orders chick-fil-a surrounded by everyday supporters in fast food restaurants in georgia, president biden toasts with the clintons, tech moguls like jeff bezos and his wife and a list celebrities like robert deniro. >> lawrence: this as another inflation report will be released next hour. >> steve: peter doocy is live at the white house with details. peter, you weren't invited to that swanky dinner, were you?
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>> peter: no, we just distant outside waiting to see how much gets thrown in the trash so we can eat that day. no, this nice inflation report could make a bad problem worse for president biden because the cost of living might be the issue that decides this election, and bad inflation reports like yesterday's means possible delays in cutting interest rates. that is not helpful to a reelection campaign. so right now the biden team is looking for someone who blame. >> i do stand by my prediction that before the year is out there will be a rate cut. we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to cross to 3%. we are in a situation where we are better situated than we were when we took office. where we inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it. overnight. the japanese prime minister came over for a state dinner. among the invited guests, bill and hillary clinton as knowledgeable as anybody dealing
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with donald trump from her failed 2016 campaign. >> biden has totally lost control of inflation. it's back. it's raging back. very high. very bad. actually much higher because they exclude various categories. it's actually much higher than that. out of control. biden has no idea what the hell he is doing. >> donald trump doesn't have the pomp and circumstance that comes with the white house right now. so he is out campaigning the old fashioned way at a chick-fil-a in atlanta. so he can i have 30 milkshakes? >> yeah. >> and also some chicken. we are going to take care of the customers. is business good? >> it is. >> making a lot of money? >> yes. >> peter: trump told the chick-fil-a workers that he thinks he know the chick-fil-a menu better than anybody in the building. that specific visit could serve a dual purpose.
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try to persuade georgia voters but also persuade potential jurors because he is not expected to have a very favorable jury pool when his trial starts down there in fulton county, which is where they were. back to you. >> steve: peter, you just mentioned that donald trump said he probably knows the menu at chick-fil-a better than anybody. i remember back when you were covering congress, you were traveling with the senior senator from south carolina, and he told you what to order from chick-fil-a. right? >> peter: yeah. we were on a trip with lindsey graham and i think we went to chick-fil-a like three times in one day. >> steve: didn't he tell you, peter, you're going to have the number 2? >> peter: i think it was, yeah. >> lawrence: on a serious note though, when you see this picture of the president in chick-fil-a, it's full of black voters. i mean, atlanta is the heart of the democratic party. is there still worry in the white house about black voters? we're talking about numbers
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saying some of the -- up to 29%. so is there panic right now in the white house? >> peter: i think, i wouldn't say there is panic. last time the election was decided in georgia by only 11,000 votes. 11,000 and change. so every single voter in a situation like that is going to make a huge difference. we don't see joe biden doing a ton of retail campaigning. and they are trying to expand their map a little bit. the last couple weeks the state we have seen them go to the most is north carolina. a state that biden has lost twice but now they are trying to figure out where it is that they can chip away at places that trump is doing well. so, they're not just trying to play defense on the states that they won last time like georgia. they are trying to figure out, okay. a place like georgia might be a problem. where else can we go? >> brian: nevada could be a problem for them, too. thanks so much, peter. fundraiser yesterday "the atlanta journal constitution"
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says it costs $6,600 in atlanta. went over for a photo opportunity to get $25,000 with the 450th president and walk awayith the picture. kelly loeffler doing a lot of the sponsoring. went over to orlando. their goal is to close the gap. they will probably never catch the democrats. lara trump looking to lead a charge to close the gap. the president will work all day and night. one thing about it. also, wasn't it refreshing to see extemporaneous unscripted give and take. the president also came out yesterday saying by the way i'm not for abortion ban. that's like a substantive policy statement yelled out on a plane. i will take all questions at all times. >> carley: one of the other things that peter was talking about that inflation report that came out yesterday worse than expected 3.5%. when president biden entered office, inflation was at 1.4%? >> steve: that's right. >> carley: keep in mind, that number isn't -- it's not that inflation although the number was worse than expected, president biden -- it's going
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down, it's going down. it's not going down. it's just going up at a slower rate. >> steve: here's the thing. while inflation is down from 9%, although we heard it was transitory, guess not. prices across the board are still up about 20% over where they were the month that joe biden took office. and that is why so many people are frustrated. we are going to show you a video on tiktok of a young man, we believe his name is nick, that's part of his handle. and he is so frustrated because here's a guy that's doing everything right, he can't afford anything. and if either candidate wants him to vote for them, they are going to have to do something. because he's hacked off. watch. >> can somebody explain to me in crayon-eating terms why i make over three times the federal minimum wage and i cannot afford to live? and i do not want to hear the pull yourself up from your boot
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straps, work 90 hours a week. that's not the goal, guys! a one bedroom apartment $1,800. two bedroom apartment, $2,200. who the [bleep] can afford that? it is embarrassing to come out and say that it is a struggle to survive right now. >> but i know so many people are struggling. >> lawrence: what you hear is desperation, carley. we all have family members and all that i know i have been talking with family members, friends, that are all go to work. hard workers. but just can't make ends meet. and joe biden was supposed to fix all of this. he claimed that it was broken. meanwhile, during the trump administration, you had people getting more franchise businesses, people were putting money back in their savings account, paying off their loans. getting their first house. and that's not the story for this generation right now. >> carley: yeah. he says speak to me in crayon eating terms.
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5-year-old. tell me why i am making three times the minimum wage and can't afford the cost of living. that is frustration. what's interesting about this presidential election that's coming up in november, is you have two records, a past president and a current president and people are going to be looking at where they were more profitable and where they want to be in the future. one more quick number, credit card debt just hit a fresh high of $1.13 trillion. that's another indication of the economy being bad. >> brian: one thing david axelrod said the president has got to stop talking about the miracle of this economy in bidenomics. it doesn't work. yesterday just flat out lied when he came out and said inflation gone up. a lot better situation now than when i took office where inflation was skyrocketing. not true. 1.9%. and now you see how high it is. up 3% alone. he also came out and said that the president -- the former president just wants to cut taxes for the rich and raise taxes for everyone else.
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that's not the case. the tax plan is still in place. why was he not cut off by the networks? >> steve: you know the thing about that young man we just saw right there, who has been seen at least 5 million times on tiktok, joe biden needs his demographic to vote for him. and he -- the kid said that he is angry at both sides. and if you are at the white house and looking at somebody like that, you are thinking we thought we had that guy in the bag, he might not even go to vote for anybody. he said both parties. he doesn't like either party. >> lawrence: all right. to say a fox weather alert, the streets of new orleans are completely swamped by floodwaters as severe storms pummel the gulf coast. steve and on the north shore, a tornado ripping through the city of sly del leaving a trail of destruction in its path. look at that. >> brian: car flipped over on its side. emergency crews finding a woman trapped inside and pulled to safety. >> carley: a trailer is leveled to the ground, storm-related
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let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. hi, janice. >> janice: hi, good morning. those storms continue to fire up especially for the florida panhandle where we have a tornado warned storm. doppler radar indicating some rotation here for the perry area, counties lafayette, madison and taylor. and here is the severe threat today not on for florida up towards georgia and the ohio river valley where we have very likely area of severe storms, including tornadoes. look at the tornado reports that we had from yesterday going into tuesday and wednesday. not only tornado but storm damage with hurricane force wind gusts and large hail. and you can see, you know, the video coming in is really impressive. they are saying the most water, the most flooding they have seen in new orleans since katrina almost 20 years ago. here are some of the storm totals including rainfall, close to 10 inches in parts of
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louisiana and texas. and that came in just a matter of hours. so the flooding continues in these areas. there are some of the top winds. hurricane force winds for parts of louisiana and that system is moving eastward. we were talking about the masters tournament in augusta, georgia. some of that rain is going to move into this region, especially in the morning hours. so we're watching the potential for thunderstorms with lightning. going to be watching that throughout the morning and into the afternoon. better forecast for the masters tournament on friday and into the weekend. but just to recap here, that storm system moving eastward. we're going to see the potential for severe storms for florida, parts of georgia. and the ohio valley today. so fox for all of your latest details and stay tuned to your local forecast as well. >> steve: and it's raining here in new york city. >> steve: thanks, j.d. >> carley: amanda knox is back on trial in italy. this time facing a new trial for a slander conviction. she is asking for her conviction for wrongly accusing a congolese
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bar owner of murdering 20-year-old roommate to be overturned. knox and her boyfriend were convicted of the murder in 2009. she served four years before they were acquitted in 2015. while the slander charge still stands, knox is hoping to a not guilty verdict will clear her name as she maintains her innocence. the former translator of los angeles dodgers star shohei ohtani is reportedly negotiating a plea deal after being accused of stealing millions of dollars from the baseball star to cover his gambling debt. federal investigators say ohtani is a victim of fraud and right now is not believed to be involved. ohtani told reporters last month that he was a victim of the theft and had never bet on baseball. and water pouring out of a utah dam after a 60-foot crack sent it flowing down into a creek. >> steve: that's not good. >> carley: the creek is now endangering more than 1800 residents in the downstream city
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of ping witch. state and local leaders say they don't think thing be prepared if the conditions get worse. how about this for a night to remember. one bride making unforgettable grand exit from her wedding in florida with the wrong man. [laughter] she was seen running out from the reception when someone yelled you got the wrong dude. [laughter] >> carley: luckily the newlyweds were reunited. she told fox news digital the wedding guests went along with the exit because he thought it would make a great story. and it landed you on "fox & friends" as well. >> not a way to start a marriage. already walking out with the wrong dude. >> steve: withen analogy. >> carley: wrong guy. >> steve: funny stuff. more "fox & friends" in just a couple. ♪ shine on me
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> brian: fox news alert now. u.s. intel reports warning, warning an iran attack on israel
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may be imminent, nation retaliation two top officials killed on a strike on syria last week in damascus. our next guest warns iran's long range missile capability is one we should be afraid of. iran scholar and author joins us right now. great to see you. ben, first off, your reaction about the fact that they shut down their airspace yesterday. they let that known. made everybody think an attack was about to happen. did they do make a mistake and was that rocket supposed to -- whatever attack was supposed to happen, was it postponed because of that? >> a pleasure to be with you. listen, i think you put your finger right on the money. it's not a mistake. i think the regime has been enjoying thoroughly the hyping and the conch and in essence the fear of the stories coming out of israel right now by people buying generators, by people taking cash out of atm machines. in essence right now, the islamic republic in iran is looking to respond militarily
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against israel. bull it doesn't really know how because israel has come to nance. missile attack coming or potentially terrorist attack on israeli embassy or potentially attack by one of iran's proxies israelis or americans. there is something in the works. until that something is actually decided upon it, seems like the regime is thoroughly enjoying coming up with all these different ways to spook the west and israel in particular. >> ben ma'am, tell me how significant this is they got soe internal problems and they got outside terror going at them, too. don't you think and they also have an obligation to supply the houthi rebels, hezbollah and hamas. >> absolutely. you know, there's a massive cacachasm. 2007, there has been massive nationwide protests islamic
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republic. 2009 iranian people my life for iran. not only this regime's foreign policy unpopular the regime itself is unpopular. it's under massive domestic pressure. and ironically, any time you have seen the regime be under massive domestic pressure it tries to flex foreign policy muscles abroad. i would expect the regime to try to do something publicly to signal resolve to both domestic and foreign audiences. >> brian: iran's famous for using proxies. you really believe that they want to attack israel and risk the wrath of israel's response as benjamin netanyahu says this morning we're in the midst of a war. whoever hurts us we hurt him? we a are preparing to meet the security needs of the state of israel both in defense and attack. so, israel is prepared for this. they know the main problem in the middle east is iran. but they use others to attack, to have some type of didn't. will they tripe the guise right
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now? >> the regime has actually slowly been dropping the guise. there has been more public attributable missile and drone operations from iranian territory than ever before. the key thing is they have never done it directly at israel. they understand that israel has both the capability and the intent to respond massively. so, in this instance, you may see something from the proxies. but, you know, this is a regime that can walk and chew gum at the same time. that's the thing that we have to keep our eye on in the next few weeks. they could use proxies and missiles directly. now is the time for biden and the rest of washington to coordinate their messaging with israel to make sure they can deter iran. >> brian: ben ma'am, if this threat was real. we have had our way to communicating with iran that we we might think we have sufficiently communicated messages. the been able to create between us and our most important partner the middle east publicly
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since october 7 with hamas and otherwise. they might think otherwise. that's dangerous. when the iranians are bridging differences with partners and exsassesser iser is baiting ours. >> brian: thank you very much. we will have you back. >> thank you. >> brian: upstairs to lawrence. >> lawrence: turning to headlines. arrest warrant issued by the dallas police department for kansas city chiefs wide receiver rice. involved in multi vehicle coalition last month and left four people hurt. rice faces 8 charges. data from a new audited finding that california is failing to properly track the billions of dollars they're spending to fight the homelessness crisis. the audit finding two of their programs were likely cost-effective but the other three programs couldn't be tracked because they didn't have enough data. those programs have received more than $9 billion since 2020. and, finally, rear celebrating a very special birthday today.
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here at "fox & friends," my dog, america's canine is turning to happy to nala. i can't wait to celebrate with you later today. i think i will give. >> geraldo: first cupcake today. and those are your headlines. all right. smart phones and extreme social media use causing epidemic of mental illness in our children. we will talk to parents about that, next. ♪ your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! >> carley: struggling with mental health more than any other generation according to auto new survey. and while young women are being for is self-harm. young men are much more likely to turn to suicide. what happened to young people in the last decade that has triggered this surge of anxiety
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and depression? >> steve: a brand new best selling book called the anxious generation, our next guest says smart phones are to blame. social psychologist and new york university professor jonathan hyatt joins us now. good morning to you. >> thanks so much. >> steve: you know, we have heard a million times smart phones bad for you. you have done the work on this they rewire how we think. >> two parts of the story. not just look at smart phone and go crazy. it's rather that kids need to play. all mammals play and we used to have a play based childhood. >> steve: sure. >> you and i when we grew up kids were outside playing. >> steve: outside. >> outside. that's incredibly healthy. and we began cracking down on that in the 90's. afraid our kids would be abducted. gradually entered the play based childhood 2010 and kids began to get they traded their flip
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phones to smart phones and childhood is now. this sitting alone and doing. this not just the phone. it's the loss of play. you put the two together. mental health collapses around 2012. >> carley: that's so interesting. i have never heard it said that way. the statistics of course back this up. 95% of teenagers, 13 through 17, use social media, 33% use it almost constantly, because we all know s ms is addictive and a lot of times when you are scrolling through your phone, you are young, you are in your bedroom at night. >> steve: fomo, what am i missing out on. >> carley: comparing yourself to other people. that's why some young girls have turned to self-harm. you mentioned the differences between how young boys and young girls react to social media. both in bad ways. >> that's right. so, for girls the story is very clear and very sad. for girls, their mental health from 2012 to stable all of a sudden around 2013 very sharp
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curve where the girls get obsessed and self-harm. self-harm goatsst goes up more than 100 percent. preteen girls 200 percent. something happening to girls and seems to be related to social media. constant social comparison. for boys it took me a little longer to figure out. for boys they are doing much worse, too. but, for boys, it's not exactly social media. it's moving away from the real world boys need to be very active sports running around. more and more time on video games and screens. their mental health does get worse. but it's not exactly in 2013 the way the girls is. boys retreating from the real world. >> steve: not doing things that they should when they start to grow up like get a driver's license. work, even having alcohol. >> carley: detached from reality. >> steve: we're all parents and a lot of parents are looking at right now, jonathan, saying okay, what does this expert say we should do? so we have got -- we're going to go through four things that you suggest. first of all, no smart phones
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before high school. explain that. >> so, the millennials had flip phones during pursuant. and they are okay. flip phones don't lock you in where a smart phone. you are going to be on it, take over much of your life. we got to get kids get through at least early pursuant. get this all out of middle school. really protect middle schooler's brains. give theme flip phone if you want to communicate with them not a smart phone. >> carley: your next point is no social media before the age of 16? >> um-huh. that's right. so, these platforms were not made for kids. in fact, in a way they were designed to hook kids. and there is no way to make it safe for an 11, 12, 13-year-old to be scrolling through pictures all the time. short video dealerships. we have to delay it, you know, for health reasons i would say 1. realistically try to set a norm we can actually achieve i think 16 is that norm. >> steve: you also say no phones in school. but, you know, you said a minute ago kids should take not a smart phone but just a flip phone. >> flip phone.
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>> steve: isn't that more on the school? >> well, yes. so the biggest thing we can do and we can do it this year is have all schools go phone-free. most schools say they banned phones. all they mean is you can't look at it during class. >> steve: they have got them. >> you have to hide it. my kids go to new york city public schools you hide it under your desk and look at it. if the kid has their phone, they are on it and texting because other people are texting. we have to have when you come into school. you put it in a locker or phone locker or yonder pouch and then for six and a half hours a day all you can do is attend to the teacher and other kids which is great. >> carley: great idea. are you hopeful for the future that this will be a problem that will eventual dissipate? i know that some young parents, my friends are so worried about this. what does 10, 20 years down the road look like. >> i will tell you what one year down the road looks like. everybody has the same fear. we all fear powerless. if i take it away, she has no friends. what do i do? because, individually, we are fairly powerless. but, as soon as we act together,
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boom, problems solved. so what you need to do especially if your kids are young, talk to the parents of your friends of your kids' fries and if five families agree, we're not giving -- we're not giving smart phones until high school. we are says no to instagram and snapchat 16. every friday get together. rotate houses. play the way we did when we were kids. so we can solve this if we act together and here's the thing. everywhere i go, everyone wants to solve. this even gen z. the young people see the problem. i think we are going to win on this. >> steve: i grew up in a house where supper time my mom went to the back door she would go hey, kids, time to eat. we need that. >> carley: this is a nonpolitical issue. and like you said some parents agree with this that this needs to be a problem that is resolved. our kids' future depends on it. >> steve: check out this book it is fantastic. it's called the anxious generation. it's going to be a big best seller. jonathan haidt, thank you very much. thank you for doing this lee
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search it's fascinating. >> ainsley: finally relief in sight for georgia squatting victims. that's next. ♪ say something ♪ say something ♪ say something ♪ say something ♪ i don't want to get caught up in the rhythm of it ♪ but i can't help myself ♪ no, i can't help myself ♪ no, i can't help myself ♪ no, no, no ♪ caught up in the middle of it l he needs, ♪ ♪ompl but above all, it delivers total confidence. you just have to get in the seat. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me!
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and they got in that way. >> that atlanta squatting victim gave me a firsthand look at the horror she has been living. right now relief is in sight as a new bill giving more rights to homeowners and more criminal penalties to scwawrtsz waits for the governor's signature. our next guest has been also living that nightmare and says this bill can't come soon enough. democratic candidate for the
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governor state house, the georgia state house is nell keaton the homeowner association president in atlanta. he joins us now. thank you so much for getting up this morning. tell us what has life been like with this squatter problem for you? >> oh, it's been terrible. we have had everything from fentanyl sales, prostitution rings, person wanted for murder, we had armed robbery going on. it's just -- it's been really really bad. we have also had a problem with, you know, home partners and open door just not even knowing who these people are in their home. not even being aware of the occupancy of these homes. >> lawrence: you know, mel, so often when i cover these stories i see people in the airport and they say why don't these people just remove them themselves, especially being in the south? can you tell our audience why you can't do that? >> well, it's hard because they
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claim it's a civil matter. it's really just burglary. they are claiming it's a civil matter. people make fake leases up because the police doesn't have any authority over civil matter they let them say. that's what we have been doing is we're down to five. we started out with 18. we actually have been catching them in the act of breaking into the homes and getting them removed right back out. >> lawrence: so, mel, this new legislation waiting for the governor to sign, what sort of rights -- what sort of rights is it going to give you to remove these folks? >> well, they will now have three days to -- if they present a lease, they have three days to verifier that lease. and if it's wrong they will get charged with the crime. and then also being able -- they would have to pay those tenants back rent for those items. >> lawrence: mel, before i let you go, you were telling us in some of your notes that some of these people aren't your typical squatters. some of them used to be residents in these places and then they just stop paying rent
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as well. >> right. so, what's happening is i don't think -- these companies, they actually don't have a real underwriting process and then they get these homes and they move into them and they really don't understand and then when they realize they can't afford it, they will just stay in the house or they will leave and find another house in the same neighborhood and move into that one. so, that's been an issue. >> lawrence: that's the one thing that i feel like they need to crack down, not just the squatting crisis, you have repeat offender squatters. they just go take people through a six-month process and then they find their next home and do it all over again. hopefully this new law changes some of that. mel, thanks so much for getting up this morning. >> all right. thank you. >> lawrence: got it. all right, carley, what's in the news? >> carley: hello, lawrence, let's get social yellowstone star kevin costner on the future of the hit show when asked if he will be in the final season the actor says quote i have loved
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making that series. i have made five seasons of it, i thought i was going to make seven seasons but right now we are at five. so how it works out, i hope it does, but they have got a lot of different shows going on. oh, no. that doesn't sound hopeful. i hope there is more seasons. a new live action movie based on the popular board game monopoly could be coming to the big screen. actress robbo company a lucky chap who was also behind last year's iconic barbie movie will be producing the film. as of now it's unclear what the story will be or who will be starring in it. that will be one to watch. and say cheese. we are celebrating national fondue day. let's go to steve and janice who have a nice cheesy setup from the melting pot. hi, guys. >> steve: that's right. thank you very much. this is deck clan mckay from the melting pot. the whole idea of will melting cheese, right? what are you supposed to dip. >> a little bit of pretzel bread
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here, french bread, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli. >> janice: everything tastes good with cheese. >> what's your favorite thing. >> mine is apple. >> this is the only way i eat broccoli can with tons of cheese. >> steve: what about double dipping if you are sharing a fondue pot with somebody, you are sticking your cure in and your apple in it with somebody else. what's the double dipping rule. >> all about sharing the fondue with. >> i think you need your own pot. this is my pot. >> steve: this is fantastic. melting pot was on "fox & friends" a while back and great to have you back. so congratulations. how are you celebrating national fondue day? >> we're here with you guys and we're gonna come back home and serve our new happy hour menu. >> steve: look at that cheese ball. >> i love you very much. >> steve: say cheese.
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5:00 am
♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. >> carley: it is thursday, april 11th and this is "fox and friends first". americans are struggling to keep


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