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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  April 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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♪ limu emu ♪ ♪ and doug ♪ hello, ghostbusters. it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. >> carley: it is thursday, april 11th and this is "fox and friends first". americans are struggling to keep
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up. >> i make over three times the federal minimum wage and i cannot afford to live. >> lawrence: a lot of americans feel the same way. ama amand amandaknox back on trial. >> todd: >> brian: -- and cal ripken jr. joins us. >> steve: is he happy because that dpie is going to wear his number or because he is going to be on "fox and friends"? >> brian: "fox and friends." >> steve: remember, mornings are better with cal ripken. in 29 minutes, we're going to key another key inflation report as march producer price index, ppi, will be released.
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>> lawrence: the economy is a key issue. >> brian: peter doocy is live at the white house. peter. >> peter: no matter what you hear, it is not accurate for anybody to say inflation is going down. prices are going up, they are not going up as quickly. since president biden took office, prices are up 19%. >> president biden: i stand by my prediction inflation will cut, we have dramatically reduced. we're in a situation, better situation than when we took office and inflation was skyrocketing and we have a mron to deal with it. >> peter: at a state dinner, the bidens hosted bill and hillary clinton and jeff bezos, robert
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deniro. grocery prices are still making people angry. >> biden has lost control of inflation, it is back, raging back. number today was high, bad, higher because they excludevarious categories. it is much higher than that. out of control. biden has no idea what the hell he's doing. >> peter: if the inflation report is worse than expected, it could advance growing belief on wall street fed will noted cut interest rates as soon as rec originally forecast. the cost of living is number one issue in this election. president biden made a point to say he will not criticize fed chairman jay powell, we'll see how long that will last. >> steve: seemed like he was pressuring him yesterday.
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larry somers said there could be a rate increase. three years ago, inflation was threw the roof and they said it is trans tory, it will happen and then they used expression bidenomics. have they stopped using that? it is not working for people. >> peter: they use it a little bit. people wouldn't benefit if trump becomes president again. messaging is hard, president biden can go in the rose garden and say we're making inflation better than when we took office. if people don't feel that when they go to giant's or safeway or publix and groceries cost more, this is a big issue between what he is saying and what people are feeling. >> brian: thanks, peter.
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economists say if you want to control inflation, raise interest rates. discourage people from spending and that will bring everything down. they did, they raised interest rates and finally stopped. when you do that, you are depressing the housing market. i have a 2.5 or 2.7% rate, why sell and pay more? on the other hand, you thought after the winter, it was built in to get cuts, now that goes away, you see the market yesterday. ended up over 400 points. this could bell. no one is rooting for that, you have to acknowledge that. we saw former chief of staff ron
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mcc clain say enough with the bridges, start showing up at grocery stores. >> carley: the president is stopping using bidenomics because you put your own name in a bad economic message. another message, look at "new york post." another play on words using the president's name, swamped biden flation. americans drowning in high prices. since the president took office, steak is up 26%, eggs up 103%. one thing he did yesterday, he blamed super markets saying super markets are charging more because they want to make more money. really? >> steve: can't be his policy. most jaw-dropping number peter just mentioned, the cost of stuff since joe biden took office, has gone up 20%.
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cost on average is up 20% more than when joe biden took office. this young man named nick, we believe, went on tiktok, this video has gone viral. sitting in his car and yelling at his phone because he cannot afford stuff. that is the kid joe biden is counting on vote are febror joe biden, doesn't sound like that will happen. >> can someone explain to me in crayon eating terms why i make three times the federal minimum wage and i cannot afford to live. i don't want to hear work 90 hours per week, that is not the goal. one bedroom apartment $1800, two bedroom apartment, $2200, who can afford that?
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it is embarrassing to come out and say it is a struggle to survive right now. i know so many people are struggling. >> lawrence: we talk to them everyday. what about the elderly folks at diners that are retired and said look, result of biden economy, i have to go back to work. or the dad, him and his daughter carpool to work, they sold her car for extra money. still no response from the white house on how to relieve the pressure. inflation has gone up and they present more proposals to pump more into the markets. in an election year, a president has to deal with the economy, no answer on the border, no answer on national security front. our asllies wonder where we stad there. how is he going to accomplish
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this before november? >> brian: couple things, you might say, you get too much credit for the economy when it goes good and discredit when it goes bad. it is not as if he be couldn't affect prices by drilling. he froze leases on lng, and not as if he didn't take a bunch of money, print it up and put in windmills and electric cars, which the economy didn't need and consumers don't seem to want. he is going from inkrizible ultra-left wing squad people who don't like him anyway, ignoring he has an image and going on agenda that doesn't work in our interest. >> lawrence: good point, i wonder when we will see town halls with the president? they keep saying democracy, stuff that matters to americans, young voters upset with not what
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is happening in gaza, upset with their paychecks, living paycheck to paycheck. when will we get -- >> brian: pushback on corporate housing. >> steve: thing about a town hall, the terror of the white house, we have that kid in the o audience. nick will stand up, last thing he said, the american dream is dead, over. he is angry at both parties. >> carley: certainly is. we have a fox news alert. >> steve: streets of new orleans hit by flood waters. >> carley: a trailer is levelled to the ground, storm related incidents hurting -- >> lawrence: evacuate friday stables after heavy rain cause
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flooding inside their barn. can't stop those texas horses. >> brian: check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. >> janice: storm prediction center did issue warning for texas, louisiana, mississippi, alabama, georgia, as well. it is hard to pinpoint where we are going to see flash flooding and we got close to a foot of rain in matter of hours in louisiana and texas. tornado-warned storm for the florida panhandle until 8:15 a.m. we have a tornado watch meaning conditions are favorable for tornados for parts of florida and populated areas. severe storm threat for areas i mentioned toward mid-atlantic and ohio river valley. large hail, damaging tornados, had over 300 reports of weather
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yesterday including tornados and we are watching the masters in augusta, georgia. nine, 10, 11:00 a.m., i think we'll see the worst of the weather, better conditions friday and saturday, and in augusta, rain total, close to foot of rain. we will go to robert ray, who is in slidell. we got epic rainfall totals they are comparing to kashes. >> i'm in slidel, other side of the lake ponchatrain. look at the video from yesterday of homes destroyed, businesses destroyed, this is a business
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ripped apart. people were inside this business, no serious injury, apartment complex where the roof is torn off, no serious injuries there. national weather service will be on the ground today investigating, making sure they have everything figured out as to whether or not this was an eeffi ef-1 or maybe stronger. flash flood emergency is rare scenario to be called in nola. i was in new orleans yesterday and look at the flooding, two inches of rain coming down for three or four hours straight. roads were inundated and cars stuck in water. people had to be rescued. that water has now receded, aess
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assessments continue. mississippi and alabama and reeking havoc in florida. reminds us how serious this time of year can be, april and may. you can hear the aluminum getting tossed around on this structure that is destroyed. it is one scenario, people need to be on guard. if this is any indication as to what the next month and a half will be, people make sure you listen to fox weather and fox news and take the warnings seriously. nws back out here as the sun has just come up. >> steve: thank you very much. fox weather is your severe weather headquarters, stream it on your favorite connected device, always on, i have mine on and it shows where we are sitting, there are two weather
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alerts for six hours. >> brian: fox weather not just about the eclipse. we got through the eclipse despite -- >> steve: just one day. >> lawrence: if you are planning a trip, you can look and it will scale it out for you long range. >> carley: always on, always free 24/7. >> brian: janice dean will provide her sole phone. >> lawrence: you couldn't let me have the final word. you have to say after me. >> brian: back to you, lawrence. >> carley: fox news alert. new united states intelligence reports say an attack on israel by ariran proxies -- >> we use military machinery to protect our citizens, when
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terrorist organizations go toward conflict, they use innocent citizens to protect war efforts. that is what you are dealing with. >> carley: and traveling to israel to speak with idf leaders. congresswoman rashida tlaib refusing to condemn death to america chants from michigan activists and had this to say when pressed on the topic by fox news reporter hillary vaughn. >> i don't talk to fox news. >> people were chanting death to america. do you condemn -- >> i do not talk to fox news. >> carley: the death to america chants took place in rashida tlaib's district. and amanda knox is asking for her -- murdering her 20-year-old roommate to be overturned.
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knox and her boyfriend were charged and then acquit in 2014. and listen to this, former school bus aid is out on jail after video reveals moments they spent kicking and shoving a 10-year-old nonverbal autistic boy. the boy was found with marks dating from march and february. it comes as earlier this week, families of three more special needs children in the district accuse the aid of busying their children, as well. that is a sick person, if he did it, or she. former aistant principal where a six-year-old student shot a first grade teacher is facing charges. ebony showed disregard for
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students during the time of the shooting. the victim had a $40 million lawsuit against parker and other school administrators and gen-z americans struggle with mental health more than any other generation. 33% of teens online are using social media almost constantly. we spoke to jonathan height who has a solution for getting preteens off their cell phones. >> you get a smart phone and it will take over much of your life, let kids get through early puberty. give them a flip phone, not a smart phone. >> carley: he recommends banning social media before 16 years old and another thing he said and
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steve, you were doing the interview, great guest. he said that young boys and young girls operate differently when it comes to cell phones and dia damaging things that could happen. young girls turn to self harm and young boys attempt suicide. young girls compare themselves to others on social media. for boys, it is difficult to pinpoint why young boys are so affected. no more real-world play. less sports and more on your phone takes you away from real world and impacting psychology. >> steve: it is not just in your house, to exclusion of doing things you are supposed to do when you grow upthey don't go get a drivers license or go outside and play or go out and have drinks with their friends,
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nobody does that as much. >> carley: the other tip i loved, he said because a lot of inner pas want their kids to have a cell phone because of dangers that could happen, what if your kid needs you. you can have a flip phone, don't let it be a smartphone. >> steve: the book "the dangerous generation." >> brian: his book is a number-one best-seller. you can't even get an interview with him. he has a plan, he is not just saying this, he is i trooing to get other schools involved, he thinks the more people realize if all parents agree, that is what happens when you can reign in a town, city or state. >> steve: he wants schools to ban cell phones. check it into a locker.
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he says he has a 14-year-old and 17-year-old and they look at their phone under the desk. >> lawrence: key factor is for the parents, it starts with parents establishing order when it comes to phones. back in my day, it was myspace, it wasn't cell phones. we were addicted to myspace, my inner pas said i couldn't get on it anyway and i did it anyway. you can have strong parenting, kids do it anyway, you have to find way to establish order when it comes to phones and social media sites. >> carley: batter up, baseball hall of famer cal ripken jr. is on deck after joining the balt baltimore orioles group.
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>> steve: donald trump is in chick-fil-a in georgia. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support you. >> let me give you a hug. [cheering] my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 hi, my name is damian clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these plans include a
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>> i don't care what the media
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tells you, mr. trump, we support you. 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. [cheering] >> thank you! tell my mama i made it! >> lawrence: unbelievable. donald trump getting an enthusiastic welcome in atlanta while treating them to chick-fil-a. president biden hosting a-list celebs and the clintons and only taking specific questions, watch. >> third -- next question, who do i call on next, i have my list here. >> lawrence: bill mcgurn joins us. that supporter of the president says, i don't care what the media says, we support you.
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do you think a lot of americans, even in black communities, feel the same way? >> polls show joe biden support is dropping with traditional demographics like the young latinos, black men, so forth. i would say any trump supporter has to be despite what the media says, in fact, i think the media criticism helps trump. a lot of people think it is so unfair. >> lawrence: bill, what do you think this election is going to go to? is it about coalition that joe biden is losing or do you think it is more about the people staying home or is it this new coalition that donald trump is gaining on? it is not just black voters, hispanic, young voters, choice of staying home or switching to donald trump, right? >> that is the question and that will depend how they campaign.
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if joe biden tries to do another hide in the basement, puff his head up for prearranged questions, that is one thing. if there is a real campaign and debate especially if press starts asking the president tough questions, we might have a campaign. when you're the president, you have to campaign on your record, that is one of joe biden's disadvantages from 2016, he has a record, in my view, not very good. >> lawrence: it looks like they want to campaign on threat to democracy. we had eric trump on yesterday, he had thoughts on that, watch. >> this administration led close to 15 million illegals into this country, flown in 320,000 immigrants into the united states and he is saying donald
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trump is the threat to u.s. democracy? we're losing everything under president biden, our military is not as prepared as it was and donald trump, who had none of the problems is threat to democracy is a joke. >> lawrence: you have a court system targeting political opponents, that is a threat to democracy. wouldn't you agree? >> i agree. i am not sure that dog is going to hunt, but that might be joe biden's best strategy. he can't run on economy, we just got inflation news, he can't run on foreign policy, he lost afghanistan in a humiliating way. he's not giving ukraine what it needs to win. same with israel, he supports their right to defend themselves and chopped them off at the knee when they want to do something.
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if i were joe biden, i wouldn't want to am cacampaign on my record. they have two of the worst salesmen to sell it, joe biden and kamala harris. >> lawrence: you can't run joe, you have to run joe, the rest of them are term limited. thanks for joining us program. over to you, steve. >> steve: thank you, lawrence. we have headlines. off-duty new york city officer leaping into action to save a woman in distress at the top of a building. [video playing] >> it's okay. guys, go, go. >> steve: the officer established dialogue with the woman in distress and waited until officers arrived.
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costco is rolling in the gold since adding it to their inventory. it is estimated costco is selling gold bars and silver coins each month. value of gold grown 14% since the start of the year. young girl hoping to start inner-faith club is speaking out after she was told, no, no inner-faith club at this school. >> i wanted to start it because i felt alone in the classroom and at school. i realize i have friends and knew other people that felt the same way. >> it is viewpoint discrimination to deny a religious club because it is religious. >> steve: students were denied a week after a pride club was approved. those are headlines.
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straight ahead texas senator john cornysn joins us. the senator is next.
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i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people
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who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. >> brian: march's producer price index report shows wholesale inflation up by .2% from photocopy,it was supposed to be .3%. domestic manufacturing up 2.1%,
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what does that mean to consumers? bring in john cornyn, senate finance committee, your reaction to the two numbers? >> this is what happens when you spend trillions unnecessarily. federal reserve raised interest rates, which made buying including housing more expensive. basket of groceries up 36% over what it was when president biden took office and this is what happens when you recklessly spend money. >> brian: people want to see a rate cut, the president is predicting that. >> there are two ways to control it. one is to raise rates higher, not lower, and the other to slow down on the reckless spending so i don't know what the fed is going to do. certainly president biden hasn't
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slowed down in shoveling cash out the door. >> brian: he hasn't. the fbi director had a series of statements and will be talking about he never seen so many different threats from so many different angles and i was concerned by what we were seeing in deerborn, michigan. guys leading death to america chants was doing the same thing in 2021. we don't hear from the democratic governor, don't hear much from the president on the remarks. rashida tlaib, who represents this area in deerborn said this when asked. >> congressman -- >> i don't talk to fox news. >> in your district, people were chanting death to america. do you condemn chants of death to america. >> you don't talk to people who use raceively trump.
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>> can't you say if you condemn pe people chanting -- >> brian: is that a hard question to condemn death to america? >> no remind me of the president of harvard who was asked to condemn racism on campus and she was unable to do so. we should all condemn that. >> brian: right. iran is getting sense they are ready to retaliate for taking out their leaders in damascus. what do you think about this relationship with israel? >> iran wants to retaliate against israel, i am worried they retaliate against the united states. we discussed before, open borders mean people could be infiltrating into the united states or part of the 1.8
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million gotaways. it took 26 people to kill americans on 9/11. >> brian: you for impeaching mayorkas? >> absolutely, there ought to be responsibility, accountability for repeatedly lying to congress saying the border was secure when we all know it was not. he was confronted with a statement he made that 85% of people are released into the country. he tried to deflect that. we have seen what result of the biden border crisis is, roughly 9 million people coming across illegally, 108,000 americans died of drug overdoses and 400,000 children lost by the biden administration. this has been unmitigated
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disaster and secretary mayorkas is responsible. >> brian: he can't control it, that will go out the window when he is about to issue executive order and it will direct border flow. >> it is a fig leaf. >> brian: senator john cornyn, thanks so much. >> brian: jackson holiday making his m.l.b. debut, with number seven, cal ripken jr. is thrilled he is wearing his dad's number and is up to bat next. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today.
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if you have both medicare and medicaid, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities,
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rent, and over-the-counter items. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. so, call now. humana. a more human way to healthcare.e.
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night.
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part of the baltimore orioles owners group. good morning, cal. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: how do you feel about matt holiday, he has number seven, also his father's number, as well, going forward he's wearing the same number your dad did, i think that number was unofficially retired, wasn't it? >> it was a wonderful tribute, i did not realize it was unofficially retired. i got the call, how would you feel about jackson holliday wearing number seven and i said, it would be honored, it brings up significance to talk about dad. he is a wonderful ita wonder it
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and wonderful kid. keeping the jersey just to my dad, it is time for someone else to enjoy the number. >> steve: this guy is great, one sports reporter showed a picture in 2013 and said matt holliday's son a future, as well. wearing a number close to the orioles heart. you are part of ownership with michael bloomberg and grant hill and others. congratulations. >> david rubenstein. yeah. i feel really blessed to be part of the ownership group, i did not think it would be that big of a deal, i always had a connection with the orioles. going into the stadium, it feels really good, the orioles are resp respectad baseball association, it is a great time to step in
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and i've enjoyed that. >> steve: speaking of baltimore, our hearts were broken when we showed the key bridge, it has been a shock to your town. >> i think we're still in shock in many ways. i was at dinner last night and you look out expecting to see the bridge, it is hard to believe it is not there. horrible tragedy, i've been on that bridge so many times, for me personally, i'm still shocked, it does not seem real it is not there. >> steve: absolutely. this morning, you are sitting in the 500th stem center for the cal ripcondken srnot.what that
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center is doing with the others is changing lives. >> absolutely, having a great impact. cal ripken sr. foundation has been around for a long time, we are happening partnering with exelon, this is the 500th ribbon cutting. it blows me away. reaction you get from kids when you introduce the stem curriculum is like teaching baseball for the first time to a kid and him having success. they love it, they explore it and making those exposures early in life, you never know where that is going to go. >> absolutely, a lot of kids never thought about science, technology, engineering or m
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mathematics, but you are making it fun. >> i was a math guy, maybe statistics in baseball. not much of a science guy, but to see the curiosity and learning that takes place is really good. as a parent, you want to expose your kids to things and find out what they really like. this is one of those opportunities. >> steve: congratulations on the 500th stem center. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: speaking of sports, 2024 masters tee off today and bubba watson daughter stole the show. let's preview the show dana perino will steal in seven not ms. >> dana: she can come do the show, super cute. chick-fil-a stop, donald trump asking for votes before another trial starts on monday. and president biden inflation
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woes continue to weigh down his campaign. and gen-z, new nickname tool belt generation, microe is here and preview of the masters and all 9:00.
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>> brian: is action is supposed tee off today later on with the masters. the pros may need to wait longer than expected if the weather does not hold up. >> lawrence: steve harrigan joins us. >> heavey rain and winds overnight pushed back tee times 2 1/2 hours. no hitch in the par three contest wednesday. rickie fowler won that contest. five pros made holes in one. the attention was grabbed by some of the family members including bubba watson's 9-year-old daughter dakota rolled in three long putts on those super fast greens. tiger woods tees off this afternoon. 24 cuts in a row. he still thinks he has another green jacket in him. >> if everything comes together, i think i can get one more.
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>> the odds of woods winning 120 to one. the favorite is scotty scheffler. >> it's a great gig here, sandwiches 1.50. >> steve harrigan with the masters coverage. >> lawrence: what's on radio? >> brian: me and lara trump is my guest. stay within yourself. >> president biden: we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing and we have a plan to deal with it. >> dana: president biden talking tough on inflation. but the numbers tell a


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