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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  April 11, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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>> the odds of woods winning 120 to one. the favorite is scotty scheffler. >> it's a great gig here, sandwiches 1.50. >> steve harrigan with the masters coverage. >> lawrence: what's on radio? >> brian: me and lara trump is my guest. stay within yourself. >> president biden: we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing and we have a plan to deal with it. >> dana: president biden talking tough on inflation. but the numbers tell a different
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story. bill is off today. good morning, glad to have you here. >> good to kick off the day with you. i'm sandra smith and this is "america's newsroom." so that inflation read coming in hotter than expected for the third straight month now. it's up 3 1/2% from last year. .4% from just a month ago. boy, are americans feeling it. >> dana: the cost of food, energy and insurance are all on the rise. the president says things are better than when he took office. the numbers don't bear that out. >> sandra: inflation was 1.4% when joe biden took office. since then it has sped up and slowed down but never has it gone down. >> dana: the "new york post" dubbing it biden inflation saying in this picture that is apt, swamped. that's what americans are. >> sandra: the headline. edward lawrence is reporting live from the white house. i wonder what we'll hear from them today edward? >> interesting.
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americans have attached, as you know, higher prices to the term bidenomics that we heard a lot last year. all prices are up about 19% since the president came into office. you've slowly been seeing inflation rise and accelerate. the latest inflation report, the third one that came in hotter. the federal reserve won't make an interest rate cut any time soon. biden was wrong when he said inflation was skyrocketing when he came into office. how inflation remained too low at that time. president biden trying to blame former president trump for inflation under biden's watch. >> president biden: so i think they have no plan. our plan is one, i think, is still sustainable. >> the president when he came into office gas prices are up 52%. electricity up 28%. there is the gas prices up 52%
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since president biden came into office. senator ted cruz told larry kudlow the american people realize who sparked inflation. >> terrible numbers for joe biden. terrible numbers for the senate democrats and house democrats. it speaks volumes that the white house is no longer using the phrase bidenomics. >> the president has not said bidenomics at all this month. he said it one time last month. you remember last june, sandra, he said it 29 times. embraced it last year. no longer. >> sandra: the headlines aren't good. the market is -- maybe a little relief rally but we'll watch it. edward, thank you. >> get rich, right? >> franchise, the owner is a great man a member of one of my clubs. they do very well. they are closed on sunday. it's the lord's chicken. >> dana: donald trump mingling with an adoring crowd at a
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chick-fil-a yesterday. he ordered 30 milk shakes. fox news has karl rove here. >> we support you. >> let me give you a hug. [applause] >> dana: these kinds of crowds, he draws them when he is able to get them. >> the image we have. the current president standing in aviator glasses as a rose gar ten ceremony. stiff, seemingly aloof and former. the former president visiting chick-fil-a. who doesn't like chick-fil-a and getting a very warm welcome. campaigns are based on lots of things. images matter a lot in those
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considerations and yesterday's image war was won by donald trump easily. >> sandra: not the mention the denial of the economic environment for the american people and doubling down on things getting better the president made the case. >> yeah. look, again, they've made a mistake last year by going out and talking about bidenomics. if you've ever been in a marketing class, if something is not popular don't put your name on it. since the beginning the so-called bidenomics, whatever the economic policies of the administration are have not helped americans cope with this issue of rising prices for everything that we come into contact with every day. go fill up the car, pick up groceries. take the kids out for a happy meal, you go get clothes to get them back to school, you pay the insurance bill and utility bill and mortgage and rent, all these things have risen dramatically and people feel and know that.
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for the president to say it's working, they don't feel it. there will be a period of adjustment where we come into conformity with the new reality of higher prices for everything that we use in our lives and what that does to the average family budget. prices up 19% in median household income down 5%. try to deal with that 25% difference in prices and your ability to pay them. >> dana: no end in sight. vice president kamala harris did a podcast and she is worried that 2024 could be the last democratic election. watch. >> there are so many layers to what is at stake and why i think a lot of people are panicked. i don't think it's hyper poll i can to say this could be the last democratic election we ever have. >> dana: they've been saying it for a long time. president trump and president biden are tied on who would
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protect democracy the most. have the democrats squeezed all they can out of that lemon? >> she is talking to the faithful, not talking to the swing voters. you are right, both parties have adherents who believe the other party is a threat to the future of the country. but the people who will decide the election are the ones trying to figure out who will do the best job in the next four years than the other one. a relatively small group of people, ten or 15% of the ele electric -- electorate. this kind of language does nothing except energize the true believers. so bad move on kamala harris's part. she wisely was going to arizona to talk about abortion, which will be a problem in that state for republicans. again, tone deaf on the part of
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the democrats. >> dana: her ability to figure out a way to say i'll go to arizona, get on the plane and be there and drive in the news cycle is smart and flexible of her on that front. karl rove, thank you for kicking us off. >> sandra: thank you, karl. fox news alert. the head of u.s. central command touching down in israel this morning as reports say an attack from iran or its proxies could be imminent. tehran has vowed to retaliate against israel for the air strike on its consulate in damascus. trey yengst is live from tel aviv for us this morning. what's the latest? >> good morning. tension remains high across the middle east as israel braces for an expected large scale attack from iran or its proxies. iran's supreme leader spoke to week to mark the end of ramadan saying the israeli strike on the iranian consulate in syria was
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like an attack on iranian soil. he said the country must and will be punished. it could be imminent. this does align with comments from american officials including president biden who have tried to send a message to iran over the past 24 hours that the united states stands behind israel. >> president biden: as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against threats from iran and its proxies is iron clad. say it again, iron clad. we'll do all we can to protect israel's security. >> today the head of u.s. central command is in israel to meet with defense officials. his visit is meant to coordinate a joint defense to an iranian attack. there is an understanding the americans could help in case israel's air defense systems are overwhelmed. if such an attack from iran does target israel directly there is an understanding that israel
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would respond against iranian territory. another step up on the escalation ladder. >> sandra: trey, thank you. [chanting] >> dana: remember these moments on campus? a group of jewish students say pro-palestinian protestors made them fear for their lives and how students are fighting back. >> sandra: many taxpayer funded colleges are now mandating dei courses in order to graduate. where that is happening. >> dana: philadelphia's new mayor vowing to end open air drug markets. will her strategy yield results? >> in kensington the reality is stark and painful. needles are in our paths but let me be clear, this ends today. are made in america
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making tiktok videos. after we posted the video, we were slammed, people letting us know that they were trying it out for the first time. i always knew tiktok was a pretty powerful platform, but i never realized the extent of that power until a small town girl like me was able to reach millions of people and help keep my parents' dream alive.
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i am william alden smith, a united states senator investigating the cause of one of the greatest maritime disasters in history. the titanic. your ship, sir. they'll only be compensated if white star and its employees are found negligent. you did not respond, "we are sinking. and our passengers and our crew are in danger. what agreement with the military? war, miss ricard, war. rated pg
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>> dana: check this out. parents want to know college students around the country are being forced to take diversity classes and taxpayers may be footing the bill. hundreds of universities, mostly public schools, are mandating dei courses as a requirement for graduation. we're live in new york city with more. >> this new report shows that universities across the country are requiring students to take these dei classes in order to graduate. according to the study, it is a majority of universities. speech first investigated 248 schools and found that 2/three of the institutions mandated a dei course to satisfy general education requirements. of that group, a majority of the schools are taxpayer funded public institutions. 59%. and in some cases, they are located in states that have
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specifically passed legislation to remove dei from campuses. take florida for example. despite the state law that bans dei initiatives in public colleges there are five schools requiring at least one class in order to graduate. fox business reached out to the all five of those schools and haven't heard back. speech first argues by mandating these courses as requirements to graduate, it is not only indoctrinateing students that attend those universities it also strips them of their ability of free speech. >> universities should be the adults in the room. should be the ones who see what is best for the student and they should be protecting the students's speech not forcing them to adopt ideas they don't believe it but supporting the free exchange of ideas, open debate of discourse is vital to education and universities should be prioritizing this. >> one of the main changes is for colleges to prohibit the mandatory of activism courses
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like. you can see why english, math and science required to graduate. dei not so much. >> dana: thank you for keeping on top of it. appreciate it. >> i use pcp every day of my life. >> every day. >> why come to kensington? >> the number one open drug market. >> sandra: open air drug market and homeless encampments are plaguing downtown philadelphia. the city's new mayor is cracking down and clearing out the camps and surging more police officers into the neighborhood. some say it will turn things around. others are skeptical. let's bring our panel. rich, start with you first. will this work, the mayor's plan?
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philadelphia is a mess. >> sandra, it is a mess and i talk about politics for four hours a day on my radio show. a great example of the intersection between national politics and local politics. it won't work until we do two things. one, we have a president in there who will shut the border and stop the flow of fen fentanyl. we have a district attorney. the neighborhood wants this cleaned up. the district attorney won't prosecute and the drugs will keep flowing through the southern border until we get a president in there who will shut it down. >> sandra: the fentanyl crisis is a big problem there as it is so many other places in the country right now. jennifer, this is the mayor's campaign promise on kensington and cleaning up the mess. shut down the open air drug market that has been allowed to
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prevail. they will be part of the solution. what it looks like i will have an experienced police commissioner who will define what that plan is. a big police presence will be necessary. this is going to be difficult. why are you skeptical? >> i'm skeptical for a couple of reasons. one, we don't have enough police in the city of philadelphia after years and years of defund the police and anti-cop rhetoric. as rich pointed out, district attorney who simply refuses to prosecute criminals. i question whether there will be enough cops and if those cops go after, risk their life and go after drug dealers if the d.a. will do anything about it. we have to question mayor parker how she is going back and solving those systemic issues. a lot of mayors do this and the area gets cleaned up and gets moved to another neighborhood. this is how k and a got to be where it is. a big drug camp on a closed down railroad and the former mayor
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decided ill oh he clean that up and look like a hero. everybody moved and migrated to the corners of k and a living on the streets. the other thing is, there has to be longer-term plans for these addicts or they will be in rehab and back on the streets which is very true. >> sandra: with the video on our screen that our viewers were taking in no wonder why you are describing it like a scene from the walking dead. to jennifer's point, one you have made as well, the problem has just been pushed neighborhood to neighborhood. that's why nothing eventually goes away or gets done and this crisis doesn't get cleaned up and removed for good. >> that's right. there is no actual solutions. they are just moving it for optics purposes. that's a real problem. then you bring crime to other parts of the city. a roving band going around. at the same time you have politicians pushing for so-called safe injection sites
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and have people come and do heroin at these so-called safe injection sites and bring more drugs and drug dealers into the neighborhood. the neighborhoods don't want it. kensington used to be a working class philadelphia neighborhood and right around it you have beautiful neighborhoods. fish town and northern liberties, great bars and restaurants and new apartments. kensington remains the zombie land movie you are watching now. it won't get better because the fentanyl will keep coming into the streets and the guys selling it and the people that are delivering this product to the people that we see walking around like zombies need to be behind bars. until we have a prosecutor who will put them away and a president make sure the fentanyl stops coming we'll see this continue and it is heartbreaking. >> sandra: that's the clash getting set up as we speak. they are vowing to crack down on crime but you have a liberal
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d.a. who won't prosecute the crimes. >> the biggest problem is we know under president biden it seems like the federal government will not do its job. it should but it won't. a lot can be done locally. police can do a lot if they are empowered to do it and if there is justice on the other side of it. when you don't have the justice system working on behalf of the people and instead working off of some crazy ideological view of the george sorrows funded d.a. who thinks he is solving racism by letting criminals roam the street and ruin people's lives you have a real problem here. my concern is are there enough cops. they aren't. will the cops if they do their job actually be able to get justice or come back and put their lives in more jeopardy. think about this. >> sandra: the longer this goes on you push more tax paying, law abiding residents and businesses out and the problem only gets
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worse. thanks to both of you for joining us. important stuff. all right. >> thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: sandra, there was a shocker. the dreams of the champions cups were dashed last night. they lost. miami trailed 2-one from the first leg of the corner final and things got worse. they won 5-two on ago reget. messi has been out of miami's starting lineup with a leg injury. that's a big disappointment but the superstar's return couldn't clinch a victory last night. >> sandra: anybody who goes to the games with families and praying messi is there. >> dana: i think it was in japan or korea they went to play an exhibition game and furious he wasn't playing. he was injured. we watch indeed. check this out. >> stay at home, don't come out.
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we have too much traffic now. there are nails all over the place. you will get them in your tires. a lot of power lines down. it is a big thing for us to have to deal with now. >> sandra: a violent storm spun off tornadoes in louisiana and texas. the system is still on the move and we have a live report and update. a focus group of undecided voters not mincing words on the president's job performance. >> i feel like he doesn't take accountability with what's going on. not even accountability. he? denial it's happening. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan
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through a small town north of new orleans. at least one tornado touched down damaging several homes and stores. fox weather correspondent robert ray is in slidell, louisiana. >> good morning from slidell on the banks of lake ponchartrain across from new orleans. a ef1 tornado. debris, you can hear aluminum pushed around by the wind. stop sign that got ripped off its pole yesterday when this system came through. the cleanup is beginning today. guys, if you can imagine, you look at the scene behind me and see some of the visuals of this tornado damage, no significant injuries, phenomenal. six people inside the structure behind me. all are okay, minor scrapes. unfortunately, one fatality in the state of mississippi as this storm began in texas and just
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trekked across the deep south yesterday. national weather service is on the ground here this morning right now and they are looking at this ef1 preliminary damage potentially to upgrade it or keep it the same and looking at the fact there may have been straight line winds along with the tornado that ripped up everything. this steel structure behind me, this is collapsed and aluminum ripped. no injuries. cleanup surrounds here. you hear that now. that's not the only thing that occurred here yesterday. across lake ponchartrain in new orleans a flash flood emergency, a rare call by the national weather service as over six inches of rain fell in a couple of hours unindating streets. the french quarter did not take flood during hurricane katrina
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had a foot of water. the system continues to move through florida and south georgia. the beginning of severe weather season. tune in to fox weather appear for those warnings as this situation is still developing here this morning. back to you. >> dana: incredible report. so glad nobody was injured. amazing outcome there. for more updates follow fox weather, the severe weather headquarters streaming on all your favorite devices. i love it and look at it several times a day. >> bill: fox news alert on the economy. wholesale prices in were up more than 2% a year ago. the stock market reacting a bit. the dow is up 17 points, to be sure we say the pre-market was indicating we were going to see a drop. the market is a bit happy with that report. all of this on top of yesterday's hotter than expected inflation number. it cast doubt on hopes for a federal reserve rate cut. here is what joe biden said
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about that yesterday. >> president biden: i don't by my prediction there will be rate cuts this year. it may be delayed. we don't know what the fed will do for certain. we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% to close to 3%. >> sandra: maria bartiromo is here now. great to see you. that was remarkable in and of itself. the president of the united states commenting on the federal reserve's next move. >> if president trump was out there talking about the interest rate cut will be a month delayed and we'll get a cut they would say you're trying to get the fed to help you politically. the joe biden speak with jay powell yesterday? it is remarkable he would start talking about that. to be clear, the efforts to rein in inflation has been the federal reserve. the fed has been successful in terms of getting inflation down but we are still talking about
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significant numbers. the federal government has not been helpful at all because of all the spent. you are talking about $7 trillion of spending. things like the inflation reduction act that didn't reduce inflation. fiscal responseability act. that 36 trillion in debt. we spend a trillion dollars every 100 days. when you look at these numbers, you are talking about sticker shock at the grocery store. >> dana: really bad for people. we have the numbers that show cpi from january of 2021 when biden took office to now. we have that chart here. you know this chart very well. what is upsetting for a lot of people there was a lot of hope that these inflation would at least come down. it is not. that means the high grocery prices will continue. >> that's right. basically what we see here is joe biden walking into the oval office and cpi1.4%. throughout his term we went to the peek, 9.1% and coming down ever since but you are still
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talking about inflation up 19% on joe biden's watch. this is because of things like oil prices, it's things like food, shelter. the essentials to live. oil prices are getting a two punch. on one hand you have all the spending. all of that 7 trillion in spending but a climate change agenda which is trying to knock down fossil fuels and what is it doing? it's sending prices higher. simple supply and demand. i have been told that gasoline will be a problem going into the summer according to economists and what they are predicting. up in the double digits since december. >> sandra: how can it not be? up 50% during his presidency. memorial day will be telling to look where gas prices are there en. when it comes to sheer prices it seems like there is a denial that people are paying so much more for just about everything. how it started, january 2021 versus how it is going today, prices up 19%.
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that's an average. i have think people at home are going i've noticed my grocery bills up 25%. depends on where you live. this is the "wall street journal" editorial board on the inflation thief rising again. price increases are unlike anything americans have seen in recent decades. they have been a particular shah shock for low income and younger workers who haven't accumulated a wealth cushion in the stock market or housing values. that is such a good point. affordability crisis is real. >> a lot of these increases we're seeing in the cpi have to do with housing. a great point you raise. away from housing, which is already problematic, look at food. bread up 29% year-over-year since 2021 the date we're looking at from the brain room at fox news. flour up 24%. stay costs up 28 1/2%. food, fuel as well as shelter, the essentials are hurting
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people. that's why you hear president biden talking about how great everything is and it is not resonating with the average person out there because of this. >> dana: undecided voters, there was a focus group done on a video by two-way it's called. undecided voters. they are blaming biden. watch here. >> he isn't taking accountability at all. not even accountability. he is in denial. >> biden needs to hear the people. when he is talking about the economy doing stellar and talking about the stock market. he is not thinking about how much it costs to gto the grocery store and he is gas lighting everyone in the process. >> dana: when you hear it from voters it makes a difference. it packs a punch. >> he is not acknowledging the problem. the first point in terms of getting us back to normalcy is acknowledging the problem. he wants to forgive student loan debt. that's just more stimulus.
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you have the stimulus of the 7 trillion in spending on top of all these things that the administration is doing in terms of putting more stimulus in the economy, the most basic tenet that we studied for years, too many dollars chasing too few goods. >> sandra: the white house tweets from joe biden's account was building and renovating 2 million homes to solve the housing affordability. who will pay for that? that feeds into the inflation. the last voter speakering in the video was later asked did you vote for joe biden and he said yes. and he just -- >> dana: now he is undecided. the campaign is on but unfortunately inflation is also on. >> it will be a big problem going into the election, and the open border. >> dana: it all adds together and crime and we can keep going. we'll let you go. thank you, maria. we're awaiting mike johnson
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welcoming japan's prime minister on capitol hill. >> we aren't going away. we are not giving up. we will continue our investigation. >> dana: three elite college presidents testified on anti-semitism back in december. the head of columbia university is gearing up for her turn in the spotlight. that's next. [chanting] yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. let a turbotax full-service expert do your taxes as soon as today. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to.
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this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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[shouting and chanting] >> dana: that death to america chant happened in dearborn, michigan. we tried getting reaction from tlaib on the hill but this is what happened. >> why can't you just say whether or not you condemn --
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>> fox news is not nice. listen, using racist tropes about my community what this is about. i don't talk to fox news. >> is death to america racist? >> dana: the far left democrat displays the palestinian flag outside her congressional office. she is undaunted out there, hillary vaughn. [chanting] >> sandra: more than six months after hamas attacked israel anti-semitism is sweeping across college campuses. columbia included. bryan llenas is there this morning. >> just recently columbia university students hosted an anti-israeli event that included speakers known to support terrorism and violence. as a result. several students were
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indefinitely suspended and evicted from on-campus housing after the event. hello, the nation's largest jewish student organization, reports there have been 1275 anti-semitic incidents on college campuses since the october 7th attack. an 800% increase compared to the last academic year. there have been 54 reports of physical assaults on jewish students on campuses nationwide. more than the last ten years combined. >> somehow, as bad as it was in the fall, it has actually gotten worse in many ways in the spring. one thing we should also be clear on, this is not an issue of free speech. this is an issue of conduct when people are targeting harassment, when they are tearing down posters and engaging in physical misconduct. that's not speech. >> at uc berkeley tuesday ten pro-palestinian activists
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interrupted a dinner they were invited to by the law school's dean, who is jewish. the dean's wife, a berkeley professor, tried to get them to leave their home leading to this. uc berkeley and columbia are among the six universities ininvestigation for anti-semitism. columbia's president and trustees will testify on capitol hill next week. >> it is the jewish students who are coming to us to say we are not safe. it is the jewish students who are being assaulted. it is not other students. so what we want is for the columbia university administration to take responsibility for what is happening on the campus and say we acknowledge it, we are going to do something about it. >> she is skeptical these latest
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things will protect jewish students. [chanting] >> dana: speaking of anti-semitism you might remember this video that shocked the nation. jewish students at cooper union in new york city were forced to shelter inside the library during a tens pro palestinian rally. they are suing the college for failing to protect them. brook goldsteyn from the law share project. what are you alleging? >> thank you for having me and highlighting the issue of rising jew hatred in america. we are suing coopers union on behalf of ten jewish students locked in the library as a pro-hamas mob, in violation of school policies illegally threatened them with violence. what is so shocking about this case is that president sparks,
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the president of the school, during this demonstration, first locked herself in her room because she obvious eye too felt threatened and escaped the school leaving the jewish students at the mercy of the mob. when police were called and police were asked to remove the students and remove them under police protection the president gave the police a stand down order not to remove the students and not to assist with the hostile mob. that's why, amongst other reasons, we're suing the school for failing to protect their jewish students. >> dana: we reached out to the school for a statement. i don't believe we've heard from them. they will have to respond in court. how are the students doing after that pretty traumatic night? >> well, thank you for asking. they are shocked, they are traumatized and the campus remains unsafe for these students. what is so alarming is that
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while the school has come out and made statements for every other minority community, whether the black community, the asian community or otherwise, the school has failed to discipline the protestors even though they were acting in violation of the student code and in violation of the law. the school has also failed to outright condemn the hamas terrorist attacks on october 7th where innocent men, women and children were slaughtered, raped, burned alive. can you imagine what it feels like to be a jewish student at coopers union today? >> dana: has it gotten any better? in october things were hot and heavy. we showed that anti-semitism on college campuses has continued and the gentleman said it increased this spring. i'm wondering at cooper union can they point to anything that's gotten better? >> no.
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the fact that there has been no action, no statements made, no disciplinary action means the jewish students remain on campus being taunted by the same people who were shouting genocidal slogans like from the river to the sea, free palestinian and so forth. this school is in direct violation of a numerous state anti-discrimination laws. they are operating in violation of title vi of the civil rights act and we aim to hold this school as well as others, we have a lieu suit against columbia university also. the jewish community is the minority community, the most persecuted in human history and deserve equal protection under the law. >> dana: thank you for being here today and we'll stay in touch as this case moves along the system. >> thank you. >> sandra: another record broken in the migrant crisis. the number of known gotaways
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>> dana: ramping up art richly intelligence and automation. fox business's ashley webster is in brooksville, florida. hi, ashley. > we'll give you this report. right behind me here we're at the wal-mart distribution center. 1.6 million square feet of technology and artificial intelligence right here this is an autonomous mobile robot. no one is piloting it. what it is doing is taking goods off the truck, bringing it out and putting it -- stacking it over here and goes through a very, very high-tech selecting and folding process.
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it can be sorted and the contents can be looked at all by robots. items like baby food never get put beside something like detergent all designed to make the process more efficient and streamlined. of course, for the customer, it gets all of this to them faster. if you're wondering -- wait a minute. you say hi-technology is taking the jobs of humans. well, think again. listen to this. >> we had a source of getting more productive, job is becoming more high skilled. freeing a lot of their time so that they can do what they do best, serve our customers. and for our customers it makes it even more seamless. >> well, so behind me is just like a very mesmerizing away of mechanical arms and scoops that are operating very fast and precisely. in fact, autonomous machines can
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actually put out 560,000 cases per day. humans 300,000 per day. in other words, the robot almost doubles the workload. in other words, employees go from players to being coaches. in this case the players do exactly what the coaches want. this is the future, guys, back to you. >> dana: you get the best assignments. get to learn all these things and bring the them to it and we appreciate it. thank you so much, ashley, take care. an explosion of gotaways invading the united states heading for cities and towns far and wide and we have no idea who they are, where they are, what they are doing, or why they're here. he welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." bill hemmer is off today. glad to have you here. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. border patrol recorded more than 7 million migrant encounters since president biden took office. another 1.8 million migrants entered the country illegall


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