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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  April 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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saying he was surrounded by them. they are asking for privacy. he was battling cancer in these last several months. he has lost that battle today, sandra. there is a lot of reflection coming in about his life as an incredible athlete but then, of course, it's hard to explain to somebody young how over the top the coverage of the trial when he was accused of murdering his wife and her friend. >> sandra: he went on to live a private life in las vegas. >> dana: a larger than life character but he has passed away today. harris faulkner will have more for you and all the other stories as well. here she is. >> harris: we'll begin there with the breaking news that's just minutes old at this point. o.j. simpson has died. he battled cancer. he was 76. his family made an announcement from his social media account
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moments ago. on april 10th our father succumbed to his battle with cancer. he was surrounded by his children and grandchildren during this time of transition his family asks that you please respect their wishes for privacy and grace. simpson, as you know, just about any acknowledge at this point has heard of o.j. simpson. he was in the nfl for 11 reasons primarily with the buffalo bills, regarded as one of the greatest running backs of all time. his professional success, though, was to use a term from this week, eclipsed by his high-profile double murder trial. his personal life took over. he was ultimately acquitted of the double murder of his ex-wife nichol brown simpson and her friend ron goldman back in the 1990s. he was ultimately acquitted of all of that.
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but it hung over him. it defined him in a way with many people. that's how they came to know him from the white bronco chase, from seeing cameras in the courtroom hour after hour. it was the first time the country really had been taken into the apprehension of a suspected criminal, suspected murderer and then the adjudication of that case. so public. everything o.j. simpson did public. william la jeunesse with more now. william. >> love, hate or being indifferent of him he was one of the most iconic people of our time. many years he dominated the news cycle whether the football career where he was a star, later the rose bowl against ohio state. buffalo bills the record year of 2003 yards. remember the hertz commercials and his arrest in 1994 charged
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with the murder of ron goldman and nichole simpson and ultimately acquitted. he had a civil judgment in that case where he paid very little of that $33 million judgment. in 2007, i covered this in las vegas, he was charged with robbing and kidnapping an individual in a sports memorabilia case. fierp arm was used in that case and sentenced to 33 years in prison and served about nine. then he was ultimately released and went basically to go play golf in las vegas. he showed up on twitter occasionally. talking about things in the news. he kind of stayed in that vein until his death of cancer today. >> harris: thank you very much. i want to go to senior correspondent eric shawn. i know you are joining us by phone. you become synonymous with the coverage of this trial, the early days, if you will, of fox news channel.
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we would tune in, i would as a wire and watch you hour after hour you were in that courtroom when o.j. simpson. one of the biggest stars in football at the time, was on trial for double murder. tell us about it. >> i think the tragedy and the legacy of o.j. simpson is actually the travesty and tragedy of justice that occurred with that not guilty verdict in 1995. i covered the trial, the criminal trial and part of the civil trial later in which he was found liable. it shows how in the american justice system, if you have enough money and you have lawyers who can take facts and twist them and add some reasonable doubt according to some people, can basically free a savage, brutal murderer. it's what the american public did not see. what i saw. the gruesome, horrendous autopsy photos of nick ole -- my
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thoughts are the sister and family of nichole brown and ron goldman. the photos were beyond revolting. a savage crime of passion, anger, rage, fury, nichole's voice box was sliced, carotid arteries severed, the knife went into her backbone. it was revolting and discussing and showed it was a crime of fashion. the blood evidence, the blood drops that went back to his white bronco, the blood on his middle finger cut two inchs long from fingernails in the fight with nichole as he slashed her to death. the bronco parked at an odd angle at his house.
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eyewitness testimony of the limousine driver who saw the bronco later that revealed that o.j. drove from the murder scene up to there. that to me is the legacy of what the american public and coverage we did not and could not show. if any viewer of that trial at that time saw those autopsy photos you would be shocked to your senses and to me at this moment, harris, my thoughts are with the victims' families, that never a travesty of justice like this murder. he had a history of domestic violence against nichole, authorities always gave him a pass because of who he was. the documents showed that he had punched and kicked her. the photos introduced into evidence of her being bruised. she had told the police he had threatened to kill her. police had been to his home eight times domestic disturbance incidents and police, lapd gave him a pass because of who he
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was. to me that's the legacy and what people should remember where domestic abusers are not held to account and the importance of domestic abuse that we must listen and sadly in his death, which is shocking to me this morning because we really weren't aware of the extent of his cancer the past few months. that's the legacy and meaning of o.j. simpson. there must be justice in this country and in this case in my view there was not. >> harris: some of the details were the first many people will have heard in the coverage of this case as you so pointedly put it, eric. we didn't have the photos at that time contemporaneously with the trial public. so we had not seen the autopsy photos that you spoke of this morning. and you and i and in all the years we've known each other, almost two decades have never spoken to this detail that i can remember about this case. when you put it in that context and when you look at what he had
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achieved both on and off the big screens and on and off the football field, so on and so 4th of july, the details take us back to why all of that was overshadowed by this case and he was ultimately acquitted. eric, before i let you go, i did want to ask you this. just in terms of we had no idea, tmz had recently caught up with him and he was looking not healthy at that point. we knew he was battling cancer. the age of 76 now gone of prostate cancer. eric shawn, thank you very much for the detail. startling to hear the autopsy photos in such detail from eric shawn. i want to bring in leo terrell, attorney and fox news contributor joining me now. leo, you and i had planned to talk about a whole host of things today.
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everything changes for breaking news. your immediate thoughts when you learned that at one point a superstar and then an alleged double murderer and you heard all of the detail that eric shawn just gave, what were your immediate thoughts when you learned that o.j. simpson was dead this morning? >> well first of all i was getting ready to appear on your show for some unrelated issues and heard the news and shocked. my phone blew up. as you know, i met eric and many other people. i covered that trial. i had the opportunity to cover it for the local fox affiliate and i think a lot of people on fox news got to know me because i was on hannity every night. i worked on that case from the standpoint of giving legal commentary every night. it is a shocking event. what happened in that situation, it changed courtroom trials. it televised courtroom. everything changed. soap operas were knocked off the
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air because it was in the courtroom. you had marsha clark and chris dar don and the so-called dream team. johnny cochrane, alan dershowitz. i got to have the inside information and i portrayed that information on trial -- on public with appearances on television. i think what eric brought up is very true to the extent there is a lot about that case that the american public does not know. probably unfortunately will not know because of attorney/client privilege and privacy issues. it changed how cases are presented when you have the cameras in the courtroom. you talk about that. they can be effective and they can be destructive because all of a sudden the players inside the courtroom start playing to the cameras.
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>> harris: i have to ask about this case because you heard me say it, it is true he was ultimately acquitted of the double murders. but it changed his life forever, too. he couldn't live the way that he thought he could. he certainly wasn't going to have endorsements after that. and he sought a different type of lifestyle that eventually ended up seeing him put in prison anyway. >> yes. let me tell you right now, harris, you know, the legal justice system, as far as the acquittal, he was acquitted, but in the court of public opinion he was found guilty and it destroyed his professional and personal career. he was a pariah, whenever he tried to introduce himself into the public the public said no way. then you had the criminal case in nevada that some people felt was quote, justification. as a lawyer, i don't find -- i
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have a problem with that issue. i have a situation -- the situation in nevada is totally unrelated to what happened involving nichole brown simpson and ron goldman. after that situation in nevada after he got released he accepted the fact, harris, his life would be of a private citizen and no more public celebrity status. >> harris: wow. simpson held the nfl single season rushing record of 2003 yards. such a huge, superstar. not just only for young black players at the time. he was in commercials and so on and so forth. so when that trial happened, as leo said, it changed the game forever in terms of how cases were adjudicated publicly and what we got to see. but also his life. it was never the same, either, for o.j. simpson. we'll have much more on the death of o.j. simpson coming up.
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plus president biden is taking another economic hit amid relentless inflation that is crushing americans. it is going back in the wrong direction. the white house is again playing defense. republican senators are pushing for the democrat-led chamber to take up impeachment articles against dhs secretary mayorkas. we are waiting for an executive border order from president biden. he said he didn't have the power. apparently he found it. we get into all of it with florida republican senator marco rubio. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only... see how at that's me! okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo!
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>> harris: fox news alert. the new inflation report is worse than expected for the
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third month in a row. president biden is treating the economic emergency like he does with these things, you know, trying to convince an entire nation it is not happening. it is clear he does not know what grocery cost or maybe he does and doesn't care. he will have to tell us. critics say biden is straight up gas lighting americans about the economy. overall prices are way up since he took office. we know this. he pushed the term bidenomics and then ran away from the lie of it all. yesterday he was out defending his policies. >> president biden: we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we're in a situation where we are better situated than we were when we took office where inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it. >> harris: okay, again i don't know what he experiences, but in january of 2021, you see the arrow there on the far left of your screen out of all those. do you know what inflation was
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when trump left? 1.4%. remember last summer it was cooking three times that, four times that. at one point it was 9%. it climbed to that in june of 2022. former president donald trump didn't hold back. he posted this on truth social. inflation is back and raging. the fed will never be able to credibly lower interest rates because they want to protect the worst president in history of the united states. later in the day trump stopped in an atlanta chick-fil-a. we showed you his speech. at the chick-fil-a he picked up the tab for everybody eating at the restaurants and bought shakes, too. axios says maribito -- march inflation report says swamped. americans are drowning in high
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prices. forget bidenomics, they're coining it biden inflation. marco rubio of the great state of florida, intelligence committee vice chairman is in "focus" now. we're in trouble, the numbers are going back up in the wrong way and that 3.5%, senator, doesn't even include food and energy. that's a baseline inflation. >> a couple things. very misleading when he said it used to be at 9%. this is compounding. not like it went down from nine to three. it is building month after month. close to 18 or 19% over the last three years how prices have grown for people. florida has a higher rate. i happen to live in the first right after honolulu most expensive community in america with regard to inflation. auto insurance and the one thing to look at is the production costs, the manufacturing costs,
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the wholesale inflation. what it is costing to make things have gone up. at the core inflation is about this. you have x number of things to sell and more people to buy it or more money chasing it. the only answer to that is you have to increase production or you have to raise interest rates to suck the money out of the economy. who pays the interest rates? beneficiaries or savers but the people who get killed are people with credit card debt or any debt. people trying to buy a home or anything of that nature. president trump is right. at no time in the forseeable future will interest rates be able to come down if this continues. biden sounds tone deaf. he is going out there. he stopped saying bidenomics but going out there bragging about stuff and people are saying what is he talking about? he is out of his mind. >> harris: he forgot what century he was in the yesterday. maybe for part of that century the prices are what he remembers. he did eventually correct it. what i appreciate so much and i
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hope the audience does now, too. the compounding interest. you compared what we as grocery shoppers buying everything, not just food, are going through. it is like having a credit card at all times in our lives. >> as you go back to think about all the things driving it. they spent close to over $2 trillion of government money. more money pumped into the economy. goff spending. part of it. then you have all the regulations they are putting on raising the cost of production and we have a systemic issue we have to confront long term. our ability to produce things in this country. we have to get back to being a country that can make things down the supply chain because otherwise we become very vulnerable to any disruption. if there is a war or pandemic or an enemy tries to cut us off from something. so that is a function we need to focus on in terms of the economy. the other things about the government spending and driving of it, we predicted inflation
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would happen and the price of inflation isn't just when you go pay for things. it is in the interest rate. thats the only remedy the fed has to suck money out of the economy. it is killing people who have to put things on credit cards or trying to buy a home. >> harris: yeah. all right. we'll move to this. another big problem and we'll see if house republicans can handle what is happening. house republicans had to delay the delivery of the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas' impeach. articles. some of your senate colleagues are now reportedly promising maximum pain if leader chuck schumer refuses a trial. talking of stalling legislative business until they get to that impeachment trial of mayorkas. many expect senator schumer to table or dismiss the impeachment articles. mayorkas during a dhs budget hearing yesterday finally admitted this under oath. >> mr. secretary, you dance
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around calling the crisis at our southern border a humanitarian crisis but a crisis. >> i do understand the challenges at the border and don't dance around them. >> would you call it a crisis at the southern border. >> yes, i would. >> harris: president biden is mulling over an executive action on the border and that's after months of claiming he could not do anything because he didn't have the power. he could not secure it without congress. the white house says no final decision has been made yet. former president trump says quote, biden has flooded our country with tens of millions of illegal aliens. do not be fooled by any phony biden executive order, end quote. your reaction. >> my reaction is that he can do executive orders. there were trump executive orders when he took over he repealed them. all he has to do is go back to that. now he is trapped because to do that would be to admit trump was right. it happens to be who he is
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running against for president. and so that's the trap he is now in. remember, he bragged about on the campaign trail how he would repeal all the things. he did. it's when the things kicked off. over 9 million illegals have entered our country. it all began when he repealed the trump measures. the executive orders he needs to put back in place. he always had the power to repeal them and reinstate them. to do it means going to war with another element of his left wing base. the open borders crowd and admitting trump was right. >> harris: he will have to tuck in his ego. i'm certain you are right. it now has become a war of words for this president instead of taking the action that we all know he can. we'll cover it every day that it makes news and just about every day it is making news. senator rubio, thank you for being in "focus."
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msnbc is facing fresh criticism after interviewing michael avenatti coming after the mass meltdown over the network's hiring of former rnc chair ronna mcdaniel. house speaker mike johnson with harsh words for president biden when it comes to israel. >> shamefully since october 7th joe biden has transformed into an anti-israel president. no other way to characterize it. he is more concerned seemingly with placating the anti-semitism in his base. >> harris: they say biden is caving to the far left. this would be one of many issues if that's the case. the great debate next. tammy bruce, patrick murphy. introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis
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with one easy monthly payment. get the cash you need and the peace of mind you deserve. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. as we start out the second half hour of the program, this is where we started earlier. o.j. simpson has passed away after a battle with prostate
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cancer is being reported at the age of 76. his family made the announcement from his social media account earlier this morning. entertainment reporter lauren conlin joins me now. >> thank you for having me. there was actually rumors in february that o.j. was in hospice after going through chemo and he actually took to his twitter and made a video and said what rumors? this is complete misinformation. i'm having a super bowl party this weekend. here we are two months later and he has passed away. and in february the same month that he was undergoing chemo he went on the shaquille o'neal conference and they actually joked about him confessing. it was so -- i was so offended thinking to myself. do you think his children would also find this funny?
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it is despicable behavior. i really don't like to speak ill of the dead but in this case, it is what it is and you get what you get. >> harris: we had on eric shawn earlier and civil rights attorney leo terrell who both covered the case stem to stern. the fall from grace is what i was talking about earlier. the look that he had in the black community, particularly among young black teenagers, football star, all over the tv screens in commercials and movies. he had so much going on. all of it eclipsed like the moon over the sun this week the minute this case broke. when eric shawn described that murder scene earlier this hour, i had forgotten how grisly a scene it was. we had not seen the pictures that were released to the reporters that were there like eric. your last quick thoughts. >> absolutely. it is despicable. i was a kid when that trial was
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going on. my parents had it on pretty much appearty vated and captivated and thinking to myself how did he not get convicted and having doubts in the justice system? additionally o.j. said in 1989 said something like i will look for my wife's killer forever. i will not stop. he wouldn't live in l.a. in fear he could be sitting next to the killer. as far as i can see, he didn't look for the killer. he became a career criminal. >> harris: he went to prison anyway for a different crime. lauren, thank you very much. president biden is facing some fresh criticism from lawmakers and protestors over his softening position on the israel/hamas war. the republicans are accused of caving to his far left party and being tough on israel, a friend than he is being on the hamas terrorists, the savages.
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>> democrats are weak on israel. hamas is holding more than 130 hostages including americans. these people are languishing at the hands of barbaric terrorists and joe biden is giving ulti ultimatums to israel. not hamas. he has transformed into an anti-israel president. no other way to characterize it. he is more concerned with placating the anti-semitism in his base than standing with our historic and vitally important ally. >> harris: biden's stance on the war is costiting him votes and possibly another re-election challenge. thousands -- hundreds of thousands of democratic voters have been voting uncommitted or uninstructed in different states. they are not voting for biden, just checking the box that they came and voted. those were the primary ballots. will that translate to the general election? we don't know. squad member aoc is putting her
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on spin on the movement. >> we need to acknowledge actually the up side of the uncommitted movement which is that these are folks that could have easily given way to cynicism and walked away. what they are doing instead is using the primary to send a message and say this is important to me, to the president. >> harris: and the great debate, tammy bruce, fox news contributor, patrick murphy, democratic former pennsylvania congressman. all right. biden is in a vice right now, tammy? >> can i add something about simpson very briefly because of my role. he was found responsible for the killings in a civil trial. that was brought by the goldman family. my prayers and my thoughts with the goldman family. in this particular case we're also looking at a dynamic regarding jew hatred, the nature
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of being driven by small but loud voices, right? marginal set of voices regarding anti-semitism and people perhaps who are supporting more of what's going on in gaza versus what's going on in america. if you were leading in a larger sense you wouldn't be moved by that and vision in leadership is something this kind of dynamic in this world requires and why you see biden in a vice, if you will. having to address something like that versus what is his messaging to the independents and to moderate democrats and even to republicans who might want to vote for someone else? he is pushing those people away while still being afraid, i think, of the loudest voice in the room. >> we need to understand that he is in a vice in a sense. we have to bring hamas to justice. we have to make a priority of the 130 hostages including americans. we have to get them. the debate isn't about -- hamas is an off shoot of the muslim brotherhood and bad people. the problem is they are on the
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other side. the uncommitted vote. the 32,000 innocent folks that are not part of hamas that have been killed. two thirds of women and that's the vice you are talking about and the part of being the president of the united states. >> harris: describing hamas. you served in the military. it boggles my mind why you would describe them simply as bad people. they put babies in ovens and tortured women. >> i can't say what i really want to say about that. i don't want to curse. >> harris: we can say the truth without cuss words. the women raped who survived were not even believed by the united nations for months. this is more than just the vice on the other side or some bad people who done some things. that 130 plus number, my heart is with you, my heart and prayers are with those families but yesterday hamas said they probably couldn't come up with 50 to meet the release agreement. i don't know if that means the
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rest are dead, they can't find them. sold them to other groups. we are playing with the devil here. so that's what's on one side. it seems like an easy thing to do as an ally. if he wants to struggle as a human being that sounds like personal time. former president donald trump said this about the biden/israel issue yesterday. >> biden has totally lost control of the israel situation. he has abandoned israel and frankly, he is a low i.q. individual. he has no idea where he is and who he is supporting and doesn't know if he supporting the palestinians but he knows one thing, he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel and any jewish person that votes for a democrat who votes for biden should have their head examined. >> harris: a lot of democrats have strong things to say about that today. >> there has been no daylight between our support of israel
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from president biden on down and that's the important part here. they are our greatest ally in the middle east and we are their gaitest ally in the world. you have to make sure we have a saying in the army, loyalty above all else except honor. if your friend isn't doing the right thing talk to him and figure it out. we have to figure it out and make sure we bring the hostages home. the point is when you talk about civilians. if it's a mistake, i get it. everyone you kill five people will be against you. that's the balance. >> in is one of the horrors of war. which is why no one wants it. this is a war that israel did not want or initiate and is now -- asking israel to stop at this point is asking a firefighter to stop a fire halfway through. you have to stop the fire completely otherwise you are condemning yourself to become bigger and to spread. now we're worried about an attack by iran.
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part of that is the encouragement or inspiration by an america that can't find its courage and if we are going to abandon israel that's a betrayal. do you think this inspires russia, iran, muslim brotherhood and terror cells in the country. war is horrible. nobody wants this. it's death by a thousand cuts. eventually -- we had a cease-fire on october 7th, israel did. it was broken. >> harris: october 6th we had a cease-fire. >> we have to assess who we are dealing with and the president seems to not be doing that. >> harris: the way you put it is important. not that we can't see both. my question is it personal to him, political to him? i know you don't agree with that. >> it is very personal to him. a father of two veterans and a strong ally of israel for
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decades, including as the president of the united states. >> harris: but he is representing all of us now and we have a policy. >> we have to come together. >> harris: he was elected to stick to it. thank you both. house democrat facing ridicule over a statement full of hot air. >> i don't know about you, i want to be first in line to know how to live and to be able to survive on the moon. that's another planet which you will see shortly. >> harris: congresswoman sheila jackson lee turned the mess around on republicans. you just have to watch. jason rantz next. file 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify... form 1040 and limited credits only...
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>> harris: now there is a new study raising alarms about transgender medical treatments, mayo clinic researchers say puberty blockers have serious, long-term impacts on growth, bone density and fertility. a quote. some of the changes triggered by gender whore home therapy can't be reversed. it con terre ducts claims who say treatments only pause puberty and help transgender
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children make decisions who they will be. doctors in the united kingdom health system have banned the prescription of these types of treatments for children. former prime minister liz trust weighed in recently. >> children have been taking these treatments in the u.k. and around the world and they are potentially damaging their fertility, their bodies. they don't understand the consequences of those decisions. this has happened because it has been pushed by gender ideologues. it is very damaging for young people before they are able to make those decisions, to take these drugs that are altering these bodies. >> harris: one opinion piece last summer warned about the truth of puberty blockers and it said gender affirming care for children is a human experiment ignoring the long-term dangers posed by powerful puberty blockers and cross sex hormones
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combined with the overdiagnosis on gender dysphoric borders on child abuse. hard numbers to look at. in 2021 about 42,000 u.s. children and teenagers were diagnosed with gender d disinformation yeah. it tripled in 2023. this is epic in terms of diagnosis, what are your thoughts where we are going and what we're learning about these drugs? >> it is pretty clear we are going in the wrong direction and deciding a kid is transgender when they are seven years old. not actually allowing them to come to a conclusion on their own with where they stand from a sexual orientation standpoint let alone before going to gender identity which i imagine we confuse them about by constantly telling them they can choose from one of 17,000 different
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genders that you can have on any given day depending on your mood. it will confuse these kids. when you have doctors as well-intentioned as they think they might be, they are acting politically. pushing on these kids because it makes them feeling like heroes. we are just wrecking these children's child hoods. we have known a lot of what's coming forward for a long time. just the lobby that has been denying all of that signs. the party of science that denies it when it doesn't agree with them. >> harris: the u.k. isn't looking at different science than we have. you gave that 7-year-old example. the young children are so young being diagnosed with this. even if they wanted to choose a
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dental surgery they couldn't sign up for that and decide it on their own. >> you can't go to a tanning salon in washington state unless you are over the age of 18. at the age of 13, you can run away from home and get surgical interventions without parental consent. we see these in california and maine. it is spreading. >> harris: critics are calling out msnbc with an interview with convicted felon and former -- i don't know what our people meant to put there. michael avenatti after weeks passed a mass network meltdown over the hiring of ronna mcdaniel. avenatti gave this interview from behind bars. >> i was not treated fairly and i was treated differently. i firmly believe and will go to
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my graveveving that one of the reasons -- the reason i was treated in this fashion was because i was the biggest enemy of donald trump in 2018. no question about that. and i was also when his most dangerous enemy. >> harris: a new column argues giving any oxygen to avenatti is far more damaging to the network's journalist integrity than hiring a republican. he is a swindler and convicted felon worse in every way than ronna mcdaniel. in the "washington examiner." there will be no tran tan -- tantrum over this. >> they are open about being hard core to the left. not like they are lying like cnn which tries to play down the middle when they are clearly on the side of democrats. obviously michael avenatti as a guest versus ronna mcdaniel has
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a hire is different but ronna mcdaniel has more credibility. i don't think that interview is the end of the world. whether or not they treat him as a legitimate legal mind. that's the real problem. once he gets out of jail does he end up getting a job at msnbc. cnn is using michael cohen. the only reason they want these people on is because they bash donald trump. ironically there was a moment in the avenatti interview which he made a valid point. donald trump can't get a fair trial in new york and shouldn't be moving forward with it. that threw a lot of folks over at msnbc for a loop. all they wanted from him was to bash, bash, bash. he didn'n't quite do that throughout the entire interview. >> harris: interesting. i wondered what do they get and you said it. they want someone to the bash trump. and i can't imagine those two men wouldn't. the first time i interviewed the
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president was at the white house, roosevelt room. the day after michael cohen had been sentenced. so what do they think they'll get from these men? exactly what they want? >> what they think they will get is probably what they were trying to coach them into giving. i don't know what happened behind the scenes. not exactly what happened in avenatti's case once it wasn't even a camera turned on. he used the prison phone. >> harris: not yet, anyway. not out. good to see you, jason. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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